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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Finns ett samband mellan viltets vandringsmönster och föryngringsytornas storlek? / Is there a relation between wildlife movement behavior and the size of clear-cutted areas?

Bryggare, Tuva January 2023 (has links)
Hur det moderna skogsbruket påverkat biologisk mångfald och artbevarande är omdebatterat. Skogsägare vill generellt bruka skogen vinstdrivande samtidigt som det ställts alltmer krav på hur främst föryngringsavverkning ska ske. Dessa krav har ställts främst i syfte av att minska fragmenteringsgraden för att minska risken för sönderdelning av viktiga habitat vilket i sin tur kan påverka artbevarandet negativt. Med spårinventeringar har data samlats in i ett försök att skapa förståelse för om vilts vandringsmönster påverkats av avverkningsytors storlek, vilka arter vars rörelse hämmats av den förändrade landskapsbilden samt vilken inverkan hänsynsytor har haft på viltets vistelse i skogslandskapet. Resultatet visade på att fler viltträffar hittades utanför föryngringsytan i jämförelse med innanför föryngringsytan, dock utan samband i förhållande till föryngringsytestorlek. Resultatet visade även på att hänsynsytor är viktigt för viltets närvaro. I övrigt kunde ses att arterna ekorre, orre, älg och hare var de som påverkades mest av föryngringsavverkning i denna studie.

Djur i klassrummet : Uppfattningar och upplevelser med reptiler och insekter i klassrummet av elever i årskurs 5 / Animals in the classroom : Perceptions and experiences with reptiles and insects in the classroom of pupils in grade 5

Claesson, Emilia January 2021 (has links)
Djur kan påverka människor på många olika sätt. Djur kan påverka människors fysiska hälsa genom att sänka kolesterolhalten och blodtryck, de minskar även stress och ångest. Att använda sig av djur i undervisningen påverkar även barn. Genom att inkludera djur i undervisningen kan elever öka sina empatiska förmågor, sociala färdigheter och öka motivationen för skolarbete. I den befintliga forskningen saknas det dock en djupare förståelse om hur reptiler och insekter kan påverka eleverna. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur elever i årskurs fem själva upplever att reptiler och insekter påverkar dem genom att placera dessa djurgrupper i två klasser. För att undersöka detta används följande forskningsfrågor. Hur kan reptiler och insekter påverka eleverna? Vad kan barnen lära sig om djuren? Uppfattar eleverna någon skillnad på klassrumsklimatet före och efter placeringen av djur i klassrummet? Studien utgick ifrån fyra olika teorier, sociokulturell teori, anknytningsteori, human-animal interaction och animal-assisted interventions. Deltagarna arbetade i mindre grupper med djuren i klassrummet i två omgångar spridda över fem veckor. Under dessa fem veckor samlades data in kontinuerligt genom dagboksanteckningar, observationer och intervjuer. Av materialet framkom det att eleverna fick bättre relation till djuren med tiden, eleverna blev mer avslappnade i djurens närhet, eleverna lärde sig mycket om djurens behov, fysiska attribut och skötsel. Förändringen som några elever såg var att klasserna inte var lika högljudda, många var nyfikna på hur djuren mådde och tittade därför till dem efter varje rast och de pratade mer om respektive djur. / Animals can influence humans in various ways. Animals can affect human’s physical health through lowering the cholesterol content and blood pressure, they also reduce stress and anxiety. The use of animals in education can also affect children. By including animals in the education, students can increase their empathic abilities, social skills and increase the motivation for school. In the current research, however, there is a lack of deeper understanding of how reptiles and insects can affect pupils. The purpose of this study is to research how pupils in year five themselves experience that reptiles and insects affect them by placing these animals into two classes. To research this purpose the following research questions are used. How can reptiles and insects affect pupils? What can children learn about the animals? Do the pupils perceive any difference in the classroom climate before and after the placement of the animals in the classroom? The study was based om four different theories, sociocultural theory, attachment theory, human-animal interaction, and animal-assisted interventions. The participants worked in small groups with the animals in the classroom during two occasions spread over five weeks. During these five weeks, data were collected continuously though diary entries, observations, and interviews. The information that emerged from the collected data was that the pupils became better related to the animals over time, the pupils got more relaxed in vicinity of the animals, the pupils learned a lot about the animals’ needs, physical attributes, and how to care for the animals. The changes that some students noticed was that the classes were not as loud as usual, many were curious about how the animals were doing and therefore checked at them after each break and the pupils talked more about each animal.

The Concepts of Health, Well-being and Welfare as Applied to Animals : A Philosophical Analysis of the Concepts with the Regard to the Differences Between Animals / Begreppen hälsa, välbefinnande och välfärd tillämpade på djur : En filosofisk analys av begreppen med hänsyn tagen till variationer bland djur

Lerner, Henrik January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is an analysis of the use and definition of the concepts health, well-being and welfare within the field called “the science of animal health and welfare”. The materials used are a literature survey of the field, qualitative interviews with Swedish veterinary surgeons and a study of the concepts in legislation concerning animals in England, Germany and Sweden. The main emphasis has been on theoretical definitions explicitly stated in the different texts or in the interviews. Two ways of distinguishing between animals are used: according to species and according to the role that animals have for humans. As a result it becomes salient whether the definitions have limits with regard to species or role. In the thesis a great number of definitions of the three concepts are interpreted, compared and criticised. As a result a limited number of definitions have been categorised and collected into clusters which fulfil minimal requirements of consistency and practicability. The analysis supports the use of all three concepts – health, well-being and welfare – since they are all needed for making crucial distinctions in the science of animal health and welfare.

"The Speciesism Gaze!?" : An ethical discursive analysis of animal right posters from a postcolonial, eco-critical and new materialist feminist perspective. / "Blicken av speciesism!?" : En etisk diskursiv analys av djur rätts posters, utifrån postkolonial, eko-kritisk och new materialist feministiska perspektiv.

Johansson, Lena January 2017 (has links)
Our western society and lifestyle is to a considerable extent depended on the way we perceive and treat our co-existing non-human species. Industrial farming, vivisection, sports, circuses etcetera are just a few examples of how human use and exploit animal bodies for own gain. A phenomenon that in many ways, is perceived, as natural and normal, and therefore seldom discussed. The thesis purpose is to problematize this phenomenon by examine, what I call “The Speciesism Gaze”, through analysis of posters that promote animal rights, selected online, through the search domain Google. The theoretical framework used, are theories focusing on intersectionality, derived within postcolonial-, eco-critical and new materialist feminism. A brief introduction of animal right movements, its linking to feminism activism and theories derived within affect theory is presented as background for the analysis. As method, I use critical discourse analysis, focusing on intertextuality of the posters context. Asking what discourses emerge, challenging the anthropocentric and androcentric western dualistic hierarchy, whilst displaying mutually reinforced structures of sexism, racism and speciesism? I discuss the western historical and cultural human idea that the human species is separated from nature and animal, and where the “right” human subject standard is perceived as male, white, heterosexual and western in the Anthropocene age. I found that, this standard is displayed, played on, and questioned in the posters selected, in relation to animal materiality, grievability, killability, species necropolitics, sexism and racism. I discuss in my conclusion that oppression based on speciesism is not a power relation discussed in society today to the same extent as expressions of sexism and racism are. It is however an oppression that we all take part in every day and that affect all of us, despite species belonging. In that context, I hope the theorization and meaning of the speciesism gaze will have significance within the field of feminist theorizations and practices.

Rörelseaktivitet hos regnbågar (Oncorhynchus mykiss) med olika antal eumelaninfläckar, utsatta för stressande sportfiske / Locomotor activity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with different numbers of eumelanic skin spots, exposed to the stressor sport fishing

Gesslin, Enar January 2023 (has links)
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are introduced in large parts of the world and are commonly farmed for consumption as well as a valued sport fish. Many species of salmonids show large intraspecific variation in pigmentation, which has been shown to correlate with stress response and several other behavioral traits. In this study, the behavior and stress response of rainbow trout linked to pigmentation is investigated, depending on previous sport fishing experience. Through data from a previous study on rainbow trout in semi-natural ponds, locomotor activity was measured as a proxy of stress, under three different sport fishing treatments. From previous photos, the pigment spots of each rainbow trout are counted to test the correlation with locomotor activity. In addition, it is tested whether different previous experience of sport fishing means a higher stress response when re-exposed to fishing. No significant relationship between pigment spots and locomotor activity could be obtained for the three treatment groups. However, significant differences in locomotor activity due to angling experience between treatment groups upon re-exposure to fishing were found, with fish that were inexperienced in angling having higher locomotor activity compared to previously caught fish. Sport fishing and catch-and-release had the effect of reducing locomotor activity in rainbow trout, which can be interpreted as fishing could both stress them and trigger the fish's feeding response, depending on previous experience. Fishing is believed to create a passivation due to the negative association of being caught, while fish not previously caught were activated by sport fishing. The study's missing correlation between pigment spots and stress has been both confirmed and denied in other studies and may depend on the origin and the degree of domestication, which means that the correlation within other species of salmonids or fish with different origins would be relevant to investigate. / Regnbåge (Oncorhynchus mykiss) förekommer introducerade i stora delar av världen och är vanliga att odlas för konsumtion samt en uppskattad sportfisk. Många arter av salmonider visar stor intraspecifik variation i pigmentering, vilket visats korrelera med stressrespons och flera andra beteendemässiga karaktärsdrag. I denna studie undersöks regnbågarnas beteende och stressrespons kopplat till pigmentering, beroende på tidigare erfarenhet av sportfiske. Genom data från en tidigare studie på regnbåge i semi-naturliga dammar mäts rörelseaktivitet som indirektmått på stress, under tre olika sportfiskebehandlingar. Från tidigare foton räknas varje regnbåges pigmentfläckar för att testa korrelationen med rörelseaktivitet. Därtill testas om olika tidigare erfarenhet av sportfiske, innebär högre stressrespons vid återexponering för fiske. Inget signifikant samband mellan pigmentfläckar och rörelseaktivitet kunde erhållas för de tre behandlingsgrupperna. Signifikanta skillnader i rörelseaktivitet på grund av erfarenheten av sportfiske mellan behandlingsgrupperna vid återexponering för fiske fanns dock, där fisk som var oerfaren sportfiske hade högre rörelseaktivitet jämfört med fisk som fångats tidigare. Sportfiske och catch-and-release hade effekten att minska rörelseaktiviteten hos regnbågar, vilket kan tolkas som att fisket både kunde stressa och trigga fiskens födorespons, beroende på tidigare erfarenhet. Fisket tros skapa en passivisering på grund av den negativa associationen att bli fångad, medan fisk som inte fångats tidigare aktiverades av sportfisket. Studiens uteblivna samband mellan pigmentfläckar och stress har både bekräftats och dementerats i andra studier och kan bero på ursprung och graden av domesticering, vilket gör att sambandet inom andra arter av salmonider eller fisk med olika ursprung vore aktuellt att undersöka.

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