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Machsor-Codex digital vereintBürger, Thomas, Haffner, Thomas 04 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In der Universitätsbibliothek Breslau (Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wroclawiu) und in der SLUB Dresden werden wertvolle Handschriften und Drucke digitalisiert, um die Originale leichter zugänglich zu machen und gleichzeitig zu sichern und zu schonen. Beide Bibliotheken besitzen jeweils einen Teil eines alten, um 1290 in Württemberg entstandenen hebräischen Gebetsbuchs, von grandioser Größe, Schönheit und Bedeutung, aber seit Jahrzehnten kaum mehr erforscht. Was lag da näher, als die beiden Handschriftenteile in Breslau und Dresden zu neuem Leben zu erwecken, zu digitalisieren, virtuell zu vereinen und damit Forschern und Interessierten in aller Welt besser als je zuvor zugänglich zu machen?
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Die Refaiya aus DamaskusHanstein, Thoralf, Klemm, Verena, Liebrenz, Boris, Wiesmüller, Beate 19 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In Deutschland boomt die Digitalisierung der Bibliotheken und Archive. Der Trend geht eindeutig in Richtung virtuelle Bibliothek mit über das Internet abrufbaren Beständen. Auch die kleinen „Orchideenfächer“ sind aktiv geworden. Erste Projekte zur Digitalisierung von orientalischen Handschriften, Papyri und Ostraka wurden bereits erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
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Tradition onlineBonte, Achim, Hermann, Konstantin 04 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft ISIS, die im März 2009 ihr 175jähriges Bestehen feiern konnte, gab mit ihrer Vereinszeitschrift ein wichtiges naturwissenschaftliches Periodikum heraus. Der Wert dieser Abhandlungen ist sowohl durch die berühmten Autoren als auch durch die zahlreichen Artikel, die sich als erstes mit bestimmten Themen beschäftigen, noch heute hoch. Im Zuge des Ausbaus der SLUB als Digitalisierungszentrum mit dem Portal Sachsen.digital wurde das Portal Wissenschaftskultur geschaffen, das wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften und Schriftenreihen gelehrter Gesellschaften und Vereine im digitalen Volltext anbietet.
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Digitalakundrelationer : Enfallstudieinomdensvenskabanksektorn / Digitalcustomerrelationships : AcasestudywithintheSwedishbankingsectorAsphede, Gabriella, Persson, Amanda January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Digitalisering är ett aktuellt ämne som ofta uppmärksammas i svensk media. Medfokus på digital utveckling har bankers kundrelationer skiftat från fysiska möten till att i dagbli mer av en digital relation.Syfte: Studien har som syfte att fördjupa diskussionen kring digitala kundrelationer inom densvenska banksektorn.Design/metod: I studien har en abduktiv ansats använts för att kunna anpassa teori efterempiri och vice versa. En kvalitativ metod har använts och empiri har samlats in genom semistruktureradeintervjuer. Till följd av syftet att fördjupa förståelsen för hur bankerskundrelationer förändrats genom digital utveckling, utformades en fallstudie. Tio intervjuergenomfördes, där samtliga respondenter är anställda hos en av Sveriges storbanker.Resultat: Resultatet av studien påvisar att kundrelationer har förändrats mycket under en korttidsperiod. Framförallt tenderar kunder idag att allt oftare interagera i digitala kanaler än attfysiskt besöka ett bankkontor. Implementering av digitala tjänster har skapat flertaletutmaningar för bankerna, främst gällande säkerhet, tillgänglighet, användarvänlighet ochpersoner i digitalt utanförskap. Dock kan banken genom de digitala kanalerna interagera medkunder på en mer daglig basis, vilket enligt banken själva definierar en starkare och stabilarerelation. Dock infann sig meningsskiljaktigheter mellan studiens strateger ochkontorsanställda, då de möter olika kunder i sitt vardagliga arbete.Originalitet/ Värde: Det finns få studier som behandlar ämnet digitalisering inom den svenskabanksektorn. Uppsatsen bidrar därav med kunskap inom ämnet, vilket kan användas i vidareforskning. / Background: Digitalization is a current topic that is often observed in Swedish media.Through a focus on digital development, banks' customer relations nowadays have shiftedfrom physical interactions to be more of a digital relationship.Purpose: The study aims to deepen the discussion on digital customer relationships within theSwedish banking sector.Design/methodology/approach: The study has used an abductive approach to be able tocustomize theory after empiricism and vice versa. Using a qualitative method, empiricism wasgathered through semi-structured interviews. As a result of the purpose, a case study weredesigned. The intention was to deepen the understanding as to how the banks' customerrelationships have changed through the digital development. Ten interviews were carried out,in which all respondents were employees of one of Sweden's major banks.Findings: The study indicates that customer relationships have changed a lot during a shortperiod of time. Customers tend to more often interact in digital channels than visiting aphysical bank branch. Implementation of digital services has created several challenges forthe banks, mainly regarding security, availability, ease of use, and people in digital exclusion.However, digital channels have enabled the Bank to meet customers on a more regular basis,which according to the Bank itself creates a stronger and more stable relationship. However,turned up differeces between the study strategists and office workers, as they encounterdifferent types of customers in their everyday work.Originality/value: There is a lack of Swedish studies that discuss the topic of digitalizationwithin the Swedish banking sector. The essay therefore presents knowledge within thesubject, which can be used in further research.
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Processi di globalizzazione e digitalizzazione nei sistemi mediatici nazionali / Processes of globalization and digitalization in the national media systemsCARELLI, PAOLO 17 June 2011 (has links)
La tesi esamina in che modo i complessi fenomeni della globalizzazione e della digitalizzazione contribuiscano a riscrivere la nozione di «sistema mediatico» in una chiave di superamento dei tradizionali confini nazionali. Se, infatti, per lungo tempo vi è stata una coincidenza tra i confini dei sistemi mediatici e quelli degli stati nazionali, è altresì evidente che la nascita di organismi sovranazionali e attori non statali e le relazioni transnazionali rese possibili dallo sviluppo dei media digitali hanno comportato un mutamento di paradigma.
La ricerca si sofferma sui casi di Spagna e Italia, due Paesi appartenenti al cosiddetto “modello pluralista-polarizzato” (Hallin e Mancini, 2004) e che condividono diverse caratteristiche del sistema della comunicazione, nella convinzione che un’analisi comparativa incentrata su due sistemi simili (Przeworski e Teune, 1970) possa aiutare a evidenziare maggiormente le differenze tra i singoli casi. Entrambi i sistemi mediatici sono stati messi in relazione con i livelli di globalizzazione e digitalizzazione espressi dai principali indici di misurazione e sono stati indagati, secondo una prospettiva macro, sulla base di quattro dimensioni cruciali: l’internazionalizzazione della proprietà mediatica, la diffusione delle nuove tecnologie, la legislazione e i riferimenti sovranazionali in essa contenuti, i legami linguistici e la presenza di media ispanici e italici in altri Paesi del mondo. / The dissertation examines how globalization and digitalization concur to rewrite the notion of «media system» in overcoming national boundaries. For many years, in fact, there has been a coincidence between boundaries of media systems and those of national states; nowadays, the growth of supranational organizations, non-state actors and transnational relations made possible by the development of digital media led to a change of paradigm.
The research dwells on cases of Spain and Italy, two countries that belong to the “pluralist-polarized model” (Hallin and Mancini, 2004) and that share some characteristics of communication system, in the belief that a comparative analysis focused on “most similar systems” (Przeworski and Teune, 1970) can help to highlight the difference between them. Both media systems have been related to globalization and digitalization degrees and analysed in a macro perspective according to four crucial dimensions: internationalization of media ownership, development of new technologies, supranational references in media laws, language legacies and diffusion of Hispanic and Italic media worldwide.
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An Examination Of Possible Contributions Of New Media Terms And Concepts To The Field Of Product DesignAkin, Atif Ahmet 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
New media offer new ways for communication and production. This study aims to explore possible outcomes of the review of the new media literature for a contribution to the field of product design. Examining new media in a descriptive manner, the study presents its basic principles and characteristics. Relevant parts of new media and product design literature are reviewed in order to locate possible connections and/or exchanges between major concepts used in these fields. The two focal points of the study are the transformations that have taken place in (1) userproduct communication and (2) design and production media, resulting from the emergence of new media technologies.
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Vad menar de med digital kompetens? : En studie om lärares uppfattningar om digital kompetens och digitaliseringen av skola / What do they mean by digital competence? : A study of teachers’ preceptions about digital competence and the digitalization of schoolsMathilda, Wirback January 2018 (has links)
Detta arbete har sin utgångspunkt i den ökade digitaliseringen inom skolväsendet, den reviderade läroplanen och regeringens digitaliseringsstrategi för skolväsendet. Arbetet syftade till att undersöka hur lärare uppfattar begreppet digital kompetens samt hur de uppfattar sin egen digitala kompetens. Arbetet avsåg också att undersöka om lärarna känner sig redo att möta de utmaningar digitaliseringen av skolväsendet kan innebära. Detta undersöktes genom kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer och en enkätundersökning. Enkätundersökningen syftade till att ge ett större omfång i såväl uppfattningen av digital kompetens som attityder till digitaliseringen av skolan. Resultaten visar att digital kompetens är ett mångfacetterat begrepp som upplevs svårt att beskriva och att många lärare saknar en tydlig förklaring till begreppet. Vidare visade resultaten att många lärare är positivt inställda till digitaliseringen av skolan men att många lärare upplever ett behov av mer fortbildning för att möta krav som digitaliseringen innebär. Undersökningarna visar även att tillgången till digitala resurser vaierar i landet. / This essay is based on the increased digitalization of the Swedish school system, the revised curriculum and the government’s digitalization strategy for the school system. This essay aims to explore teachers’ perspectives on the concept of digital competence and how they perceive their own digital competence. The essay also aims to investigate if teachers feel equipped to meet the changes posed by the digitalization of the school system. The aim was addressed through qualitative interviews and a survey. The results show that the concept of digital competence is a multi-faceted term that is difficult to describe. Many teachers express that they lack a distinct explanation of the term. Furthermore, the results show that many teachers have a positive attitude towards the digitalization of schools, but many teachers experience a need for further education to meet the demands that digitalization entails.
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“..att en blir sittande med ett hjärndött administrativt jobb” : En kvalitativ studie om digitaliseringen och effektiviseringen inom ekonomiskt bistånd / “..To be left with a braindead administrative job” : A qualitative study about digitalization and effectivization within financial assistanceKnutas, Johannes, Bergström, Amalia January 2018 (has links)
This is a study about the social work profession and the changes which now is being implemented, influenced by efficiency and digitalization. How social services works with financial assistance for those who can’t earn their own living is changing. The traditional street-level bureaucracy with face to face-meetings is being replaced by a more digital work method: “Trelleborgsmodellen”, where the bureaucrat doesn't meet the client during the assessment of the need of financial assistance. The data for the study was collected via three focus groups held in Trelleborg, Gotland and Lidköping. The result showed that bureaucrats in Lidköping and on Gotland had a fear that important details could go missing with the removal of the face to face-meeting. That fear was not present in Trelleborg, were they instead talked about all the benefits that they saw with a simplified, fast and effective administration process. That simplified process is a result of deskilling, the need for education in social work doesn't exist anymore in Trelleborg.
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Digitaliseringens effekter : En fallstudie på LRF Konsult / The effects of digitalization : A case study at LRF KonsultPålsson, Ebba, Ohlsson, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Digitaliseringen är en enorm drivkraft som påverkar alla organisationer vilket leder till förändringar i hur värde skapas och upplevs samt hur verksamheter styrs. Digitaliseringen har lett till ökad konkurrens vilket sätter press på organisationer anpassnings och förändringsförmåga för att kunna bibehålla konkurrensfördelar genom att skapa mer kundvärde. Genom företags värdeskapande processer skapas kundvärde och utgör därmed studiens fokus. Forskare menar att det finns ett kunskapshål gällande digitaliseringens påverkan på värdeskapande processer och vilka effekter det gett samt digitaliseringens påverkan på verksamhetsstyrning, vilket denna studie undersöker. Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att öka kunskapen om digitaliseringens effekter på LRF Konsults värdeskapande processer och vilka krav som ställs på verksamhetsstyrningen. Ytterligare ämnar studien till att bidra med djupare förståelse och kunskap till LRF Konsult och liknande företag om den pågående digitaliseringen. Metod: För att uppfylla studiens syfte tillämpas fallstudie som forskningsstrategi. Insamling av empiriskt material gjordes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med chefer, medarbetare samt kunder på fallföretaget LRF Konsult. Slutsats: Digitaliseringen påverkar de värdeskapande processerna på LRF Konsult i olika utsträckning. Gemensamt kan det dock konstateras att digitaliseringen leder till förändrade arbetsroller, nyttjande av molnbaserade digitala verktyg, ökad digital kommunikation och avmaterialisering. Effekter av detta är ökad effektivitet, tillgänglighet, flexibilitet mer frekvent kommunikation och minskade fysiska möten. Slutsatsen om digitaliseringens påverkan på kundvärdet är att kundens upplevda nytta ökar medan kundens uppoffring tillfälligtvis kan öka men på längre sikt minskar, enligt värdeekvationen ökar alltså det totala kundvärdet. I studien konstateras även att verksamhetsstyrningen påverkas av digitaliseringen. Digitaliseringen influerar de formella styrverktygen till nyttjandet av fler prestationsmått, ökade rutiner och förändring i organisationsstrukturen. För de informella styrverktygen påverkar digitaliseringen på så vis att värderingar anpassas till digitaliseringen och dess möjligheter samt att behovet av motivation och utbildning ökar för att kunna tackla digitaliseringen. / Background: Digitialization is an enormous driving force that affects all organizations, which leads to changes in how value is created and experienced, and further on also in the management control. Digitialization has led to increased competition which puts pressure on organizations' adaptability and ability to maintain competitive advantages by creating more customer value. Through company value creation processes, customer value is created and thus constitutes the focus of this study. Researchers argue that there is a gap in the impact of digitalization on value creating processes and the effects it has, and also the impact of digitalization on management control, which this study investigates. Purpose: This study aims at increasing knowledge about the effects of digitalization on LRF Konsult's value creation processes and the demands made on business management. Further, the study aims at contributing deeper understanding and knowledge to LRF Konsult and similar companies regarding the ongoing digitalization. Method: In order to fulfill the purpose of the study, case study is applied as research strategy. The gathering of empirical material was done through qualitative interviews with managers, employees and customers of the business case LRF Konsult. Conclusion: Digitalization affects the value creating processes at LRF Konsult to a varying extent. In common, however, it may be noted that digitalization leads to changing work roles, the use of cloud-based digital tools, increased digital communication and dematerialization. Effects of this are increased efficiency, availability, flexibility, more frequent communication and reduced physical meetings. The conclusion concerning the impact of digitalization on customer value is that experiencing customer benefit increases while the customer's sacrifice can temporarily increase but in the long run decreases, according to the value equation, thus increasing the total customer value. The study finds that the management control also is affected by digitalization. Formal control tools have influenced the use of more performance measurements, increased routines and change in organizational structure. For the informal control tools, digitalization impacts in such a way that values are adapted to digitalization and its possibilities, and that the need for motivation and education increases in order to tackle digitalization.
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Foreign Journalism in the Era of Globalization : An Ethnographic Study of Foreign Correspondents of the German Broadcasting Network ARD in EuropeZahlmann, Rahel January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to figure out the role of foreign correspondents within Europe during today’s developments of globalization and digitalization, in the view of professional foreign journalists. The continent becomes closer in terms of politics, currencies and cultures, and a growing infrastructure simplifies travelling and communication. Therefore, the role and function of foreign journalists are more and more questioned. The main focus of this thesis is thereby the case of the foreign correspondence offices of the German public broadcasting network ARD. An auto-ethnographic study was used to base the analysis of this thesis on own perspectives. In a further step interviews with five foreign journalists examine the experiences of professionals in this field. The analysis is based, besides these two qualitative methods, on the theories of Siemes (2000), Cole and Hamilton (2008), and Archetti (2013).The researches’results demonstrate strong arguments for the relevance of the maintenance of foreign correspondences within Europe as the role of public broadcasters in particular is to inform, explain and classify happenings within the own country as well as in foreign areas to the audience. The nearby countries play thereby an important role due to many points of contact; for that reason professional journalists should further on hold the function to care for enlightenment.
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