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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specialiųjų planų ir kitų teritorijų planavimo dokumentų teorinės ir praktinės problemos / Theoretical and practical problems of special plans and their link between other spatial planning documents

Kūris, Kasparas 06 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbas skirtas specialiųjų planų ir kitų teritorijų planavimo dokumentų santykio teorinių ir praktinių problemų nagrinėjimui. Nuo pat Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo, planuojant teritorijas buvo susidurta su įvairiais iššūkiais. Reikėjo tinkamai sureguliuoti ir įtvirtinti teritorijų planavimo santykius, ko pasekoje, 1995 m. buvo priimtas Lietuvos Respublikos teritorijų planavimo įstatymas. Šis įstatymas nebuvo stabilus, nuolat kito. Pagrindinė problema buvo ta, kad nebuvo tinkamai sureguliuota teritorijų planavimo dokumentų, ypač specialiųjų planų teisinė galia ir jų tarpusavio santykis. Siekiant išspręsti praktikoje išryškėjusias problemas, buvo nuspręsta reformuoti teritorijų planavimo sistemą. Teritorijų planavimo reformos rezultatas buvo 2014 m. sausio 1 d. įsigaliojęs Teritorijų planavimo įstatymas, kuriame įtvirtinta nemažai naujovių, palengvinančių planavimą. Šiame įstatyme apibrėžta specialiojo teritorijų planavimo dokumentų teisinė galia, kuri apibrėžė šių dokumentų vietą visame teritorijų planavimo dokumentų komplekse. Tuo pačiu, įstatymų leidėjas padarė keletą teisinės galios išimčių, kurios galimai sąlygos tam tikrus konfliktus ateityje. Nepaisant to, naujos redakcijos Teritorijų planavimo įstatymą galima vertinti pozityviai. Įstatymų leidėjui iš esmės pavyko patobulinti teritorijų planavimo dokumentų sistemą ir, vertinant patį įstatymo tekstą, yra sudarytos teisinės prielaidos geresniam ir kokybiškesniam teritorijų planavimo reguliavimui. / Master thesis is dedicated to analyse theoretical and practical problems of special plans and their link between other spatial planning documents. Spatial planning has faced various challenges since the restoration of Lithuanian independence. It was necessary to regulate and consolidate relations of spatial planning. The result of this consolidation was the enactment of spatial legal act the Law on Zoning and Planning of the Republic of Lithuania in 1995. The Law on Zoning and Planning was volatile, unstable and caused many conflicts. The main problem of spatial planning statutory regulation was undefined legal power of special plans and obscure link among other spatial planning documents. In order to solve existing practical and theoretical problems it was decided to reform the legal system of spatial planning. The result of this reform was enactment of new version of the Law on Zoning and Planning of Republic of Lithuania, which came into force on 1st of January, 2014 and established numeruos innovations in spatial planning. This law finally defined the legal power of special plans and their position in the complex of spatial planning documents. At the same time, the legislator has made a few exceptions to the rule of this legal power which can possibly cause conflicts in the future. Nevertheless, the renewed version of the Law on Zoning and Planning can be assessed positively. The legislator has surely improved the system of spatial planning and created decent... [to full text]

Natural language processing techniques for the purpose of sentinel event information extraction

Barrett, Neil 23 November 2012 (has links)
An approach to biomedical language processing is to apply existing natural language processing (NLP) solutions to biomedical texts. Often, existing NLP solutions are less successful in the biomedical domain relative to their non-biomedical domain performance (e.g., relative to newspaper text). Biomedical NLP is likely best served by methods, information and tools that account for its particular challenges. In this thesis, I describe an NLP system specifically engineered for sentinel event extraction from clinical documents. The NLP system's design accounts for several biomedical NLP challenges. The specific contributions are as follows. - Biomedical tokenizers differ, lack consensus over output tokens and are difficult to extend. I developed an extensible tokenizer, providing a tokenizer design pattern and implementation guidelines. It evaluated as equivalent to a leading biomedical tokenizer (MedPost). - Biomedical part-of-speech (POS) taggers are often trained on non-biomedical corpora and applied to biomedical corpora. This results in a decrease in tagging accuracy. I built a token centric POS tagger, TcT, that is more accurate than three existing POS taggers (mxpost, TnT and Brill) when trained on a non-biomedical corpus and evaluated on biomedical corpora. TcT achieves this increase in tagging accuracy by ignoring previously assigned POS tags and restricting the tagger's scope to the current token, previous token and following token. - Two parsers, MST and Malt, have been evaluated using perfect POS tag input. Given that perfect input is unlikely in biomedical NLP tasks, I evaluated these two parsers on imperfect POS tag input and compared their results. MST was most affected by imperfectly POS tagged biomedical text. I attributed MST's drop in performance to verbs and adjectives where MST had more potential for performance loss than Malt. I attributed Malt's resilience to POS tagging errors to its use of a rich feature set and a local scope in decision making. - Previous automated clinical coding (ACC) research focuses on mapping narrative phrases to terminological descriptions (e.g., concept descriptions). These methods make little or no use of the additional semantic information available through topology. I developed a token-based ACC approach that encodes tokens and manipulates token-level encodings by mapping linguistic structures to topological operations in SNOMED CT. My ACC method recalled most concepts given their descriptions and performed significantly better than MetaMap. I extended my contributions for the purpose of sentinel event extraction from clinical letters. The extensions account for negation in text, use medication brand names during ACC and model (coarse) temporal information. My software system's performance is similar to state-of-the-art results. Given all of the above, my thesis is a blueprint for building a biomedical NLP system. Furthermore, my contributions likely apply to NLP systems in general. / Graduate

Åtta 11-åringar och deras frågor och funderingar kring livet : en jämförelse av två studier

Krasniqi, Albulena January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to describe children’s life issues. What kind ofquestions they have aboutlife, their thoughts about life. Another purpose of this study is to see the differences in how children’s thoughts about life have changed through the years. I have used a book called Barns tankar om livetwritten by Sven G Hartman which I used to make a comparison. This study will alsodiscusswhat the policy documents for Swedish schools say about the subject “life issues” or the questions of life.The method used for this study is a qualitative researchmethod. Eight children got interviewed and the results have been represented in a dialogue together with Hartman (1986) and Hartman (2007) result. For any further research of this study it would be interesting to do a studythat shows whetherSwedish schools follow the policy documents in the case of the “life issues”. To see how much the schools discuss such things.

Mokytojo padėjėjo vaidmuo, tenkinant specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius / Teacher Assistant role by meeting special educational requirements

Augustinavičienė, Jolanta 27 February 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamas mokytojo padėjėjo vaidmuo, tenkinant mokinių specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius. Tyrime dalyvavo 41 mokytojo padėjėjas ir 60 mokytojų, dirbančių su specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčiais mokiniais. Remiantis moksline literatūra ir teisiniais dokumentais, atskleistas mokytojo padėjėjo vaidmuo pamokinės ir nepamokinės veiklos metu. Anketinės apklausos būdu nustatyta, kokį vaidmenį atlieka mokytojų padėjėjai ir kokios pagalbos mokytojams paprastai reikia iš jų padėjėjų. Atliktas empirinis tyrimas atskleidė mokytojų padėjėjų vaidmenis: ugdo, konsultuoja, pataria, tarpininkauja, organizuoja įvairias veiklas, informuoja, globoja, užtaria mokinius, padeda susitvarkyti daiktus ar aplinką, padeda susitvarkyti higieną, slaugo bei prižiūri. Be to, empirinio tyrimo metu, išryškėjo mokytojų lūkesčiai: mokytojo padėjėjas turi padėti atlikti SUP turintiems mokiniams užduotis, mokėti paruošti metodines priemones, gebėti ugdyti socialinius įgūdžius bei patarti, padėti, globoti, padėti apsitarnauti. Beveik visi respondentai teigia, jog pagrindinis mokytojo padėjėjo vaidmuo – pagalbininkas. Išanalizuota ir atskleista mokytojų ir mokytojų padėjėjų nuomonė dėl mokytojo padėjėjo rengimo ir galimo jo vaidmens. Tiek mokytojų padėjėjai, tiek mokytojai teigia, kad norint kokybiškai tenkinti SUP mokinių ugdymosi poreikius, mokytojų padėjėjams būtinos papildomos specialiosios pedagogikos ir psichologijos žinios. Mokytojų padėjėjai pasigenda komandinio darbo, jiems... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This bachelor work analysis teacher assistant role by meeting special educational requirements. 41 assistants and 60 teachers working with pupils having special educational needs has participated in this research. According to the scientific literature and legal documents revealed the role of the classroom teacher assistant, and extracurricular activities. The questionnaire has showed what kind of help teachers usually need from their assistants and what they get in the reality. Teachers and assistants opinion has been disclosed on the matter of education which is needed for their roles. The empirical study revealed the role of teacher assistants: most assistants educates students, consults, advises, mediates and organizes various activities, patronages, intercedes, helps managing things, environment, helps with hygiene, nursing and supervision. In addition to above mentioned, the empirical study revealed teachers expectations: teacher assistants at school helps pupils with tasks during lessons, needs to have skills to prepare methodological tools, ability to develop their social skills and help looking after themselves. Almost all respondents said that the main role of the assistant - is being a helper. Both assistants and teachers said that in order to satisfy the needs of the quality of such pupils, assistant needs special additional education and background in psychology. Teacher assistants experiences lack of teamwork skills and knowledge, they feel undervalued and... [to full text]

Statistical Methods for Dating Collections of Historical Documents

Tilahun, Gelila 31 August 2011 (has links)
The problem in this thesis was originally motivated by problems presented with documents of Early England Data Set (DEEDS). The central problem with these medieval documents is the lack of methods to assign accurate dates to those documents which bear no date. With the problems of the DEEDS documents in mind, we present two methods to impute missing features of texts. In the first method, we suggest a new class of metrics for measuring distances between texts. We then show how to combine the distances between the texts using statistical smoothing. This method can be adapted to settings where the features of the texts are ordered or unordered categoricals (as in the case of, for example, authorship assignment problems). In the second method, we estimate the probability of occurrences of words in texts using nonparametric regression techniques of local polynomial fitting with kernel weight to generalized linear models. We combine the estimated probability of occurrences of words of a text to estimate the probability of occurrence of a text as a function of its feature -- the feature in this case being the date in which the text is written. The application and results of our methods to the DEEDS documents are presented.

The artist will be present: performing partial objects and subjects

Braddock, Christopher Gregory January 2008 (has links)
'The Artist Will Be Present' explores objects as traces that stem from performed actions, and my body in performance. Part-sculptural objects, video and sound act as performance documents that expand on notions of the ‘live’ encounter. Interest lies in how we get to objects: process in variance to product or closure. And the question of how the body/s of the audience becomes participatory is at the forefront of these operations. From this viewpoint the exegesis aims to broaden existing scholarship on performativity, liveness and the part-sculptural object, exploring the manners in which various cultural practices act to animate objects. I reconsider the Euro-American genealogies of performance/body art (Bruce Nauman, Lygia Clark, Ann Hamilton et al.) in relationship to contemporary art practices in Australia and New Zealand (Alicia Frankvich, Carolyn Eskdale et al.) through the lens of late 19th-and early 20th-century writing on sympathetic magical action. A legacy of cultural anthropology dealing with magic (that was privileged in establishing grounding aspects of structural linguistics) circulates around the British anthropologist Stanley J. Tambiah whose thinking on persuasive analogy in ritual performance draws a crucial link between J. L. Austin’s performative utterance and James George Frazer’s notion of sympathetic magic. From such a perspective the operations of sympathetic mimesis—involving ambivalent similitude and contagion—are discussed in terms of performative and persuasive illocutionary force. This offers another model for articulating an authentic performative document as an encounter with the ‘live.’ A phenomenological method of enquiry, including Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s concept of the chiasm,—along with notions of mimetic incongruence—crucially tease out relationships between the live and the performance document and aim at resisting subject/object dichotomies whereby concepts of embodiment and indeterminate play between artist, objects and audiences are activated. Applied to contemporary debates on performance and ‘objects out of action,’ part objects and images are transformed as partial ‘subjects’: metonymically part of larger wholes as trace (substitution) and contagious contact (liveness). What is lacking in the operations of sympathetic mimesis is precisely what ‘draws out’ the body/s of the audience as they desire closure in object and duration. As these questions turn on the body of the artist/self and the audience/participant in performative installation practice, I offer an analysis of bodies in ritual exchange (donor/donee); subjects and objects as transformers: relations of force over form—liminal, reversible and redolent of lack—that emphasise encounter in difference to recognition. This is to speak of, in the words of Lygia Clark: “Tactile shocks to liberate the body.”

Die Beweisbarkeit der Übermittlung unverkörperter Willenserklärungen unter Abwesenden in Deutschland, Österreich und England

Riesenkampff, Philipp January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Salzburg, Univ., Diss., 2008

A cognitive model of document selection of real users of information retrieval systems

Wang, Peiling, January 1994 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Maryland, 1994. / Vita. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 223-230).

Tradução juramentada de documentos escolares→português: questões culturais, terminológicas e tradutórias

Delvizio, Ivanir Azevedo [UNESP] 14 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-02-14Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:00:40Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 delvizio_ia_dr_sjrp.pdf: 2634294 bytes, checksum: d465057c8a6c903906820c350cf9ad25 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Os documentos escolares constituem um dos objetos mais frequentes da Tradução Juramentada. Esta pesquisa, financiada pela FAPESP, tem como objetivos: 1) proceder a um estudo comparado dos sistemas educacionais do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos; 2) realizar o levantamento e análise dos termos em inglês encontrados em documentos escolares que foram traduzidos do português para o inglês sob a forma juramentada; 3) buscar seus equivalentes em português; 4) elaborar um glossário na direção inglês→português dos termos de documentos escolares e 5) verificar qual o grau de equivalência terminológica (lexical) predominante entre a terminologia de documentos escolares dos Estados Unidos e do Brasil. A pesquisa se insere nos campos da Terminologia Bilíngue e da Tradução e teve como base um corpus comparável constituído pelos seguintes conjuntos de documentos: CDETJ-PI (conjunto de documentos escolares traduzidos na forma juramentada do português para o inglês), CDEOI (conjunto de documentos escolares originais em inglês), CDEOP (conjunto de documentos escolares originais em português) e CDETJ-IP (conjunto de documentos escolares traduzidos na forma juramentada do inglês para o português). Esses documentos foram extraídos de Livros de Registros de Tradução Juramentada disponibilizados por três tradutores públicos do Estado de São Paulo. Os dados em inglês e português foram organizados em fichas terminológicas, que nos permitiram comparar o conteúdo semântico dos termos em inglês e dos seus possíveis equivalentes em português. Dos 123 termos selecionados em inglês, 35 (28,5%) não apresentaram equivalentes em português, os casos de equivalência predominaram. Em relação às lacunas terminológicas, verificamos no CDETJ-IP quais foram as soluções adotadas pelos tradutores públicos / Academic documents are a frequent object of Sworn Translation work. This study, funded by the FAPESP, purports to: (1) provide a comparative study of the Brazilian and US educational systems; (2) identify and analyze the terms in English found in academic documents translated from Portuguese into English which are submitted to the process of sworn translation; (3) determine their equivalents in Portuguese; (4) set up an English → Portuguese dictionary of the relevant terms used in academic documents; and (5) determine the prevailing level of terminological equivalence between the academic terminology employed in the United States as compared to Brazil. Our investigation crisscrosses the domains of Bilingual Terminology and Translation and takes as a starting point a comparable corpus comprising the following set of documents: CDETJ- PI (set of school documents submitted to sworn translation from Portuguese into English), CDEOI (set of original school documents in English), CDEOP (set of original school documents in Portuguese) and CDETJ-IP (set of school documents submitted to sworn translation from English into Portuguese). These texts were excerpted from Books of Sworn Translation Records, made available by three Brazilian sworn translators. Data in English and Portuguese were organized in terminological records, which allowed us to compare the semantic content of terms in English and their possible equivalents in Portuguese. From the 123 terms selected in English, 35 (28.5%) did not have equivalents in Portuguese, the cases of equivalence were predominant. In relation to the terminological gaps, we verified in CDETJ-IP the solutions adopted by sworn translators

Tradução juramentada de documentos escolares→português : questões culturais, terminológicas e tradutórias /

Delvizio, Ivanir Azevedo. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Lidia Almeida Barros / Banca: Francis Henrik Aubert / Banca: Maria Emília Chanut / Banca: Paula Tavares Pinto Paiva / Banca: Peter James Harris / Resumo: Os documentos escolares constituem um dos objetos mais frequentes da Tradução Juramentada. Esta pesquisa, financiada pela FAPESP, tem como objetivos: 1) proceder a um estudo comparado dos sistemas educacionais do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos; 2) realizar o levantamento e análise dos termos em inglês encontrados em documentos escolares que foram traduzidos do português para o inglês sob a forma juramentada; 3) buscar seus equivalentes em português; 4) elaborar um glossário na direção inglês→português dos termos de documentos escolares e 5) verificar qual o grau de equivalência terminológica (lexical) predominante entre a terminologia de documentos escolares dos Estados Unidos e do Brasil. A pesquisa se insere nos campos da Terminologia Bilíngue e da Tradução e teve como base um corpus comparável constituído pelos seguintes conjuntos de documentos: CDETJ-PI (conjunto de documentos escolares traduzidos na forma juramentada do português para o inglês), CDEOI (conjunto de documentos escolares originais em inglês), CDEOP (conjunto de documentos escolares originais em português) e CDETJ-IP (conjunto de documentos escolares traduzidos na forma juramentada do inglês para o português). Esses documentos foram extraídos de Livros de Registros de Tradução Juramentada disponibilizados por três tradutores públicos do Estado de São Paulo. Os dados em inglês e português foram organizados em fichas terminológicas, que nos permitiram comparar o conteúdo semântico dos termos em inglês e dos seus possíveis equivalentes em português. Dos 123 termos selecionados em inglês, 35 (28,5%) não apresentaram equivalentes em português, os casos de equivalência predominaram. Em relação às lacunas terminológicas, verificamos no CDETJ-IP quais foram as soluções adotadas pelos tradutores públicos / Abstract: Academic documents are a frequent object of Sworn Translation work. This study, funded by the FAPESP, purports to: (1) provide a comparative study of the Brazilian and US educational systems; (2) identify and analyze the terms in English found in academic documents translated from Portuguese into English which are submitted to the process of sworn translation; (3) determine their equivalents in Portuguese; (4) set up an English → Portuguese dictionary of the relevant terms used in academic documents; and (5) determine the prevailing level of terminological equivalence between the academic terminology employed in the United States as compared to Brazil. Our investigation crisscrosses the domains of Bilingual Terminology and Translation and takes as a starting point a comparable corpus comprising the following set of documents: CDETJ- PI (set of school documents submitted to sworn translation from Portuguese into English), CDEOI (set of original school documents in English), CDEOP (set of original school documents in Portuguese) and CDETJ-IP (set of school documents submitted to sworn translation from English into Portuguese). These texts were excerpted from Books of Sworn Translation Records, made available by three Brazilian sworn translators. Data in English and Portuguese were organized in terminological records, which allowed us to compare the semantic content of terms in English and their possible equivalents in Portuguese. From the 123 terms selected in English, 35 (28.5%) did not have equivalents in Portuguese, the cases of equivalence were predominant. In relation to the terminological gaps, we verified in CDETJ-IP the solutions adopted by sworn translators / Doutor

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