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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rekonstrukce zdraví a životního stylu jedinců pohřbených v sídlištních jamách a hrobech starší a střední doby bronzové na základě patologických znaků na kostře / Health reconstruction of individuals buried in settlements and graves in Early Bronze Age based on pathological traces on skeletons

Pankowská, Anna January 2014 (has links)
An increase in the diversity of Early Bronze Age (EBA) burial practices is well documented in central and southern Moravia between 2200-1500 BC. Apart from scarce cremations and pithoi burials, two more frequent parallel burial types appear. One is the standard burials in cemeteries, the other burials in settlement pits, the latter considered a deviation until recently. Thanks to recent excavations and new quantification procedures, however, abundance of settlement burials as well as uniformity and predictability of body deposition and grave equipment in pit burials has been shown. My intention is to show the existence of two parallel burial rites on the basis of bioarchaeological and archaeological evidence. I focus on the reconstruction of health and social status of individuals buried in settlement pits and graves. I observe the amount of demographic variability, diseases and trauma within each group. I suppose the distribution of diseases according to age, sex and archaeological record will be similar within each of the groups. As a result, we may speak about two equivalent burial practices. If deviations are encountered within settlement pits, however, we should speak about deviations or burials determined for a minority and homogeneous segment of population. Skeletons originate in two...

Les industries lithiques taillées du site de Proskynas, Grèce Centrale (Néolithique Récent / Bronze Ancien) : caractérisation et contexte régional / Non communiqué

Manos, Ioannis 14 December 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est la caractérisation technologique et typologique des industries lithiques du site de Proskynas en Grèce Centrale durant le Néolithique Récent (NR) et le Bronze Ancien (BA). En comparant ce corpus avec les industries lithiques régionales publiées jusqu’à présent et en contrôlant les techniques par l’expérimentation archéologique, cette étude révèle la contribution de l’industrie lithique dans la compréhension de la transition du Néolithique Récent au Bronze Ancien. L’approche méthodologique envisage une description analytique de tous les objets débités. L’analyse de la base de données ainsi constituée se fonde sur l’étude technologique et typologique approfondie par matière : obsidienne, silex chocolat et silex brun clair. Cette méthode permet de reconstituer mentalement les chaînes opératoires mises en œuvre et de reconnaître les gestes techniques appliqués. La composition des descripteurs analytiques et le croisement multi varié intra-situ et inter-situ des résultats obtenus révèlent une production de lames et d’éclats sur matières locales et importées. La variabilité régionale des chaînes opératoires et des supports débités caractérise le NR. Le BA affiche une grande homogénéité dans les conceptions opératoires et une remarquable standardisation des lames débitées surtout sur obsidienne. L’analyse typologique privilégie la description détaillée des produits confectionnés en outils (supports et retouche). La typologie des outils retouchés, la morphométrie des produits exploités bruts de débitage et sans traces d’utilisation macroscopiques sont des facteurs qui varient aussi bien entre les trois matières principales qu’entre les deux périodes (NR et BA). / The objective of this thesis is the technological and typological characterization of the lithic industries at the site of Proskynas in Central Greece during the Late Neolithic (LN) and the Early Bronze Age (EBA). By comparing this corpus with the regional lithic industries published to date and by verifying manufacturing techniques through archaeological experimentation, this study elucidates the contribution of the stone industry to the understanding of the transition from the Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age.The methodological approach envisages an analytical description of all the produced objects. The analysis of the database so constituted is based on the technological and typological study deepened by material: obsidian, chocolate silex and light brown silex. This method allows to reconstitute mentally the chains operating implemented and to recognize technical gestures applied. The composition of the analytical descriptors and the intersection multi-varied intra-situ and inter-situ of the obtained results reveal a production of blades and flakes on local and imported materials. The regional variability of operating chains and of debited supports characterizes the LN. The EBA shows a great homogeneity in the operational conceptions and a remarkable standardization of blades produced especially on obsidian. The typological analysis emphasizes the detailed description of tools manufactured (supports and retouch). The typology of the retouched tools, the morphometrie of the products exploited raw debited and without macroscopic traces of use are factors which vary between the three major materials and the two periods (LN and EBA).

Symbols in Clay : A Study of Early Bronze IV Potter's Marks from the Amman-Zarqa Region in Transjordan

Wulff Krabbenhöft, Rikke January 2010 (has links)
The present work examines the taxonomy and function of potters’ marks applied to pottery in the Amman-Zarqa region during the last phase of the Early Bronze Age, the so-called EB IV ca. 2350/2300–2000 BC. The study is anchored in a small data set gathered from 12 archaeological sites, in which 24 different mark types have been identified. These mark types - together with their associated vessel classes, circumstances of deposition, and geographical distribution - comprise the background against which previous suggestions regarding potters’ marks are evaluated. Evidence from ethno-archaeological sources concerning traditional potters’ rationales for marking vessels today is also included as part of the interpretive framework. The mode and scale of production is discussed on the basis of the ceramic evidence, the size and character of settlements located within the region, and the socio-economic setting of the EB IV period in general.

Paläopathologische Untersuchungen an den Kinderskeleten der Mad'arovce-Kultur des frühbronzezeitlichen Gräberfeldes von Jelšovce, Slowakei / Paleopathological Studies of the Subadult Population of the Mad'arovce-Culture from the Early Bronze Age cemetery of Jelšovce (Slovakia)

Weihmann, Ulrike 18 February 2013 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die Kinderskelete der frühbronzezeitlichen Mad'arovce-Kultur aus Jelšovce / Slowakei auf Erkrankungen untersucht. Diese Ergebnisse helfen die Lebensbedingungen der in der Frühbronzezeit in Mitteleuropa lebenden Menschen zu beschreiben. Es zeigt sich, dass schon in der Bronzezeit die Gesundheit der Menschen durch klimatische und geographische Faktoren stark beeinflusst wurde. Zu Vergleichszwecken wurden frühbronzezeitliche Populationen aus Niederösterreich und Anatolien, sowie mittelalterliche und neolithische Kinderpopulationen herangezogen. Im Laufe der Frühbronzezeit nimmt die Erkrankungshäufigkeit fast aller Krankheiten zu. Die Kinder der Mad'arovce-Kultur sind überdurchschnittlich häufig betroffen. Eine interessante Vergleichsmöglichkeit ergibt sich durch die frühbronzezeitlichen Populationen der Nitra-, und Aunjetitz-Kultur, die ebenfalls vom Gräberfeld in Jelšocve stammen, allerdings zeitlich früher datiert werden. Die diachrone Untersuchung der drei Kinderpopulationen von Jelšovce zeigt, einen Häufigkeitsanstieg der Infektions-, Zahn- und, mit Ausnahmen, auch der Mangelerkrankungen im Verlauf der Frühbronzezeit in Jelšovce, bei annähernd gleichem Krankheitsspektrum. Dies spricht für ein sehr ähnliches Biotop über den gesamten frühbronzezeitlichen Siedlungszeitraum hinweg. Für die dort lebenden Menschen waren die gleichen positiven wie negativen Aspekte relevant, wie sich in der annähernden Übereinstimmung des Krankheitsspektrums zeigt. Der beobachtete Unterschied in den Krankheitshäufigkeiten wurde sehr wahrscheinlich durch eine Erschöpfung der Ressourcen sowie die Zunahme der Populationsgröße verursacht. Ursachen für die beobachteten Unterschiede zwischen den weiteren bronzezeitlichen Populationen sind in den unterschiedlichen Biotopen sowie den sich im Verlauf der Frühbronzezeit deutlich ändernden klimatischen Bedingungen zu suchen. Sich wandelnde kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Grundlagen spielen offenbar ebenfalls eine Rolle. Auch die Größe der Populationen und deren materieller Reichtum und die damit verbundenen notwendigen Ressourcen beeinflussten die Lebensbedingungen der bronzezeitlichen Menschen. Obwohl es sich bei der Population der Mad’arovce-Kultur um eine relativ reiche Population handelt, sind ihre Kinder häufig von Erkrankungen betroffen. Dies zeigt, dass das Biotop in der Vergangenheit einen größeren Einfluss auf die Gesundheit der Menschen und das Auftreten von Erkrankungen hat als bisher angenommen wurde. Der Skorbut wird in dieser Arbeit bevorzugt behandelt, da zum einen ein System zur Diagnose von kindlichem Skorbut vorgestellt wird, welches eine Diagnosefindung erleichtern soll. Zum anderen treten in der Mad'arovce-Kultur in Jelšocve relativ viele Fälle von Skorbut auf, so dass sich hier eine genauere Betrachtung anbietet. Außerdem kann ein Skorbut als möglicher Cofaktor die hohe Prävalenz an entzündlichen Erkrankungen in der Mad'arovce-Kultur mit erklären. Spuren einer Kauterisation an einem Kinderschädel weisen auf einen Behandlungsversuch im frühbronzezeitlichen Jelšovce hin. In einem anderen Fall wurde ein ossärer Tumor nachgewiesen. Bei zwei Kindern konnten Erkrankungen der Knochen festgestellt werden, die es in dieser Form heute offenbar nicht mehr gibt. Somit liefert die Untersuchung der Kinderskelete von Jelšovce auch medizinhistorisch interessante Befunde.

Otázky struktury osídlení severovýchodní části středních Čech ve starší době bronzové na příkladu opevněné lokality Brandýs nad Labem-Vrábí / Settlement structure of the Early Bronze Age in the northeast part of central Bohemia - the case study of fortified settlement in Brandýs nad Labem-Vrábí

Langová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
Between 2007 and 2016, there was a rescue archeological research done by the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS in the locality of Brandýs nad Labem-Vrábí at the site "U Vodojemu", where, above other, a large settlement from the Early Bronze Age was uncovered. Based on the ceramics, it is possible to classify it chronologically as the early period of the Únětice culture, typologically then, it is possible to associate the ceramics found with the post-classical phase of the Únětice culture. The discovery of the U-shaped ditch adjacent to the ground edge of the Hrušovský stream indicates that the settlement was fortified for a certain time, approximately at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. Based on the nature of the ditch filling, of the ceramic findings with analogies in the beginning of the tumulus culture, as well as of the carbon dating, it is obvious that the settlement served further on after the downfall of this fortification, too, and thus for another 100 years at least. In the context of another very numerous, contemporaneous findings in the cadaster of Brandýs nad Labem, it is visible that the site "U Vodojemu" used to be a part of a large settlement agglomeration. A detailed mapping of the Early Bronze Age findings from the district of the north-east part of Central Bohemia has...

Rekonstrukce zdraví a životního stylu jedinců pohřbených v sídlištních jamách a hrobech starší a střední doby bronzové na základě patologických znaků na kostře / Health reconstruction of individuals buried in settlements and graves in Early Bronze Age based on pathological traces on skeletons

Pankowská, Anna January 2014 (has links)
An increase in the diversity of Early Bronze Age (EBA) burial practices is well documented in central and southern Moravia between 2200-1500 BC. Apart from scarce cremations and pithoi burials, two more frequent parallel burial types appear. One is the standard burials in cemeteries, the other burials in settlement pits, the latter considered a deviation until recently. Thanks to recent excavations and new quantification procedures, however, abundance of settlement burials as well as uniformity and predictability of body deposition and grave equipment in pit burials has been shown. My intention is to show the existence of two parallel burial rites on the basis of bioarchaeological and archaeological evidence. I focus on the reconstruction of health and social status of individuals buried in settlement pits and graves. I observe the amount of demographic variability, diseases and trauma within each group. I suppose the distribution of diseases according to age, sex and archaeological record will be similar within each of the groups. As a result, we may speak about two equivalent burial practices. If deviations are encountered within settlement pits, however, we should speak about deviations or burials determined for a minority and homogeneous segment of population. Skeletons originate in two...

Defining the Unidentified : An osteological re-analysis of an unmarked Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age grave / Att definiera det oidentifierade : En osteologisk återanalys av en flatmarksgrav från senneolitikum/äldre bronsålder

Sjöberg, Vir January 2023 (has links)
This thesis presents a micro-archaeological analysis of the osteological material from theunmarked communal grave L1977:6727, in Sigsarve, Gotland. The grave was found during the ploughing of a field and excavated in 1911. Documentation of the grave was poor; hencethe aim of this thesis was to investigate who the individuals in this grave were through their skeletal remains. The number of individuals, their age, and sex was determined, andpathological or activity-related changes were examined. A discussion on who these individuals were, whether their health could imply anything about their life, and how the grave might have been used, was based on these osteological results. The grave was likely a family grave used by a farming group. The elements displayed a fair amount of physical strain, particularly in a few individuals. The osteological material from the same grave waspreviously examined in 1912 by Carl M. Fürst. To examine the relevance of re-analysing osteological material analysed during the earlier 20th century a comparative analysis of Fürst’s and the new results was made. Although there were similarities, the older analysis provided very limited information in comparison to this analysis. / Denna avhandling är en mikroarkeologisk analys av det osteologiska materialet från flatmarksgraven L1977:6727, i Sigsarve, Gotland. Graven plogades upp och grävdes ut 1911. Då dokumentation om graven var minimal blev uppsatsens syfte att undersöka vilka individerna i graven kan ha varit genom det osteologiska materialet. Antalet individer, deras ålder och kön bedömdes, och eventuella patologiska eller aktivitetsrelaterade förändringar undersöktes. Utifrån resultaten diskuterades individernas liv, hälsa samt gravens bruk. Det kunde konstateras att graven troligen var en familjegrav som brukats av bönder snarare än jägare/samlare. Benen påvisade fysisk påfrestning, i synnerhet hos ett fåtal individer. Det osteologiska materialet undersöktes tidigare år 1912 av Carl M. Fürst. För att utreda relevansen av att åter-analysera osteologiskt material som analyserats under det tidigare 1900-talet gjordes en jämförande analys av Fürsts och de nya resultaten. Medan det fanns likheter i resultaten gav den äldre analysen mycket begränsad information i jämförelse med denna analys. / Gotland in the 3rd ML BCE

La ofrenda animal durante el Bronce Inicial en Can Roqueta II (Sabadell, Vallès Occidental). Arqueozoología del ritual funerario

Albizuri Canadell, Silvia 27 May 2011 (has links)
The research focuses on the use of animals in ritual deposits. It is based in the analysis of the faunal remains recovered from the internal funerary and ritual structures carved in the clay, in the site of the Early Bronze Age of Can Roqueta II (Sabadell, Barcelona). The results show that children, women and men were buried together in a very similar ceremony and accompanied by animals. Sheep and goats, cows, pigs and dogs are the best-represented, although carnivores and birds are also documented. While many of these animals were offered as a meal to accompany the deceased on his journey, the dogs, which were not consumed, were probably sacrificed as guides of the soul. The research aims to show that animal sacrifice is a universal response to death, with slight differences that probably reflect cultural and social adjustments. / La investigación se centra en la utilización de los animales en depósitos rituales. Se basa en el análisis de los restos faunísticos recuperados del interior de estructuras funerarias y rituales excavadas en la arcilla del asentamiento de la edad del bronce inicial de Can Roqueta II (Sabadell, Barcelona). Los resultados muestran que niños, mujeres y hombres eran enterrados de forma muy similar y acompañados de animales sacrificados. Ovejas y cabras, vacas, cerdos y perros son los mejor representados, aunque también se documentan carnívoros y varias especies de aves. Mientras que muchos de estos animales se ofrecían como comida de acompañamiento al difunto en su viaje, los perros, que no se consumían, se sacrificaban probablemente como guías de las almas. La investigación propone mostrar que el sacrificio animal es una respuesta universal a la muerte, con leves diferencias que responden seguramente a adaptaciones culturales y sociales.

Les tombes royales et les tombes de prestige en Mésopotamie et en Syrie du Nord au Bronze Ancien / Royal tombs and tombs of prestige in Mesopotamia and North Syria in the Early Bronze Age

Lazzarini, Catherine Marie 26 March 2011 (has links)
Les tombes royales et les tombes de prestige sont spécifiques d’une partie de la communauté détenant un pouvoir régional ou local. Dans le contexte du Bronze Ancien en Mésopotamie et en Syrie, l’étude archéologique a permis de distinguer les tombes de prestige des autres tombes selon trois critères principaux : l’architecture monumentale, la localisation topographique et le matériel funéraire déposés dans les tombes. Ces traits constituent un ensemble de signes complexes intégré dans un discours idéologique. L’étude a eu pour objectif de replacer les pratiques funéraires dans la société et les pratiques rituelles et sociales du pouvoir. Une perspective anthropologique apportée au sujet des tombes royales et de prestige a permis de mettre en évidence comment les pratiques funéraires sont un instrument institutionnel de manipulation idéologique, intégrées dans un discours social et politique structuré. Comme d’autres moments centraux de la société, les pratiques funéraires sont des pratiques rituelles et sociales qui jouent un rôle dans la représentation du pouvoir des élites et la structuration de la communauté. Elles permettent de reproduire et de maintenir l’équilibre social et de justifier le pouvoir des dites élites. / The royal tombs and the tombs of prestige are specific of a group detaining a regional power or local power. We have identified archaeological traits in the Syrian and Mesopotamian Early Bronze Age context which could distinguish the prestige tombs from the others. These formal features are the monumental architecture, the specific location of the prestige tombs and the group of graves associated, and the grave goods. The wealth of the deposition and the structure are characteristics of the prestige tombs and it constitutes complex signs integrated in an ideological discourse. Thus, an anthropological perspective has been essential to appreciate the social implication of the elite funerary practices. As others main events in the society, funerary practices of prestige are rituals and social practices which play a role in the representation of the elite power and in the structure of the society. The royal tombs and the tombs of prestige are social instruments of ideological manipulation; the funerary practices are integrated in social discourse through rituals in order to reproduce and maintain social structure and justify the elite power.

L'architecture domestique et l'organisation de maisonnée dans le péninsule d'Oman à l'âge du Bronze ancien (IIIè millénaire av. N.E.) / Domestic architecture and the organization of the household in the Oman Peninsula in the early Bronze Age (3rd Millennium BC)

Azzarà, Valentina 12 December 2015 (has links)
Dans la péninsule d'Oman, le passage du Néolithique à l'âge du Bronze est marqué par de profondes transformations socio-économiques. La transition vers une économie agricole et l'intégration progressive dans les sphères d'interactions suprarégionales ont été interprétées comme la réponse adaptative des populations locales, suivant la pression de la demande extérieure pour l'acquisition de matières premières. Toutefois, le rôle de la péninsule omanaise au sein de ce réseau à l'aube de l'âge du Bronze est moins patent qu'on ne l'envisage, mettant en cause la nature des transformations déclenchées au début du 3ème millénaire av. J.-C.. Nous avons exploré ces questions à la lumière de la maisonnée, explicitement conçue en tant qu'élément structurant de la société, « sociogramme d'un système social ». Afin de circonstancier le passage vers la complexification de l'âge du Bronze, l'étude considère brièvement les dernières occupations néolithiques. Elle se focalise sur une analyse diachronique des architectures domestiques et de la culture matérielle au 3ème millénaire av. J.-C. (périodes Hafit et Umm an-Nar), évaluant les différents aspects susceptibles de fournir des informations sur la configuration des activités domestiques et de manufacture, sur la perception sociale de l'espace, sur l'organisation de la force de travail et le degré de spécialisation de celle-ci. Cette démarche a permis d'aborder les acteurs sociaux à l'échelle de l'habitat, valorisant l'importance des mutations socio-économiques amorcées localement, et exprimées par les cycles de développement de la maisonnée sur le long terme. / In the Oman peninsula, the transition from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age is marked by deep socioeconomic transformations. The shift towards an agricultural economy and the gradual integration into supraregional interaction spheres have been interpreted as the adaptive response of local populations to the pressure of an external demand for the acquisition of raw materials. Nevertheless, at the dawn of the Bronze Age, the role of the Oman Peninsula within this network is less patent than generally assumed, calling into question the nature of the transformations that characterise the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. These questions were explored by the point of view of the household, explicitly conceived as a structuring element of the society, the “sociogram of a social system”. Aiming at better understanding of the transition towards the complexification of the Bronze Age, the study briefly addresses the last Neolithic occupations, and focuses on a diachronic analysis of domestic architectures and material culture during the 3rd millennium BC (Hafit and Umm an-Nar periods). It considers a series of different aspects that could offer insights on the configuration of domestic and craft activities, on the social perception of space, on the organisation of the workforce and their degree of specialisation. This approach allowed grasping the social actors at the village level, highlighting the importance of socioeconomic transformations originating at a local scale, and expressed by the developmental cycles of the household in the long term. In addition , new field data lead to the identification of specific chronological markers for the Hafit period and the last Umm an-Nar phase.

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