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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Idrottslärares syn på digitala verktyg : En kvalitativ studie om möjligheter, hinder och funktioner gällande digitala verktyg i ämnet idrott och hälsa

Kaplan, Tim Timotheos, Koror, Diaco January 2022 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka lärares upplevelser och erfarenheter av digitalaverktyg i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Utifrån det vill vi granska närmare hur digitala verktyg används i undervisningen i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Frågeställningarna för denna studie är: ● Vad menar idrottslärare möjliggör för användning av digitala verktyg i sinundervisning? ● Vad hindrar idrottslärare från att tillämpa digitala verktyg? ● Vad upplever idrottslärare att digitala verktyg har för funktion i undervisningen? Metod Denna studie har genomförts utifrån en hermeneutisk utgångspunkt och utförts med kvalitativansats. Urvalet för denna studie var ett bekvämlighetsurval med inklusionskriterier. Underarbetets gång har fem idrottslärare intervjuats där målet var att gå in på djupet och av den anledningen utfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer. Därefter transkriberades intervjuerna ochdet insamlade materialet kodades för att sedan placeras i olika kategorier. Resultat Resultatet visar att alla intervjuade idrottslärare använder digitala verktyg i sin undervisning iolika utsträckningar. Vi kunde även se att idrottslärarna hade olika typer av erfarenheter och upplevelser när det kom till de digitala verktygen. Slutsats Idrottslärarna som deltagit i denna studie använder digitala verktyg på olika sätt. Det framkommer att det finns fler hinder än möjligheter till att använda digitala verktyg. Trots detta har de deltagande överlag en positiv attityd kring användningen av digitala verktyg i idrottsundervisningen. Därmed kommer dom att fortsätta arbeta med digitala verktyg  iframtiden. / The aim of this study is to examine Physical Education teachers experiences of the use ofdigital tools during teaching. This is a study with a qualitative and hermeneutic approach.There are 5 teachers who are interviewed and questioned about their experiences of the usage of digital tools in their teachings. The results of the study show that all the interviewed teachers use digital tools in their teaching in one way or another, whereas they also have different experiences about digitalization. The conclusion is that all teachers use digital tools in different ways. There are more obstacles than possibilities that affect how often they canuse different digital tools. Overall teachers have a positive attitude towards digital tools, and therefore they will keep on using them.

Skriva med digitala hjälpmedel eller för hand? : En studie om elevers skrivutveckling

Swärd Willman, Johanna, Netzel, Lovisa January 2022 (has links)
Traditional writing instruction is disappearing increasingly and digital aids are taking over writing instruction. Research highlights the benefits of having students write by hand because it promotes learning. Unlike having students write with digital tools that are not as favorable. Research has shown that there are many benefits to students 'writing development when they write by hand, the study therefore aims to examine how teachers motivate the use of digital writing tools to promote students' writing development. The study has undergone a qualitative research method where teachers active in year F-3 have been interviewed. The teachers in the study have been interviewed about how they use digital tools in the classroom when it comes to writing lessons and teachers' attitude towards using digital writing tools. The study showed that teachers are positive about using digital tools when teaching writing because the tools contribute to students' motivation to write. Digital aids benefit students' writing development where they develop writing skills. Teachers see digital writing tools as a complement to traditional writing instruction. Based on the study, the authors also conclude that digital tools in teaching are directly decisive for students who for various reasons are in need of support for their continued development in writing teaching. Keywords: writing development analog writing tools, digital tools, traditional writing instruction.

Digitala verktygs effekter på elevers läs- och skrivutveckling : En kunskapsöversikt

Svensson, Nina, Ewald, Anna, Andersson, Annelie January 2022 (has links)
Läs- och skrivkunskaper är självklara och centrala delar kring elevernas lärprocesser genom grundskolan samtidigt som det uppmärksammas i både forskning och styrdokument. Införandet av teknik i både skolan och i samhället påverkar kunskapen och vad som är relevant att lära sig och hur. Detta gör att elever måste lära sig att orientera sig bland digitala och föränderliga texter i förberedelse inför samhällets allt större krav på flexibilitet och digitalisering. Syftet med denna kunskapsöversikt är att undersöka användningen av digitala verktyg och dess effekter på elevers läs- och skrivutveckling på lågstadiet, och mer specifikt att besvara frågeställningen: Vilka effekter har digitala verktyg på elevers läs- och skrivutveckling på lågstadiet? För att besvara frågeställningen och uppnå studiens syfte har vi systematiskt tagit fram, analyserat och sammanställt vetenskapliga studier kring hur digitala verktyg inverkar på elevers läs- och skrivutveckling. Vårt resultat visar att läsaktiviteten ökar, elevernas texter blir längre, motivationen höjs och elever i svårigheter får en direkt stöttning med hjälp av digitala verktyg. Verktyget i sig ger inte effekter på elevers lärande utan det handlar om hur verktyget används och val av innehåll som är avgörande för elevernas utveckling. Därav är de didaktiska aspekterna väsentliga för en implementering av digitala undervisningsmetoder då progressionen markant går framåt gentemot traditionella undervisningsformer om det digitala verktyget används på rätt sätt och i rätt sammanhang. / Literacy is a clear and central part of pupils' language development and permeates the whole primary school, as well as being brought to attention by both research and school regulation. The implementation of technology in both schools and society affects how we view knowledge and what is relevant to learning and how. As a result, today's students must learn to navigate modern technology and a large variety of texts in preparation for society's increasing demands for flexibility and digitalization. The aim of this knowledge overview is to investigate the use of digital tools and its effects on pupils' literacy development in primary school, and specifically to answer the research question: What effects do digital tools have on pupils' literacy development in primary school? To answer the research question and achieve the purpose of the study, we have systematically identified, analyzed, and compiled scientific studies on how digital tools affects pupils' literacy. Our results show that reading activities increase, the pupils' texts become longer, motivation increases, and pupils in difficulty receive direct support with the help of digital tools. The tools themselves do not have an impact on pupils' learning, it is how the tools are used and the choice of content that is crucial for pupils' development. Therefore, the didactic aspects are essential for the implementation of digital teaching methods as the progression evolves significantly compared to traditional teaching methods if the digital tools are used in the right way.

The presence of social media in the Swedish classroom. A study of social media usage and its possible effects during classroom instruction

Parmach, Michael January 2017 (has links)
This research aimed to test the hypothesis that mobile phone and social media usage by students during classroom instruction negatively affected academic performance. I believed students who claimed they often followed social media during lessons would have lower overall grade averages and have entered high school with fewer points than students who did not often use social media during lessons. Goals were to examine the debate on mobile phones and social media usage in school and conduct a quantitative self-report study. Questionnaires were distributed to 64 students and 65 teachers at a secondary school in Malmö, Sweden inquiring into the frequency of and attitudes towards social media usage during classroom instruction. The study looked for correlations between such usage, the number of points with which a student entered high school and their current overall grade average. Would frequent usage of social media during lessons lead to a greater tendency for lower grades? Results were mixed. Student groups who did not use a mobile or social media during lessons believed they had higher overall grades than groups who used a mobile or social media regardless of gender, though the believed difference was higher for females than males. Utilizing a contrived quality point system, further data analysis concluded that females who used a mobile/social media during lessons entered high school with an average of 4.8% more points than those who did not, while the opposite was true for the male groups. Males who stated they used a mobile or social media during lessons entered high school with an average of 4.4% fewer points than males who did not use such media. In general, more females used mobiles or social media in class, were more often unsure exactly how often they used them and outnumbered males (11:1) in stating they text or chat during “most” lessons.

Digitala verktyg i modersmålsundervisningen

Abbas, Amira January 2016 (has links)
Digital tools in the mother tongue education.The purpose of my work is to find out how digital tools can be used in the mother tongue education. As a teacher in different schools, I have seen how my teaching colleagues are using the computer as a tool in teaching. This has caused me to be inspired by my colleagues 'and students' interest in computers. My thought and my purpose with this work is to develop mother tongue education, thereby bringing it in to year 2016. I will find out what the difficulties and obstacles that modernization may face, and how it can be tackled and how we can overcome the difficulties.To answer this I will carry out a qualitative study in the form of semi-structured interviews. I'm not going to interview other teachers, but am using my educational capital to answer my questions but will, however, conduct interviews with my students who have mother tongue education. I analyzed the collected material from the interviews based on the motivation theory, but I also used and applied what previous research had said about digital tools in the education/mother tongue education. Based on the results from my interviews, as well as my analysis, I have come up with my development for my field that is a process that takes just five steps. Introduce compulsory mother tongue education for all students. Develop the mother tongue education and produce new, modern school textbooks and literature. Further educate mother tongue teachers. Using software like Fronter, SchoolSoft, Unikum, Google Drive and other school programs. Introduce a balanced, varied teaching with the help of Power Point, Smart Boards, the Internet and various Apps / learning games.

Digitization and Auditors : A study on the impact of digitization on auditors' work during covid-19

Cavallin, Frida, Sjölander, Karl January 2022 (has links)
Since the beginning of 2020 covid-19 has been declared as a public health crisis. Whatfollowed when restrictions were introduced in the world, were that many people wereforced to work from home. Our study will investigate the work of auditors at the largeraudit firms in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to find out how auditors work has beenaffected by the industry's increasing digitization during covid-19. A qualitative methodhas been used to answer the following research questions;In what way has digitization changed the way auditors work during covid-19?Could some of these changes remain after covid-19 has ended?Five auditors have been interviewed from KPMG, PwC, and Grant Thornton. By using thestudys collection of theories the responses from the interviews were analyzed. The chapterwith empirical findings is where the data collection is gathered. Here it shows that covid-19 has affected the auditors work in both a positive and negative manner. The mainpositive side of covid-19 is that work became even more flexible than before. Thenegative side is that the social interactions were missing. Digital tools and equipment haveoverall been of great value during covid-19, though perhaps not to a larger extent thanbefore covid-19. Further, now that the restrictions had been lifted, our respondents saw afuture of working from home more continuously and being able to dictate their ownworking hours with the help of digital tools and equipment.

Från skärm till pärm : Uppfattningar om digitalisering i förskolan / From screen to folder : Perceptions of digitalisation in preschool

Eriksson, Johanna, Törnberg Rydberg, Anna January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att få mer kunskap om olika uppfattningar om digitalisering i förskolan. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie med intervjuer, utifrån ett strategiskt val av intervjupersoner med olika åsikter och uppfattningar om ämnet. Vi delade in informanterna i en fyrfältare utifrån om de är positivt eller negativt inställda till digitalisering i förskolan, respektive forskare och verksamma i förskolan. Vi har använt oss av en fenomenografisk analysmetod för att analysera den insamlade empirin samt Bronfenbrenners systemteori för att sätta de olika uppfattningarna i en kontext. Resultatet av studien visar att det finns skilda uppfattningar om huruvida digitala verktyg ska vara en del av förskolans verksamhet eller inte. Det diskuteras om skärmens påverkan på barnens hjärnor kontra mervärdet som digitala verktyg ger barnen. De som har en negativ uppfattning, anser att digitala verktyg inte ska finnas i förskolans verksamhet. De lyfter att skärmen blir ett hot för det traditionella hantverket och att skärmen försämrar barnens språkutveckling. De som har en positiv uppfattning trycker på att det krävs en omfattande digitaliseringsstrategi för att stärka barnen i deras utveckling av digital kompetens. De vill även lyfta fram att skärmen är mer än bara en skärm. De positiva lyfter även att det krävs ett samarbete mellan hemmen och förskolan.   Några betydelsefulla slutsatser som båda sidorna uttrycker är att hemmet spelar en stor betydelse för barnens användning av skärmar och att skärmar har en tendens att påverka barnens språkutveckling negativt. De positiva lyfter fram att pedagogernas förhållningssätt till digitalisering har också en betydelse för barnen och att de digitala verktygen ska användas på ett förståndigt sätt för att det ska ge ett mervärde till barnen. När man ska använda digitala verktyg ska de vara  i samspel tillsammans med en vuxen för att stödja barnen i deras sociala samspel och kommunikativa utveckling. / The purpose of the study is to gain more knowledge about the different perceptions around digitisation in preschool. To succeed in getting a hold of different perceptions, strategic choices have been made of interviewees who all have shared opinions and perceptions on the subject. We divided the informants into a four-fielder where medical researchers and those who had a negative attitude to digitalisation in preschool created a field. The second field consisted of preschool educational researchers and working preschool teachers who were positive about digitisation in preschool. We have used a phenomenographic analysis method to analyse the collected empirical data aswell as Bronfenbrenner's systems theory to put the different perceptions in a context. The results of the study show that there are different opinions about whether digital tools should be part of the preschool's activities or not. There is discussion about the impact of the screen on the children's brains versus the added value that digital tools give the children. Those who have a negative opinion believe that digital tools should not be in the preschool's operations. They point out that the screen is becoming a threat to the traditional craft and that the screen impairs children's language development. Those who have a positive view stress that a comprehensive digitisation strategy is required to strengthen the children in their development of digital competence. They also want to highlight that the screen is more than just a screen. The positive ones also highlight that cooperation between the homes and the preschool is required. Some important conclusions that have from both sides are that the home plays a major role in children's use of screens and that screens tend to negatively affect children's language development. The educators' approach to digitisation also has a meaning for the children and that the digital tools must be used in a sensible way so that it gives added value to the children. The importance of using digital tools together with an adult to support the children in their social interaction and communicative development.

Digitala verktyg för att stödja elevers lärande inom taluppfattning

Bergvall, Mathilda January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie är att undersöka hur digitala verktyg stödjer elevers lärande inom taluppfattning, och målet är således att bidra med mer kunskap om varför och hur verktygen stödjer eleverna. I uppsatsen presenteras de missuppfattningar och svårigheter som elever har med taluppfattning bland annat inom multiplikation och division, samt hur dessa problem kan lösas med digitala verktyg. Digitala verktyg är ett relativt nytt område inom skolvärlden, därav kan det vara komplext att veta hur verktygen ska användas och positioneras i klassrummet.Resultatet som presenteras visar på att forskning stödjer användning av digitala verktyg inom taluppfattning, vilket har identifierats genom fyra centrala aspekter. Dessa aspekter är motivationshöjning, individuella anpassningar, lärares beredskap samt kognitiva processer. Genom dessa kategorier stödjer digitala verktyg elevers lärande av taluppfattning på olikasätt. I analysen av detta arbete användes den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen. / The aim of this systematic literature study is to investigate how digital tools support pupils’ development of number sense. The goal is to contribute with more knowledge of why and how digital tools support pupils learning of number sense. The study presents themisconceptions and difficulties that pupils have in number sense for instance in multiplication and division, and how these problems can be solved with digital tools. Digital tools are a relatively new area within the school world, which is why the tools usefulness may be complex and how they should be positioned. The Results presented in this study show that research support the use of digital tools in mathematics and number sense, which has been identified through four central aspects. These aspects are motivational increase, individual adaptions, teachers’ readiness and cognitive processes. Through these categories the digital tools support pupils learning of number sense in different ways.In the analysis of this work, the qualitative content analysis was used.

Affärsmodeller mot digitalisering : Förändringar av värdeskapande strategier och tjänstefokus

Dyrke, Sofia, Karlsson, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
The technical use to create value and ease the work for companies have through the last years taken major steps. The use of information technology (IT) has revolutionized opportunities and forced companies to change their offerings in order not to lose their competitiveness in the market. Today, an established company no longer solely consists of a product that represents its business idea, but primarily how to create value together with the market's customers to meet their needs. The digital solution has thus become a popular way for companies to not only streamline the market but also their own business model. Through major changes in society, companies are forced to follow the development, which has brought about a customer focus. IT- companies use a huge business model with groups within the company with cutting-edge expertise to provide solutions to meet the customer's needs. Companies thus start from a basic offer of standardized services, but through co-creation with customers, the company's business model is further developed. The study therefore intends to understand how companies' business models are affected by digitization and how companies can make strategic and operational adaptations in order to meet the challenges of the future. This will be carried out with the support of interviews of the IT-companies` managers as well as the responsible group managers focused on digital tools and their business models. The results produced for the study show tendencies that the companies' business models contain certain more prominent elements in order to maintain a strong whole. These components need to somehow permeate the company's groups consisting of various cutting-edge competencies. Companies have also had different opinions regarding sustainability thinking and how they work around this in different ways. As the business market today consists of great competitiveness, the trust companies build with their customers is essential. A lost customer can create strong contacts with other companies throughout their entire customer lifetime and thus become difficult to win over at a later stage. Digitization will thus have a strong influence on the companies' business models for a continued strong strategy.

Inkludering med hjälp av digitala verktyg : en systematisk litteraturstudie / Inclusion Through the Use of Digital Tools : A Systematic Literature Review

Wretenberg, Samuel, Kjellén, William January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie är att redogöra för vad aktuell forskning säger om hur elever kan inkluderas i den ordinarie matematikundervisningen med hjälp av digitala verktyg. Skolan har historiskt sett exkluderat de elever som har generella matematiksvårigheter genom segregerade lösningar. Våra egna erfarenheter och forskning visar att digitala verktyg ofta finns i skolor men inte används till sin fulla potential. Denna studie utgår ifrån Göransson och Nilholms (2014) teori om inkludering där de presenterar fyra olika idéer om vad inkludering kan vara. Resultatet i denna studie visar att inkludering med hjälp av digitala verktyg kan uppnås genom individanpassning, detta kan ske genom lättillgängliga mjukvaruprogram som exempelvis tillägg i Google Chrome. Vidare visar resultatet att inkludering med hjälp av digitala verktyg kan uppnås genom motivation och engagemang, detta genom exempelvis datorspelsprogrammet ”Minecraft Education Edition” som förespråkar samarbete. Inkludering är ständigt aktuellt och den ökande digitaliseringen av skolan gör att det finns behov av fortsatta studier. / This systematic literature review provides an overview of current research regarding how students can be included in regular mathematics education using digital tools. Historically, schools have excluded students with general mathematics difficulties through segregated solutions. Our experiences and research indicate that digital tools are often present in schools but are not utilized to their full potential. This study is based on Göransson and Nilholm's (2014) theory of inclusion, which presents four different concepts of inclusion. The findings of this study demonstrate that inclusion with the aid of digital tools can be achieved through individualization. This can occur through readily accessible software programs, such as Google Chrome extensions. The results further demonstrate that inclusion through the use of digital tools can be achieved through motivation and engagement, as exemplified by the computer game program "Minecraft Education Edition", which promotes collaboration. Inclusion remains a timely and relevant topic, and the increasing digitalization of schools necessitates further research in this area.

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