Spelling suggestions: "subject:"digital 1ibrary"" "subject:"digital fibrary""
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Identificação da correlação entre as características das imagens de documentos e os impactos na fidelidade visual em função da taxa de compressão. / Identification of correlation between the characteristics of document images and its impact in visual fidelity in function of compression rate.Vitor Hitoshi Tsujiguchi 11 October 2011 (has links)
Imagens de documentos são documentos digitalizados com conteúdo textual. Estes documentos são compostos de caracteres e diagramação, apresentando características comuns entre si, como a presença de bordas e limites no formato de cada caractere. A relação entre as características das imagens de documentos e os impactos do processo de compressão com respeito à fidelidade visual são analisadas nesse trabalho. Métricas objetivas são empregadas na análise das características das imagens de documentos, como a medida da atividade da imagem (IAM) no domínio espacial dos pixels, e a verificação da medida de atividade espectral (SAM) no domínio espectral. Os desempenhos das técnicas de compressão de imagens baseada na transformada discreta de cosseno (DCT) e na transformada discreta de Wavelet (DWT) são avaliados sobre as imagens de documentos ao aplicar diferentes níveis de compressão sobre as mesmas, para cada técnica. Os experimentos são realizados sobre imagens digitais de documentos impressos e manuscritos de livros e periódicos, explorando texto escritos entre os séculos 16 ao século 19. Este material foi coletado na biblioteca Brasiliana Digital (www.brasiliana.usp.br), no Brasil. Resultados experimentais apontam que as medidas de atividade nos domínios espacial e espectral influenciam diretamente a fidelidade visual das imagens comprimidas para ambas as técnicas baseadas em DCT e DWT. Para uma taxa de compressão fixa de uma imagem comprimida em ambas técnicas, a presença de valores superiores de IAM e níveis menores de SAM na imagem de referência resultam em menor fidelidade visual, após a compressão. / Document images are digitized documents with textual content. These documents are composed of characters and their layout, with common characteristics among them, such as the presence of borders and boundaries in the shape of each character. The relationship between the characteristics of document images and the impact of the compression process with respect to visual fidelity are analyzed herein. Objective metrics are employed to analyze the characteristics of document images, such as the Image Activity Measure (IAM) in the spatial domain, and assessment of Spectral Activity Measure (SAM) in the spectral domain. The performance of image compression techniques based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) are evaluated from document images by applying different compression levels for each technique to these images. The experiments are performed on digital images of printed documents and manuscripts of books and magazines, exploring texts written from the 16th to the 19th century. This material was collected in the Brasiliana Digital Library in Brazil. Experimental results show that the activity measures in spatial and spectral domains directly influence the visual fidelity of compressed images for both the techniques based on DCT and DWT. For a fixed compression ratio for both techniques on a compressed image, higher values of IAM and low levels of SAM in the reference image result in less visual fidelity after compression.
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Findability: elementos essenciais para as formas de encontro da informação em bibliotecas digitaisLandshoff, Renate 19 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:23:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Renate Landshoff.pdf: 3875996 bytes, checksum: a0da1263d095248a5d6973fb7cd4e325 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-11-19 / This study aims to recommend key elements which impact the ways to find information in digital library environments, including features found in Web 2.0. The theory is based on the concept of Findability, coined by Morville, on the significant contribution of Manovich, on Santaella‟s study about cognitive profiles of readers and Internet users, and on Weinberg and Cunha‟s view on the mission of digital libraries. The development of this work is based on the method of qualitative case studies, highlighting positive and negative aspects of search interfaces from elements considered relevant to digital library projects and identified with the contribution of concepts brought from Library and Information Science. The study emphasizes the contribution of digital libraries for Web search, without however fail to point to their weaknesses and need for evolution. The processing of information at the time of data entry, the development of more intelligent search interfaces, the different cognitive profiles of users, the participation of multidisciplinary teams and constant monitoring of the digital environment elements must be considered and pursued over the existence of a design of this profile. The study points out finally the changes that must occur in searching from the Semantic Web and the development of artificial intelligence, impacting the way we are used to seek information, continually increasing its "findability." / Este estudo tem por objetivo recomendar elementos essenciais que impactam as formas de encontro da informação em ambientes de bibliotecas digitais, incluindo as funcionalidades encontradas na Web 2.0. A fundamentação teórica está baseada no conceito de Findability, cunhado por Morville, na contribuição expressiva de Manovich, no estudo de Santaella sobre os perfis cognitivos de leitores e internautas e na visão de Weinberg e Cunha sobre a missão de bibliotecas digitais. O desenvolvimento deste trabalho está baseado no método de estudos de casos qualitativos, ressaltando aspectos positivos e negativos de interfaces de busca a partir de elementos considerados relevantes para projetos de bibliotecas digitais e identificados com a contribuição de conceitos trazidos da área de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação. O estudo destaca a contribuição das bibliotecas digitais para a pesquisa na Web, sem no entanto deixar de apontar para as suas fragilidades e necessidade de evolução. O tratamento da informação no momento da entrada de dados, o desenvolvimento de interfaces de busca mais inteligentes, os diversos perfis cognitivos de usuários, a participação de equipes multidisciplinares e o monitoramento constante do ambiente digital devem ser elementos considerados e perseguidos ao longo da existência de um projeto deste perfil. O estudo destaca por fim, as mudanças que devem ocorrer com a busca a partir da Web Semântica e o desenvolvimento da inteligência artificial, impactando na forma como estamos acostumados a buscar a informação, aumentando cada vez mais a sua encontrabilidade
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具知識建構工具支援之數位圖書館 在網路學習社群經營之研究 / The study of building web-based learning community based on digital library with support of knowledge construction tool林憶珊, Lin, Yi Shan Unknown Date (has links)
利用知識論壇(Knoewledge Forum)作為社群學習的討論平台,本研究透過準實驗研究法,從數位圖書館資源與學習社群之結合所促成的學習活動中,探討學習社群的互動歷程與知識建構情況。透過統計分析歸結出適合於發展有效輔助數位圖書館資源應用之學習社群經營工具與機制,提高學習社群的參與以及數位圖書館資源支援學習的機會與價值。
研究結果顯示:1. 研究活動歷程中,相較各階段互動機制,推薦機制與激勵機制對於學習社群參與具有較明顯的助益;2. 數位圖書館資源融入學習社群,有助主題資源與概念多面向的知識討論與擴張;3. 數位圖書館資源融入學習社群過程中,領域專家引導有助於資源的利用。 / As the rapid changes of on-line environment and prevalence of social networking websites, not only has the on-line users’ behavior changed, but also it implies the perfect time to develop better learning community with the advantages of technology innovation. Taking the Digital library (DL) as example, it has been developed into the perfect portal with accumulation of high quality information with and reader-centered services, including personalized information services and searching functions. However, comparing with other social networking sites, DL has been considered less value on building on readers’ learning communities, or not suitable sites to share information or communicate with other readers.
The purpose of the study is to promote people cohesiveness at the web-based learning community platform and to improve the usage of digital library resources. Based on the advantage of web-based learning communities, the study analyzes the possible models and outcomes for learning communities on DL. In addition, the study attempts to survey ways to make better environment for readers actively interacting with others more; moreover, utilizing the digital libraries to construct knowledge.
Taking the “Knowledge Forum” as web-based learning community platform, the study adopted the quasi-experimental methodology to investigate the social networks and knowledge construction behavior of the learning community on DL. The statistics analysis scheme was employed to evaluate the specific model of community building for web-based learning, and its effectiveness for promoting DL as learning support.
The results of this study are concluded as following. First, compared with other methods for community building, the recommendation and motivation system are more beneficial for participation on web-based learning community. Second, integrating the resources of DL with web-based learning community is helpful for the diversity of subject topics and concepts in on-line discussion. Third, academic field experts for subject matter discussion are helpful for better DL resources utilization during the process of web-based learning.
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Zur Problematik der Erschließung digitaler Medien – dargestellt am Beispiel des KIT-KatalogsMönnich, Michael, Köberle, Boris 28 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die Erschließung digitaler Medien wird - im Gegensatz zu der von konventionellen Printmedien - in Bibliotheken derzeit noch nicht im wünschenswerten Umfang durchgeführt. Dies gilt vor allem für Online- Ressourcen und Netzpublikationen. Im Vortrag wird dies anhand von Beispielen aus dem Katalog der KIT-Bibliothek dargestellt. Einen möglichen Ansatz für die verbesserte Erschließung stellt die Verwendung kollaborativer Verfahren dar. Am Beispiel des Recommendersystems Bibtip, das vor mehreren Jahren in Karlsruhe entwickelt wurde und inzwischen in zahlreichen Bibliotheken im Einsatz ist, sollen die Funktionsweise und die Auswirkungen eines Einsatzes solcher Lösungen vorgestellt werden.
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我國圖書館數位典藏館員專業能力之研究 / Study on Digital Archives Librarian’s Competencies in Taiwan黃思穎, Huang, Ssu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
針對所獲得之結論,本研究提出下列幾點建議:(1)本研究建構之數位典藏館員專業能力清單建議應用在圖書館數位典藏工作能力參考與教育訓練;(2)數位典藏館員加強資訊與數位技術領域方面能力的基礎知識;(3)數位典藏館員遭遇經費與人力困難,希望圖書館能有不同管道獲取經費;(4)數位典藏工作相關教育單位應經常定期開設數位典藏相關教育課程。 / The topic of this study is to examine Digital Archives Librarian’s Competencies in Taiwan. The main purposes of the study are as follows: (1) To investigate the meaning, function of Digital Archives and Digital Archives Program; (2) to examine the role, scope of work and competence of Digital Archives Librarian; (3) Construct Digital Archives Librarians’ elements of proficiency competence, including: scope of work, range of capacity and capability indicators.
The conclusion of this study is summarized as follows: (1) Digital Archives is the entities preserves valuable information, and is maintained through the technology of digitalization to provide services and applications. Its’ ranging from the aspects of technology, content, services and the community, the main purpose is to ensure the availability, persistence, and intelligent integration of all digital data, which has cultural the value of reservation, academic research, education and learning, and reservation value-added applications. (2) Digital Archives featuring to collection, value-added applications and teaching are accepted by the most of the respondents archiving. (3) The majority of respondents are still archiving Digital Archives. (4) The roles of the Digital Archives Librarian as reservation, culture preserver and information service provider are agreed by most of the respondents promoter. (5)Preserver and part of the work of Digital Archives to commission contracted sustainability staff, hire project assistants and students part-timers and other ways to attain carry on. (6) Digital Archives Librarian’s opinions amended digital Archives librarian’s list of 10 fields of professional competence of the proposed capacity of 39 indicators. (7) Digital Archives Librarian does not respect the areas of capacity divided much changes, capacity indicators for metadata-based cataloging capabilities, communication skills, understanding of digital Archives theoretical foundation, with legal knowledge, for collection of product themes should have the capacity to understand, with a heritage preservation foundation knowledge of the most recognized.(8) Capacity index digital Archives librarians vary according to their type. (9) Most Digital Archives Librarian’s difficulty came from the funds, manpower and authorization. (10) Digital Archives Librarian’s educational needs of the most recognized are education and training for the periodic training, and through workshops, seminars, forums culture, heritage and experience.
Four conclusions are made after studying all the data: (1) Listing Digital Archives Librarian’s capabilities advice can be applied to the library’s digital Archives’ work and as work reference with education and training. (2)Digital Archives Librarian strengthen basic information and knowledge in the field of digital technical capabilities. (3) Digital Archives Librarian encounter difficulties in funding and manpower, hoping to have a different library to obtain funding for the pipeline. (4) Digital Archives’ related educational institutions should regularly open Digital Archives related educational programs.
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Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung des kulturellen ErbesSchneider, Ulrich Johannes 15 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Mit der Digitalisierung von Büchern scheint sich ein europäischer Traum zu erfüllen, ein Traum der unkomplizierten Vernetzung des Wissens und ein Traum der Vollständigkeit des Zugriffs. Im Schlaraffenland der durchgescannten Bücherwelt kann ich auf alle gewünschten Texte mit einem Schlage zugreifen; damit habe ich auch jeden sachlich benachbarten Text- oder ein Archivdokument oder ein Museumsstück - in eben derselben Qualität, aus welchem Jahrhundert auch immer. Alle interessierten Forscher können, sobald diese Vision technisch umgesetzt sein wird, im Internet ohne Rücksicht auf lokale Bibliotheksbestände und deren Zugänglichkeitsbedingungen arbeiten. Viele werden es tun, weil sie schon lange einen unkomplizierten Zugriff erhoffen. Forscherträume werden mit der Digitalisierung wahr.
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Online Music Knowledge: The Case of the Non-musicianLam, Margaret 12 December 2011 (has links)
Five cases of ‘non-musicians’ learning how to make music were used to explore the information practice of users in the domain of music to support the design of music information systems and platforms. In all five cases, the use of online music knowledge was situated within a larger process of self-directed learning, as well as the larger socio-musical world of the non-musicians. Effective access to and use of available resources is paradoxically predicated on a non-musician’s ability to articulate their information needs using terms with which they are not yet familiar. The findings articulate the information practice of non-musicians as being characterized by the emergent nature of their information needs and the exploratory nature of their information practice. In particular, the user’s socio-musical world, learning or knowledge trajectories, as well as their modes of learning offer an innovative approach to understanding and anticipating music information needs.
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Online Music Knowledge: The Case of the Non-musicianLam, Margaret 12 December 2011 (has links)
Five cases of ‘non-musicians’ learning how to make music were used to explore the information practice of users in the domain of music to support the design of music information systems and platforms. In all five cases, the use of online music knowledge was situated within a larger process of self-directed learning, as well as the larger socio-musical world of the non-musicians. Effective access to and use of available resources is paradoxically predicated on a non-musician’s ability to articulate their information needs using terms with which they are not yet familiar. The findings articulate the information practice of non-musicians as being characterized by the emergent nature of their information needs and the exploratory nature of their information practice. In particular, the user’s socio-musical world, learning or knowledge trajectories, as well as their modes of learning offer an innovative approach to understanding and anticipating music information needs.
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Virtual Communities in Egypt - The Digital Library as a ModelGhonim, Ibrahim Ahmad 23 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Competências Informacionais dos Alunos dos Cursos a Distância da UNOPAR no Uso da Biblioteca Digital / Information literacy of the pupils of the courses in the distance of the UNOPAR in digital libraryCRUZ, Vilma Aparecida January 2007 (has links)
CRUZ, Vilma Aparecida Gimenes. Competências informacionais dos alunos dos cursos a distância da UNOPAR no uso da biblioteca digital. 2007. 98f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação na Formação de EAD) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação na Formação de EAD, Londrina- PR, 2007. / Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-06-29T14:10:29Z
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Previous issue date: 2007 / This study about the information literacy of students from distance courses of UNOPAR in has the main characteristic of availability of a big flow of information through the technologies and information, it verifies that this information needs to be identified, advised and assimilated in such a way to contribute with the learning process of students. Situating, in this scene, the function of digital libraries in the organization of information with the concern in turning great the technological and human resources in a fast and efficient way reaching a high number of users at the same time. It highlights, however, the important function of digital libraries, considered essential tools in distance courses, to permit the availability of information and its assimilation, changing it in the new knowledges and contributing to the development of abilities and necessary competences to the autonomous learner also, independent and responsible. Its goal is to observe if the students of distance course offered by UNOPAR, when using the Digital Library, develop these competences, using the standarts of informative competence (information literacy) presented by American Library Association, available in literature to evaluate manage and use the available information in digital objects which compose the collection of this library. The research characterizes itself as an explore study, using sample which can be considered non-probabilistic, accidental or arbitrary in the choice of its answers in the universe of enrolled students, once they were considered, as an effect of data analyse just the answered questionnaires among those which where sent to all the population of students in the Connected Presence Learning System of UNOPAR. The collection of data was accomplished using a questionnaire, available in a web site of restricted access to the student giving him/her guarantee that his/her identity is not going to be identified at any time of collecting data process, protecting in this way the secrecy of his/her answers and his/her anonymity. The approach of analyse was qualitative and quantitative. The results of studies permit to claim that the students demonstrated a development in informative competences established in the 22 constant indicators from 5 proposed standarts by ALA in the literature of area about information literary. / Este estudo sobre as competências informacionais dos alunos dos cursos a distância da UNOPAR no uso da Biblioteca Digital parte da constatação de que a sociedade em que vivemos tem como principal característica a disponibilização de um grande fluxo de informações por meio das tecnologias de comunicação e informação, e verifica que essa informação precisa ser identificada, acessada e assimilada de forma a contribuir com o processo de aprendizagem dos estudantes. Situa, nesse cenário, o papel das bibliotecas digital na organização e disseminação da informação com a preocupação de otimizar os seus recursos tecnológicos e humanos de forma rápida e eficiente alcançando um número extremante elevado de usuários ao mesmo tempo. Ressalta, portanto, a importante função das bibliotecas digitais, consideradas ferramentas essenciais nos cursos a distância, para permitir que as informações disponíveis sejam assimiladas e transformadas em novos conhecimentos e colaborando com o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências necessários ao aprendiz autônomo, independente e responsável. Tem como objetivo constatar se os alunos dos cursos a distância oferecidos pela UNOPAR, ao fazerem uso da Biblioteca Digital, desenvolvem essas competências, utilizando-se dos padrões de competência informanional (information literacy) apresentados pela American Library Association, disponíveis na literatura, para avaliar, gerenciar e usar a informação disponível nos objetos digitais que compõem o acervo dessa biblioteca. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como um estudo exploratório, utilizando-se de amostragem que pode ser considerada não-probabilística, acidental ou aleatória, na escolha dos seus respondentes no universo dos estudantes matriculados, uma vez que foram considerados, para efeito de análise dos dados, apenas os questionários respondidos dentre aqueles enviados a toda a população de estudantes do Sistema Presencial conectado da UNOPAR. A coleta de dados foi realizada mediante de um questionário, disponibilizado em um site de acesso restrito ao estudante garantindo-se que sua identidade não fosse identificada em nenhum momento do processo de coleta de dados, preservando-se dessa forma, o sigilo quanto as suas respostas e o seu anonimato. A abordagem de análise foi qualitativa e quantitativa. Os resultados do estudo permitem afirmar que os estudantes demonstram ter desenvolvido as competências informacionais estabelecidas nos 22 indicadores constantes dos cinco padrões propostos pela ALA na literatura da área sobre competência informacional.
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