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Digitalização dos acervos documentais : novas perspectivas para a memória da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulSantarem, Luciano Alves January 2017 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como tema a digitalização de acervos arquivísticos. O ambiente digital, largamente utilizado para a criação de novos documentos, pode servir também aos acervos em suporte papel, considerando que a migração para o meio digital seja capaz de contribuir em aspectos como a preservação, a difusão e o acesso aos documentos. Nesse sentido, o problema apresentado é: como tratar os acervos documentais em suporte papel custodiados pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul? Objetivando investigar uma forma de preservação e difusão dos documentos do Arquivo Central, realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória em duas instituições dedicadas ao tratamento de acervos através da digitalização. Por meio da observação sistemática e com a aplicação de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, foi possível estabelecer um contato mais direto com os ambientes investigados. O referencial teórico aborda temas como memória, patrimônio e cibercultura, a partir de suas relações com os documentos arquivísticos, fundamentando-se em autores como Halbwachs, Dodebei e Lévy. Assim, a memória é apresentada com base em sua ligação com os documentos, desenvolvendo então a noção de memória documental. O conceito de patrimônio é apresentado a partir da perspectiva dos documentos serem reconhecidos como patrimônio cultural da Universidade, através do trabalho de avaliação documental. O ciberespaço, por sua vez, é abordado como um espaço para difusão e preservação digital da memória documental. Sendo esta uma pesquisa qualitativa de natureza aplicada, o produto final apresentado é um projeto para a implantação de um laboratório de digitalização no Arquivo Central da UFRGS. Como resultado, a conjectura de que os acervos documentais da UFRGS poderão se valer do Laboratório de Digitalização como uma nova perspectiva para preservação e difusão de seus conteúdos. / The present study has as a theme the scanning of documents holdings. The digital environment, largely use for the creation of new documents, could be use also to the holdings on paper support, considering that the migration for the digital media be able to contribute on aspects as preservation, diffusion and access to the documents. Such conjuncture could be use as well for the documents collections on paper support, considering that the migration for the digital environment be capable to contribute on aspects such as preservation, the diffusion and the access to documents. In this sense, the problem presented is how to treat the documental collections on paper support guard by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul? Aiming investigate the form of preservation of Central Archive’s documents, has been done a exploratory research on two institutions dedicated to the treatment of the documents collections through the scanning or the papers. Trough the systematic observation and with the application of semi-structured interviews, was possible to make a direct contact with the object of this study. The theoretical reference approach theme such as memory, patrimony and cyber culture, from the relation with these documents, has been based on authors like Halbwaches, Dodebei and Lévy. Thus, memory is showed with base on its connection with the documents, developing then the notion of documental memory. The concept of patrimony is presented from the perspective of the documents to be acknowledge as University’s heritage patrimony, through the work of documental evaluation. The cyberspace, for its turn, is approach as a qualitative research of apply nature, the final product is showed as a project for the implantation of a scanning laboratory on the UFRGS’ Central Archive. As result, the conjuncture of that documental collection could use of the scanning laboratory as a new perspective for preservation and diff
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Profil učitele německého jazyka na základní škole / The profile of a lower-secondary school teacher of GermanURBÁNKOVÁ, Nikola January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the Diploma Thesis is to present a German teacher profile and upcoming teacher profile in the Czech Republic, to specify basic elements of German language teacher and to analyze current profiles of College of Education graduates ? German language specializations, which are introduced by College of Education Departments of German language at universities in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part deals with current situation in Czech educational system, curriculum documents and competence issues. In reference to a presentation of standard´s proposal of the Czech Republic and standard´s proposal of Germany in the practical part, the German educational system state is also described. With regard to a conception of standard, the Thesis also deals with competence issues. The profiles of College of Education graduates are compared in the practical part, from several departments with each other and also with a German standard. Based on the PAneCZ project realized by international cooperation of Passau University and University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, which the author of this Diploma Thesis took part in, a questionnaire analysis is made public in the practical part. This questionnaire was focused on imaginations and opinions of secondary schools´students about teaching profession. The analysis sums up what competences a primary school teacher should hold.
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Inskränker GDPR rätten att ta del av allmänna handlingar? : En analys av offentlighetsprincipen i ljuset av EU-rättens företräde / Does the GDPR Restrict the Right to Access Public Documents? : An Analysis of the Swedish Right to Access Public Documents in Light of the Primacy of EU LawJabal Ameli, Anosheh January 2018 (has links)
EU har gradvis utökat sin normgivningskompetens, ofta på bekostnad av medlemsstaternas lagstiftning. Detta har nyligen aktualiserats för Sverige på grund av Dataskyddsförordningen som i folkmun kallas GDPR. I och med att det traditionellt sett har funnits ett starkare dataskydd i EU-rätt jämfört med svensk rätt blir den inhemska lagstiftningen onekligen påverkad av förordningen. Den här uppsatsen avser analysera specifikt offentlighetsprincipen som är stadgad i Sveriges grundlag. Syftet är att identifiera huruvida rätten att ta del av allmänna handlingar, som är en del av offentlighetsprincipen, kan komma att inskränkas med hänsyn till principen om EU-rättens företräde. Syftet uppnås genom fyra etapper. Först sker en historisk tillbakablick av diskussionen vid det svenska unionstillträdet om offentlighetsprincipens fortlevnad. Efter detta görs en jämförelse mellan GDPR och intern rätt för att identifiera eventuella motsättningar. Vidare analyseras praxis från både Sverige och EU-domstolen för att visa på likheter och skillnader i avvägningen mellan offentlighet och sekretess. Till sist utreds hur principen om EU-rättens företräde kan tolkas tillsammans med andra unionsrättsliga bestämmelser för att antingen åsidosätta den nationella lagstiftningen eller hålla den intakt. Författaren föreslår slutledningsvis att effekten på offentlighetsprincipen är försumlig samtidigt som möjligheten att tolka mål härom delvis har skiftat från medlemsstaten till EU-domstolen. / The EU has gradually expanded its legislative competence, often at the expense of member state legislation. This has recently become highly relevant for Sweden due to the recent data protection regulation, the GDPR. Since there has traditionally been a stronger protection for personal data in the EU in comparison to Sweden, domestic Swedish law will become affected by the GDPR coming into force. Within this backdrop, the focus in this thesis will be the right to access public documents, which is established in the Swedish constitution. The aim with this work is to identify in what respect the right to access public documents will be affected considering the principle of primacy according to EU law. The aim is pursued in four steps. First, the former discussion on how the right to access public documents would be affected due to Sweden’s entrance to the EU will be presented. Secondly, the compliance of Swedish law in relation to the GDPR in order to identify potential conflict of norms will be reviewed. Thirdly, case law of the ECJ and Swedish courts in order to show the differentiation between balancing transparency and personal integrity will be reviewed. Finally, it will be analysed how the primacy of EU law can be interpreted together with other EU norms to either override the Swedish constitutional law or leave it intact. The findings suggest that while the effect of the GDPR on the Swedish “offentlighetsprincipen” is negligible, the right to interpret such cases has gradually shifted from relying partly on the member state to the EU.
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Construção de estatutos de ciência para a biologia numa perspectiva histórico-filosófica : uma abordagem estruturante para seu ensino /Nascimento Junior, Antonio Fernandes. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo Carbone Carneiro / Banca: Fernanda Aparecida Meglhioratti / Banca: Jehud Bortolozzi / Banca: Marcos Rodrigues da Silva / Banca: Osmar Cavassan / Resumo: A tese foi desenvolvida buscando identificar os elementos necessários para uma compreensão da visão biológica sobre a natureza, numa perspectiva histórica e filosófica. Foi realizado um estudo teórico fundamentado no pensamento materialista dialético, visando identificar as principais questões que sustentam a biologia, considerando a sua história de construção e o olhar da filosofia da ciência sobre ela. Fez-se um levantamento documental principalmente nas fontes secundárias sobre a história e filosofia da biologia, também em algumas fontes primárias. Tendo realizada esta etapa, fez-se uma análise do conteúdo disciplinar dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais do Ensino Médio (PCNEM), PCNEM+ e as Orientações Curriculares. O estudo foi direcionado por três questões: Quais são os elementos que caracterizam a biologia como tal ao longo da sua construção? Como estes elementos se caracterizam e se articulam? Os documentos curriculares oficiais consideram estes elementos na sua formulação? Como resultado, é trazida a história das ideias sobre os seres vivos na Antiguidade à Idade Média, sendo possível identificar algumas das questões que a biologia veio a se debruçar nos séculos seguintes. Em seguida, enfatiza-se a mudança ocorrida na visão de mundo na Idade Moderna que se opôs a Escolástica e suas implicações na organizaçãoda ciência que culminou na Revolução Científica. O século XIX marca o surgimento da biologia enquanto ciência. No início do século alguns ramos já se configuravam, porém ainda vinculados com a filosofia da natureza. Constitui-se a partir daí um olhar específico sobre a natureza considerando-se três teorias principais: teoria celular, teoria do equilíbrio interno e a teoria da seleção natural e origens das espécies. Duas perspectivas centrais se estruturaram, uma Mecanicista e outra Histórica, as quais sustentaram ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The thesis was developed in order to identify the elements necessary for an understanding of biological vision about the nature, historical and philosophical perspective. We conducted a theoretical study based on dialectical materialist thought, to identify the key issues underpinning biology, considering its history of construction and look at the philosophy of science about it. There was a documentary survey mainly on secondary sources on the history and philosophy of biology, also in some primary sources. Having performed this step, there was a review of disciplinary content of National Curriculum of Secondary Education (PCNEM) PCNEM + and Curriculum guidelines. The study walked directed by three questions: What are the elements that characterize the biology as such throughout its construction? How these elements are characterized and articulate? Documents of curriculum consider these elements in its formulation? As a result, it brought the history of ideas on living in antiquity to the Middle Ages, it is possibile to identify some of the questions that biology came to look over the following centuries. Then, we seek to emphasize the change in worldview in the modern era who opposed scholasticism and its implications to the science that culminated in the Scientific Revolution. The nineteenth century marks the emergence of biology as a science. At the beginning of the century there were already some branches, but still tied to the philosophy of nature. It consists from there a specific look on nature by considering three main theories: cell theory, theory of internal equilibrium and the theory of natural selection and origin of species. Two central perspectives are structured, a Mechanistic and another Historic, which ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Portal de gestão da Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre : um estudo sobre preservação no meio eletrônicoDressler, Karine Georg January 2011 (has links)
Trata da preservação de documentos arquivísticos produzidos e mantidos no meio digital através da análise do Portal de Gestão da Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre tendo por base teórica a diplomática contemporânea. Parte da origem do termo arquivo à análise da sociedade contemporânea sob os pontos de vista da sociedade da informação, sociedade do controle e da sociedade de vigilância. Diferencia os paradigmas Custodiai e Pós-Custodial e discute a proposta da arquivística integrada. Analisa a diplomática voltada aos documentos medievais, a diplomática especial e a diplomática arquivística contemporânea. que une os preceitos da Diplomática e os conceitos da Arquivologia. Apresenta o Projeto InterPARES, sua base teórico-metodológica e os resultados já obtidos pelo projeto e aplicados na presente pesquisa. Discute a preservação de acervos documentais, tradicionais e digitais, destacando as peculiaridades da preservação dos documentos arquivísticos digitais, fidedignos e autênticos. Apresenta os resultados da pesquisa realizada concluindo que o Portal de Gestão é um documento arquivístico digital, que mantém outros documentos, e pela necessidade do estabelecimento de um plano de preservação para garantir seu acesso de longo prazo. / This paper focuses on the preservation of archival documents produced and maintained in the digital environment trough analysis by the Porto Alegre City Hall Management Portal based on theoretical contemporary Diplomatic. It sets off from the origin of the term archive to the analysis of contemporary society from the views of information society, society of control, and surveillance society. It distinguishes Custodiai and Post-Custodial paradigms and discusses the proposal of an integrated archival. It analyzes the Diplomatic focused on medieval documents, the Special Diplomatic and the Contemporary Archival Diplomatic, which gathers the precepts of the Diplomatic and the concepts of Archival. It presents the InterPARES Project, its theoretical and methodological basis, and the results already achieved by the project and applied in this research. It discusses the preservation of documentary, traditional and digital collections highlighting the preservation of digital archival documents peculiarities while maintaining its reliability and authenticity. It presents the results of the survey, concluding that the Management Portal is a digital archival document which holds other documents, and that it is necessary to establish a preservation plan to ensure its longterm access.
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[pt] A diminuição do custo e a diversificação dos
computacionais vêm criando ambientes de computação cada
vez mais completos e sofisticados, mas que ainda carecem
de softwares de integração que simplifiquem sua
e que melhor explorarem seu potencial. Para responder a
esta questão, sistemas de computação ubíqua vêm sendo
desenvolvidos para criar mecanismos de controle remoto e
unificado de aplicações e dispositivos. Além disso,
de pesquisa na área de multimídia abordam outras
como a sincronização entre dispositivos, gerência de
recursos e definição de padrões de documentos. Este
trabalho visa unificar os esforços de ambas as áreas com
objetivo de realizar apresentações multimídia através do
paradigma de computação ubíqua. Neste trabalho,
apresentamos a infraestrutura de execução de
ActivePresentation desenvolvida e baseada em diferentes
protótipos. Além disso, propomos um formato de documento
multimídia chamado NCLua para orquestrar tais
apresentações. / [en] The diminishing costs and the diversity of computational
devices are creating
increasingly complex and sophisticated computational
Nonetheless, such environments still lack integration
software to simplify
their use and to better explore their potential. In
response to this issue,
ubiquitous computing systems are being developed to create
remote control
mechanisms of applications and devices. At the same time,
research groups
in the area of multimedia deal with other issues, such as
between devices, resource management and document standard
The purpose of this work is to join the efforts of both
areas in order to
build presentations using the ubiquitous computing
paradigm. In this work,
we introduce the ActivePresentation infrastructure, based
and developed
through the study of different prototypes. In addition, we
propose a multimedia
document format called NCLua to orchestrate such
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Técnicas de processamento de linguagem natural aplicadas às ciências sociaisScarpa, Alice Duarte 24 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Alice Duarte Scarpa (alicescarpa@gmail.com) on 2017-09-26T15:54:11Z
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dissertacao (3).pdf: 2075770 bytes, checksum: 4838890c00b2e15a62cffbbbcb4ab5a8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2017-10-31T11:43:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
dissertacao (3).pdf: 2075770 bytes, checksum: 4838890c00b2e15a62cffbbbcb4ab5a8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-10T18:24:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-08-24 / The vast amount of documents available nowadays presents a great opportunity for advancing Political Sciences. At the same time, this deluge of information poses a problem, because it is no longer feasible for researchers to analyze every document manually. Modern natural language processing techniques have an essential role in helping with this process. The goal of this work is to create a tool based on natural language processing techniques that helps researchers to navigate an important database, Cablegate, which is a corpus of over 250 thousand diplomatic cables sent between US embassies that was published as part of WikiLeaks. This is a very important database that can shed new light at key historical moments of the twenty-first century. / A enorme quantidade de documentos disponíveis atualmente representa um grande potencial de avanço para as Ciências Políticas. Ao mesmo tempo essa riqueza de informações gera um problema, pois não é mais possível que pesquisadores analisem todos os documentos manualmente. Técnicas modernas de processamento de linguagem natural têm um papel essencial a cumprir para auxiliar tal avanço. O objetivo desse trabalho é criar uma ferramenta baseada em processamento de linguagem de natural que ajude pesquisadores a navegar uma base de dados muito importante, o \textit{Cablegate}, que é um conjunto de mais de 250 mil cabos diplomáticos de embaixadas dos Estados Unidos que foi publicado como parte do \textit{WikiLeaks}. Essa é uma base muito importante que pode trazer uma nova luz sobre vários momentos-chave do início do século XXI.
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Ações-dispositivo : estratégias de intervenção política no espaço públicoCardoso, Sandro Ouriques January 2015 (has links)
A presente pesquisa se estabelece junto a um processo investigativo que inter-relaciona prática artística e produção textual. Consiste na reflexão produzida a partir da realização de três proposições no campo da intervenção urbana desenvolvidas entre 2013 e 2015 nas cidades de Porto Alegre/RS, Juazeiro do Norte/CE e Caxias do Sul/RS. Toma como fio condutor a análise de trabalhos instaurados a partir de e em relação a monumentos públicos e equipamentos urbanos associados a imagens e objetos cotidianos. Ao se inscreverem no espaço público, essas práticas artísticas evidenciam problemáticas específicas desse lugar atravessado por diversos agenciamentos e tensões e que demanda constantes reelaborações de métodos e de posicionamentos pelo artista-pesquisador. Compreendidos como ações-dispositivo, esses trabalhos se propõem como ações políticas ao evidenciar a importância das formas de inserção contextual e das relações estabelecidas entre público e obra em práticas de intervenção urbana. Como desdobramento, a análise aborda questões relacionadas ao estatuto da imagem fotográfica enquanto registro processual que articula noções de obra e documento. / This research is established as an investigation process that relates artistic practice and textual production. It consists of a reflection upon three propositions on the field of urban intervention that were developed between 2013 and 2015 in the cities of Porto Alegre/RS, Juazeiro do Norte/CE and Caxias do Sul/RS. Its core is the analysis of works that are made on and in relation to public monuments and urban equipments associated to images and everyday objects. When inscribed in the public space, these artistic practices make evident some specific typical problems of this space, which is crossed by various kinds of intermediations and tensions. It demands, therefore, constant changes in methods and position takings by the artist-researcher. Understood as device-actions, these works are political actions for their capacity of making evident the importance of contextual insertion ways and of the relations established between the public and works in urban interventions. As a consequence, the analysis brings up questions related to the statute of the image as a processual register that links the notions of work and document.
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Historie farnosti Olešnice na konci 18. a v průběhu 19. století / The history of the Olešnice parish in the late 18th and during the 19th centuryWAGNEROVÁ, Miluše January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation introduces a history of the Olešnice parish based on research stemming from an accessible of sources. It focuses first of all on the parish?s creation and then on the state of the parish and how it was affected by Josef?s reforms. The dissertation questions how greatly these reforms influenced its inception and function. Its focus is on an internal organization and parish run, with its act within a state administration. The opening chapter summarizes the literature and other sources used for researching this subject and are followed with chapters about the church administration at the time of late modern period, and also the establishment of the České Budějovice bishopric and the spiritual committee Czech land Gubernia. The studies begin with the history of Olešnice. It first details the important institutions in a village (school, pastorate, authority) and the holding of properties. The next chapter is then focused on the origination and history of the Olešnice parish, with the main focus being on visitations and the churchmen. The end chapters are concerned with the sacred objects within the parish (the church, the chapel and the devotional pillar), patronage in local parish and school matters. The final chapter represent written production of parish and focus on situation of parish registry. Total summary is stated at the end.
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"Buďtež prokleti vy všichni, kdož jste toho původci". Léta 1870-1950 pohledem kroniky Václava Koppa. / "Be cursed all of you who are initiators of this". Years 1870-1950 in view of the chronicle of Václav KoppMARTINOVSKÁ, Soňa January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims on introducing the "Chronicle of the Kopp family", a personal writing found in the inheritance of Pilsen teacher Vaclav Kopp (1876-1951). The thesis also intends to integrate this work into contexts of the ego-documents research; introductory article therefore touches the matters of personal sources as a subject of a research interest. The main text of the thesis is further divided into four chapters. The first chapter presents the story of Vaclav Kopp's life and also focuses on the history of his family. The following chapter deals with the analysis of the source and it particularly wants to emphasize the overall change of its character. The third chapter is a pivotal part of the thesis. It discusses topics contained in the "Chronicle" with intent to look into the everyday life of the author and into his intellectual world. In the last chapter, the work of Vaclav Kopp is compared with the memoirs of another Pilsen citizen - Luisa Pernerová-Zykmundová and with other personal sources from Pilsen of the same time period. Conclusion then summarizes the findings and it points out the importance of the investigated work and offers the possibility of its further use. A list of sources and bibliography is appended, as well as a large number of pictorial attachments.
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