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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skillnad i skärmstorlek och skärmtyp: påverkan på inlärning / Difference in screen size and screen type: impacts on learning

Zettergren, Carl, Tavakoli, Mina January 2019 (has links)
I ett allt mer digitaliserat samhälle har även utbildningen blivit genomsyrad av denna digitalisering. Det har lett till en ökning i produktion av videoföreläsningar som studenter, på högskolenivå främst, allt oftare använder sig av i inlärningssyfte. E-lärande har många fördelar eftersom det bland annat leder till ökad studieflexibilitet. Det finns ett rikt utbud av tidigare forskning som kretsar kring områdena inlärningsbeteenden, skärmstorlekar och videoföreläsningar. Tidigare studier visar både på att det kan skilja sig i inlärning beroende på skärmstorlek men det finns också studier som tyder på motsatsen. Detta kandidatarbete undersöker om skärmstorlek har någon påverkan på hur mycket man lär sig av att se på en videoföreläsning. Det gjordes genom att gruppera 34 försöksdeltagare i tre grupper där alla fick se en vald föreläsningsvideo på tre olika grupper av skärmstorlekar: liten (4-7 tum), medel (13-17 tum) eller stor (27 tum). Några dagar innan och direkt efter undersökningen besvarade deltagarna även en enkät med sakfrågor om innehållet i den valda videon. Utifrån de resultat som framkom så visar det sig att olikheter mellan dessa skärmstorlekar inte ger en signifikant påverkan på hur mycket man lär sig av en föreläsningsvideo av intervju-typ. Det innebär alltså att man för sådana föreläsningvideor inte behöver ta hänsyn till skärmstorleken, varken som student eller som videoproducent. / In a more and more digitized society, the education has also been steeped in this digitization. This has lead to a rise in the production of video lectures which students, mostly at degree level, more often use for learning purposes. E-learning has many advantages since it, among other things, leads to an increased flexibility when studying. There are many previous studies on learning behaviours, screen sizes and video lectures. Earlier studies show that learning can differ depending on screen size but there are also studies showing the opposite. This bachelor’s thesis examines if screen size has an effect on how much one learns from watching a video lecture. This was done by grouping 34 test participants into three groups where they all watched a video lecture on three groups of screen sizes: small (4”-7”), medium (13”-17”) or large (27”). A few days before and directly after the test the contestants answered a survey with questions regarding the content in the specific video. The results are that differences between these screen sizes do not have a significant impact on how much one learns from a video lecture of interview type. This therefore means that one does not have to consider the screen size for that type of video lecture, either as a student or a video producer.

Lärares perspektiv på studiebesök och gästundervisning inom samhällskunskapsundervisningen : Möjligheter och utmaningar / Teachers’ perspectives on study visits and guest education within social studies education : Opportunities and challenges

Falk, Ellinor January 2024 (has links)
One of the main purposes with the subject of social studies is, according to The Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket), to foster future democratically active citizens and one way to achieve this is to use study visits and bring guests to the social studies education. The purpose of this study was therefore to research teachers’ opportunities and challenges to organize and conducting study visits and guest education. The study was based on three research questions which were related to the types of study visits teachers carried out and what kinds of guests they invite to the classroom and the purpose of these visits, factors that can hinder or in other ways affect study visits and guest education and how teachers perceive students’ attitudes and behaviour during study visits and guest education and their knowledge acquisition in social studies. Eight social studies teachers working at lower and upper secondary schools in Sweden were interviewed though semi-structured interviews. The results showed that the teachers organize study visits and guest education with several purposes and that study visits to the local courthouse, the Swedish Riksdag, local businesses and to the local municipal council were common. Common types of guest education included visits from governmental authorities or other organizations, businesses, and politicians. The results also showed that the teachers were largely affected by factors such as time and school funding to organize study visits and guest education but also by factors such as logistics, lack of control and the pandemic. The teachers believe that students can learn a great deal through study visits and guest education as they have the opportunity to see things first hand, but also that students have a varied ability to ask questions during these occasions and may behave in a non-desirable manner. The discussion section includes result comparisons to previous research and suggestions for future research. / Enligt Skolverket är ett av samhällskunskapens stora uppdrag att fostra framtida demokratiskt aktiva medborgare och ett sätt att göra detta på är att använda studiebesök och gästundervisning i samhällskunskapsundervisningen. Därför var studiens syfte att undersöka lärares möjligheter och utmaningar att arrangera och genomföra studiebesök och gästundervisning utifrån tre frågeställningar. Frågeställningarna är kopplade till vilka typer av studiebesök och gästundervisning lärarna genomför och syftet med dessa, hinder och påverkansfaktorer för att arrangera och genomföra studiebesök och gästundervisning och hur lärare uppfattar elevernas attityder, kunskapsökning och upplevelser av studiebesök och gästundervisning. Åtta verksamma samhällskunskapslärare på gymnasiet och högstadiet intervjuades genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet av de analyserade intervjuerna visade att lärarna genomför studiebesök och gästundervisning med flera syften och att besök till tingsrätten, riksdagen, näringsliv och kommunfullmäktige var vanliga studiebesök. Vanliga gästundervisningar var besök av myndigheter eller andra samhällsaktörer, näringsliv och politiker. Resultatet visade också att lärarna påverkas till stor del av tid och ekonomi för att arrangera och genomföra studiebesök och gästundervisning men också av logistik, brist på kontroll, pandemin och andra påverkansfaktorer. Lärarna berättar att eleverna lär sig mycket genom studiebesök och gästundervisning då de får se saker med egna ögon, men att eleverna också har en varierad förmåga att ställa frågor vid dessa typer av tillfällen och att eleverna kan uppföra sig på ett icke-eftersträvansvärt sätt. I diskussionen diskuteras resultatet kopplat till tidigare forskning och förslag på vidare forskning inom området.

Online teaching methods effectiveness in students’ focus retention and lecture enjoyment

Lillberg, Oliver, Kongpachith, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Online teaching has become more common during the past decades as technological advancements provide new education possibilities. New technology also gives teachers new ways to conduct teaching. Today, there are many different teaching methods which can be utilized. Which teaching methods should be used in order to retain students’ focus during lectures? Which ones should be used to improve students’ enjoyment of lectures? This thesis studies these questions through an eye tracking experiment. Test subjects watched short lecture clips, each using a different teaching while being recorded using eye tracking. In addition, the test subjects answered a questionnaire regarding lecture enjoyment. Based from the results, it is found that focus during and enjoyment of online lectures seems to be mostly dictated by cognitive load. Teaching methods which use some sort of technique to reduce the amount of cognitive load are better at keeping students focused. Furthermore, students seem to enjoy teaching methods which uses a chalk board more. / Onlineundervisning har blivit mycket vanligare under det senaste decenniet tack vare teknologiska framsteg. Nya teknologier har också gett lärare nya sätt att undervisa. Idag finns det många olika undervisningsmetoder som kan användas. Men vilka undervisningsmetoder borde lärare använda för att hålla studenter koncentrerade under föreläsningar? Vilka metoder skall användas för att öka studenters föreläsningsglädje? Denna studie svarar på dessa frågor med ett ögonspårningsexperiment. Försökspersoner tittade på korta föreläsningsklipp som använde olika undervisningsmetoder medans deras ögonrörelser var inspelade med ögonspårning. Försökspersonerna svarade även på en enkät om föreläsningsglädje. Från resultatet framgick det att fokus och hur mycket de gillade att kolla på online föreläsningen påverkades mest av kognitiv belastning. Undervisningsmetoder som använder sig av tekniker som minskar den kognitiva belastningen var bättre i att hålla studenter fokuserade. Studenter verkade även visa större föreläsningsglädje för undervisningsmetoder som anväder svarta tavlan.

Evaluation of innovative computer-assisted transcription and translation strategies for video lecture repositories

Valor Miró, Juan Daniel 06 November 2017 (has links)
Nowadays, the technology enhanced learning area has experienced a strong growth with many new learning approaches like blended learning, flip teaching, massive open online courses, and open educational resources to complement face-to-face lectures. Specifically, video lectures are fast becoming an everyday educational resource in higher education for all of these new learning approaches, and they are being incorporated into existing university curricula around the world. Transcriptions and translations can improve the utility of these audiovisual assets, but rarely are present due to a lack of cost-effective solutions to do so. Lecture searchability, accessibility to people with impairments, translatability for foreign students, plagiarism detection, content recommendation, note-taking, and discovery of content-related videos are examples of advantages of the presence of transcriptions. For this reason, the aim of this thesis is to test in real-life case studies ways to obtain multilingual captions for video lectures in a cost-effective way by using state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition and machine translation techniques. Also, we explore interaction protocols to review these automatic transcriptions and translations, because unfortunately automatic subtitles are not error-free. In addition, we take a step further into multilingualism by extending our findings and evaluation to several languages. Finally, the outcomes of this thesis have been applied to thousands of video lectures in European universities and institutions. / Hoy en día, el área del aprendizaje mejorado por la tecnología ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento con muchos nuevos enfoques de aprendizaje como el aprendizaje combinado, la clase inversa, los cursos masivos abiertos en línea, y nuevos recursos educativos abiertos para complementar las clases presenciales. En concreto, los videos docentes se están convirtiendo rápidamente en un recurso educativo cotidiano en la educación superior para todos estos nuevos enfoques de aprendizaje, y se están incorporando a los planes de estudios universitarios existentes en todo el mundo. Las transcripciones y las traducciones pueden mejorar la utilidad de estos recursos audiovisuales, pero rara vez están presentes debido a la falta de soluciones rentables para hacerlo. La búsqueda de y en los videos, la accesibilidad a personas con impedimentos, la traducción para estudiantes extranjeros, la detección de plagios, la recomendación de contenido, la toma de notas y el descubrimiento de videos relacionados son ejemplos de las ventajas de la presencia de transcripciones. Por esta razón, el objetivo de esta tesis es probar en casos de estudio de la vida real las formas de obtener subtítulos multilingües para videos docentes de una manera rentable, mediante el uso de técnicas avanzadas de reconocimiento automático de voz y de traducción automática. Además, exploramos diferentes modelos de interacción para revisar estas transcripciones y traducciones automáticas, pues desafortunadamente los subtítulos automáticos no están libres de errores. Además, damos un paso más en el multilingüismo extendiendo nuestros hallazgos y evaluaciones a muchos idiomas. Por último, destacar que los resultados de esta tesis se han aplicado a miles de vídeos docentes en universidades e instituciones europeas. / Hui en dia, l'àrea d'aprenentatge millorat per la tecnologia ha experimentat un fort creixement, amb molts nous enfocaments d'aprenentatge com l'aprenentatge combinat, la classe inversa, els cursos massius oberts en línia i nous recursos educatius oberts per tal de complementar les classes presencials. En concret, els vídeos docents s'estan convertint ràpidament en un recurs educatiu quotidià en l'educació superior per a tots aquests nous enfocaments d'aprenentatge i estan incorporant-se als plans d'estudi universitari existents arreu del món. Les transcripcions i les traduccions poden millorar la utilitat d'aquests recursos audiovisuals, però rara vegada estan presents a causa de la falta de solucions rendibles per fer-ho. La cerca de i als vídeos, l'accessibilitat a persones amb impediments, la traducció per estudiants estrangers, la detecció de plagi, la recomanació de contingut, la presa de notes i el descobriment de vídeos relacionats són un exemple dels avantatges de la presència de transcripcions. Per aquesta raó, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és provar en casos d'estudi de la vida real les formes d'obtenir subtítols multilingües per a vídeos docents d'una manera rendible, mitjançant l'ús de tècniques avançades de reconeixement automàtic de veu i de traducció automàtica. A més a més, s'exploren diferents models d'interacció per a revisar aquestes transcripcions i traduccions automàtiques, puix malauradament els subtítols automàtics no estan lliures d'errades. A més, es fa un pas més en el multilingüisme estenent els nostres descobriments i avaluacions a molts idiomes. Per últim, destacar que els resultats d'aquesta tesi s'han aplicat a milers de vídeos docents en universitats i institucions europees. / Valor Miró, JD. (2017). Evaluation of innovative computer-assisted transcription and translation strategies for video lecture repositories [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90496

Lire des fables

Pouliot, Suzanne 25 April 2018 (has links)
La compréhension de textes littéraires constitue un des objets de la classe de français. Plus précisément cela signifie que l'élève doit faire montre de ses habiletés langagières, dont celle de se livrer à "un calcul interprétatif”, selon la formule consacrée depuis quelques années, soit "tenir compte de tous les éléments intra et extratextuels, qui concourent à ce calcul, soient-ils linguistiques, pragmatiques ou sémiotiques” (Béland, 1985, p. 96). Pour vérifier ce calcul interprétatif, nous avons observé comment des sujets âgés de 12 et 15 ans anticipaient un dialogue inséré dans une fable et ce, par des traces d'écriture. Pour ce faire, nous avons dépouillé 207 textes, produits dans six situations différentes d'écriture par 43 sujets québécois de Sherbrooke (6e année) et de Granby (Sec. III, Professionnel court). Pour le dépouillement, nous avons adopté le point de vue d'un enseignant préoccupé par le développement des habiletés langagières de ses sujets. C'est ainsi que nous avons relevé diverses manifestations qui rendent compte de ce travail de lecture dont celui du respect des signes de ponctuation, l'identification des tours de parole, la présence ou non d'actes de langage dans le dialogue. Ce dépouillement a révélé que l'habileté à anticiper des réparties dialogiques tend à s'accroître lorsqu'elle s'exerce dans une série composée de discours narratifs, de même nature. Ce qui était notre première hypothèse. De plus, d’un point de vue didactique, il nous a semblé important de localiser l'origine des difficultés en cernant les cheminements adoptés selon deux points de vue: lecturel et discursif. Ceux-ci ont permis de mettre en relief les nombreuses difficultés auxquelles se sont butés les lecteurs scripteurs, mais aussi de distinguer celles qui relèvent d'une habileté réduite à anticiper, faute de pouvoir repérer et mettre en relation divers indices (iconiques, linguistiques et extralinguistiques), en regard du dispositif discursif et celles qui sont dues à une méconnaissance des enjeux discursifs faute d'expériences suffisantes, dans le domaine retenu. Les nombreuses observations nous ont incité à dégager quelques "perspectives didactiques" qui pourront orienter, voire même faciliter le travail d'intervention de l'enseignant en compréhension de texte. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2016

Évaluation des qualités métrologiques de l'outil d'évaluation destiné à évaluer la compétence à "lire et apprécier des textes variés" en français au secondaire

Ngo Boumkouo II Ngo Koukouma, Suzanne Solange 24 April 2018 (has links)
L’objectif du présent mémoire consiste à évaluer les qualités métrologiques de l’outil d’évaluation formative destiné à évaluer la compétence à lire et apprécier des textes variés en français au secondaire Québécois. À cet effet, un outil d’évaluation comportant treize items a été élaboré et testé auprès de six cents deux ( n = 602 ) élèves du premier cycle du secondaire de quatre commissions scolaires des régions de Québec, Portneuf et Shawinigan. Il ressort des analyses que sur les treize items composant l’outil d’évaluation, douze possèdent un pouvoir discriminant et un niveau de facilité acceptable et méritent d’être conservés dans l’outil. Un item possède un niveau de discrimination jugé non acceptable et devrait, par conséquent, être revu, notamment la grille d’évaluation. Ces résultats démontrent que le test d’évaluation formative élaboré est prometteur compte tenu de des qualités métrologiques qu’il a démontrées. / The purpose of this study is to evaluate the measurement characteristics of the formative assessment tool whose objective is to assess the competence to read and understand a variety of french texts in Quebec secondary school. For this purpose, an assessment tool consisting of thirteen items has been developed and a test of this tool has been conducted among six hundred and two (n = 602) students of the first cycle of secondary school in four school boards of the regions of Quebec City, Portneuf and Shawinigan. The analysis show that twelve out of the thirteen items of the assessment tool, have an acceptable discrimination parameter and an acceptable level of ease and should be kept in the tool. An item has a level of discrimination found not acceptable and should therefore be reviewed, including the evaluation grid. These results demonstrate that the formative assessment tool developed is promising considering measurement characteristics it has shown.

L’étudiant non natif face au cours magistral : une démarche expérimentale / The non-native student face up to lectures in law : an experimental approach.

Dinzebi, Arlette 08 October 2010 (has links)
L’étude dont nous présentons ici les résultats a pour objet l’étudiant non natif confronté au cours magistral. Cette étude s’intègre dans l’axe II de la section Adis-langues du laboratoire ICAR II. L’étude s’appuie sur l’hypothèse que la complexité du fonctionnement du cours magistral entraîne des difficultés de compréhension orale et de prise de notes chez les étudiants non natifs qui ont une maîtrise incertaine de la langue française.Nous avons travaillé sur des extraits d’enregistrements vidéo de cours de droit que nous avons analysé en nous inspirant des présupposées théoriques de l’école française de l’analyse du discours. Plusieurs autres concepts ont servi d’outils pour appréhender le fonctionnement du cours magistral. Nous avons notamment été longuement éclairée par les études menées au sein du groupe Interactions et Apprentissage des langues dans sa composante Analyses de discours didactiques et nous nous sommes servie de leur modèle pour identifier et étiqueter les différents paramètres de complexité du cours magistral. Pour mesurer la compréhension orale de ces paramètres, nous avons adopté une démarche expérimentale pas aussi sophistiquée que l’exige la méthode expérimentale proprement dite, pour des raisons heuristiques. Nous avons proposé aux étudiants natifs et non natifs des tests de compréhension orale à travers la prise de notes et d’autres questions orales et écrites.Les résultats obtenus révèlent des cas de maîtrise de la langue et des moments plus délicats où pour des raisons diverses la compréhension orale et la prise de notes sont rendues difficiles. Ces résultats ont permis de valider l’hypothèse de départ. Nous avons à partir de là ébauché un dispositif compensatoire des problèmes identifiés, puis nous avons formulé des perspectives pour des études plus approfondies à l’avenir. / The study we present here the results has for object the non-native student face up to oral comprehension and taking notes challenges during lectures in law. This study is part of the axis II section of Adis-language laboratory ICAR II. The study is based on the assumption that the complexity of the functioning or of lectures in law leads to difficulties in listening and note-taking in non-native students who have an uncertain command of French. The data from which we have worked consist of excerpts from videotapes of law courses. We analyzed these recordings according to theoretical presuppositions of the French school of discourse analysis. Several other concepts developed by other schools and other researchers have been used tools for understanding the functioning of the lectures. We were also informed by extensive studies on the lectures conducted in the group Interactions and Language Learning in its component Analysis of didactic speeches.We used the model of listening to lectures theorized by this research group to define the term listening. This model allowed us to identify and label the different complexity parameters of lectures. To measure oral comprehension of these parameters, we adopted an experimental approach. We have developed an experimental design not as sophisticated as required by the experimental method itself, for heuristic reasons. The experimental protocol is based on a set of excerpts of recordings from which we offered to native students and nonnative students listening tests through taking notes and other written and oral questions. The results reveal cases of language proficiency and delicate moments where for various reasons, listening and taking notes are complicated. These results validate the starting hypothesis. We have sketched from here a compensatory mechanism of identified problems, and then we have made perspective for further studies in the future.

The effectiveness of an induction programme for newly appointed staff at Coastal KZN FET College

Mabaso, Calvin Mzwenhlanhla 16 October 2012 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Magister Technologiae: Human Resources Management, Durban University of Technology, 2012. / The research project focussed on the effectiveness of an induction programme for newly appointed staff at Coastal KZN FET College in Kwa-Zulu Natal. The main aim of the study was to investigate the perceptions of educators with regard to the effectiveness of the induction programme for newly appointed lecturers. The key findings of the research were that newly appointed lecturers experienced various problems. The study also explored experiences faced by newly appointed lecturers at Coastal KZN FET College. The challenges arise from the lack of an effective induction programme. These problems resulted in poor productivity among newly appointed lecturers. The empirical component underpinned the review and analysis of the effectiveness of an induction programme for newly-appointed lecturers as they adjust to their entry into the teaching profession. The study also investigated the high turnover (lecturer attrition) among newly appointed lecturers as well as the possible solutions which can be implemented. The survey method was used to administer the questionnaire to all 45 target respondents using the personal method. The study adopted the quantitative research method with precoded close ended questions. The personal method was used to administer the questionnaire to all 45 target respondent and in this way a high response rate of 100% was obtained. An important finding in this regard was that the induction programme was not evaluated and improved frequently. The induction programme should ensure that new lecturers are treated with dignity and are allowed the opportunity to display their strengths and the knowledge they bring to their new College by implementing an effective induction programme. Arising out of the empirical analysis the researcher has recommended and developed a set of guidelines which could be used in developing an effective induction programme for the Coastal FET College in Kwa-Zulu Natal. The study concludes with directions for future research to expand on the body of knowledge in this field. / M

Aulas de literatura russa - F.M. Dostoiévski por N. Nabókov: por que tirar Doistoiévski do pedestal? / Lessons of Russian Literature: F. M. Dostoevski by V. Nabokov: why should Dostoievski be put away from his pedestal?

Abdulmassih, Fabio Brazolin 22 June 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho é composto pela tradução anotada do texto original em inglês Fyodor Dostoevski (1821 1881), que faz parte das aulas de literatura russa que o autor russo Vladímir Nabókov ministrou em universidades americanas de 1941 a 1959, bem como por uma introdução biobibliográfica e crítica sobre o autor, de um modo geral, e de um ensaio crítico sobre suas opiniões a respeito das principais obras de Fiódor Dostoiévski, em particular. Para tanto, serão comentadas as principais opiniões críticas de Nabókov sobre os romances Crime e Castigo, Memórias do Subsolo, O Idiota, Os Demônios e os Irmãos Karámazov de Dostoiévski à luz das concepções de Mikhail Bakhtin, Leonid Grossman, Joseph Frank, entre outros. / This research is composed of the annotated translation of the original text in English Fyodor Dostoevski (1821 - 1881), which is part of the lectures on Russian literature that the Russian author Vladimir Nabokov gave in American universities from 1941 to 1959, as well as by a biobibliographical and critical introduction about the author, in a general way, and a critical essay about his opinions concerning the major works of Fyodor Dostoevski, in particular. To accomplish this task, Nabokovs opinions about the novels Crime and Punishment, Memories from the Underground, The Possessed, The Idiot and The Brothers Karamazov have been studied in the light of Mikhail Bakhtin, Leonid Grossman, Joseph Frank, among others.

Aulas de literatura russa - F.M. Dostoiévski por N. Nabókov: por que tirar Doistoiévski do pedestal? / Lessons of Russian Literature: F. M. Dostoevski by V. Nabokov: why should Dostoievski be put away from his pedestal?

Fabio Brazolin Abdulmassih 22 June 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho é composto pela tradução anotada do texto original em inglês Fyodor Dostoevski (1821 1881), que faz parte das aulas de literatura russa que o autor russo Vladímir Nabókov ministrou em universidades americanas de 1941 a 1959, bem como por uma introdução biobibliográfica e crítica sobre o autor, de um modo geral, e de um ensaio crítico sobre suas opiniões a respeito das principais obras de Fiódor Dostoiévski, em particular. Para tanto, serão comentadas as principais opiniões críticas de Nabókov sobre os romances Crime e Castigo, Memórias do Subsolo, O Idiota, Os Demônios e os Irmãos Karámazov de Dostoiévski à luz das concepções de Mikhail Bakhtin, Leonid Grossman, Joseph Frank, entre outros. / This research is composed of the annotated translation of the original text in English Fyodor Dostoevski (1821 - 1881), which is part of the lectures on Russian literature that the Russian author Vladimir Nabokov gave in American universities from 1941 to 1959, as well as by a biobibliographical and critical introduction about the author, in a general way, and a critical essay about his opinions concerning the major works of Fyodor Dostoevski, in particular. To accomplish this task, Nabokovs opinions about the novels Crime and Punishment, Memories from the Underground, The Possessed, The Idiot and The Brothers Karamazov have been studied in the light of Mikhail Bakhtin, Leonid Grossman, Joseph Frank, among others.

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