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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

論兩岸勞動派遣法制發展及困境 / A Study on the Dispatched Employment between Taiwan and Mainland China

陳懿蘋, Chen, Yi Ping Unknown Date (has links)
隨著貿易全球化,各國企業面臨投資環境的不確定及國際競爭環境的壓力。為因應產業結構快速改變、降低用人成本、彈性運用人力資源、追求經營效率,促成「勞動派遣」的非典型勞動型態。「勞動派遣」有別於傳統僱用關係,它是三方的僱用關係,具有「僱用」與「使用」分離的特色。一般的勞動法,很難全面規範周延,以致於無法保障派遣勞工權益。 為規範勞動派遣,中國大陸迄今已制定《中華人民共和國勞動合同法》(2008年公布施行,2013年修正施行)、《勞務派遣暫行規定》(2014年施行),以補強《勞動合同法》對於勞動派遣規範及法律操作性的不足。中國雖有明文立法規範勞動派遣,但終究因立法不夠周延,產生許多法律灰色地帶。企業趁機鑽研法律漏洞,大量使用勞動派遣,甚至企圖規避勞動派遣法制的新規制,導致「假外包、真派遣」現象,層出不窮。反觀台灣,十餘年來,行政機關多次提出勞動派遣法相關草案。2014年2月,行政院勞工委員會改制為勞動部前,公布《派遣勞工保護法草案》。不過,因勞工團體強烈反對勞動派遣合法化,造成迄今仍無法律可規制勞動派遣的窘境。 兩岸勞動派遣法制發展及面臨的困境,因為國情文化與社會價值觀的不同,多少存有差異。本文總結八點建議,要點如下:一、制定勞動派遣專法規範。二、派遣業設立及監管。三、派遣使用範圍限制。四、均等待遇原則及救濟。五、轉任正職員工機制。六、偽裝派遣之擬制直接僱用。七、雇主責任配置。八、我國《派遣勞工保護法草案》之修改。期待我國早日完成《派遣勞工保護法》立法,中國勞動派遣法規能更加周延,以確實保障派遣勞工權益。 關鍵字:勞動派遣、勞務派遣、職業介紹、人力資源管理、勞資爭議,同工同酬、勞動合同法、派遣勞工保護法草案

Role genu Disp3 v buněčné proliferaci / The role of Disp3 gene in cell proliferation

Ditrychová, Karolína January 2016 (has links)
Dispatched 3 (DISP3), sterol - sensing domain (SSD) - containing protein, is a key focus of our laboratory. It was described as a gene regulated by thyroid hormone and its expression is mainly localized within neural tissue. Our preliminary data suggested increased DISP3 expression in medulloblastoma, a highly common pediatric cerebellar tumour, therefore we wanted to examine DISP3 role in human cancer cells. The aim of this thesis is to perform DISP3 overexpression and downregulation in human medulloblastoma cell lines and in mouse neural progenitors and analyse its effect on cell proliferation and differentiation. For this purpose, we chose DAOY and D341, human medulloblastoma cell lines with low and high expression of DISP3 and mouse multipotent neural progenitor cell line, C 17.2, with low DISP3 expression. We showed, that DISP3 ectopic expression leads to increase in cell proliferation in both DAOY and C 17.2 cells. Next, we examined the ability of C 17.2 cells to differentiate into neurons and astrocytes and observed, that cells overexpressing DISP3 reveal delay in differentiation, what we proved by analysis of cell specific markers. Using CRISPR-Cas9 targeting system, we reduced DISP3 expression within D341 cells and observed decrease in their proliferation. Finally, we analysed cell cycle...


林秀如 Unknown Date (has links)
面對知識社會「第三波經濟」下潮流,企業面臨經營環境快速變化以及全球化的競爭壓力,新的人力資源管理策略在知識社會發展過程中極為重要,人力資源彈性運用於是成為人力資源管理的關鍵組成因素。本文研究主題為人力資源彈性化趨勢下產物一派遣僱用制度之勞資關係。本文試圖透過對於派遣業三個主要行為者一派遣企業、要派企業和派遣勞工互動關係來了解派遣勞-之處境與勞動條件。 本文研究方法採質化研究方法,以研究目的找尋相關文獻資料,依據文獻資料,作為設計問卷內容的依據。本研究的主要研究對象包括了派遣企業、要派企業、法律制度和派遣勞工,此四獨立變項(independent variables)決定了依變項(dependent variables)-三方之勞資關係(派遣企業、要派企業與派遣勞工),本研究以此較廣泛研究架構作切入面接了解。本文研究共計五大面向: 一、台灣人力派遣運作模式一需求面,了解台灣經濟發展過程中有何原因促使企業對於彈性化人力有需求進而和派遣企業合作,是成本考量亦或對技術需求?作為市場需求者的要派企業產業類別為何,分析型塑派遣市場之經濟發展因素和需求者之特性。 二、台灣人力派遣運作模式-供給面,分析派遣企業,如何取得技術來源、進入市場因素、如何保持技術上優勢以及在經營過程中遭遇之問題。此外供給面尚有外在因素,即指相關立法對該產業規範和產業組織,了解供給者特性和如何在市場中運作。 三、派遣企業與要派企業間互動關係,分析台灣派遣業市場中供、需雙方互動關係,是指雙方在前述市場架構中,對派遣勞工管理權之認知,對於契約之執行情形,而執行情形又如何決定勞資關係。 四、人力派遣下的勞資關係探討,解構派遣企業、要派企業與派遣勞工三方間模糊的勞資關係,定義勞方資方的角度,釐清派遣企業與要派企業問易產生爭議的指揮命令權歸屬,又是如何決定三方之勞資關係。 五、台灣派遣企業運作模式與先進國家經驗比較 台灣相關發展經驗多半移植歐、美、日等先進國家經驗,但個別國家有其獨特社會、經濟背景,其發展模式未必全盤適用於台灣地區。因此本論文對於台灣派遣產業之比較研究,分析派遣產業在台灣所必須面臨特殊條件限制。 根據上述研究主題與方法,本文內容架構為: 第一部份(第二章)、文獻探討,透過學者研究了解人力資源彈性化制度之興起因素與其非典型發展制度類型,並了解非典型僱用制產業一派遣業在實際運作上所可能衍生問題。 第二部分(第三章)、派遣業發展現況,藉由全球各國和台灣派遣業發展現況,分析與比較不同國家、地區派遣產業興起因素、勞資關係和相關立法規範,並對台灣派遣業運作模式、勞資關係與全球各國比較。 第三部分(第四章)、研究發現與分析,透過對於派遣企業個案訪談以了解派遣業興起之供需因素、供需雙方互動關係以及雙方合作關係對於三方勞資關係影響。 第四部分(第五章)、結論與建議,由台灣派遣業調查成果分析可並與前人相關文獻比較,歸納出台灣人力資源彈性化制度之特質以及對於企業勞資關係影響。 關鍵字 人力資源彈性化(flexible HRM systems) 派遣勞動(Temporary Agency Work, TAW) 派遣企業(Dispatched enterprises) 要派企業(User enterprises) 派遣勞工(Dispatched worker)

我國勞動派遣問題之研究-以登錄型勞動派遣為核心探討 / A study on the issues of dispatched work in Taiwan:focusing on registration-type dispatched work

李威震, Li, Wei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於鄰國日本因登錄型勞動派遣運用氾濫,形成「窮忙族」(working poor)等各種社會問題,本研究主要係針對我國勞動派遣實務進行探討,並以登錄型勞動派遣作為主要研究重點,採文獻分析與深度訪談法進行研究。 本研究針對派遣勞工、一般勞工、要派業者、派遣業者、政府與工會代表進行訪談及資料分析後,獲致下列結論: 一、我國實務上勞動派遣運用普遍採登錄型方式,已造成「就業不穩定」、「中間剝削」、「同工不同酬」等就業安全問題。 二、我國勞動法令因缺乏勞動派遣之定義與規範,係造成實務上登錄型勞動派遣之普遍濫用以及「轉掛」及「偽裝承攬」等違法情事的主要原因。 三、我國公部門因勞動與人事政策法令的長期脫鉤,致各政府機關帶頭使用登錄型勞動派遣,並以政府採購法之「勞務採購」名義恣意獲取廉價勞動力,儼然已成為勞動力濫用元兇,更讓企業肆無忌憚地跟進運用。 / Seeing that Japan is suffering from various social issues like “working poor” caused by the misuse of registration-type dispatched work, this study is aimed at discussing the practice of dispatched work in Taiwan, particularly the registration-type. Moreover, this study adopts literature review and in-depth interview as the study methods. After conducting interviews with dispatched labors, general labors, client companies, recruitment companies, government, and union representatives and analyzing the data, the study concludes its study results as follows: I. Registration-type dispatched work is generally in practice in Taiwan and it has caused issues like unstable employment, agency exploit, and pay disparity for the same job. II. The regulations of Labor in Taiwan do not have specific definitions and norms of dispatched work, causing registration-type dispatched work to be misused and illegal situations like false recruitment may occur. III. Since the public sector has isolated itself from being exposed to the regulations of labor and the policies of personnel recruitment for a long time, many local government departments employ cheap labors of registration-type dispatched work in the name of services procurement. In other words, the public sector has set a false model for corporations to follow.

The Comparative Research on Legal System of Dispatched Worker over Taiwan-strait

Chen, Cheng-Tao 24 August 2009 (has links)
Abstract According to International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No.100 ¡§ Equal Remuneration Convention ¡¨ (1951),and No.135 ¡§ Workers¡¦Representatives Convention ¡¨ (1971). Both Cleraly regular labors don¡¦t be discriminated against employment, and their work remuneration also don¡¦t be exploited. Nowadays, in the era of global economic depression, more and more enterprise and government in order to reduce the human cost, numerously use ¡§ Dispatched Worker ¡¨ form, debase oneself cost to minimum. However, this form also violate the right of labor largely. Therefore, how to regular the legal system which protects the work right of dispatched worker as well as maintains the order of labour market, is the very important issue. The legal system of dispatched worker over Taiwan-strait is examined herein by the basic methods of administrative law, namely, the five major frameworks, including administrative principles, administrative organization, limitation of administrative power, administrative relief, and administrative supervision from every respect and viewpoint. Meanwhile, bibliography exploration, historical narration, comparative analysis, and generalization analysis are adopted as the principal research approaches to explore whether there¡¦s any improvement required regarding ¡§Legal System of Dispatched Worker over Taiwan-strait¡¨ on the basis of five major frameworks of administrative law. Additionally, practical implementation and suggestions for regulations and actions concerning future the legal system of dispatched worker over Taiwan-strait, are hereby provided to achieve the goal of protecting the work right of dispatched worker and maintaining labour market orders as well. With the exploration by means of five major frameworks of administrative law, the legal system of dispatched worker in China district have already ensured. But nowadays in Taiwan district haven¡¦t regulared yet, it still have more unsuitable institution, uncompleted order, equivocal concept and equivocation. From the basic of legal system, the conflicts and influences of every interest groups are also the main reason, which causes no consensus to the legal system of dispatched worker in Taiwan district. In this situation, will cause the dispatched worker continually face ¡§ Equal Work Unequal Remuneration ¡¨, ¡§ Labour Exploited ¡¨, ¡§ Employment Discriminated ¡¨. The relevant administration bodies should positively survey the problem of five major frameworks of administrative law of the legal system of dispatched worker in Taiwan district, as well as further to review and perform modification. This is exactly the method of radical reformation and solution.

勞動派遣與台灣勞動市場雙元化發展之分析 / A study on dispatched work and dual labor market in Taiwan

陳金治, Chen, Chin Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在瞭解勞動派遣之定義、特徵、型態與相關概念,並進行國內外研究之回顧,找出勞動派遣制度對於勞動市場正面與負面之影響後,再分別就資方觀點、勞方觀點、社會觀點與採用業別之差異進行探討,而決定訪談之公司業別,並擬定訪談題目進行深度訪談,以評估勞動派遣制度對台灣勞動市場雙元化發展之影響。   經過深入訪談後發現,高科技產業為降低公司之人事成本,而採用勞動派遣制度,確實會加速勞動市場雙元化之發展,就本研究訪談結果看來,較具規模之高科技產業採用勞動派遣時,為降低公司之勞工結構受到雙元化發展之影響,將限制派遣勞工之採用比例,並提供派遣勞工與正職員工相近之起薪、薪資調幅與福利措施,以及提供派遣勞工轉入正職之管道。如此雖可有效縮小雙元勞動市場中勞動者的差異,但整體薪酬派遣者較低、且勞動市場轉換率較高,以及受勞動法令保障較少等,這些現象仍會存在雙元勞動市場之次級勞動市場中。   整體而言,勞動派遣能提供勞動市場更多就業機會、提供派遣勞工累積工作經驗之機會,亦是派遣者進入大型企業轉為正職人員的橋樑,因此使得勞動派遣制度在勞動市場雙元化的發展過程中,有正面的影響。   本研究建議派遣勞工應選擇較注重企業形象之企業,企業應提供派遣勞工較完善之就業保障,並期望相關政府單位能夠儘速制定相關法令及配套措施,並明定勞動派遣中,要派企業、派遣機構、派遣人員各角色之責任劃分,與各種行業別較適當之派遣勞工雇用比例,並提供派遣勞工相關之職場認知教育,以降低勞動派遣對於台灣雙元化勞動市場發展之負面影響。 / This study aims to explore the definition, features, patterns and relevant concepts regarding dispatched work and review research conducted in Taiwan and overseas on this subject. After identifying the impact of the dispatched work system on the labor market, the differences between different industries employing dispatched labor are investigated to decide companies belonging to which industries are to be interviewed. An in-depth interview is then conducted on the companies selected to evaluate the impact the dispatched work system has on the development of a dual labor market in Taiwan.   The interviews reveal that, high-tech industries adopting the system in order to reduce labor costs do encourage the development of a dual labor market. Results of the interviews indicate that sizable high-tech industries employing dispatched labor limit the extent to which it is employed in an effort to reduce the impact dual labor market development has on the companies’ labor structures. In addition, dispatched workers are offered starting wages, wage increases and benefits similar to those offered to regular employees, as well as the opportunity to become regular employees. Through doing so, the differences between dispatched workers and regular employees in a dual labor market may be effectively narrowed, overall, dispatched workers are less compensated and demonstrate a higher turnover. Moreover, they are less protected by labor laws and regulations. These phenomena still exist in the secondary market of a dual labor market.   Generally speaking, the dispatched work system provides more employment opportunities on the labor market. It also provides dispatched workers the opportunity to accumulate work experience and serves as a steppingstone to regular employment in large businesses. For this reason, the system plays a positive role in the development process of a dual labor market.   The study recommends dispatch workers to choose businesses that pay more attention to their image and that businesses provide these workers with improved employment protection. It also hopes that the government can enact relevant laws and regulations and introduce supporting measures as soon as possible. Furthermore, the roles businesses, dispatched workers and the agencies that dispatch them play must be clearly defined and the ratios of dispatched workers to regular employees in different industries established, with education in having a better understanding of the workplace provided to dispatched labor in an attempt to reduce the negative impact dispatched work has on Taiwan’s dual labor market and the development of its labor market.

Mapování regulačních elementů v 5' oblasti lokusu Disp3 / Mapping of regulatory elements within 5' region of the Disp3 locus

Oltová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Dispatched 3 (Disp3), a thyroid hormone-regulated gene, is studied extensively in our laboratory. Phenotype of cells with overexpressed Disp3 and its expression pattern make it a perfect candidate for a molecular link between thyroid hormone action and cholesterol homeostasis in the brain. Moreover, we hypothesize that it might play a role in certain neurodegenerative disorders and brain tumours. This thesis is aimed at the process of regulation of this gene via thyroid hormone receptor (TR), specifically identification of responsive elements of the thyroid hormone receptor that are necessary for the regulation. Also, we searched for elements recognized by liver X receptor (LXR), as LXR binds to the same arrangement of repeats as TR and there are a number of genes regulated by both of them. We combined in silico analysis of the Disp3 locus with reporter luciferase assays. A cluster of six elements identified around the first exon with two of them being conserved among human and mice draw our attention. In order to analyze this sequence in more detail, reporter vectors of various truncations of 3 kb region around exon 1 were constructed and tested in reporter assays. Reporter assays did not reveal any substantial element activated by TR or LXR; on the other hand, region containing repressor element(s)...

甘願,不甘願?論非典型雇用新聞工作者的勞動 / Manufacturing Consent or Not? The Labor of Atypical Employed Journalists

江慧珺, Chiang, Hui Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從勞動觀點出發,檢視台灣媒體組織中的非典型雇用新聞工作者的勞動樣貌,並探討在非典型雇用型態下勞資雙方在生產過程中的互動與關係轉變。非典型雇用新聞工作者則既是受雇於資方的勞工,同時也可視作個人企業。做為勞工,非典型新聞工作者的各項勞動條件幾乎都不如正職工作者;做為個人企業,非典型新聞工作者需獨自面對外在環境變動的風險。正向來看非典型雇用是對於僵化體制的抵抗與反動,脫離組織換取自主性與自由,甚至帶來權力翻轉改變;反向思考則以社會學家Buroway「製造甘願」的概念為基礎,說明非典型新聞工作者對於資方過度剝削的順服,心甘情願參與資方所組織的趕工競賽,透過官僚、科技與價值觀的控制形塑出順服的意識型態。 研究結果依契約型態將新聞媒體產業中的非典型勞動力分為派遣/約聘新聞工作者、自由新聞工作者與獨立/公民記者三種類型,一般非典型雇用新聞工作者勞動條件都比一般正職工作者差,而三種型態的非典型勞動力的契約嚴謹程度會影響到勞動條件與自主性。不同的自主程度會影響到工作者的職業認同感與甘願的機制,派遣與約聘工作者的勞動過程中充滿不甘願的元素但受限於理想與現實卻被迫甘願;自由新聞工作者看似自由自主,但對工作延續性的焦慮也迫使他們落入競爭的遊戲中並自我限縮;獨立與公民記者以無償勞動換取絕對的自主權,然而要在眾多論述中取得框架的定義權,只能以自我剝削換取主流與個人媒體的轉引與跟進,勞動所產生的價值與實際付出不成比例。 本研究建議未來新聞產業界建立良好的新聞鑑價制度,並大力推行公民委製新聞平台,藉此提升台灣新聞產業勞動者的勞動條件與新聞產出品質。 / This research examined the labor of atypical employed journalists in the news industry in Taiwan, discussing the relationship changing between the capitalist and the labor during the production process. Atypical employed journalists are on the one hand the temporary workers who suffer the worse labor condition than permanent employees. On the other hand, they viewed themselves as self enterprise that faced external risks alone. Positive speaking, atypical employment was the resistance of traditional rigid discourse. For the sake of freedom and autonomy, workers leaved organizations and anticipated power reversal. Negatively, based on Buroway’s concept of “manufacturing consent,” this study illustrated how atypical employees submitted to the capitalist’s over-exploitation, willing to making out organized by the capital through the ideology formed by bureaucracy, technology and value control. The results revealed that atypical employed journalists were separated into three kinds: dispatched/contract workers, freelancers and independent/citizen journalists. Generally speaking, those temporary workers’ the labor condition were worse that permanent employees and the type of contracts would affect their working condition and autonomy. Different degree of autonomy could therefore inference occupational identity and consent. Dispatched and contract workers were forced to make consent with the capitalists due to ideal and reality; freelancers seemed to enjoy the freedom and autonomy, but the anxiety to job sustainability forced them to join the competitive game and self-constraint; independent and citizen journalists’ free labor guaranteed the absolute autonomy, but they had to work hard and even self-exploit in order to take advantage of frame disputes in both main stream and personal media. The value conducted during the labor process and the effort they made were out of proportion. This study suggested establishing complete news valuation system, and supporting community-funded reporting to upgrade the labor condition and report quality in the news industry in Taiwan.

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