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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma contribuição para o problema de programação de operações flow shop com buffer zero e tempos de setup dependente da sequência e da máquina / A contribution to the flow shop problem with zero buffer and sequence and machine dependent setup times

Takano, Mauricio Iwama 03 August 2016 (has links)
O problema do sequenciamento da produção diz respeito à alocação das tarefas nas máquinas em um ambiente de fabricação, o qual vem sendo amplamente estudado. O sequenciamento pode variar em tamanho e complexidade dependendo do tipo de ambiente onde ele é aplicado, do número e tipos de restrições tecnológicas e da função objetivo do problema. A utilização de métodos de decisão para a solução de problemas de sequenciamento na indústria depende de modelos que sejam capazes de oferecer soluções para os problemas reais, que geralmente envolvem diversas restrições, os quais devem ser considerados simultaneamente. No presente trabalho o problema de sequenciamento da produção em ambientes flow shop permutacionais, com bloqueio com buffer zero, e com tempos de setup dependente da sequência e da máquina, com o objetivo de minimização do makespan é estudado, sendo este considerado um problema NP-Completo. O problema é pouco explorado na literatura. No presente trabalho é apresentado um procedimento de cálculo para o makespan e três métodos de solução para o problema: quatro limitantes inferiores para o procedimento Branch-and-Bound; quatro modelos MILP, sendo dois deles adaptados; e 28 modelos heurísticos construtivos adaptados para o problema. Os métodos desenvolvidos baseiam-se em propriedades matemáticas do problema que são apresentadas neste trabalho como limitante inferior e limitante superior. Dentre todos os modelos MILP, o modelo adaptado RBZBS1 obteve os melhores resultados para os problemas menores e o modelo desenvolvido TNZBS1 obteve os melhores desvios relativos médios do makespan para os problemas maiores, que não foram resolvidos dentro do limite de tempo computacional estipulado. O limitante inferior para o Branch-and-Bound LBTN2 foi melhor que os demais tanto no tempo computacional e no número de nós explorados como também no número de problemas não resolvidos e no desvio relativo médio do makespan. Foi realizado uma comparação entre o melhor modelo MILP e o melhor limitante inferior para o Branch-and-Bound, sendo que o último obteve melhores resultados para os problemas testados. Entre os métodos heurísticos adaptados, o PF foi o que obteve, de uma forma geral, os melhores resultados em todas as fases. / Production scheduling is defined as a problem of allocating jobs in machines in a production environment and it has been largely studied. The scheduling can vary in difficulty and complexity depending on the environment, the variety and types of technological restraints and the objective function of the problem. The use of decision making methods to solve scheduling problems in the industry needs models that are capable to solve real problems, that usually involve a big variety of restraints that have to be simultaneously studied. At the present work the scheduling problem in a permutational flow shop environment, considering blocking with zero buffer, and sequence and machine dependent setup times, with the objective of minimizing makespan is studied, which is considered a NP-Complete problem and little explored in literature. The work presents a calculation procedure for the makespan and three solution methods for the problem: four lower bounds for the Branch-and-Bound procedure; four MILP models, two of which are adapted; and 28 constructive heuristic methods adapted to the problem. The methods developed are based on mathematical properties of the problem that are presented in this work as a lower bound and an upper bound. Among all the MILP models, the adapted model RBZBS1 was the one to obtain the best results for the smaller problems, and the developed model TNZBS1 obtained the smallest mean relative deviation of the makespan for the bigger problems that were not solved within the specified computational time limit. The lower bound for the Branch-and-Bound LBTN2 obtained smaller computational times and number of explored nodes as well as the number of unsolved problems and the mean relative deviation for the makespan than all other lower bounds. Also, a comparison among the best MILP model and the best lower bound for the Branch-and-Bound was performed, being that the last obtained better results for the tested problems. Among the adapted heuristic methods, the PF heuristic was the one that obtained, in general, the better results in all phases.

Optimisation et aide à la décision pour la programmation des opérations électives et urgentes / Optimization and decision support for the scheduling of elective and non-elective surgeries

Bouguerra, Afef 07 July 2017 (has links)
Au sein d’un établissement hospitalier, le bloc opératoire représente un des secteurs les plus emblématiques et les plus coûteux. Le fonctionnement du bloc opératoire est orchestré par un programme opératoire qui consiste à construire un planning prévisionnel des interventions chirurgicales à réaliser pendant un horizon donné. La littérature abondante sur le sujet est unanime sur le fait que la construction du programme opératoire est une tâche complexe, car il s’agit non seulement de planifier et d’ordonnancer les interventions, mais aussi de satisfaire des exigences souvent antagonistes. Ce projet est le fruit d’une collaboration entre la Communauté d’Agglomération de Sarreguemines Confluences et la Région Lorraine, des membres du secteur hospitalier (Hôpital Robert Pax de Sarreguemines) et l’équipe Gestion Industrielle et Logistique (GIL) du Laboratoire de Génie Industriel, de Production et de Maintenance (LGIPM). L’objectif de cette recherche est d’apporter une aide aux gestionnaires du bloc opératoire, qui ont besoin de plus en plus des méthodes et des outils d’aide à la décision en vue d’optimiser leur fonctionnement. Pour répondre à ce besoin nous nous intéressons dans la première partie de cette thèse à la gestion des opérations électives en prenant en compte différentes contraintes et en particulier la disponibilité des chirurgiens. Nous nous plaçons dans le contexte d’une stratégie « open scheduling » et nous proposons deux modèles mathématiques permettant d’élaborer le programme opératoire. La complexité des modèles mathématiques et leur explosion combinatoire rendent difficile la recherche de l’optimum pour des tailles réalistes. Ceci nous a donc amené à proposer une heuristique constructive utilisant le modèle proposé et permettant d’obtenir des solutions là où la méthode exacte ne nous le permettait pas. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, nous considérons l’intégralité du processus opératoire (brancardage vers le bloc opératoire, préparation et anesthésie, acte chirurgicale et réveil). Nous modélisons ce processus comme un flow shop hybride à 4 étages avec contrainte de blocage de type RSb, et nous le résolvons à l’aide d’un algorithme génétique dont l’objectif est de synchroniser toutes les ressources nécessaires, en respectant au mieux le programme opératoire prévisionnel. Outre les opérations électives, nous nous intéressons dans la dernière partie aux opérations urgentes. Nous proposons un outil d’aide à la décision pour la gestion des opérations urgentes. En prenant en considération la pathologie et la gravité de l’état du patient, nous distinguons principalement 3 degrés d’urgences et proposons pour chacune un algorithme permettant d’intégrer en temps réel ces opérations dans le programme prévisionnel, tout en minimisant différents critères (temps d’attente avant affectation, heures supplémentaires, décalage par rapport aux anciennes dates de débuts) / The operating theater is one of the most critical and expensive hospital resources. Indeed, a high percentage of hospital admissions are due to surgical interventions. Rising expenditures spur health care organizations to organize their processes more efficiently and effectively. This thesis is supported by the urban community of Sarreguemines-France and the region of Lorraine-France, and is carried out in collaboration with the Centre Hospitalier de Sarreguemines - Hôpital Robert Pax. In the first part of this work, we propose two mathematical programming models to help operating theater managers in developing an optimal operating rooms scheduling. We also propose a constructive heuristic to obtain near optimal results for realistic sizes of the problem. In the second part of our work, the whole scheduling process is modeled as a hybrid four-stage flow shop problem with RSb blocking constraint, and is solved by a genetic algorithm. The objective is to synchronize all the needed resources around the optimal daily schedule obtained with the proposed mathematical model. The last part of our work is dedicated to non-elective surgeries. We propose a decision support tool, guiding the operating room manager, to handle this unpredictable flow of patients. Non-elective patients are classified according to their medical priority. The main contribution of the proposed decision support tool is to provide online assignment strategies to treat each non elective patient category. Proposed assignments are riskless on patient’s health. According to non-elective surgery classes, the proposed adjusted schedule minimizes different criteria such as patient’s waiting time, deviation from the firstly scheduled starting time of a surgery and the amount of resulting overtime

O problema de minimização de trocas de ferramentas / The minimization of tool switches problem

Moreira, Andreza Cristina Beezão 02 September 2016 (has links)
Especialmente nas últimas quatro décadas, muitos estudos se voltaram às variáveis determinantes para a implementação efetiva de sistemas flexíveis de manufatura, tais como seu design, sequenciamento e controle. Neste ínterim, o manejo apropriado do conjunto de ferramentas necessárias para a fabricação de um respectivo lote de produtos foi destacado como fator crucial no desempenho do sistema de produção como um todo. Neste trabalho, abordamos a otimização do número de inserções e remoções de ferramentas no magazine de uma ou mais máquinas numericamente controladas, admitindo-se que uma parcela significativa do tempo de produção é dispensada com estas trocas de ferramentas. De forma mais precisa, a minimização do número de trocas de ferramentas consiste em determinar a ordem de processamento de um conjunto de tarefas, bem como o carregamento ótimo do(s) compartimento(s) de ferramentas da(s) máquina(s), a fim de que o número de trocas seja minimizado. Como demostrado na literatura, mesmo o caso restrito à existência de apenas uma máquina de manufatura (MTSP, do inglês Minimization of Tool Switches Problem) é um problema NP-difícil, o que pode justificar o fato observado de que a maioria dos métodos de solução existentes o abordam de maneira heurística. Consequentemente, concluímos que a extensão ao contexto de múltiplas máquinas é também um problema NP-difícil, intrinsecamente complicado de se resolver. Nosso objetivo consiste em estudar formas eficientes de otimizar o número de trocas de ferramentas em ambientes equipados com máquinas flexíveis de manufatura. Para tanto, abordamos o problema básico, MTSP, e duas de suas variantes, em níveis crescentes de abrangência, que consideram o sequenciamento de tarefas em um conjunto de: (i) máquinas paralelas e idênticas (IPMTC, do inglês Identical Parallel Machines problem with Tooling Constraints); e (ii) máquinas paralelas e idênticas inseridas em um ambiente do tipo job shop (JSSPTC, do inglês Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Tooling Constraints). Classificamos as principais contribuições desta tese com respeito a três aspectos. Primeiramente, empurramos as fronteiras da literatura do MTSP propondo formulações matemáticas para os problemas IPMTC e JSSPTC. Desenvolvemos, também, algoritmos baseados em diferentes técnicas de resolução, como redução de domínio, Path relinking, Adaptive large neighborhood search e a elaboração de regras de despacho. Por último, com o intuito de bem avaliar a eficiência e o alcance de nossos métodos, propomos três novos conjuntos de instâncias teste. Acreditamos, assim, que este trabalho contribui positivamente com pesquisas futuras em um cenário abrangente dentro da minimização das trocas de ferramentas em um sistema flexível de manufatura. / Several studies, especially in the last four decades, have focused on decisive elements for the effective implementation of flexible manufacturing systems, such as their design, scheduling and control. In the meantime, the appropriate management of the set of tools needed to manufacture a certain lot of products has been highlighted as a crucial factor in the performance of the production system as a whole. This work deals with the optimization of the number of insertions and removals from the magazine of one or more numerical controlled machines, assuming that a significant part of the production time is wasted with such tool switches. More precisely, the minimization of tool switches problem (MTSP) consists on determining the processing order of a set of jobs, as well as the optimal loading of the magazine(s) of the machine(s), so that the total number of switches is minimized. As formally demonstrated in the literature, the MTSP is a NP-hard problem even when considering the existence of only one manufacturing machine, which could justify the fact that most of the solution methods tackles it heuristically. We thus conclude that its extension to the case of multiples machines is also NP-hard and, therefore, a problem intrinsically difficult to solve. Our goal consists in studying efficient ways to optimize the number of tool switches in environments equipped with flexible manufacturing machines. For that, we address the basic problem, MTSP, and two MTSP variants, in increasing levels of reach, that consider the job sequencing in a set of: (i) identical parallel machines (Identical Parallel Machines problem with Tooling Constraints, IPMTC); and (ii) identical parallel machines inserted in a job shop environment (Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Tooling Constraints, JSSPTC). The main contributions of this thesis are classified according three aspects. First, we pushed the frontier of the MTSP literature by proposing mathematical formulations for IPMTC and JSSPTC. We also developed algorithms based on different solution techniques, such as domain reduction, Path Relinking, Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search and dispatching rules. Finally, to fully evaluate the effectiveness and limits of our methods, three new sets of benchmark instances were generated. We believe that this work contributes positively to the future of research in a broad scenario inside the minimization of tool switches in flexible manufacturing systems.

Scheduling policies considering both production duration and energy consumption criteria for environmental management / Stratégie d'ordonnancement prenant en compte des critères de durée de production et de consommation d'énergie pour le management environnemental

Al-Qaseer, Firas Abdulmajeed 15 November 2018 (has links)
Nous présentons les enjeux du management environnemental et soulignons l’importance d’une politique d’économie d’énergie pour les entreprises. Nous proposons un modèle pour déterminer le bilan énergétique de la fabrication en intégrant les différentes phases productives et non-productives. Nous définissons un double objectif pour la minimisation de la durée de production et de la consommation d’énergie. Nous appliquons ce modèle à l’ordonnancement d’ateliers job-shop flexibles. Pour déterminer la solution optimale nous utilisons deux classes de méthodes : - La première relève des algorithmes génétiques. Nous proposons différents types d’algorithmes pour résoudre ce problème multicritère. Nous proposons par exemple de faire évoluer deux populations pour minimiser respectivement l’énergie consommée et la durée de production et de les croiser pour atteindre l’objectif global. - La seconde relève de la programmation sous contrainte. Nous proposons de rechercher la solution optimale en développant une double arborescence pour évaluer l’énergie consommée et la durée de production. Nous construisons notre algorithme en partant des tâches à réaliser sur les machines ou en partant des machines qui réaliseront les tâches. Nous discutons de la construction du front de Pareto pour l’obtention de la meilleure solution.Nous terminons en comparant les différentes approches et en discutant leur pertinence pour traiter des problèmes de différentes tailles. Nous proposons également plusieurs améliorations et quelques pistes pour de futures recherches. / We present the challenges of environmental management and underline the importance of an energy saving policy for companies. We propose a model to determine the energy balance of manufacturing by integrating the different productive and non-productive phases. We define two purposes for minimizing production time and energy consumption. We apply this model to the scheduling of flexible job-shop workshops. To determine the optimal solution we use two types of methods: - The first is genetic algorithms. We propose different types of algorithms to solve this multi-criteria problem. For example, we propose to develop two populations to minimize the energy consumed and the production time, and to cross them to achieve the overall objective. - The second is constraint programming. We propose to find the optimal solution by developing a double tree to evaluate the energy consumed and the production time. We build our algorithm starting from the tasks to be performed on the machines or from the machines that will perform the tasks. We discuss the construction of the Pareto front to get the best solution.We finish by comparing the different approaches and discussing their relevance to deal with problems of different sizes. We also offer several improvements and some leads for future research.

Sistema imune artificial para o problema de escalonamento Job Shop

Ribeiro, Sildenir Alves 29 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:33:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao.pdf: 1052399 bytes, checksum: b17ce224ca3822e277c997fd00bd2c67 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-29 / Este trabalho apresenta um Sistema Imune Artificial (SIA) para tratar problemas de escalonamento. O Sistema Imunológico Artificial desenvolvido neste projeto baseia-se na estrutura arquitetura e funcionamento dos Sistemas Imunes Biológicos ou Naturais. O uso de Algoritmo Genético (AG) fez-se necessário para gerar os indivíduos a serem escalonados, representando os antígenos e anticorpos do SIA. Cada indivíduo gerado pelo AG representa um conjunto de tarefas processadas em um conjunto de máquinas. Os indivíduos são avaliados por uma função de aptidão que representa o processo de seleção natural. A evolução dos indivíduos e consequentemente das populações são obtidas aplicando-se os operadores genéticos de crossover e mutação. As tarefas e as máquinas, utilizadas para o escalonamento, representa o problema de Job Shop Scheduling (JSS). Ao problema, foram aplicados alguns testes clássicos da literatura, onde se verificou a viabilidade dos SIA para tratamento de problemas de escalonamento. Ainda com os testes, pode-se observar o comportamento do sistema durante toda a execução, possibilitando assim, uma análise criteriosa das funcionalidades do sistema e dos resultados gerados pela massa de teste, observados durante um período de tempo. A representação dos sistemas imunológicos naturais através de algoritmos computacionais tem inspirado pesquisadores de todo o mundo, a motivação é que os sistemas imunológicos possuem características de paralelismo adaptabilidade e aprendizagem, além da possibilidade de serem aplicados em diversos problemas das mais diversas áreas, devido sua portabilid ade. / This work presents an Artificial Immune System (AIS) to deal with problems scheduling. The Artificial Immunologic System developed in this project was based on the structure, architecture and functioning of the Biological or Natural Immune Systems. The use of Genetic Algorithm (GA) became necessary to represent the antibodies and antigens of the AIS. Each individual generated for the GA represented a processed task set library in a set of machines. The evaluation of each individual was given by a fitness function that represents the process of natural selection. The evolution of the individuals, and population as a consequence was obtained by applying the genetic operators of crossover e mutation. The machines and the tasks used for the scheduling represent the problem of Job Shop Scheduling (JSS). Some classic tests of the literature where applied to the problem in order to verify the viability of the AIS on the treatment of task of scheduling problems. Those tests also demonstrated the system s behavior its entire execution, therefore, allowing for a detailed analysis of the system s functionalities sets for certain time period. The representation of the natural immunologic systems through computational algorithms inspires from all over world researchers. The motivation is that the immunologic systems possess parallelism characteristics adaptability and learning, which can be applied in several problems found in many areas, had its portability.

Uma contribuição para o problema de programação de operações flow shop com buffer zero e tempos de setup dependente da sequência e da máquina / A contribution to the flow shop problem with zero buffer and sequence and machine dependent setup times

Mauricio Iwama Takano 03 August 2016 (has links)
O problema do sequenciamento da produção diz respeito à alocação das tarefas nas máquinas em um ambiente de fabricação, o qual vem sendo amplamente estudado. O sequenciamento pode variar em tamanho e complexidade dependendo do tipo de ambiente onde ele é aplicado, do número e tipos de restrições tecnológicas e da função objetivo do problema. A utilização de métodos de decisão para a solução de problemas de sequenciamento na indústria depende de modelos que sejam capazes de oferecer soluções para os problemas reais, que geralmente envolvem diversas restrições, os quais devem ser considerados simultaneamente. No presente trabalho o problema de sequenciamento da produção em ambientes flow shop permutacionais, com bloqueio com buffer zero, e com tempos de setup dependente da sequência e da máquina, com o objetivo de minimização do makespan é estudado, sendo este considerado um problema NP-Completo. O problema é pouco explorado na literatura. No presente trabalho é apresentado um procedimento de cálculo para o makespan e três métodos de solução para o problema: quatro limitantes inferiores para o procedimento Branch-and-Bound; quatro modelos MILP, sendo dois deles adaptados; e 28 modelos heurísticos construtivos adaptados para o problema. Os métodos desenvolvidos baseiam-se em propriedades matemáticas do problema que são apresentadas neste trabalho como limitante inferior e limitante superior. Dentre todos os modelos MILP, o modelo adaptado RBZBS1 obteve os melhores resultados para os problemas menores e o modelo desenvolvido TNZBS1 obteve os melhores desvios relativos médios do makespan para os problemas maiores, que não foram resolvidos dentro do limite de tempo computacional estipulado. O limitante inferior para o Branch-and-Bound LBTN2 foi melhor que os demais tanto no tempo computacional e no número de nós explorados como também no número de problemas não resolvidos e no desvio relativo médio do makespan. Foi realizado uma comparação entre o melhor modelo MILP e o melhor limitante inferior para o Branch-and-Bound, sendo que o último obteve melhores resultados para os problemas testados. Entre os métodos heurísticos adaptados, o PF foi o que obteve, de uma forma geral, os melhores resultados em todas as fases. / Production scheduling is defined as a problem of allocating jobs in machines in a production environment and it has been largely studied. The scheduling can vary in difficulty and complexity depending on the environment, the variety and types of technological restraints and the objective function of the problem. The use of decision making methods to solve scheduling problems in the industry needs models that are capable to solve real problems, that usually involve a big variety of restraints that have to be simultaneously studied. At the present work the scheduling problem in a permutational flow shop environment, considering blocking with zero buffer, and sequence and machine dependent setup times, with the objective of minimizing makespan is studied, which is considered a NP-Complete problem and little explored in literature. The work presents a calculation procedure for the makespan and three solution methods for the problem: four lower bounds for the Branch-and-Bound procedure; four MILP models, two of which are adapted; and 28 constructive heuristic methods adapted to the problem. The methods developed are based on mathematical properties of the problem that are presented in this work as a lower bound and an upper bound. Among all the MILP models, the adapted model RBZBS1 was the one to obtain the best results for the smaller problems, and the developed model TNZBS1 obtained the smallest mean relative deviation of the makespan for the bigger problems that were not solved within the specified computational time limit. The lower bound for the Branch-and-Bound LBTN2 obtained smaller computational times and number of explored nodes as well as the number of unsolved problems and the mean relative deviation for the makespan than all other lower bounds. Also, a comparison among the best MILP model and the best lower bound for the Branch-and-Bound was performed, being that the last obtained better results for the tested problems. Among the adapted heuristic methods, the PF heuristic was the one that obtained, in general, the better results in all phases.

Contribution à l'ordonnancement d'ateliers avec ressources de transports / Contribution to job shop scheduling problems with transport resources

Zhang, Qiao 25 July 2012 (has links)
Nos travaux concernent l’étude d’une extension d’un problème d’ordonnancement bien connu sous l’appellation job shop. Nous appelons cette extension le General Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (GFJSSP). Celui-ci se rencontre dans différents types d’ateliers ayant comme caractéristique commune d’être soumis à des contraintes dues à des ressources de transport. Le GFJSSP se caractérise par l’intégration de machines et robots flexibles. Le terme General induit par ailleurs la présence de robots dont la capacité est supposée unitaire dans notre étude, des temps opératoires bornés, et la possibilité de prise en compte d’emplacements de stockage spécifiques. Après avoir défini l’atelier et le problème correspondant à cette extension, nous avons proposé deux modélisations du GFJSSP ainsi défini : une première modélisation mathématique linéaire, et une modélisation graphique, qui correspond à une généralisation du graphe disjonctif couramment utilisé pour les problèmes de job shop. Nous avons ensuite abordé la résolution suivant deux étapes : tout d’abord en nous focalisant sur l’aspect séquencement des tâches de traitement et de transport, pour lequel nous avons élaboré deux méthodes heuristiques (de type Tabou et basée sur une procédure de shifting bottleneck améliorée) ; puis en intégrant dans un deuxième temps la problématique de l’affectation induite par la flexibilité de certaines ressources. Pour cette dernière étape, nous avons combiné les méthodes précédentes avec un algorithme génétique. L’algorithme hybride obtenu nous permet de résoudre des instances de la littérature correspondant à divers cas spécifiques, avec des résultats assez proches des meilleures méthodes dédiées. A termes, il pourrait être intégré dans un système d'aide à la décision général qui s’affranchirait de la phase d’identification préalable du type de job shop considéré, et serait adapté à la résolution de nombreux cas (avec ou sans problème d'affectation, temps de traitement fixes ou bornés, avec ou sans stockage, etc..). / Our work focuses on an extension of the well known job shop scheduling problem. We call this extension the General Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (GFJSSP). It occurs in various kinds of workshops which are particularly constrained by one or several transportation resources (called robots). GFJSSP is characterized by the flexibility of both machines and robots. In the studied problem, the term General involves unitary capacity transportation resources, bounded processing times, and possible input/output buffers for machines. After defining the workshop and the corresponding problem, we proposed two kinds of model for the GFJSSP: a mathematical model, and a graphical one. This last one is a generalization of the disjunctive graph commonly used for job shop problems. We then addressed the resolution in two steps: firstly, by focusing on the sequencing of processing and transportation tasks. For this purpose we have developed two heuristics (Tabu search and an improved shifting bottleneck procedure). Secondly, we have considered the assignment problem involved by the flexibility of some resources. For this last step, we combined the above methods with a genetic algorithm. This hybrid algorithm allowed us to solve various specific cases of instances in the literature, with performance rather close to the best dedicated methods. In the future, it could be integrated within a general decision support system which could emancipate from the initial identification phase of the considered type of job shop, and which would be suitable for solving many cases (with or without assignment problem, fixed or bounded processing times, with or without storage, and so on).

Supply chain management under availability & uncertainty constraints / Le management de la chaîne logistique sous contraintes de disponibilité et d'incertitude

Zheng, Yahong 10 October 2012 (has links)
Le management de la chaîne logistique concerne un large éventail d’activités. Nombreuses ceux qui ont un caractère incertain apportant souvent des conséquences inattendues. Malgré cela, l’incertitude est fréquemment non considérée dans la gestion de la chaîne logistique traditionnelle. En plus de l’incertitude, l’indisponibilité des ressources augmentera la complexité du problème. En prenons en compte les contraintes d’incertitude et de disponibilité nous étudions le management de la chaîne logistique selon différents aspects. Cette thèse représente une tentative de recherche afin d’aborder ce problème d’une façon systématique et complète et nous espérons que notre travail contribuera aux futurs travaux de recherche et sera utile aux gestionnaires de la chaîne logistique. Nous nous concentrons sur trois sources classiques de l’incertitude ; celle de la demande, celle la fabrication et celle liée à la distribution. Pour chaque source d’incertitude, nous analysons ses causes et ses impacts sur les performances de la chaîne logistique. L’incertitude est spécifiée dans des problèmes classiques concrets et des approches sont proposées pour les résoudre. Nous nous sommes également focalisés sur le problème bi-niveau de vendeur de journaux qui représente une chaîne logistique miniature, concerné par une double incertitude. Les méthodes utilisées offrent une bonne démonstration du traitement des variables incertaines dans les problèmes de décision / Supply chain management involves a wide range of activities. Among most of them, uncertainty exists inherently and always brings some consequence not expected. However, uncertainty is not considered much in conventional supply chain management. In the case where availability of resources is not what we expect, complexity of supply chain management increases. Taking constraints of uncertainty and availability into account, we aim to discuss supply chain management from different aspects. This thesis is an attempt of systematic and complete research from this point and we would like to offer some references to researchers and managers in supply chain. We focus on three classic sources of uncertainty: demand, manufacturing and distribution. For each source of uncertainty, we analyze its cause and its impact to the performance of the supply chain. Uncertainty is specified into concrete classic problem and an approach is proposed to solve it. Furthermore, bi-level newsboy problem as a miniature of supply chain, is focused under double uncertain environment. Treating uncertain variables is actually a treatment on operational level. The methods used offer good demonstration in treating uncertain variables in decision problems

Matheuristic algorithms for minimizing total tardiness in flow shop scheduling problems / Algorithmes métaheuristiques pour minimiser la somme des retards des problèmes d'ordonnancement de type flowshop

Ta, Quang-Chieu 12 February 2015 (has links)
Nous considérons dans cette thèse un problème d’ordonnancement de flow-shop de permutation où un ensemble de travaux doit être ordonnancé sur un ensemble de machines. Les travaux doivent être ordonnancés sur les machines dans le même ordre. L’objectif est de minimiser le retard total. Nous proposons des algorithmes heuristiques et des nouvelles matheuristiques pour ce problème. Les matheuristiques sont un nouveau type d’algorithmes approchés qui ont été proposés pour résoudre des problèmes d’optimisation combinatoire. Les méthodes importent de la résolution exacte au sein des approches (méta) heuristiques. Ce type de méthode de résolution a reçu un grand intérêt en raison de leurs très bonnes performances pour résoudre des problèmes difficiles. Nous présentons d’abord les concepts de base d’un problème d’ordonnancement. Nous donnons aussi une brève introduction à la théorie de l’ordonnancement et nous présentons un panel de méthodes de résolution. Enfin, nous considérons un problème où un flow shop de permutation à m-machine et un problème de tournées de véhicules sont intégrés, avec pour objectif la minimisation de la somme des retards. Nous proposons un codage direct d’une solution et une méthode de voisinage. Les résultats montrent que l’algorithme Tabou améliore grandement la solution initiale donnée par EDD et où chaque voyage ne délivre qu’un travail. / We consider in this thesis a permutation flow shop scheduling problem where a set of jobs have to be scheduled on a set of machines. The jobs have to be processed on the machines in the same order. The objective is to minimize the total tardiness. We propose heuristic algorithms and many new matheuristic algorithms for this problem. The matheuristic methods are a new type of approximated algorithms that have been proposed for solving combinatorial optimization problems. These methods embed exact resolution into (meta)heuristic approaches. This type of resolution method has received a great interest because of their very good performances for solving some difficult problems. We present the basic concepts and components of a scheduling problem and the aspects related to these components. We also give a brief introduction to the theory of scheduling and present an overview of resolution methods. Finally, we consider a problem where m-machine permutation flow shop scheduling problem and a vehicle routing problem are integrated and the objective is to minimize the total tardiness. We introduce a direct coding for a complete solution and a Tabu search for finding a sequence and trips. The results show that the TS greatly improves the initial solution given by EDD heuristic where each trip serves only one job at a time.

CodeBuddy : Development of a programming assistance marketplace as a web application

Renholm, Filip, Möller, Fredrik, Jansson, Isak, Gustafsson, Klara, Johansson Lara, Leo, Bodeström Eriksson, Linus, Thaung, Ludwig, Egondotter, Vendela January 2018 (has links)
According to a study at Linköping University, students who study programming need additional assistance beyond the help provided in the course. According to the same survey, the majority of these students indicate that they would pay for private tuition in programming. At the same time, there are students who believe they have the competence to teach others in programming and could consider of doing this against financial compensation. To meet these needs of students, a solution tested in this thesis resulted in the development of a web application to create a C2C platform where students can meet up to exchange knowledge within programming. The development of the web application is varied by design and functionality substantiated by scientific theories. During the project, user testing is performed to get opinions from the potential target group. The work mainly focuses on answering the research questions regardingconsumer trust of the web application’s design. The report shows that it is possible to develop a web application according to the above criteria.

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