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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pratiques d’individualisation en enseignement primaire au Québec visant à faciliter l’intégration des élèves handicapés ou des élèves en difficulté au programme de formation générale

Paré, Mélanie 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Salivary Duct Carcinoma

Klijanienko, Jerzy, Al-Abbadi, Mousa A. 09 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Welt lieben : Perspektiven einer schöpfungstheologischen Weltanschauung für ökumenische Spiritualität / Loving the world : perspectives of a creation-theological worldview for ecumenical spirituality

Rehm, Christian Gregor 11 1900 (has links)
German text / Gelebte Ökumene wird, als Zeichen christlicher Glaubwürdigkeit, in unserer postmodernen und postsäkularisierten Gesellschaft gefordert. Die dogmenorientierten Bemühungen zur Ökumene scheinen in die Krise geraten zu sein. Es bedarf es der Suche nach Grundlagen für ökumenische Spiritualität, für die sich der Schöpfungsglaube, als von den großen Konfessionen geteiltes Glaubensgut, anbietet. Um Schöpfungstheologie und -spiritualität als zusammengehörige Elemente wahrnehmen zu können, wird in dieser Dissertation das Weltanschauungsmodell Wrights verwendet, welches durch Waaijmans Aspekt der Umformung ergänzt wird. Konfessionell geprägte Schöpfungstheologien werden in den Kategorien Story und Antworten auf weltanschauliche Schlüsselfragen analysiert. Dies bildet die Basis für eine Synthese, im Sinne der Hermeneutik des differenzierten Konsenses, zu einer ökumenischen Schöpfungstheologie. Konfessionelle Schöpfungsspiritualitäten werden in den Kategorien Symbol und Praxis dargestellt und in einem emergent-synthetischen Entwurf, auf der Basis der ökumenischen Schöpfungstheologie, zu Perspektiven für ökumenische Schöpfungsspiritualität weiterverarbeitet. Die so aufgezeigte schöpfungstheologisch-ökumenische Weltanschauung, bietet eine mögliche Grundlage für ökumenische Spiritualität. / Living ecumenism is vital today in our postmodern and postsecularised society, in order for us to have credibility as Christian Church. Dogma-oriented attempts to establish ecumenical accord appear to be in a crisis. It is now necessary to search for a foundation of an ecumenical spirituality, and it seems that belief in creation is particularly suitable since it is shared by the established churches. In order to understand creation theology and spirituality as interdependent elements, this dissertation will apply Wright's worldview model, complemented by the aspect of transformation as identified by Waaijman. Denominational creation theologies will be analysed in the categories Story and Answers to Key Worldview Questions. This will provide the basis for a synthesis, in the sense of the hermeneutics of the differentiated consensus, for an ecumenical creation theology. Denominational creation spiritualities will be presented in the categories Symbol and Practice and developed in a step further, through an emergent synthesis related approach and on the basis of an ecumenical creation theology, to present perspectives for an ecumenical creation spirituality. The thus described worldview based on creation and ecumenical theology offers a potential foundation for an ecumenical spirituality. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Christian Spirituality)

EU35 — En framtid präglad av differentierad integration? : En kvalitativ textanalys av den Europeiska kommissionens och Europaparlamentets diskussioner om europeisk integration

Strand, Eskil January 2023 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att förstå hur den Europeiska kommissionen och Europaparlamentet diskuterar differentierad integration. Metoden som används är en kvalitativ textanalys där teorier om europeisk integration från forskningsområdet internationella relationer används som analysverktyg. En slutsats som dras är att teorierna om neofunktionalism och liberal intergovernmentalism kan komplettera varandra för att ge en mer mångsidig förståelse av de något olika diskussionerna. Den Europeiska kommissionen och Europaparlamentet vill i de tolkade dokumenten främst bibehålla en enhetlig union, men de är villiga att ge frihet till ambitiösa medlemsstater inom särskilda policyområden genom inkluderande opt in-lösningar av differentierad integration. Den Europeiska kommissionen och Europaparlamentet är motståndare till exkluderande opt out-lösningar av differentierad integration, de menar att exkluderande former av differentiering exempelvis skulle kunna leda till polarisering, fragmentering och ett upplevt skapande av ett första- och andraklassens EU-medlemskap. Gradvist tillträde är därmed historiskt sett som en sämre lösning till problemet kring kandidatländers integration, om gradvist tillträde skulle implementeras i integrationsprocessen för framtida kandidatländer skulle det därmed innebära ett trendbrott inom utvidgningspolicyn från den Europeiska unionen. / The thesis’ purpose is to understand how the European Commission and the European Parliament discusses differentiated integration. The method applied is a qualitative text analysis in which theories of European integration from the research field of international relations is used as an analytical tool. One conclusion recognises the fact that both the theory of neofunctionalism and liberal intergovernmentalism are complementary tools in understanding the discussions from a multitude of perspectives. The European Commission and the European Parliament expressed in the analysed documents that uniform integration within the Union is preferred, but they are still open to giving freedom to Member States in specific policy areas through inclusionary opt-in measures of differentiated integration. The European Commission and European Parliament are opposed to exclusionary opt-out measures of differentiation, as they mean it could lead to polarisation, fragmentation, and the perceived notion of first- and second-class Member States. Staged accession is therefore historically seen as a poor solution to the problem of integrating the candidate countries, if staged accession would be implemented into the integration process for future candidate countries, it would therefore mark a change in trend within the enlargement policy of the European Union.

Quality of Life of People with Disabilities: Stories of Successful Adults

Davis, Phyllis A. 21 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Differentiated Instruction: An Exploratory Study in a Secondary Mathematics Classroom

Ariss, Laila Diane 18 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Radikale en gedifferensieerde universumgerigte pentekostalisme

Cordier, Antonie 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie navorsingstuk word 'n totaal nuwe Radikale en gedifferensieerde Universumgerigte aanloop tot die teologie, die peumato/ogie en veral die ou klassieke pentekosta/isme se eng partikularistiese en sogenaamde unieke elitistiese geestesdoopmodel krities teologies-filosofies ondersoek. Hoewel die moderner neopentekostalistiese oftewel charismatiese weergawe van klassieke pentekostalisme aandag kry om as kriterium van vergelyking le dien, val die hoofklem op klassieke pentekosta/isme. Uiteraard kom die verskillende Geesdoopmodelle pertinent aan die orde. En in die lig hiervan poneer hierdie studie dan 'n kraaknuwe globalistiese Geesdoopmodel, genaamd die RGU-Geesdoopmodel wat dui op 'n Radikale en Gedifferensieerde Universumgerigte Geesdoopmodel. Hierdie nuwe RGU-Geesdoopmodel impliseer logiesgewys dan ook 'n radikale revolusionere paradigmatiese ommeswaai van en verandering in die ou klassieke Geesdoopperspektiewe. Noodwendig impliseer dit ook 'n grater oopspanning van die teologies-wetenskaplike navorsingspeelveld en die interverwante relasies daarvan met alle teologiese en nie-teologiese wetenskappe en bedrywe, met alle kerklike en nie-kerklike kaders, met alle religieuse en nie-religieuse kringe, asook met alle teoretiese en praksiologiese ingesteldhede. Gebiedsafbakening is dus ook gebiedend noodsaaklik en onontbeerlik. Die sentrifigale vernouing van die studieskopus hanteer dan uiteraard net die essensieile teologies-wysgerige en praksiologiese impakte, nie net op die ou klassieke pentekostalisme nie, maar ook op alle teologiee en alle filosofiee en alle wetenskappe, wat op 'n samehangende holisties-geintegreerde wyse universumgerig tot een groot globale geheel omskep word / In this research a totally new Radical and Differentiated Universal-directed approach to theology, pneumatologyand particularly the old classical pentecostalism's narrow particularistically and so called unique elitistic model of Spiritbatism is critically investigated on theological-philosophical levels. Though the moderner neo-pentecostalistic or rather charismatic rendering of classical pentecostalism receives attention to serve as criterion for comparison, the main focus is on classical pentecostalism. Naturally the different models of Spiritbaptism comes pertinently on the table. And in the light of this, our study propose a brand new globalistic model for Spiritbaptism, namely the RDU-Spiritbaptism-mode lwhich signifies a Radical and Differentiated Universal-directed model of Spiritbaptism. This new RDU-Spiritbaptism-model also logically implies a radical revolutionary paradigmshift and tum-about in the old classical Spiritbaptism perspectives. This inevitably also implies a widening of the theological-scientific field and the interrelatedness thereof with all theological and non-theological sciences and professions, with all ecclesiological and non-ecclesiological scopes, with all religious and non-religious circles, as well as all theoretical and praxiological inclinations. Confinement of territory is thus also imperatively essential and indispensable. The centrifical narrowing of the studyscope handles naturally only the essential theological-philosophical and praxiological impacts, not only on the old classical pentecostalism, but also on all theologies and all philosophies and all sciences which are all transformed in a coherent holistically interconnected fashion to one great universal whole / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Výuka angličtiny na českých středních školách z pohledu bilingvních žáků, kteří mají anglofonního rodiče či žili v anglofonní zemi / Teaching bilingual adolescents for whom English is a heritage language or who have lived in an Anglophone country, and who are studying in Czech secondary school English classrooms: the students' perspective

Jirásková, Anna January 2015 (has links)
(in English) The present thesis explores the issue of teaching heritage language learners and returnee students in English as a foreign language (EFL) classes in Czech secondary schools. The aim of the thesis is to examine the experiences of heritage language learners and returnees in the EFL classroom, their strengths and weaknesses in English, their attitude towards English language learning in terms of potential anxiety and motivation, as well as heritage language learners' wishes in relation to language instruction. These issues are investigated from the perspective of the students themselves. The theoretical part reviews the relevant literature on heritage language acquisition and teaching, and on the effects of experience abroad on language acquisition. Moreover, it is complemented by discussions of differentiated instruction and language education for the gifted, two areas which can prove helpful in terms of finding suitable solutions to the problems encountered by the target population in foreign language classes. The empirical part is qualitative and consists of the analysis of in-depth semi-structured interviews with three participants, gymnázium students from Prague. Insights are provided about the interconnectedness of the students' life experiences, their general beliefs about language...

全球氣候變遷治理中的美中關係 / The U.S.-China relations in global climate change governance

黃憶如, Huang, Yi Ru Unknown Date (has links)
由於氣候變遷對全球帶來不可回復的危害,並成為影響國家安全的重要因素之一,聯合國自1988年起成立「政府間氣候變遷專門委員會」並啟動氣候治理談判,陸續於1992年及1997年通過《聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約》與《京都議定書》兩項協議,是現今全球應對此議題主要的兩項機制,透過每年召開締約方會議的方式進行協商,促進各締約方達成共識,提升全球節能減排的執行成效。 美國與中國的溫室氣體排放量在全球排名前二名,是已開發國家與開發中國家中具影響力的大國,故對氣候治理的立場與政策,成為影響全球節能減排成效的關鍵。然而由於氣候變遷議題涉及政治、經濟及安全利益,因此兩國對聯合國氣候治理機制所規範的「共同但有區別的責任原則」與減排份額規範的遵守,有各自的利益考量,在應對氣候變遷議題上,有衝突與摩擦,也有合作與實踐。 在聯合國所主導的氣候變遷治理機制中,美國與中國呈現競爭關係,但若跳脫此一機制,兩國反而能運用雙邊的交流協商,例如高層會談、簽署協議及戰略與經濟對話等平臺,進行雙邊合作達到自主的節能減排目標。從多邊的聯合國氣候談判機制與雙邊的交流分析,未來美中在應對氣候變遷議題上,仍將是既競爭又合作的關係。如果美國與中國能將現有積極進行雙邊合作立場推進到多邊的國際談判,減少已開發國家與開發中國家對氣候治理立場的分歧,那麼將能在國際氣候談判機制中發揮領導作用,促進新氣候協議的達成,對全球應對氣候變遷有極大的助益。 / Global climate change which has caused irreversible harm and become one of the important factors that affect international security, the United Nations set up Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988 has held talks since then. After that United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)and Kyoto Protocol(KP)were passed in 1992 and 1997 respectively, which are the world’s two main mechanisms to promote and enhance the implementation of effective emission reduction. The United States and China’s greenhouse gas emissions are the top two in the world and represent developed countries and developing countries. Their attitudes and policies of climate governance have become the key to the effective reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions. However, due to climate change issues related to political, economic and security interests, diffefent views on “common but differentiated responsibilities” and “responsibilities for emission reductions” give rise to both conflict and cooperation between the two countries. In the United Nations-led climate change governance mechanisms, the United States holds a competitive relationship with China. But outside the mechanisms, their bilateral consultations, such as high-level talks, agreements and U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) help them achieve reduction targets. In the future, the U.S.-China relations on the climate change issue will continue to be both competitive and cooperative. If they can modify their stances through climate governance, it will be able to play a leadership role in international climate negotiations and promote the new climate agreement to solve global climate change issues effectvely.

Radikale en gedifferensieerde universumgerigte pentekostalisme

Cordier, Antonie 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie navorsingstuk word 'n totaal nuwe Radikale en gedifferensieerde Universumgerigte aanloop tot die teologie, die peumato/ogie en veral die ou klassieke pentekosta/isme se eng partikularistiese en sogenaamde unieke elitistiese geestesdoopmodel krities teologies-filosofies ondersoek. Hoewel die moderner neopentekostalistiese oftewel charismatiese weergawe van klassieke pentekostalisme aandag kry om as kriterium van vergelyking le dien, val die hoofklem op klassieke pentekosta/isme. Uiteraard kom die verskillende Geesdoopmodelle pertinent aan die orde. En in die lig hiervan poneer hierdie studie dan 'n kraaknuwe globalistiese Geesdoopmodel, genaamd die RGU-Geesdoopmodel wat dui op 'n Radikale en Gedifferensieerde Universumgerigte Geesdoopmodel. Hierdie nuwe RGU-Geesdoopmodel impliseer logiesgewys dan ook 'n radikale revolusionere paradigmatiese ommeswaai van en verandering in die ou klassieke Geesdoopperspektiewe. Noodwendig impliseer dit ook 'n grater oopspanning van die teologies-wetenskaplike navorsingspeelveld en die interverwante relasies daarvan met alle teologiese en nie-teologiese wetenskappe en bedrywe, met alle kerklike en nie-kerklike kaders, met alle religieuse en nie-religieuse kringe, asook met alle teoretiese en praksiologiese ingesteldhede. Gebiedsafbakening is dus ook gebiedend noodsaaklik en onontbeerlik. Die sentrifigale vernouing van die studieskopus hanteer dan uiteraard net die essensieile teologies-wysgerige en praksiologiese impakte, nie net op die ou klassieke pentekostalisme nie, maar ook op alle teologiee en alle filosofiee en alle wetenskappe, wat op 'n samehangende holisties-geintegreerde wyse universumgerig tot een groot globale geheel omskep word / In this research a totally new Radical and Differentiated Universal-directed approach to theology, pneumatologyand particularly the old classical pentecostalism's narrow particularistically and so called unique elitistic model of Spiritbatism is critically investigated on theological-philosophical levels. Though the moderner neo-pentecostalistic or rather charismatic rendering of classical pentecostalism receives attention to serve as criterion for comparison, the main focus is on classical pentecostalism. Naturally the different models of Spiritbaptism comes pertinently on the table. And in the light of this, our study propose a brand new globalistic model for Spiritbaptism, namely the RDU-Spiritbaptism-mode lwhich signifies a Radical and Differentiated Universal-directed model of Spiritbaptism. This new RDU-Spiritbaptism-model also logically implies a radical revolutionary paradigmshift and tum-about in the old classical Spiritbaptism perspectives. This inevitably also implies a widening of the theological-scientific field and the interrelatedness thereof with all theological and non-theological sciences and professions, with all ecclesiological and non-ecclesiological scopes, with all religious and non-religious circles, as well as all theoretical and praxiological inclinations. Confinement of territory is thus also imperatively essential and indispensable. The centrifical narrowing of the studyscope handles naturally only the essential theological-philosophical and praxiological impacts, not only on the old classical pentecostalism, but also on all theologies and all philosophies and all sciences which are all transformed in a coherent holistically interconnected fashion to one great universal whole / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

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