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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Ageing and Physical Activity on Regulation of Muscle Contraction

Cristea, Alexander January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aims of this study were to investigate the mechanisms underlying (1) the ageing-related motor handicap at the whole muscle, cellular, contractile protein and myonuclear levels; and (2) ageing-related differences in muscle adaptability.</p><p>In vivo muscles function was studied in the knee extensors. Decreases were observed in isokinetic and isometric torque outputs in old age in the sedentary men and women and elite master sprinters. A 20-week long specific sprint and resistance training successfully improved the maximal isometric force and rate of force development in a subgroup of master sprinters.</p><p>In vitro measurements were performed in muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle. Immunocytochemical and contractile measurements in single membrane permeabilized muscle fibres demonstrated ageing- and gender-related changes at the myofibrillar level. In sedentary subjects, data showed a preferential decrease in the size of muscle fibres expressing type IIa MyHC in men, lower force generating capacity in muscle fibres expressing the type I MyHC isoform in both men and women and lower maximum velocity of unloaded shortening (V<sub>0</sub>) in fibres expressing types I and IIa MyHC isoforms in both men and women. The master sprinters also experienced the typical ageing-related reduction in the size of fast-twitch fibres, a shift toward a slower MyHC isoform profile and a lower V<sub>0</sub> of type I MyHC fibres, which played a role in the decline in explosive force production capacity. The fast-twitch fibre area increased after the resistance training period. A model combining single muscle fibre confocal microscopy with a novel algorithm for 3D imaging of myonuclei in single muscle fibre segments was introduced to study the spatial organisation of myonuclei and the size of individual myonuclear domains (MNDs). Significant changes in the MND size variability and myonuclear organization were observed in old age, irrespective gender and fibre type. Those changes may influence the local quantity of specific proteins per muscle fibre volume by decreased and/or local cooperativity of myonuclei in a gender and muscle fibre specific manner.</p><p>In conclusion, the ageing-related impairments in in vivo muscle function were related to significant changes in morphology, contractile protein expression and regulation at the muscle fibre level. It is suggested that the altered myonuclear organisation observed in old age impacts on muscle fibre protein synthesis and degradation with consequences for the ageing-related changes in skeletal muscle structure and function. However, the improved muscle function in response to a 20-week intense physical training regime in highly motivated physically active old subjects demonstrates that all ageing-related in muscle function are not immutable.</p>

The energy consumption mechanisms of a power-split hybrid electric vehicle in real-world driving

Lintern, Matthew A. January 2015 (has links)
With increasing costs of fossil fuels and intensified environmental awareness, low carbon vehicles, including hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), are becoming more popular for car buyers due to their lower running costs. HEVs are sensitive to the driving conditions under which they are used however, and real-world driving can be very different to the legislative test cycles. On the road there are higher speeds, faster accelerations and more changes in speed, plus additional factors that are not taken into account in laboratory tests, all leading to poorer fuel economy. Future trends in the automotive industry are predicted to include a large focus on increased hybridisation of passenger cars in the coming years, so this is an important current research area. The aims of this project were to determine the energy consumption of a HEV in real-world driving, and investigate the differences in this compared to other standard drive cycles, and also compared to testing in laboratory conditions. A second generation Toyota Prius equipped with a GPS (Global Positioning System) data logging system collected driving data while in use by Loughborough University Security over a period of 9 months. The journey data was used for the development of a drive cycle, the Loughborough University Urban Drive Cycle 2 (LUUDC2), representing urban driving around the university campus and local town roads. It will also have a likeness to other similar driving routines. Vehicle testing was carried out on a chassis dynamometer on the real-world LUUDC2 and other existing drive cycles for comparison, including ECE-15, UDDS (Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule) and Artemis Urban. Comparisons were made between real-world driving test results and chassis dynamometer real-world cycle test results. Comparison was also made with a pure electric vehicle (EV) that was tested in a similar way. To verify the test results and investigate the energy consumption inside the system, a Prius model in Autonomie vehicle simulation software was used. There were two main areas of results outcomes; the first of which was higher fuel consumption on the LUUDC2 compared to other cycles due to cycle effects, with the former having greater accelerations and a more transient speed profile. In a drive cycle acceleration effect study, for the cycle with 80% higher average acceleration than the other the difference in fuel consumption was about 32%, of which around half of this was discovered to be as a result of an increased average acceleration and deceleration rate. Compared to the standard ECE-15 urban drive cycle, fuel consumption was 20% higher on the LUUDC2. The second main area of outcomes is the factors that give greater energy consumption in real-world driving compared to in a laboratory and in simulations being determined and quantified. There was found to be a significant difference in fuel consumption for the HEV of over a third between on-road real-world driving and chassis dynamometer testing on the developed real-world cycle. Contributors to the difference were identified and explored further to quantify their impact. Firstly, validation of the drive cycle accuracy by statistical comparison to the original dataset using acceleration magnitude distributions highlighted that the cycle could be better matched. Chassis dynamometer testing of a new refined cycle showed that this had a significant impact, contributing approximately 16% of the difference to the real-world driving, bringing this gap down to 21%. This showed how important accurate cycle production from the data set is to give a representative and meaningful output. Road gradient was investigated as a possible contributor to the difference. The Prius was driven on repeated circuits of the campus to produce a simplified real-world driving cycle that could be directly linked with the corresponding gradients, which were obtained by surveying the land. This cycle was run on the chassis dynamometer and Autonomie was also used to simulate driving this cycle with and without its gradients. This study showed that gradient had a negligible contribution to fuel consumption of the HEV in the case of a circular route where returning to the start point. A main factor in the difference to real-world driving was found to be the use of climate control auxiliaries with associated ambient temperature. Investigation found this element is estimated to contribute over 15% to the difference in real-world fuel consumption, by running the heater in low temperatures and the air conditioning in high temperatures. This leaves a 6% remainder made up of a collection of other small real-world factors. Equivalent tests carried out in simulations to those carried out on the chassis dynamometer gave 20% lower fuel consumption. This is accounted for by degradation of the test vehicle at approximately 7%, and the other part by inaccuracy of the simulation model. Laboratory testing of the high voltage battery pack found it constituted around 2% of the vehicle degradation factor, plus an additional 5% due to imbalance of the battery cell voltages, on top of the 7% stated above. From this investigation it can be concluded that the driving cycle and environment have a substantial impact of the energy use of a HEV. Therefore they could be better designed by incorporating real-world driving into the development process, for example by basing control strategies on real-world drive cycles. Vehicles would also benefit from being developed for use in a particular application to improve their fuel consumption. Alternatively, factors for each of the contributing elements of real-world driving could be included in published fuel economy figures to give prospective users more representative values.


SERGIO BRAGANTINE GERMANO 16 July 2014 (has links)
[pt] Nesta dissertação buscou-se avaliar metrologicamente um banco de ensaios dinamométricos específico, utilizado para analisar a eficiência de motores, lubrificantes e combustíveis, por meio de métodos de comparação dos valores medidos com valores padrões. As grandezas mensuradas foram: velocidade de rotação do eixo de um motor, torque neste eixo, temperaturas e pressões no motor e no dinamômetro, elemento que atua como freio do motor para proporcionar uma simulação das condições reais de trabalho. Foi necessário utilizar dois métodos distintos para avaliação de cada uma das grandezas mensuradas. Foram mensuradas velocidades do motor funcionando e velocidades simuladas, tanto inferiores como superiores às velocidades de operação do motor, determinando os limites superior e inferior de resposta do sistema de medição. Para avaliar a medição de torque, foram produzidos torques conhecidos (padrão), correlacionados com torques medidos no motor funcionando. Temperaturas foram produzidas por um banho termostático, mensuradas com equipamentos calibrados e em seguida comparadas com as indicadas pelo sistema de medição, sendo também utilizado um método simulador de informações de temperaturas, chegando a ser simuladas de -200 graus Celsius a 650 graus Celsius. Pressões foram geradas por uma bomba de pressão padrão e lidas pelo sistema de medição, sendo detectado funcionamento inapropriado de 2 canais. Os resultados de cada grandeza foram tratados estatisticamente sendo validadas suas utilizações nos cálculos executados. Confirmadas estatisticamente as validades dos resultados, as incertezas de medição foram calculadas, sendo utilizadas também informações dos certificados de calibração dos equipamentos usados nas medições realizadas. Sugestões foram apresentadas para que melhoria sejam incrementadas ao sistema de medição que demonstrou estar funcionando de forma satisfatória, apresentando, no entanto, algumas oportunidades de melhorias. / [en] This work intended to evaluate, metrologically, a specific bench of dynamometric tests, used to analyze the efficiency of engines, lubricants and fuels, through methods that compare the measured values with standards. The measured quantities were: rotation speed of the engine shaft, torque on this same shaft, temperature and pressure of both engine and dynamometer, element that acts as the engine brake so it can simulate a real work condition. It was necessary to use two different methods to evaluate each measured quantity. It was measured the working engine speed and simulated speeds, both higher and lower than the engine operating speeds, establishing the higher and the lower limits of the measurement system. To evaluate the torque measurement, known torques (standards), were produced, and related to the measured torques in the working engine. Temperatures were produced by a thermal bath, measured with calibrated equipment, and then compared with the temperatures indicated by the measuring system, being also used a simulated method for temperatures information, with a range of simulation between -200 Celsius degrees and 650 Celsius degrees. The pressures were created by a standard pressure pump and read by the measuring system, being detected an inappropriate operation of 2 channels. The results were treated statistically, being validated the utilizations on the executed calculations. Having been statistically confirmed the validity of the results, the measurement uncertainties were calculated, being also used the information from the equipment calibration certificate. Suggestions were presented so that improvemenst can be made to the Measuring System.

Avaliação do controle postural estático e dinâmico na síndrome patelofemoral / Evaluation of static and dynamic postural control in patellofemoral syndrome

Carvalho e Silva, Ana Paula de Moura Campos 06 May 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A síndrome da dor patelofemoral (SDP) é uma das condições musculoesqueléticas mais comum de dor anterior no joelho. Caracteriza-se pela dor e crepitação durante atividades funcionais diárias como agachar, subir e descer escada, dentre outras. Apesar da alta incidência, os mecanismos e causas ainda são pouco compreendidos. Teoriza-se que o déficit dos músculos do quadril contribui para o desenvolvimento da SDP e alteração do controle postural. Objetivo: Comparar o controle postural estático e dinâmico em mulheres com e sem a síndrome patelofemoral. O objetivo secundário é verificar a correlação do controle postural com a força dos músculos do quadril no grupo SDP. Métodos: Foram avaliadas 50 mulheres divididas em dois grupos: Síndrome da dor patelofemoral (SDP) (n=25) e Controle (GC) (n=25). O controle postural estático e dinâmico foram avaliados na plataforma de força Balance Master Neurocom System, utilizando dois testes: a) apoio unipodal (estático) b) subir/descer um degrau (dinâmico) para a mensuração do centro de pressão. As forças isométricas dos músculos extensores, abdutores e rotadores laterais do quadril foram avaliados com o dinamômetro manual; a dor com a escala visual analógica (EVA) e a funcionalidade pela escala de atividades de vida diária (EAVD). No Grupo SDP foi avaliado o membro sintomático ou o mais sintomático para a SDP bilateral, e no controle o membro dominante. Resultados: O grupo da SDP apresentou déficit do controle postural estático em relação ao controle, com maior oscilação do COP no apoio unipodal: área [4,92 ± 1,54 vs 3,55 ± 1,07], deslocamento ântero-posterior [3,49 ± 0,60 vs 3,10 ± 0,93], deslocamento médio-lateral [2,22 ± 0,32 vs 1,9 ± 0,44], velocidade total [8,41 ± 1,43 vs 7,24 ± 1,20], velocidade ântero-posterior [7,75 ± 1,33 vs 6,53 ± 1,15] com diferença estatisticamente significante (p<0.05). No controle dinâmico apresentou maior oscilação: área [155,23 ± 23,94 vs 137,94 ± 25,82], deslocamento médio-lateral [32,3 ± 5,5 vs 21,7 ± 2,7] e velocidade médio-lateral [22,2 ± 2,05 vs 17,0 ± 1,6] e (p < 0.05). O grupo SDP apresentou força isométrica diminuída para os músculos extensores, abdutores, rotadores laterais do quadril (p < 0.05) comparado ao grupo controle. No controle postural dinâmico do grupo SDP foi encontrada correlação positiva do deslocamento e velocidade ântero-posterior com os músculos extensores do quadril [r = 0,42 e 0,54] Conclusão: Indivíduos com a síndrome da dor patelofemoral apresentam déficit do controle postural estático e dinâmico, da força dos extensores, abdutores e rotadores laterais do quadril. O déficit de força dos extensores do quadril foi associado ao aumento da oscilação do COP no controle dinâmico / Background: Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFP) is one of the most common musculoskeletal conditions of anterior knee pain. It is characterized by pain and crepitus during daily functional activities such as squatting, going up and down stairs and others activities. Despite the high incidence, the mechanism and causes are poor understood. It is theorized that the deficit of the hip muscles contributes to the development of the PFP and changes in postural control. Objective: To compare the static and dynamic postural control in females with and without patelofemoral pain syndrome and secondary objective was to verify the correlation of postural control with hip strength muscles in PFP group. Methods: Fifty females were divided on two groups: patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFP) (n = 25) and Control (CG) (n =25). The static and dynamic postural control was assessed on the Balance Master force Neurocom System platform, using two tests: a) one single leg (static) b) step up/down (dynamic) for the measurement of pressure center. The isometric strength of the hip extensor muscles, abductors and external rotators were assessed with hand-held dynamometer; pain with a visual analogue scale (VAS); the functionality by the activities daily life scale (ADLS). In PFP was evaluated symptomatic or more symptomatic for bilateral and the dominant limb for control group. Results: The PFP group showed deficits in static postural control compared to control group, with greater COP oscillation on the leg support : area [ 4.92 ± 1.54 vs 3.55 ± 1.07 ], anterior-posterior displacement [ 3.49 ± 0.60 vs 3.10 ± 0.93 ] , medial-lateral displacement [ 2.22 ± 0.32 vs 1.9 ± 0.44 ] , total velocity [ 8.41 ± 1.43 vs 7.24 ± 1.20 ], anterior-posterior velocity [ 7.75 ± 1.33 vs 6.53 ± 1.15 ] was statistically significant (p < 0,05 ). In dynamic control showed greater COP oscillation: area [155.23 ± 23.94 vs 137.94 ± 25.82], medial-lateral displacement [32.3 ± 5.5 vs. 21.7 ± 2.7] medial-lateral velocity [22.2 ± 2.05 vs 17.0 ± 1.6] and (p < 0.05). The PFP group had decreased in hip isometric strength of the extensors abductors, lateral rotators muscles, compared to the control group (p < 0.05). The PFP group showed a positive correlation of anterior- posterior displacement and velocity with the hip extensor muscles [r = 0.42 and 0.54]. Conclusion: Females with patellofemoral pain syndrome have deficit in static and dynamic postural control; hip extensors, abductors and external rotators strength. The deficit of the hip extensor muscle was associated with increased oscillation in the dynamic control of COP

Avaliação da função muscular de indivíduos com indicação de reconstrução combinada do ligamento cruzado anterior e ligamento anterolateral do joelho / Muscular function evaluation of individuals with indication of combined reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament and anterolateral knee ligament

Silva, Adriana Carvalho Gomes da 13 February 2019 (has links)
Introdução: A função principal do ligamento anterolateral (LAL) é a restrição secundária da rotação medial da tíbia, alterando o teste Pivot shift. Os estudos evidenciam uma piora da estabilidade rotacional quando há lesão do LAL associada ao ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA), que é melhorada após a reconstrução combinada desses ligamentos, mas quanto às alterações na função muscular, não há esclarecimento na literatura de como esses indivíduos se comportam. Objetivo: Analisar se há diferença na função muscular flexora e extensora do joelho e abdutora do quadril entre os grupos com indicação para reconstrução combinada do LCA e LAL (grupo LCA+LAL) e reconstrução isolada do LCA (grupo LCA), e secundariamente realizar avaliação clínica e da funcionalidade. Métodos: Avaliação por dinamometria isocinética para o objetivo primário utilizando as velocidades angulares 60º/s para o quadril e 60 e 120º/s para o joelho e para o secundário, uso da escala Lysholm e testes funcionais, como o Single Hop Test e Cross Over Hop Test e avaliação clínica da dor, pela escala visual analógica; translação anterior da tíbia, com o artrômetro (KT-1000) e perimetria do joelho e da coxa (fita métrica). Resultados: Nenhuma diferença foi encontrada quanto a função muscular do quadril e joelho no membro acometido ao se comparar os grupos LCA+LAL e LCA. Entretanto, observou-se um menor trabalho total extensor a 60º/s no membro contralateral ao lesionado observada no grupo LCA+LAL em relação ao grupo LCA e na avaliação da diferença entre os membros houve uma maior diferença entre eles no grupo LCA referente a função extensora do joelho (pico de torque, trabalho total e relação agonista/antagonista) a 60º/s, o que também ocorreu a 120º/s para o trabalho total extensor e relação agonista/antagonista do joelho para esse grupo. Quanto as variáveis secundárias, 68,9% do grupo LCA+LAL referiram dor no joelho e 61,9% no grupo LCA e houve um aumento significativo da translação anterior da tíbia no LCA+LAL em relação ao LCA. Conclusão: Não há diferença entre os grupos LCA+LAL e LCA no que se refere a função muscular do quadril e joelho e funcionalidade. O grupo LCA+LAL apresentou uma maior translação anterior da tíbia em relação ao grupo LCA / Introduction: The main function of the anterolateral ligament (ALL) is the secondary restriction of tibial medial rotation, resulting in a change on the Pivot shift test. Studies show a worse rotational stability when there is an ALL lesion associated with an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) lesion, which is improved after the combined reconstruction of these ligaments. Regarding the alterations on muscle function, there is no understanding in the literature on how these individuals behave. Purpose: To analyze if there is a difference in the muscle function (knee flexor and extensor and hip abductor) between the groups with indication for combined ACL and ALL reconstruction (ACL+ALL group) and isolated ACL reconstruction (ACL group). Secondarily, to do a clinical and functional evaluation. Methods: Isokinetic dynamometry for the primary objective using 60º/s angular velocities for the hip and 60 and 120º/s for the knee. Secondarily, the use of the Lysholm scale and functional tests, such as Single Hop Test and Cross Over Hop Test and clinical evaluation of pain by visual analogue scale; anterior translation of the tibia, with the arthrometer (KT-1000) and perimetry of the knee and thigh (tape measure). Results: No differences were found regarding hip and knee muscle function in the affected limb when the ACL+ALL and ACL groups were compared. However, there was a lower total extensor work at 60º/s in the limb contralateral to the lesion observed in the ACL+ALL group in relation to the ACL group. Evaluating the difference between the members there was a greater difference between them in the ACL group (peak torque, total work and agonist/antagonist ratio) at 60º/s, which also occurred at 120º/s for total extensor work and knee agonist / antagonist relation for this group. Regarding the secondary variables, 68.9% of the ACL+ALL group reported knee pain and 61.9% in the ACL group, and there was a significant increase in anterior tibial translation in the ACL+ALL group in relation to the ACL group. Conclusion: There is no difference between ACL+ALL and ACL groups regarding hip and knee muscle function and functionality. The ACL+ALL group presented a greater anterior translation of the tibia in relation to the ACL group

Dinamometria isocinética dos músculos rotadores internos e adutores do ombro em nadadores. Estudo comparativo entre nados de braçadas alternadas e simultâneas / Isokinetic dynamometry of the internal rotators and adductors muscles of the shoulder in swimmers. Comparative study of swimming strokes alternate and simultaneous

Secchi, Leonardo Luiz Barretti 04 July 2011 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Comparar a força muscular dos rotadores internos e adutores do ombro (propulsores da natação) dos estilos com braçada simultânea (borboleta e peito) e estilos com braçada alternada (livre e costas). CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 46 ombros de nadadores federados dos estilo livre e costas (nado alternado GNA) com idade de 21,8 ± 3,8 anos; peso de 71,2 ± 10,0 kg, altura de 177,6 ± 8,5 cm e IMC= 22,3 ± 1,3; 44 ombros de nadadores federados dos estilos peito e borboleta (nado simultâneo - GNS) com idade de 20,3 ± 4,5 anos; peso de 70,5 ± 9,3 kg, altura 167,2 ± 37,6 cm e IMC= 22,6 ± 1,9; 28 ombros de nadadores recreacionais (grupo recreacional GR) com idade de 24,5 ± 4,5 anos; peso de 70,8 ± 16 kg, altura de 173,4 ± 9,2 cm e IMC= 23,3 ± 3,9 e 42 ombros de indivíduos controle (Grupo - GC) com idade de 25,8 ± 3,5 anos; peso de 68,7 ± 11,2 kg, altura 171,9 ± 9,3 cm e IMC= 23,2 ± 2,6. Todos foram avaliados no dinamômetro isocinético Biodex Multi-joint System 3® (Shirley, NY, USA) nas velocidades de 60º/segundo e 300º/segundo. Foram avaliados os movimentos de adução e rotação interna. As variáveis estudadas foram pico de torque corrigido pelo peso corpóreo (PTPC), trabalho total (TT) e relação agonista/antagonista. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença na musculatura adutora entre os grupos GNS e GNA nas variáveis PTPC (GNS = 114,4 Nm e GNA = 109,4 Nm) e TT (GNS = 642,9J e GNA = 641,5J). Não houve diferença na relação abdução/adução do ombro entre GNS (67,4%) e GNA (68,3%). Não houve diferença na musculatura rotadora interna entre os grupos GNS e GNA nas variáveis PTPC (GNS = 66,4Nm e GNA = 63,4Nm) e TT (GNS = 517,4J e GNA 526,7J). Não houve diferença na relação rotação externa e rotação interna o ombro entre GNS (65,7%) e GNA (61,5%). CONCLUSÃO: Não há diferença na força muscular dos músculos adutores e rotadores internos do ombro quando se compara nados com braçadas simultâneas e alternadas / OBJECTIVE: To compare the muscle strength of internal rotators and adductors of the shoulder (of the propellants swimming) of styles with simultaneous stroke (butterfly and breaststroke) and stroke with alternating colors (free and back). PATIENTS AND METHODS: We evaluated 46 shoulders of competitive swimmers of freestyle and back (alternating swimming - GNA) aged 21.8 ± 3.8 years, weight 71.2 ± 10.0 kg, height 177.6 ± 8.5 cm and BMI = 22.3 ± 1.3. 44 shoulders of competitive swimmers of styles breast and butterfly (swimming simultaneously - GNS) aged 20.3 ± 4.5 years, weight 70.5 ± 9.3 kg, height 167.2 ± 37.6 cm and BMI = 22.6 ± 1.9. Shoulders of 28 recreational swimmers (group recreational - GR) aged 24.5 ± 4.5 years, weight 70.8 ± 16 kg, height 173.4 ± 9.2 cm and BMI = 23.3 ± 3, 9:42 shoulders of individuals (control group - CG) aged 25.8 ± 3.5 years, weight 68.7 ± 11.2 kg, height 171.9 ± 9.3 cm and BMI = 23, 2 ± 2.6. All were assessed using an isokinetic dynamometer Biodex Multi-joint System 3 ® (Shirley, NY, USA) at 60 ° / second and 300 º / second. We evaluated the movements of adduction and internal rotation. The variables were peak torque corrected for body weight (PTPC), total work (TW) and agonist / antagonist. RESULTS: There was no difference in the adductor muscle between the groups in the variables and GNA GNS PTPC (Nm) (GNS = 114.4 and 109.4 = GNA) and TT (J) (GNS = 642.9 and 641.5 = GNA). There was no difference in the abduction / adduction (%) of the shoulder between GNS (GNS = GNA = 67.4 and 68.3). There was no difference in the internal rotator muscles between the groups in the variables and GNA GNS PTPC (Nm) (GNS and GNA = 66.4 = 63.4) and TT (J) (GNS = 517.4 and 526.7 GNA). There was no difference in the external rotation and internal rotation (%) of the shoulder between GNS (GNS = GNA = 65.7 and 61.5). CONCLUSION: No difference in muscle strength of adductor muscles and internal rotators of the shoulder when comparing births with simultaneous and alternate strokes

Efeitos clínicos e biomecânicos da utilização de órtese valgizante sob medida na osteoartrite medial do joelho / Immediate clinical and biomechanical effects and after two months of using a customized orthosis in medial knee osteoarthritis

Silva, Adriana Lucia Pastore e 28 November 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A osteoartrite é a maior causa de dor em idosos, o objetivo primário do tratamento é o alívio da dor e evitar a progressão da doença reduzindo o estresse articular. As órteses para correção de varo são uma forma não invasiva e não farmacológica de tratamento desses pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a eficiência de uma órtese sob medida nos joelhos com osteoartrite medial e deformidade em varo. MÉTODOS: Em um estudo clinico randomizado foram avaliados e tratados com a colocação de órtese valgizante sob medida 51 pacientes com idade entre 60 e 75 anos com osteoartrite medial do joelho divididos em dois grupos: grupo órtese e controle. Foram realizadas três avaliações: momento inicial, imediatamente após a colocação da órtese (somente no grupo órtese) e após dois meses. A avaliação funcional e de dor consistiu em aplicação de questionários (WOMAC, Indice Algofuncional de Lequesne e EVA), exames de radiografia panorâmica para observar a abertura do espaço articular (somente no grupo órtese), avaliação com dinamômetro isocinético para avaliação de força, e avaliação de equilíbrio e marcha com a utilização de plataforma de força. RESULTADOS: Este estudo mostrou que houve diminuição da dor (p=0,001), melhora funcional com diminuição de 50% do valor nos Índices de Lequesne (p=0,010) e WOMAC (p=0,001). Houve abertura do espaço articular medial (p=0,049). Aumento do torque flexor e extensor (p=0,001) evidenciando ganho de força muscular. Diminuição da fase de apoio na marcha (p=0,030). Não houve melhora do equilíbrio em nenhuma das variáveis analisadas. O tempo médio de utilização foi de 6,5 horas. 92,59% sentiram boa estabilidade ao realizar as AVD\'s, apenas 18,18% fizeram uso de medicamento analgésico durante o periodo de utilização, 13,63% apresentaram lesões de pele e 77,77% comprariam a órtese no seu valor de mercado. CONCLUSÕES: A órtese valgizante sob medida promoveu alívio da dor e melhora funcional com ganho de força muscular e melhora do padrão de marcha, não evidenciando interferência no ganho de equilíbrio em indivíduos com osteoartrite medial do joelho. A órtese valgizante sob medida é um método eficiente para o tratamento da osteoartrite medial do joelho com deformidade em varo, mostrando os efeitos clínicos esperados, menos efeitos adversos, possibilidade real de uso diário e custo baixo / INTRODUCTION: Osteoarthritis is the major cause of pain in the elderly, the primary goal of treatment is to relieve pain and prevent disease progression by reducing joint stress. Valgizant orthosis are a non-invasive, non-pharmacological form of treatment of these patients. The objective of this study was to verify the efficiency of a knee orthosis with medial osteoarthritis and varus deformity. METHODS: In a randomized clinical study, 51 patients aged 60 to 75 years with medial knee osteoarthritis were divided into two groups: bracing and control groups. Three evaluations were performed: initial moment, immediately after the orthosis was placed (only in the orthosis group) and after two months of use. The functional and pain evaluation consisted of questionnaires (WOMAC, Algofunctional Index of Lequesne and VAS), panoramic radiographs to observe the opening of the joint space (only in the orthosis group), evaluation with isokinetic dynamometer for strength evaluation, and balance and gait evaluation with the use of force platform. RESULTS: This study showed that there was a decrease in pain (p = 0.001), functional improvement with a 50% decrease in the value in the Lequesne Indices (p = 0.010) and WOMAC (p = 0.001). There was opening of the medial articular space (p = 0.049). Increased flexor and extensor torque (p = 0.001) evidencing muscular strength gain. Decreased gait support phase (p = 0.030). There was no improvement in the balance in any of the analyzed variables. The mean time of use was 6.5 hours. 92.59% felt good stability when performing ADLs, only 18.18% used analgesic medication during the period of use, 13.63% had skin lesions and 77.77% would buy the orthosis at their market value. CONCLUSIONS: The bespoke valgus orthosis promoted pain relief and functional improvement with gain of muscle strength and gait improvement, not evidencing interference in the gain of balance in individuals with medial osteoarthritis of the knee. The bespoke valgus orthosis is an efficient method for the treatment of medial osteoarthritis of the knee with varus deformity, showing the expected clinical effects, fewer adverse effects, real possibility of daily use and low cost

Efeitos clínicos e biomecânicos da utilização de órtese valgizante sob medida na osteoartrite medial do joelho / Immediate clinical and biomechanical effects and after two months of using a customized orthosis in medial knee osteoarthritis

Adriana Lucia Pastore e Silva 28 November 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A osteoartrite é a maior causa de dor em idosos, o objetivo primário do tratamento é o alívio da dor e evitar a progressão da doença reduzindo o estresse articular. As órteses para correção de varo são uma forma não invasiva e não farmacológica de tratamento desses pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a eficiência de uma órtese sob medida nos joelhos com osteoartrite medial e deformidade em varo. MÉTODOS: Em um estudo clinico randomizado foram avaliados e tratados com a colocação de órtese valgizante sob medida 51 pacientes com idade entre 60 e 75 anos com osteoartrite medial do joelho divididos em dois grupos: grupo órtese e controle. Foram realizadas três avaliações: momento inicial, imediatamente após a colocação da órtese (somente no grupo órtese) e após dois meses. A avaliação funcional e de dor consistiu em aplicação de questionários (WOMAC, Indice Algofuncional de Lequesne e EVA), exames de radiografia panorâmica para observar a abertura do espaço articular (somente no grupo órtese), avaliação com dinamômetro isocinético para avaliação de força, e avaliação de equilíbrio e marcha com a utilização de plataforma de força. RESULTADOS: Este estudo mostrou que houve diminuição da dor (p=0,001), melhora funcional com diminuição de 50% do valor nos Índices de Lequesne (p=0,010) e WOMAC (p=0,001). Houve abertura do espaço articular medial (p=0,049). Aumento do torque flexor e extensor (p=0,001) evidenciando ganho de força muscular. Diminuição da fase de apoio na marcha (p=0,030). Não houve melhora do equilíbrio em nenhuma das variáveis analisadas. O tempo médio de utilização foi de 6,5 horas. 92,59% sentiram boa estabilidade ao realizar as AVD\'s, apenas 18,18% fizeram uso de medicamento analgésico durante o periodo de utilização, 13,63% apresentaram lesões de pele e 77,77% comprariam a órtese no seu valor de mercado. CONCLUSÕES: A órtese valgizante sob medida promoveu alívio da dor e melhora funcional com ganho de força muscular e melhora do padrão de marcha, não evidenciando interferência no ganho de equilíbrio em indivíduos com osteoartrite medial do joelho. A órtese valgizante sob medida é um método eficiente para o tratamento da osteoartrite medial do joelho com deformidade em varo, mostrando os efeitos clínicos esperados, menos efeitos adversos, possibilidade real de uso diário e custo baixo / INTRODUCTION: Osteoarthritis is the major cause of pain in the elderly, the primary goal of treatment is to relieve pain and prevent disease progression by reducing joint stress. Valgizant orthosis are a non-invasive, non-pharmacological form of treatment of these patients. The objective of this study was to verify the efficiency of a knee orthosis with medial osteoarthritis and varus deformity. METHODS: In a randomized clinical study, 51 patients aged 60 to 75 years with medial knee osteoarthritis were divided into two groups: bracing and control groups. Three evaluations were performed: initial moment, immediately after the orthosis was placed (only in the orthosis group) and after two months of use. The functional and pain evaluation consisted of questionnaires (WOMAC, Algofunctional Index of Lequesne and VAS), panoramic radiographs to observe the opening of the joint space (only in the orthosis group), evaluation with isokinetic dynamometer for strength evaluation, and balance and gait evaluation with the use of force platform. RESULTS: This study showed that there was a decrease in pain (p = 0.001), functional improvement with a 50% decrease in the value in the Lequesne Indices (p = 0.010) and WOMAC (p = 0.001). There was opening of the medial articular space (p = 0.049). Increased flexor and extensor torque (p = 0.001) evidencing muscular strength gain. Decreased gait support phase (p = 0.030). There was no improvement in the balance in any of the analyzed variables. The mean time of use was 6.5 hours. 92.59% felt good stability when performing ADLs, only 18.18% used analgesic medication during the period of use, 13.63% had skin lesions and 77.77% would buy the orthosis at their market value. CONCLUSIONS: The bespoke valgus orthosis promoted pain relief and functional improvement with gain of muscle strength and gait improvement, not evidencing interference in the gain of balance in individuals with medial osteoarthritis of the knee. The bespoke valgus orthosis is an efficient method for the treatment of medial osteoarthritis of the knee with varus deformity, showing the expected clinical effects, fewer adverse effects, real possibility of daily use and low cost

Relação do valgo dinâmico do joelho com a força muscular do quadril e tronco em indivíduos com síndrome patelofemoral / Relationship between dynamic knee valgus with hip and trunk strength in patients with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome

Almeida, Gabriel Peixoto Leão 26 August 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A síndrome da dor patelofemoral (SDP) é definida como queixa dolorosa na região anterior do joelho, mais comumente na face medial da patela. Teoriza-se que o déficit de força dos músculos estabilizadores do quadril e do controle dinâmico do membro inferior esteja relacionado com o desenvolvimento da SDP. Objetivos: O objetivo primário foi comparar o ângulo de projeção no plano frontal (APPF) do joelho e a força isométrica dos músculos do quadril e tronco em indivíduos com e sem SDP. O objetivo secundário foi analisar a correlação do APPF com a força dos músculos do quadril e tronco. Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 43 mulheres, divididas em dois grupos: Dor Patelofemoral (GDP, n = 22) e Controle (GC, n = 21). A força dos músculos abdutores, rotadores laterais e extensores do quadril e flexão lateral de tronco (Core lateral) foram avaliados com um dinamômetro isométrico. A avaliação da força foi bilateral para calcular o Índice de Simetria entre os Membros (ISM). O complexo póstero-lateral do quadril foi calculado pela soma dos três grupos musculares do quadril divido por três. O APPF foi avaliado com uma câmera digital durante step down em três desfechos: a) Inicial: antes de iniciar o movimento; b) Final: ao final do movimento de step down; e c) Final-Inicial: diferença entre os ângulos inicial e final. Para análise do APPF foi utilizado o Software de Avaliação Postural (SAPo). Resultados: O GDP apresentou APPF Final e Final-Inicial 5,2º maior que o GC. Em relação à força dos músculos do quadril, foi constatado um déficit no GDP em comparação ao controle para os abdutores (10,4 ± 3,3 vs 12,7 ± 2,7, P = 0,02), extensores (14,2 ± 7,1 vs 18,9 ± 5,9, P = 0,02), rotadores laterais (11,6 ± 3,1 vs 13,5 ± 2,4, P = 0,03) e complexo póstero-lateral (12,1 ± 3,8 vs 15,1 ± 2,8, P = 0,01) do quadril. O GDP apresentou maior assimetria entre os membros em relação à força dos músculos do quadril e tronco. A assimetria entre os membros variou entre 13,1 a 22,6% no GDP e 1,8 a 3,3% no GC (P < 0,05). No GDP, a força dos músculos rotadores laterais e do complexo póstero-lateral do quadril apresentou boa correlação negativa com o APPF Final-Inicial (r = -0,4). No GC, o APPF Final e Final-Inicial apresentaram boa correlação negativa com o índice de simetria dos músculos abdutores, força dos rotadores laterais e do complexo póstero-lateral do quadril (r > -0,4). Além disso, no APPF Final-Inicial foi encontrada correlação negativa com a força dos músculos abdutores (r = -0,42). Conclusão: Os dados indicam que mulheres com dor patelofemoral apresentam maior APPF do joelho, déficit de força dos abdutores, rotadores laterais, extensores e do complexo póstero-lateral do quadril e assimetria dos músculos do quadril e tronco. O déficit de força, principalmente dos rotadores laterais e do complexo póstero-lateral do quadril, está associado com o aumento do APPF do joelho / Introduction: The Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) is characterized by anterior knee pain, most commonly in the medial patellar facet. Reduced hip-stabilizers strength and dynamic control of lower limb might be related to the development of the PFPS. Objectives: The primary objective was to compare the Frontal Plane Projection Angle (FPPA) of the knee and hip and trunk strength in women with and without PFPS. The secondary objective was to analyze the relationship between FPPA with hip and trunk strength. Methods: The sample consisted of 43 women divided into two groups: Patellofemoral Group (PFG, n = 22) e Control Group (CG, n = 21). Muscle strength for hip-abduction, hip- extension, hip external- rotation extensors and lateral trunk-flexion (Core lateral) were measured bilaterally using a handheld dynamometer. The limb symmetry index (LSI) was calculated for all subjects. Hip posterolateral complex was calculated as the sum of the three hip muscles assessed divided by three. The FPPA was recorded by a digital camera during step down in three outcomes: a) Initial: before starting the movement; b) Final: in the end of the step down; and c) Final-Initial: difference between the final and initial angles. For FPPA analysis was used the Postural Assessment Software (PAS/SAPo). Results: FPPA Final and Final-Initial for the PFG reveal 5.2º greater than the CG (P < .05). Regarding the hip muscle strength, women with PFPS demonstrated deficit compared to the control group for hip abduction (10.4 ± 3.3 vs 12.7 ± 2.7, P = .02), hip extension (14.2 ± 7.1 vs 18.9 ± 5.9, P = .02), hip external rotation (11.6 ± 3.1 vs 13.5 ± 2.4, P = .03) and hip posterolateral complex (12.1 ± 3.8 vs 15.1 ± 2.8, P = .01). LSI values in women with PFPS were significantly worse than the control group. The hip and trunk asymmetry ranged from 13.1 to 22.6% in the PFG and 1.8 to 3.3% in the CG (P < .05). In the PFG, the hip-abduction and hip posterolateral complex strength showed moderate negative correlation with FPPA Final-Initial (r = -.4). In the CG, the LSI hip-abduction, hip-abduction and hip posterolateral complex strength showed moderate negative correlation with FPPA Final e Final-Initial (r > -.4). In addition, the hip-abduction strength deficit was associated with increased FPPA Final-Initial (r = -.42). Conclusion: The results indicate that women with patellofemoral pain demonstrate increased FPPA of the knee, weakness in hip-abduction, hip- extension, hip external- rotation, extensors and hip posterolateral complex. Women with patellofemoral showed most asymmetry of the hip and trunk muscle strength. The hip weakness, mainly hip external- rotation and posterolateral complex, is associated with increased FPPA of the knee


GUSTAVO VIANNA CEZAR 03 May 2019 (has links)
[pt] Com o aumento das restrições às emissões veiculares e uma busca contínua pela melhora no desempenho dos motores a combustão interna, a necessidade de realizar testes em bancos de prova de motor se torna cada vez maior. Porém, devido ao alto investimento inicial e custo de manutenção desses sistemas, a execução de ensaios confiáveis torna-se restrita a determinadas empresas e instituições acadêmicas. Neste cenário, o presente trabalho visa projetar, construir e integrar equipamentos e instrumentos, em sua grande maioria nacionais, através do desenvolvimento de um sistema de controle que seja capaz de operar o conjunto desenvolvido. O projeto pretende contribuir com a redução de custos dos bancos de prova e, ao mesmo tempo, possibilitar a realização de testes confiáveis. Serão descritas as etapas do projeto e construção de uma bancada para ensaios de motores de até 175 cv, 587 Nm e 4.620 rpm. Testes foram conduzidos a fim de verificar o comportamento do banco de provas em diferentes situações de operação. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o sistema é capaz de realizar os mais diversos ensaios que um banco de provas está sujeito com precisão e robustez. / [en] With increasing restriction on emission and a continuous search for improvement and development of new engines, a need for internal combustion engines test bed is becoming greater. However due to high initial investments and maintenance costs of these systems, the execution of reliable tests becomes restricted to certain companies and academic institutions. In this scenario, this present work aims at the integration of equipment and instruments, mostly national, by the development of a control system. This project aims to contribute with test benches cost reduction and at the same time, allow for reliable testing. Will be described the project steps of a test bench for engines up to 175 hp, 587 Nm and 4.620 rpm and will be shown the results obtained.

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