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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aproveitamento de soro de ricota para elaboração de suplemento hidroeletrolítico / The use of ricotta cheese whey in the formulation of a hydroelectrolytic supplement

Natali Knorr Valadão 16 October 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo consistiu na formulação, no processamento em escala piloto, na avaliação da esterilidade comercial (EC) e no estudo da vida útil de um suplemento hidroeletrolítico (isotônico) elaborado com soro de ricota. O soro de ricota deslactosado foi pasteurizado a 75 ºC/15 s, acondicionado assepticamente em garrafas plásticas e estocado a 0 ºC para ser utilizado no desenvolvimento da formulação do isotônico. O desenvolvimento da formulação contendo soro de ricota, água deionizada, corante, aroma, sacarose e cloreto de sódio foi norteado pela aplicação de testes sensoriais de Ordenação-Preferência, de Escala do Ideal e testes físico-químicos. Utilizando-se um delineamento experimental fatorial, investigou-se o binômio tempo de retenção (30 a 50 s) x temperatura de pasteurização (85 a 95 ºC) adequado à obtenção de uma bebida comercialmente esterilizada com elevada aceitação sensorial. A estabilização da bebida foi baseada na seguinte combinação de métodos térmicos e não térmicos: acidificação, pasteurização e envase asséptico. Testes físico-químicos, sensoriais e microbiológicos, incluindo o teste de EC, foram realizados na bebida recém-processada (tempo zero do estudo da vida útil (VU)). Um terço, aproximadamente, de cada lote processado foi estocado a -18 ºC (amostras controle) e dois terços estocados a 25 ºC (amostras codificadas), na ausência de luz. A estimativa da VU da bebida foi fundamentada em testes microbiológicos e sensoriais. A avaliação da estabilidade microbiológica baseou-se na enumeração de bactérias aeróbias mesófilas e a estabilidade sensorial em testes de Escala Hedônica de nove pontos para avaliação da impressão global do produto. A formulação isotônica desenvolvida atendeu aos requisitos estabelecidos pela Legislação Alimentar Brasileira, com pH 3,15, teor de sólidos solúveis de 6,4 ºBrix, osmolalidade de 306 mOsm/kg água e níveis de sódio e de potássio equivalentes a 500 e 650 mg/L, respectivamente. A bebida recém-processada apresentou contagens de bactérias mesófilas aeróbias inferiores a 10¹ UFC/mL e as médias das notas obtidas nos testes de Escala Hedônica de nove pontos alcançaram 6 (gostei ligeiramente) para o aroma e para o sabor, e situaram-se entre 6 (gostei ligeiramente) e 7 (gostei moderadamente) para a aparência. A análise estatística dos resultados revelou que somente o tempo de retenção aplicado no tratamento térmico produziu efeito significativo (p < 0,05) no sabor da bebida recém-processada, não apresentando efeitos significativos para aroma, aparência, parâmetros de cor (L*, a* e b*), pH, acidez titulável e teor de sólidos solúveis. Somente os processamentos 3 (95 ºC/50 s), 4 (90 ºC/40 s) e 5 (85 ºC/30 s) alcançaram a EC e tiveram seus tempos de VU limitados pela depreciação sensorial, estimados em 100, 128 e 153 dias, respectivamente. Os tempos de VU estimados para os lotes dos processamentos 2 (95 ºC/30 s), 6 (85 ºC/50 s) e 7 (90 ºC/40 s) foram equivalentes a 70, 42 e 42 dias, respectivamente, tendo sido limitado pelo desenvolvimento de micro-organismos, resultando em alterações na aparência da bebida e no estufamento de algumas embalagens. O lote 1 (90 ºC/40 s) teve sua vida útil estimada em 128 dias devido a falta de amostras. O soro de ricota revelou-se uma alternativa tecnologicamente viável para elaboração de um suplemento hidroeletrolítico permitindo o aproveitamento e a agregação de valor ao referido subproduto. A combinação dos métodos empregados na estabilização da bebida foi eficiente para a redução da carga microbiana inicial e para a obtenção de uma bebida com boa aceitação sensorial. / This study focused the formulation, small scale processing, commercial sterility (CS) evaluation and shelf life (SL) study of a ricotta cheese whey (RCW) based sports drink (isotonic). The RCW was pre-treated with lactase, pasteurized at 75 ºC/15 s, aseptically filled into plastic bottles and stored at 0 ºC. Then it was used to develop the isotonic formulation (RCW, deionized water, coloring, flavor, sucrose and sodium chloride) by applying Rank Preference, Just Right Scale and physicochemical tests. A factorial experiment was designed to investigate the binomial holding time (30 to 50 s) and pasteurization temperature (85 to 95 ºC) appropriate for attaining a commercially sterilized drink with a high sensory acceptance. The drink stabilization was based on the combination of thermal and non-thermal methods: acidification, pasteurization and aseptic filling. Physicochemical, sensory and microbiological tests were performed in the freshly processed drink. Approximately one third of each processed batch was stored at -18 º C (control samples) and two thirds stored at 25 ºC (coded samples), in the dark. The estimate of the isotonic shelf life relied on the microbiological and sensory tests. The microbiological stability evaluation was based on the total mesophilic aerobic counts. The sensory stability study relied on a nine-point Hedonic Scale tests. The developed formulation met the Brazilian Food Legislation and obtained acceptance average scores of 6.3, pH 3.15, soluble solids of 6.4 ºBrix, osmolality of 306 mOsm/kg água, 500 mg/L of sodium and 650 mg/L of potassium. The freshly processed product presented mesophilic aerobic bacteria counts below 10¹ CFU/mL. The average of the ratings obtained for aroma and flavor in the nine-point Hedonic Scale tests reached 6 (liked slightly); it ranged from 6 (liked slightly) to 7 (liked moderately) for appearance. The statistical analysis showed that only the holding time applied to the heat treatment had significant effect (p < 0.05) in the flavor of the drink. Neither the holding time nor the pasteurization temperature affected other sensory attributes and physicochemical parameters. Only batches 3 (95 ºC/50 s), 4 (90 ºC/40s) and 5 (85 ºC /30 s) reached the commercial sterility; their shelf lives were limited by sensory depreciation and estimated at 100, 128 and 153 days, respectively. The shelf lives for batches 2 (95 ºC/30 s), 6 (85 ºC/50 s) and 7 (90 ºC/40 s) were 70, 42 and 42 days, respectively; they were limited by the microbial growth. The findings indicate that RCW could be a technologically feasible alternative to produce a sports drink. The combination of methods employed in this study was effective in reducing the initial microbial load and obtained a drink with good acceptance.

Mood-On Vodka a base de papas nativas saborizadas con frutos exóticos. / Mood-On Vodka based on native potatoes flavored with exotic fruits.

Estrada Ayma, Jenifer Lucero, Huatuco Sartori, Maryori Kimberly, Pino Maslucan, Ruth Elizabeth, Rios Chavarria, Gabriela Miriam, Yauri Colquechagua, Jerry Raul 21 July 2020 (has links)
En el presente proyecto de la bebida Mood-On, que está hecha a base de papas y frutos exóticos, se muestra su sostenibilidad a través de los distintos análisis realizados en Lima Metropolitana. Asimismo, este producto va dirigido hacia los sectores socioeconómicos A, B, C y que se encuentren en el rango de edad de 18 a 24 años. Del mismo modo, podemos indicar que, si bien hay una presencia consistente de bebidas RTD en el mercado peruano, los consumidores no se identifican con los productos ya establecidos. Por consiguiente, podemos mencionar que el mercado limeño tiene una necesidad que no ha sido satisfecha; ya sea por falta de sabores u otro factor clave. En adición a esto, para la realización del trabajo, se desarrollaron entrevistas a los usuarios para ratificar el nivel de aceptación del producto, a su vez, se hizo contacto con las licorerías a través de medios tradicionales y no tradicionales para la estimación de las ventas. Asimismo, se contactó con un ingeniero de alimentos para la elaboración de la receta, puesto que se ha tenido que considerar diferentes aspectos con respecto a la bebida RTD. Finalmente, se ha requerido para la inversión un total de S/27,261.72 para que se puedan iniciar las actividades de producción y la utilidad neta que se generará en el primer año es de39,186.95 nuevos soles, 60,913.85 nuevos soles en el segundo año y para el tercer año ascendería a 613,802.47 nuevos soles. / In the present project of the Mood-On drink, which is made from potatoes and exotic fruits, its sustainability is shown through the different analyzes carried out in Metropolitan Lima. Likewise, this product is aimed at socioeconomic sectors A, B, C, and that are in the age range of 18 to 24 years. Similarly, we can indicate that although there is a consistent presence of RTD beverages in the Peruvian market, consumers do not identify with the already established products. Therefore, we can mention that the Lima market has a need that has not been met; either for lack of flavors or another key factor. In addition to this, to carry out the work, interviews were carried out with users to ratify the level of acceptance of the product, in turn, contact was made with the liquor stores through traditional and non-traditional means for estimating sales. Likewise, a food engineer was contracted to prepare the recipe, since different aspects of the RTD drink had to be considered. Finally, a total of S /. 27,261.72 so that production activities can begin and the net profit that will be generated in the first year is –S/39,186.95, S/60,913.85 in the second year and for the third year it would amount to S/613,802.47 / Trabajo de investigación

Effects of Chronic Energy Drink Consumption on Cardiometabolic Endpoints

Chen, May 01 January 2020 (has links)
Background: Since its introduction in the early 2000s, energy drinks have become increasingly popular among an extensive range of consumers, including adolescents and young adults. Currently, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate the formulation of energy drinks, which may vary widely in the amounts of caffeine and sugar, as well as various types of supplements. Recent reports of severe and fatal adverse effects related to energy drinks have led to growing concerns on the safety of energy drink consumption. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effects of chronic daily consumption of energy drinks on cardiometabolic endpoints, including blood pressure, ECG parameters, blood glucose, lipid parameters, weight, body mass index, and body fat consumption in a healthy adult population. Methods: The study was an unblinded, non-randomized, proof-of-concept, prospective study that evaluated the effects of chronic consumption of energy drinks in a healthy, adult population. Each participant consumed two 16 oz. cans of a commercially available ED daily in two divided doses for 28 days. Investigators met with the participants on days 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28 of the study. Participants were required to complete a standardized log of consumption, which include date and time of consumption, as well an estimate of additional caffeine intake. The following measurements were taken for each participant over the 28 days: blood pressure (BP), electrocardiogram (ECG), fasting blood glucose (FBG), fasting lipid panel (FLP), weight, BMI, body fat composition, and serum creatinine. Adverse side effects related to energy drink consumption were also recorded. Wilcoxan signed-rank tests were used to compare and detect statistical difference between endpoints for baseline and maximum post-dose systolic BP, QTc, FBG, FLP, weight, BMI, body fat, and serum creatinine values. Results: Of the 14 total participants that were enrolled in the study, 12 participants completed the full study protocol for 28 days. Maximum measurements in peripheral systolic blood pressure (pSBP), peripheral diastolic blood pressure (pDBP), central systolic blood pressure (cSBP), central diastolic blood pressure (cDBP), and heart rate (HR) were found to be statistically significantly higher than baseline measurements (all P < 0.05). The maximum change from baseline to maximum pSBP, pDBP, cSBP, and cDBP were 9±7 mmHg, 5±4 mmHg, 7±6 mmHg, 5±4 mmHg, respectively. Maximum QTcB and QTcF intervals were also statistically higher than baseline (both P = 0.001). The maximum change from baseline in QTcB and QTcF interval were 19±13 ms and 15±10 ms, respectively. Both QTcB and QTcF intervals on days 7, 14, 21, and 28 were all found to be significantly higher than baseline (all P Results: Of the 14 total participants that were enrolled in the study, 12 participants completed the full study protocol for 28 days. Maximum measurements in peripheral systolic blood pressure (pSBP), peripheral diastolic blood pressure (pDBP), central systolic blood pressure (cSBP), central diastolic blood pressure (cDBP), and heart rate (HR) were found to be statistically significantly higher than baseline measurements (all P < 0.05). The maximum change from baseline to maximum pSBP, pDBP, cSBP, and cDBP were 9±7 mmHg, 5±4 mmHg, 7±6 mmHg, 5±4 mmHg, respectively. Maximum QTcB and QTcF intervals were also statistically higher than baseline (both P = 0.001). The maximum change from baseline in QTcB and QTcF interval were 19±13 ms and 15±10 ms, respectively. Both QTcB and QTcF intervals on days 7, 14, 21, and 28 were all found to be significantly higher than baseline (all P

Electronic market research and the impact of consumerization

Alt, Rainer 21 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Konzumace energy drinků u studentů na dvou vybraných středních školách / The consumption of energy drinks for students at two selected secondary schools

Kantorová, Markéta January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the awareness of students in terms of the risks of energy consumption at two selected secondary schools in Prague according to the number of correct answers. Firstly, it deals with the description and composition of energy drinks in order to find out which substances they contain and how they can stimulate the body. It describes the origin of energy drinks and their development and impact on society and people. The composition of energy drinks is examined and the individual ingredients are inspected, including their effects. In case of objection, the positive effects of consumption are also examined along with consumption risks. The most important part of the thesis is to compare and evaluate the specific health impact on the consumption of energy drinks and the awareness of their effects. Not only is the health impact evaluated, but the social and economic impacts, advertising and the influence of famillial or social background are evaluated also. The main aim of the work was to examine the awareness of students in terms of the risks of energy consumption at two selected secondary schools in Prague according to the number of correct answers. Pupils have been found to consume energy drinks without being sufficiently aware of their effects. They are not sufficiently...

Muru café

Huapaya Navarro, Cesar Ernesto Benjamín, Pitot Alvarado, Luz Medali, Rodriguez Villarroel, Angela Carol, Rozas Pomalaza, Ana Beatriz 15 July 2019 (has links)
La tendencia del consumo saludable está generando que más personas opten por las bebidas más naturales, la cual es una tendencia en el consumo a nivel mundial. Así mismo, en el mundo existe una alta preferencia en el consumo del café (95%), cuyos subproductos como la cascarilla del café no han sido bien aprovechados y en la actualidad se desperdicia más del 80% generando contaminación medioambiental y en otros casos se usa como abono, solo en algunos países del mundo y Latinoamérica están innovando con los subproductos y están usando la cascarilla para producir nuevos productos como infusiones, mermeladas, yogurt, etc. El Perú no está exento de ello, por eso nace Muru Café, una bebida natural a base de la cascarilla de café, cero azúcares, con altos contenidos de carbohidratos, proteínas y minerales, 500 veces más antioxidante que la misma vitamina C, con ligera dulzura y beneficiosa para la salud por su valor nutricional. En el mercado peruano existe este tipo de bebida natural, pero no ha sido industrializado para la comercialización en el mercado, por lo que representa una oportunidad para incursionar en el negocio. Además, por la investigación de mercado, se logró validar el público objetivo y los canales de distribución indirectos para vender las bebidas en minimarkets, tiendas por conveniencia, naturistas y supermercados. Así mismo, el equipo de trabajo está altamente capacitado y con experiencia en producción, ventas, administración y finanzas, lo que nos permite desarrollar un proyecto viable, rentable y sostenible en el tiempo. / The trend of healthy consumption is generating more people opt for more natural beverages, which is a trend in consumption worldwide. Likewise, in the world there is a high preference in the consumption of coffee (95%), whose by-products such as coffee husk have not been well used and currently more than 80% are wasted generating environmental pollution and in other cases use as fertilizer, only in some countries of the world and Latin America are innovating with by-products and are using the husk to produce new products such as infusions, jams, yogurt, etc. Peru is not exempt from this, that is why Muru Café is born, a natural drink based on coffee husks, zero sugars, with high carbohydrate, protein and mineral content, 500 times more antioxidant than vitamin C, with light sweetness and beneficial to health due to its nutritional value. In the Peruvian market there is this type of natural beverage, but it has not been industrialized for commercialization in the market, so it represents an opportunity to venture into the business. In addition, through market research, it was possible to validate the target audience and the indirect distribution channels to sell beverages in minimarkets, convenience stores, naturists and supermarkets. Likewise, the work team is highly trained and experienced in production, sales, administration and finance, which allows us to develop a viable, profitable and sustainable project over time. / Trabajo de investigación

Beverage Consumption and Body Composition Among College-aged Women

Sloan, Matthew 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In the U.S., over 67 million adults are obese and 300,000 annual deaths are related to obesity. Among college-aged women, over 60% report daily consumption of caloric beverages. Prior studies indicate positive associations between these beverages and obesity, but conflicting results for diet drinks. Studies were limited, however, by obesity measures that failed to accurately assess abdominal adiposity or percent body fat, and few studies included college-aged women. We examined this relationship among participants aged 18-30 in the University of Massachusetts Vitamin D Status Study (n=237). We assessed average diet in the past two months using a modified version of the Harvard Food Frequency Questionnaire and calculated percent body fat by dual-energy X-ray absorptiomtery. Confounding factors were assessed using a lifestyle questionnaire. Multiple logistic regression was used to adjust for important risk factors. We found no association between intake of sugar-sweetened beverages or juice and obesity after controlling for confounding factors. However, high consumption of diet drinks (i.e., >2 servings per week) was associated with an increased risk of overweight (BMI>25) (OR=2.88, 95% CI 1.34, 6.21), high waist circumference (>80 cm) (OR=3.14, 95% CI 1.56, 6.35) and high percent body fat (>33%) (OR=2.86, 95% CI 1.42, 5.77) as compared to light consumption (i.e, <1 serving per>month). These associations were not attenuated by controlling for total caloric intake. Findings should be evaluated in additional longitudinal studies to determine whether diet drinks contribute to adiposity or if the association is due to higher diet drink consumption by overweight women.

From farm to food waste? : Opportunities and limitations for a circular economy in the cow milk and oat drink industries

Fundberg, Linnea, Hedlund, Zandra January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of our thesis is to determine to what extent the cow milk and oat drink industries can implement a circular economy according to Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s definition. In addition, we will discuss the impact on the overall sustainability.  31% of the anthropogenic emissions stem from processes related to food production and in Sweden, a significant portion of these stem from the dairy industry– which has also been noticed by some oat drink companies. The problem is further amplified by the fact that a third of the food produced for human consumption ends up lost or wasted. Multiple laws and policies have been introduced to combat this, and new solutions are needed. A term that has gained popularity lately is the circular economy, which focuses on closing the loop and thus eliminating waste. That way, if would be possible to see the environmental impact from the oat drink and cow milk industries in a bigger perspective.  We have conducted a qualitative study using primary and secondary data. The primary data stems from 11 semi-structured interviews and the secondary data comes from relevant documents by the companies. An inductive approach was used.  The results showed that it is not possible for these industries to implement an entirely circular food supply chain because of the inevitable food waste. Overall, there is also a lack of terminology and measuring methods in both areas related to the CE. Yet, the work with food waste has come far within the individual companies but the coordination between companies that will allow them to cooperate requires further attention. The efforts should be aimed at the consumer level and seek to clarify the question of responsibility. Furthermore, the difficulties in profitability must be solved, and an improved compensation system is needed. Finally, we noted that a circular economy is not by definition perfectly sustainable, and that changes in the oat drink can lead to other implications of a study like this one.

Chemical Analysis for Phytochemical Residues on Ceramics from Cape Canaveral Archaeological Sites

Woodard, Jacob 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to contribute to the field of paleoethnobotany in Florida archaeology by presenting a novel approach to chemical residue analysis using UV-vis spectroscopy. The project's main goals are to develop a spectroscopic method for analyzing ceramics to identify phytochemical residues and present the findings of chemical analysis applied to ceramics from the Cape Canaveral archaeological mitigation project (CCAMP). The study focuses on two sites, the Penny site (8BR158) and Burns site (8BR85) in Florida's Indian River region. While organic residue analysis (ORA) has been applied to various materials and regions, limited research ORA on has been conducted within Florida archaeology. This study presents this approach in a simple and comprehensive manner so that it may be replicated by archaeologists who may be novice in in photospectroscopic methods. The presence of caffeine in the context of Malabar Period sites can enhance our understanding of the Ais people's foodways and cultural practices in Cape Canaveral by showing the ritualistic and common day use of Black Drink made from Ilex vomitoria. By developing this specific analytical method and applying it to the pottery from CCAMP, the study has shed light on the past use of ceramics, as well as the plant resources utilized by the people of prehistoric Florida.

Upplevd direkt effekt av koffein på energinivå och ansträngning under träning hos unga, friska, träningsvana kvinnor : Single Subject Experimental Design / Perceived acute effect of caffeine on energy levels and exertion during exercise on young, healthy, exercise-accustomed women : Single Subject Experimental Design

Eriksson, Alva, Inguscio, Elisa January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Många studier är överens om att koffeinet har positiv inverkan på prestation under träning. Emellertid är kvinnor underrepresenterade i forskningsområdet, i synnerhet när det kommer till den hormonella påverkan som menstruationscykeln (MC) kan ha på träningen och de upplevda energi- och ansträngningsnivåerna. Syfte: Undersöka hur koffein i form av energidryck påverkar den upplevda ansträngningen och den upplevda energinivån i samband med träning hos friska, träningsvana kvinnor. Studien syftar även till att kartlägga menstruationscykeln och yttre faktorer för att kunna resonera kring hur det eventuellt kan påverka upplevelsen av energi och ansträngning under träning. Metod: Single Subject Experimental Design (SSED) har använts som metod med en AB-design, vilken består av en baslinje (A) och en interventionsfas (B). Fyra kvinnor deltog i studien och sex stycken mätningar har samlats in under respektive fas hos varje deltagare. En oberoende variabel (koffein) implementerades under interventionsfasen och den beroende variabeln (upplevd energinivå och upplevd ansträngning) mättes. Antal dagar sedan debut av senaste menstruationen inhämtades från loggböcker i respektive fas. Resultat: För samtliga deltagare antydde resultatet att 200 mg koffein gav effekt på ökad upplevd energinivå och hos tre av fyra deltagare gav koffein effekt på minskad upplevd ansträngningsnivå. En ökad upplevd energinivå sammanföll med en minskad upplevd ansträngningsgrad hos tre av fyra deltagare. Menstruationscykeln kan ha påverkat upplevelsen av energi och ansträngning, dock kan ingen effekt påvisas. Slutsats: Resultat från denna studie tyder på att 200 mg koffein innan träning har en ökad upplevd effekt på energinivå och en minskad upplevd effekt på ansträngning hos friska, träningsvana kvinnor med regelbunden menstruationscykel. / Background: Many studies agree that caffeine has a positive effect on performance during exercise. However, women are underrepresented in the research field, particularly when it comes to the hormonal influence that the menstrual cycle (MC) can have on exercise and perceived level of energy and exertion. Aim: To investigate how caffeine in the form of energy drink affects the perceived level of exertion and energy during exercise in exercise-accustomed women. The study also aims to chart the menstrual cycle and external factors to be able to reason about how it can possibly affect the experience of energy and exertion during exercise. Method: Single Subject Experimental Design (SSED) has been used as method with AB design, consisting of a baseline (A) and an intervention phase (B). Four women participated in the study and six measurements were collected during each phase from each participant. An independent variable (caffeine) was implemented during the intervention phase and the dependent variable (perceived energy level and perceived exertion) was measured. Number of days since the last menstrual cycle was obtained before each training session from all participants in each phase. Result: For all participants, the results suggested that 200 mg of caffeine before exercising increased perceived level of energy and reduced perceived level of exertion. In three out of four participants, the results suggested that an increased perceived energy level coincided with a decreased perceived level of exertion. The menstrual cycle may have influenced the experience of energy and exertion however, no effect can be demonstrated. Conclusion: Results from this study suggest that 200 mg caffeine before exercise increased perceived level of energy and reduced perceived level of exertion in healthy, exercise-accustomed women with regular menstrual cycles.

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