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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Holistic embedding of equivalent conicity in wheelset maintenance / Holistiskt inbäddning av ekvivalent konicitet i hjulset underhåll

Linzbichler, Philipp January 2023 (has links)
With continuing digitization of railways an increasing number of data is recorded but particularly in operation advanced analysis tends to be partially rudimentary. Yet, it is essential to implement sophisticated processing for all records in order to develop more purposeful and predictive vehicle maintenance strategies that adhere to the increasing requirements imposed by the homologation. Typically developing requisites are permissible track forces and lateral accelerations which are directly affected by the vehicle's condition. The present work addresses this issue by executing a case study focused on a Swiss high-speed electric multiple unit with equivalent conicity being the main parameter of interest. This geometry quantity holds high relevance in determining the running stability of track guided vehicles, respectively in assessment of comfortable and safe operation. Currently, it experiences an increasing significance in the homologation as well. Thus, wheelset maintenance is challenged to elaborately embed equivalent conicity to the other influencing factors in the re-profiling strategy. A framework is established on how operational data can be analyzed and findings systematically be evaluated. The required records are provided by a Swiss railway operator and majorly processed by visualization as well as statistic tools while considering vehicle design and operational aspects. The subsequent proposition of strategies is accompanied by holistic balancing of vehicle needs, maintenance resources, and vehicle scheduling needs. As a result, correlations concerning the vehicle's configuration, design, and operational properties are observed. Incorporating these observations, for example by applying advanced warning limits, enables deduction of more predictive and holistic strategies. The potentially emerging benefits are manifold and range from lower demand on engineering staff, increased mileages, to fewer unplanned servicing tasks and subsequently increased operational stability. Further, the findings emphasize the need of in depth understanding about relevant data to derive more advanced and holistic maintenance strategies. / Med fortsatt digitalisering av järnväg registreras ett ökande antal data. Men särskilt i drift är avancerad analys av dessa data ofta outvecklad och otillräcklig. Därför är det väsentligt för framgångsrik järnvägsdrift att implementera mer avancerad analys för att utveckla mer målmedvetna och förutsägande strategier för fordonsunderhåll i syfte att följa befintliga regelverk. Det här arbetet belyser denna fråga genom en fallstudie med fokus på ekvivalent konicitet i schweiziska eldrivna höghastighetståg. Koniciteten är mycket relevant för att bedöma dynamisk gångstabilitet på spårfordon och avgörande för bekväm och säker tågrörelse. Den utgör en viktig indikator i utformandet av regelverk vilket i sin tur är avgörande vid underhåll av hjulpar och för att bedöma hjulprofilers status. Avhandlingen föreslår ett tillvägagångssätt för hur data av ekvivalent konicitet och relaterade aspekter kan analyseras och systematiskt implementeras i fordonens reprofileringsstrategi av hjulen. Dokumenten tillhandahålls av en schweizisk operatör och utvärderas huvudsakligen genom visualisering och statistiska verktyg samtidigt som design- och driftsaspekter kontinuerligt prövas. Präsentationen av strategier åtföljs av en helhetlig utvärdering av behov för såväl fordon och underhållsanläggningar som schemaläggningar av driften. Som ett resultat av detta observeras korrelationer mellan fordonens tekniska egenskaper med design- och driftsegenskaper. Genom att inkludera dessa observationer, till exempel genom att tillämpa avancerade varningsgränser, kan mer predikativa och helhetliga strategier föreslås. De potentiella fördelarna är många och kan sträcka sig från lägre behov av ingenjörspersonal, ökad körsträcka, till färre oplanerade serviceuppgifter och leder till ökad driftstabilitet. Vidare betonar resultaten behovet av djupgående förståelse för parametrar för att härleda helhetliga underhållsstrategier.

Mätning av helkroppsvibrationer på bussförare i kollektivtrafik

Kvarngren, Sven January 2024 (has links)
En viktig faktor i arbetsmiljö för bussförare i kollektivtrafiken är helkroppsvibrationer. På grund av detta vill skyddsombud vid Nyboda bussdepå som drivs av Keolis AB undersöka vilka nivåer av helkroppsvibrationer bussförarna som utgår därifrån utsätts för. Syftet med arbetet har med hänsyn till detta varit att undersöka vilka nivåer av helkroppsvibrationer som bussförarna utsätts för och hur dessa nivåer jämnför sig med de gräsner som finns. Arbetet har utförts med hänsyn till Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter kring vibrationer AFS 2005:15 och Europaparlamentets och Europeiska rådets direktiv 2004/22/EG som den svenska föreskriften bygger på. Vidare har mätningar och analys utförts enligt Svensk Standard SS-ISO 2631-1. I samband med arbetet har en kalibreringskontroll av mätutrustning utförts vid MWL på KTH genom att en kalibrerad accelerometer och mätutrustningens mätdata jämnfördes för en accelerationsimpuls. De huvudsakliga mätningarna på förare utfördes genom att en mätperson och en förare själva på bussen mätte 12 olika sträckor med hjälp av en sittkudde med triaxialaccelerometer. Från mätdata togs två värden fram, A(8) och VDV(8), för varje rutt som sedan jämnfördes med relevanta insats- och gränsvärden. Resultaten var att 2 av de 12 rutterna överstiger insatsvärdet för VDV(8) och att 7 av 12 rutter ligger nära eller över insatsvärdet för VDV(8). Ingen rutt översteg insatsvärdet för A(8), detta på grund av helkroppsvibrationernas stötaktiga karaktär. En slutsats som dragits utifrån resultaten är att då nästan alla rutter som körde främst på mindre väg låg i närheten av eller översteg insatsvärdet kommer det med stor sannolikhet även vara så för de flesta små vägarna. Således leder detta till att förarna som kör dessa sträckor kommer ha en dålig eller kraftigt försämrad arbetsmiljö.

Systémové a překladové ekvivalenty německých privativ na -frei a -los / Systemic and Translation Equivalents of German Adjectives Ending on -frei and -los

Bernasová, Mariana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis uses language corpora to analyze Czech translations of a linguistically asymmetric phenomenon of German privatives ending in -frei and -los from three perspectives: translation typology (micro-stylistics and macro-stylistics), Popovič's stylistic adequacy (shifts of expression: intensification of expression, attenuation of expression, correspondence of expression) and potentially intrinsic feature of German privatives to perceive the fact of absence ("privation") as positive or negative. Privatives are adjectives that express the absence of substance or quality that is represented in their first (left) component; in the context of this work they are limited to adjectives ending in -frei, -los, -arm and -leer. In the Introduction the current state of research is outlined and its time and local limitations are explained. It is emphasized that corpus is here used not just for translation as such but also for theory of translation. The hypothesis starts from the assumption that German privatives as phenomena of grammar have no equivalent on this level in Czech; therefore a direct translation equivalent is often missing. For this reason it is also probable that the translator will have to decide for such Czech translation of one German privative that comprises more words or even a whole...

Český znakový jazyk v překladech česky psaných formálních textů / Czech sign language in translations of Czech written formal text

Pešková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis addresses the issue of thranslating formal texts written in Czech into Czech sign language. The first chapter deals with stylistic factors influencing formal Czech written texts and also the sociocultural situation of the Czech deaf community. The second and third chapters characterize translation of sign language translation and various approaches to the process of translating both spoken and sign languages. The research is a comparative analysis of a sample of formal Czech written texts and their sign language translations. The findings are introduced in the conclusive part of the thesis. Keywords: Czech sign langueage, sign language interpreting, sign language translation, equivalent, stylistic factors, translation norm, oral languages, formal text

K problematice kolokability u adjektivních vstupů ve Velkém německo-českém akademickém slovníku (VNČAS) / On Collocation Problems in Adjective Entries. Problematic Cases in the Large German-Czech Academic Dictionary

Oliva, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the given work was to point out the problems of the collocability of german adjectives in dictionaries and on the basis of the executed analysis to suggest possible solutions which could be exploited in the entries. The primary information sources were the german dictionary Duden and the german-czech dictionary Siebenschein, the secondary ones were the internet corpus DeReKo and the web search engine Google. The dictionary collocations should not be chosen by the criterion of their quantity, but by the criterion of their usefulness. They should exemplify the differences between both languages and they should be used as the assure instance for the dictionary user.

Český znakový jazyk v překladech česky psaných formálních textů / Czech sign language in translations of Czech written formal text

Pešková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis addresses the issue of translating formal texts written in Czech into Czech sign language. The first chapter deals with stylistic factors influencing formal Czech written texts and also the sociocultural situation of the Czech deaf community. The second and third chapters characterize translation of sign language translation and various approaches to the process of translating both spoken and sign languages. The research is a comparative analysis of a sample of formal Czech written texts and their sign language translations. The findings are introduced in the conclusive part of the thesis. Keywords: Czech sign language, sign language interpreting, sign language translation, equivalent, stylistic factors, translation norm, oral languages, formal text

"Quid bello Punico secundo?" Přehodnocení výpovědí tradičně editovaných jako "Quid?" v klasických latinských textech / "Quid bello Punico secundo?" Reinterpretation of Utterances Traditionally Edited as "Quid" in Classical Latin Texts

Ctibor, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the Latin non-verbal topic-introducing construction "Quid X?" (which is more or less equivalent to Czech "A co X?" or English "What about X?") and with the question of its editing in the classical Latin Texts. The main hypothesis of the present work is that in the classical Latin texts this construction is in hundreds of cases misinterpreted as "Quid?" (the X-part being joined to the following sentence) which would make of this misinterpretation the greatest systematic error in the modern editing of classical Latin texts. The first part of the thesis presents formal, functional and historical arguments to support such a bold claim and describes other non-verbal constructions beginning with the word quid, which might be and in fact are mistaken with the topic-introducing construction "Quid X?". The inability of the modern editors to reliably distinguish between different non-verbal constructions is caused by several objective factors, one of them being also the fact that the construction "Quid X?" - quite extraordinary in several respects - is rarely and (if at all) unsufficiently treated in grammars and reference books. The absence of the description of the given construction is itself, in turn, caused probably by the general underestimating and overlooking of small...

Undersökning av ljudnivåer på skolgårdar : - samt hur fasad och fönster dimensioneras med uppmätta värden

Gustafsson, Linda January 2009 (has links)
<p>This report is written on commission by WSP Acoustics. The report studies the outdoor sound levels on school yards in Stockholm. The questions given by the company to be answered was what are the actual sound levels at diffrent school yards with low traffic noise and how can you construct a facade element that reduces the sound level from the outside and meet the indoor requirements. Mesurements for four hours was done at eight schools set north and south of the city centre. The measurement period included one school break and one lunch break. The results of the measurements were that the equivalent and maximum sound level had small variations between the schools with some exceptions.The equivalent sound level was Leq 58-62 dB(A) and this shows a small variation. The school with the highest equivalent sound level of 67 dB was Maria skolan. This high level can be explained by more children on the school yard together at the same time etc. The maximum sound level was 85-89 dB(A), this if the level for Sofia skolan 82 dB was ignored. The level 85-89 dB(A) also shows a small variation. Calculations of the sound reduction index (R'w) for facade elements were also carried out for all the schools. The resulting sound reduction index for the whole facade was 34-41 dB. After assuming a 200 mm thick concrete facade for Sjöstadsskolan another calculation of building elements gives that the window have to reduce R'w 32 dB to meet the indoor requirements. In the future WSP Acoustics will use this report to choose building elements such as windows when building or rebuilding schools. It can also be used if any of the eight schools in this report needs a window changed to improve the acoustics.</p>

Undersökning av ljudnivåer på skolgårdar : - samt hur fasad och fönster dimensioneras med uppmätta värden

Gustafsson, Linda January 2009 (has links)
This report is written on commission by WSP Acoustics. The report studies the outdoor sound levels on school yards in Stockholm. The questions given by the company to be answered was what are the actual sound levels at diffrent school yards with low traffic noise and how can you construct a facade element that reduces the sound level from the outside and meet the indoor requirements. Mesurements for four hours was done at eight schools set north and south of the city centre. The measurement period included one school break and one lunch break. The results of the measurements were that the equivalent and maximum sound level had small variations between the schools with some exceptions.The equivalent sound level was Leq 58-62 dB(A) and this shows a small variation. The school with the highest equivalent sound level of 67 dB was Maria skolan. This high level can be explained by more children on the school yard together at the same time etc. The maximum sound level was 85-89 dB(A), this if the level for Sofia skolan 82 dB was ignored. The level 85-89 dB(A) also shows a small variation. Calculations of the sound reduction index (R'w) for facade elements were also carried out for all the schools. The resulting sound reduction index for the whole facade was 34-41 dB. After assuming a 200 mm thick concrete facade for Sjöstadsskolan another calculation of building elements gives that the window have to reduce R'w 32 dB to meet the indoor requirements. In the future WSP Acoustics will use this report to choose building elements such as windows when building or rebuilding schools. It can also be used if any of the eight schools in this report needs a window changed to improve the acoustics.

Francouzský překlad nového občanského zákoníku. Translatologická analýza vybraných částí / French translation of the New Civil Code. Translation analysis of selected parts

Glabová, Miroslava January 2017 (has links)
The thesis focuses on translation analysis of the Czech Civil Code and its French translation created between 2013 and 2015, commissioned by the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. The theoretical part outlines the problems of legal translation, characterizes legal language and legal texts, compares the evolution of Czech and French law, and describes the process of legal translation with the emphasis on equivalence of Czech and French legal concepts. The empirical part analyzes Sections 1209 of the New Civil Code and their translations into French. The key working method is translation analysis, carried out at several levels, against a background of linguistic and legal analysis. The core part of the thesis contains lexical analysis of Czech legal institutions and their translations into French. Lexical analysis is carried out by the method of conceptual analysis, which compares essential and accidental elements of Czech and French (and sometimes Swiss) legal institutions. Translation analysis aims to establish the method of translation that was used, and to determine if the method complies with the translation brief. The thesis also proposes a glossary based on analyzed Sections.

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