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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Multidimensional Policy Evaluation of the Utah Statewide Online Education Program

Darrington, Royd Lyman 01 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The focus of this research is in the area of online learning policy. Online learning is rapidly gaining popularity and is becoming more and more an integral part of the K–12 education landscape. Such a study is important because there are very few policies that have been created to govern online learning differently than traditional brick-and-mortar classrooms. Utah’s Statewide Online Education Program (SOEP) has been largely marketed as policy that does transcend these barriers. This research uses a multidimensional mixed-method case study to evaluate the program. The findings from this research provide evidence that the SOEP falls short of providing policy that can guarantee implementation of the program’s goals and purposes and fails to ensure quality online learning for students. The main conclusions drawn from this study are that principals are hesitant to implement the SOEP because they are concerned about the potential loss of funding and a lack of confidence in the quality of online courses. This dissertation recommends the following: The creation of technology funding that guarantees full access to the Internet for all students, the creation of a performance-based assessment system for all students, and online learning in-service and professional development for both principals and teachers.

Digitala lärspel i matematikundervisning / Digital learning games in mathematics lessons

Söderström, Vanessa January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att lyfta fram vad aktuell forskning säger om användningen av digitala lärspel i matematikundervisning. Genom en systematisk litteraturstudie har området undersökts. Resultatet visar att det finns goda argument för digitala lärspels användning i matematikundervisning. Det ökar inte bara elevernas motivation och inställning till matematikämnet utan elevernas lärande förbättras också. Resultatet visar även att lärare känner sig osäkra med att använda digitala lärspel även om de har tillgång till datorer och surfplattor. Lärare önskar pedagogiskt utvecklade lärspel och mer kunskap för hur de kanintegrera digitala lärspel i sin undervisning. En slutsats är att det behöver göras merlongitudinella studier inom området för att studera om digitala lärspel i längden ger eleverna samma möjligheter till lärande som traditionell undervisning / The purpose of the study is to highlight what current research says about the use of digital learning games in mathematics lessons. Through a systematic literature study, the area has been investigated. The results show that there are good arguments for digital learning games to be used. It does not only increase pupils' motivation and attitudes towards the subject of mathematics, but also improves their knowledge in mathematics. However, the results show that teachers feel uncertain using digital learning games in their lessons even if they have access to computers and tablets. Teachers want pedagogically developed learning games and more knowledge on how to integrate digital learning games into their lessons. One conclusion is that there needs to be more long-term research in the field that can show that digital learning games in the long run are just as rewarding as traditional teaching.

Digitala läromedel i engelskundervisningen : Hur främjar digitala läromedel elevers läsutveckling i engelskundervisningen?

Chahin, Sandra, Chamoun, Sara January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this research review is to investigate how digital learning tools contribute to pupils reading development; how pupils’ motivation is promoted with digital teaching tools in education; and positive and negative aspects with the use of digital teaching tools in reading development. This was answered with the help of a literature review. The results also show that there are both positive and negative consequences with the use of digital teaching tools to promote reading development. Mostly positive consequences were found because it contributes to variety in the education which promotes the pupils’ motivation. The result also shows that teachers feel that they do not have enough digital competence, while most pupils feel confident in the use of digital teaching tools. The conclusion of the research overview shows that it depends on how the teacher uses digital teaching tools and in what context. The use of digital teaching tools in education can lead to both good and bad consequences depending on the pupil and teacher.

Perspectives on the role of digital tools in students' open-ended physics inquiry

Euler, Elias January 2019 (has links)
In this licentiate thesis, I present detailed case studies of students as they make use of simulated digital learning environments to engage with physics phenomena. In doing so, I reveal the moment-to-moment minutiae of physics students’ open-ended inquiry in the presence of two digital tools, namely the sandbox software Algodoo and the PhET simulation My Solar System (both running on an interactive whiteboard). As this is a topic which has yet to receive significant attention in the physics education research community, I employ an interpretivist, case-oriented methodology to illustrate, build, and refine several theoretical perspectives. Notably, I combine the notion of semi-formalisms with the notion of Newtonian modeling, I illustrate how Algodoo can be seen to function as a Papertian microworld, I meaningfully combine the theoretical perspectives of social semiotics and embodied cognition into a single analytic lens, and I reveal the need for a more nuanced taxonomy of students’ embodiment during physics learning activities. Each of the case studies presented in this thesis makes use of conversation analysis in a fine-grained examination of video-recorded, small-group student interactions. Of particular importance to this process is my attention to students’ non-verbal communication via gestures, gaze, body position, haptic-touch, and interactions with the environment. In this way, I bring into focus the multimodally-rich, often informal interactions of students as they deal with physics content. I make visible the ways in which the students (1) make the conceptual connection between the physical world and the formal/mathematical domain of disciplinary physics, (2) make informal and creative use of mathematical representations, and (3) incorporate their bodies to mechanistically reason about physical phenomena. Across each of the cases presented in this thesis, I show how, while using open-ended software on an interactive whiteboard, students can communicate and reason about physics phenomena in unexpectedly fruitful ways.

Vollkommen digital, digital und vollkommen? – Das digitale Lehrwerk im didaktischen Kontext : Digitale Werkzeuge und das digitale Lehrwerk im Fremdsprachenunterricht an schwedischen Schulen im deutschschwedischen Vergleich – eine Literaturstudie

Garms-Cray, Grietje January 2019 (has links)
This paper is a literature review exploring previous research on digital learning at school and the competence required both of teachers and pupils. Furthermore, it aims to point out advantages and disadvantages of digital tools in teaching at school by focusing on foreign language teaching. Previous studies indicate that using digital tools in school help to individualize teaching in order to consider the pupils’ individual needs in learning. Recent studies document as well that the teachers’ well-conceived teaching designs are important for target-aimed learning success. According to referred literature should teaching with help of media not replace the teacher in class but rather accompany it. There is however not much research related to digital multimedia schoolbooks which aim to cover all content in a subject. This paper presents two digital schoolbooks for German at Swedish schools in reference to underlying didactic parameters and in comparison, to digital tools. The paper refers both German and Swedish perspectives on digital learning. Finally, the paper deals with the question how far school providers are prepared to implement digital learning at school in order to fulfil their own ambitions.

Desenvolvimento de material educativo digital para divulgação científica da nutrigenômica / Development of digital learning material for scientific dissemination of nutrigenomics.

Patricio, Roberta Saraiva Giroto 06 October 2010 (has links)
Nutrigenômica representa disciplina cientifica recente que surgiu na era do pós-genoma humano, sendo seu foco de estudo a interação gene - nutriente. Profissionais com educação universitária que atuam na área da alimentação e nutrição e da saúde relatam ter dificuldades no entendimento dos princípios dessa disciplina. Recursos digitais como animações representam ferramentas interessantes para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da nutrigenômica. Dessa forma o objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de desenvolver material educativo digital intitulado \"Fundamentos da Nutrigenômica\", baseado nas animações \"Modulação da expressão gênica por nutrientes e compostos bioativos dos alimentos\" e \"Nutrigenômica e redução do risco de câncer\", para divulgação científica da nutrigenômica para profissionais da área da alimentação e nutrição e da saúde. Para desenvolver o material educativo digital, utilizou-se esquema que se divide nas seguintes etapas: análise e planejamento; modelagem; implementação; avaliação e manutenção. As animações foram produzidas nos programas PowerPoint 2007 e E.M PowerPoint Vídeo Converter. Avaliou-se o material educativo digital por meio de questionário junto a 20 profissionais (nutricionistas, farmacêuticos, engenheiros de alimentos, biólogos, químico, dentista e zootecnista) matriculados ou não em Programas de Pós-Graduação da Universidade de São Paulo nas áreas da alimentação e nutrição e da saúde. Mais de 80% dos participantes concordaram fortemente ou concordaram com as seguintes afirmações: \"O material educativo digital é de fácil manuseio\"; \"A utilização desse tipo de recurso tem vantagens sobre textos\"; \"O material educativo digital trouxe conhecimentos novos sobre Nutrigenômica\"; \"Os conceitos estão expostos de forma clara\"; \"Meus conhecimentos anteriores foram suficientes para aprender com o material educativo digital\"; \"Os textos estão redigidos com clareza\"; \"As animações auxiliam a compreender os fenômenos exibidos\"; \"Aprendi bastante sobre os fundamentos da nutrigenômica com o material educativo digital\". Conclui-se que o material educativo digital \"Fundamentos da nutrigenômica\" representa ferramenta útil para divulgação científica da nutrigenômica junto a profissionais da área da alimentação e nutrição e da saúde. / Nutrigenomics represents recent scientific discipline that has emerged in the post-human genome era, with focus on gene - nutrient interaction. Professionals with university education working in the field of food and nutrition and health report having difficulties in understanding the principles of this discipline. Digital resources such as animations represent interesting tools for the teaching and learning of nutrigenomics. Thus the objective of this study was to develop digital learning material entitled \"Fundamentals of Nutrigenomics\", based on the animations \"Modulation of gene expression by nutrients and bioactive food compounds\" and \"Nutrigenomics and risk reduction of cancer,\" for scientific dissemination of nutrigenomics for professionals in the food and nutrition and health areas. To develop the digital learning material, we used the scheme that is comprised by the following steps: analysis and planning, modeling, implementation, evaluation and maintenance. The animations were produced with the PowerPoint 2007 and EM Video Converter softwares. We evaluated the digital educational materials through a questionnaire provided to 20 professionals (nutritionists, pharmacists, food engineers, biologists, chemist, dentist and zootechnist) registered or not in Graduate Programs from University of Sao Paulo in the areas of food and nutrition and health. Over 80% of participants strongly agreed or agreed with the following statements: \"The digital educational material is easy to handle\", \"The use of this resource type presents advantages over text\", \"The digital learning material brought new knowledge on Nutrigenomics\" , \"The concepts are clearly exposed\", \"My previous knowledge was sufficient to learn from the digital learning material\", \"The texts are written with clarity\", \"The animations help to understand the exhibited phenomena\", \"I learned a lot about nutrigenomics fundamentals with the digital learning materials\". We conclude that the digital learning material \"Fundamentals of Nutrigenomics\" represents a useful tool for scientific dissemination of nutrigenomics for professionals in the field of food and nutrition and health.

Tecendo conexões entre o ensino de química e a alimentação através de um objeto de aprendizagem digital

Pedrolo, Caroline Rufino January 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação relata o desenvolvimento de um Objeto de Aprendizagem Digital de Química e a sua aplicação em um grupo de alunos do Ensino Médio. A pesquisa está centrada em quais efeitos um objeto de aprendizagem digital, envolvendo conceitos químicos e alimentares, pode trazer aos alunos e, se este pode ser benéfico para a aprendizagem em Química. Os objetivos específicos eram desenvolver uma pesquisa de Estado da Arte a fim de entender como são desenvolvidos os materiais atualmente, propor uma atividade pedagógica envolvendo conceitos de alimentação atrelados com conceitos químicos, avaliar a aplicação desta metodologia e analisar o conhecimento dos alunos a respeito dos alimentos bem como seu interesse por este tema. A pesquisa se mostrou válida, uma vez que, a maioria dos materiais existentes, conforme mostraram nossos dados, não trabalha os conceitos químicos a partir de temáticas relacionadas ao cotidiano do aluno como no caso da alimentação e, além disso, através da aplicação do material percebemos que o uso da tecnologia em sala de aula é uma ferramenta viável e que pode agregar positivamente ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Por esses motivos devem ser desenvolvidas cada vez mais pesquisas e materiais nesse sentido, visando renovar o processo educativo. / This dissertation reports on the development of the Objeting of Digital Learning of Chemistry and its application in a group of high school students. The research is focused on a digital learning issue. The objectives were actually engaged in a State of the Art research and in this way, the current principles, a pedagogical action and the concepts of energy were tied to the chemical concepts as well as their interest in this topic. The research became since most of the existing data, in accordance with the data, did not work as a law of principles of practices related to the daily life of the student as no case of feeding and in addition, through the application of the material we perceive that the The use of technology in the classroom is a viable tool that can be applied positively to the teaching-learning process. That is why more and more evidence and materials should be targeted in this direction, in order to renew the educational process.

Skolan i den digitala tidsåldern : En undersökning om digital kompetens, IKT och digital läsning / Education in the digital age : An inquiry of digital competence, ICT and digital reading

Lindh, Pontus January 2018 (has links)
I mars 2017 beslutade den svenska regeringen att förstärka och förtydliga den digitala kompetensen i styrdokumenten för skolan, från förskolenivå till gymnasienivå. Detta innebar en förstärkt skyldighet som lärare att undervisa på ett sätt som främjar elevernas digitala kompetens. Denna uppsats tar sin utgångspunkt i vad nationella och internationella styrdokument har betonat gällande digital kompetens och en digitalisering av skolan. Uppsatsen första frågeställning berör hur IKT används i undervisningen och vad det finns för möjligheter och utmaningar kopplade till användandet av IKT i undervisningen. Den andra frågeställningen undersöker hur läsförståelsen påverkas när man går ifrån den traditionella pappersläsningen till att börja läsa mer digitalt då allt fler elever får egna datorer och läsplattor. Slutsatser som dras i denna uppsats är att det finns en diskrepans mellan policy- och implementeringsnivå. Då digital kompetens förstärks på policynivå utan att lärarna på implementeringsnivå har fått tillräckligt med stöd och utbildning för att kunna klara av detta uppdrag på ett tillfredställande sätt. Trots att det finns många möjligheter kopplade till användandet av IKT i undervisningen, så når detta användande inte sin fulla potential då användandet kantras av flera utmaningar. Avslutningsvis så visar forskningen motstridiga resultat gällande hur läsförståelsen påverkas av att läsa digitalt. Det tycks se ut som att i bästa fall så blir läsförståelsen oförändrad och i värsta fall att läsförståelsen påverkas negativt av att läsa digitalt.

Desenvolvimento e avaliação do objeto digital de aprendizagem sobre o aleitamento materno do prematuro / Development and evaluation of a digital learning object about breastfeeding of preterm babies

Geovana Magalhães Ferecini 27 January 2012 (has links)
Em um esforço para auxiliar mães e famílias na prática e manutenção do aleitamento materno de bebês prematuros, motivamo-nos a realizar o presente estudo, visualizando a possibilidade de construir um instrumento educativo a fim de auxiliá-los neste cuidado com seus filhos prematuros. Neste sentido, os objetivos do presente estudo são: desenvolver um objeto digital de aprendizagem, um website sobre o aleitamento materno do prematuro, dirigido à família, e avaliar este objeto digital de aprendizagem junto a profissionais de enfermagem e informática. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, cujo referencial teórico para o desenvolvimento do objeto digital está fundamentado em Paulo Freire e na CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction - Instrução Assistida por Computador). Como modelo de desenvolvimento de website, utilizamos o User-Centered Design (projeto centrado no usuário) cujas fases foram: escolha do tema e fatores motivacionais do projeto, avaliação e análise das necessidades de saúde junto à profissionais (por meio de chats e ligações telefônicas com um comitê de especialistas, utilizando-se de temas geradores); identificação de soluções, articulação dos objetivos e análises dos questionamentos; e desenvolvimento e prototipagem com avaliação junto aos usuários. A amostra intencional constituiu-se de 29 enfermeiros e cinco profissionais da área da informática. O instrumento de avaliação utilizado baseou-se em princípios estabelecidos pela Norma ISO 9241 (divididos em sete grupos) e de Usabilidade. Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se a estatística descritiva. O projeto foi aprovado por Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Com base nos temas sugeridos pelo comitê de especialistas, revisão da literatura e experiência profissional, os conteúdos do site foram organizados em quatro grandes itens no website: \"Meu bebê nasceu prematuro\", \"Meu bebê ainda não está mamando\", \"Meu bebê já está mamando\" e \"Vamos para casa\". Além destes conteúdos, a construção do site se deu em sete outras etapas: construção de animações e \"personagens\" do website, desenvolvimento do layout, construção de jogos educativos de acordo com os conteúdos, desenvolvimento do sistema de login e cadastro dos usuários, fale-conosco e fórum de discussão, sistema para avaliação on-line do objeto digital de aprendizagem e área administrativa do site. As respostas \"muito bom\" e \"ótimo\" representaram 86% das avaliações dos enfermeiros e 77% das avaliações dos profissionais da área de informática. Tais percentuais ampliam-se para 96% e 92%, respectivamente, ao se incorporar o conceito \"bom\". A maioria das sugestões emitidas pelos avaliadores foi incorporada na edição final do site. Assim conclui-se que o website é válido para uso e disponibilização à comunidade, constituindo-se em tecnologia inovadora dirigida aos familiares de prematuros que pode contribuir com o aprendizado e incentivo ao aleitamento materno. Ressalta-se também a necessidade de ampliação da avaliação deste website junto a outros profissionais de saúde, bem como o impacto de seu uso no processo ensino aprendizagem e na prevalência do aleitamento materno dos prematuros. / In an effort to help mothers of preterm babies in the practice and maintenance of breast feeding their children, we felt motivated to perform the present study visualizing the possibility of building an educational tool to assist them in the care to their preterms. Thus, our objectives are: developing a digital learning object - a website - about maternal breast feeding of preterm babies, directed to their families as well as evaluating the use of such digital learning object by professionals in the nursing and in the informatics area. The theoretical reference for the development of the digital learning object of this descriptive research is based on Paulo Freire and on CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction ).As a website developing model we used the User-Centered Design whose steps were: choosing the theme and the emotional factors of the project; evaluating and analyzing the health needs with professionals (through chats and phone calls to an expert committee, utilizing theme generators); identifying solutions , articulating objectives and analyzing the doubts; and developing and prototyping it according to the users\" evaluation. The intended sample was composed by 29 nurses and 5 professionals from the informatics area. The evaluation tool was based on the principles established by the ISO 9241(division in seven groups) Usability standards. The data analysis was done through descriptive statistics. The project has been approved by a Research Ethics Committee. Based on the themes suggested by the experts committee, on a bibliographical research and on professional experience, the contents of the site were organized in four main items on the website: \"My baby was born premature\", ,, My baby is not nursing yet\", My baby is already nursing\" and ,, Let´s go home\". Besides these contents, the building of the site had seven others steps: building of animations and \"characters\" of the website, layout development , building of educational games according to the contents, developing of the login system and users registration, contact us, discussion forums, online evaluation system of the digital learning object and site administration area. The answers \"very good\" and \"excellent\" represented 86% of the evaluations of the nurses and 77% of the evaluations of the professionals in the informatics area. Such percentage increases to 96% and 92% respectively when the concept \"good\" is incorporated. Most of the suggestions given by the evaluators were incorporated to the site\"s final edition. Thus, we conclude that the website is valid for the use and availability to the community, being as such an innovative technology which can contribute to the knowledge and incentive to breast feeding for the families of preterm babies. The necessity of spreading the evaluation of this website to other professionals of health is also pointed out, as well as the impact of its use in the teaching - learning process and in the prevalence of the maternal breast feeding of preterms. Keywords:

Desenvolvimento e avaliação do objeto digital de aprendizagem sobre o aleitamento materno do prematuro / Development and evaluation of a digital learning object about breastfeeding of preterm babies

Ferecini, Geovana Magalhães 27 January 2012 (has links)
Em um esforço para auxiliar mães e famílias na prática e manutenção do aleitamento materno de bebês prematuros, motivamo-nos a realizar o presente estudo, visualizando a possibilidade de construir um instrumento educativo a fim de auxiliá-los neste cuidado com seus filhos prematuros. Neste sentido, os objetivos do presente estudo são: desenvolver um objeto digital de aprendizagem, um website sobre o aleitamento materno do prematuro, dirigido à família, e avaliar este objeto digital de aprendizagem junto a profissionais de enfermagem e informática. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, cujo referencial teórico para o desenvolvimento do objeto digital está fundamentado em Paulo Freire e na CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction - Instrução Assistida por Computador). Como modelo de desenvolvimento de website, utilizamos o User-Centered Design (projeto centrado no usuário) cujas fases foram: escolha do tema e fatores motivacionais do projeto, avaliação e análise das necessidades de saúde junto à profissionais (por meio de chats e ligações telefônicas com um comitê de especialistas, utilizando-se de temas geradores); identificação de soluções, articulação dos objetivos e análises dos questionamentos; e desenvolvimento e prototipagem com avaliação junto aos usuários. A amostra intencional constituiu-se de 29 enfermeiros e cinco profissionais da área da informática. O instrumento de avaliação utilizado baseou-se em princípios estabelecidos pela Norma ISO 9241 (divididos em sete grupos) e de Usabilidade. Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se a estatística descritiva. O projeto foi aprovado por Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Com base nos temas sugeridos pelo comitê de especialistas, revisão da literatura e experiência profissional, os conteúdos do site foram organizados em quatro grandes itens no website: \"Meu bebê nasceu prematuro\", \"Meu bebê ainda não está mamando\", \"Meu bebê já está mamando\" e \"Vamos para casa\". Além destes conteúdos, a construção do site se deu em sete outras etapas: construção de animações e \"personagens\" do website, desenvolvimento do layout, construção de jogos educativos de acordo com os conteúdos, desenvolvimento do sistema de login e cadastro dos usuários, fale-conosco e fórum de discussão, sistema para avaliação on-line do objeto digital de aprendizagem e área administrativa do site. As respostas \"muito bom\" e \"ótimo\" representaram 86% das avaliações dos enfermeiros e 77% das avaliações dos profissionais da área de informática. Tais percentuais ampliam-se para 96% e 92%, respectivamente, ao se incorporar o conceito \"bom\". A maioria das sugestões emitidas pelos avaliadores foi incorporada na edição final do site. Assim conclui-se que o website é válido para uso e disponibilização à comunidade, constituindo-se em tecnologia inovadora dirigida aos familiares de prematuros que pode contribuir com o aprendizado e incentivo ao aleitamento materno. Ressalta-se também a necessidade de ampliação da avaliação deste website junto a outros profissionais de saúde, bem como o impacto de seu uso no processo ensino aprendizagem e na prevalência do aleitamento materno dos prematuros. / In an effort to help mothers of preterm babies in the practice and maintenance of breast feeding their children, we felt motivated to perform the present study visualizing the possibility of building an educational tool to assist them in the care to their preterms. Thus, our objectives are: developing a digital learning object - a website - about maternal breast feeding of preterm babies, directed to their families as well as evaluating the use of such digital learning object by professionals in the nursing and in the informatics area. The theoretical reference for the development of the digital learning object of this descriptive research is based on Paulo Freire and on CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction ).As a website developing model we used the User-Centered Design whose steps were: choosing the theme and the emotional factors of the project; evaluating and analyzing the health needs with professionals (through chats and phone calls to an expert committee, utilizing theme generators); identifying solutions , articulating objectives and analyzing the doubts; and developing and prototyping it according to the users\" evaluation. The intended sample was composed by 29 nurses and 5 professionals from the informatics area. The evaluation tool was based on the principles established by the ISO 9241(division in seven groups) Usability standards. The data analysis was done through descriptive statistics. The project has been approved by a Research Ethics Committee. Based on the themes suggested by the experts committee, on a bibliographical research and on professional experience, the contents of the site were organized in four main items on the website: \"My baby was born premature\", ,, My baby is not nursing yet\", My baby is already nursing\" and ,, Let´s go home\". Besides these contents, the building of the site had seven others steps: building of animations and \"characters\" of the website, layout development , building of educational games according to the contents, developing of the login system and users registration, contact us, discussion forums, online evaluation system of the digital learning object and site administration area. The answers \"very good\" and \"excellent\" represented 86% of the evaluations of the nurses and 77% of the evaluations of the professionals in the informatics area. Such percentage increases to 96% and 92% respectively when the concept \"good\" is incorporated. Most of the suggestions given by the evaluators were incorporated to the site\"s final edition. Thus, we conclude that the website is valid for the use and availability to the community, being as such an innovative technology which can contribute to the knowledge and incentive to breast feeding for the families of preterm babies. The necessity of spreading the evaluation of this website to other professionals of health is also pointed out, as well as the impact of its use in the teaching - learning process and in the prevalence of the maternal breast feeding of preterms. Keywords:

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