Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dispositivo"" "subject:"dispositivos""
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STEIM-GeschichtenOtto, Andi 02 June 2014 (has links)
Der Beitrag rekapituliert einige Meilensteine der Instrumentenentwicklungen am Studio voor Elektro-Instrumentale Muziek in Amsterdam (STEIM) und zeichnet ihre Bedeutung für aktuelle Dispositive der elektronischen Musikproduktion nach. Die Bedeutung der Pionierarbeiten, die dort in den 1970er und 80er Jahren geschaffen wurden, steht im Widerspruch zu deren wissenschaftlicher Dokumentation. In den Musik-, Medien- und Theaterwissenschaften ist kaum bekannt, dass die wohl ersten Arbeiten mit Sensortechnologie und dem damals frischgetauften MIDI-Protokoll in Amsterdam stattgefunden haben, wo Michel Waisvisz bereits 1984 mit dem Musiktheater-Projekt 'Touch Monkeys' sein Sensor-Interface 'The Hands' vorstellte. Neben Michel Waisvisz setzen u. a. Jon Rose, Nicolas Collins, Laetitia Sonami oder Stelarc das Gerät für ihre Arbeit ein. Der Artikel stellt einige Konfigurationen exemplarisch vor.
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Critérios delimitativos da atividade probatória de ofício no Processo Civil / Limiting criteria of ex-officio evidence activity in the Civil ProcessTaricco, Adriana Delboni 12 August 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-12 / The core of this work is the attempt to fix criteria that clarify the ex-officio judicial action in the evidence field. To do that, the philosophical theories of judicial activism and procedural guarantism are brought to discussion, taking into account the current situation of the evidentiary law in Brazil, always in an attempt to establish means to control the ex-officio evidence activity. It starts from the analysis of controversial issues in the field of judicial evidence, such as its concept, the definition of procedural truth, the delimitation of the nature of the rules on evidence, the rules concerning the application of the burden of proof, the role of atypical evidence in the legal system and the acceptance of illegal evidence through the application of proportionality. From this perspective, two philosophical theories, activism and guarantism, are considered, followed by the examination of the judge s figure in the new Civil Procedure Code. In the end, three ways to control the ex-officio evidence activity are fixed: the respect of the enjuizamento system, the judge s interpretation accountability and the viable, but still non-existent, figure of the investigating judge / O cerne deste trabalho é a tentativa de fixação de critérios que delimitem a atuação judicial de ofício no campo probatório. Para tanto, são trazidas à discussão as teorias filosóficas do ativismo judicial e do garantismo processual, levando em conta o panorama atual do direito probatório no Brasil, sempre na tentativa de se fixar meios de controle à atividade probatória de ofício. Parte-se da análise de temas polêmicos no campo da prova judicial, tais como a sua conceituação, a definição de verdade processual, a delimitação da natureza das normas sobre provas, as regras referentes à aplicação do ônus da prova, o papel das provas atípicas no sistema jurídico e a aceitação das provas ilícitas por meio da aplicação da proporcionalidade. Nessa perspectiva, são consideradas as duas teorias filosóficas, do ativismo e do garantismo, seguidas do exame da figura do juiz no novo Código de Processo Civil. Ao final, são fixados três modos de se controlar a atividade probatória de ofício: o respeito ao sistema de enjuizamento, o prestar contas do magistrado no campo da interpretação e a viável, mas ainda inexistente, figura do juiz instrutor Read more
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[pt] Percorrendo as linhas de interseção que conectam e separam as disciplinas economia política internacional, sociologia política internacional e geografia humana, a presente pesquisa se propõe a investigar derivativos financeiros como tanto forma de dinheiro quanto instituição e práticas monetárias. Para tanto, o estudo busca inspiração, de modo geral, no que foi cunhado virada prática nas ciências sociais, e de modo particular, nas abordagens teórico-metodológicas associadas à Teoria do Ator-Rede (TAR). Por meio do desempacotamento da noção de financeirização bem como de um descentramento das finanças, a pesquisa intenta capturar ações, práticas, objetos e estratégias que reúnem, sustentam, autorizam e dão forma à ordenamentos monetários e financeiros sistemáticos – muito embora restando contingentes e instáveis. À luz do mercado de hipotecas subprime dos Estados Unidos da América, o estudo pretende, de um lado, desvelar mecanismos de assemblagem de redes sociotécnicas monetárias e financeiras e, de outro lado, lançar luz sobre dinâmicas topológicas que deslocam e amplificam linhas de exclusão/expropriação raciais e de gênero. Este trabalho de mapeamento, no nosso entendimento, abre espaço para engajamento político e crítico com uma temática pretensamente técnica, ao passo que sinaliza limites e possibilidades que derivam de modos e formas de dissenso. / [en] Running across the intersecting lines that bind and separate the domains of international political economy, international political sociology and human geography, this research sets out to investigate derivatives as both money-form and monetary institutions and practices. To this end, the study draws inspiration, in general, from what has been termed in the social sciences as the practical turn and, in particular, from theoretical and methodological approaches associated with the Actor-Network Theory. By unpacking the notion of financialization and decentering finance, this investigation seeks to grasp actions, practices, objects, strategies that bring together, sustain, authorize and give form to systematic, albeit contingent and unstable, financial and monetary orderings. In the light of the subprime mortgage market of the United States of America, the study will, on the one hand, shed light to mechanisms of assembly of sociotechnical monetary and financial networks, and, on the other hand, unveil the topological workings that dislocate and amplify racial and gendered lines of exclusion. This work of mapping, so I argue, shall open up spaces for critical engagement and shall indicate the limits and possibilities deriving from multiple modes of dissent. Read more
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[pt] A pesquisa Entre Muros, Restos e Furos busca discutir a atualização no dispositivo muro do ramal ferroviário Santa Cruz no Rio de Janeiro através da realização de errâncias urbanas. O trabalho parte de certa invisibilidade deste dispositivo urbano, entendendo esta invisibilidade como resultado de seu processo
histórico de estratificação. A prática de errâncias emerge como via possível de atualização neste dispositivo, na medida em que se constitui como experiência corporal de alteridade agindo, portanto, em uma condição estética específica, uma condição Entre. Ao desemaranhar este dispositivo por meio de três linhas de relações estabelecidas nesta investigação – Muros, Restos e Furos –, o trabalho discute modos de operar conceitualmente e empiricamente que podem arrastá-las de suas estratificações para suas atualizações. Assim, serão desenvolvidas narrativas de experiências, como escritas afetivas, de errâncias realizadas ao longo de três trechos do ramal ferroviário Santa Cruz: Engenho de Dentro, Engenho
Novo e Encantado. Estas narrativas expõem Muros, Restos e Furos desdobrando reflexões acerca da potência estética e crítica das errâncias para a discussão sobre dispositivos urbanos e de condições Entre na cidade contemporânea. / [en] The research In-Between Walls, Rests and Holes seeks to discuss the actualization in the wall dispositif of the Santa Cruz railway branch in Rio de Janeiro through the realization of urban wanderings. The work starts from certain invisibility of this urban dispositif, understanding it as a result of its historical
process of stratification. The practice of wanderings emerges as a possible way of actualizing this dispositif, inasmuch as it constitutes a body experience of alterity and therefore acts in a specific aesthetical condition, an In-Between condition. Untangling this dispositif through three lines of relationships established in this research – Walls, Rests and Holes –, this work discusses which modes of
operation can conceptually and empirically drag them from their stratifications to their actualizations. Thus, narratives of the experiences will be developed as affective writings of wanderings carried out along three parts of the Santa Cruz railway branch: Engenho de Dentro, Engenho Novo and Encantado. These
narratives, expose Walls, Rests and Holes unfolding reflections to the aesthetical and critical potenciality of the wanderings to the discussion about urban dispositifs and In-Between conditions in the contemporary city. Read more
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You name it?! / Everyday discrimination through accustomed perception of personal namesHayn, Evelyn 05 July 2018 (has links)
Ausgehend von einem sozialkonstruktivistischen, pragmatisch-kognitiven Verständnis von Namen untersucht die Studie die diskriminierenden Wahrnehmungen, die über Personen-namen in Deutschland und Schweden aufgerufen werden. Durch Anwendung der kritischen Theorien und Zugänge der Black Feminist, Postcolonial, Postmigrant, Trans und Disability Studies auf Namensdiskurse werden gegenwärtige sowie historische hegemoniale Normen dekonstruiert. Mit Hilfe des durch intersektionale Machtverhältnisse konstituierten Dispositivmodells wird die Intelligibilität von Personennamen zur Diskussion gestellt.
Vergewohnheitung (accustoming) als neues analytisches Konzept macht nachvollziehbar, wie hegemoniales Wissen zu Namensgebung auf strukturalistische und essentialisierende Weise erworben und internalisiert wird. Die Analyse administrativer und legislativer Diskurse zeigt, wie hegemoniale Namensnormen historisch und institutionell vergewohnheitet wurden. Dass ein Personenname institutionell auch durch individuelle Wahrnehmung bestimmt wird, illustriert die Analyse des ‚Kindeswohl‘, einem zentralen Argument für Namensentscheidungen auf Standesämtern. Ein weiteres Beispiel für die Rechtfertigung ent_wahrgenommener diskriminierender Namenspraktiken ist das Sprachgefühlkonzept, dessen Verwendung daraufhin untersucht wird, inwiefern es nationalistische Vorstellungen des Eigenen und des Anderen aufruft. Schließlich wird die An- und Aberkennung von Menschsein als Konsequenz diskriminierender Namenshandlungen adressiert. Eine Sammlung empowernder Interventionen in diskriminierende Namenspraktiken sowie Empfehlungen für eine kontra_diskriminierende, antistrukturalistische Wahrnehmung von Personennamen runden die Studie ab.
Mit ihrem transdisziplinären Ansatz veranschaulicht die Arbeit, wie disziplinäre Grenzen überschritten und Diskursfelder und -materialien, die traditionellerweise in den Rechts-, Geschichts-, Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften analysiert werden, in die Genderforschung integriert werden können. / Based on a social constructivist, pragmatic cognitive understanding of naming, the study investigates the discriminatory hegemonic presuppositions and perceptions that are interpellated with personal names in Germany and Sweden. The critical lens of Black Feminist, Postcolonial, Postmigrant, Critical Trans and Disability Studies is applied in order to deconstruct current and past hegemonic naming norms. By regarding the un/intelligibility of names as constituted by intersecting power relations, racism_genderism_ableism_migratism_ classism, the dispositive model helps to identify what personal names and naming practices are made un/thinkable.
Accustoming is introduced as an analytic tool to understand how hegemonic knowledge on naming is acquired and internalized in a structuralist and essentializing way. The analysis of administrative and legislative discourses demonstrates how hegemonic naming norms have been historically and institutionally accustomed. That a personal name is not only determined by institutional but also by individual decision-making is illustrated on the example of the child’s well-being, a commonly used argument for name decisions at registry offices. The feel for language as another norm to justify de_perceived name discrimination is analyzed against the background of how sprachgefühl as an emotive concept interpellates nationalist images of the self and the Other. The final chapter addresses the consequences of discriminatory naming practices: the definition and denial of personhood. The study concludes with a collection of empowering interventions in discriminatory naming practices and recommendations for a contra_ discriminatory anti-structuralist perception of personal names.
By employing a transdisciplinary approach, the study illustrates how disciplinary boundaries are transgressed and how different discourse areas and material that traditionally are investigated in law, history, linguistics and literature is integrated in Gender Studies research. Read more
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Nomadic Places Cultures and Literatures in Movement ‘Hybrid-Performative-Diasporas’ in ‘Ibero-American-Maghrebian-Moroccan’ Literature and Culture: the Case of Najat El HachmiToro, Alfonso de 15 June 2022 (has links)
This article put the focus in a very new field of research, that of the Hispanic-Moroccan Literature and Culture, which is interpreted as a special, complex and highly interesting case for Nomadic Places of Cultures and Literatures in the frame of ‘Performative-Hybrid Diaspora’. In the first part offers the article an extensive bibliography of novels, essay and literary and cultural criticism; the second part is exposing the theory of ‘performative-hybrid Diaspora’; and in the last part focuses on some the works of El Hachmi.
The article provides “foundational concepts” and introduces new concept of integration, identity and co-habitation, understood as new, ‘performative-hybrid diaspora’ and ‘performative-hybrid identities,’ based on ‘situational disposi-tive’ such as ‘situational imperatives.’ It describes and explains a practice of hospitality and belonging in which the concept ‘emotion’ is at the center of his socio-political endeavors, exemplified by a novel and an essay by the Catalan author, El Hachmi, who originates from Morocco. The analysis leads to the concept of ‘Hispano-Maghreb/Moroccan’ literature and culture, and following an introduction to the current primary research body and studies in this area, he introduces a set of criteria for the scholarly treatment of this new field of research. / Dieser Artikel legt den Fokus auf ein sehr neues Forschungsgebiet, nämlich auf die der spanisch-marokkanischen-Literatur und Kultur, die als einen speziellen, komplexen und hochinteressanten Fall für nomadische Orte von Kulturen und Literaturen im Rahmen der ‚performativ-hybriden Diaspora‘ interpretiert wird. Im ersten Teil bietet der Artikel eine umfangreiche Bibliographie von Romanen, Essays und Literatur- und Kulturkritiken; im zweiten Teil wird die Theorie der ‚performativ-hybriden Diaspora‘ dargelegt; und im letzten Teil konzentriert sich der Artikel auf einige Werke von El Hachmi.
Der Beitrag liefert ‚prinzipielle Konzepte‘ und führt ein neues Konzept von Integration, Identität und Zusammenleben ein, das als neue ‚performativ-hybride Diaspora‘ und ‚performativ-hybride Identitäten‘ verstanden wird und auf ‚situativen Dispositiven‘ wie ‚situativen Imperativen‘ basiert. Es wird eine Praxis der Gastfreundschaft und Zugehörigkeit beschrieben und erläutert, in denen das Konzept ‚Emotion‘ im Mittelpunkt soziopolitischer Bemühungen steht, exemplifiziert durch einen Roman und ein Essay der aus Marokko stammenden katalanischen Autorin, El Hachmi. Die Analyse führt zum Begriff der ‚hispano-maghrebinischen/marokkanischen‘ Literatur und Kultur, und nach einer Einführung in die aktuelle Primärforschung und die Studien in diesem Bereich wird eine Reihe von Kriterien für die wissenschaftliche Behandlung dieses neuen Forschungsgebiets vorgestellt. / Este artículo pone el foco en un campo de investigación muy nuevo, aquél de la literatura y la cultura hispano-marroquí, que se interpreta como un caso especial, complejo y de gran interés para los lugares nómadas de las culturas y las literaturas en el marco de las ‘diásporas-performativas-híbridas’. En la primera parte, el artículo ofrece una amplia bibliografía de novelas, ensayos y crítica literaria y cultural; en la segunda parte se expone la teoría de las ‘diásporas-performativas-híbridas’; y en la última parte se centra en algunas de las obras de El Hachmi.
El artículo proporciona ‘conceptos fundacionales’ e introduce un nuevo concepto de integración, identidad y convivencia, entendidos como una nueva ‘diáspora performativa-híbrida’ e ‘identidades performativas-híbridas’, basadas en ‘dispositivos situacionales’ como ‘imperativos situacionales’. Describe y explica una práctica de hospitalidad y pertenencia en la que el concepto ‘emoción’ está en el centro de sus esfuerzos socio-políticos, exemplificados por una novela y un ensayo de la autora catalana, El Hachmi, originaria de Marruecos. El análisis desemboca en el concepto de literatura y cultura ‘hispano-magrebí/marroquí’ y, tras una introducción al conjunto de investi-gaciones y estudios primarios actuales en este ámbito, se introduce un conjunto de criterios para el tratamiento académico de este nuevo campo de investigación. Read more
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