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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


曾麗心, Tsang, Li-hsin Unknown Date (has links)
電視購物在國外行之有年,美國、韓國的電視購物業者更是大規模經營,市場也相當成熟。近年來,我國電視購物產業也逐漸發達和進步,其原因包括了隨著有線電視產業之成熟、網際網路發達、虛擬交易的興起、以及數位電視的推動等。 本研究採取質化研究之個案研究法,首先介紹美國QVC公司、韓國電視購物、以及中國大陸電視購物,說明各國電視購物產業發展現況,並透過深入訪談介紹國內企業東森得易購、富躍購物、以及即將進軍電視購物產業之統一集團,作為現有業者、新進業者、以及潛在進入者之代表個案。 本研究歸納電視購物的關鍵成功因素為無形資產類、有形資產類、與組織能力三類,這些優勢均具有不易模仿與不易轉移的特點,且對企業維持長久的競爭優勢有顯著的影響,說明如下。 一、無形資產類 (1) 品牌聲譽:包括電視購物業者本身的品牌聲譽以及所銷售產品之品牌聲譽,品牌有助於提升消費者對電視購物的信心。(2) 供應商關係: 電視購物業者與供應商之間必須建立緊密的共存合作關係,使新進者無法取代。 二、有形資產類 (1) 掌握具寡佔特性的頻道資源:由於國內頻道空間有限,因此電視購物業者可透過垂直整合達成通路之寡佔,構成強大的議價力與利益交換空間。(2) 集團資源:此點特別是有形之資金與子公司間的合作效益,既可創造內部市場,同時還可以帶來交叉銷售、資源共享等利益。(3) 規模經濟:電視購物產業之規模經濟來自於有線電視系統、商品進貨量、節目製作、客戶服務中心、物流系統、資訊系統等。 三、組織能力類。(1) 產品與服務之創新能力:隨著產業競爭日益激烈,加上業者彼此模仿挖角,因此業者必須致力於產品和服務的創新,形成差異化才能維持市場領導地位。(2) 價值活動整合能力:電視購物業者無論是自行整合或是透過與價值鏈上下游廠商策略聯盟,都必須具備良好的價值活動整合能力,透過具有人才或是策略聯盟等,可有效創造垂直整合的優勢。 本研究之貢獻在於借鏡國外個案以及整理國內業者之經營型態,歸納出具系統性的關鍵成功因素,無論是現有業者或是新進業者均可參考。但由於關鍵成功因素會隨著產業生命週期變化,本研究完成於國內電視購物產業之成長期,現有業者與新進者之間的競爭態勢尚未底定,產業結構也持續變動。故此,後續研究限制如下:一、產業持續變動。二、 國內成功業者有限。三、廣電三法持續修正,產業生態多有變數。四、數位電視方興未艾,勢將帶動下一波產業發展。

A aprendizagem de francês através de aplicativos para smartphone

Santos, Yádini do Conto Winter dos January 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever de que modo está sendo promovida a aprendizagem de idiomas, mais especificamente de língua francesa, através de aplicativos para smartphones. Os aplicativos, isto é, as aplicações de software possuem uma infinidade de objetivos e são usadas atualmente em diversos contextos, podendo funcionar como um acesso às redes sociais ou como uma plataforma para a aprendizagem. A m-learning (mobile-learning) consiste na aprendizagem por meio de TIMS (Tecnologias da Informação Móveis e Sem fio) representadas pelos tablets e os smartphones. As TIMS surgem para complementar as já conhecidas TIC (Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação), isto é, os computadores, televisores, rádio e etc., e a m-learning para complementar a e-learning (eletronic-learning), a aprendizagem via TIC. Estima-se que hoje existam cerca de 7 bilhões de telefones celulares ativos em todo mundo nas mãos de uma população mundial de 7,1 bilhões e a penetração dos smartphones no Brasil já chega a 64% da população (CONSUMER BAROMETER WITH GOOGLE, 2016). No ensino-aprendizagem de línguas adicionais, a utilização de TIC já é um campo bastante discutido, entretanto, no caso das TIMS, apesar da popularização dos dispositivos móveis, as pesquisas ainda são muito recentes. Contudo, a criação de aplicativos voltados a aprendizagem de idiomas não deixa de aumentar, assim como o seu público. De modo a propiciar um debate sobre o futuro da aprendizagem móvel entre professores de línguas, linguistas e desenvolvedores de aplicativos para dispositivos móveis, este trabalho buscou relatar e analisar alguns dentre os aplicativos mais populares presentes na Google Play Store para dispositivos móveis voltados à aprendizagem de língua francesa. Com a presença de QrCodes e printscreens da tela de um smartphone MotoX, sistema Android 5.1, sete aplicativos que se anunciavam como cursos de francês foram descritos e avaliados tanto pelos fatores ligados à didática quanto aos relativos à interface; são eles o Mondly, Duolingo, Memrise, Mosalingua, Babbel, Busuu e Le Bon Mot. Foram analisadas as atividades presentes na primeira lição de cada aplicativo selecionado, evidenciando e comparando o construto e a metodologia anunciada na Google Play Store ao que realmente é desenvolvido durante a utilização de cada aplicativo. Em um segundo momento, a partir da utilização dos aplicativos, foram analisadas questões ligadas à interface e usabilidade dos aplicativos, isto é, a presença e o funcionamento de recursos de imagem, áudio e vídeo em cada aplicativo, as dificuldades em relação ao uso da plataforma, etc. A partir desta descrição e desta análise minuciosa, pode-se concluir que apesar dos aplicativos serem, de uma forma geral, inovadores quanto às questões ligadas à interface, com uma boa usabilidade, no quesito didático-metodológico se anunciam como seguidores do método comunicativo na Google Play Store, mas utilizam abordagens tradicionais e estruturalistas. Nota-se, desse modo, a persistência de um ensino focado somente na repetição e na aprendizagem de vocabulário que, apesar de acompanhado de plataformas e interfaces bem construídas, não correspondem às necessidades comunicativas dos aprendizes do século XXI. / This research aims to describe how language learning, specifically French, is being promoted through mobile applications.Applications, that is, software that can be installed in MICT (Mobile Information and Communication Technologies), possess lots of goals and are currently used in various contexts. Furthermore, they can function as access to social networks or as platforms for learning. The M-learning (mobile-learning) is the learning through MICT, such as smartphones and tablets. MICT come to complement the already known ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), for instance, desktop computers, televisions and radio, and m-learning to complement e-learning (electronic-learning), i.e. learning via ICT. It is estimated that currently there are about 7 billion active mobile phones worldwide at the hands of a world population of 7.1 billion people, and smartphone penetration within Brazil already reaches 62% of its population (CONSUMER BAROMETER WITH GOOGLE, 2016) In the process of teaching and learning additional languages, the use of ICT is already a widely discussed field. As for MICT, despite the popularization of mobile devices, research is still relatively recent. However, the creation of applications aimed at language learning is increasing, as is its audience. As to endorse a joint debate on the future of mobile learning among language teachers, linguists, and mobile application developers, this work attempted to report and analyze some of the most popular applications on mobile devices related to French-language learning, which are available on Google Play Store. With this aim, a MotoX smartphone with Android 5.1 system was used as a support and seven applications (Mondly, Duolingo, Memrise, Mosalingua, Babbel, Busuu and Le Bon Mot), advertised as French courses, were described and evaluated regarding didactic and interface aspects. QR codes and print screens of the analysis are presented throughout this work to facilitate future reference and queries. The activities in the first lesson of each selected application were analyzed evidencing and comparing the construct and the methodology announced in Google Play Store with what is actually developed during the use of the application. In a second moment, from the use of the applications, questions related to the interface and usability of the applications were analyzed, such as the presence and operation of image, audio and video resources in each application and the difficulties regarding the use of the platform. From this description and analysis, it is noticed that the applications are, in general, innovative in the questions of interface and usability. However, in the didactic-methodological aspect, they are traditional and structuralist, although they were advertised as communicative in the Google Play Store. On theses apps, it is noticed a teaching method focused only on repetition and learning of vocabulary which, although accompanied by well-constructed platforms and interfaces, does not correspond to the communicative needs of the learners of the 21st century.

購物中心設置區位選擇之研究-以台灣地區北部區域為例 / Location Decisions of Shopping Mall - A Case Study of Northern Taiwan

陳淑美, Chen, Shu May Unknown Date (has links)
購物中心在國外已有長期的發展歷史,國內目前尚無購物中心的發展經驗,但民間經濟蓬勃發展,業者投資興趣濃厚,設置的區位選擇問題非常重要。   本研究對購物中心設置的區位選擇加以研究,研究內容除了參考零售商業區位選擇的文獻,在大範圍的區域中建立階層式的研究架構外,依序進行適合台灣購物中心發展的市場選擇、再劃定商圈範圍、另配合商圈內市場供需分析,選擇有設置購物中心潛力的商圈,最後在商圈的主、次要範圍內選擇購物中心設置的適宜據點。   本研究最主要的進展是建構一套能配合台灣購物中心設置區位的區位決策邏輯架構,尤以台灣沒有購物中心發展的軌跡可循,從市場選擇開始區隔購物中心和其他零售商業發展的不同,從消費者消費行為的基本假設,研究消費者到各商圈消費的機率,以市場的供給需求分析、需求門檻作為商圈選擇的判斷標準,最後以多目標分析法選出台灣北部區域適宜的設置據點,據以提出區位的具體建議。此為本研究的實質貢獻。   其中建議:(1).購物中心設置的區位選擇架構可以依本研究的選擇架構進行,可在大範圍中全面搜尋適宜區位。(2).本研究區位選擇的實證結果可作為私人業者、政府選擇購物中心區位或審核開發許可的參考。   然而實證的後續研究須再落實到基地區位選擇、預測縱斷面的時間資料預測、設置後的衝擊分析、經營分析,都是值得進一步研究的課題,有待繼續努力。

Köpcentrum som upplevelserum : Hur påverkas konsumenter av miljöattribut? / Shopping mall as an Experience room : How does environmental attributes affect the consumers

Gustafsson, Malina, Lundberg, Rikard January 2008 (has links)
<p>Att shoppa har blivit en utav våra allra vanligaste ledighetssysslor. Konsumenter rör sig obehindrat mellan butiker och dess olika miljöer, ofta på ett slumpmässigt sätt. Frågan är hur mycket slump det faktiskt är hur miljöerna får konsumeter att må och att röra sig. Vi har valt att observera konsumenter för att se hur miljön påverkar till både aktiva beslut och kognitiva beslut. Miljön ska skapa rätt känslor hos konsumenter för att de ska trivas i miljön samt återvända till den.</p><p>Tjänstemiljö är ett allt mer centralt begrepp för företag, eftersom det ses som en funktion att skapa avsedda känslor genom att avbilda en annan verklighet. Det är även så att tjänstemiljön avspeglar och skapar mening till konceptet samt skapar ett värde hos konsumenten.</p><p>Det praktiska syftet med uppsatsen är undersöka hur konsumenter påverkas av tjänstemiljön i ett köpcentrum. Det teoretiska syftet är att försöka konkretisera vad som sker hos konsumenter vid besöket av ett köpcentrum. Syftet ska leda till underlag för köpcentrumet Mitt i city i Karlstad, om hur tjänstemiljön skapar en upplevelse, mening och funktion till konsumenter genom köpcentrumets koncept.</p><p>Vår teoretiska bakgrund och kunskapsfront för denna uppsats bygger på tidigare forskning kring designattribut inom konsumtionsmiljöer samt påverkan från miljön till konsumenter. Videoobservation har genomförts för våra studier för att på ett bra sätt komplittera redan befintliga studier om konsumentbeteenden, rörelsemönster och koncept. Vi har även rett ut sambandet mellan köpcentrum med dess koncept, värde och meningsskapande för tjänstemiljön.</p><p>För att genomföra vår studie har vi valt en kvalitativ metod och studerat informanters välbehag av miljön samt observerat deras rörelsemönster. Vi observerade och intervjuade våra informanter i tre faser; före, under och efter besöket av köpcentret.</p><p>Studien av Mitt i city har gett indikationer på hur tjänstemiljön skapar värde till konsumenter genom köpcentrumets koncept. Vi har även upptäckt att konsumenter skapar individuella upplevelser och upplevelserum genom att använda tjänstemiljön på olika sätt.</p> / <p>Shopping has become one of our most common leisure services. Consumers are moving unimpededly between shops and their different environments, often in a random manner. The question is how big impact the environment brings to the consumers wellbeing and to their behaviour. We have chosen to observe consumer for that reason, to see how the environment affect to both active decisions and cognitive decisions. The function of the environment is to create the right enjoyable feelings among the consumers, to make them revisit.</p><p>Servicescape is an increasing idea in retailing. It is of big importance that consumers can feel wellness in the environment were the purchasing is about to take place. The environment also creates meaning and value to the concept of a mall.</p><p>The utilitarian purpose with this essay is to investigate how consumers are affected by the servicescape in a shopping mall. The theoretical purpose is attempting to concretize what really happens among the consumers when they visit the mall. The purpose will lead to a foundation for the shopping mall “Mitt i City” in Karlstad, about how the servicescape creates experience, meaning and a function to consumers thru the malls concept.</p><p>Our theoretical background and proficiencies for this essay is built upon earlier research based on design attributes within consumption environments, and the research about the influence that environment brings to the consumers. Video observations have been done for our studies, to provide and complement existing studies about consumer behaviour in servicescape. We have also reasoned about the shopping mall with its concept, value and meaning for the servicescape.</p><p>To put through our studies we have chosen a qualitative method and studied informants well being in the environment. We have also observed their movement. We observed and interviewed our informants in three phases, before- under and after the visit of the mall.</p><p>The study of “Mitt i City” has given indications about how the servicescape creates value to consumer thru the shopping malls concept. We have also discovered that consumer creates individual experiences and experience rooms thru using the servicescape in different ways.</p>

Köpcentrum som upplevelserum : Hur påverkas konsumenter av miljöattribut? / Shopping mall as an Experience room : How does environmental attributes affect the consumers

Gustafsson, Malina, Lundberg, Rikard January 2008 (has links)
Att shoppa har blivit en utav våra allra vanligaste ledighetssysslor. Konsumenter rör sig obehindrat mellan butiker och dess olika miljöer, ofta på ett slumpmässigt sätt. Frågan är hur mycket slump det faktiskt är hur miljöerna får konsumeter att må och att röra sig. Vi har valt att observera konsumenter för att se hur miljön påverkar till både aktiva beslut och kognitiva beslut. Miljön ska skapa rätt känslor hos konsumenter för att de ska trivas i miljön samt återvända till den. Tjänstemiljö är ett allt mer centralt begrepp för företag, eftersom det ses som en funktion att skapa avsedda känslor genom att avbilda en annan verklighet. Det är även så att tjänstemiljön avspeglar och skapar mening till konceptet samt skapar ett värde hos konsumenten. Det praktiska syftet med uppsatsen är undersöka hur konsumenter påverkas av tjänstemiljön i ett köpcentrum. Det teoretiska syftet är att försöka konkretisera vad som sker hos konsumenter vid besöket av ett köpcentrum. Syftet ska leda till underlag för köpcentrumet Mitt i city i Karlstad, om hur tjänstemiljön skapar en upplevelse, mening och funktion till konsumenter genom köpcentrumets koncept. Vår teoretiska bakgrund och kunskapsfront för denna uppsats bygger på tidigare forskning kring designattribut inom konsumtionsmiljöer samt påverkan från miljön till konsumenter. Videoobservation har genomförts för våra studier för att på ett bra sätt komplittera redan befintliga studier om konsumentbeteenden, rörelsemönster och koncept. Vi har även rett ut sambandet mellan köpcentrum med dess koncept, värde och meningsskapande för tjänstemiljön. För att genomföra vår studie har vi valt en kvalitativ metod och studerat informanters välbehag av miljön samt observerat deras rörelsemönster. Vi observerade och intervjuade våra informanter i tre faser; före, under och efter besöket av köpcentret. Studien av Mitt i city har gett indikationer på hur tjänstemiljön skapar värde till konsumenter genom köpcentrumets koncept. Vi har även upptäckt att konsumenter skapar individuella upplevelser och upplevelserum genom att använda tjänstemiljön på olika sätt. / Shopping has become one of our most common leisure services. Consumers are moving unimpededly between shops and their different environments, often in a random manner. The question is how big impact the environment brings to the consumers wellbeing and to their behaviour. We have chosen to observe consumer for that reason, to see how the environment affect to both active decisions and cognitive decisions. The function of the environment is to create the right enjoyable feelings among the consumers, to make them revisit. Servicescape is an increasing idea in retailing. It is of big importance that consumers can feel wellness in the environment were the purchasing is about to take place. The environment also creates meaning and value to the concept of a mall. The utilitarian purpose with this essay is to investigate how consumers are affected by the servicescape in a shopping mall. The theoretical purpose is attempting to concretize what really happens among the consumers when they visit the mall. The purpose will lead to a foundation for the shopping mall “Mitt i City” in Karlstad, about how the servicescape creates experience, meaning and a function to consumers thru the malls concept. Our theoretical background and proficiencies for this essay is built upon earlier research based on design attributes within consumption environments, and the research about the influence that environment brings to the consumers. Video observations have been done for our studies, to provide and complement existing studies about consumer behaviour in servicescape. We have also reasoned about the shopping mall with its concept, value and meaning for the servicescape. To put through our studies we have chosen a qualitative method and studied informants well being in the environment. We have also observed their movement. We observed and interviewed our informants in three phases, before- under and after the visit of the mall. The study of “Mitt i City” has given indications about how the servicescape creates value to consumer thru the shopping malls concept. We have also discovered that consumer creates individual experiences and experience rooms thru using the servicescape in different ways.

Negotiating public space : discourses of public art

Fazakerley, Ruth January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with placing public art within the broader modernist spatialisation of social relations. The research takes place around two related enquiries. The first emerges from questions raised by the art critic Rosalyn Deutsche with regard to the proposition that public art functions as both a profession and technology that attempts to pattern space so that docile and useful bodies are created by and deployed within it. Following such questions, this thesis seeks to scrutinise the ways in which discourses on public art might operate in enabling, maintaining or disrupting everyday practices and socio-spatial relations. Secondly, as a foray into methodologies of public art research, the thesis considers Foucauldian governmentality approaches in terms of what these might have to offer an investigation of public art. The thesis undertakes the analysis of a wide range of texts connected with three South Australian urban developments for which public art was separately proposed, designed, selected and installed. Attention is given principally to the Rundle Street Mall, a pedestrianised shopping street in the city-centre of Adelaide, examined at several moments throughout the period of its development (1972-1977) and later refurbishment (1996-2001). Also discussed are the Adelaide Festival Centre Plaza (1973-1977) and the Gateway to Adelaide (1996-2000), the latter project involving the reconstruction of a major traffic intersection on the outskirts of metropolitan Adelaide. Through these examples the thesis documents key debates in the history of Australian discourses concerning public art. In addition, this study brings attention to the relations between artwork and a proliferation of individuals, agencies, and other interests, highlighting the competitions over space, authority and expertise, and the often unexamined role that public art plays in maintaining or unsettling socio-spatial relations. Knowledge about public art, it is argued, is produced, transformed and deployed across a range of discursive sites (contemporary art, urban design, planning, transport and others) and becomes tied to specific problems of governing. / Thesis (PhD)--University of South Australia, 2008

Negotiating public space : discourses of public art

Fazakerley, Ruth January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with placing public art within the broader modernist spatialisation of social relations. The research takes place around two related enquiries. The first emerges from questions raised by the art critic Rosalyn Deutsche with regard to the proposition that public art functions as both a profession and technology that attempts to pattern space so that docile and useful bodies are created by and deployed within it. Following such questions, this thesis seeks to scrutinise the ways in which discourses on public art might operate in enabling, maintaining or disrupting everyday practices and socio-spatial relations. Secondly, as a foray into methodologies of public art research, the thesis considers Foucauldian governmentality approaches in terms of what these might have to offer an investigation of public art. The thesis undertakes the analysis of a wide range of texts connected with three South Australian urban developments for which public art was separately proposed, designed, selected and installed. Attention is given principally to the Rundle Street Mall, a pedestrianised shopping street in the city-centre of Adelaide, examined at several moments throughout the period of its development (1972-1977) and later refurbishment (1996-2001). Also discussed are the Adelaide Festival Centre Plaza (1973-1977) and the Gateway to Adelaide (1996-2000), the latter project involving the reconstruction of a major traffic intersection on the outskirts of metropolitan Adelaide. Through these examples the thesis documents key debates in the history of Australian discourses concerning public art. In addition, this study brings attention to the relations between artwork and a proliferation of individuals, agencies, and other interests, highlighting the competitions over space, authority and expertise, and the often unexamined role that public art plays in maintaining or unsettling socio-spatial relations. Knowledge about public art, it is argued, is produced, transformed and deployed across a range of discursive sites (contemporary art, urban design, planning, transport and others) and becomes tied to specific problems of governing. / Thesis (PhD)--University of South Australia, 2008

Increasing the impact of ICT in language learning : investigating the effect of teachers' ownership of microblending CALL in the classroom within the WST model of ICT use

Bish, David William January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to address why the adoption of CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) within the language classroom is so varied, and its success so unclear, despite fifty years of investment and research. The huge promise of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) driven results has created an imbalance in language teaching, where initiatives are brought about from outside the classroom, with teachers held accountable for their adoption. My reading of the literature is that lack of consideration of the teacher’s role in implementation of classroom technology has led to mismatched expectations and performance. If the nature of the teacher’s contribution is recognized, I believe that this can lead to more effective use of ICT, which I have set out to show. My study, based on a survey of 319 EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers across the international group of 31 schools in which I work, seeks to put the teacher back into the picture by examining where their enacted beliefs in social constructivist pedagogy best align with classroom use of digital technology. I coin this emerging praxis ‘microblending’, a pedagogy rooted in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory and contemporary methodology, and I seek to demonstrate its relevance in this study I test the viability of measuring teacher’s microblending readiness through application of Technology Acceptance Modelling (TAM) in an EFL setting to produce a model that explains the variation in classroom use of ICT. My model is based on a critical replication of the WST (‘Will, Skill, Tool’) model, a TAM model which has so far only been used in mainstream classroom teaching. I have updated, created and piloted new instruments within the scope of the study, which are now already in use within the institution where I carried out my investigations. Using both linear regression and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) techniques I explored how these measurements of the learning environment can explain a teacher’s application of technology. This first attempt appears to explain over 89% of the variation in classroom use of technology, which already exceeds the predictive power of several contemporary models in use in parallel fields of education. Given further work to refine and apply the model, a valuable improvement could be made in how teachers work with ICT in the language classroom for improved learning outcomes.

Tradiční role a perspektiva instituce orientálního tržiště / The Traditional Role and Perspective of the Bazaar

Hanzlíčková, Helena January 2015 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT This thesis deals with the specification of bazaars and the bazaar economy. Bazaar [bāzār] is a Persian word for marketplace, also used in Turkish- çarşi [čarši]. Like the Arabic term souk وسق [súq], bazaar is both the concrete trading place, where many people meet and interact but like the English word market or the French le marché is also understood as a more abstract notion of buying and selling in the sense of demand and supply and it involves small shopping stalls, modern shopping and business avenues and shopping malls as well. Bazaar can refer to a single shopping unit or a street in the frame of the marketplace or outside its boundaries or to the whole business complex. The marketplace has symbolic and social importance indicative of its urban centrality. The souk is seen as one of the quintessential oriental spaces. Clifford Geertz and his own studies of Moroccan and Indonesian rural markets inspired many economic anthropologists to examine the structure of marketplaces in the developing world as products of informational scarcity. The bazaar economy was defined in Clifford Geertz' extremly influential anthropological study on the bazaar economy in Sefrou (1978), a quite small town in Morocco with about 600 shops. Geertz was the first to emphasise the important difference...

A aprendizagem de francês através de aplicativos para smartphone

Santos, Yádini do Conto Winter dos January 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever de que modo está sendo promovida a aprendizagem de idiomas, mais especificamente de língua francesa, através de aplicativos para smartphones. Os aplicativos, isto é, as aplicações de software possuem uma infinidade de objetivos e são usadas atualmente em diversos contextos, podendo funcionar como um acesso às redes sociais ou como uma plataforma para a aprendizagem. A m-learning (mobile-learning) consiste na aprendizagem por meio de TIMS (Tecnologias da Informação Móveis e Sem fio) representadas pelos tablets e os smartphones. As TIMS surgem para complementar as já conhecidas TIC (Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação), isto é, os computadores, televisores, rádio e etc., e a m-learning para complementar a e-learning (eletronic-learning), a aprendizagem via TIC. Estima-se que hoje existam cerca de 7 bilhões de telefones celulares ativos em todo mundo nas mãos de uma população mundial de 7,1 bilhões e a penetração dos smartphones no Brasil já chega a 64% da população (CONSUMER BAROMETER WITH GOOGLE, 2016). No ensino-aprendizagem de línguas adicionais, a utilização de TIC já é um campo bastante discutido, entretanto, no caso das TIMS, apesar da popularização dos dispositivos móveis, as pesquisas ainda são muito recentes. Contudo, a criação de aplicativos voltados a aprendizagem de idiomas não deixa de aumentar, assim como o seu público. De modo a propiciar um debate sobre o futuro da aprendizagem móvel entre professores de línguas, linguistas e desenvolvedores de aplicativos para dispositivos móveis, este trabalho buscou relatar e analisar alguns dentre os aplicativos mais populares presentes na Google Play Store para dispositivos móveis voltados à aprendizagem de língua francesa. Com a presença de QrCodes e printscreens da tela de um smartphone MotoX, sistema Android 5.1, sete aplicativos que se anunciavam como cursos de francês foram descritos e avaliados tanto pelos fatores ligados à didática quanto aos relativos à interface; são eles o Mondly, Duolingo, Memrise, Mosalingua, Babbel, Busuu e Le Bon Mot. Foram analisadas as atividades presentes na primeira lição de cada aplicativo selecionado, evidenciando e comparando o construto e a metodologia anunciada na Google Play Store ao que realmente é desenvolvido durante a utilização de cada aplicativo. Em um segundo momento, a partir da utilização dos aplicativos, foram analisadas questões ligadas à interface e usabilidade dos aplicativos, isto é, a presença e o funcionamento de recursos de imagem, áudio e vídeo em cada aplicativo, as dificuldades em relação ao uso da plataforma, etc. A partir desta descrição e desta análise minuciosa, pode-se concluir que apesar dos aplicativos serem, de uma forma geral, inovadores quanto às questões ligadas à interface, com uma boa usabilidade, no quesito didático-metodológico se anunciam como seguidores do método comunicativo na Google Play Store, mas utilizam abordagens tradicionais e estruturalistas. Nota-se, desse modo, a persistência de um ensino focado somente na repetição e na aprendizagem de vocabulário que, apesar de acompanhado de plataformas e interfaces bem construídas, não correspondem às necessidades comunicativas dos aprendizes do século XXI. / This research aims to describe how language learning, specifically French, is being promoted through mobile applications.Applications, that is, software that can be installed in MICT (Mobile Information and Communication Technologies), possess lots of goals and are currently used in various contexts. Furthermore, they can function as access to social networks or as platforms for learning. The M-learning (mobile-learning) is the learning through MICT, such as smartphones and tablets. MICT come to complement the already known ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), for instance, desktop computers, televisions and radio, and m-learning to complement e-learning (electronic-learning), i.e. learning via ICT. It is estimated that currently there are about 7 billion active mobile phones worldwide at the hands of a world population of 7.1 billion people, and smartphone penetration within Brazil already reaches 62% of its population (CONSUMER BAROMETER WITH GOOGLE, 2016) In the process of teaching and learning additional languages, the use of ICT is already a widely discussed field. As for MICT, despite the popularization of mobile devices, research is still relatively recent. However, the creation of applications aimed at language learning is increasing, as is its audience. As to endorse a joint debate on the future of mobile learning among language teachers, linguists, and mobile application developers, this work attempted to report and analyze some of the most popular applications on mobile devices related to French-language learning, which are available on Google Play Store. With this aim, a MotoX smartphone with Android 5.1 system was used as a support and seven applications (Mondly, Duolingo, Memrise, Mosalingua, Babbel, Busuu and Le Bon Mot), advertised as French courses, were described and evaluated regarding didactic and interface aspects. QR codes and print screens of the analysis are presented throughout this work to facilitate future reference and queries. The activities in the first lesson of each selected application were analyzed evidencing and comparing the construct and the methodology announced in Google Play Store with what is actually developed during the use of the application. In a second moment, from the use of the applications, questions related to the interface and usability of the applications were analyzed, such as the presence and operation of image, audio and video resources in each application and the difficulties regarding the use of the platform. From this description and analysis, it is noticed that the applications are, in general, innovative in the questions of interface and usability. However, in the didactic-methodological aspect, they are traditional and structuralist, although they were advertised as communicative in the Google Play Store. On theses apps, it is noticed a teaching method focused only on repetition and learning of vocabulary which, although accompanied by well-constructed platforms and interfaces, does not correspond to the communicative needs of the learners of the 21st century.

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