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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interdependence between Tones, Segments, and Phonation types in Shanghai Chinese : acoustics, articulation, perception, and evolution / Interdépendance entre tons, segments et types de phonation en shanghaïen : acoustique, articulation, perception et évolution

Gao, Jiayin 21 May 2015 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur les corrélats phonétiques des registres tonals yin vs. yang du shanghaïen parlé dans la région urbaine de Shanghai. Nos investigations acoustique, articulatoire et perceptive ont montré qu’en dehors du F0, des indices multi-dimensionnels comme le voisement (voisé pour yang et non-voisé pour yin), le pattern de durée (ratio C/V bas pour yang et élevé pour yin), et le type de phonation (soufflé pour yang et modal pour yin) participent tous à la définition du registre tonal. Parmi tous ces indices, nous tâchons de distinguer les traits redondants liés aux effets coarticulatoires de ceux qui sont des survivants de changements diachroniques. En particulier, la voix soufflée qui accompagne les tons yang est un trait anciennement distinctif et aujourd’hui redondant, issu d’une évolution tonale qui est la transphonologization de distinction de voisement vers la distinction de registre tonal, ou « bipartition tonale ». Nous proposons que la perte d’un trait redondant issu d’un changement diachronique peut être très lente si ce trait ne contrarie pas les effets coarticulatoires et/ou si le trait a une fonction perceptive.En nous basant sur les données synchroniques des locuteurs de deux générations (20-30 ans vs. 60-80 ans), nous constatons une tendance vers la disparition de cette phonation soufflée. Nous constatons également une évolution plus avancée chez les femmes que les hommes de leur âge. Dans notre étude, nous essayons d’expliquer ce changement tant par des causes internes que par des causes externes. / This study bears on the phonetic correlates of the yin vs. yang tone registers of Shanghai Chinese as spoken in Shanghai urban area. Our acoustic, articulatory, and perceptual investigations showed that beside F0, multidimensional cues, such as voicing (voiced for yang vs. voiceless for yin), duration pattern (low C/V ratio for yang vs. high C/V ratio for yin), and phonation type (breathy for yang vs. modal for yin) enter in the specification of tone register. Among all these cues, we attempt to distinguish the redundant features related to coarticulatory effects from those that are remnants of diachronic changes. In particular, the breathy voice accompanying yang tones, which was a distinctive feature in a previous state of the language and has now become a redundant feature, arose from a tonal evolution, namely the transphonologization of a voicing contrast into a tone register contrast, that is, the “tone split.” We propose that the loss of a redundant arisen from a diachronic change may be very slow if that feature does not oppose to coarticulatory effects and/or if that feature has a perceptual function.Based on the synchronic data from the speakers of two generations (20-30 years vs. 60-80 years), we find a trend toward the loss of this breathy phonation. We also find that this evolution is more advanced in women than men of the same age. In our study, we try to explain this change by internal factors as well as by external factors.

Esthétique de la durée / Aesthetics of Duration

Kobryn, Olga 17 April 2015 (has links)
La problématique essentielle de la présente recherche découle de l’intuition qu’il y aurait à l’intérieur du régime contemporain de l’art, et ce malgré le caractère à première vue très hétérogène de ses expressions artistiques, un moment esthétique commun, un moment commun de forme et d’investigation conceptuelle, qui s’est défini, tout au long de ce travail, comme la notion d’esthétique de la durée. Ce terme théorique, qui englobe aussi bien un certain nombre d’installations, d’images contemporaines en mouvement conçues pour l’exposition à l’intérieur des espaces muséaux ainsi que de productions cinématographiques, n’est pas réductible au concept de la durée bergsonienne, même s’il s’y apparente par certains aspects, notamment par l’idée du devenir en tant que changement d’état et de qualité, devenu le principe esthétique d’une grande majorité des œuvres contemporaines. La notion de durée se trouve ainsi à l’origine d’une nouvelle conceptualisation de la forme de l’œuvre d’art et travaille au cœur même de la constitution d’une pensée esthétique singulière qui définit le régime contemporain de l’art en tant que régime de pensée indépendant que nous proposons de qualifier de conceptuel. / The main topic of this work develops from the intuition that there would be, inside the contemporary regime of art - despite the impression of extreme heterogeneity that its artistic expressions could give at first sight - a common aesthetic moment, a common moment of form and conceptual investigation, that will be defined throughout this work as the notion of Aesthetics of Duration. Such a theoretical notion refers to a certain number of installations, contemporary moving images created for museum space as well as cinematographic productions. However, it does not only involve Henri Bergson’s concept of Duration even though the theory echoes it in several ways, such as the idea of becoming as a change of quality. The approach turns out to be at the origin of a new conceptualization of the very form of works of art. Deeply influencing the development of a singular aesthetic approach, The Aesthetics of Duration defines the contemporary artistic regime as an independent regime of thought that could be qualified as conceptual.

Are You Staying? : A Study of In-movers to Northern Sweden and the Factors Influencing Migration and Duration of Stay

Andersson, Erika January 2017 (has links)
The distribution of the population has multiple implications on regional development and planning. In-migration is frequently seen as the only possible solution in order to rejuvenate the population and stimulate regional development in sparsely populated regions. A population increase results in greater tax revenues, meaning that local authorities can plan for their inhabitants and expenditures in a more sufficient way. In addition, certain professionals are needed in order to support essential local services such as schools and hospitals. Place marketing with the intention of attracting in-movers has become increasingly popular, especially for rural, sparsely populated Swedish municipalities. Still, the outcome from place marketing efforts are dubious and in addition, migration has a temporal aspect and individual migration propensity usually fluctuates over time. This begs the question – how long do in-movers stay? Is there potential for long lasting development in sparsely populated regions connected to in-movers or is it temporary? This study focuses on the duration of time until an in-mover re-migrates from Region 8 in northern Sweden and which socioeconomic and demographic factors that influences the out- migration. This is studied by applying an event history method with discrete-time logistic regressions. The study follows individuals in working age that moved to any of nine specified municipalities in Västerbotten and Norrbotten County, sometime between 2000 and 2011. Questions posed for the study is: i) On average, how long did people who moved to Region 8 between the years 2000-2011 stay in the region? ii) What are the socioeconomic and demographic factors that influence the out-migration from the region? iii) Do the influencing factors differ between women and men? The results show that the time perspective matters as the risk of moving out was highest in the initial years and that it declines with time. 30 % of the sampled in-movers had moved out again within the time of observation, and on average the in-movers stayed for nine years. The regression results indicated that the factors that had the greatest influence on the out- migration was unemployment, being between 20-26 years old, high education, having and unemployed partner, and having children below school age. Women had a slightly lower likelihood of moving out compared to men, and the most prominent influential factor to outmigration that varied between women and men was unemployment.

Komplexná analýza požívaných výnosových vzťahov u dlhopisov / Comprehensive study of yield in bond analysis

Krajčíková, Lucia January 2015 (has links)
This thesis covers detailed analysis of bond pricing function. It focuses on connections between mathematical definitions and financial practice and it points out advantages and drawbacks of currently used function. Well known properties of this function are extended to negative internal rate of return values. This topic is further discussed with internal rate of return polynomial equations solving. Taylor series approximation is also shown regarding duration and convexity of bonds.

Хидролошке суше у сливу Велике Мораве / Hidrološke suše u slivu Velike Morave / Hydrological droughts in the basin of Velika Morava

Urošev Marko 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Хидролошке&nbsp; суше&nbsp; су&nbsp; сложена&nbsp; појава&nbsp; како&nbsp; у погледу&nbsp; фактора&nbsp; који&nbsp; је&nbsp;&nbsp; изазивају,&nbsp; тако&nbsp; и&nbsp; у погледу&nbsp; њеног&nbsp; утицаја&nbsp; на&nbsp; екосистем&nbsp; и друштво.&nbsp; У&nbsp; дисертацији&nbsp; је&nbsp; приказана предност&nbsp; анализе&nbsp; малих вода,&nbsp; односно хидролошких&nbsp; суша&nbsp; са&nbsp; две&nbsp; променљиве (дефицит&nbsp; и&nbsp; трајање),&nbsp; у&nbsp; односу&nbsp; на&nbsp; уобичајену анализу&nbsp; са&nbsp; једном&nbsp; вредношћу(најчешће минимални&nbsp; годишњи&nbsp; протицај).&nbsp; Резултати добијени&nbsp; статистичком&nbsp; анализом&nbsp; суша,&nbsp; које су&nbsp; издвојене&nbsp; методом&nbsp; прага&nbsp; недвосмислено су&nbsp; показали&nbsp; да&nbsp; имају већу&nbsp; применљивост&nbsp; у водопривреди&nbsp; него&nbsp; методе&nbsp; које&nbsp; користе стандардизоване&nbsp; индексе,&nbsp; јер&nbsp; дају&nbsp; конкретне вредности&nbsp; недостајућих&nbsp; количина воде (запремине&nbsp; дефицита&nbsp; суша)&nbsp; у&nbsp; односу&nbsp; на релативне&nbsp; вредности&nbsp; стандардизованих индекса.&nbsp; Метода&nbsp; прага&nbsp; је&nbsp; примењена&nbsp; на39 станица&nbsp; у&nbsp; сливу&nbsp; Велике&nbsp; Мораве&nbsp; за&nbsp; период 1960-2014,&nbsp; што&nbsp; до&nbsp; сад&nbsp; представља&nbsp; највећи узорак&nbsp; на&nbsp; којем&nbsp; је&nbsp; примењивана&nbsp; у&nbsp; Србији, било&nbsp; да&nbsp; се&nbsp; ради&nbsp; о&nbsp; анализи&nbsp; малих&nbsp; или еликих&nbsp; вода.&nbsp; Као&nbsp; праг&nbsp; за&nbsp; издвајање&nbsp; суша узета&nbsp; је вредност Q<sub>90</sub> ,&nbsp; јер&nbsp; је&nbsp; циљ&nbsp; био&nbsp; анализа просторних&nbsp; и временских&nbsp; карактеристика екстремних(великих)&nbsp; суша&nbsp; у&nbsp; сливу&nbsp; Велике Мораве.&nbsp; Избор&nbsp; прага&nbsp; утицао&nbsp; је&nbsp; и&nbsp; на&nbsp; избор методе&nbsp; парцијалних&nbsp; серија&nbsp; за&nbsp; статистичку анализу карактеристика суша. За одређивање параметра&nbsp; теоријских&nbsp; расподела&nbsp; коришћени су L-моменти&nbsp; који&nbsp; дају&nbsp; поузданије&nbsp; оцене параметара&nbsp; од&nbsp; обичних&nbsp; момената.&nbsp; У досадашњим&nbsp; радовима,&nbsp; који&nbsp; су&nbsp; анализирали хидролошке&nbsp; суше&nbsp; методом&nbsp; парцијалних серија,&nbsp; функција&nbsp; расподеле&nbsp; се&nbsp; унапред одабирала,&nbsp; а&nbsp; не&nbsp; на&nbsp; основу&nbsp; тестова сагласности&nbsp; и&nbsp; провере&nbsp; графика&nbsp; вероватноће,као&nbsp; што&nbsp; је&nbsp; урађено&nbsp; у&nbsp; овој&nbsp; дисертацији.&nbsp; За проверу&nbsp; сагласности&nbsp; годишњег&nbsp; максимума дефицита&nbsp; и&nbsp; трајања&nbsp; коришћени&nbsp; су&nbsp; тестови Колмогоров-Смирнов&nbsp; и&nbsp; Крамер&ndash;Мизес,&nbsp; на основу&nbsp; којих&nbsp; су&nbsp; изабране&nbsp; меродавне расподеле&nbsp; за&nbsp; прорачун&nbsp; суша&nbsp; различитих повратних&nbsp; периода&nbsp; на&nbsp; станицама,&nbsp; и&nbsp; обрнуто.С&nbsp; помоћу L-момент&nbsp; дијаграма(LC <sub>s</sub>/LC<sub> k</sub> )утврђена&nbsp; је&nbsp; хомогеност&nbsp; региона,&nbsp; у&nbsp; овом случају&nbsp; целог&nbsp; слива&nbsp; Велике&nbsp; Мораве,&nbsp; као&nbsp; и изабрана&nbsp; регионална&nbsp; расподела(P+W)&nbsp; за дефиците&nbsp; и&nbsp; трајање&nbsp; суше,&nbsp; на&nbsp; основу&nbsp; које&nbsp; су израчунати&nbsp; безразмерни&nbsp; квантили,&nbsp; који&nbsp; се могу&nbsp; користити&nbsp; за&nbsp; оцену&nbsp; суша великих повратних&nbsp; периода&nbsp; на&nbsp; хидролошки неизученим сливовима.</p> / <p>Hidrološke&nbsp; suše&nbsp; su&nbsp; složena&nbsp; pojava&nbsp; kako&nbsp; u pogledu&nbsp; faktora&nbsp; koji&nbsp; je&nbsp;&nbsp; izazivaju,&nbsp; tako&nbsp; i&nbsp; u pogledu&nbsp; njenog&nbsp; uticaja&nbsp; na&nbsp; ekosistem&nbsp; i društvo.&nbsp; U&nbsp; disertaciji&nbsp; je&nbsp; prikazana prednost&nbsp; analize&nbsp; malih voda,&nbsp; odnosno hidroloških&nbsp; suša&nbsp; sa&nbsp; dve&nbsp; promenljive (deficit&nbsp; i&nbsp; trajanje),&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; uobičajenu analizu&nbsp; sa&nbsp; jednom&nbsp; vrednošću(najčešće minimalni&nbsp; godišnji&nbsp; proticaj).&nbsp; Rezultati dobijeni&nbsp; statističkom&nbsp; analizom&nbsp; suša,&nbsp; koje su&nbsp; izdvojene&nbsp; metodom&nbsp; praga&nbsp; nedvosmisleno su&nbsp; pokazali&nbsp; da&nbsp; imaju veću&nbsp; primenljivost&nbsp; u vodoprivredi&nbsp; nego&nbsp; metode&nbsp; koje&nbsp; koriste standardizovane&nbsp; indekse,&nbsp; jer&nbsp; daju&nbsp; konkretne vrednosti&nbsp; nedostajućih&nbsp; količina vode (zapremine&nbsp; deficita&nbsp; suša)&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na relativne&nbsp; vrednosti&nbsp; standardizovanih indeksa.&nbsp; Metoda&nbsp; praga&nbsp; je&nbsp; primenjena&nbsp; na39 stanica&nbsp; u&nbsp; slivu&nbsp; Velike&nbsp; Morave&nbsp; za&nbsp; period 1960-2014,&nbsp; što&nbsp; do&nbsp; sad&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp; najveći uzorak&nbsp; na&nbsp; kojem&nbsp; je&nbsp; primenjivana&nbsp; u&nbsp; Srbiji, bilo&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; radi&nbsp; o&nbsp; analizi&nbsp; malih&nbsp; ili elikih&nbsp; voda.&nbsp; Kao&nbsp; prag&nbsp; za&nbsp; izdvajanje&nbsp; suša uzeta&nbsp; je vrednost Q<sub>90</sub> ,&nbsp; jer&nbsp; je&nbsp; cilj&nbsp; bio&nbsp; analiza prostornih&nbsp; i vremenskih&nbsp; karakteristika ekstremnih(velikih)&nbsp; suša&nbsp; u&nbsp; slivu&nbsp; Velike Morave.&nbsp; Izbor&nbsp; praga&nbsp; uticao&nbsp; je&nbsp; i&nbsp; na&nbsp; izbor metode&nbsp; parcijalnih&nbsp; serija&nbsp; za&nbsp; statističku analizu karakteristika suša. Za određivanje parametra&nbsp; teorijskih&nbsp; raspodela&nbsp; korišćeni su L-momenti&nbsp; koji&nbsp; daju&nbsp; pouzdanije&nbsp; ocene parametara&nbsp; od&nbsp; običnih&nbsp; momenata.&nbsp; U dosadašnjim&nbsp; radovima,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; su&nbsp; analizirali hidrološke&nbsp; suše&nbsp; metodom&nbsp; parcijalnih serija,&nbsp; funkcija&nbsp; raspodele&nbsp; se&nbsp; unapred odabirala,&nbsp; a&nbsp; ne&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; testova saglasnosti&nbsp; i&nbsp; provere&nbsp; grafika&nbsp; verovatnoće,kao&nbsp; što&nbsp; je&nbsp; urađeno&nbsp; u&nbsp; ovoj&nbsp; disertaciji.&nbsp; Za proveru&nbsp; saglasnosti&nbsp; godišnjeg&nbsp; maksimuma deficita&nbsp; i&nbsp; trajanja&nbsp; korišćeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; testovi Kolmogorov-Smirnov&nbsp; i&nbsp; Kramer&ndash;Mizes,&nbsp; na osnovu&nbsp; kojih&nbsp; su&nbsp; izabrane&nbsp; merodavne raspodele&nbsp; za&nbsp; proračun&nbsp; suša&nbsp; različitih povratnih&nbsp; perioda&nbsp; na&nbsp; stanicama,&nbsp; i&nbsp; obrnuto.S&nbsp; pomoću L-moment&nbsp; dijagrama(LC <sub>s</sub>/LC<sub> k</sub> )utvrđena&nbsp; je&nbsp; homogenost&nbsp; regiona,&nbsp; u&nbsp; ovom slučaju&nbsp; celog&nbsp; sliva&nbsp; Velike&nbsp; Morave,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i izabrana&nbsp; regionalna&nbsp; raspodela(P+W)&nbsp; za deficite&nbsp; i&nbsp; trajanje&nbsp; suše,&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; koje&nbsp; su izračunati&nbsp; bezrazmerni&nbsp; kvantili,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; se mogu&nbsp; koristiti&nbsp; za&nbsp; ocenu&nbsp; suša velikih povratnih&nbsp; perioda&nbsp; na&nbsp; hidrološki neizučenim slivovima.</p> / <p>Hydrological droughts are a complex phenomenon both in terms of the factors that cause it, and in terms of its impact on ecosystems and society. The dissertation shows the advantage of low water analysis, i.e. hydrological drought with two variables (deficit and duration), compared to the usual analysis of a single value (a minimum annual flow). The results obtained by statistical analysis of drought, which are separated by the threshold method clearly demonstrated to have greater applicability in water management than methods that used standardized indices, because they give concrete value of missing quantities of water (drought deficit volume) with respect to relative values of standardized index. Threshold method was&nbsp; applied to 39 stations in the Morava River Basin for the period 1960-2014, which so far represents the largest sample on which it was applied in Serbia, whether it is on the analysis of low or high water. The value of Q<sub>90</sub> was selected as a threshold for separating the drought, because the goal was to analyze the spatial and temporal characteristics of extreme (large) droughts in the basin of Velika Morava. Selected threshold affected the choice of partial duration series method for statistical analysis of the drought characteristics. L-moments were used to determine the parameters of&nbsp; theoretical distributions because they give more reliable estimates of the parameters&nbsp; than ordinarymoments. In previous papers, which analyzed the hydrological drought&nbsp; by partial duration series, distribution function was chosen in advance, and not on the results of goodness-of-fit tests and visual validation of frequency curve on probability paper, as it was done in this thesis. To check the goodness-of-fit tests of annual maximum deficit and duration tests of Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramer &ndash;Mises were used, and based on their results representative distribution was chosen for&nbsp;&nbsp; calculation of different return periods of droughts on the stations, and vice versa. The homogeneity of the region was determined by L-moment diagrams (LC s/LC k ), and in this case it was the whole basin of the Velika Morava. L-moments were used for selection of regional distribution (P+W) for the drought duration and deficits, based on which dimensionless quantiles were calculated, which can be used for&nbsp;&nbsp; аеssessment of droughts of great return periods in the hydrological ungauged catchments.</p>

Estimation de l'Incidence de l'Infection par le VIH et autres Indicateurs de Surveillance de l'Épidémie du VIH : le cas de la France et du Cameroun / Estimation of HIV incidence and others indicators of surveillance of the HIV epidemic : the case of France and Cameroon

Ndawinz, Jacques Deval Armstrong 07 July 2015 (has links)
Une solution envisageable pour éliminer la propagation de l'épidémie du VIH est que les personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) ignorant leur statut sérologique (épidémie cachée) soient diagnostiquées et que les PVVIH aient accès rapidement au traitement antirétroviral (TARV). C'est pour cette raison qu'il est recommandé de mettre en place les interventions combinant notamment le dépistage précoce du VIH et l'initiation précoce du TARV. L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer des méthodes statistiques pour estimer les indicateurs permettant de désigner, de suivre et d'évaluer ces interventions dans différents contextes épidémiques. Ainsi, un premier modèle de rétrocalcul combinant les données de diagnostic du VIH et les changements dans l'accès au dépistage est développé, avec une application en France, pour estimer l'incidence de l'infection à VIH, la durée entre l'infection et le diagnostic du VIH et la taille de l'épidémie cachée. Une analyse multiniveaux est mise en œuvre pour identifier les facteurs de risque d'accès tardif au TARV au Cameroun. Une méthode basée sur les modèles multiniveaux est proposée, avec une application au Cameroun, pour estimer deux nouveaux indicateurs, la durée entre la seroconversion et l'initiation du TARV et la durée entre l'éligibilité théorique au TARV et son initiation effective. Un second modèle de rétrocalcul plus adapté aux pays d'Afrique est développé à partir des données des PVVIH mises au TARV, avec une application au Cameroun, pour estimer l'incidence de l'infection à VIH. Cette thèse propose des méthodes originales pour estimer l'incidence du VIH et le délai entre l'infection et le diagnostic du VIH ou l'initiation du TARV. / A possible solution to eliminate the spread of the HIV epidemic is that people living with HIV (PLHIV) unaware of their HIV status (the hidden epidemic) are diagnosed and that all PLHIV have timely access to antiretroviral treatment (ART). That is why it is now recommended to put in place interventions combining early diagnosis of HIV and early initiation of ART. The objective of this thesis is to develop statistical methods to estimate indicators to identify, monitor and evaluate these interventions in different epidemic settings. Thus, a first back-calculation model combining HIV diagnosis data and changes in access to HIV screening is developed - with an application in France -to estimate the incidence of HIV infection, the duration between infection and HIV diagnosis and the size of the hidden epidemic. A multilevel analysis is implemented to identify risk factors associated with late ART initiation in Cameroon. A method based on multilevel models is proposed - with an application to Cameroon - to estimate two new indicators, the time between seroconversion and ART initiation and the delay between the theoretical time of ART eligibility and the effective time of ART initiation. A second back-calculation model more adapted to Africa countries is developed from data on PLHIV initiating ART - with an application in Cameroon - to estimate the incidence of HIV infection. This thesis proposes original methods to estimate the incidence of HIV infection and the time to HIV diagnosis or ART initiation.

Détection d'outliers : modéllsation et prédiction : application aux données de véhicules d'occasion / Outliers detection : modelling and prediction : application to used cars dataset

Dimby, Solohaja Faniaha 21 December 2015 (has links)
La société Autobiz édite et diffuse de l’information sur le secteur automobile. Cette thèse contribue à l’enrichissement de cette information et à une meilleure compréhension du marché de l’occasion par l’élaboration des modèles de prédiction du prix des véhicules et du délai de vente qui leur est associé. Nous avons eu à notre disposition une base de données réelles constituée d’annonces de sources diverses induisant un nombre considérable d’outliers. Ainsi, la première partie de travail s’est consacrée à la construction de méthodes de détection d’outliers incluant aussi bien de simples règles empiriques qu’un test statistique dont les propriétés asymptotiques ont été étudiées. Partant d’un état de l’art sur la prédiction des prix des véhicules d’occasion, il est apparu que les études existantes soulèvent le besoin de fonder une méthodologie d’analyse plus rigoureuse. Cette méthodologie a été développée dans un objectif de proposer des solutions automatisables et adaptées aux contraintes imposées par les experts. Nous faisons alors l’hypothèse que les prix des véhicules d’une même version se déprécient en fonction de l’âge et du kilométrage selon une forme qui lui est propre. La dernière partie du travail est dédiée à l’analyse des délais de vente. Dans un premier temps, nous caractérisons la variable associée aux délais de vente. Ensuite nous proposons une modélisation de cette variable par une régression à l’échelle d’un segment correspondant à l’arborescence marque-modèle-carrosserie-énergie en fonction des variables liées au kilométrage, au prix et à l’âge. Enfin, nous discutons de la possibilité de modéliser le nombre de véhicules vendus dans une période donnée selon une loi binomiale négative. / Autobiz publishes information on the automotive sector. The subject of this the-sis is to give more tools for best understanding the used cars market by proposing modeling the price and the sale duration of vehicles. In our disposal we have a dataset consisted of used car advertisements automatically collected from the most popular website in France. Such data records often include outlying values. So, we need to start our analysis by considering outliers problem and we propose an outliers detector for univariate case for which we study asymptotic properties. Next, we develop a predicting model for used cars price. Although enumerable amount of works are stored in the literature we see that each of them lacks rigorous statistical foundations. We investigate the relationships between the price, the mileage, the age and others vehicle characteristics. More precisely we discuss how incorporate these variables in a model and compare different modeling approaches with the object to find the one best fitting the dataset and easy to implement. Expert’s opinions are minded at different stages of the model-building process. Next, we identify variables and how they affect the probability of a used vehicle’s sale from a list of explanatory variables related to price, mileage and age. In the sequel, we build a model allowing predicting the sale duration. Finally, we discuss about modeling sales of used cars by using the negative binomial distribution.


CAVALETTI, FEDERICA 30 April 2020 (has links)
Questa tesi presenta i risultati teorici, metodologici ed empirici di una ricerca di dottorato incentrata sul tema della percezione del tempo nell’esperienza cinematografica. La prima parte fornisce un’introduzione teorica al tema. Il Capitolo 1 precisa il taglio e l’oggetto della ricerca. Il Capitolo 2 presenta i principali modelli teorici di percezione del tempo. Il Capitolo 3 si concentra sulla percezione del tempo nel contesto cinematografico. La seconda parte comprende gli esperimenti condotti nel corso della ricerca. Il Capitolo 4 illustra il primo esperimento. Attraverso misure comportamentali, questo studio ha indagato gli effetti sulla stima di durata e sulla percezione del passaggio del tempo di due variabili cinematografiche: il tipo di azione rappresentata e lo stile di montaggio. Il Capitolo 5 presenta il secondo esperimento. Tramite un metodo chiamato micro-fenomenologia, questo studio ha esplorato i processi esperienziali che fondano i compiti di stima di durata e percezione del passaggio del tempo. Il Capitolo 6 descrive il terzo esperimento. Attraverso una tecnica di neurostimolazione (tDCS), questo studio ha testato il coinvolgimento di una specifica area cerebrale (Area Supplementare Motoria) negli stessi compiti temporali. La terza parte riassume i risultati della ricerca (Capitolo 7) e discute possibili futuri sviluppi di quest’ultima (Capitolo 8). / This dissertation presents the theoretical, methodological, and empirical results of a doctoral research concerning time perception in the experience of cinema. The first part provides a theoretical introduction to the topic. Chapter 1 carves out the dissertation’s precise angle and object. Chapter 2 presents the main models of subjective time perception. Chapter 3 restricts the scope to time perception in the specific context of cinema. The second part reports about the three experiments conducted during the research. Chapter 4 introduces the first experiment. By using behavioural measures, this study addressed the effects on duration estimation and time passage perception of two cinematographic variables: the type of represented action and the style of editing. Chapter 5 presents the second experiment. By adopting a method called micro-phenomenology, this study explored the processes underlying the performance of the duration estimation and time passage perception tasks. Chapter 6 is devoted to the third experiment. By using a neurostimulation technique (tDCS), this study tested the involvement of a specific brain area (the Supplementary Motor Area) in the same timing tasks. The third part summarizes the essential findings of the research (Chapter 7) and re-opens it to some of its possible future developments (Chapter 8).

Measured Values Lost in Time-or How I rose from a User to a Developer of Palladio

Hilbrich, Marcus, Lehrig, Sebastian, Frank, Markus 24 November 2016 (has links)
I am working with software in academia for more than an decade and I had the "Moment" quite often. Palladio appeared just like an ordinary tool to solve my problem. Then, I changed a single parameter of my simulation---some hours later we hunted for a bug in the depths of Palladio. Based on the open source development model of Palladio and a very elegant structure of the source code, we were able to find the root cause of the problem very fast. To start fixing the problem, we "just" had to know when---in simulation time---a measurement of the SimuLizar simulator is valid. This paper summarizes our technical and philosophical discussions that ware needed to make Palladio deliver correct results and not to get lost in the depths of time and duration.

Diverzita pářícího chování švábů (Blattodea: Blaberidae) / Diversity of cockroach mating behaviour (Blattodea: Blaberidae)

Dvořák, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Mating behaviour of cockroaches is spectacular phenomenon with three different mating patterns traditionally distinguished. The most common and probably ancestral is type A - female climbing. Then it is type B - male climbing and type C - no climbing. Mating type was described in around 30 Blaberidae species. As it is the only cockroach family where all three types are present, it is an interesting model group for studying evolutionary questions. The main goal of the thesis was detail exploration and description of mating sequences in 21 Blaberidae species, 17 of which haven't been examined in this aspect before. An intrageneric diversity in mating patterns (genus Pycnoscelus) was described for the first time. Moreover, in case of P. tenebrigera, it was not possible to assign its mating pattern to any of the three traditional types. Multidimensional statistical analysis and biological interpretation of qualitative behavioural elements revealed two well separated clusters of mating sequensces. Consequently, we propose to distinguish only two types of mating pattern - ancestral type (identical with type A) and derived type. We also discussed the relationship between wing reduction and occurence of derived mating types. Evaluation of quantitative behavioural elements revealed positive correlation between...

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