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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Human Fatigue in Prolonged Mentally Demanding Work-Tasks: An Observational Study in the Field

Ahmed, Shaheen 17 August 2013 (has links)
Worker fatigue has been the focus of research for many years. However, there is limited research available on the evaluation and measurement of fatigue for prolonged mentally demanding activities. The objectives of the study are (1 )to evaluate fatigue for prolonged, mentally demanding work-tasks by considering task-dependent, task-independent and personal factors, (2) to identify effective subjective and objective fatigue measures, (3) to establish a relationship between time and factors that affect fatigue (4) to develop models to predict fatigue. A total of 16 participants, eight participants with western cultural backgrounds and eight participants with eastern cultural backgrounds, currently employed in mentally demanding work-tasks (e.g., programmers, computer simulation experts, etc.) completed the study protocols. Each participant was evaluated during normal working hours in their workplace for a 4-hour test session, with a 15-minute break provided after two hours. Fatigue was evaluated using subjective questionnaires (Borg Perceived Level of Fatigue Scale and the Swedish Occupational Fatigue Index (SOFI)); and objective measures (change in resting heart rate and salivary cortisol excretion). Workload was also assessed using the NASA-TLX. Fatigue and workload scales were collected every 30 minutes, cortisol at the start and finish of each 2-hour work block, and heart rate throughout the test session. Fatigue significantly increased over time (p-value <0.0001). All measures, except cortisol hormone, returned to near baseline level following the 15-minute break (p-value <0.0001). Ethnicity was found to have limited effects on fatigue development. Poor to moderate (Rho = 0.35 to 0.75) significant correlations were observed between the subjective and objective measures. Time and fatigue load (a factor that impacts fatigue development) significantly interact to explain fatigue represented by a hyperbolic relationship. Predictive models explained a maximum of 87% of the variation in the fatigue measures. As expected, fatigue develops over time, especially when considering other factors that can impact fatigue (e.g. hours slept, hours of work), providing further evidence of the complex nature of fatigue. As the 15-minute break was found to reduce all measures of fatigue, the development of appropriate rest breaks may mitigate some of the negative consequences of fatigue.

Influence of Nucleation Techniques on the Degree of Supercooling and Duration of Crystallization for Sugar Alcohol as Phase Change Material : Investigation on erythritol-based additiveenhanced Composites

Lin, JiaCheng, Teng, HaoRan January 2019 (has links)
Utilizing Phase Change Materials (PCM) for Latent Thermal Energy Storage (LTES) applications have previously been extensively researched as a measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from energy consumption. In order to make use of the waste heat from industrial processes for LTES purposes, a new demand emerged for PCMs capable of phase change in mid-temperature ranges of 100 °C - 200 °C. This higher temperature requirement made most of the previously studied material inapplicable as they had much lower melting and solidification temperatures. With this in mind, a new generation of PCMs consisting of Sugar Alcohols (SA) has been proposed. Erythritol is seen as an especially promising SA with good thermophysical properties for LTES purposes. However, it has been shown to suffer from severe supercooling, which makes it unreliable in real applications. To eradicate this issue, two additives, Graphene Oxide (GO) and Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) at varying mass fractions were mixed with pure erythritol to form a composite which was studied using the Temperature-history (T-history) method to determine its effectiveness in reducing supercooling. Results show that at its most effective mass fraction, GO reduces supercooling by 28 o C and a 31 o C reduction is seen by the addition of PVP. The impacts on the duration of crystallization was also documented and analyzed using the same method. It was observed that the duration of crystallization was increased with increasing mass fractions of the additives. Other important properties of the composites were also studied in order to determine the overall feasibility for industrial applications. It includes analysis of the storage capacity through latent heat, changes in viscosity along with impacts on thermal diffusivity of the composites. / Att använda fasändringsmaterial (PCM) för termisk energilagring i form av latent värme (LTES) har tidigare extensivt forskats och undersökts som en lösning för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser från energiförbrukning. För att utnyttja spillvärme från industriella processer för LTES-ändamål uppstod en efterfrågan på PCM som ändrar fas i temperaturer mellan 100 °C - 200 °C. Detta krav på högre temperatur gjorde att de flesta av de tidigare aktuella materialen inte kunde tillämpas eftersom de hade mycket lägre smält- och kristalliseringstemperaturer. Med detta i åtanke har en ny generation av PCM bestående av sockeralkoholer (SA) föreslagits. Erytritol ses som ett särskilt lovande SA med goda egenskaper för LTES-ändamål. Den har dock visat sig drabbas av svår underkylning, vilket gör den opålitligt i verkliga tillämpningar. För att utrota detta problem blandades två tillsatser, Graphene Oxide (GO) och Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) vid olika massfraktioner med ren erytritol för att bilda en komposit som studerades med metoden Temperature-history (T-history) för att bestämma dess effektivitet på att minska underkylningen. Resultaten visar att GO på sin mest effektiva massfraktion minskar underkylningen med 28 o C och tillsats av PVP lyckats minska den med som mest 31 o C. Påverkningarna på varaktighet av kristallisering dokumenterades och analyserades med samma metod. Det var observerad att varaktigheten av kristallisering ökades med ökande massfraktioner av tillsatserna. Även andra viktiga egenskaper hos kompositerna studerades för att avgöra rimligheten att använda dessa för industriella tillämpningar. Det inkluderar analys av lagringskapaciteten genom latent värme, förändringar i viskositet tillsammans med påverkan på kompositernas termiska diffusivitet.

Knock Model Evaluation – Gas Engine

Sharma, Nishchay January 2018 (has links)
Knocking is a type of abnormal combustion which depends on several physical factors and results in high frequency pressure oscillations inside the combustion chamber of a spark-ignited internal combustion engine (ICE). These oscillations can damage the engine and hamper its efficiency, which is why it is important for automakers to understand the knocking behavior so that it can be avoided during engine operation. Due to the catastrophic outcomes of knocking a lot of research has been done in the past on prediction of its occurrence. There can be several causes of knocking but when it occurs due to auto-ignition of fuel in the end-gas it’s called spark-knock. There are various mathematical models that predict the phenomenon of spark-knock. In this thesis, several of the previously published knock prediction models for heavy-duty natural-gas engine are studied and analyzed. The main objective of this project is to assess the accuracy of different types of knock prediction models.Amongst all the types of knock prediction models emphasize has been given to empirical correlation models, particularly to the ones which are based on chemical kinetics pertaining to the combustion process of methane. These are the models that claim to predict ignition delay time based on concentration of air and fuel in the unburned zone of the cylinder. The models are assessed based on the knocking behavior they represent across the engine operation range. Results pertaining to the knock prediction models are evaluated in a 1D engine simulation model using AVL BOOST. The BOOST performance prediction model is calibrated against experimentally measured engine test-cell data and the same data is used to assess the knock prediction models.The knock prediction model whose results correlate with experimental observations is analyzed further while other models are discarded. Using the validated model, variation in knock occurrence is evaluated with change in the combustion phasing. Two of the parameter that are used to define the combustion phasing are spark-advance and combustion duration. It was found that when the brake mean effective pressure is kept constant the knock prediction parameter increases linearly with increase in spark advance and decreases linearly with increase in combustion duration. The variation of knock prediction parameter with spark advance showed increasing gradient with increase in engine torque. / Knack i en förbränningsmotor är en typ av onormal förbränning. Det är ett komplicerat fenomen som beror på flera fysiska faktorer och resulterar i högfrekventa tryckoscillationer inuti förbränningskammaren. Dessa oscillationer kan skada motorn och fenomenet hämmar motorns effektivitet. Knack kan uppstå på två sätt i en Otto-motor och detta examensarbete kommer att handla om självantändning. Självantändning, i detta fall, är när ändgasen börjar brinna utan att ha blivit påverkad av flamfronten eller gnistan från tändstiftet. Det finns flera olika matematiska modeller som i olika grader kan prediktera knackfenomenet. I detta examensarbete studeras några av de tidigare publicerade prediktionsmodellerna för knack i Otto-förbränning och modelleras för analys. Huvudsyftet med detta projekt är således att bedöma noggrannheten hos olika typer av knackmodeller. Extra fokus har lagts på empiriska korrelationsmodeller, särskilt till de som är baserade på kemisk kinetik avseende förbränningsprocessen av metan. Dessa modeller förutsäger den tid det tar för ändgasen att självantända, baserat på dess koncentration av luft och bränsle. Knackmodellerna bedöms sedan utifrån det beteende som de förutsäger över motorns driftområde och dess överensstämmelse med kända motorkalibreringsstrategier. Resultatet av knackpredikteringen för de olika knackmodellerna utvärderas och valideras i en motorsimuleringsmodell i mjukvaran AVL BOOST. BOOST-modellen kalibreras mot experimentellt uppmätta motortestdata. Baserat på resultaten från de valda knockmodellerna så blev den modell som bäst korrelerar med kända motorkalibreringsstrategier analyserad djupare. Den utvalda modellen var en ECM modell och den utvärderas ytterligare med avseende på variation i predikterad knack-parameter. Detta görs genom att modifiera två förbränningsparametrar: tändvinkel och förbränningsduration. Det visade sig att modellerna predikterade en linjär ökning då tändningen tidigareläggs och ett linjärt minskande vid längre förbränningsduration, vilket är i enlighet med motortestdata. Vidare visade det sig att variationer i tändvinkel resulterade i en högre gradient i knackpredikteringen vid högre motorbelastningar och korresponderande minskning vid lägre belastning.

Knock model evaluation - Gas engine

Sharma, Nishchay January 2018 (has links)
Knack i en förbränningsmotor är en typ av onormal förbränning. Det är ett komplicerat fenomen som beror på flera fysiska faktorer och resulterar i högfrekventa tryckoscillationer inuti förbränningskammaren. Dessa oscillationer kan skada motorn och fenomenet hämmar motorns effektivitet. Knack kan uppstå på två sätt i en Otto-motor och detta examensarbete kommer att handla om självantändning. Självantändning, i detta fall, är när ändgasen börjar brinna utan att ha blivit påverkad av flamfronten eller gnistan från tändstiftet. Det finns flera olika matematiska modeller som i olika grader kan prediktera knackfenomenet. I detta examensarbete studeras några av de tidigare publicerade prediktionsmodellerna för knack i Otto-förbränning och modelleras för analys. Huvudsyftet med detta projekt är således att bedöma noggrannheten hos olika typer av knackmodeller. Extra fokus har lagts på empiriska korrelationsmodeller, särskilt till de som är baserade på kemisk kinetik avseende förbränningsprocessen av metan. Dessa modeller förutsäger den tid det tar för ändgasen att självantända, baserat på dess koncentration av luft och bränsle. Knackmodellerna bedöms sedan utifrån det beteende som de förutsäger över motorns driftområde och dess överensstämmelse med kända motorkalibreringsstrategier. Resultatet av knackpredikteringen för de olika knackmodellerna utvärderas och valideras i en motorsimuleringsmodell i mjukvaran AVL BOOST. BOOST-modellen kalibreras mot experimentellt uppmätta motortestdata. Baserat på resultaten från de valda knockmodellerna så blev den modell som bäst korrelerar med kända motorkalibreringsstrategier analyserad djupare. Den utvalda modellen var en ECM modell och den utvärderas ytterligare med avseende på variation i predikterad knack-parameter. Detta görs genom att modifiera två förbränningsparametrar: tändvinkel och förbränningsduration. Det visade sig att modellerna predikterade en linjär ökning då tändningen tidigareläggs och ett linjärt minskande vid längre förbränningsduration, vilket är i enlighet med motortestdata. Vidare visade det sig att variationer i tändvinkel resulterade i en högre gradient i knackpredikteringen vid högre motorbelastningar och korresponderande minskning vid lägre belastning. / Knocking is a type of abnormal combustion which depends on several physical factors and results in high frequency pressure oscillations inside the combustion chamber of a spark-ignited internal combustion engine (ICE). These oscillations can damage the engine and hamper its efficiency, which is why it is important for automakers to understand the knocking behavior so that it can be avoided during engine operation. Due to the catastrophic outcomes of knocking a lot of research has been done in the past on prediction of its occurrence. There can be several causes of knocking but when it occurs due to auto-ignition of fuel in the end-gas it’s called spark-knock. There are various mathematical models that predict the phenomenon of spark-knock. In this thesis, several of the previously published knock prediction models for heavy-duty natural-gas engine are studied and analyzed. The main objective of this project is to assess the accuracy of different types of knock prediction models. Amongst all the types of knock prediction models emphasize has been given to empirical correlation models, particularly to the ones which are based on chemical kinetics pertaining to the combustion process of methane. These are the models that claim to predict ignition delay time based on concentration of air and fuel in the unburned zone of the cylinder. The models are assessed based on the knocking behavior they represent across the engine operation range. Results pertaining to the knock prediction models are evaluated in a 1D engine simulation model using AVL BOOST. The BOOST performance prediction model is calibrated against experimentally measured engine test-cell data and the same data is used to assess the knock prediction models. The knock prediction model whose results correlate with experimental observations is analyzed further while other models are discarded. Using the validated model, variation in knock occurrence is evaluated with change in the combustion phasing. Two of the parameter that are used to define the combustion phasing are spark-advance and combustion duration. It was found that when the brake mean effective pressure is kept constant the knock prediction parameter increases linearly with increase in spark advance and decreases linearly with increase in combustion duration. The variation of knock prediction parameter with spark advance showed increasing gradient with increase in engine torque.

Influence of Nucleation Techniques on the Degree of Supercooling and Duration of Crystallization for Sugar Alcohol as Phase Change Material : Investigation on erythritol-based additiveenhanced composites

Lin, Jiacheng, Teng, Haoran January 2019 (has links)
Utilizing Phase Change Materials (PCM) for Latent Thermal Energy Storage (LTES) applications have previously been extensively researched as a measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from energy consumption. In order to make use of the waste heat from industrial processes for LTES purposes, a new demand emerged for PCMs capable of phase change in mid-temperature ranges of 100 °C - 200 °C. This higher temperature requirement made most of the previously studied material inapplicable as they had much lower melting and solidification temperatures. With this in mind, a new generation of PCMs consisting of Sugar Alcohols (SA) has been proposed. Erythritol is seen as an especially promising SA with good thermophysical properties for LTES purposes. However, it has been shown to suffer from severe supercooling, which makes it unreliable in real applications. To eradicate this issue, two additives, Graphene Oxide (GO) and Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) at varying mass fractions were mixed with pure erythritol to form a composite which was studied using the Temperature-history (T-history) method to determine its effectiveness in reducing supercooling. Results show that at its most effective mass fraction, GO reduces supercooling by 28 oC and a 31 oC reduction is seen by the addition of PVP. The impacts on the duration of crystallization was also documented and analyzed using the same method. It was observed that the duration of crystallization was increased with increasing mass fractions of the additives. Other important properties of the composites were also studied in order to determine the overall feasibility for industrial applications. It includes analysis of the storage capacity through latent heat, changes in viscosity along with impacts on thermal diffusivity of the composites. / Att använda fasändringsmaterial (PCM) för termisk energilagring i form av latent värme (LTES) har tidigare extensivt forskats och undersökts som en lösning för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser från energiförbrukning. För att utnyttja spillvärme från industriella processer för LTES-ändamål uppstod en efterfrågan på PCM som ändrar fas i temperaturer mellan 100 °C - 200 °C. Detta krav på högre temperatur gjorde att de flesta av de tidigare aktuella materialen inte kunde tillämpas eftersom de hade mycket lägre smält- och kristalliseringstemperaturer. Med detta i åtanke har en ny generation av PCM bestående av sockeralkoholer (SA) föreslagits. Erytritol ses som ett särskilt lovande SA med goda egenskaper för LTES-ändamål. Den har dock visat sig drabbas av svår underkylning, vilket gör den opålitligt i verkliga tillämpningar. För att utrota detta problem blandades två tillsatser, Graphene Oxide (GO) och Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) vid olika massfraktioner med ren erytritol för att bilda en komposit som studerades med metoden Temperature-history (T-history) för att bestämma dess effektivitet på att minska underkylningen. Resultaten visar att GO på sin mest effektiva massfraktion minskar underkylningen med 28 oC och tillsats av PVP lyckats minska den med som mest 31 oC. Påverkningarna på varaktighet av kristallisering dokumenterades och analyserades med samma metod. Det var observerad att varaktigheten av kristallisering ökades med ökande massfraktioner av tillsatserna. Även andra viktiga egenskaper hos kompositerna studerades för att avgöra rimligheten att använda dessa för industriella tillämpningar. Det inkluderar analys av lagringskapaciteten genom latent värme, förändringar i viskositet tillsammans med påverkan på kompositernas termiska diffusivitet.

Development of Computational Tools for Characterization, Evaluation, and Modification of Strong Ground Motions within a Performance-Based Seismic Design Framework

Syed, Riaz 27 January 2004 (has links)
One of the most difficult tasks towards designing earthquake resistant structures is the determination of critical earthquakes. Conceptually, these are the ground motions that would induce the critical response in the structures being designed. The quantification of this concept, however, is not easy. Unlike the linear response of a structure, which can often be obtained by using a single spectrally modified ground acceleration history, the nonlinear response is strongly dependent on the phasing of ground motion and the detailed shape of its spectrum. This necessitates the use of a suite (bin) of ground acceleration histories having phasing and spectral shapes appropriate for the characteristics of the earthquake source, wave propagation path, and site conditions that control the design spectrum. Further, these suites of records may have to be scaled to match the design spectrum over a period range of interest, rotated into strike-normal and strike-parallel directions for near-fault effects, and modified for local site conditions before they can be input into time-domain nonlinear analysis of structures. The generation of these acceleration histories is cumbersome and daunting. This is especially so due to the sheer magnitude of the data processing involved. The purpose of this thesis is the development and documentation of PC-based computational tools (hereinafter called EQTools) to provide a rapid and consistent means towards systematic assembly of representative strong ground motions and their characterization, evaluation, and modification within a performance-based seismic design framework. The application is graphics-intensive and every effort has been made to make it as user-friendly as possible. The application seeks to provide processed data which will help the user address the problem of determination of the critical earthquakes. The various computational tools developed in EQTools facilitate the identification of severity and damage potential of more than 700 components of recorded earthquake ground motions. The application also includes computational tools to estimate the ground motion parameters for different geographical and tectonic environments, and perform one-dimensional linear/nonlinear site response analysis as a means to predict ground surface motions at sites where soft soils overlay the bedrock. While EQTools may be used for professional practice or academic research, the fundamental purpose behind the development of the software is to make available a classroom/laboratory tool that provides a visual basis for learning the principles behind the selection of ground motion histories and their scaling/modification for input into time domain nonlinear (or linear) analysis of structures. EQTools, in association with NONLIN, a Microsoft Windows based application for the dynamic analysis of single- and multi-degree-of-freedom structural systems (Charney, 2003), may be used for learning the concepts of earthquake engineering, particularly as related to structural dynamics, damping, ductility, and energy dissipation. / Master of Science

Påverkan på EKG vid omplacering av V1 och V2 till det andra och tredje intercostala utrymmet. : En jämförelse med standardplaceringen. / The impact of ECG when repositioning V1 and V2 in the second and third intercostal spaces. : A comparison with the fourth intercostal space.

Jacobsson, Elvira, Nur, Fatima January 2023 (has links)
Elektrokardiografi är en vanligt förekommande undersökning inom hälso- och sjukvården då undersökningen är icke-invasiv och ger en bra överblick över hjärtats elektrofysiologiska status. Ett vanligt fel vid EKG är elektrodplacering i andra respektive tredje intercostala utrymmet istället för i fjärde intercostala utrymmet (IC4), vilket bland annat kan medföra reducering av R-vågs amplituden samt påverka datortolkningen. Syftet med arbetet var att se om avvikande EKG-kurvor uppstår vid omplacering av elektroderna V1 och V2 i andra och tredje intercostala utrymmet vid jämförelse med fjärde intercostala utrymmet på friska vuxna. I studien ingår 50 deltagare i åldern 18-48. Den statistiska analysen utfördes med hjälp av parvis T-test samt Fisher exact test. Jämförelsen mellan de olika placeringarna resulterade i en signifikant minskning av R-vågsamplituden (p &lt;0,001) för samtliga kombinationer. En signifikant minskning visades i R-vågsduration i jämförelsen Intercostalrum 2 (IC2) versus (vs) IC4 i V2. För ST-sträckan visade båda avledningarna för jämförelsen IC2 vs IC4 en signifikant skillnad (p&lt;0,001). Datortolkningen visade en signifikant skillnad för IC2 vs IC4 (p0,006) samt IC3 vs IC4 (p&lt;0,001).  Omplacering av elektroder medför förändrad datortolkning när det vid en standardplacering visar ett normalt EKG, vilket kan ge en inverkan på patientens fortsatta handläggning och eventuella diagnos. / Electrocardiography is commonly used in healthcare as the examination is non-invasive and provides a good overview of the heart's electrophysiological status. A common error in ECG positioning is placement in the second or third intercostal space, which among other things can lead to a reduction in R wave amplitude and affect the computer interpretation. The aim of the study is to see if deviant ECG curves occur when repositioning the electrodes V1 and V2 in the second and third intercostal space when compared to the fourth intercostal space. The study includes 50 healthy adults aged 18-48. The statistical analysis was performed using paired t tests and Fisher exact test. The comparison resulted in a significant reduction in R wave amplitude (p &lt;0.001) for all combinations. A significant decrease was shown in R wave duration in the comparison of IC2 vs IC4 in V2. For the ST segment, both leads for the comparison IC4 vs IC2 a significant difference was presented (p &lt;0.001). For the computer interpretation, a significant difference was shown for IC2 vs IC4 (p0.006) and IC3 vs IC4 (p&lt;0.001). Repositioning of electrodes leads to a different computer interpretation when in standard positioning shows a normal ECG, which may lead to misdiagnosis.

Factors Affecting Employment Duration in the Food Retail Industry / Faktorer som Påverkar Anställningens Varaktighet i Dagligvaruhandeln

Sundling, Beata, Höft, Lova January 2023 (has links)
Measuring and tracking the employee turnover rate is a crucial part when evaluating a company’s performance. An important part of this is measuring the employment duration within an organization. The purpose of this report is to investigate if employment duration in a food retail company can be explained by predetermined variables using multiple linear regression. Data from five years ago until today has been collected and processed to analyze and fit the best choice of the linear model. Gender, employment rate, industry experience and age are the predictors used for conducting the analysis. The result shows that a low linear correlation can be seen between employment duration and the explanatory variables: gender, employment rate, industry experience and age. In the discussion, the results are analyzed as well as potential problems and improvements of the regression.

Sample Frequency, Duration, and Spatial Representation Considerations of Great Lakes Beach Sanitary Survey Data at Three Beaches in Racine, Wisconsin

Wright, Sarah E. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Home Parenteral Nutrition and the Individual and Family Self-Management Theory

Napoleon, Betty J. 03 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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