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Fidelidade em tradução : análise das traduções brasileiras de três romances de Umberto Eco

Cavallo, Patrizia January 2015 (has links)
L‟obiettivo del presente lavoro è riflettere sul concetto di fedeltà in traduzione, seguendo l‟evoluzione di questa nozione nel corso dei secoli fino alla prospettiva critica del XXI secolo, con i suoi progressi tecnologici e il cambio di paradigmi teorico-pratici. Per condurre la riflessione proposta, inserita nell‟area della Letteratura Comparata e degli Studi di Traduzione, è stata realizzata l‟analisi delle traduzioni verso il portoghese brasiliano di tre romanzi italiani scritti da Umberto Eco. I romanzi scelti sono Il Pendolo di Foucault, pubblicato nel 1988 in Italia e tradotto in Brasile da Ivo Barroso nel 1989, con il titolo O Pêndulo de Foucault, L‟Isola del Giorno Prima, del 1994, arrivato in Brasile con la traduzione di Marco Lucchesi nel 1995 e intitolato A Ilha do Dia Anterior, e La Misteriosa Fiamma della Regina Loana, pubblicato in Italia nel 2004 e in Brasile nel 2005 con la traduzione di Eliana Aguiar intitolata A Misteriosa Chama da Rainha Loana. Per svolgere la ricerca e presentare i risultati ottenuti, è stato esaminato un corpus conciso, ma accurato, composto da un capitolo rappresentativo di ogni romanzo, a partir dal quale sono stati identificati i pilastri dell‟analisi: metafore vive, liste e forestierismi. Questi elementi, che abbondano nelle opere di finzione di Umberto Eco e caratterizzano il suo stile erudito, sono stati estratti dai testi originali, inseriti in tabelle e allineati con i loro equivalenti brasiliani. Metafore vive, liste e forestierismi meritano un‟attenzione speciale dal punto di vista sia linguistico che culturale, ragion per cui lo studio delle scelte realizzate dai tre traduttori è particolarmente rilevante per gli obiettivi che questa ricerca si propone. Il corpus creato a partire dai capitoli selezionati dei romanzi include 95 metafore vive, 29 liste e 60 forestierismi. Il lavoro mira ad analizzare gli esempi più significativi di questi campioni, ossia le loro traduzioni e i vari modi in cui si manifesta la fedeltà. Nell‟indagine realizzata in questo studio, la fedeltà è concepita in termini di compromesso, negoziazione, lealtà e rispetto. In questo rinnovato dibattito si discute, altresì, della relazione che esiste tra autore e traduttore, dando voce, attraverso un questionario, ai tre traduttori dei romanzi analizzati, un‟ulteriore e fondamentale tappa per riflettere sul compito impegnativo e ricco di sfide che rappresenta la traduzione. / O objetivo do presente estudo é de refletir sobre o conceito de fidelidade em tradução, destacando a evolução desse entendimento ao longo dos séculos até a perspectiva crítica do século XXI, com seus avanços tecnológicos e a mudança de paradigmas teórico-práticos. Para conduzir a reflexão proposta, inserida na área da Literatura Comparada e dos Estudos de Tradução, realiza-se a análise das traduções, para o português brasileiro, de três romances italianos escritos por Umberto Eco. Os romances escolhidos são Il Pendolo di Foucault, publicado em 1988 na Itália e traduzido no Brasil por Ivo Barroso em 1989, com o título O Pêndulo de Foucault; L‟Isola del Giorno Prima, de 1994, lançado no Brasil com tradução de Marco Lucchesi em 1995, intitulado A Ilha do Dia Anterior, e La Misteriosa Fiamma della Regina Loana, publicado na Itália em 2004 e no Brasil em 2005, tradução de Eliana Aguiar intitulada A Misteriosa Chama da Rainha Loana. Para desenvolver a pesquisa e ilustrar os resultados obtidos, examinou-se um corpus conciso, mas acurado, composto por um capítulo representativo de cada romance e, a partir desse, identificaram-se os focos principais de análise: as metáforas vivas, as listas e os estrangeirismos. Esses elementos, que são abundantes nas obras ficcionais de Umberto Eco e caracterizam seu estilo erudito, foram extraídos dos textos originais, colocados em tabelas e alinhados aos seus equivalentes brasileiros. Metáforas vivas, listas e estrangeirismos merecem uma atenção especial do ponto de vista tanto linguístico quanto cultural, razão pela qual o estudo das escolhas realizadas pelos três tradutores é particularmente relevante para os objetivos que esta pesquisa se propõe. O corpus criado a partir dos capítulos selecionados dos romances inclui 95 metáforas vivas, 29 listas e 60 estrangeirismos. O trabalho visa a analisar os exemplos mais significativos dessas amostras no que diz respeito às suas traduções e às várias manifestações da fidelidade. As investigações realizadas apontam para um horizonte em que a fidelidade está concebida em termos de compromisso, negociação, lealdade e respeito. Nesse renovado debate discute-se também a relação existente entre autor e tradutor, dando voz, por meio de questionário, aos três tradutores dos romances analisados, ulterior e fundamental etapa para refletir sobre a tarefa desafiadora e exigente da tradução. / The aim of this study is to reflect upon the concept of faithfulness in translation, emphasizing its evolution over time until the critical viewpoint of the 21st century, characterized by technological progress and by the shift in theoretical and practical paradigms. In this investigation, carried out in the framework of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies, the translations into Brazilian Portuguese of three Italian novels written by Umberto Eco were analyzed. The novels chosen for this research are Il Pendolo di Foucault, published in Italy in 1988, and translated in Brazil by Ivo Barroso in 1989, with the title O Pêndulo de Foucault, L‟Isola del Giorno Prima, published in Italy in 1994 and in Brazil in 1995 in the translation by Marco Lucchesi as A Ilha do Dia Anterior, and La Misteriosa Fiamma della Regina Loana, published in Italy in 2004 e in Brazil in 2005, translated with the title A Misteriosa Chama da Rainha Loana by Eliana Aguiar. In order to carry out this study and present the results obtained, a concise but accurate corpus, composed of a representative chapter from each novel, was analyzed and the main foci of the research were identified: live metaphors, lists and foreign words. These elements, which are abundant in Umberto Eco‟s fiction works and characterize his erudite style, were extracted from the original texts, organized into tables and aligned with their Brazilian equivalents. Live metaphors, lists and foreign words deserve special attention from a linguistic and a cultural viewpoint, which is the reason why the study of the choices made by the three translators is particularly relevant for the goals of this research. The corpus, originated from the selected chapters of the novels, includes 95 live metaphors, 29 lists and 60 foreign words. This work aims at analyzing the most significant examples as far as their translations are concerned, and how faithfulness arises from them. In the research conducted in this study, faithfulness is perceived in terms of compromise, negotiation, loyalty and respect. In this renewed framework, the relationship between author and translator is also discussed. Furthermore, the voice was given to the three translators of the analyzed novels, all of whom were asked to fill a questionnaire, thus significantly contributing to the reflection upon the challenging and demanding task of translation.

Fidelidade em tradução : análise das traduções brasileiras de três romances de Umberto Eco

Cavallo, Patrizia January 2015 (has links)
L‟obiettivo del presente lavoro è riflettere sul concetto di fedeltà in traduzione, seguendo l‟evoluzione di questa nozione nel corso dei secoli fino alla prospettiva critica del XXI secolo, con i suoi progressi tecnologici e il cambio di paradigmi teorico-pratici. Per condurre la riflessione proposta, inserita nell‟area della Letteratura Comparata e degli Studi di Traduzione, è stata realizzata l‟analisi delle traduzioni verso il portoghese brasiliano di tre romanzi italiani scritti da Umberto Eco. I romanzi scelti sono Il Pendolo di Foucault, pubblicato nel 1988 in Italia e tradotto in Brasile da Ivo Barroso nel 1989, con il titolo O Pêndulo de Foucault, L‟Isola del Giorno Prima, del 1994, arrivato in Brasile con la traduzione di Marco Lucchesi nel 1995 e intitolato A Ilha do Dia Anterior, e La Misteriosa Fiamma della Regina Loana, pubblicato in Italia nel 2004 e in Brasile nel 2005 con la traduzione di Eliana Aguiar intitolata A Misteriosa Chama da Rainha Loana. Per svolgere la ricerca e presentare i risultati ottenuti, è stato esaminato un corpus conciso, ma accurato, composto da un capitolo rappresentativo di ogni romanzo, a partir dal quale sono stati identificati i pilastri dell‟analisi: metafore vive, liste e forestierismi. Questi elementi, che abbondano nelle opere di finzione di Umberto Eco e caratterizzano il suo stile erudito, sono stati estratti dai testi originali, inseriti in tabelle e allineati con i loro equivalenti brasiliani. Metafore vive, liste e forestierismi meritano un‟attenzione speciale dal punto di vista sia linguistico che culturale, ragion per cui lo studio delle scelte realizzate dai tre traduttori è particolarmente rilevante per gli obiettivi che questa ricerca si propone. Il corpus creato a partire dai capitoli selezionati dei romanzi include 95 metafore vive, 29 liste e 60 forestierismi. Il lavoro mira ad analizzare gli esempi più significativi di questi campioni, ossia le loro traduzioni e i vari modi in cui si manifesta la fedeltà. Nell‟indagine realizzata in questo studio, la fedeltà è concepita in termini di compromesso, negoziazione, lealtà e rispetto. In questo rinnovato dibattito si discute, altresì, della relazione che esiste tra autore e traduttore, dando voce, attraverso un questionario, ai tre traduttori dei romanzi analizzati, un‟ulteriore e fondamentale tappa per riflettere sul compito impegnativo e ricco di sfide che rappresenta la traduzione. / O objetivo do presente estudo é de refletir sobre o conceito de fidelidade em tradução, destacando a evolução desse entendimento ao longo dos séculos até a perspectiva crítica do século XXI, com seus avanços tecnológicos e a mudança de paradigmas teórico-práticos. Para conduzir a reflexão proposta, inserida na área da Literatura Comparada e dos Estudos de Tradução, realiza-se a análise das traduções, para o português brasileiro, de três romances italianos escritos por Umberto Eco. Os romances escolhidos são Il Pendolo di Foucault, publicado em 1988 na Itália e traduzido no Brasil por Ivo Barroso em 1989, com o título O Pêndulo de Foucault; L‟Isola del Giorno Prima, de 1994, lançado no Brasil com tradução de Marco Lucchesi em 1995, intitulado A Ilha do Dia Anterior, e La Misteriosa Fiamma della Regina Loana, publicado na Itália em 2004 e no Brasil em 2005, tradução de Eliana Aguiar intitulada A Misteriosa Chama da Rainha Loana. Para desenvolver a pesquisa e ilustrar os resultados obtidos, examinou-se um corpus conciso, mas acurado, composto por um capítulo representativo de cada romance e, a partir desse, identificaram-se os focos principais de análise: as metáforas vivas, as listas e os estrangeirismos. Esses elementos, que são abundantes nas obras ficcionais de Umberto Eco e caracterizam seu estilo erudito, foram extraídos dos textos originais, colocados em tabelas e alinhados aos seus equivalentes brasileiros. Metáforas vivas, listas e estrangeirismos merecem uma atenção especial do ponto de vista tanto linguístico quanto cultural, razão pela qual o estudo das escolhas realizadas pelos três tradutores é particularmente relevante para os objetivos que esta pesquisa se propõe. O corpus criado a partir dos capítulos selecionados dos romances inclui 95 metáforas vivas, 29 listas e 60 estrangeirismos. O trabalho visa a analisar os exemplos mais significativos dessas amostras no que diz respeito às suas traduções e às várias manifestações da fidelidade. As investigações realizadas apontam para um horizonte em que a fidelidade está concebida em termos de compromisso, negociação, lealdade e respeito. Nesse renovado debate discute-se também a relação existente entre autor e tradutor, dando voz, por meio de questionário, aos três tradutores dos romances analisados, ulterior e fundamental etapa para refletir sobre a tarefa desafiadora e exigente da tradução. / The aim of this study is to reflect upon the concept of faithfulness in translation, emphasizing its evolution over time until the critical viewpoint of the 21st century, characterized by technological progress and by the shift in theoretical and practical paradigms. In this investigation, carried out in the framework of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies, the translations into Brazilian Portuguese of three Italian novels written by Umberto Eco were analyzed. The novels chosen for this research are Il Pendolo di Foucault, published in Italy in 1988, and translated in Brazil by Ivo Barroso in 1989, with the title O Pêndulo de Foucault, L‟Isola del Giorno Prima, published in Italy in 1994 and in Brazil in 1995 in the translation by Marco Lucchesi as A Ilha do Dia Anterior, and La Misteriosa Fiamma della Regina Loana, published in Italy in 2004 e in Brazil in 2005, translated with the title A Misteriosa Chama da Rainha Loana by Eliana Aguiar. In order to carry out this study and present the results obtained, a concise but accurate corpus, composed of a representative chapter from each novel, was analyzed and the main foci of the research were identified: live metaphors, lists and foreign words. These elements, which are abundant in Umberto Eco‟s fiction works and characterize his erudite style, were extracted from the original texts, organized into tables and aligned with their Brazilian equivalents. Live metaphors, lists and foreign words deserve special attention from a linguistic and a cultural viewpoint, which is the reason why the study of the choices made by the three translators is particularly relevant for the goals of this research. The corpus, originated from the selected chapters of the novels, includes 95 live metaphors, 29 lists and 60 foreign words. This work aims at analyzing the most significant examples as far as their translations are concerned, and how faithfulness arises from them. In the research conducted in this study, faithfulness is perceived in terms of compromise, negotiation, loyalty and respect. In this renewed framework, the relationship between author and translator is also discussed. Furthermore, the voice was given to the three translators of the analyzed novels, all of whom were asked to fill a questionnaire, thus significantly contributing to the reflection upon the challenging and demanding task of translation.

Eco Fazenda Mundo Novo e sua contribuição como atrativo turístico em Canindé de São Francisco/SE

Santana, Maria Ledivania de 29 September 2015 (has links)
This study aims to reveal the contribution of Eco Farm New World as a tourist attraction in Caninde de Sao Francisco / SE. Present new possibilities that can boost the development of the town of Caninde de Sao Francisco / SE as an important link between tourism and local development at the same time identify the tourist attractions on site with an emphasis on Eco Farm New World and its relationship with the tourism in the municipality, in order to assess the tourist attractions and the infrastructure of the locality; analyze its importance for tourism in the municipality; relate the tourist activities already consolidated in Caninde de Sao Francisco / SE and explain the strategies used in Eco Farm New World for the implementation of tourist itineraries. Therefore, it is important to note the recognition of products / attractions and the quality of services offered, growth, consolidation, maturity and decline of products along with the importance that it has for the local community and visitors. The first step will be through literature, proceeded in reading sources such as books, articles, monographs in libraries and internet, facilitating analyze diverse concepts on the subject. Soon after this research, field work will take place, with on-site observations. In the first chapter are the main theories on the subject. The second chapter will describe the city in its historical formation, evolution, emergence and characterization of tourism in the region of Caninde de Sao Francisco / SE. The third and final chapter, will show the Eco Farm New World as a tourist attraction in Canyon script. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo revelar a contribuição da Eco Fazenda Mundo Novo como atrativo turístico em Canindé de São Francisco/SE. Apresentar novas possibilidades que poderá impulsionar o desenvolvimento do município de Canindé de São Francisco/SE, constituindo um importante elo entre turismo e desenvolvimento local, ao mesmo tempo identificar os atrativos turísticos existentes no local com ênfase na Eco Fazenda Mundo Novo e sua relação com o turismo no município, tendo em vista avaliar os atrativos turísticos e a infraestrutura da localidade; analisar a importância da mesma para o turismo no município; relacionar as atividades turísticas já consolidadas de Canindé de São Francisco/SE e explicar as estratégias utilizadas na Eco Fazenda Mundo Novo para implementação de roteiros turísticos. Neste sentido, é importante salientar o reconhecimento dos produtos/ atrativos e a qualidade dos serviços ofertados, o crescimento, a consolidação, a maturidade e o declínio dos produtos juntamente com a importância que o mesmo tem para a comunidade local e para os visitantes. A primeira etapa será através de pesquisa bibliográfica, procedida de leitura em fontes, como livros, artigos, monografias em bibliotecas e internet, facilitando analisar conceitos diversificados sobre o tema. Logo após essa pesquisa, acontecerá o trabalho de campo, com observações in loco. No primeiro capítulo estão as principais teorias acerca do tema. O segundo capítulo descreverá a cidade na sua formação histórica, evolução, surgimento e caracterização do turismo na região de Canindé de São Francisco/SE. O terceiro e último capítulo, evidenciará a Eco Fazenda Mundo Novo enquanto atrativo turístico no roteiro do Cânion.

L’apport de la créativité dans les processus d’éco-innovation : proposition de l’outil EcoASIT pour favoriser l’éco-idéation de systèmes durables / Contribution of creativity in the eco-innovation process : proposition of an EcoASIT tool to foster the eco-ideation of sustainable

Tyl, Benjamin 13 December 2011 (has links)
Aujourd’hui les challenges portés par le développement durable nécessitent de développer de nouvelles offres et de nouveaux usages dans le cadre d’un processus d’éco-innovation intégrant les approches environnementales et sociétales.Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier l’intérêt d’utiliser des outils d’aide à la créativité afin d’instrumenter les phases de génération d’idées et de nouveaux concepts lors des processus d’éco-innovation.Cette adaptation est argumentée sur le plan conceptuel en montrant les affiliations théoriques entre les deux outils et sur le plan expérimental en présentant les résultats de nos différentes expérimentations. Nous montrons ainsi que l’outil EcoASIT présente un fort potentiel dans le processus d’éco-innovation en proposant de stimuler efficacement les phases d’idéation sur l’ensemble des axes du développement durable.A partir d’un état de l’art sur le concept d’éco-innovation et sur les outils d’aide à l’éco-innovation, nous montrons ainsi que, s’il existe de nombreux outils, peu d’entre eux sont précisément focalisés sur la phase de génération d’idées, ou idéation. De même, peu d’entre eux permette de stimuler l’ensemble des axes du développement durable.Pour répondre à cette lacune, nos recherches s'appuient sur une adaptation de l’outil de créativité ASIT en EcoASIT. / Today the challenges of sustainable development require new offers and new uses to be developed within the framework of an eco-innovation process, integrating environmental and societal approaches.The aim of this thesis is to study the advantages of using creativity tools to foster new concepts and ideas generation phases in eco-innovation processes.From a state of the art of the concept of eco-innovation and of the eco-innovation tools, we show that although there are many tools, few of them actually focus on the idea generation stage, or ideation, and few make it possible to stimulate all the axes of sustainable development.To fix this, our research relies on an adaptation of the creativity ASIT tool to EcoASIT. This adaptation is defended conceptually by showing the theoretical affiliations between the two methods, and experimentally by presenting the results of our different tests. We prove that the EcoASIT tool has great potential in terms of eco-innovation by efficiently stimulating the ideation stages with regard to all the aspects of sustainable development.

A review on the handling of discounting in eco-efficiency analysis

Lueddeckens, Stefan 27 February 2024 (has links)
Decisions on measures reducing environmental damage or improving environmental impact are usually constrained by financial limitations. Eco-efficiency analysis has emerged as a practical decision support tool by integrating environmental and economic performance. Environmental impact, as well as economic revenues and expenses, are usually distributed over a certain time scale. The temporal distribution of economic data is frequently assessed by discounting while discounting of environmental impact is rather uncommon. The scope of this paper is to reveal if this assumed inconsistency is common in eco-efficiency assessment literature, what reasons and interrelations with indicators exist and what solutions are proposed. Therefore, a systematic literature review is conducted and 35 publications are assessed. Theoretical eco-efficiency definitions and applied eco-efficiency indicators, as well as applied environmental and economic assessment methods, are compared here, but it is revealed that none of the empirical literature findings applied or discussed environmental discounting. It was, however, found in methodical literature. It is concluded that the theoretical foundation for the application of discounting on environmental impact is still insufficient and that even the theoretical foundation of economic discounting in studies is often poor. Further research and, eventually, a practical framework for environmental discounting would be beneficial for better-founded, more “eco-efficient” decisions.

Eco-Social Reforms and the Paradox of Complex Change : A qualitative thematic analysis of the national media debate on the 2022 Chilean Constitution

Janbrink, Tilda January 2023 (has links)
By now, it is an acknowledged fact that economic growth, social justice, and environmental sustainability are interconnected. Often referred to as the eco-social-growth trilemma, the challenge is to achieve synergy between the objectives and avoid trade-offs. This thesis adds to the field by exploring central themes related to the trilemma in the national media debate on the 2022 Chilean constitutional draft and discussing what they indicate about public opinion on eco-social policies in general in the country. The analysis found that multiple of the theorized tensions affecting public support were central in the debate on a semantic level, including affordability of changes, necessity of changes, effect on job security, political bias, welfare deservingness, effects on existing benefits and state involvement in welfare. Moreover, on a latent level, three overarching themes permeated the debate: uncertainties about the future, lack of representation and limitations of freedom. Overall, results showed that environmental issues took a backseat to social and economic objectives in the debate, which can be connected to what I call the Paradox of Complex Change. The Paradox refers to the notion that eco-social reforms need to encompass multiple parameters and factors to be successful and yield support, but simultaneously the very same maximalism can backfire. With more parameters included, there are more potential sources of disagreement – and chances are focus shifts away from the core issues. This is something for future researchers as well as policymakers to consider.

An ecotourism rating system for South African National Parks / Lee-Ann Bothma

Bothma, Lee-Ann January 2015 (has links)
Ecological travel (ecotourism) is the “next big thing”. To experience nature up close and personal is to backpack off the beaten track and these days this is the “hippest” way to travel. Ecotourism is seen as the most excelling fragment of tourism and The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) views tourism in an unspoilt natural area (ecotourism) as the fastest growing concept of the tourism industry. Ecotourism has evolved into speciality travel; including an assorted – and often confusing – collection of events and tourism types, for example bird watching, methodical study, photography, diving and trekking. Ecotourism takes place in unspoilt natural areas, lodges and conservation areas such as national parks. South African National Parks, (SANParks), whom manages a system of parks, and signifies the indigenous fauna & flora, landscapes and associated cultural heritage of the country. National parks offers facilities for overnight tourist, with a range of accommodation, in arid, coastal, mountain and bush veld habitats. A variety of incomparable adventure tourism opportunities, for example game viewing, bush walks, canoeing and exposure to cultural and historical experiences are offered by these national parks. SANParks’ objectives are the insurance of protection, conservation and management of the protected areas for the purposes they were declared. The key aspect of SANParks’ management operations is ecotourism. The three areas that the management of parks cover are general management which include finance and marketing; conservation management which consists of wildlife counting, sales of wildlife, environment etc. and ecotourism management which includes aspects such as camps, accommodation, game drives and picnic areas. Because ecotourism as an important aspect of park management and is one of SANParks’ core pillars, the main concern is which strategies and policies are in place in order to provide tourists with an ecotourism experience within South African National Parks? Tourism products (especially accommodation products) need to recognize that customers (tourists) have certain expectations and these expectations must be met. One way in meeting these expectations is to adhere to tourists’ perceptions and satisfaction as well as to provide a quality service. It is also seen as one of the most important influences on productivity and profit of a tourism organisation. One approach to obtain customer satisfaction and meeting expectations is to implement a grading/rating system. When managers and owners of accommodation and tourism products want to convince tourists of the quality of the organisation or tourism product that is being presented, a classification or rating system plays an important role to communicate this vital issue. South Africa has various rating systems / schemes, however there are no acknowledged rating systems for ecotourism products in South Africa National Parks. The shortcomings of these current rating systems are that they rate mostly the hospitality and accommodation sectors. These criteria’s tend to focus on the following: building exteriors, bedrooms, bathrooms, public area, general facilities, general services, housekeeping services, additional facilities and responsible environmental and business practices. None of these schemes focus primarily on ecotourism principles. These systems need to be adapted for nature/wildlife products and the problem that this study will address is to develop an ecotourism rating system for South African National Parks. It is essential to have a rating system in place to compete in the global world where ecotourism and green aspects are important and to deliver a valuable service. Therefore the problem that this research will addresses, is to develop an ecotourism rating system for South Africa National Parks. The research approach used in this study included quantitative methodologies. An explorative research approach was followed through an online questionnaire with the aim of determining the perceptions of visitors about the perceptions of respondents regarding the importance of specific ecotourism principles. These constructs were determined through a literature review. The sources consulted included the following: De Witt, 2011; Du Plessis, 2010; Geldenhuys, 2009:5; Saayman, 2009:70; Fennell, 2008:23; Blamey, 2001:12; Eagles, 1996; Dingwall and Gordon, 1996. The questionnaire was distributed electronically on the SANParks’ website. Data collection took place during April 2013. A total of 308 responses were received during the period of data collection. The results of the empirical quantitative data was analysed by the Statistical Consultation Services at the North-West University by means of the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) software programme. The statistical methods utilised included descriptive statistics and causal research. The descriptive statistics includes the demographic profile of respondents, the principles of ecotourism, the factor analysis and the factor correlation matrix. The causal research includes the t-test and the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results of the descriptive data indicated that the language most spoken by the respondents was primarily English followed by Afrikaans. The greater number of respondents was married and live in Gauteng. They were well educated with a diploma or degree. Most of the respondents were Wild Card holders and supports conservation organisations, such as Rhino Conservation, followed by SA Wildlife, SANParks Honorary Rangers, Green Peace, UNITE against poaching and World Wide Fund for Nature. Respondents’ understanding of responsible ecotourism is conserving and protecting nature, has a low impact on the environment and has an educational travel experience in any environment. The key principles of ecotourism, namely conservation of nature, conservation of culture, community involvement, environmental education, tourist satisfaction, responsible tourism practices, environmental education, tourist satisfaction, responsible tourism practices, role players participating in ecotourism – the tourist and accommodation and were rated based on a five point Likert scale. The principles that were rated with the highest mean values included: water sources are protected (4.83); tourists are told not to touch or disturb birds and animals (4.76); correct disposal of waste, including cigarette butts, into allocated waste bins is encouraged (4.73); dripping taps are fixed immediately (4.70) and noise is limited in natural areas (4.70). The exploratory factor analysis was conducted on the principles identified, they were as follows: Conservation of nature had five factors namely, Conservation; Controlled development; Environmental friendly; Alien plants; Water saving measurements. Conservation of culture had two factors namely, Local community involvement; Benefit for community. Community involvement had two factors namely, Benefits; Education for community. Environmental education had only one factor namely, learning experiences. Tourist satisfaction also had one factor namely, Tourist satisfaction. Responsible tourism practices had three factors namely, recycling and environmental friendly practices; Interaction with nature; Responsible practices. Tourist participation in ecotourism had one factor namely, Informed tourist. Accommodation had three factors namely, Eco-friendly practices and development; Touch the earth lightly; Environmental friendly accommodation. Group statistics namely t-tests and ANOVA’s were performed to determine whether there were any significant differences between the factors identified from the ecotourism principles. The ttest was used to compare the socio-demographic aspects, namely home language (English and Afrikaans) with all the ecotourism principles. The t-test was used to compare behavioural aspects, namely Wild Card holders (Yes and No) with all the ecotourism principles. This were done to determine if the respondents’ opinions differ about principles in terms of Wild Card holders or non- Wild Card holders. The ANOVA was tested for socio-demographic aspects of respondents namely, marital status. The ANOVA was tested for socio-demographic aspects of respondents namely, level of education. The research made the following contributions to the field of ecotourism. These contributions are made in three categories namely, literature, methodology and practical contributions: * It is the first time that literature about ecotourism are combined to identify principles and constructs. All rating criteria was investigated to do this. * First time that different rating systems regarding ecotourism was identified, analysed and compared to each other. * Added to the literature on future trends of ecotourism which will assist in the planning and development of ecotourism products as well as rating systems. * The rating system can assist in future ecotourism development in protected areas as the most important principle for ecotourism have been identified. * The research contribute to more environment friendly development of ecotourism accommodation products * It is the first time that all relevant aspects of ecotourism was identified and developed into questionnaire that test ecotourism rating constructs and principles. * The research also contribute to the fact that one knows what are the ecotourism constructs that are seen as important by the visitor to national parks. The empirical results also determined statistical differences of the constructs and principles regarding socio-demographic and behavioural aspects of the visitors to national parks in South Africa. * This was the first time that a specific rating system was developed for South African National Parks. * This rating system can also be adapted to other conservation areas such as game reserves and game farms. / PhD (Tourism Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

An ecotourism rating system for South African National Parks / Lee-Ann Bothma

Bothma, Lee-Ann January 2015 (has links)
Ecological travel (ecotourism) is the “next big thing”. To experience nature up close and personal is to backpack off the beaten track and these days this is the “hippest” way to travel. Ecotourism is seen as the most excelling fragment of tourism and The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) views tourism in an unspoilt natural area (ecotourism) as the fastest growing concept of the tourism industry. Ecotourism has evolved into speciality travel; including an assorted – and often confusing – collection of events and tourism types, for example bird watching, methodical study, photography, diving and trekking. Ecotourism takes place in unspoilt natural areas, lodges and conservation areas such as national parks. South African National Parks, (SANParks), whom manages a system of parks, and signifies the indigenous fauna & flora, landscapes and associated cultural heritage of the country. National parks offers facilities for overnight tourist, with a range of accommodation, in arid, coastal, mountain and bush veld habitats. A variety of incomparable adventure tourism opportunities, for example game viewing, bush walks, canoeing and exposure to cultural and historical experiences are offered by these national parks. SANParks’ objectives are the insurance of protection, conservation and management of the protected areas for the purposes they were declared. The key aspect of SANParks’ management operations is ecotourism. The three areas that the management of parks cover are general management which include finance and marketing; conservation management which consists of wildlife counting, sales of wildlife, environment etc. and ecotourism management which includes aspects such as camps, accommodation, game drives and picnic areas. Because ecotourism as an important aspect of park management and is one of SANParks’ core pillars, the main concern is which strategies and policies are in place in order to provide tourists with an ecotourism experience within South African National Parks? Tourism products (especially accommodation products) need to recognize that customers (tourists) have certain expectations and these expectations must be met. One way in meeting these expectations is to adhere to tourists’ perceptions and satisfaction as well as to provide a quality service. It is also seen as one of the most important influences on productivity and profit of a tourism organisation. One approach to obtain customer satisfaction and meeting expectations is to implement a grading/rating system. When managers and owners of accommodation and tourism products want to convince tourists of the quality of the organisation or tourism product that is being presented, a classification or rating system plays an important role to communicate this vital issue. South Africa has various rating systems / schemes, however there are no acknowledged rating systems for ecotourism products in South Africa National Parks. The shortcomings of these current rating systems are that they rate mostly the hospitality and accommodation sectors. These criteria’s tend to focus on the following: building exteriors, bedrooms, bathrooms, public area, general facilities, general services, housekeeping services, additional facilities and responsible environmental and business practices. None of these schemes focus primarily on ecotourism principles. These systems need to be adapted for nature/wildlife products and the problem that this study will address is to develop an ecotourism rating system for South African National Parks. It is essential to have a rating system in place to compete in the global world where ecotourism and green aspects are important and to deliver a valuable service. Therefore the problem that this research will addresses, is to develop an ecotourism rating system for South Africa National Parks. The research approach used in this study included quantitative methodologies. An explorative research approach was followed through an online questionnaire with the aim of determining the perceptions of visitors about the perceptions of respondents regarding the importance of specific ecotourism principles. These constructs were determined through a literature review. The sources consulted included the following: De Witt, 2011; Du Plessis, 2010; Geldenhuys, 2009:5; Saayman, 2009:70; Fennell, 2008:23; Blamey, 2001:12; Eagles, 1996; Dingwall and Gordon, 1996. The questionnaire was distributed electronically on the SANParks’ website. Data collection took place during April 2013. A total of 308 responses were received during the period of data collection. The results of the empirical quantitative data was analysed by the Statistical Consultation Services at the North-West University by means of the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) software programme. The statistical methods utilised included descriptive statistics and causal research. The descriptive statistics includes the demographic profile of respondents, the principles of ecotourism, the factor analysis and the factor correlation matrix. The causal research includes the t-test and the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results of the descriptive data indicated that the language most spoken by the respondents was primarily English followed by Afrikaans. The greater number of respondents was married and live in Gauteng. They were well educated with a diploma or degree. Most of the respondents were Wild Card holders and supports conservation organisations, such as Rhino Conservation, followed by SA Wildlife, SANParks Honorary Rangers, Green Peace, UNITE against poaching and World Wide Fund for Nature. Respondents’ understanding of responsible ecotourism is conserving and protecting nature, has a low impact on the environment and has an educational travel experience in any environment. The key principles of ecotourism, namely conservation of nature, conservation of culture, community involvement, environmental education, tourist satisfaction, responsible tourism practices, environmental education, tourist satisfaction, responsible tourism practices, role players participating in ecotourism – the tourist and accommodation and were rated based on a five point Likert scale. The principles that were rated with the highest mean values included: water sources are protected (4.83); tourists are told not to touch or disturb birds and animals (4.76); correct disposal of waste, including cigarette butts, into allocated waste bins is encouraged (4.73); dripping taps are fixed immediately (4.70) and noise is limited in natural areas (4.70). The exploratory factor analysis was conducted on the principles identified, they were as follows: Conservation of nature had five factors namely, Conservation; Controlled development; Environmental friendly; Alien plants; Water saving measurements. Conservation of culture had two factors namely, Local community involvement; Benefit for community. Community involvement had two factors namely, Benefits; Education for community. Environmental education had only one factor namely, learning experiences. Tourist satisfaction also had one factor namely, Tourist satisfaction. Responsible tourism practices had three factors namely, recycling and environmental friendly practices; Interaction with nature; Responsible practices. Tourist participation in ecotourism had one factor namely, Informed tourist. Accommodation had three factors namely, Eco-friendly practices and development; Touch the earth lightly; Environmental friendly accommodation. Group statistics namely t-tests and ANOVA’s were performed to determine whether there were any significant differences between the factors identified from the ecotourism principles. The ttest was used to compare the socio-demographic aspects, namely home language (English and Afrikaans) with all the ecotourism principles. The t-test was used to compare behavioural aspects, namely Wild Card holders (Yes and No) with all the ecotourism principles. This were done to determine if the respondents’ opinions differ about principles in terms of Wild Card holders or non- Wild Card holders. The ANOVA was tested for socio-demographic aspects of respondents namely, marital status. The ANOVA was tested for socio-demographic aspects of respondents namely, level of education. The research made the following contributions to the field of ecotourism. These contributions are made in three categories namely, literature, methodology and practical contributions: * It is the first time that literature about ecotourism are combined to identify principles and constructs. All rating criteria was investigated to do this. * First time that different rating systems regarding ecotourism was identified, analysed and compared to each other. * Added to the literature on future trends of ecotourism which will assist in the planning and development of ecotourism products as well as rating systems. * The rating system can assist in future ecotourism development in protected areas as the most important principle for ecotourism have been identified. * The research contribute to more environment friendly development of ecotourism accommodation products * It is the first time that all relevant aspects of ecotourism was identified and developed into questionnaire that test ecotourism rating constructs and principles. * The research also contribute to the fact that one knows what are the ecotourism constructs that are seen as important by the visitor to national parks. The empirical results also determined statistical differences of the constructs and principles regarding socio-demographic and behavioural aspects of the visitors to national parks in South Africa. * This was the first time that a specific rating system was developed for South African National Parks. * This rating system can also be adapted to other conservation areas such as game reserves and game farms. / PhD (Tourism Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

A case study to explore the best marketing practices of the fast growing health and wellness industry

Oosthuizen, Deirdre Vanessa January 2007 (has links)
Advancement of eco tourism with the building of a wellness centre. Consideration to indicators in strategies to build the new brand in order to maximise ROI / The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the health spas embark on marketing strategies and how they will deal with the increased consumer demand. On the one hand, a case study of two recognised health spas will illustrate how the spas integrate marketing strategies to build credible relationships with their customers and will demonstrate successes and failures of each health spa. On the other hand, an exploration of the market dynamics will present a consciousness of the customers’ expectations and suggest whether the level of service quality in the health spa is adequate to meet these needs. The practical implication of the study will assist in the design of a proposed model with best marketing practices for the sustainability of this competitive industry.

An Analysis and Classification of Smartphones’ Sustainability Performance / En analys och klassificering av smarttelefoners hållbarhetsprestanda

Engstrand, Olivia January 2016 (has links)
Today there is a lack of official environmental labels for mobile phones. In addition, at the moment it does not necessarily mean that a product is more sustainable because it is marketed as green or as environmentally friendly. It has to be easier for consumers to evaluate and pit “green” products against each other, as well as create a picture of which model is the most environmentally adopted and within which issues the biggest environmental benefits lay. The aim of this study is to analyse a selection of smartphones, which are sold by TDC SE, through a lifecycle perspective. The selection will be limited to the major suppliers and their most commonly sold phones by TDC. The purpose of the analysis is to classify the selected models based on their environmental and social impacts in their different lifecycle stages, and to present the results to the customers so they can consider that in their decisions. The following models were assessed in the study: iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s from Apple; Lumia 550, Lumia 650 and Lumia 950 from Microsoft; Galaxy A3 2016, Galaxy Xcover3 and Galaxy S6 from Samsung; as well as Xperia Z5, Xperia M4 Aqua and Xperia M5 from Sony. The study has developed a tool for analysing and characterizing the Smartphones’ sustainability performance. Several sustainability categories was developed, which each consists of a set of sustainability criterions, in order to analyse the models sustainability performances. The analysis has considered key issues, problem areas and impacts reading the smartphones sustainability performance. The characterization applies a scoring system in regards to how the models perform within the selected criteria compared to the industry’s average performance level (representing industry standard) as well as best practice examples. The assessed sustainability criterions are then additionally analysed through a multi-criteria analysis (MCA). In the MCA the criterions relevance are weighted and combined to an overall sustainability score of the models performance in each category. The study also examines the possibility for consumers to weight the different sustainability categories into an overall sustainability score for each model. This enable the customers to rank the models sustainability performance based on their preference (which categories that is more or less important to them). Regarding the models characterised sustainability performance it is clear that Samsung Galaxy S6 overall performs the highest of the studied models. In addition, all the Samsung models preformed high in general (except that Galaxy Xcover3 and A3 preformed the lowest of all the models in regards to environmentally preferable alternatives). Microsoft generally performed quite high and especially high in regards to life prolonging features and the use phase (were Lumia 950 scored especially high). Although, Microsoft performed quite low in regards to environmentally preferable alternatives as well as lifecycle thinking. Apple preformed high (scored higher than the other suppliers) in regards to environmentally preferable alternatives. However, in general Apple performed quite low, especially regarding life prolonging features and iPhone 5s also scored the lowest of all models in regards to substances of concern. Sony preformed very high in regards to I lifecycle thinking and the use phase and in general quite high in most categories (expect that the Xperia M5 model preformed among the lowest in regards to transportation). The result of the study has been highly affected by the degree of available information concerning the different models and suppliers. It is also interesting that models from different suppliers (with similar degree of available information) ranked differently relative to each other depending on the weighting (preference) between the different sustainability categories. Moreover, the study had to consider and find a balance between available information and desirable information. This mainly refers to the development and definition of industry standards and best practice levels. The study had to consider and decide what could be expected and measured/evaluated in regards to the independent demands, criticism and issues which the industry face. After concluding the study it is clear that the result has been greatly affected by the degree of available information for the studied models. It is also clear that today there is a great lack of model specific information and data. The study also found that it is important with feedback and follow-up communication with the suppliers, in order to correct misunderstandings and provide clarifications. In conclusion, the result of the study can be used as a decision basis for customers who wish to consider the smartphones’ sustainability performance is their choice. / Pris och funktion är fortfarande de avgörande faktorerna vid köp, men miljön håller mer och mer på att bli ett avgörande kriterium och intresset för ”grön” IT ökar. De officiella miljömärkningarna och oberoende granskningarna av elektronikföretag kan hjälpa konsumenter att göra bra val bland butikernas utbud. I Sverige finns det dock endast en officiell miljömörkning för mobiltelefoner, TCO certifieringen. Det blir dock mer och mer vanligt med eco-ratings, till exempel Eco Rating 2.0 och certifiering enligt UL 110 standarden för mobiltelefoner. Idag finns det alltså en brist på officiella miljömärkningar för mobiltelefoner och för tillfället så betyder det inte nödvändigtvis att en produkt är mer miljövänlig bara för att den marknadsförs som grön eller som miljöanpassad. Därför måste det bli enklare för konsumenter att utvärdera och ställa gröna produkter mot varandra samt att bilda sig en bild över vilken modell som tar mest hänsyn till miljön och inom vilka frågor som den största miljönyttan ligger. Målet med studien har varit att analysera ett urval av smartelefoner som säljs av TDC utifrån ett livscykelperspektiv. Urvalet har begränsats till de största leverantörerna och deras telefoner som vanligtvis säljs mest av TDC. Syftet med analysen har varit att klassificera de utvalda modellerna baserat på deras miljömässiga och sociala påverkan i deras olika livscykelfaser, samt att presentera resultatet till kunderna så de kan ta hänsyn till detta i deras val. De följande modellerna utvärderade i studien: iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 och iPhone 6s från Apple; Lumia 550, Lumia 650 och Lumia 950 från Microsoft; Galaxy A3 2016, Galaxy Xcover3 and Galaxy S6 from Samsung; samt Xperia Z5, Xperia M4 Aqua och Xperia M5 från Sony. Studien har utvecklat ett verktyg för att analysera och karakterisera smarttelefonernas hållbarhetsprestanda. Flera hållbarhetskategorier utvecklade och tog fram, som i sin tur består av ett flertal hållbarhetskriterier, för att kunna analysera modellernas hållbarhetsprestanda. Analysen har tagit hänsyn till nyckelfrågor, problemområden och påverkan rörande smarttelefonernas hållbarhetsprestanda. Hållbarhetskriterierna har valts ut baserat på informationen som samlats in i screeningen, käraktaren hos de data som erhållits från leverantörerna samt tillgängliga mått och möjligheten att utvärdera de valda kriterierna. I karakteriseringen så tillämpas ett betygsystem relaterat till hur modellerna presterar inom de vala kriterierna jämfört med industrins genomsnittliga prestationsnivå (representerar industristandard) och best praxis exempels. Där den högsta nivån innebär att hållbarhetskriteriet behandlas utöver industristandard (representerar best practice). Den mellersta nivån innebär att hållbarhetskriteriet behandlas på samma nivå som industristandarden. Och den lägsta nivån innebär att hållbarhetskriteriet inte finns tillgänglig för allmänheten. De utvärderade hållbarhetskriterierna blir sen ytterligare analyserade med hjälp av en Multi- kriterium analys (MCA), där kriterierna viktas baserats på deras relevans och kombineras till ett övergripande poäng av modellens prestation i varje kategori. Viktningen tar även hänsyn till hur (progressiv) svårt det är att uppnå best practice nivån jämfört med industristandarden samt att uppnå industristandarden. Studien undersöker även möjligheten för kunderna att vikta de olika hållbarhetskategorierna till ett övergripande poäng för varje modell. Detta görs för att kunna ranka modellernas hållbarhetsprestanda basrat på kundernas preferens (vilka kategoriers som är mer eller mindre viktiga för dem). <img src="file:///page6image25648" /> Baserat på modellernas karakteriserade hållbarhetsprestanda är det klart att Samsung Galaxy S6 på det hela taget presterade högst av alla de studerade modellerna. Alla Samsungs modeller presterar också generellt väldigt högt (bortsett från att Galaxy Xcover3 and A3 presterade lägst III av alla modeller med hänsyn till miljövänliga alternativ). Mikrosoft presterade generellt ganska högt och speciellt högt med hänseende till livsförlängande funktioner och användarfasen (där Lumia 950 presterade speciellt högt). Dock så presterade Microsoft ganska lågt inom miljövänliga alternativ samt livscykeltänkande. Apple presterade högt (fick högre poäng än de andra leverantörerna) inom miljövänliga alternativ. Dock så presterade Apple generellt ganska lågt, speciellt med hänsyn till livsförlängande funktioner och iPhone 5s presterade också lägst av alla modeller inom potentiellt farliga ämnen. Sony presterade väldigt högt med hänsyn till livscykeltänkande och användarfasen, samt ganska högt in de flesta kategorierna (förutom att Xperia M5 modellen presterade bland de lägst inom transporter). Studiens resultat har till stor del påverkats av de olika graderna av tillgänglig information för de olika modellerna. Det är också väldigt intressant att modeller från olika leverantörer (med liknande grad av tillgänglig information) rankades olika relaterat till varandra beroende på viktningen (preferensen) mellan de olika hållbarhetskategorierna. Studien har också till stor del behövt ta hänsyn till och hitta en balans mellan tillgänglig information och önskad information. Detta referera främst till framtagningen och definitionen av industristandards och best practice nivåerna. Studien har behövt betrakta och bestämma vad som kan förväntas, mätas och utvärderas relaterat till de oberoende krav, kritik och frågor som industrin står inför. Efter att studien slutförts är det klart att resultatet till stor del har påverkats av de olika graderna av tillgänglig information för de studerade modellerna. Det är även klart att der finns en stor brist på modellspecifik information för de studerade modellerna. Studien kom fram till att det är viktigt med återkoppling och uppföljande kommunikation med leverantörerna, för att rätta till missförstånd och tillhandahålla klargöranden. Avslutningsvis så kan studiens resultat användas som beslutsunderlagg för kunder som vill ta hänsyns till smarttelefonernas hållbarhetsprestanda i sitt val.

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