Spelling suggestions: "subject:"digital texto""
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Solución para determinar la relevancia de un texto por medio del nivel de subjetividad en textos digitalesPajuelo Huayta, Luis Enrique, Gómez Mandujano, Juan Carlos 27 September 2019 (has links)
En la actualidad el internet es el medio más utilizado, el cual alberga una gran cantidad de información textual sobre diversos temas; sin embargo, dicha información, en la gran mayoría de casos no es regulada por criterios de calidad de información, ya que cualquier usuario puede publicar y editar el contenido, lo cual se genera la necesidad de encontrar procedimientos automatizados que puedan filtrar los contenidos de los textos en la web.
El objetivo principal del proyecto es implementar una solución que permita identificar el grado la subjetividad de un texto en base a un diccionario de datos, esto se podrá debido a la implementación de procesos que ayuden a determinar la subjetividad de textos.
El software desarrollado en el proyecto es basado en software de licencia abierta que permite analizar y almacenar un conjunto de palabras según la ponderación de frecuencia de la subjetividad estimada por cada distribución creando así un diccionario. Para esto, todas las palabras son transformadas a su forma base sin importar su variación morfológica a través del uso de técnicas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural.
Como resultado del proyecto se realizó la implementación de una solución software el cual realiza la obtención del grado de subjetividad. Dicho software procesa la información y es almacenado para luego ser mostrado por medio de reportes. El resultado de la solución software fue validado para verificar la efectividad de este. El resultado mostró un porcentaje de efectividad satisfactoria. / In the present time, the internet is one of the most used media worldwide, and it has a lot of textual information about different topics; But that information, in many cases is not regulated by any information quality criteria. This is caused because any person can publish or edit the content of its. This generates the necessity of find automated procedures to filter the contents of the texts on the web.
The main objective of the project is to implement a solution that allows identifying the degree of subjectivity of a text based on a data dictionary, this may be due to the implementation of processes that help define the subjectivity of texts.
The developed software in the project is based on open source software that allows to analyze and store a set of words according to the frequency weighting of the subjectivity estimated by each distribution thus creating a dictionary. For this, all words are transformed to their base form regardless of their morphological variation through the use of natural language processing techniques.
As a result of the project, the implementation of a software solution gives a result, which obtains the degree of subjectivity. This software processes the information. After that is stored and then be shown through reports. The result of the software solution was validated to verify its effectiveness. The result showed a satisfactory effectiveness percentage. / Tesis
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Attitude Toward Digital and Print-Based Reading: A Survey for Elementary StudentsAllen, Diedre D. 01 January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to create a valid and reliable survey to measure third through fifth grade students' attitudes toward reading across three mediums: print, e-reader, and Internet. The theoretical framework pulls from self-determination theory and affective models to guide the development of a survey intended for use with intermediate elementary students. The Attitude Toward Reading Survey (ATRS) was developed and field-tested, revised, and field-tested again. Data analysis included confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha reliability, and cumulative logit modeling. The results indicate the survey is a reliable and valid tool for teachers to use. The ATRS could be strengthened from future field-testing with a larger sample across a more diverse population of students.
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Digital Mentor Texts: Practical Methods for Using Digital Texts in the Reading and Writing WorkshopKeith, Karin 01 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Digital Mentor Texts: Practical Methods for Using Digital Texts in the Reading and Writing WorkshopKeith, Karin 01 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Digital läsning i skolans tidiga år : Fyra lärares erfarenheter av och syn på undervisning i digital läsning / Digital reading in the early years in school : Four teachers` experiences of and views on teaching with digital readingAppert, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Föreliggande studie syftar till att undersöka hur lärare undervisar elever på lågstadiet i att läsa och förstå digitala texter i klassrumssammanhang. Studien utgår från det sociokulturella perspektivet som tolkningsram. Materialet i studien bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer av fyra lärare som undervisar på lågstadiet. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av en innehållsanalys och Rasmussons fem förmågor och kompetenser som krävs vid digital läsning (Rasmusson, 2014). Resultatet i studien visar att lärarna i större utsträckning använder tryckta texter än digitala texter i sin läsundervisning. Ingen av lärarna uttrycker att de medvetet planerar sin undervisning med syfte att eleverna ska träna de förmågor och kompetenser som krävs vid digital läsning. Studiens resultat visar även att när lärare involverar elevernas intresse- och erfarenhetsområden vid val av digitala texter, upplever de att elevernas digitala läsförståelse påverkas positivt. Resultatet visar att det finns en kunskapslucka om bedömning av elevers digitala läsförståelse inom forskningen vilket pekar på ett fortsatt behov av forskning inom detta område.
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Sensibilização de futuros professores para a docência em Educação a Distância no ensino da leitura de textos digitais em língua francesa: o Moodle como espaço de formação inicial / Enticing future teachers to teach digital text reading in the French language through Distance Education: Moodle as an initial instruction spaceSantos, Valkiria 09 April 2015 (has links)
A relação do homem com o tempo, o espaço e as tecnologias de informação e comunicação mediadas pela Internet resultaram em adequações, mudanças e inovações no cenário educacional. No que se refere à modalidade de ensino Educação a Distância, a crescente demanda e oferta de cursos traz como questão central a reflexão e a discussão sobre a formação de professores especializados, em língua materna e estrangeira, com saberes e habilidades necessários para atuar nesse contexto. Em se tratando dessa modalidade aplicada ao ensino da leitura em língua estrangeira, no caso desta pesquisa, em francês, nossos objetivos foram o de discutir, primeiramente, o ensino da leitura de textos digitais (hipertextos e multimodais) em língua francesa; em seguida, discutir e verificar quais os conhecimentos e habilidades necessários para que o professor em formação possa atuar em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem e, num terceiro momento, promover a sensibilização dos futuros professores de francês para a docência em EaD no ensino da leitura de textos digitais em língua francesa por meio de atividades elaboradas pelos alunos participantes da pesquisa atuando no papel de professor. O contexto de produção dos dados ocorreu no curso Leitura e Avaliação em francês, realizado na Plataforma Moodle, oferecido aos alunos da disciplina Atividades de Estágio: Francês, Licenciatura em Letras/Francês, da Universidade de São Paulo. Adotamos como metodologia de pesquisa a pesquisa-ação por permitir ao pesquisador intervenção direta com os participantes, por meio de interações em diversas atividades desenvolvidas no curso. O corpus de nossa pesquisa é constituído por questionários respondidos pelos participantes, interações nos fóruns de discussão e a análise das atividades de leitura de textos digitais em francês elaboradas pelos participantes, ao final do curso. O referencial teórico que orientou a análise e discussão dos dados apoiou-se nos conceitos de textos digitais - hipertextos e textos multimodais - (LÉVY, 1993, 1999; XAVIER, 2005; MARCUSCHI, 2007; LACELLE; LEBRUN, 2012; DIONÍSIO; VASCONCELOS; SOUZA, 2014); sobre leitura (GIASSON, 1990; PIETRARÓIA, 1997, 2001; PIETRARÓIA; ALBUQUERQUE-COSTA, 2014) procurando também considerar as implicações cognitivas da leitura de textos digitais. No que se refere à formação de professores para a docência em EaD baseamo-nos em KENSKI (2003); KOELHER; MISHRA (2009); MAYRINK; ALBUQUERQUE-COSTA (2013), bem como os pressupostos conceituais sobre mediação (FEUERSTEIN, 1994 apud SOUZA; DEPRESBITERIS; MACHADO, 2004) fluência digital (TAROUCO, 2013) e modalidade comunicacional interativa (SILVA, 2012). Os resultados mostraram que a sensibilização para a docência em EaD e para o ensino da leitura de textos digitais pressupõe a necessidade de programas de formação consistentes e contínuos, viabilizados com a inclusão de disciplinas regulares no currículo do curso de Licenciatura que contemplem a apropriação das TIC de modo crítico e reflexivo, proporcionando ao professor em formação vivenciar de modo prático o uso das tecnologias no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, além da preparação para a atuação em Educação a Distância como um dos espaços para a atuação docente além da sala de aula tradicional. / The relation of men with time, space and information and communication technologies mediated through the Internet has generated adjustments, changes and innovations on the educational sphere. On the subject of Distance Education, the growing demand and offer of courses brings forth as a central matter the reflection and discussion about the education of specialized teachers of native and foreign languages with the necessary knowledge and abilities to work on this context. To address this modality applied to the teaching of reading in a foreign language in the case of this research, French our objectives were first to discuss the teaching of digital text reading (hypertexts and multimodal texts) in French; followed by the discussion and examination of which abilities and knowledge are necessary for the teacher in training to work on digital learning environments; and third, to entice future French teachers to lecture about digital text reading in French through Distance Education with activities developed by students that took part on the research acting as teachers. The data production took place on the Moodle Platform course \"Leitura e Avaliação em Francês\" (Reading and Evaluation in French), offered to students of the discipline \"Atividades de Estágio: Francês\" (Internship Activities: French), Licentiate in Languages/French of University of São Paulo. We adopted as research methodology the action research because it provides to the researcher direct intervention with the participants through interactions in many activities developed during the course. Our research corpus is formed by questionnaires answered by participants, interactions on discussion forums and analysis of digital text reading activities in French developed by participants at the end of the course. The theoretical references that guided the data analysis and discussion were based on digital text concepts - hypertexts and multimodal texts - (LÉVY, 1993, 1999; XAVIER, 2005; MARCUSCHI, 2007; LACELLE; LEBRUN, 2012; DIONÍSIO; VASCONCELOS; SOUZA, 2014); reading concepts (GIASSON, 1990; PIETRARÓIA, 1997, 2001; PIETRARÓIA; ALBUQUERQUE-COSTA, 2014), and the cognitive implications of digital text reading was also considered. When referring to the training of teachers for teaching through Distance Education, we used as a base KENSKI (2003); KOELHER; MISHRA (2009); MAYRINK; ALBUQUERQUE-COSTA( 2013), as well as conceptual presupposition about mediation (FEUERSTEIN, 1994 apud SOUZA; DEPRESBITERIS; MACHADO, 2004); digital fluency (TAROUCO, 2013); and interactive communication modality (SILVA, 2012). The results revealed that to entice teaching through Distance Education and teaching digital text reading, it is implied the necessity of consistent and successive training programs, obtained through the inclusion of regular disciplines on the Licentiate course curriculum that approach the appropriation of ITC critically and reflexively, providing to the teacher in training a practical experience of the use of technologies on the process of teaching and learning, as well as the preparation for working with Distance Education as one of the teacher\'s work environment that goes beyond the traditional classroom.
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Sensibilização de futuros professores para a docência em Educação a Distância no ensino da leitura de textos digitais em língua francesa: o Moodle como espaço de formação inicial / Enticing future teachers to teach digital text reading in the French language through Distance Education: Moodle as an initial instruction spaceValkiria Santos 09 April 2015 (has links)
A relação do homem com o tempo, o espaço e as tecnologias de informação e comunicação mediadas pela Internet resultaram em adequações, mudanças e inovações no cenário educacional. No que se refere à modalidade de ensino Educação a Distância, a crescente demanda e oferta de cursos traz como questão central a reflexão e a discussão sobre a formação de professores especializados, em língua materna e estrangeira, com saberes e habilidades necessários para atuar nesse contexto. Em se tratando dessa modalidade aplicada ao ensino da leitura em língua estrangeira, no caso desta pesquisa, em francês, nossos objetivos foram o de discutir, primeiramente, o ensino da leitura de textos digitais (hipertextos e multimodais) em língua francesa; em seguida, discutir e verificar quais os conhecimentos e habilidades necessários para que o professor em formação possa atuar em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem e, num terceiro momento, promover a sensibilização dos futuros professores de francês para a docência em EaD no ensino da leitura de textos digitais em língua francesa por meio de atividades elaboradas pelos alunos participantes da pesquisa atuando no papel de professor. O contexto de produção dos dados ocorreu no curso Leitura e Avaliação em francês, realizado na Plataforma Moodle, oferecido aos alunos da disciplina Atividades de Estágio: Francês, Licenciatura em Letras/Francês, da Universidade de São Paulo. Adotamos como metodologia de pesquisa a pesquisa-ação por permitir ao pesquisador intervenção direta com os participantes, por meio de interações em diversas atividades desenvolvidas no curso. O corpus de nossa pesquisa é constituído por questionários respondidos pelos participantes, interações nos fóruns de discussão e a análise das atividades de leitura de textos digitais em francês elaboradas pelos participantes, ao final do curso. O referencial teórico que orientou a análise e discussão dos dados apoiou-se nos conceitos de textos digitais - hipertextos e textos multimodais - (LÉVY, 1993, 1999; XAVIER, 2005; MARCUSCHI, 2007; LACELLE; LEBRUN, 2012; DIONÍSIO; VASCONCELOS; SOUZA, 2014); sobre leitura (GIASSON, 1990; PIETRARÓIA, 1997, 2001; PIETRARÓIA; ALBUQUERQUE-COSTA, 2014) procurando também considerar as implicações cognitivas da leitura de textos digitais. No que se refere à formação de professores para a docência em EaD baseamo-nos em KENSKI (2003); KOELHER; MISHRA (2009); MAYRINK; ALBUQUERQUE-COSTA (2013), bem como os pressupostos conceituais sobre mediação (FEUERSTEIN, 1994 apud SOUZA; DEPRESBITERIS; MACHADO, 2004) fluência digital (TAROUCO, 2013) e modalidade comunicacional interativa (SILVA, 2012). Os resultados mostraram que a sensibilização para a docência em EaD e para o ensino da leitura de textos digitais pressupõe a necessidade de programas de formação consistentes e contínuos, viabilizados com a inclusão de disciplinas regulares no currículo do curso de Licenciatura que contemplem a apropriação das TIC de modo crítico e reflexivo, proporcionando ao professor em formação vivenciar de modo prático o uso das tecnologias no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, além da preparação para a atuação em Educação a Distância como um dos espaços para a atuação docente além da sala de aula tradicional. / The relation of men with time, space and information and communication technologies mediated through the Internet has generated adjustments, changes and innovations on the educational sphere. On the subject of Distance Education, the growing demand and offer of courses brings forth as a central matter the reflection and discussion about the education of specialized teachers of native and foreign languages with the necessary knowledge and abilities to work on this context. To address this modality applied to the teaching of reading in a foreign language in the case of this research, French our objectives were first to discuss the teaching of digital text reading (hypertexts and multimodal texts) in French; followed by the discussion and examination of which abilities and knowledge are necessary for the teacher in training to work on digital learning environments; and third, to entice future French teachers to lecture about digital text reading in French through Distance Education with activities developed by students that took part on the research acting as teachers. The data production took place on the Moodle Platform course \"Leitura e Avaliação em Francês\" (Reading and Evaluation in French), offered to students of the discipline \"Atividades de Estágio: Francês\" (Internship Activities: French), Licentiate in Languages/French of University of São Paulo. We adopted as research methodology the action research because it provides to the researcher direct intervention with the participants through interactions in many activities developed during the course. Our research corpus is formed by questionnaires answered by participants, interactions on discussion forums and analysis of digital text reading activities in French developed by participants at the end of the course. The theoretical references that guided the data analysis and discussion were based on digital text concepts - hypertexts and multimodal texts - (LÉVY, 1993, 1999; XAVIER, 2005; MARCUSCHI, 2007; LACELLE; LEBRUN, 2012; DIONÍSIO; VASCONCELOS; SOUZA, 2014); reading concepts (GIASSON, 1990; PIETRARÓIA, 1997, 2001; PIETRARÓIA; ALBUQUERQUE-COSTA, 2014), and the cognitive implications of digital text reading was also considered. When referring to the training of teachers for teaching through Distance Education, we used as a base KENSKI (2003); KOELHER; MISHRA (2009); MAYRINK; ALBUQUERQUE-COSTA( 2013), as well as conceptual presupposition about mediation (FEUERSTEIN, 1994 apud SOUZA; DEPRESBITERIS; MACHADO, 2004); digital fluency (TAROUCO, 2013); and interactive communication modality (SILVA, 2012). The results revealed that to entice teaching through Distance Education and teaching digital text reading, it is implied the necessity of consistent and successive training programs, obtained through the inclusion of regular disciplines on the Licentiate course curriculum that approach the appropriation of ITC critically and reflexively, providing to the teacher in training a practical experience of the use of technologies on the process of teaching and learning, as well as the preparation for working with Distance Education as one of the teacher\'s work environment that goes beyond the traditional classroom.
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Effects Of A Reading Strategy With Digital Social Studies Texts For Eighth Grade StudentsMalani, Melissa Doan 01 January 2012 (has links)
Recent data indicate that only 34% of American eighth grade students are able to demonstrate grade-level proficiency with academic reading tasks (NCES, 2011). The staggering nature of statistics such as this is even more profound when considering that high level literacy skills combined with mastery of digital texts have become practical requirements for success in secondary education, post-secondary education, and virtually all vocational contexts. Despite this incongruent scenario, little research has been conducted to evaluate instructional methods and reading comprehension strategies with digital texts. To address this critical issue, the present study examined the effects of a metacognitive reading comprehension instructional protocol (STRUCTURE Your Reading [SYR]; Ehren, 2008) with eighth grade students using digital texts in a standard social studies classroom in an urban American school setting. The focus of the protocol was on teaching strategies and selfquestioning prompts before, during, and after reading. The study employed a randomized controlled design and consisted of three conditions with a total of 4 participating teachers and 124 participating students. The study was conducted over 25 instructional days and two instructional units with 13.83 treatment hours within the standard, social studies classes. Hierarchical ANCOVA analyses revealed that when controlling for pre-test measurements, the comparison and experimental groups performed significantly better than the control group with instructional unit test scores (Unit 2), reading strategy use in all stages of reading (before, during, and after), and self-questioning prompts during reading. Comparison iv and experimental groups did not significantly differ in these gains, indicating that this instructional protocol is effective with both paper and digital text. These findings suggest that the SYR instructional protocol is effective with secondary students in content area classrooms when using digital text. Furthermore, they suggest that metacognition and reading comprehension strategy instruction are able to be successfully embedded within a content area class and result in academic and metacognitive gains. Clinical implications and future research directions and are discussed.
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Authorship and the production of literary value, 1982-2012 : Bret Easton Ellis, Paul Auster, J.T. LeRoy, and Tucker MaxLutton, Alison Mary January 2014 (has links)
Definitions of celebrity authorship and material textuality at the turn of the twenty-first century have predominantly emphasised the implicitly negative aspects of contemporary developments in the literary marketplace. Particularly prominent are arguments that the practice of authorship has become subject to homogenisation by the matrix of celebrity in which successful writers are now expected to function; and, further, that the changing nature of texts themselves and the ways in which they are marketed is eroding the implicitly superior position traditionally held by literature in the cultural marketplace. This thesis views such readings as pessimistic, and offers an alternative, seeking to formulate a new critical approach to literary value in the contemporary sphere which would appreciate notions of celebrity, populism, and digital mediation as integral and productive aspects of how literary value is formed today. Through in-depth focus on the cases of a number of unconventional contemporary American authors whose work demonstrates differing, innovative approaches to the process of authorship, this thesis exposes the ways in which contemporary, atypically ‘literary’ instances of writing can and do work within and develop beyond traditional conceptualisations of authorship and literary value. Bret Easton Ellis and Jay McInerney, largely critically considered prototypical ‘celebrity’ authors, are in the first chapter reconsidered as writers whose understanding of their position within the literary marketplace affords them a self-conscious, critical perspective on the notion of celebrity in their work and public personae. The productively self-conscious author-figure is reconsidered in the second chapter, which reads the individual and joint works of author Paul Auster and visual artist Sophie Calle as foregrounding the process of creative collaboration as uniquely illuminating and transformative within the contemporary literary sphere. The notion of dual authorship is revisited and reconceptualised in the third chapter, which considers JT LeRoy and the practice of hoax authorship, outlining how this process forces the reformulation of literary value, particularly in a contemporary setting in which authors are accountable for their work in newer, more visible ways. The final chapter expands these previously-introduced themes to consider bloggers-turned-authors, particularly Tucker Max and Julie Powell, and the impact of the merging of old and new textualities on both the orientation of the figure of the writer and the way in which value is attached to his texts by readers. Ultimately, the unconventional nature of these examples is shown to belie the universality of the representations of value they enact, contributing to a full and salient account of how literary value is determined at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
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Multiliteracies : a critical ethnography : pedagogy, power, discourse and access to multiliteraciesMills, Kathy Ann January 2006 (has links)
The multiliteracies pedagogy of the New London Group is a response to the emergence of new literacies and changing forms of meaning-making in contemporary contexts of increased cultural and linguistic diversity. This critical ethnographic research investigates the interactions between pedagogy, power, discourses, and differential access to multiliteracies, among a group of culturally and linguistically diverse learners in a mainstream Australian classroom. The study documents the way in which a teacher enacted the multiliteracies pedagogy through a series of mediabased lessons with her year six (aged 11-12 years) class. The reporting of this research is timely because the multiliteracies pedagogy has become a key feature of Australian educational policy initiatives and syllabus requirements. The methodology of this study was based on Carspecken's critical ethnography. This method includes five stages: Stage One involved eighteen days of observational data collection over the course of ten weeks in the classroom. The multiliteracies lessons aimed to enable learners to collaboratively design a claymation movie. Stage Two was the initial analysis of data, including verbatim transcribing, coding, and applying analytic tools to the data. Stage Three involved semi-structured, forty-five minute interviews with the principal, teacher, and four culturally and linguistically diverse students. In Stages Four and Five, the results of micro-level data analysis were compared with macro-level phenomena using structuration theory and extant literature about access to multiliteracies. The key finding was that students' access to multiliteracies differed among the culturally and linguistically diverse group. Existing degrees of access were reproduced, based on the learners' relation to the dominant culture. In the context of the media-based lessons in which students designed claymation movies, students from Anglo-Australian, middle-class backgrounds had greater access to transformed designing than those who were culturally marginalised. These experiences were mediated by pedagogy, power, and discourses in the classroom, which were in turn influenced by the agency of individuals. The individuals were both enabled and constrained by structures of power within the school and the wider educational and social systems. Recommendations arising from the study were provided for teachers, principals, policy makers and researchers who seek to monitor and facilitate the success of the multiliteracies pedagogy in culturally and linguistically diverse educational contexts.
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