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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Essay on the blurring of art and life : les inaugurations des expositions internationales du Surréalisme à Paris (1938, 1947, 1959) en tant qu'événements précurseurs de l'art de la performance / An Essay on the blurring of art and life : the openings of the international surrealist exhibitions in Paris (1938, 1947, 1959) - pioneer events of performance art

Lehmann, Maria-Rosa 19 May 2018 (has links)
Si c’est le futurisme et le Dadaïsme qui sont mis de l’avant dans la plupart des publications sur l’histoire de ce que l’on nomme la performance, l’impact du surréalisme est encore et toujours laissé de côté. En nous appuyant sur les recherches de Roselee Goldberg et Adrian Henri, il s’agit de mettre en lumière la contribution des surréalistes à l’art dit de performance. Précisément, nous reconstruisons et analysons les évènements éphémères que les surréalistes organisent dans la foulée de l’inauguration de leurs grandes expositions internationales : l’Acte manqué mis en scène pour l’Exposition internationale du surréalisme (1938), Prière de toucher, l’objet performatif réalisé pour Le Surréalisme en 1947, puis Festin inaugural et l’Exécution du testament du Marquis de Sade, tous deux planifiés pour l’Exposition inteRnatiOnale du Surréalisme (E.R.O.S.) en 1959. Après l’étude détaillée de ces évènements, il s’agit de les mettre en parallèle avec les expérimentations des artistes se vouant à l’art de la performance des années 1960/1970. Sans affirmer que ce genre d’œuvres est surréaliste, l’objectif est de montrer que certains enjeux et questions auxquelles le groupe s’intéresse se trouvent reflétés dans l’époque de l’âge d’or de la performance. / Although Futurism and Dadaism are credited for their experiences with different forms of performance, only few art historians acknowledge Surrealism’s influence. Building on the work of RoseLee Goldberg and Adrian Henri, the purpose of this thesis is to shed light on Surrealism’s contribution to what is globally known as Performance Art. We reconstruct, study and analyze the ephemeral events organized by the surrealists for their international exhibitions that took place in Paris: the Acte manqué presented at the opening of the Exposition internationale du surréalisme (1938), Prière de toucher, a performative object created for Le Surréalisme en 1947, and Festin inaugural as well as the Exécution du testament du Marquis de Sade, both organized for the Exposition inteRnatiOnale du Surréalisme (E.R.O.S.) in 1959. After a detailed analysis of these events, we then discuss their possible links to Performance Art of the 1960s/1970s. Our aim is not to state that the experimentations of that time period are inherently surrealist, but – in order to show the importance of the surrealist ephemeral events – , we point out that some issues and questions that posed the French avant-garde group, images even, were mirrored in Performance Art of the 1960s/ 1970s.

L'architectonique cubiste du corps : les schémas anatomiques chez Picasso et Raymond Duchamp-Villon, 1907-1918 / Architectonic of the Cubist body : the anatomical schema and in the works of Picasso and Duchamp-Villon, 1907-1918

Matsui, Hiromi 12 March 2015 (has links)
Cette étude se focalise sur l’examen conjoint des représentations du corps dans les œuvres de Pablo Picasso et de Raymond Duchamp-Villon. Afin d’apporter un éclairage nouveau sur la représentation du corps cubiste, notre objectif est d’examiner la portée de la connaissance de l’anatomie artistique, branche scientifique se rapportant non seulement à l’anatomie (au sens plus spécifique de l’ostéologie et de la myologie) mais aussi à l’étude de la proportion humaine, à la physiologie, la physionomie, l’ethnologie, l’anthropologie et la morphologie. En élaborant une nouvelle interprétation des images cubistes qui la relierait à la fois à la science anatomique et au classicisme dans le cadre de l’histoire de l’art, notre recherche ouvre une étude morphologique du cubisme à de multiples disciplines, comme l’esthétique et l’épistémologie. Si la recherche picturale de Picasso porte sur la structure du corps humain, Duchamp-Villon cherche pour sa part à représenter le dynamisme et la vitalité du corps. En d’autres termes, en partant des mêmes savoirs scientifiques ces deux artistes proposent deux modalités différentes de l’architectonique de la représentation du corps : se dispensant de théoriser cette architectonique, Picasso et Duchamp-Villon découvrent une expression du corps qui leur est propre. Par ce biais, nous cherchons à mettre en lumière les modalités par lesquelles le schéma cubiste se forme dans l’oscillation entre art et sciences, intuition et intelligence, subjectivité et objectivité, métamorphose organique des images et modélisation mécanique du corps. / This study focuses on the analyses of the representations of the human body in the works of Pablo Picasso and Raymond Duchamp-Villon during their cubist periods. In order to shed some new light on the representation of the body in the cubist works of these two artists, the importance and the modality of the artistic anatomy is examined. This includes branches of science related not only to the anatomy (specifically osteology and myology), but also to the study of human proportion to the physiology, physiognomy, ethnology, anthropology, and morphology. Developing a new interpretation of Cubist images that is linked both with anatomical science and classicism in art historical context, this research corresponds to a morphological study of Cubism in multiple disciplines, such as aesthetics and epistemology. In particular, this study's aim is to consider two different forms of architectonic representation of the cubist body, starting from the same scientific knowledge. If research of Picasso is concerned mostly with the structure of the human body, Duchamp-Villon's seeks the dynamism and vitality of the body: far from axiomatizing scientific knowledge, the two artists rectify it in their own way to discover their unique expressions. Through this, the method by which the cubist pattern is formed in the oscillation between art and science is clarified, between: intuition and intelligence; subjectivity and the objectivity; and organic metamorphosis of images and the schematization of the mechanical body.

MARCEL DUCHAMP: IMPRESSÕES EM CONSERVA / Marcel Duchamp: Impressions Canned

Margot Pavan 21 November 1996 (has links)
Durante meu mestrado selecionei textos específicos de Marcel Duchamp: textos teóricos nos quais ele reflete sobre o mundo das artes. São palestras que ele deu em universidades, cartas e catálogos para as exposições que ele organizava cujos textos são dele. Este material é fundamental para entender como este artista tão radical entendia a arte e como se esforçava para propagar suas concepções. São temas surpreendentes porque Duchamp teve um importante papel na apresentação da arte européia aos Estados Unidos trabalhando como curador durante um bom período. É impressionante vê-lo apresentando Picasso, Calder ou Matisse. Ou então defendendo os motivos pelos quais todo artista deve cursar uma universidade. São textos que todo estudante de arte deveria ler. Ou melhor, todos que gostam ou trabalham com arte... Este material foi selecionado e traduzido a partir dos originais em inglês e francês que estão nos livros Duchamp du Signe - écrits (Paris, Flammarion, 1975) e The Writings of Marcel Duchamp (New York, Da Capo Preess, 1989) , organizados por Michel Sanouillet com a colaboração de Elmer Peterson (ambos contém os mesmos textos, um em inglês e outro em francês). É uma seleção que cobre de 25 a 30% do total destes livros. Deixei fora do meu recorte todas as notas que fazem parte das próprias obras de Duchamp e têm um caráter poético intenso, recorrendo frequentemente a sofisticados trocadilhos dignos de uma tradução pelos irmãos Campos. Além da tradução dos textos teóricos, meu trabalho têm mais duas partes. Um posfácio, no qual faço uma leitura das obras de Duchamp iluminada exclusivamente pelos textos que estão traduzidos na primeira parte e um Apêndice - que é a parte que mais gosto. Este apêndice é uma brincadeira com Duchamp. Proponho um Ready-made para definir um perfil de sua obra recortando dos textos que ele escreveu sobre outros artistas apenas as caracteríscas que estão fortemente presentes no próprio trabalho dele. Como apontaram na minha banca, é quase uma leitura de revelação psicanalítica ao indicar como vemos nos outros aquilo que temos em nós. / This work selects specific texts of Marcel Duchamp: theoretical texts in which Duchamp reflects about the art world. This texts are lectures that Marcel Duchamp gave at universities, letters and catalogs for the exhibitions that he organized and whose texts Duchamp signed. This material is essential to understand how a so radical artist understood art as he struggled to propagate his views. Duchamp played an important role in introducing European art to the United States by working as curator for a long period. It\'s amazing to read his texts presenting Picasso, Calder or Matisse. Or even defending the reasons why every artist should attend the university. These are texts that every art student or art lover should read. This material was selected and translated from the originals published on the books Duchamp du Signe - écrits (Paris, Flammarion, 1975) and The Writings of Marcel Duchamp (New York, Da Capo Preess, 1989), organized by Michel Sanouillet with the collaboration of Elmer Peterson (both contain the same texts, the first one in French, the second one in English). This selection covers 25% to 30% of these books. I left out of my selection all the notes that are part of the own works of Duchamp and have an intense poetic character, often using sophisticated puns. Besides the translation of theoretical texts, my work have two more parts. An afterword, which is a view of Duchamp\'s works illuminated only by the texts which are translated at the first part and an Appendix - which is the part I like best. This appendix is a joke on Duchamp. I propose a Ready-made to define a profile of his work cutting from the texts he wrote about other artists only traces that are strongly present in his own work. It´s almost a psychoanalytic reading that indicates how we see in others what we have in us.

The Tammy Manifesto and the Politics of Representation

Hughes, Leah R 01 January 2015 (has links)
The artistic is always political, even if not overtly so—each work carries with it the histories of the artist, the means of production, the subject matter, and the many art historical precedents that overlap and diverge to constitute the theoretical circumstances surrounding it. Since I began translating my lived experience into artworks, I have become interested in the ways in which my personal politics have affected the choices I have made in material and narrative substance. This is a deconstruction of the politics of representation as a method for better understanding the art historical context in which contemporary materials- and performance-based art work exists and to conceptually develop the work I want to produce in the future.

The Possibilities of Sort Of

Robinson, Jesse 01 January 2008 (has links)
Simultaneity and conflict are incessant qualities one is confronted with when looking at things. Shifting from familiar to foreign, from present to implied. There seems to be a tendency, if not necessity to embrace this multiplicity. Using the film theory construct of extra-diegetic and relative qualifier 'sort of' to investigate Pulp Fiction, Bose Wave CD player, Sunset Boulevard, American Apparel, and The Uncanny.

Não é bem assim : vertentes da ironia na arte de Patricio Farías

Franco, Thaís January 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga a ironia na obra do artista chileno Patricio Farías, a partir de sua vinda para o Brasil, na década de 1980. Constatada a reincidência desse recurso retórico na trajetória do artista, a pesquisa busca problematizar as circunstâncias em que isso se faz presente e se desenvolve. A metodologia aplicada envolve o uso de entrevistas e leitura de imagens. Ao pretender estabelecer uma certa tipologia, que aponte diferentes nuances da ocorrência da ironia e do humor, a dissertação apresenta três estudos de caso, privilegiando na análise obras bastante distintas: o primeiro capítulo aborda Desaparecidos (1999/2000), o segundo capítulo discute Entendere-new-now (2005), e o terceiro capítulo traz não apenas uma obra, mas um conjunto, em que a relação irônica se dá sob a perspectiva de um comparativo com a produção de Marcel Duchamp. A partir desses procedimentos, objetiva-se refletir e dar destaque ao tema da ironia nas artes visuais na contemporaneidade, ao mesmo tempo, observar criticamente a produção de Patricio Farías, que ainda não mereceu estudos de maior fôlego no país. / This research investigates the irony in the work of the Chilean artist Patricio Farías after his arrival in Brazil in the 1980s. After detecting the recurrence of this rhetorical device in the trajectory of the artist, the research seeks to problematize the circumstances in which irony evolves itself. The adopted methodology involves the use of interviews and image reading. In order to establish a certain typology, which points out different nuances of irony and humor, this dissertation presents three case studies, focusing the analysis on quite distinct works: the first chapter covers the work Desaparecidos (1999/2000), the second chapter discusses Entendere-new-now (2005), and the third chapter brings not only one work, but a group of them, in which the relationship with irony takes place from a comparative perspective of Marcel Duchamp’s work. Based on these procedures, the objective is to highlight and ponder the irony in the visual arts in the contemporaneity, while at the same time critically observing the production of Patricio Farías, who has not received deep studies in Brazil.


Wallace Vieira Masuko 19 October 2012 (has links)
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Artes Visuais, área de concentração Poéticas Visuais, da Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo, como exigência parcial para obtenção do título de Mestre em Artes Visuais, sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto Fajardo.


Masuko, Wallace Vieira 19 October 2012 (has links)
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Artes Visuais, área de concentração Poéticas Visuais, da Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo, como exigência parcial para obtenção do título de Mestre em Artes Visuais, sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto Fajardo.

Performer la paresse

Daoust, Ariane 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Partant d'une formulation énigmatique du philosophe allemand Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781), « Paressons en toutes choses, hormis en aimant et en buvant, hormis en paressant », ce mémoire est constitué d'une série d'exemples qui permettent d'interroger le potentiel subversif, critique, de la paresse dans un système basé sur les idéologies du travail et de la productivité, mais aussi, dans le monde de l'art dominant où règnent ces mêmes idéologies. Nous avons mis au cœur de cette réflexion le paradoxe que comporte le fait même de travailler sur la paresse et, comme on le dit en d'autres mots, le paradoxe de performer la paresse. Sans chercher à résoudre ce paradoxe, ce mémoire postule plutôt l'existence d'une paresse active, décidée ou même effective qui permet justement d'activer sa dimension heuristique et critique. Les cas de figure de Marcel Duchamp, Mladen Stilinović et Goran Dordevic, exacerbent ce paradoxe pour articuler sa faille logique et nous invitent à découvrir la problématique de la paresse en art comme manière d'être plutôt que comme producteur d'objets d'art, ce qui correspondrait à la logique productiviste. La structure de ce mémoire reprend la formule de Lessing que nous avons décomposée partie par partie, chapitre par chapitre. Le premier chapitre a pour assise théorique la figure de Bartleby, héros d'une nouvelle d'Herman Melville qui a inspiré les penseurs modernes et contemporains Gilles Deleuze, Michael Hardt et Antonio Negri, Slavoj Zizek et Giorgio Agamben, et constitue aussi une synthèse des lectures sur la critique du productivisme (André Gorz). Dans le second chapitre, en partant des auteurs Raoul Vaneigem, Roland Barthes et Giorgio Agamben, il s'agit d'imaginer ce que serait une communauté de paresseux, une communauté fondée sur l'amour. Dans le troisième chapitre, il s'agit de démontrer qu'en art il est possible d'être occupé tout en étant paresseux, à condition qu'on n'ajoute rien à ce qui est déjà là. Dans le quatrième et dernier chapitre, la paresse est vue en fonction de son ontologie à partir de Spinoza, de Nietzsche et de Barthes. Une lecture d'un entretien avec l'artiste Mladen Stilinović témoigne d'une façon d'entendre la paresse dans la perspective de l'art. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : paresse en art, performer la paresse, art conceptuel, Mladen Stilinović, Marcel Duchamp, Goran Dordevic.

Here hear my recent compositions in a context of philosophy and western 20th century experimental art /

Thorpe, Josh. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--York University, 2000. Graduate Programme in Music Composition. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [39-41] of unnumbered sequence at the end. Also available on the Internet. MODE OF ACCESS via web browser by entering the following URL: http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/yorku/fullcit?pMQ59209.

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