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Dagbok på IVA-patienters upplevelser : En litteraturöversiktBlomgren, Pernilla, Pihlström, Maria January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Många patienter uttrycker ett behov av att fylla den minneslucka som finns sedan intensivvårdstiden både vad gäller tid och innehåll. Detta var anledningen till att vårdpersonal på intensivvårdsavdelningar började använda dagbok till kritiskt sjuka patienter. Syfte: Att belysa patienters upplevelser av att ta del av sin dagbok från vårdtiden på intensivvårdsavdelning. Metod: Litteraturöversikt. Artikelsökning utfördes i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. I resultatet ingick tio vetenskapligt granskade artiklar, sju kvalitativa och tre kvantitativa. Resultat: Patienterna upplevde det som värdefullt att läsa dagboken och att titta på fotografierna eftersom det gav dem en uppfattning om vad som hade hänt och hur sjuka de hade varit. Genom dagboken fick patienterna en större sjukdomsinsikt och en mer realistisk målsättning för tillfrisknandet. Det var krävande och det väcktes starka känslor och reaktioner hos patienterna när de läste i dagboken. Dagboken fungerade som ett stöd för lång tid framöver. Patienterna uppskattade detaljerad och kontinuerligt skriven information och att dagboken var skriven med en personlig och mänsklig ton samt med ett språk som var lätt att förstå. Fotografier upplevdes av de flesta patienterna som positivt och blev ett bevis på vad de gått igenom. Det uppföljande återbesöket på IVA mottagning beskrevs av patienterna som betydelsefullt för att öka förståelsen av innehållet i dagboken och av vad som hänt under vårdtiden på IVA. Slutsats/Konklusion: Tidigare kritiskt sjuka patienter upplever, genom att ta del av dagbok från vårdtiden på intensivvårdsavdelning, större förståelse och bearbetning av sin sjukdomsperiod, vilket skulle kunna medföra förbättrad hälsa och ökad livskvalitet.
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Design through vulnerability: Designing presence in a time of pandemicTroel--Madec, Maureen T. January 2020 (has links)
This thesis explores the dimensions of an emerging vulnerable design space in the context of COVID-19 pandemic through a design process that rethinks designer's presence and power in a context of remote exploration and embraces diary as a method and prototype to integrate interdisciplinary research in exploring different temporalities to record the past, to deal with the present and to speculate about what can happen afterwards.
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Fonctionnement du concept de soi facteur prévisionnel des symptômes anorexiquesMonthuy-Blanc, Johana January 2009 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation examine the specific role of the self-concept and of its different dimensions on the evolution of anorexic symptoms over a period of 140 consecutive days. in two different samples comprising 26 anorexic outpatients and inpatients and in 23 girls without eating disorders (ED). By applying an idiographic approach, the main results show that the level, instability and dynamic of self-concept dimensions, and more precisely of body attractiveness, represent potent predictors of psychological, behavioral (e.g. full score of Eating Disorders Inventory-Adolescent, EDI-A-24) and somatic (e.g. Body Mass Index, BMI) anorexic symptoms over medium (i.e. over a few months), short (i.e. over a few weeks) and very short (i.e. over a few days) periods of time. Moreover, multivariate regression analyses further show that the pattern of association between anorexic symptoms and self concept dimensions remains the same in both samples (anorexic and without ED). Moreover, the results of cross-correlations analyses reveal that anorexic symptoms are as unstable as the dimensions of self-concept, with which they appear to be intertwined. More precisely, body attractiveness, most often a) precedes the drive for thinness, b) is associated to bulimia according to a"vicious circle" phenomenon, and c) fluctuates with according to body dissatisfaction. However body attractiveness was not found to relate to anorexic girls final status at the end of the follow-up period (e.g. deterioration, improvement, stabilization, etc). Finally, the results from a qualitative analysis suggest that social events experienced as positive contribute to the improvement of anorexia nervosa.This appears to be explained by the potential of these events to break through anorectic girls known ego-centered tendencies. Taken as a whole, the 'results highlight the necessity of considering overall of dimensions of self-esteem and the"profiles" of girls with and without ED in preventive and therapeutic interventions for ED.
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Daily Processes in Romantic RelationshipsTotenhagen, Casey J. January 2011 (has links)
My goal was to examine how experiences and behaviors of individuals and their romantic partners impact relationships on a daily basis. I conducted three separate but empirically and conceptually related studies. For all three papers, the sample was both members of heterosexual romantic relationships (N = 164 couples, 328 individuals) who completed measures each day for seven days. The papers were informed by tenets from interdependence theory and the conservation of resources model. The main purpose of the first paper was to examine a set of relational constructs (i.e., satisfaction, commitment, closeness, conflict, ambivalence, maintenance, and love) to determine which constructs fluctuated daily. All seven relational constructs showed significant within-person variability and were thus appropriate for further daily investigation. With this information, the next step was to understand how to foster positive relationships by examining what daily experiences were associated with those fluctuations. In the second paper I examined whether daily hassles and uplifts were associated with same-day and next-day feelings about the relationship. For same-day effects, I found that hassles were associated with decreased positivity and increased negativity about relationships, whereas uplifts were largely associated with increased positivity. I also found interactions between hassles and uplifts, suggestive of "blunting" effects whereby the positive effects of uplifts were nullified by high levels of hassles. For the next-day effects, I unexpectedly found that uplifts were associated with <italic>decreased</italic> positive relational constructs on the next day, possibly indicating a return to homeostatic levels. In the third paper, I moved to a more explicit examination of dyadic processes by examining both actor and partner effects and focusing on the role of relational sacrifices, or the daily changes individuals make for the sake of their romantic parnters. I expected that sacrifices would be beneficial for positive relationship quality, particularly on days characterized by low (versus high) hassles. I found support for these expectations with regards to actor, but not partner effects. Overall implications are that the everyday things that individuals experience (e.g., hassles and uplifts) and enact (e.g., sacrifices) are important considerations in fostering less negative and more positive romantic relationships.
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Elevers dokumentation och reflektion av arbetsprocessen i textilslöjd : Hur visar elever sitt lärande i arbetsprocessen i textilslöjd? / Pupils´documentation and reflection of work in the textile crafts. : How do pupils show their learning in the work process in textile crafts?Mauritzon, Kristina January 2013 (has links)
Mitt examensarbete har till syfte att undersöka lärares erfarenheter av hur elever dokumenterar och reflekterar över sin arbetsprocess och sitt färdiga slöjdföremål på textilslöjden i grundskolan. Den metod jag valt är den kvalitativa forskningsintervjun med öppna frågor för att få veta hur intervju personerna upplever att elever reflekterar och dokumenterar över sitt arbete. De personer jag valt att intervjua är fyra textilslöjdslärare. Jag har kommit fram till resultatet att de fyra lärarna anser att dokumentation och reflektion är viktigt, de upplever att muntlig reflektion pågår under större delen av lektionen. Undersökningen visar att eleverna dokumenterar i loggbok eller genom skriftliga utvärderingar, där de beskriver arbetsprocessen och visar vad de lärt sig. Lärarna i intervjuerna kommer fram till att den muntliga och skriftliga dokumentationen är lika viktiga för lärandeprocessen.
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Border State, Divided Loyalties: The Politics of Ellen Wallace, Kentucky Slave owner, During the Civil WarNicholson, Amber C. 20 May 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the diary of Ellen Wallace, a woman who lived in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, during the American Civil War. A diligent diarist, Ellen recorded not only the workings of her farm and household, but also her interactions with slaves, her worries about secession, and her shifting views on President Lincoln, emancipation and the war itself. At the start of the war, Ellen was a staunch Unionist. By war's end, she was a Confederate. This thesis will examine the factors that contributed to Ellen's changing political ideals and how she sought to reconcile her opposing beliefs. Ellen occupied a role rarely discussed in Civil War scholarship: not a member of the southern paternalist society, or a northern abolitionist. Ellen was a slaveâ€owning woman who supported the Union cause.
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Audiencing strategies and student collaboration in digitally-mediated genres of writing in EnglishAl-Maawali, Wafa Saif Mohamed January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents an investigation into the experience of ESL Higher Education young writers when composing three online genres: academic text, diary texts, and blog texts. Central to this investigation is the authenticity of audience and directing texts to ‘real’ readers. Hence, technological tools are utilised in order to approximate such experience of writing for real readers. A qualitative case study was employed over three months of an academic semester at an Omani Higher Education College. Two cases participated in the study of overall 17 students across both cases: 5 males and 12 females and 10 students in case 1 and 7 students in case 2. To attain an in-depth understanding of the cases; different tools of data collection were deployed, including: interviews, classroom observation, reflective diary for recording student perceptions and experiences, and three forms of written texts were collected from the participating students: academic essay, diary, and blog. Thus the reflective diary was both a genre of writing and a data collection method. The study findings highlight that having only a teacher as an ‘audience’ restricted students’ attempts to focus on content, and most of this focus was given to shaping texts in accordance with student perceptions of teacher approved organisation and representation of text. Whereas blogging provided an opportunity to think of a wider range of readers and therefore a greater tendency to author personally selected texts. Also, diary was mostly associated with teacher-audience; though some writers enjoyed writing diary for personal use, the fact that these diary texts vary in accordance with these different understandings of audience offers further credence to claims about the role of real and assumed readers in shaping texts. The significance of the current study is that it offers practical and pedagogical thinking for teaching writing in ESL exploiting the affordances of technology in teaching process writing. It suggests that varying both audience and genres in relation to classroom writing tasks can have benefits for student writers in terms of their understanding of audience, their shaping of text for an audience and increased investment in the content of what they write. It offers insights into problems and issues felt by young writers that are usually unknown to the teachers. Based on those insights, differing issues such as collaboration, process writing and grading are re-evaluated.
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A seiva e o traÃo: configuraÃÃes da memÃria na escrita do diÃrio de viagem do botÃnico Francisco Freire AlemÃo (1859-1861)Karoline Viana Teixeira 20 July 2017 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Esta tese tem por objeto o diÃrio de viagem que Francisco Freire AlemÃo, um dos principais naturalistas brasileiros do sÃculo XIX, redigiu no transcurso da ComissÃo CientÃfica de ExploraÃÃo, expediÃÃo que percorreu, entre 1859 e 1861, os sertÃes do CearÃ, alÃm de partes das provÃncias do Rio Grande do Norte, Piauà e Pernambuco. Freire AlemÃo acumulava as funÃÃes de presidente da ComissÃo CientÃfica e chefe da SeÃÃo BotÃnica, tendo trazido para o Corte um hervÃrio com 14 mil plantas. Considerada a primeira viagem cientÃfica composta exclusivamente por naturalistas brasileiros, a ComissÃo CientÃfica de ExploraÃÃo refletia o esforÃo do ImpÃrio brasileiro na promoÃÃo de descobertas que viessem a alavancar a economia do paÃs, como ocorria nas naÃÃes europeias e nos Estados Unidos. A despeito das crÃticas, escassez de verbas e desavenÃas administrativas e pessoais que minaram a continuidade dos seus trabalhos, procuro abordar a experiÃncia da ComissÃo CientÃfica dentro das possibilidades e limites no uso da ciÃncia como braÃo intelectual do desenvolvimento do ImpÃrio brasileiro. Por conta da cessaÃÃo dos trabalhos da SeÃÃo BotÃnica e do adoecimento de Freire AlemÃo, o diÃrio permaneceu em sua forma original, sem qualquer tipo de ediÃÃo ou corte, operaÃÃo que fatalmente ocorreria caso tivesse sido publicado. Meu objetivo à evidenciar a escrita do diÃrio como a produÃÃo de uma determinada memÃria, por meio de uma escrita produzida a partir de um saber estratÃgico voltado nÃo apenas para o florescimento da ciÃncia, como tambÃm para atender a demandas de uma polÃtica voltada para utilizar toda a potencialidade do mundo natural. Mas uma escrita que, ao mesmo tempo, registra uma experiÃncia permeada de incertezas, incompreensÃes, reaÃÃes inusitadas ao ambiente e inversÃes do papel de observador e observado. Como registro de uma memÃria e memÃria de um registro, abordo o diÃrio como objeto privilegiado para abordar experiÃncias vividas, bem como divisar a tessitura diversa e complexa das composiÃÃes mnemÃnicas, congregando as conexÃes entre o sujeito nas suas vivÃncias privadas e na sua relaÃÃo com o coletivo. / This thesis deals with Francisco Freire AlemÃoâs travel journal. One of the leading Brazilian naturalists of the 19th century, Freire AlemÃo wrote this journal during the Scientific Exploration Commission, an expedition that ran between 1859 and 1861 in the backlands of CearÃ, as well as parts of the provinces of Rio Grande do Norte, Piauà and Pernambuco. Freire AlemÃo accumulated the functions of president of the Scientific Commission and head of the Botanical Section, bringing to the Court a herd of 14,000 plants. Considered the first scientific trip composed exclusively by Brazilian naturalists, the Scientific Commission of Exploration reflected the effort of the Brazilian Empire in the promotion of discoveries that were to leverage the economy of the country, as it happened in the European nations and in the United States. Despite the criticism, scarcity of funds and administrative and personal disagreements that undermined the continuity of its work, I try to approach the experience of the Scientific Commission within the possibilities and limits in the use of science as the intellectual arm of the development of the Brazilian Empire. Because of the cessation of the work of the Botanical Section and the illness of Freire AlemÃo, the diary remained in its original form, without any type of editing or cut, an operation that would have happened if it had been published. My purpose is to highlight the writing of the diary as the production of a particular memory, through a writing produced from a strategic knowledge aimed not only for the flourishing of science, but also to meet the demands of a policy aimed at using all the potentiality of the natural world. But a writing that at the same time registers an experience permeated by uncertainties, misunderstandings, unusual body reactions to the environment and inversions of the role of observer and observed. As a record of a memory and memory of a record, I take the diary as a privileged object to approach lived experiences, as well as to discern the diverse and complex fabric of mnemonic compositions, bringing together the connections between the subject in his private experiences and his relation with the collective.
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Serio-Comic Journal of a Cruize, 1847-1848: annotated edition with introduction and commentary on sea journalsAtabay, Turhan Alp 07 November 2018 (has links)
When he began his journal seaman Hugh Calhoun had high hopes for the
outward-bound voyage ahead of him. Ship-of-the-Line Ohio was back from the Siege of Veracruz, being prepared for her next mission, and the War was at its height. The cruize, as he called it, did not turn out as eventful as he expected it to be and yet he was nevertheless able to produce a book which bountifully embodies a short but fruitful chapter of maritime literary history. Serio-Comic Journal of a Cruize, On Board of the U. S. Ship Ohio, Commencing from New York June 23d 1847, with its full name, is a shipboard diary kept by an ordinary seaman during the Mexican-American War. The 148-page manuscript volume, located at the archives of the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston, is a product of the maturity phase of American sea writing as Calhoun, self-consciously a Jack Tar and an American, was representing a trained, well-read and well-influenced generation of sailor-authors who lived and recorded the final years of America under sail.
The past three decades have seen a progressive conceptual expansion of the themes involving the ways in which literate sailors viewed the world they lived in. Scholars of early American literature, maritime history and culture have explored the meanings and information provided in the textual products of seamen. Upon comparison with similar material found at the archives of maritime museums and historical societies, and discussions with leading maritime historians, Serio-Comic Journal proved to be a meaningful source text which, through scholarly treatment, can benefit research in multiple disciplines due to the significance of its production date and the diversity of the topics and literary forms found in it. This edition aims to provide related fields of study with a historically contextualized shipboard document in the light of these latest findings. The transcription of the complete text is presented with glossarial, historiographical and geographical notes, whereas the introductory chapters discuss several key subjects to form a framework for the better evaluation of not only the source text of the edition but the sea journal genre as a whole.
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Investigating Daily Writing Emotions, Attention Regulation, and Productivity: An Intensive Longitudinal StudyEkholm, Eric 01 January 2019 (has links)
Emotions pervade academic situations and influence the ways that learners think, behave, and achieve (Pekrun, 2006; Schutz & Lanehart, 2002). Writing may be a particularly emotion-laden activity, and especially so for students concentrating in fields that value writing production. However, very few studies have quantitatively investigated writers’ emotional experiences. The goal of the current study was to examine the writing-related emotions of graduate students enrolled in writing-intensive disciplines as well as how these emotions related to writers’ daily productivity and attention-regulation behaviors. To do so, the study employed a daily diary design (Gunthert & Wenze, 2012) in which participants completed brief daily surveys over 28 days. Data from a final sample of 183 participants were analyzed in several frameworks, including descriptive statistics, reliable change indices, and longitudinal modeling via generalized estimating equations. Results from these analyses indicate that writers tend to experience positive valence emotions (e.g. enjoyment, pride) more strongly than negative valence emotions (e.g. anxiety, shame) and that, for most of the emotions studied, writers’ emotional states tended to vary considerably from day to day. Furthermore, results indicate that writers’ emotional states are differentially related to daily writing outcomes such as attention regulation, time spent writing, and number of words written, and that state emotions are more predictive of these outcomes than are trait emotions. Theoretical implications and suggestions for future research are also presented.
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