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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Étude comparative des trajectoires criminelles des contrevenants sous responsabilité provinciale au Québec, selon le sexe

Jallet, Sandrine 08 1900 (has links)
Contexte et objectifs. La carrière criminelle est un sujet d’intérêt criminologique depuis plus de 80 ans. Les travaux sur cette question ont permis de mieux comprendre l’évolution des personnes contrevenantes et leurs crimes au fil du temps. Bien que beaucoup d’efforts aient été déployés pour étudier les hommes, les recherches portant sur les trajectoires criminelles des femmes demeurent relativement rares, ceci étant notamment attribuable à la petite taille des échantillons. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de réaliser une étude comparative de la carrière criminelle d’hommes et de femmes de 18 à 47 ans relevant de la juridiction de la province de Québec. Méthodologie. L’échantillon est composé de 3320 délinquants sous responsabilité provinciale, soit 216 femmes (6,5 %) et 3104 hommes (93,5 %). Des statistiques descriptives seront réalisées afin de dresser un portrait de la clientèle et une approche par variable latente catégorielle sera utilisée pour modéliser les parcours criminels. Plus précisément, cette analyse permet d’estimer des sous-groupes de délinquants au sein de la population qui suivent des courbes de croissance distinctes. La proportion d’individus appartenant à chacun de ces sous-groupes peut donc être estimée. Résultats. Les analyses indiquent que les femmes ont une fréquence de délits commis plus faible que les hommes, et ce, particulièrement au début de leur carrière criminelle. En effet, la différence quant à la fréquence tend à s’atténuer avec le temps, pour disparaître vers 40 ans. Également, il apparaît que les hommes et les femmes suivent un nombre de trajectoires criminelles similaires; cependant, la prévalence chez ces dernières apparaît relativement différente. En effet, il ressort que les femmes commencent plus tardivement leur carrière criminelle que les hommes, avec une proportion plus importante pour les crimes contre les biens. Finalement, les antécédents juvéniles influent sur la chronicité et la persistance, quel que soit le genre ou le type de crime. Conclusion. Les résultats démontrent que la différence selon le sexe est un sujet d’intérêt criminologique primordial puisque les femmes présentent des risques différents quant à la fréquence et au type de crime. Qui plus est, ces dernières semblent commencer leur carrière criminelle plus tardivement que les hommes. / Context and objectives. Criminal careers has been a subject of interest among criminologists for over 80 years. This research has allowed a better understanding of the evolution of criminalised individuals over time. However, research focusing on the criminal careers of women are relatively rare, this being mainly attributed to the nature of the chosen sample. While overcoming the potential limitations found in previous studies, the objective of this research is to conduct a comparative study of criminal careers among men and women (as of 18 until 47 years old) under provincial jurisdiction. Method. The sample consists of 3,320 offenders under provincial jurisdiction. The sample includes 216 female participants (6.5%) and 3104 male participants (93.5%). Descriptive statistics will be presented in order to provide a detailed portrait of offenders from 18 to 47 years old. Then, the categorical latent variable approach will be used. This type of analysis provides an estimate of sub-groups of offenders within the population that follow the growth curves separately. Thus, the proportion of individuals belonging to each of these subgroups can be estimated. Results. Women have a lower incidence of crime than men especially at the beginning of a criminal career; however this difference disappears towards the age of 40. It appears that men and women, at a certain period of time have similarities in their criminal careers. However, the prevalence of criminality among women is quite different from men. Indeed, it appears that women begin their criminal careers later than men, with a higher proportion of crimes against property. The juvenile history of criminal offence influences the perseverance in criminal careers among men and women, regardless of the type of offence. Conclusion. The results demonstrate the relevance of the difference between men and women during their criminal career. It should be one of the top interests for criminologists since women have different risks leading to offenses, as well as frequency and type of offense. Moreover, they appear to begin their criminal careers later than men.

Identification des indices comportementaux reliés à la présence d'intérêts sexuels déviants chez les agresseurs sexuels d’enfants

Mongeau, Valérie 01 1900 (has links)
Lors de l’élaboration du diagnostic de trouble pédophilique (DSM-5; APA, 2013), un critère basé sur un minimum de victimes avait été proposé pour poser le diagnostic lorsque les agresseurs sexuels d’enfants ne se reconnaissent pas d’attirance sexuelle déviante, et qu’une évaluation pléthysmographique de leurs intérêts sexuels n’est pas disponible ou invalide. Il avait aussi été proposé de créer des sous-types selon le groupe d’âge préféré sexuellement ou l’âge des victimes : pédophilique (victimes prépubères, 10 ans et moins), hébéphilique (victimes en début de puberté, 11-14 ans) ou pédohébéphilique (les deux). Ces propositions ont soulevé la controverse parmi les chercheurs et cliniciens et n’ont pas été acceptées en raison du manque de soutien empirique les appuyant. Cette thèse tente de répondre aux principaux questionnements soulevés : 1) Quels indices comportementaux devraient être utilisés pour évaluer la déviance sexuelle chez les agresseurs sexuels d’enfants intrafamiliaux et extrafamiliaux respectivement? 2) Le nombre d’interactions sexuelles avec un même enfant et la durée de la période des agressions sont-ils reliés à la déviance sexuelle? 3) Les agresseurs sexuels d’enfants en début de puberté présentent-ils des intérêts sexuels déviants? Le premier article est un commentaire sur le DSM-5 présentant les grandes lignes de la thèse et les résultats préliminaires des deux articles suivants. Le deuxième article vise à répondre aux deux premières questions. Des agresseurs sexuels d'enfants intrafamiliaux (n = 76) et extrafamiliaux (n = 93) sont comparés quant au nombre, l’âge et le sexe de leurs victimes, le nombre d’interactions sexuelles avec une même victime et la durée de la période des agressions, et leurs intérêts sexuels autorapportés ou évalués avec la pléthysmographie pénienne. Les relations entre ces indices comportementaux et la présence d'intérêts sexuels déviants sont évaluées pour les deux groupes. Les résultats suggèrent que : 1) différents indices comportementaux devraient être utilisés lors de l’évaluation des intérêts sexuels selon les groupes d’agresseurs; 2) des agressions répétées et de longues durées sur une même victime suggèrent la déviance sexuelle chez les agresseurs intrafamiliaux, alors qu’aucune relation n’est observée entre ces variables chez les agresseurs extrafamiliaux. Cette recherche ii constitue une première étape vers l’utilisation du nombre et de la durée des agressions sexuelles avec un même enfant lors de l’évaluation des intérêts sexuels des agresseurs sexuels d’enfants. Le troisième article vise à répondre à la dernière question énoncée. Des agresseurs sexuels d'enfants regroupés selon l’âge de leurs victimes, pédophilique (n = 75), hébéphilique (n = 44), pédohébéphilique (n = 49), sont comparés quant à différentes variables : nombre et sexe des victimes, historique criminel, et intérêts sexuels autorapportés ou mesurés avec la pléthysmographie. Les résultats montrent la présence d’intérêts sexuels déviants dans les mêmes proportions pour les trois groupes. Quant aux autres variables, les groupes « pédophilique » et « hébéphilique » se distinguent peu, mais ils diffèrent du groupe « pédohébéphilique ». Ces résultats appuient le chevauchement entre l’attirance sexuelle envers les enfants prépubères et l’attirance envers ceux en début de puberté, et soutiennent leur regroupement dans le diagnostic de trouble pédophilique. / Revisions proposed for the pedophilic disorder (DSM-5; APA, 2013) included a criterion based on a minimum victim count to diagnose pedophilia when child molesters do not acknowledge having sexual attraction towards children, and phallometric evaluation of their sexual interests is not available or invalid. It was also proposed to divide the diagnostic with subtypes based on the preferred age category or the victims’ age: pedophilic (10 year-olds and younger), hebephilic (11-14 year-olds), or pedohebephilic (both). These revisions generated controversies among researchers and clinicians, and they were not adopted due to the paucity of empirical evidence supporting these propositions. This doctoral thesis aims to answer the main questions that were raised: 1) What indicators should be used when assessing deviant sexual interests among intrafamilial and extrafamilial child molesters respectively?; 2) Are the number of sexual interactions and the period duration of the offenses on the same victim associated with sexual deviance? 3) Do early pubescent child molesters have deviant sexual interests? The first article is a commentary on the DSM-5 outlining the thesis and presenting the preliminary results of the two following articles. The second article aims to answer the first two questions. Intrafamilial child molesters (n = 76) and extrafamilial child molesters (n = 93) are compared on their victim count, victims’ age and gender, the number of sexual interactions and the period duration of the offenses on the same victim, and their sexual interests acknowledged or measured with penile plethysmography. Associations between these indicators and deviant sexual interests are assessed for both groups. The results suggest that: 1) different indicators of deviant sexual interests should be used according to the offenders’ group; 2) repeated sexual interactions on a long period on the same victim suggest sexual deviance among intrafamilial offenders, while there is no association between these variables among extrafamilial offenders. This research is a first step towards using the number of sexual interactions and the period duration of the offenses on the same victim when assessing sexual deviance among child molesters. iv The third article aims to answer the last question. Child molesters grouped according to their victims' age category, pedophilic (n = 75), hebephilic (n = 44), and pedohebephilic (n = 49), were compared on different variables: victim count, victims' gender, criminal history, and sexual interests measured with penile plethysmography and acknowledged. The results show deviant sexual interests in the same proportions among the three groups. As for the other variables, the pedophilic and hebephilic groups do not differ much, but they both differ from the pedohebephilic group. The results highlight the overlap between sexual attraction to prepubescent and attraction to early pubescent children, and support their inclusion in the same diagnostic.

Le problème du temps chez Saint Augustin et Saint Thomas d’Aquin / The Time question according to Saint Augustine and Saint Thomas Aquinas

Ismael, Afraa 10 April 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’étude de la problématique du temps dans les réflexions de Saint Augustin et Saint Thomas d’Aquin, lesquels représentent un lien capital entre la pensée philosophique de l’Antiquité et celle de la période contemporaine. Elle vise dans un premier à analyser les théories développées par ces deux philosophes sur la notion et la mesure du temps pour répondre à la question de savoir quelle réalité il revêt et comment la mesurer. Cette étude cherchera, par son examen des corpus référentiels de Saint Augustin et de Saint Thomas d’Aquin, à déterminer s’il est possible d’y trouver la réponse dans le changement, le mouvement, la succession, la durée, l’instant ou le présent ou s’il faut concevoir le temps comme une forme du monde objectif ou comme schéma d’appréhension tributaire du sujet. La première partie de cette recherche répondra à la question de savoir si le temps reflète les propriétés du monde objectif en lui-même ou du monde subjectif, ou s’il est de l’ordre des relations que nous entretenons avec ces deux mondes. La seconde analysera la problématique du temps entre son origine et sa fin (la création et l’éternité). Nous chercherons à savoir jusqu’à quel point il est possible de démontrer que l’analyse philosophique du temps, ces deux auteurs ne constitue pas un moment absolument autonome, mais une reprise du problème du temps dans une théologie de la création et de l’éternité. En analysant les quatre thèmes que sont, la réalité, la mesure du temps, la création et l’éternité et certains concepts qui leurs sont liés, nous déterminerons s’il est possible de soutenir qu’il y a une séparation totale entre le temps en tant que catégorie cosmique et le temps en tant que catégorie psychologique. Nous établirons de façon précise, dans quelles limites il est possible de démontrer que les réflexions philosophiques de Saint Augustin et Saint Thomas d’Aquin sur le temps se présentent comme deux théories différentes, l’une qui soutient parfaitement la réalité subjective du temps qui permet à Saint Augustin d’être considéré comme l’un des fondateurs les plus marquants de la phénoménologie du temps alors que au contraire, Saint Thomas d’Aquin démontre indéniablement sa réalité objective, dans la continuité de l’objectivité aristotélicienne du temps. / This thesis has for aim to explore the problematic of the time within the reflections of St Augustine and St Thomas Aquinas that are both seen as a key link between the philosophical thought of the antiquity and the contemporary period. It will firstly analyze the theories developed by these two philosophers on the concept and the measure of the time, to give an answer to the question: has the time a reality and how to measure it?Through a deep analyze of the two philosophers’ corpus referentials, this study will try to determine if it is possible to find the answer in the changing, the motion, the succession, the duration, the moment and the present or if we rather have to see the time as a shape of the objective world or as a scheme of the apprehension depending on the subject. The first part of this work will answer the question whether the time reflects the properties of the objective world itself or those of the subjective world or might it be the result of the links we have with these two worlds. The second will analyze the problematic of the time between its origin and its end (the creation and the eternity). We will try to know if it is possible to show that the philosophical analysis of the time made by these two authors cannot be seen as an independent instant but a way to reconsider the subject of the time in a theology of creation and eternity.In a broad analysis of the four themes that are, the reality, the measure of the time, the creation and the eternity and some specifics and close concepts, we will determine if it is possible to say that there is an absolute gap between the time as a cosmic category and the time as a psychological one. We will show precisely if it is possible to say that the St Augustine and St Thomas Aquinas’s thoughts can be looked as two different theories, the one which sees the time as a subjective reality and allows St Augustine to be considered one of the most significant founders of the phenomenology of the time unlike St Thomas Aquinas who demonstrates the time's objective reality, in the continuity of the Aristotelian objectivity of the time.

Les clauses de fin de contrat / End-of-contract clauses

Frasson, Vanessa 24 October 2014 (has links)
Les clauses de fin de contrat illustrent l’importance de la liberté contractuelle. La pratique s’est emparée de cette période de l’« après-Contrat » sous le contrôle de la jurisprudence, dans le relatif désintérêt du législateur.Les fins du contrat sont diverses. La fin peut être retardée par le biais de la prorogation du contrat. La fin peut être prématurée : elle peut être une fin brutale et définitive par le biais de la clause résolutoire, la continuité de ce qui était par l’arrivée du terme extinctif, ou encore la venue de quelque chose de nouveau par le biais d’une clause de caducité. La fin peut n’être qu’un passage vers un autre contrat par le biais de la reconduction. Il en ressort un flou théorique nécessitant une construction juridique. Il peut être proposé de scinder le temps de l’après-Contrat en trois temps. Le premier temps, les parties satisfaites de leur relation vont chercher à la faire perdurer. Les clauses de fin de contrat ont alors pour finalité la préservation de la pérennité du lien contractuel entre les parties. La deuxième période porte sur les modes d’extinction du contrat. La sortie de la relation contractuelle est devenue un enjeu important nécessitant le recours à différents mécanismes juridiques tels que la clause de dédit, la condition résolutoire ou encore la clause résolutoire.La troisième période peut être désignée comme la période de liquidation du passé contractuel comprenant deux séries de clauses : celles liquidant le passé contractuel (notamment la clause de non-Concurrence et la clause de confidentialité) et celle s’intéressant à l’avenir post-Contractuel. La fin du contrat doit être distinguée de la clôture de la relation contractuelle désignant la cessation de toutes les obligations post-Contractuelles et de leurs conséquences. Ainsi loin d’être secondaires, ces clauses de fin de contrat composant la période de l’après-Contrat sont fondamentales pour toute relation d’affaires continue. / End-Of-Contract clauses illustrate the significance of contractual freedom. Practice took hold of this “post-Contractual” period under the control of established precedents, in the relative disinterest of lawmakers.The types of contractual ends are diverse. The end may be delayed by means of prolongation of the contract. The end may come prematurely: it may come suddenly and definitively by means of a termination clause, the continuity of that which was by the arrival of the extinctive term, or the arrival of something new by means of a sunset clause. The end may only be a passage to another contract by means of renewal. This results in a lack of theoretical clarity that requires a legal structure. It may be proposed to divide the post-Contractual period into three parts. In the first part, parties satisfied with their relationship will seek to have it continue. The end-Of-Contract clauses thus serve the purpose of preserving the durability of the contractual bond between the parties. The second part involves the manner of termination the contract. Closing the contractual relationship has become an important matter that requires resorting to different legal mechanisms such as the forfeiture clause, the termination condition or the termination clause.The third part may be referred to as the period of liquidation of the contractual past including two series of clauses: those liquidating the contractual past (notably the clause of non-Competition and the clause of confidentiality) and those concerning the post-Contractual future. The end of the contract must be distinguished from the close of the contractual relationship designating the cessation of all post-Contractual obligations and their consequences. Thus, far from being secondary, these end-Of-Contract clauses affecting the post-Contractual period are fundamental for any ongoing business relationship.

L'investissement : étude juridique / Investment

Grundeler, Guillaume 14 November 2014 (has links)
L'investissement est une notion récente dans la sphère juridique. Voici quelques années, elle n'était encore employée que dans la règlementation relative au contrôle des investissements étrangers. C'est que, si le droit n'ignorait pas l'investissement, il le saisissait presque uniquement à travers d'autres notions, tels l'apport en société ou le mouvement de capital. Depuis lors, le mot a été très largement juridicisé. Pour s'en tenir à deux exemples, on peut ainsi relever que, dans notre ordre interne, l'existence d'un investissement permet une durée contractuelle longue et que, dans l'ordre international, la qualification d'investissement est aujourd'hui une condition de la compétence des tribunaux arbitraux statuant sous l'égide du Cirdi.Cet accès spontané de l'investissement à la juridicité s'est malheureusement accompagné de certaines incohérences. Ainsi, le mot est parfois employé de manière excessivement large, comme en droit des marchés financiers, où il désigne toute opération relative à un instrument financier. De même, en droit des régimes matrimoniaux, ce que la Cour de cassation nomme les « dépenses d'investissement » recouvre en réalité l'ensemble des dépenses immobilières. Parfois, à l'inverse, certaines opérations dont la qualification d'investissement ne fait aucun doute continuent d'être envisagées à travers des notions qui en sont le simple reflet. L'objet de la thèse est donc de rétablir une certaine cohérence dans l'emploi du mot investissement en proposant une définition juridique de la notion et en esquissant certains éléments du régime qui s'y attache. / Investment is a relatively new legal concept. Some years ago, the term was only used within the foreign investment regulations. Back then, investment was mostly happrehended through other legal concepts, such as capital contribution or capital movement. Since then, however, the concept of investment has largely entered the legal vocabulary. For instance, it turns out that, in the French legal order, the existence of an investment makes the conclusion of a long duration contract possible. Besides, it may also be noted that, in the international order, the jurisdiction of an arbitral tribunal established under the aegis of the ICSID is limited to the disputes that arise out of an investment.Such a phenomenon has unfortunately brought on various inconsistencies. Thus, the term appears to be used in ways that sometimes make its meaning overly wide, as in securities law, in which investment refers to all kinds of operations related to financial instruments. Similarly, in matrimonial property regimes, what the French Cour de cassation calls "investment spending" includes all real estate spending. Sometimes, on the contrary, investment is still being apprehended through other concepts that are the simple reflection of that very concept. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to establish some consistency in the use of the term investment by proposing a legal definition of the concept and outlining some elements of its regime.

Arranjo otimizado de monitores para sistemas de distribuição frente às variações de tensão de curta duração e potenciais condições de ressonância harmônica / Optimized allocation of power quality meters in distribution systems for short duration voltage variations and potential harmonic resonance conditions

Bottura, Fernando Bambozzi 15 April 2019 (has links)
Esta pesquisa propõe uma metodologia de alocação otimizada de monitores da Qualidade da Energia Elétrica (QEE) em sistemas de distribuição, de modo que estes sejam sensíveis tanto às variações de tensão de curta duração, bem como às potenciais condições de ressonância harmônica. A metodologia de alocação dispõe da aplicação do Método de Posição de Faltas (MPF) e da Análise de Ressonância Harmônica Modal (ARHM) para a construção de uma matriz binária de cobertura. Esta matriz é então utilizada pelo processo de otimização para a determinação dos melhores locais de instalação dos monitores, garantindo assim o completo monitoramento dos distúrbios da QEE considerados. A partir do MPF, é estudado o comportamento das tensões nodais remanescentes do Sistema de Distribuição (SD) em análise frente a situações de curtos-circuitos que provocam afundamentos e /ou elevações de tensão. Pela ARHM, as impedâncias modais associadas ao modo crítico são calculadas para a identificação das respectivas frequências de ressonância harmônica do SD. Além disso, a partir dos autovetores críticos, associados ao modo crítico, também se obtém o grau de observabilidade das condições de ressonância para cada nó do SD. A otimização minimiza a quantidade necessária de monitores para a completa observação dos distúrbios de QEE considerados, e é formulada como um modelo de programação linear inteira com variáveis binárias. Para a resolução deste problema de otimização utilizou-se o algoritmo Branch and Bound. A metodologia foi testada para um SD de 15 nós, baseado em uma rede do CIGRÉ, e para um SD de 24 nós, baseado no SD de 34 nós do IEEE. Os resultados apontam a necessidade de instalação de 2 a 4 monitores para o SD de 15 nós, e de 2 a 9 monitores para o SD de 24 nós, para a completa observabilidade dos distúrbios de QEE considerados. A metodologia de alocação otimizada de monitores de QEE apresenta-se como uma ferramenta auxiliar para o planejamento de um sistema de monitoramento que promova meios para a melhoria dos índices de QEE. / This research proposes an optimized allocation methodology of Power Quality (PQ) meters in Distribution System (DS), considering short duration voltage variations and potential harmonic resonance conditions. The allocation methodology uses the Fault Position Method (FPM) and the Harmonic Resonance Modal Analysis (HRMA) in order to obtain a binary covering matrix, which is lately used by the optimization process. The optimization process determines the best installation nodes of the minimum number of PQ monitors that complete observe the considered PQ disturbances. From the FPM, the behavior of the remaining nodal voltages is studied for different short-circuit situations, which cause voltage sags and/ or swells. The HRMA is used to calculate the modal impedances related to the critical modes and identify the respective harmonic frequencies of the DS. Moreover, from the critical eigenvectors, associated with the critical mode, it is also obtained the observability level of the respective harmonic resonance frequencies. The allocation problem is modeled as an integer linear programming that minimizes the number of necessary PQ meters, ensuring the complete observation of the considered PQ disturbances. The optimization is performed using a Branch and Bound algorithm. The allocation methodology was tested for a 15 nodes DS based on a CIGRÉ network, and for 24 node DS derived from the IEEE 34 node test system. Results indicate that 2 to 4 PQ monitors are required for the 15 nodes DS, and 2 to 9 PQ monitors for the 34 DS in order to completely observe the considered PQ disturbances. The allocation methodology presentes itself as an auxiliary tool for the PQ monitoring planning, which may leads to the improvement of the PQ indices.

Julgamento antecipado da parcela madura do mérito sob a ótica da efetividade do acesso à justiça

Mano, Lilian Rodrigues 11 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lilian Rodrigues Mano.pdf: 902583 bytes, checksum: f25aff5390b4d4f0bd0733c7a7af9c94 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-11 / The dissertation encompass the thematic examination of the anticipated decision regarding the ripe aspect of the merit, grounded upon the strict observance of the access to Justice constitutional principle, considered in its entirety. Therefore, focusing on the constitutional tutelage of the civil procedure, and the impossibility of conceiving the procedural dictates disengaged from constitutional law, the necessary premises regarding the development of the study were established, with a brief approach to the access to Justice principle, allocating special attention to the evolution of the concept and the scope attributed to it, following the yearnings of the modern procedural theories, demonstrating that it is inherent to the principle the notion of the effectiveness of the process, which must constitute an adequate mean to the realization, on the factual level, of the substantive rights proclaimed by the State and, yet, comprising the content of the reasonable duration of the process guarantee. From them on, the paper addresses the possibility of the anticipated decision regarding the ripe aspect of the merit, de lege lata, even before the creation of the Civil Procedure Code of 2015, highlighting the dispute around article 273, §6º, of the Civil Procedure Code of 1973. Following that, the study centers on the definition of the judicial rulings with relevant decisional content (interlocutory decision and judgement) within the Brazilian legal order, deriving from an attempt of framing the partial decision of the merit within one of these species of jurisdictional ruling, considering the civil procedural system of 1973, alongside the changes promoted over it, addressing the difficulties involved in such task, the consequences of this position on the appeals and also relative to the motions to set aside judgement, as well as aspects on the execution of the ruling. The final chapter is aimed at the New Civil Procedure Code provisions which keep compatibility with the immediate decision of the ripe aspect of the merit, in order to clearly demonstrate how some innovations brought upon maintain harmony with the attendance of the access to Justice principle contents, without leaving the necessary criticism to the perpetuation of the uproar or inadequate destination, in certain points, of different rules on total and partial judgment of the merit / A dissertação envolve um exame da temática do julgamento antecipado da parcela madura do mérito, calcado na estreita observância ao princípio constitucional do acesso à justiça, considerado em sua inteireza. Assim, com enfoque na tutela constitucional do processo civil e na impossibilidade de se conceber os ditames processuais de forma desarraigada do direito constitucional, foram estabelecidas as premissas necessárias ao desenvolvimento do estudo, com uma breve abordagem do princípio do acesso à justiça, destinando especial atenção à evolução de seu conceito e à extensão que a ele atribuída, de acordo com os anseios da moderna processualística, mostrando ser a ele inerente a ideia de efetividade do processo, que deve constituir um meio adequado para a realização, no plano fático, dos direitos substantivos proclamados pelo Estado, e, ainda, englobando o conteúdo da garantia de razoável duração do processo. A partir de então, o trabalho aborda a admissão do julgamento antecipado da parcela madura do mérito, de lege lata, mesmo antes do advento do Código de Processo Civil de 2.015, destacando-se a celeuma envolvendo o artigo 273, § 6º, do Código de Processo Civil de 1.973. Em seguida, o estudo é centrado na definição dos pronunciamentos jurisdicionais com conteúdo decisório relevante (decisão interlocutória e sentença) no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, partindo para uma tentativa de enquadramento da decisão parcial de mérito numa dessas espécies de provimento jurisdicional, considerado o sistema processual civil de 1973, com as reformas nele empreendidas, abordando-se as dificuldades que isso envolve, as consequências recursais e relativas à ação rescisória do posicionamento adotado, bem como aspectos sobre a execução da decisão. O capítulo final é destinado às previsões do Novo Código de Processo Civil relacionadas ao julgamento imediato da parcela madura do mérito, a fim de deixar patente como algumas das inovações perpetradas guardam consonância com o conteúdo do princípio do acesso à justiça, sem descurar da necessária crítica à perpetuação de celeumas ou inadequada destinação, em determinados pontos, de tratamento diferenciado ao julgamento total e ao parcial do mérito

A responsabilidade do Estado pela irrazoável duração do processo judicial

Barbosa, Marcos Antônio Paderes 26 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcos Antonio Paderes Barbosa.pdf: 784561 bytes, checksum: 2ef39eeca5cffb9ef39a6e86e8bac33e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-26 / This study aims to analyze State liability arising from an infringement of the right to reasonable duration of court proceedings. Whereas the theme is recent in Brazilian law and given the lack of works about it, the searchs were subsidied in Spanish law, in French law, in Italian law and European Court of human rights. We discussed the right to "reasonable term" and also that kind of responsibility in the countries mentioned, and in their courts too. In all countries analysed the violation of this right results in State responsibility, with the consequent damages reparation. It was seen also the definition of justice deny. In our law, we have been studying the origins of speedy procedure . The tradition of the courts is to deny State liability due to judicial activity, with arguments like sovereignty, iudicata, independence of judges and fallibility, we refute them all, notably with the most recent courts decisions of the countries of the european continent. In conclusion, we figured out that we can blame the Brazilian State for damage caused by unreasonable duration of the process / O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a responsabilidade do Estado resultante da violação ao direito a razoável duração do processo judicial. Considerando que o tema é recente no direito brasileiro e dado a falta de obras especializadas, buscamos subsídios no direito espanhol, no direito francês, no direito italiano e na Corte europeia dos direitos do homem. Analisamos o direito ao prazo razoável e também a responsabilidade nos países citados e na, respectiva, Corte. Em todos os países analisados a violação a esse direito enseja na responsabilidade do Estado, com a consequente reparação dos danos. Verificamos também a definição de denegação de justiça. Em nosso direito, estudamos as origens da celeridade processual até os dias atuais. A tradição dos Tribunais é negar a responsabilidade do Estado decorrente da atividade jurisdicional, com argumentos na soberania, coisa julgada, independência dos juízes e falibilidade humana, rebatemos todos, notadamente com as decisões mais recentes das Cortes dos países do continente europeu. Desta forma, concluímos que é possível responsabilizar o Estado brasileiro pelos danos provocados pela irrazoável duração do processo

Princípio da Razoável Duração do Processo: contribuição ao desenvolvimento de legislação e medidas que o levem a efeito. / Principle of Average Length of Procedure: contribution to the development of legislation and measures that lead to the effect.

Aires Neto, Abilio Wolney 19 October 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:46:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ABILIO WOLNEY AIRES NETO.pdf: 1818311 bytes, checksum: 2c88d17cd63dd5cf393a12535ad19234 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-19 / The present study aims at the analysis of Constitutional Amendment No. 45/2004, which entered the principle of reasonable duration of the process within the fundamental guarantees assured to each individual and is insculpido in item LXXVIII of art. 5, of the Constitution of 1988, in view of the judicial protection must be effective, timely and appropriate. It is seen that this issue is of paramount importance, since the introduction of the term reasonable in adjudication as a constitutional principle brings a commitment of the state to the citizen in order to give greater effectiveness to the process and ensure the fundamental right of access to justice . To reach this conclusion, we used literature search, legislative, administrative and judicial, with theoretical frameworks in several authors, starting with Barroso and converging into arguments which support the applicability of this Amendment, from a historical analysis (ontological) and evaluative (axiological). Then, there was the jurisprudential research on the subject in the main Brazilian courts, celing in the Superior Courts, to then undertake a comparative analysis with the bibliographic material. The importance of the principle stands out as a precondition for full citizenship in Democratic States of law, guaranteeing citizens the realization of their rights are constitutionally guaranteed. The principles of speed and duration of the process should be applied with observation of the principles of reasonableness and proportionality, ensuring that the process does not extend beyond the reasonable deadline, nor will compromise other principles such as defense and full of contradiction. It is certain, however - and for the benefit of people who need an effective justice - that Constitutional Amendment 45/04 (which among other novelties inserted explicitly the principle of reasonable duration of the process) seeks to reform the judiciary means for ensuring that become more agile and stronger, which is essential in a society like ours so devoid of enforcing rights to citizens. The current concern guiding procedures and the right to a speedy and effective duration of the process, summons us to an analysis of the role of the National Council of Justice - CNJ and programs, like the "Update" in the Goiás FONAJE and Process Judicial E-EO, as these tools, among others, that result in responses necessary for today's social and economic problems. On the other hand, alternative means of conflict resolution, complementary to the formal judicial process, even because of its informality and adaptability, suggest the solution many cases, in the antechambers of mediation and conciliation (consensus building). It would be a paradigm shift, erecting alternative model judicialization as a counter-archetype adjunct to mitigate the culture of demanda.Daí the idea of the Courts or adoptive Forums Multiport as promoting integrative means for the settlement of disputes. The traditional process would be for more complex cases, adapting to the American experience to our reality, given the similarity. / O presente estudo tem por objeto a analise da Emenda Constitucional nº 45/2004, que inseriu o princípio da razoável duração do processo dentro das garantias fundamentais asseguradas a cada indivíduo e está insculpido no inciso LXXVIII, do art. 5º, da Constituição Federal de 1988, na perspectiva de que a tutela jurisdicional deve ser efetiva, tempestiva e adequada. Vê-se que tal questão é de suma importância, vez que a introdução do prazo razoável na prestação jurisdicional como princípio constitucional traz um compromisso do Estado para com o cidadão a fim de dar maior efetividade ao processo e garantir o direito fundamental de acesso à Justiça. Para chegar a essa conclusão, utilizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica, legislativa, administrativa e jurisprudencial, com marcos teóricos em diversos autores, iniciando-se com Barroso e confluindo para argumentos que sirvam de suporte à aplicabilidade da referida Emenda, a partir de uma análise histórica (ontológica) e valorativa (axiológica). Em seguida, foi feita a pesquisa jurisprudencial relativa ao tema nos principais tribunais brasileiros, máxime nos Tribunais Superiores, para então proceder a uma análise comparativa com o material bibliográfico. A importância do princípio se destaca como pressuposto para o exercício pleno da cidadania nos Estados Democráticos de Direito, garantindo aos cidadãos a concretização dos direitos que lhes são constitucionalmente assegurados. Os princípios da celeridade e da duração do processo devem ser aplicados com observação aos princípios da razoabilidade e da proporcionalidade, assegurando que o processo não se estenda além do prazo razoável, nem tampouco venha comprometer outros princípios como o da plena defesa e do contraditório. É certo, porém e para benefício da população que necessita de uma justiça efetiva que pela Emenda Constitucional 45/04 (que dentre outras novidades inseriu expressamente o princípio da duração razoável do processo) procura-se reformar o Poder Judiciário garantindo meios para que se torne mais ágil e fortalecido, o que é fundamental em uma sociedade como a nossa tão carente da efetivação de direitos aos cidadãos. A preocupação atual que norteia os procedimentos e o direito a uma rápida e eficaz duração do processo, nos convoca a uma análise do papel do Conselho Nacional de Justiça CNJ e de Programas, a exemplo do Atualizar , em Goiás do FONAJE e do Processo Judicial Eletrônico PJE, estes como ferramentas, dentre outras, que resultam em repostas necessárias aos problemas sociais e econômicos hodiernos. De outro lado, os meios alternativos de solução dos conflitos, complementares ao processo judicial formal, em razão mesmo da sua informalidade e adaptabilidade, sugerem a solução de muitos casos, nas antecâmaras de mediação e conciliação (consensus building). Seria uma mudança de paradigmas, erigindo alternativa ao modelo de judicialização como um contra-arquétipo coadjuvante para mitigar a cultura da demanda.Daí a idéia adotiva dos Tribunais ou Fóruns Multiportas, como promoção de meios integrativos para a solução das controvérsias. O processo tradicional ficaria para os casos de maior complexidade, adaptando-se a experiência norteamericana à nossa realidade, dada a similitude.

A morosidade da prestação jurisdicional e a efetivação do direito fundamental à razoável duração do processo: construindo alternativas possíveis.

Icle, Virginia 27 October 2010 (has links)
Submitted by CARLA MARIA GOULART DE MORAES (carlagm) on 2015-06-24T18:22:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VirginiaIcleDireito.pdf: 919455 bytes, checksum: 652d8c36d0e378644606e95ab56970b0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-24T18:22:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VirginiaIcleDireito.pdf: 919455 bytes, checksum: 652d8c36d0e378644606e95ab56970b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-27 / Nenhuma / A proposta em desenvolver os processos judiciais sem dilações indevidas deve ser desenvolvida mediante práticas que estejam em concordância com os ditames Constitucionais. Para a concretização da tutela jurisdicional, é necessário que tais práticas, além de estarem em conformidade com a segurança do ordenamento jurídico e, capazes de efetivarem o direito fundamental a razoável duração do processo, contribuam, de forma efetiva, com os objetivos traçados pela Constituição. A audiência preliminar será investigada como um instrumento processual capaz de evitar dilações indevidas no decorrer dos processos, seja mediante a possibilidade de conciliação entre as partes, seja por meio do saneamento do processo. Permite a participação mais ativa dos agentes do processo, através do uso da oralidade. Neste sentido, compõe um sistema processual dinâmico, permitindo o “acesso à justiça” em sentido amplo, contemplando ao povo, a adjetivação de cidadão e difundindo a democracia participativa como proposta de Estado a ser adotada para a sociedade contemporânea. Nesse contexto, se pode vislumbrar que o dispositivo do art.331 do Código de Processo Civil Brasileiro, contribui com a efetividade do direito fundamental à razoável duração do processo, objetivando a redução da demora processual injustificável. Para tanto, cabe aos magistrados utilizarem-se de uma interpretação hermenêutica dos ditames constitucionais conjugada com os fatores externos que irão influenciá-lo. A problematização em questão pretende estudar a sociedade no momento atual, onde anseia pela consagração do direito fundamental ao processo em tempo razoável, o qual deve ser promovido por parte do Estado, já que o mesmo lhe consagrou constitucionalmente com o advento da EC 45/2004. Nesse contexto, cabe ao Estado responder pela demora injustificada dos tempos processuais. E a reparação deve manifestar-se através da indenização em favor do cidadão que teve seu direito tolhido, por conseqüência de um ato estatal, ou, no caso da audiência preliminar, sua inércia. / The proposal to develop the judicial procedures without undue delay should be developed through practices that are in accordance with the constitutional dictates. For the completion of judicial review, it is necessary that such practices, and comply with the safety of the legal system and able to enforce the fundamental right to a reasonable duration of the process, contribute, effectively, to the goals set by Constitution. The preliminary hearing will be investigated as a procedural tool that will prevent undue delays during the process, either through the possibility of conciliation between the parties, either through the restructuring process. Allows more active participation of the process’s, through the use of orality. In this sense, forms a dynamic procedural system, allowing "access to justice" in a broad sense, covering the people, the adjective of citizen participatory democracy and spreading as a proposed rule to be adopted to contemporary society. In this context, we can see that the machinery of article 331 of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code, contributes to the effectiveness of the fundamental right of a reasonable duration of the process, aiming at the reduction of procedural delay unjustifiable. For this, use it to judges is a hermeneutic interpretation of constitutional principles coupled with external factors which will influence him, adopting the theory as formalism evaluative procedures. The questioning concerned intends to study the society at present, which yearns for the consecration of the fundamental right to process in reasonable time, which should be promoted by the state, since the constitutionally enshrined it even with the advent of constitutional emendment 45/2004. In this context, the State must answer for the undue delay of the procedural time. And the repair should be manifested through indemnity in favor of the citizen who had checked his right, as a consequence of a state act, or, if the preliminary hearing, his inertia.

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