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The ‘Institutional effect’ over EU defence cooperation initiative: The case of preferential patterns of behaviour in the Permanent Structured CooperationDamjanovski, Aleksandar 12 April 2023 (has links)
Over the last decade, a confluence of strategic and security concerns has threatened the European Union’s survival both within and beyond its political dimension. As a result, security and defence have risen to the top of the EU’s political agenda, culminating in the approval of the EU Global Strategy (EUGS) in 2016. The EUGS represented a watershed moment in the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy: the EU agreed on ambitious levels of security and defence. The new policy is based on supporting capacity building among member states through instruments such as PESCO. Nonetheless, these instruments have caused variations in patterns of member state behaviour that have enhanced defense integration. This research aims to understand what was the PESCO institutional effect on Member States' preferences and how it has affected the European security and defense goals. The research highlights the role of European agencies and how they contributed to solve collective action problem through a ‘forum effect' on participants, using pro-actively the task of assessing co-operative projects proposals. As a result, PESCO’s institutional effect led to cooperative outcomes between nations that allowed them to overcome coordination dilemmas, namely uncertainty about the willingness to contribute to a common project, which is typical of defense cooperation. Here, we used Rational Choice Institutionalism theory to investigate the PESCO project structure and its interaction with the European Defence policy. Cooperation between participating member states is presented within a cooperative game action, as part of a theoretical approach to game theory. It explains formally how PESCO entails elements to overcome collective action problem among participating member states, while emphasising the institutional design that promoted the European interests, and how this has led to more Europeanised security and defence. Findings are interpreted under the Differentiated integration concept.
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Impact of Teacher Evaluation Protocols on Classroom Instructional PracticesKwolek, Kathleen A. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Questioning Multiculturalism: Indigenous Nations and Canadian LawMegeney, Krista 03 January 2024 (has links)
I evaluate Will Kymlicka’s theory of multiculturalism in Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights, and how it accounts for Indigenous nations in Canada. I ask whether any failures of multiculturalism can be attributed to either the normative or descriptive claims of his theory. I find points of failure in both claims, depending on the theme in question.
Chapter 1 introduces the project and outlines subsequent chapters. Chapter 2 presents an account of Kymlicka’s multiculturalism (including why I chose Kymlicka’s framework as my focus) and the guiding questions of the thesis. Chapter 3 presents major legislation, policy, and jurisprudence in Canada concerning Indigenous nations and multiculturalism in practice. Chapter 4 examines four major claims or themes found in Chapter 2 against the material in Chapter 3: citizenship in Indigenous nations; the characterization of treaties; exercising group-differentiated rights, and; the Canadian state’s exercise of authority over Indigenous nations.
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Capacity building for curriculum differentiation in the teaching of foundation phase mathematics in Ngwaritsi Circuit, Limpopo ProvinceMarishane, Matseke Alinah 12 1900 (has links)
This study aims at examining capacity building for Foundation Phase Mathematics teachers in curriculum differentiation in Limpopo Province. Proceeding within the framework of inclusive education, it takes as its point of departure two issues which are collectively critical for learner performance in Mathematics, namely, teacher capacity and differentiated instruction. The study revolves around the view that for improved learner achievement in Mathematics, particularly in lower grades, instructional practices aimed at supporting learners should be differentiated; and, that for this to be possible, teachers should be equipped with the capacity needed to carry out curriculum differentiation. This view emerges from the convergence of three problems which constitute the motivation for conducting this study. The first problem is poor learner achievement in Mathematics in South Africa, which is a subject dominating the public media and scientific discourse. The second problem is a documented general lack among teachers of appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for modification and adaptation of curriculum to the differentiated needs of learners. The last problem is the changing curriculum policy context in which teachers work as represented by the current national curriculum policy taking place against the backdrop of the broader South African education transformation agenda, geared towards inclusion. Underlying these problems is the recognition of curriculum as constituting one of the barriers to inclusive education.Based on an assumption that poor performance of learners in the Foundation Phase Mathematics is due to teachers’ inability to differentiate curriculum and their lack of the necessary capacity, this study adopts a qualitative research design and follows a qualitative approach to examine the problem. Data was collected by means of interviews, observations and document analysis. Twelve Mathematics teachers from three purposively selected schools and one curriculumadvisor from one circuit participated in the study. Data were analysed by means ofBraun and Clarke’s method of thematic analysis. The results present the challenges that Foundation Phase Mathematics teachers face, which include inability to respond to learner diversity and inadequate training in curriculum differentiation. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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Welt lieben : Perspektiven einer schöpfungstheologischen Weltanschauung für ökumenische Spiritualität / Loving the world : perspectives of a creation-theological worldview for ecumenical spiritualityRehm, Christian Gregor 11 1900 (has links)
German text / Gelebte Ökumene wird, als Zeichen christlicher Glaubwürdigkeit, in unserer postmodernen und postsäkularisierten Gesellschaft gefordert. Die dogmenorientierten Bemühungen zur Ökumene scheinen in die Krise geraten zu sein. Es bedarf es der Suche nach Grundlagen für ökumenische Spiritualität, für die sich der Schöpfungsglaube, als von den großen Konfessionen geteiltes Glaubensgut, anbietet. Um Schöpfungstheologie und -spiritualität als zusammengehörige Elemente wahrnehmen zu können, wird in dieser Dissertation das Weltanschauungsmodell Wrights verwendet, welches durch Waaijmans Aspekt der Umformung ergänzt wird. Konfessionell geprägte Schöpfungstheologien werden in den Kategorien Story und Antworten auf weltanschauliche Schlüsselfragen analysiert. Dies bildet die Basis für eine Synthese, im Sinne der Hermeneutik des differenzierten Konsenses, zu einer ökumenischen Schöpfungstheologie. Konfessionelle Schöpfungsspiritualitäten werden in den Kategorien Symbol und Praxis dargestellt und in einem emergent-synthetischen Entwurf, auf der Basis der ökumenischen Schöpfungstheologie, zu Perspektiven für ökumenische Schöpfungsspiritualität weiterverarbeitet.
Die so aufgezeigte schöpfungstheologisch-ökumenische Weltanschauung, bietet eine mögliche Grundlage für ökumenische Spiritualität. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Christian Spirituality)
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Refleksief-teologiese besinning oor kerklike onderrig aan adolessenteVoges, Johannes Hendrik 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie proefskrif is die resultaat van kwalitatiewe navorsing oor bestaande
en veronderstelde teoriee en praktyke in die kerklike onderrig
van die Ned. Geref. Kerk aan adolessente. 'n Teologies-refleksiewe benadering
is gevolg waaruit die oortuiging na vore gekom het, dat antwoorde
vir effektiewe kerklike onderrig gesoek moet word in die proses
van vernuwing (agogie) wat binne elke geloofsgemeenskap plaasvind; 'n
proses wat lei tot 'n bedieningsmodel wat uniek vir daardie geloofsgemeenskap
is. Die vernuwingsproses sal veral in die sinode, kerkrade en
gemeentes se verstaan en toepassing van kerklike onderrig moet plaasvind.
Hierdie vernuwing sal uiteindelik binne die konteks van die plaaslike
gemeente moet realiseer, maar dan as 'n vernuwing wat meer is as hoe die
praktyk moet verander om by die teorie van die status quo aan te pas, dit
sou net die status quo tot ideologie verhef. Netso min beteken vernuwing
dat dit wat in praktyk werk tot norm verhef kan word, ongeag die veronderstelde
teoriee of metodes daaragter, dit sou die gevaar loop van ongeoorloofde
pragmatisme. Ook mag verandering en vernuwing nie met mekaar
verwar word nie, want nie alle veranderinge wat aangebring word, het
noodwendig enige vernuwing tot gevolg nie.
In die vernuwingsproses gaan dit nie oor die greep wat die kerk op jongmense
moet kry nie, maar om hulle die kans te gun om hul eie geloofsvisie
in hul gemeente te ontdek; daarom vra dit 'n gedifferensieerde onderrig
benadering, vanwee die differensiasie gedurende adolessensie; die kerk
moet leer om die taal te praat wat in die daaglikse werklikheid van
adolessente sin maak en hulle die ruimte gun om hul ervarings en vrae te
kan leer verwoord in die taal van godsdiens.
In die kerk se onderrig aan adolessente is geloofskommunikasie en geloofsbelewing
soms belangriker as die deurgee van geloofskennis. Die ontwikkel
ingsprosesse tydens adolessensie, hul geloofsvorming en die kerk-
1 ike onderrig wat hulle ontvang, bepaal grootliks hul uiteindelike geloofsvolwassenheid
en spiritualiteit.
Ten einde die kerk se verantwoordelikheid teenoor adolessente na te kom,
sal kerklike onderrig binne die konteks van adolessensie verstaan moet
word in terme van die kognitiewe, affektiewe en konatiewe ontwikkeling
en behoeftes van adolessente, soos wat dit binne hul leef- en portuurgroepkonteks
voorkom. / This thesis is the result of a qualitative research on theories and
practices which are followed or assumed to be followed in the religious
education of the Dutch Reformed Church. The research was done by means
of a theological reflective approach. The study concludes that the
solution for effective teaching by the church lies within the process of
renewal (and change) within each congregation; a process that leads to
a model of ministry that will be unique to that congregation. This
process of renewal must take place in the understanding and practice of
church education by the synod, church councils and congregations.
Ultimately this takes place within the context of the local church. But
then as a renewal that should be more than just another way to change the
praxis to accommodate the status quo, for this would transform the status
quo into an ideology. Renewal is likewise not a quest to sanctify that
which seems to work, irrepective of the theories and methods which are
implicated, this would lead to an illegal pragmatism. Nor should renewal
be confused with change, for not all changes necessarily causes any
renewal per se.
An important aspect in this process of renewal, is not the grip that the
church has on its youth, but the chance(s) they are given to discover
their own religious convictions in their congregation; this needs a differentiated
education approach because of the differentiation during
adolescence; the church will have to learn to speak in a language which
make sense in their daily reality and to give them the chance to express
their own experiences and questions in the language of religion. This
means that the church will have to understand their context of lifestyle
and peergoup influences and accordingly address the cognitive, affective
and conative aspects of religious education.
In the church religious education to adolescents, communicating and
experiencing religion is sometimes more important than the knowledge they
should obtain. The developmental processes of adolescents, the shaping
of their convictions of faith and the teaching of the church strongly
influences their ultimate religious maturity and spirituality. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Praktiese Teologie)
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The Swiss missionaries' management of social transformation in South Africa, 1873-1976Masumbe, Benneth Mhlakaza Chabalala 11 1900 (has links)
This research surveys the Swiss missionaries' management of social transformation in South Africa
(1873-1976). It has as its major focus the management of schools, hospitals and churches as the
primary institutions of social change in society. The researcher's realisation that more often than
not, the changes brought to bear on proselytes by the change forces take time to manifest
themselves vividly induced him to extend the scope to include the dawn of the new political
dispensation in this country in 1994. This need not surprise the readership as the triadic approach,
which is synonymous with historial analyses compels researchers to avail readers of what happened
in the past, present as well as what is likely to occur in future. In other words, readers will encounter
the ethnic nationalism engineered by different change agents in this country and the repercussions
thereof, and the schism within the Swiss Mission in South Africa/Evangelical Presbyterian Church
in South Africa that started in 1989 and became reality by 1991. Finally, the thesis also appraises readers of what should be done in periods of rapid social change. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (History of Education)
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Les perceptions de la sexualité et les relations de couple de femmes haïtiennes immigrantes au Québec : pour une exploration des rapports hommes femmes en HaïtiJean-Pierre, Myrlande 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a étudié les perceptions de femmes haïtiennes vivant au Québec depuis moins de cinq ans de leurs relations sexuelles avec les hommes et de leurs rapports de couple.
Après avoir opté pour une méthodologie de recherche qualitative, la théorie féministe intersectionnelle a été retenue comme cadre d’analyse. Des entretiens individuels semi-dirigés ont été menés auprès de 9 femmes haïtiennes, âgées de 18 à 60 ans et ayant immigré au Québec depuis moins de cinq ans.
Les perceptions des femmes de la sexualité ont été appréhendées comme étant un ensemble de discours et de pratiques inter reliés, qui se construit dès l’enfance, et qui reproduit les types de rapports inégalitaires entre hommes et femmes qui existent dans la société haïtienne et dans leur couple. Ces rapports inégalitaires sont véhiculés entre les générations à travers la plupart des institutions sociales comme la famille, l’école, la culture, la législation. Ce processus de construction des perceptions de la sexualité est également influencé par des enjeux socio-économiques et de pouvoir.
Les résultats de cette recherche permettent de disposer de données scientifiques sur la sexualité des femmes et les rapports de couple en Haïti et l’influence du processus migratoire. Ces résultats soulignent également la nécessité pour le travail social haïtien d’encourager le développement de l’empowerment économique des femmes et leur participation aux débats actuels de la société sur l’évolution de la condition féminine. / The purpose of this research was to explore the perceptions of Haitian women that had immigrated to Quebec in the past five years, of their sexual relationships with men and the extent to which it is reflected in the different types of conjugal relationships.
After choosing a qualitative research method, the intersectional feminist theory has been adopted for the analysis. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with 9 Haitian women, aged 18 and 60 years and having immigrated to Quebec in the past five years.
The women’s perceptions of sexual relationships have been reported as being a set of practices and discourses interrelated built since childhood and reproducing the unequal relationships between men and women that exist in the Haitian society and in the couples. These unequal relationships are transmitted through the generations and through most of the social institutions such as family, school, culture, laws. This process is also influenced by socio-economic and power issues.
The results of this research give scientific data on women sexuality and couple relationships as well as the influence of immigration process. These results also emphasize the need for the Haitian social work to encourage the development of economic empowerment of women and their participation in current debates in society on the development of women. / Memwa sa a vle etidye ki pèsepsyon fanm ayisyèn yo genyen de rapò seksyel yo ak gason, e nan ki mezi pèsepsyon sa yo repwodwi kalite relasyon ki egziste ant yomenm ak nèg yo.
Rechèch la chwazi yon metodoloji kalitativ, apresa li kenbe teyori feminis entèseksyonèl kom kad ki pou pemet li analize done li yo. Rechèch la nenen 9 antrevi mwatye ouvè, mwatye fèmen ak 9 fanm ayisyèn, ki genyen ant 18 ak 60 lane, epi ki imigre nan pwovens kebèk, nan peyi Kanada depi mwens pase 5 lane.
Dapre rezilta rechèch la, pèsepsyon medanm yo genyen de seksyalite yo tradwi pa yon pakèt pawòl ak yon pakèt abitid ki mare ansanm. Medanm yo komanse ranmase bagay sayo depilè yo te timoun lakay paran yo pou jiskaske yo vin granmoun lakay pa yo. Fason sa yo medanm yo konprann seksyalite a tou, se yon bagay ki soti nan relasyon fòskote ki egziste ant fanm ak gason, ni nan sosyete ayisyènn nan, ni nan relayon konjigal yo. Bagay sa yo transmèt de generasyon an generasyon gras ak lafanmi, lekol, lakilti, lwa peyia. Pou fini, pèsepsyon sa yo medanm yo gen de seksyalite yo a makonen ak yon seri de enterè ekonomik ak politik ki gen nan sosyete a.
Resilta rechèch sa a fe plizyè bagay. Premyèman li pemèt nou genyen dokiman syantifik sou seksyalite fanm ak relasyon ki genyen ant fanm ak gason lè yap viv andedan kay, nan peyia. Dezyèmman, rezilta yo montre travayèz ak travayè sosyal yo an ayiti, kouma li enpotan pou yo ankourage medanm yo devlope pouvwa lajan lakay yo. Rezilta yo montre tou kouman li enpotan pou medanm ayisyènn yo chache rantre nan tout diskisyon kap fet nan sosyete ayisyèn nan sou kondisyon lavi fanm yo.
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Diversité, organisation spatiale et fonctionnelle des communautés de papillons (lépidoptères, rhopalocères) en milieu urbain et périurbain : Rôle des espaces artificialisés en terme de conservation et de connectivitéLizée, Marie-Hélène 13 December 2011 (has links)
Au regard de la variété d’enjeux (économiques, sociétaux et environnementaux) que recouvrent les espaces de nature soumis au développement humain, il apparait urgent de comprendre les déterminants de leur fonctionnement. En effet, même si elles ne constituent pas des lieux prioritaires de conservation pour les espèces rares et menacées, les zones urbanisées sont loin d’être dépourvues de biodiversité. Cependant, cette biodiversité et les processus écologiques en œuvre demeurent mal connus. Il s’agit ici d’utiliser les communautés de Rhopalocères (papillons de jour) comme grille de lecture des paysages urbains et périurbains. A partir de l’étude des communautés de papillons (et accessoirement d’oiseaux) en région PACA, l’objectif principal de ce travail est ainsi de mettre en évidence les patrons d’organisation de ces communautés afin comprendre les facteurs conditionnant les assemblages d’espèces en milieu urbain et périurbain. Situé en région méditerranéenne qui constitue un espace original d’un point de vue biogéographique, ce travail a porté sur des terrains d’étude permettant d’aborder deux expressions différentes du processus d’urbanisation touchant le territoire provençal : (i) le village de Lauris (84), caractéristique d’un arrière-pays méditerranéen « en voie de métropolisation » ; et (ii) l’agglomération marseillaise (13), 2ème ville la plus peuplée de France. A partir de l’analyse des assemblages d’espèces de quatre habitats (friches, jardins privés, vignes, forêts), les travaux menés sur la commune de Lauris se sont intéressés à la réponse des communautés de Rhopalocères face aux changements de la disponibilité en habitats dans une mosaïque paysagère en mutation. Les résultats ont ainsi révélé des variations en termes de structure et de composition fonctionnelle, soulignant tant l’influence du contexte paysager que du type d’habitat sur l’organisation de ces communautés. Cette étude a également soulevé l’intérêt du compartiment jardin en tant que réservoir de biodiversité. Les travaux ont ensuite été orientés sur la question de la biodiversité hébergée par les espaces artificialisés en ville. Pour cela 24 parcs publics de la ville de Marseille ont été étudiés. Il a été possible de démontrer comment les traits fonctionnels des espèces (papillons et oiseaux) permettaient de prédire leur répartition le long d’un gradient d’urbanisation. Les différents travaux menés sur l’agglomération marseillaise ont également révélé l’importance de l’échelle paysagère et des dynamiques spatiales régionales (dispersion et colonisation) sur l’organisation des assemblages d’espèces. Les communautés de Rhopalocères apparaissent fortement conditionnées par le degré d’isolement des parcs vis-à-vis des massifs semi-naturels, soulevant l’idée d’une alimentation des assemblages intra-urbains par un pool d’espèces régional situé en périphérie. Cette hypothèse est d’ailleurs appuyée par la distribution imbriquée des espèces (nested subsets) entre les parcs, où les sites les plus pauvres en termes de composition spécifique constituent des sous-échantillons des sites les plus riches, sans que cela ne soit relié à l’existence d’une relation aire-espèce significative. Enfin, l’étude de l’aménagement des parcs et de leur gestion a permis de souligner l’effet d’interactions plus locales sur l’organisation des communautés. Cependant, le contexte paysager semble fortement conditionner la composante végétale autour, mais aussi dans les parcs, notamment par le biais de sa gestion par les services municipaux. / Given the wide range of issues (economic, social and environmental) that are concerned by natural environments under the impact of human development, it is a matter of urgency to understand the factors that determine their functioning. Even if they do not constitute priority areas for the conservation for rare and endangered species, urban areas are by no means devoid of biodiversity. This biodiversity and the ecological processes involved remain poorly known.The approach here is to use the communities of Rhopaloceres (butterflies) as a framework for reading the urban and outlying suburban landscapes. On the basis of a study of butterfly communities (and secondarily those of birds) in the PACA (Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur) region, the main aim of this study is to provide evidence of the patterns of organisation of these communities in order to understand the factors that control the assemblages of species in the urban and outlying suburban environment.Focused on the Mediterranean area, which constitutes an original site from the biogerographical point of view, this investigation has focused on two study sites in order to offer two different expressions of the process of urban development affecting the territory of Provence: (i) the village of Lauris (84), characteristic of a Mediterranean hinterland ‘in the process of metropolisation’; and (ii) the Marseille conurbation (13), the 2nd most populous city in France.On the basis of an analysis of the assemblages of species of four habitats (fallow land, private gardens, vineyards, forests), the investigations carried out in Lauris are focused on the response of the communities of Rhopaloceres in the face of rapid changes in land use. The results provide evidence of variations in terms of structure and functional composition, underlining the influence both of the landscape context and of the type of habitat on the organisation of these communities. This study also highlights the interest of the garden compartment as a reservoir of biodiversity.Then, the investigation has focused on the question of the biodiversity accommodated in the man-made areas of the city. To this end, 24 public parks in the city of Marseille have been studied. It has been possible to show how the functional traits of species (butterflies and birds) can be used to predict their distribution along a gradient of urban development. The various studies carried out on Marseille have also shown the importance of the landscape scale and of the regional spatial dynamic (dispersal and colonisation) with regard to the organisation of assemblages of species. The communities of Rhopaloceres appear to be strongly conditioned by the degree of isolation of parks with regard to the semi-natural massifs, raising the idea of the strengthening of the intra-urban assemblages by a regional pool of species situated around the outskirts. This hypothesis is further supported by the overlapping pattern of distribution of the species (nested subsets) between the parks, where the poorest sites in terms of species composition constitute sub-samples of the richest sites, without this being linked to the existence of a significant species-area relationship. Finally, the study of the development of parks and their management has enabled us to highlight the impact of more local interactions on the organisation of the communities. Nevertheless, the landscape context would appear to strongly condition the plant component in the surroundings, but also in the parks, in particular via the management practices of the municipal departments.
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La différenciation entre les Etats membres de l'Union européenne / Differentiation between the member states of the European UnionAngelaki, Aikaterini 04 December 2018 (has links)
La différenciation entre les États membres de l’Union européenne s’est progressivement transformée en un leitmotiv du débat sur l’avenir de l’intégration. Ce débat a resurgi avec l’activation de la clause du retrait par le Royaume-Uni, qui pose dans un cadre renouvelé la question de la compatibilité du processus de création d’une « union sans cesse plus étroite » avec la possibilité pour les États membres d’emprunter différentes voies d’intégration. L’objectif de la présente étude est d’apporter un éclairage sur cette question, en se focalisant sur l’amplification des manifestations de la différenciation en droit positif. La première partie de l’étude vise à cerner la tension entre l’uniformité du statut d’État membre de l’Union et la participation asymétrique des États aux actions engagées pour la réalisation des objectifs assignés à l’Union. La différenciation s’avère ainsi un facteur de relativisation de l’homogénéité du statut d’État membre, sans néanmoins mettre en cause son unicité en tant que catégorie juridique. La seconde partie s’intéresse aux effets de la différenciation sur la structure de l’Union. La prise en compte de la différence d’implication des États n’est pas sans incidence sur le système institutionnel et juridique de l’Union, sans que cela traduise un désordre affectant l’intégrité de l’Union. Il devient alors évident que, dans la creatio continua que constitue la construction européenne, la différenciation pose une question de degré, plutôt que de principe. / Differentiation between the Member States of the European Union has gradually turned into a leitmotif of the debate regarding the future of the European integration. This debate re-emerged in the context of the activation of the withdrawal clause by the United Kingdom, by raising once more the question of the compatibility of the "ever closer union" concept with the possibility for the Member States to follow different paths of integration. The aim of this study is to clarify this question by focusing on the amplification of the various forms of differentiation in positive law. The first part of the study aims to identify the contrast between the uniformity of the EU membership and the asymmetrical participation of the Member States in actions undertaken to achieve the objectives assigned to the Union. Differentiation proves thus to be a relativizing factor of the homogeneity of the Member State's status, without, however, questioning its uniqueness as a legal category. The second part of the study focuses on the effects of differentiation on the structure of the Union. The different extent of participation of each Member State in EU policies has an impact on the Union's institutional and legal framework, even though this impact does not create a disorder affecting the integrity of the Union as such. It is thus apparent that within the creatio continua of the European construction, differentiation poses more a question of degree rather than principle.
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