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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les sûretés réelles en droit chinois et en droit français : étude de droit comparé / The real security law in China and in France : comparative legal study

Huang, Chaowei 21 May 2013 (has links)
Parallèlement à la dernière réforme française du droit des sûretés, les sûretés réelles chinoises ont été rénovées par la loi sur les droits réels promulguée à la même période. En s’appuyant sur une étude compréhensive des normes législative et réglementaire autour du sujet, cette thèse, essentiellement basée sur le droit chinois, révèle qu’en matière de sûreté réelle, le droit chinois se nuance du droit français et analyse les raisons et les effets de ces différences au-dessous des termes ou notions similaires. Après l’étude comparative, la thèse arrive à la conclusion que le droit chinois des sûretés réelles nécessite un futur regroupement en dépit de la nouvelle loi sur les droits réels. / During the same period, a reform of security law had completed in France, while the Chinese real rights law which has renovated security rights in rem was about to be promulgated in China. This thesis, based on Chinese law and drawing upon a comprehensive study of laws and administrative regulations on the subject, reveals the differences between Chinese and French law and analyze their cause and effect behind similar terms and notions. Grounded on the comparative study, the thesis draws the conclusion that the Chinese system of security rights in rem requires a further reform despite the arrival of new law.

La consignation / The consignation

Touzain, Antoine 04 December 2018 (has links)
La consignation, malgré ses origines romaines, est peu étudiée en doctrine. La construction de son domaine par sédimentation a conduit à un éclatement des hypothèses : la consignation peut poursuivre une finalité libératoire, conservatoire ou de sûreté.Il est pourtant possible de vérifier que la consignation présente un caractère unitaire. Elle peut être définie comme le mécanisme par lequel une chose, objet d’un droit potentiel, est remise entre les mains d’un tiers et affectée à la satisfaction de la personne qui sera finalement reconnue attributaire de l’objet. Cette figure originale répond à un état d’incertitude en organisant une situation d’attente.Mais la consignation ne se limite pas à cette procédure. Que l'on songe à la consignation obligatoirement versée par la partie civile, à celle dans la procédure de saisie-vente. Mais que l'on songe aussi à la vente avec consignation, ou au consignataire en matière maritime !Partant de ce constat d'une notion originale et éclatée, la thèse vise à déterminer précisément une définition de la consignation, par une étude globale de celle-ci, et par une comparaison avec d'autres notions connues du droit privé, tels le gage, le paiement, le séquestre, ou encore la fiducie. Cette comparaison faite, et la notion identifiée, l'élaboration d'un régime propre à la consignation n'en sera que plus aisée.Au-delà de l'intérêt théorique d'une telle construction, cette thèse a l'ambition d'apporter des solutions pratiques, afin d'apporter plus de sérénité dans l'utilisation de ce mécanisme. / The consignation, despite its Roman origins, remains largely under-studied by authors. The development of its field by way of sedimentation has led to a scattering of hypothesis. The consignation may serve a specific purpose : to discharge the debtor, to safeguard or to guarantee.However, it is possible to verify that the consignation presents a unitary nature. It can be defined as the mechanism by which a thing, object of a potential right, is entrusted to a third party and assigned to the satisfaction of the person who shall eventually be recognized as the beneficiary of such thing. This original figure, answers to a state of uncertainty with a situation of expectancy.

Teatralidades y políticas de la memoria y el cuerpo: Patricia Ariza y Nohora Ayala (1995-2013)

Sanchez Gutierrez, Adriana 09 1900 (has links)
La tension politique qui se développait en Colombie depuis les années 40 contre les idéologies conservatrices et les libéraux officieux et dissidents après les élections de 1946, a déclenché un sentiment de mécontentement qui a éclaté le 9 avril 1948 avec l’assassinat de Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, dirigeant libéral à Bogota. Cet événement, connu sous le nom El Bogotazo, provoqua des manifestations violentes, des meurtres, des agressions, de l’harcèlement, de la terreur et des troubles dans tout le pays. Comme conséquence, au cours des années suivantes, les guérillas libérales se sont organisées et pendant une décennie ont laissé plus de 200.000 morts dans le pays et ont provoqué des milliers de migrations rurales vers les grandes villes. Plus tard, certains dirigeants ont formé les guérillas communistes, après l'assassinat de plusieurs ex commandants démobilisés, qui perpétuaient le conflit armé dans le pays, dont certains survivent aujourd'hui. Les FARC, Forces Armées Révolutionnaires de Colombie-Armée Populaire, les plus anciennes du monde, puissantes et nombreuses en Colombie, sont actuellement en pourparlers de paix avec le gouvernement national à La Havane, Cuba. Ces pourparlers de paix sont dans leurs phases finales. L'ELN, l’Armée de Libération Nationale, le deuxième groupe de guérilla en importance et du nombre de combattants en Colombie, est en approchements préliminaires, tendant à entamer des pourparlers de paix avec le gouvernement. Ce conflit a produit un nombre immense de victimes (¡Basta ya!: 2013) et dans ce contexte, les dramaturges et activistes Patricia Ariza et Nohora Ayala proposent un projet artistique qui interroge les actions violentes du pays à partir de la perspective de la femme dans les conflits armés. Leurs productions s’inscrivent dans la création collective du Teatro La Candelaria, où la recherche s’infitre dans l’art de la scène, en déconstruisant la réalité socio-politique et en faisant parler les témoignages. Ainsi, ce travail se prendre sur six œuvres qui explorent les liminalités politico-corporelles qui se déconstruisent dans la mise en scène en tenant compte des réseaux complexes qui sont tissés à partir des femmes et les multiples Antigones créés dans le contexte historique du pays. En outre, l’analyse examine la notion de la corporalité à partir des corps non-absents (victimes de disparition forcée) qui montrent la déterritorialisation des corps dépossédés. Le premier chapitre de la thèse traitée propose une approche théorique centrée sur les concepts de la représentation, du théâtre, de la performance et de la théâtralité politique. Le chapitre mobilise également les notions de corps sans organes et corps dépossédés pour éclairer la coupure épistémologique entre le corps matériel et le corps des disparus dépossédés. Le deuxième chapitre analyse trois œuvres de Patricia Ariza: Antigone (2006), Mujeres en la Plaza (2009) et Somma Mnémosyne (2013), lesquelles montrent un exercice d’artivisme et d'engagement politique par rapport à l'histoire moderne de la Colombie. Le troisième chapitre présente trois œuvres de Nohora Ayala: Fémina ludens (1995), Piel (2010) et Rosas secas (2012) , où l’exploration du corps met en évidence les traces de la mémoire historique du pays. Finalement, le dernier chapitre propose un questionnement face à la réception du spectateur et la théâtralité du pays. / The political tension that developed in Colombia since the 40s, between conservative ideologies and, the divergency in the official liberal party and dissident liberal party, brought out a feeling of disagreement that collapsed when Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, leader of dissident party, was killed in Bogota on 9 April 1948. This event, well known as The Bogotazo, unchained violent protests, murders, assaults, harassment, terror and unrest throughout the country. As a result, in the subsequent years the liberal guerrillas were formed and over a decade the conflict ensued in more than 200,000 murders in the country and thousands of rural migrants in the cities. Later, some leaders formed the communist guerrillas who perpetuated the armed conflict in the country, some of them are known today as FARC, the oldest group of guerillas in the world and the most powerful in Colombia, and ELN. Actually, the FARC are in the final negotiation for peace in Havana, Cuba. This violent historical context has produced a staggering statistics of victims (Basta ya!, 2013), in which the artists and activist dramatists, Patricia Ariza and Nohora Ayala propose a new aesthetic that questions the violent actions of the country from women’s perspective. Their theatrical productions are part of the Collective Creation in the Teatro La Candelaria, where the research is faced with the aesthetics of the scene and confronted with the deconstruction of reality counted, telling or testimonials. This dissertation examines six plays by Ariza and Ayala whose political and bodily liminalities deconstruct dominant ideas of history, while illuminating the complex networks surrounding the women and the Antigones produced by the country. I explore the materiality of non-absent bodies (victims of forced disappearance) which exposes the deterritorialization of dispossessed bodies. The first chapter of the thesis discerns recent theoretical approaches to the concepts of representation, theater, performance and political theatricality which I have found pertinent for my examination of the work by Ariza and Ayala. At the same time, I elaborate on the notions of the body without organs and of dispossessed bodies in order to shed light on the epistemological break between the material present body and dispossessed bodies of the disappeared. In the second chapter, I analyze three plays by Patricia Ariza: Antigone (2006), Mujeres en la Plaza (2009) and Somma Mnemosyne (2013), which evince an exercise in artivism and engagement with the political history of Colombia. The third chapter presents three plays of Nohora Ayala: Fémina Ludens (1995), Piel (2010) and Rosas Secas (2012), where the body is part of a radical practice of questioning colombian historical memory. Finally, the concluding chapter examines the role of political and corporeal theatricality in engaging spectators’ critical participation in the work of Ariza and Ayala.

Turkish Experience In Privatization: The Privatizations Of Large-scale State-economic Enterprises In The 2000s

Angin, Merih 01 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Privatization, which is the most important component of neo-liberal policies since the 1980s, has been legitimized by the neo-liberal doctrine through a purely economic and technical terminology. Contrary to this, this thesis maintains that privatization is a highly political process, shaped by intertwined class- and identity-based interests in different countries. To support this argument, the thesis makes a comparative analysis of the privatizations of large-scale state economic enterprises in Turkey in the 2000s, namely Petrol Ofisi, T&Uuml / PRAS, ERDEMIR, T&uuml / rk Telekom and PETKIM, as part of the neo-liberal transformation of the Turkish state. It concludes that the privatizations of large-scale SEEs in Turkey represent typical examples to what David Harvey terms as &ldquo / accumulation by dispossession&rdquo / throughout which wealth has been transferred from the laboring classes to capital by the active involvement of the state though the Turkish experience has its own historical specificities. Political preferences made by governments in charge since the late 1990s in general and by the Islamist AKP government after 2002 in particular have to be understood to make sense of these specificities.

Le concept d’aliénation de Rousseau à Marx : continuités et transformations / The concept of alienation from Rousseau to Marx : continuities and transformations

Foufas, Nikolaos 12 October 2015 (has links)
La présente étude s’interroge sur le concept d’aliénation, et plus spécifiquement sur sa genèse, son déploiement, son histoire particulière, ses configurations complexes, ses multiples transformations. Trois auteurs sont privilégiés : Rousseau, Hegel, Marx. La tentative d’examiner la notion d’aliénation dans sa forme rousseauiste, hégélienne et jeune-marxienne, a comme point de départ la critique d’Althusser selon laquelle ce concept relèverait d’une vision abstraite, métaphysique, de l’histoire et de l’activité des agents humains. D’après Althusser, l’aliénation est en effet l’expression humaniste d’une philosophie du retour aux origines et de la réunion avec une essence humaine qui se serait perdue. La philosophie de l'aliénation contractuelle (comme fondement de l’institution d’une communauté politique chez Rousseau), la mise en question de la positivité historique dans les écrits du jeune Hegel, et finalement la critique du travail aliéné forgée par le jeune Marx dans ses Manuscrits de 1844, ne seraient-elles toutes au fond que des variations autour d’une même conception essentialiste de l’histoire humaine ? S'écartant d'une telle disqualification indifférenciée, la thèse se propose de mettre en valeur la réflexion originale et singulière que chacun de ces trois auteurs élabore au sujet de l’aliénation, tout en essayant de mettre en lumière ce qu’ils partagent, malgré leurs différences. Car en parlant d'aliénation, il s'agit toujours d'interroger la perte mutilante d’un rapport à soi, à autrui et au monde socialement induite. Et il s'agit toujours aussi de concevoir des conditions historiques jugées dégradantes que l'on doit pouvoir dépasser. En d’autres termes, ce travail se propose de montrer non seulement que l’aliénation ne se réduit pas à une notion abstraite et naïvement humaniste, mais qu’elle forme également un repère incontournable, dès lors qu’elle prend au sérieux la tâche de penser l’impossibilité, pour certains groupes ou certaines classes sociales, de se réaliser et de s'épanouir, sur fond d'une privation durable de ce que peuvent apporter des rapports à soi, aux autres et au monde suffisamment riches et variés. / This study examines the concept of alienation, and focuses more specifically on its genesis, its deployment, its particular history, its complex configurations, its multiple transformations. Three authors are highlighted: Rousseau, Hegel, Marx. The attempt to examine the concept of alienation in the forms that Rousseau, Hegel and the young Marx give it, has as its starting point the criticism of Althusser according to whom this concept rises from an abstract, metaphysical vision of history and from the activity of human agents. According to Althusser, alienation is indeed the humanistic expression of a philosophy of the return to the origins and of a reunion with a human essence that might have been lost. The philosophy of contractual alienation (as the basis for the institution of a political community in Rousseau), the questioning of the historical positivity in the writings of the young Hegel, and finally the critique of alienated labor forged by the young Marx in his Manuscripts of 1844, would they basically all be variations around the same essentialist conception of human history? Diverging from such an undifferentiated disqualification, the thesis proposes to develop the original and singular reflection that each one of these three authors is developing on the subject of alienation, while trying to highlight what they share, despite their differences. Because, speaking of alienation, is always here to question the socially induced mutilating loss of a relation to oneself, to others and to the world. And it is also always a subject to conceive historical conditions considered degrading that must be overcome. In other words, this study intends to not only show that alienation cannot be reduced to an abstract and naively humanist concept, but that it also forms a key benchmark, since it takes seriously the task of thinking of the impossibility for certain groups or certain social classes to achieve self-realization and thrive, amid a sustained deprivation of what can be provided by sufficiently rich and varied relations to oneself, to others and to the world.

A produção social do espaço, desenvolvimento capitalista e conflitos socioambientais: a implantação da TKCSA em Santa Cruz / The social production of space , capitalism development and socio-environmental conflicts: the implementation of TKCSA in Santa Cruz

Fabiane Agapito Campos de Souza 30 September 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo aborda as práticas de acumulação por expropriação e espoliação e seus impactos na organização e reprodução do espaço local de Santa Cruz, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a partir da articulação entre diferentes escalas sócio-espaciais e como estas estratégias são acionadas pelo capital através de práticas imperialistas que visam a recomposição do ciclo de crescimento. Para tanto, a dissertação elege o grupo empresarial TKCSA - ThyssenKrupp Companhia Siderúrgica do Atlântico, um empreendimento multinacional com atuação na cadeia produtiva da industria siderúrgica, oriundo da Alemanha. Pretende-se fazer um estudo sobre os discursos e as práticas de resistência e de denúncia, mobilizados pela sociedade civil organizada, acerca da produção e distribuição desigual e territorialmente localizada dos danos e riscos sócio-ambientais sobre segmentos da população residente e trabalhadora local. / This study looks at the practices of accumulation by dispossession and plunder and their impacts on the organization and reproduction of the local area of Santa Cruz, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, from the articulation between different socio-spatial scales and how these strategies are driven by capital through imperialist practices aimed at the recovery of the growth cycle. Therefore, the dissertation business group elects TKCSA - ThyssenKrupp Atlantic Steel Company, an enterprise with multinational operations in the steel industry supply chain, from Germany. In order to make a study of the discourses and practices of resistance and denunciation, mobilized by civil society organizations, on the production and distribution uneven and geographically localized damage and socio-environmental risks on segments of the population living and working place.

O reassentamento dos refugiados colombianos e palestino no estado do Rio Grande do Norte

Cruz, Carlos Andr? Lucena da 04 November 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:10:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CarlosALC.pdf: 823965 bytes, checksum: 696779928427ae3da9d89112936f7423 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-11-04 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Since the second semester of 2004, the first refugees guided by ACNUR arrived at Potiguar s territory. Then we follow closely, with other local actors, the implementation and development of this innovative action, namely the resettlement of those refugees in Rio Grande do Norte. To accomplish this, we consider the concepts of territory, dispossession, repossession and international migration. The state of Rio Grande do Norte is a pioneer in the Northeast, in this type of action, since, before this experience, just Rio Grande do Sul and S?o Paulo were engaged in this kind of action. Therefore, this paper analyzes the process of resettlement of refugees, fulfilled in Rio Grande do Norte, between 2004 and 2005. The research broaches the regards that resulted in departure of these refugees from their respective territories (Colombia and Palestine) as well as the characteristics and prospects of the areas that hosted the refugees (Natal, Lajes e Po?o Branco). Finally, the work deals with the results achieved afield, through interviews and photographic record, near by refugees / A partir do segundo semestre de 2004, chegaram os primeiros refugiados em territ?rio Potiguar, encaminhados pelo ACNUR, e acompanhamos, com outros agentes locais, a implementa??o e desenvolvimento desta a??o conjunta e inovadora, ou seja, o reassentamento dos referidos refugiados, em territ?rio potiguar. Para tanto, foram abordados os conceitos de territ?rio, desterritorializa??o, reterritorializa??o e migra??es internacionais. O Estado do Rio Grande do Norte ? pioneiro, na Regi?o Nordeste, neste tipo de a??o, uma vez que, antes desta experi?ncia, apenas outros Estados tais como Rio Grande do Sul e S?o Paulo, estavam engajados no que tange ? essa a??o. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho analisa o processo de reassentamento de refugiados, realizado no Rio Grande do Norte, entre 2004 e 2005. A pesquisa aborda os aspectos que resultaram na partida desses refugiados dos seus respectivos territ?rios de expuls?o (Col?mbia e Palestina), bem como as caracter?sticas e perspectivas das ?reas que acolheram os refugiados (Natal, Lajes e Po?o Branco). Por ?ltimo, o trabalho trata dos resultados logrados em campo, atrav?s de entrevistas e registro fotogr?fico, junto aos refugiados.

A produção social do espaço, desenvolvimento capitalista e conflitos socioambientais: a implantação da TKCSA em Santa Cruz / The social production of space , capitalism development and socio-environmental conflicts: the implementation of TKCSA in Santa Cruz

Fabiane Agapito Campos de Souza 30 September 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo aborda as práticas de acumulação por expropriação e espoliação e seus impactos na organização e reprodução do espaço local de Santa Cruz, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a partir da articulação entre diferentes escalas sócio-espaciais e como estas estratégias são acionadas pelo capital através de práticas imperialistas que visam a recomposição do ciclo de crescimento. Para tanto, a dissertação elege o grupo empresarial TKCSA - ThyssenKrupp Companhia Siderúrgica do Atlântico, um empreendimento multinacional com atuação na cadeia produtiva da industria siderúrgica, oriundo da Alemanha. Pretende-se fazer um estudo sobre os discursos e as práticas de resistência e de denúncia, mobilizados pela sociedade civil organizada, acerca da produção e distribuição desigual e territorialmente localizada dos danos e riscos sócio-ambientais sobre segmentos da população residente e trabalhadora local. / This study looks at the practices of accumulation by dispossession and plunder and their impacts on the organization and reproduction of the local area of Santa Cruz, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, from the articulation between different socio-spatial scales and how these strategies are driven by capital through imperialist practices aimed at the recovery of the growth cycle. Therefore, the dissertation business group elects TKCSA - ThyssenKrupp Atlantic Steel Company, an enterprise with multinational operations in the steel industry supply chain, from Germany. In order to make a study of the discourses and practices of resistance and denunciation, mobilized by civil society organizations, on the production and distribution uneven and geographically localized damage and socio-environmental risks on segments of the population living and working place.

Accumulation of water rights in Peru / Acumulación de Derechos de Agua en el Perú

Hendriks, Jan, Boelens, Rutgerd 25 September 2017 (has links)
En Latinoamérica, la gobernanza del agua se enfrenta con el problema del aumento de la demanda de recursos hídricos, la creciente variabilidad hidrológica en un contexto de cambio climático, y la contaminación que sigue proliferándose. Por lo tanto, se observa una creciente escasez de agua, en cantidad y calidad, generando competencia y conflictos entre los actores involucrados. El problema coincide con el urgente temario internacional de la concentración de tierra, que está muy entrelazado con la concentración del agua en pocas manos. La globalización y un clima político neoliberal facilitan que actores poderosos acumulen derechos y volúmenes de agua a expensas de usuarios de menor poder. Este documento tiene por objetivo examinar el contexto nacional poniendo atención especial en la acumulación en casos ejemplares de la costa peruana. Se basa en revisión de literatura, informes y archivos pertinentes. Concluye que la distribución injusta de tierra y agua, a expensas de familias rurales y de territorios comunales e indígenas, constituye una grave amenaza para la sostenibilidad ambiental, la seguridad hídrica y la seguridad alimentaria. / In Latin America, water governance is facing the problem of rising demand for water resources, increased hydrological variability in a context of climate change, proliferating contamination and thus —in general— increasing scarcity of water in terms of quantity, quality, and opportunity. This creates competition and conflicts among stakeholders. The issue coincides with the urgent international problem of concentration of land, which is heavily intertwined with the concentration of water in the hands of the few. Globalization and a neoliberal political climate facilitate that powerful actors accumulate water rights and volumes at the expense of less powerful water users. This paper examines some exemplary situations in Peru. It is based on literature review, reports and archival research. The paper concludes that the unfair distribution of land and water, at the expense of rural families, communities and indigenous territories, constitutes a serious threat to environmental sustainability, water security and food security.

South African's diplomatic relations with Zimbabwe from 1990-2010

Nematswerani, Mbulaheni 09 1900 (has links)
Department of Development Studies / PhD (African Studies) / There is a political conflict in Zimbabwe between the ruling Zimbabwean African National Union-PatrioticFront (ZANU-PF) and the opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). Political conflict is a battle that occurs between two or more sides with different beliefs. Although Zimbabwe is a sovereign state, South Africa used a foreign policy of “quiet diplomacy” to contribute to the peaceful resolution of Zimbabwe’s political conflict. A sovereign state is a state which administers its own government and is not dependent upon or subjected to another state. Dissent in Zimbabwe centres around the land issue, land ownership, land reform, and land appropriation – problems caused as a result of parliamentary and presidential elections. Land reform led the government to introduce “Operation Murambatsvina” which was a campaign to forcibly clear slum areas across the country. The government depicted the operation as a crackdown against illegal housing and commercial activities and as an effort to reduce the risk of the spread of infectious disease in these areas. South Africa’s “quiet diplomacy” succeeded in the peaceful resolution of the Zimbabwean political conflict because the land issue was deemed legitimate; however, the methods used for land reform seem to be problematic. For a way forward, the Zimbabwean government needs to be accountable, transparent and democratic. The researcher used a qualitative research method to gather an in-depth understanding of human behaviour and the reasons that govern such behaviour. The researcher asked broad questions and collected word data from participants. The researcher used different approaches in collecting data, such as narratology, storytelling, classical ethnography and shadowing. In addition the researcher used primary and secondary sources.

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