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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude des surfaces de carbone en interaction avec le plasma de Tore Supra

Ruffe, Remi 26 March 2012 (has links)
Les tokamaks visent à réaliser la fusion contrôlée de noyaux de deutérium et de tritium par le confinement magnétique d'un plasma chaud. L'interaction entre le plasma et les parois a été étudiée en détail pour le tokamak Tore Supra. Au cours des décharges, le plasma interagit fortement avec le limiteur, formé de milliers de tuiles en composite carbone/carbone. L'érosion de ces tuiles par les flux de particules du plasma mène à la formation de co-dépôts de carbone et de deutérium qu'il est essentiel de limiter. Nous avons effectué une étude multi-échelle, principalement avec les différents outils de la microscopie électronique, sur des tuiles provenant du limiteur de Tore Supra. Une analyse des co-dépôts a permis de mettre en évidence leur topographie en forme de pointes, orientées dans une même direction quelque soit la position de la tuile sur le limiteur. L'étude de la surface de tuiles appartenant à des zones majoritairement érodées a révélé la présence d'une striation périodique de surface. Ces deux phénomènes ont été mis en relation avec la direction des flux et l'effet de la gaine faiblement magnétisée de Tore Supra a été mis en évidence. L'analyse des dépôts présents dans les interstices entre les tuiles a révélé une physique propre à ces interstices permettant la formation de dépôts en profondeur. Des nanoparticules graphitiques sphériques ont été observées, signe d'une croissance homogène locale en phase plasma. Nous avons développé des méthodes de mesure des volumes de dépôt et des volumes érodés, menant à l'établissement d'un bilan carbone et à l'évaluation de la masse de deutérium piégé, en bon accord avec les mesures in-situ réalisées dans Tore Supra. / Tokamaks are devices aiming at achieving controlled fusion of deuterium and tritium by magnetically confining a hot plasma. The interaction between the plasma and the inner walls is a crucial issue and has been studied in detail in Tore Supra. During discharges the plasma strongly interacts with limiter, designed with thousands of carbon tiles (C/C composite). The plasma particle fluxes erode the tiles, leading to co-deposition of carbon and deuterium that should be limited. We have performed a multi-scale study of tiles extracted from the Tore Supra limiter, mainly using electron microscopy. The analysis of the co-deposits has revealed a tip-shaped topography, tips being oriented in the same direction wherever the tile over the limiter. Analyses of tiles extracted from erosion-dominated zones have revealed the presence of a periodic ripple on their surfaces. Both phenomena have been related with the direction of ion fluxes and the effect of the weakly magnetized sheath of Tore Supra has been shown. Analyses of the deposits inside the gaps in-between the tiles have revealed the existence of specific processes leading to the formation of deposits deeply inside the gaps. Graphitic nano-particles have been observed, showing the existence of local homogeneous growth processes. Finally, by measuring the deposit volume and the C/C composite eroded volume we have obtained an inventory of both carbon and deuterium which is consistent with the analyses of Tore Supra in-situ measurements.

Escala diagramática para avaliação da mancha preta em folhas de citros e efeito da temperatura e da duração do molhamento na pré-penetração de conídios de Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) Van der Aa]. / Diagrammatic scale for assessment of citrus black spot in leaves and effect of temperature and wetness duration in the pre-penetration conidia of Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) Van der Aa].

Noronha, Marissônia de Araujo 21 January 2003 (has links)
A mancha preta dos citros causada pelo fungo Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) Van der Aa], possui duas formas de infecção, conídios e ascósporos. Informações a respeito da importância dos conídios na epidemiologia da doença são escassas ou controversas. Visando uma maior compreensão sobre o patossistema citros-G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa), os objetivos desta dissertação foram: elaborar e validar uma escala diagramática para avaliação da severidade da mancha preta em folhas de citros; verificar o efeito da temperatura e da duração do período de molhamento na formação de apressórios formados a partir de conídios; observar por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura a germinação de conídios e a formação de apressórios sobre folhas destacadas de limão 'Siciliano' submetidas a diferentes temperaturas e períodos de molhamento. A escala diagramática com níveis de severidade de 1; 3; 6; 12; e 24% de área foliar lesionada foi validada por dois grupos de avaliadores, com e sem experiência na quantificação de doenças. Comparada com a avaliação sem escala, o uso da escala proporcionou melhor precisão e acurácia tanto para avaliadores experientes como inexperientes, quando considerada a estimativa média dos mesmos. Na maioria dos casos, os desvios entre estimativas e severidade atual da doença foram mais evidentes para os níveis de severidade entre 5 e 15%. A reprodutibilidade das avaliações resultou em valores de R 2 mais uniformes para a maioria dos avaliadores experientes. Diferenças consideráveis de precisão foram observadas entre avaliadores inexperientes. O efeito da temperatura (10 o C - 40 o C) e da duração do molhamento (4 - 48 h) na formação de apressórios formados a partir de conídios de G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa) foi avaliado sob condições "in vitro" e sobre a superfície de folhas de limão 'Siciliano'. A formação de apressórios ocorreu em todas as temperaturas a partir de 12 horas de molhamento, sendo os extremos de temperatura (10 o C e 40 o C) menos favoráveis à formação de apressórios. A temperatura mínima para formação de apressórios, estimada pela função beta generalizada foi de 3 o C e a máxima de 48,4 o C, ambas para 48 horas de molhamento. A formação de apressórios foi consideravelmente favorecida pela duração do período de molhamento, com o máximo de apressórios formados a 24 horas de molhamento, para a maioria das temperaturas. O período de molhamento constituído de 48 horas foi essencial para que os esporos submetidos a temperaturas de 10 o C e 40 o C, formassem apressórios. A superfície de resposta obtida pela multiplicação das funções beta generalizada e monomolecular apresentou um ajuste satisfatório para os dados observados na estimativa da porcentagem relativa de apressórios formados (R 2 =0,75). As amostras observadas em microscopia eletrônica de varredura possibilitaram a aquisição de imagens de conídios e apressórios sobre a superfície de folhas de limão 'Siciliano' em todas as combinações de temperatura e molhamento avaliadas. / Citrus black spot caused by Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) van der Aa] presents two infection forms, conidia and ascospores. Information regarding the importance of the conidia in the epidemiology of the disease is scarce and controversial. Seeking a better understanding on the pathosystem citrus-G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa), the objectives of this dissertation were: elaborate and validate a diagrammatic scale for assessments of the citrus black spot; verify the effect of the temperature and of the wetness duration in the appressorium formation; observe through scanning electron microscopy the germination and formation of appressorium on outstanding lemon 'Siciliano' leaves submitted to different temperatures and wetness duration. The diagrammatic scale with severity levels of 1; 3; 6; 12; and 24% of diseased leaf area was validated by two groups of raters, with experience and without experience in the quantification of diseases. The scale provided better precision and accuracy for both experienced and inexperienced raters, considering the estimates average of them. In the majority of cases, the bias between estimated and actual disease severity were more evident for disease severity levels between 5 and 15%. The reproducibility of assessments resulted in R 2 with more uniforms values for the majority of the experienced raters, considerable differences of precision were observed among inexperienced raters. The effect of the temperature (10 o C - 40 o C) and of the wetness duration (4 - 48 h) in the germination of conidia and appressoria formation of G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa), was assessed "in vitro" and on the surface of lemon 'Siciliano' leaves. The appressoria formation occurred in all the temperatures starting from 12 hours of wetness. The extreme temperatures (10 o C and 40 o C) were less favorable to the apressorium formation. The minimum temperature for appressorium formation, estimated by generalized beta function was of 3 o C and the maximum of 48,4 o C, both for 48 hours of wetness. The appressorium formation was favored considerably by the wetness duration period, with the maximum of apressoria formed at 24 hours of wetness, for majority of the temperatures. The wetness duration period constituted of 48 hours was essential so that the spores submitted to temperatures of 10 o C and 40 o C, formed appressorium. The response surface obtained by the multiplication of the generalized beta and monomolecular functions provided a close fit to observed data in the estimate of the relative percentage of formed appressorium (R 2 =0,75). The samples observed in scanning electron microscopy made possible the acquisition of images of conidia and appressoria on the surface of lemon 'Siciliano' leaves in all the temperature combinations and wetness evaluated.

Photo-oxydation et spectroscopie Raman de couches minces de phosphore noir.

Favron, Alexandre 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.

In situ TEM nanocompression and mechanical analysis of ceramic nanoparticles / Nanocompression TEM in situ et analyse mécanique de nanoparticules de céramique

Issa, Inas 19 January 2016 (has links)
Dans cette étude, nous proposons d’utiliser la compression in situ dans le MET afin de caractériser les propriétés mécaniques de nanoparticules céramiques dont la taille caractéristique est de l’ordre de quelques dizaines de nanomètres. Nous appliquerons cette méthode à des nanocubes monocristallins de MgO, une céramique modèle dont la plasticité est bien connue dans le matériau massif. Les essais de nanocompression montrent que les nanocubes de MgO se déforment de façon homogène jusqu’à de grandes déformations (>50%) sans fissure apparente. L’analyse des résultats est assistée par des méthodes de corrélation d’images numériques et simulations de type dynamique moléculaire. Le mécanisme de déformation et l'effet de taille sur la limite élastique sont identifiés. Dans une deuxième partie de la thèse, nous présentons une étude sur des nanoparticules d’alumine de transition compactée en CED (Cellule à Enclumes en Diamant) à température ambiante, sous plusieurs pressions (5 GPa, 15 GPa et 20 GPa). Des lames minces préparées par FIB ont été étudiées en MET. Des images HRTEM montrent une texture cristallographique qui devient plus importante à des pressions plus élevées. Une orientation cristallographique préférentielle est observée, avec les plans {220} de la phase gamma de l’alumine la plupart du temps parallèles à la surface de contact avec une particule voisine. Ce comportement mécanique est cohérent avec un système de glissement, connu pour les structures spinelles. Une corrélation de ce comportement avec les tests in situ MET réalisés sur des nanoparticules similaires, par Emilie Calvié lors de sa thèse, est présentée. Enfin, des clichés de diffraction de type Debye Scherrer sont réalisés sur ces lames minces de nanoparticules d’alumine de transition compactées en CED à différentes pressions. L’analyse quantitative de ces clichés montre une transformation de phase de ces nanoparticules d’alumine de phase gamma en phase delta, de manière croissante avec la pression. / In this study, we propose an innovative mechanical observation protocol of ceramics nanoparticles in the 100nm size range. This Protocol consists of in situ TEM nanocompression tests of isolated nanoparticles. Load–real displacements curves, obtained by Digital Image Correlation, are analyzed and these analyses are correlated with Molecular Dynamics simulations. By this protocol a constitutive law with its mechanical parameters (Young modulus, Yield stress...) of the studied material at the nano-scale can be obtained. In situ TEM nano-compression tests on magnesium oxide nanocubes are performed. Magnesium oxide is a model material and its plasticity is very well known at bulk. The MgO nanocubes show large plastic deformation, more than 50% of plastic strain without any fracture. The TEM results are correlated to MD simulations and the deformation mechanism can be identified.The size effect and the electron beam effect on the yield strength are investigated. In a second part of the dissertation, we present a study on transition alumina nanoparticles compacted in a Diamond Anvil Cell at different uniaxial pressures. Thin Foils of these compacted nanoparticles are prepared by FIB for HRTEM Observations. Their analysis reveals the plastic deformation of the nanoparticles. The crystallographic texture observed inthese compacted nanoparticles in DAC shows a preferred orientation of the {110} lattice planes, orientated perpendicular to the compression direction. This is compatible with the slip system. This argument was reinforced with a preferred orientation of slip bands observed during in situ TEM nano-compression tests. Moreover, electron diffraction patterns (Debye Scherrer) analysis on these compacted transition alumina nanoparticles reveals the decrease of the presence of gamma-alumina and the increase of delta-alumina with increasing pressure. This reveals the phase transformation with increasing pressure from gamma to delta* alumina.

Le rôle du lactate et du N-acétylcystéine intra-tympanique dans la prévention de l’ototoxicité secondaire au cisplatin

Nader, Marc-Elie 08 1900 (has links)
Objectifs Aucun agent n’a été approuvé pour prévenir l’ototoxicité secondaire au cisplatin. Nos objectifs consistaient à évaluer la protection auditive offerte par le lactate et le N-acétylcystéine (NAC) intra-tympaniques après injection de cisplatin, ainsi que l’absorption systémique du NAC intra-tympanique. Méthodes Seize cochons d’inde formaient 2 groupes ayant reçu une solution de lactate et de NAC à 20% dans l’oreille testée. L’oreille contro-latérale a reçu une solution saline contrôle. Après 30 minutes, une injection intrapéritonéale de 3 mg/kg de cisplatin a été effectuée et répétée une fois par semaine jusqu’à une dose finale de 24 mg/kg. Les potentiels évoqués auditifs du tronc cérébral (PEATC) ont été mesurés avant les injections, après 9 mg/kg et 24 mg/kg de cisplatin. Les cochlées ont été analysées au microscope électronique à balayage. La diffusion systémique du NAC a été évaluée par chromatographie en phase liquide. Résultats Pour les oreilles contrôles, les seuils auditifs des PEATC ont augmenté uniformément sur toutes les fréquences (28,4 dB en moyenne). Le groupe lactate montrait une augmentation moins importante (17,0 dB). Les basses fréquences étaient nettement moins affectées. Le groupe NAC a subi une augmentation des seuils de 89 dB. La microscopie électronique a démontré une préservation partielle des cellules ciliées externes des cochlées traitées au lactate et une destruction complète de celles traitées au NAC. La chromatographie n’a démontré aucune diffusion de NAC. Conclusions Le lactate offre une protection partielle significative contre l’ototoxicité induite par le cisplatin. Les injections de NAC n’offrent pas de protection lorsque administrées en concentrations élevée. Le NAC intra-tympanique ne se diffuse pas systémiquement. / Objectives There is no approved agent to prevent cisplatin-induced ototoxicity. Our objectives are to identify and compare the protective effect of intratympanic injections of lactate or N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in the prevention of cisplatin-induced ototoxicity and to study systemic diffusion of intratympanic NAC. Methods Sixteen guinea pigs, forming two groups, received respectively intratympanic lactate and 20% NAC in one ear. The contra-lateral ears received a control saline solution. After 30 minutes, an intra-peritoneal cisplatin injection of 3 mg/kg was performed and repeated once a week to achieve a final dose of 24mg/kg. Auditory brainstem responses (ABR) were recorded before any injection, after 9mg/kg and after 24mg/kg of cisplatin for the frequencies 2, 4, 6 and 8kHz. Cochleas were analyzed under scanning electron microscope. Systemic diffusion of NAC was studied using high performance liquid chromatography. Results For the control ears, ABR thresholds increased uniformly by an average of 28.4dB. The lactate group showed a lower threshold increase by an average of 17.0dB. The NAC showed an important threshold increase of 89.0dB. Lactate showed a significant hearing protection at 2000Hz (p<0.01). Electron microscopy revealed partial preservation of cochlear outer hair cells stereocilia for the ears treated with lactate and severe disruption for NAC group. No systemic diffusion of NAC was observed with chromatography. Conclusion Lactate offers significant partial protection against cisplatin-induced ototoxicity. NAC does not offer any protection when administered in high concentrations. Intratympanic NAC does not diffuse systemically.

Etude des mécanismes d'insertion/désinsertion des cations alcalins (Li+/Na+) au sein de la structure olivine FePO4 pour accumulateurs Li-ion et Na-ion / Study of insertion/deinsertion mechanisms of alkaline cations (Li+,Na+) within FePO4 olivine structure for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries

Lachal, Marie 04 June 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre du développement des technologies Na-ion, le composé NaFePO4, équivalent chimiquedu matériau très attractif LiFePO4, représente une alternative intéressante aux problèmes deressourcement du lithium. Toutefois, les composés LiFePO4 et NaFePO4 de structure olivineprésentent des divergences de comportement structural et électrochimique lors de l'insertioncationique. Ce travail présente une analyse des mécanismes de (dés)insertion des ions Li+ et Na+ ausein de la phase FePO4 par voie chimique et électrochimique. Les échantillons de LiFePO4 ont étésynthétisés par deux méthodes différentes (hydrothermale et précipitation), puis délithiéschimiquement via différents procédés. Dans un premier temps, les analyses structurales (DRX)associées aux analyses nucléaires ont permis d'effectuer un suivi de la cinétique de réaction. Nousavons montré que la présence de joints de grains, issus du traitement thermique effectué, limitefortement la vitesse de délithiation. L'analyse de l’évolution des domaines de cohérences a permis deproposer un mécanisme de délithiation original de type "Coeur-Coquille" avec un coeur de LiFePO4,confirmé par HRTEM et STEM-EELS. Dans un deuxième temps, afin de comparer les mécanismes dedélithiation chimique et électrochimique, l’insertion et la cyclabilité des ions Li+ et Na+ ont étécaractérisées en demi-cellules lithium et sodium. Bien que la signature électrochimique des matériauxLiFePO4 et NaFePO4 soit différente, les performances en termes de capacité restituée ou de tenue enpuissance s'avèrent similaires. Enfin, l'insertion électrochimique des ions Li+ et Na+ au sein d'unepoudre comportant des défauts structuraux a été caractérisée par DRX Operando durant un cycle decharge / décharge effectué à régime lent. Ces analyses ont révélées que la co-insertion cationiques'effectue via une solution solide de type LixNayFePO4 (0<x+y<1). / As part of the development of Na-ion technology, NaFePO4 compound, chemical equivalent of theattractive LiFePO4 material, would be a promising option facing possible lithium shortage. However,olivine-type LiFePO4 and NaFePO4 display different structural and electrochemical behaviors duringcationic insertion. This thesis presents an analysis of the (de)insertion mechanisms of Li+ and Na+ ionswithin olivine-type FePO4 by chemical and electrochemical means. Samples of LiFePO4 weresynthesized by two different methods (hydrothermal and precipitation), then chemically delithiated bydifferent processes. In a first step, structural analysis (XRD) associated with nuclear analyses enabledfollowing the reaction kinetics. We have pointed out that the presence of grain boundaries, resultingfrom the heat treatment, strongly limits the delithiation kinetics. The analysis of the evolution of thecoherency domains enabled us to propose an original "Shrinking Core" type delithiation mechanismwith a core of LiFePO4, observed by HRTEM and STEM-EELS. In a second step, in order to comparechemical and electrochemical mechanisms, insertion and cyclability of Li+ and Na+ were characterizedin lithium and sodium half-cells. Although the electrochemical signature of LiFePO4 and NaFePO4materials is different, the performances in terms of restored capacity or power capability are similar.Finally, electrochemical insertion of Li+ and Na+ in a powder comprising structural defects wascharacterized by operando XRD, during a charge / discharge cycle performed at low rate. Theseanalyses revealed that the cationic co-insertion takes place via a solid solution LixNayFePO4(0<x+y<1).

Escala diagramática para avaliação da mancha preta em folhas de citros e efeito da temperatura e da duração do molhamento na pré-penetração de conídios de Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) Van der Aa]. / Diagrammatic scale for assessment of citrus black spot in leaves and effect of temperature and wetness duration in the pre-penetration conidia of Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) Van der Aa].

Marissônia de Araujo Noronha 21 January 2003 (has links)
A mancha preta dos citros causada pelo fungo Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) Van der Aa], possui duas formas de infecção, conídios e ascósporos. Informações a respeito da importância dos conídios na epidemiologia da doença são escassas ou controversas. Visando uma maior compreensão sobre o patossistema citros-G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa), os objetivos desta dissertação foram: elaborar e validar uma escala diagramática para avaliação da severidade da mancha preta em folhas de citros; verificar o efeito da temperatura e da duração do período de molhamento na formação de apressórios formados a partir de conídios; observar por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura a germinação de conídios e a formação de apressórios sobre folhas destacadas de limão 'Siciliano' submetidas a diferentes temperaturas e períodos de molhamento. A escala diagramática com níveis de severidade de 1; 3; 6; 12; e 24% de área foliar lesionada foi validada por dois grupos de avaliadores, com e sem experiência na quantificação de doenças. Comparada com a avaliação sem escala, o uso da escala proporcionou melhor precisão e acurácia tanto para avaliadores experientes como inexperientes, quando considerada a estimativa média dos mesmos. Na maioria dos casos, os desvios entre estimativas e severidade atual da doença foram mais evidentes para os níveis de severidade entre 5 e 15%. A reprodutibilidade das avaliações resultou em valores de R 2 mais uniformes para a maioria dos avaliadores experientes. Diferenças consideráveis de precisão foram observadas entre avaliadores inexperientes. O efeito da temperatura (10 o C – 40 o C) e da duração do molhamento (4 – 48 h) na formação de apressórios formados a partir de conídios de G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa) foi avaliado sob condições "in vitro" e sobre a superfície de folhas de limão 'Siciliano'. A formação de apressórios ocorreu em todas as temperaturas a partir de 12 horas de molhamento, sendo os extremos de temperatura (10 o C e 40 o C) menos favoráveis à formação de apressórios. A temperatura mínima para formação de apressórios, estimada pela função beta generalizada foi de 3 o C e a máxima de 48,4 o C, ambas para 48 horas de molhamento. A formação de apressórios foi consideravelmente favorecida pela duração do período de molhamento, com o máximo de apressórios formados a 24 horas de molhamento, para a maioria das temperaturas. O período de molhamento constituído de 48 horas foi essencial para que os esporos submetidos a temperaturas de 10 o C e 40 o C, formassem apressórios. A superfície de resposta obtida pela multiplicação das funções beta generalizada e monomolecular apresentou um ajuste satisfatório para os dados observados na estimativa da porcentagem relativa de apressórios formados (R 2 =0,75). As amostras observadas em microscopia eletrônica de varredura possibilitaram a aquisição de imagens de conídios e apressórios sobre a superfície de folhas de limão 'Siciliano' em todas as combinações de temperatura e molhamento avaliadas. / Citrus black spot caused by Guignardia citricarpa Kiely [Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlp.) van der Aa] presents two infection forms, conidia and ascospores. Information regarding the importance of the conidia in the epidemiology of the disease is scarce and controversial. Seeking a better understanding on the pathosystem citrus-G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa), the objectives of this dissertation were: elaborate and validate a diagrammatic scale for assessments of the citrus black spot; verify the effect of the temperature and of the wetness duration in the appressorium formation; observe through scanning electron microscopy the germination and formation of appressorium on outstanding lemon 'Siciliano' leaves submitted to different temperatures and wetness duration. The diagrammatic scale with severity levels of 1; 3; 6; 12; and 24% of diseased leaf area was validated by two groups of raters, with experience and without experience in the quantification of diseases. The scale provided better precision and accuracy for both experienced and inexperienced raters, considering the estimates average of them. In the majority of cases, the bias between estimated and actual disease severity were more evident for disease severity levels between 5 and 15%. The reproducibility of assessments resulted in R 2 with more uniforms values for the majority of the experienced raters, considerable differences of precision were observed among inexperienced raters. The effect of the temperature (10 o C - 40 o C) and of the wetness duration (4 – 48 h) in the germination of conidia and appressoria formation of G. citricarpa (P. citricarpa), was assessed "in vitro" and on the surface of lemon 'Siciliano' leaves. The appressoria formation occurred in all the temperatures starting from 12 hours of wetness. The extreme temperatures (10 o C and 40 o C) were less favorable to the apressorium formation. The minimum temperature for appressorium formation, estimated by generalized beta function was of 3 o C and the maximum of 48,4 o C, both for 48 hours of wetness. The appressorium formation was favored considerably by the wetness duration period, with the maximum of apressoria formed at 24 hours of wetness, for majority of the temperatures. The wetness duration period constituted of 48 hours was essential so that the spores submitted to temperatures of 10 o C and 40 o C, formed appressorium. The response surface obtained by the multiplication of the generalized beta and monomolecular functions provided a close fit to observed data in the estimate of the relative percentage of formed appressorium (R 2 =0,75). The samples observed in scanning electron microscopy made possible the acquisition of images of conidia and appressoria on the surface of lemon 'Siciliano' leaves in all the temperature combinations and wetness evaluated.

Propriedades de corrosão e caracterização química – metalográfica de próteses em aços inoxidáveis ISO 5832-9 e F138, removidas de pacientes

Silva, Elison da Fonseca e 26 November 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-05-03T13:18:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 elisondafonsecaesilva.pdf: 5310395 bytes, checksum: c89f2c8b3846fc7ab92440accf66f534 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-05-13T13:33:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 elisondafonsecaesilva.pdf: 5310395 bytes, checksum: c89f2c8b3846fc7ab92440accf66f534 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-13T13:33:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 elisondafonsecaesilva.pdf: 5310395 bytes, checksum: c89f2c8b3846fc7ab92440accf66f534 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-26 / Este trabalho estudou a composição química e metalográfica (microestrutura, tamanho de grão, teor de inclusões) de aços inoxidáveis austeníticos, desenvolvidos para aplicações como biomateriais, utilizados na fabricação de implantes ortopédicos, removidos de pacientes afetados por quadro inflamatório, e comparou as superfícies das amostras, através da Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) após ataque eletroquímico. Os resultados da análise química, por Espectrometria de Emissão Ótica e Microanálise por Dispersão de Energia (EDS), mostraram que todos os grupos apresentaram conformidade com as normas ASTM F138-92 e ABNT NBR ISO 5832-9:2008. O tamanho de grão foi determinado por Microscopia Ótica e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). As superfícies das amostras foram analisadas por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), depois de serem submetidos a ensaio de polarização cíclica potenciodinâmica em potencial de 50 mV após a região passiva em meio de solução de Ringer Lactato e solução de NaCl 0,9 mol.L-1na temperatura de 36,5 oC. Essas análises por MEV foram conduzidas nas amostras para identificar o tipo de corrosão apresentada. Concluiu-se que todos os implantes apresentavam tamanho de grão superior ao recomendado pela norma. Constatou-se também a presença de ferrita delta em oito dos doze implantes removidos, que de acordo com a norma ASTM 138-92, não deveria ser percebida microscopicamente com um aumento de 100 vezes. Verificou-se ainda que em meio de NaCl, o aço ISO 5832-9 ao contrário do aço F138, não apresentou nenhuma forma de corrosão localizada. Em solução de Ringer lactato, após ataque por 15 min. no potencial de 1000 mV/ECS foi notada a presença de pites no aço ISO 5832-9. O ensaio de polarização cíclica revelou que um dos aços, identificado como ISO 5832 9 apresentou resistência à corrosão localizada muito superior ao outro identificado como F 138, além de não liberar íons metálicos nas soluções eletrolíticas. Essa propriedade é principalmente atribuída ao aumento da estabilidade do filme passivo, que por sua vez, é favorecida pela presença do nitrogênio em solução sólida intersticial na austenita do aço ISO 5832-9. Os ensaios de polarização revelaram-se úteis para indicar a baixa resistência à corrosão por pites exibida “in-vitro” pelas próteses. As amostras do aço F 138 após serem submetidas ao ensaio eletroquímico em solução de Ringer lactato apresentaram perdas de 63% de níquel e 26% de ferro em relação à composição inicial. Tais elementos foram deslocados eletroquimicamente na forma iônica para a solução de Ringer lactato, onde formaram precipitados sendo, portanto, um forte indicador de que as reações sofridas pelos portadores das próteses foram motivadas por esses íons metálicos, que são posteriormente incorporados no organismo. Pretende-se com os resultados dessa pesquisa propor aos órgãos governamentais reguladores de normas técnicas e de vigilância sanitária, bem como a médicos e hospitais que exijam dos fabricantes de próteses de aços inoxidáveis laudos técnicos que atestem a qualidade dos implantes, onde cada lote de fabricação das peças seja acompanhado por certificados garantindo a composição química e as características metalográficas especificadas pelas norma existentes no Brasil. / This work has studied the chemical and metallographic composition (microstructure, grain size, inclusion rate) of austenitic stainless steels which were developed to be applied as biomaterials, and used in the production of orthopedical implants, removed from patients which had been affected by inflammation; it has also been compared the sample surfaces, by means of scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) after electrochemical attack. The results of chemical analysis, performed by optical emission spectroscopy and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) have shown that all samples are in agreement with the ASTM F138-92 e ABNT NBR ISO 5832-9:2008 regulations, whereas the grain size has been determined by optical microscopy and SEM. The surfaces of the samples were analyzed by SEM and EDS techniques; samples were submitted to potentiodynamic cyclic polarization tests in 50 mV potential after the passivation region in Ringer lactate and NaCl 0,9 mol.L-1 solutions at 36,5C; such SEM measurements were done to identify the type of corrosion over the samples. It has been concluded that all implants showed average grain sizes above the recommended by the regulations; also the presence of delta ferrite in eight of the twelve investigated implants has been seen, which according to the ASTM 138-92 regulation this would not been possible even with a 100-fold increase at the optical microscope. It has also been verified that in NaCl medium the ISO 5832-9 steel did not present any kind of localized corrosion, instead of F 138 steel; in Ringer lactate solution, after 15 minutes attack at 1000mV/SCE, has been noted the presence of pits for ISO 5832-9 steel. The cyclic polarization measurements have revealed that one of the investigated steels, named ISO 5832-9, presented a very high resistance to localized corrosion when compared to the F 138 samples, besides they did not release metallic ions to the electrolytic solutions. This characteristic can be mainly attributed to the increasing of the passivation film stability, which is also favored by the presence of nitrogen atoms in the solid solution composing the structure of ISO 5832-9 steel. The pit corrosion tests have shown very useful to indicate the low resistance to pit corrosion, present “in-vitro” in all the studied samples. The EDS mapping analysis of F 138 samples, submitted to electrochemical attack in Ringer lactate medium, have shown a loss of 63% of nickel and 26% of iron, when compared to the initial composition; such metals were electrochemically solubilized to the Ringer lactate solution, where they can probably precipitate from the solution, being a strong indication that the reactions taking place in the patients have been motivated by these metal ions, which can be incorporated by the human body. The obtained results of this work are the basis of a tentative proposition to the governmental organisms which are the responsible for the regulation of the technical specifications for the prosthesis producers, requiring from them technical reports assuring the quality for the implant pieces, i.e., for each manufacturing lot a description or a special certificate containing the chemical composition and the metallographic characteristics specified by the Brazilian laws.

Comportement du 14C dans le graphite nucléaire : effets de l'irradiation et décontamination par vaporéformage / Behavior of 14C in irradiated nuclear graphite : effects of irradiation and decontamination by steam reforming

Galy, Nicolas 12 December 2016 (has links)
Le démantèlement des réacteurs nucléaires de première génération UNGG (Uranium Naturel Graphite Gaz) génèrera en France environ 23 000 tonnes de déchets de graphites irradiés. Les principaux radionucléides présents dans ces déchets sont des produits d’activation tels que le 14C, le 36Cl et le 3H. Les deux premiers sont dimensionnants pour le stockage, le 14C (T =5730 ans) essentiellement en raison de son inventaire initial important et le 36Cl du fait de sa longue période (302 000 ans). Le scénario de référence envisagé pour la gestion de ces déchets de faible activité à vie longue est le stockage mais une décontamination préalable plus ou moins poussée a également été envisagée. De ce fait, la connaissance de la localisation et la spéciation de ces radionucléides dans le graphite irradié est un prérequis indispensable pour l’optimisation d’un procédé de traitement et l’évaluation de la sûreté du stockage. L’objectif de cette thèse CIFRE, réalisée en partenariat avec EDF, est de mettre en oeuvre des études expérimentales permettant, dans une première partie, de simuler et d’évaluer l’impact de la température, de l’irradiation et de la corrosion radiolytique du graphite sur le comportement migratoire du 14C en réacteur et sur les modifications structurales qui en découlent. Les données ainsi acquises servent d’appui à la deuxième partie de ce travail consacrée à l’étude d’un procédé de décontamination thermique du graphite en présence de vapeur d’eau. Ce travail est mené par implantation de l’isotope stable 13C permettant de simuler la présence de l’isotope radioactif 14C. L’utilisation de différentes natures de graphite de référence tels qu’un graphite vierge de qualité nucléaire, un graphite modèle HOPG bien ordonné de structure lamellaire et un graphite de structure nanoporeuse de type SLX 50 broyé permet de simuler les différents états de structure rencontrés dans un graphite irradié par des neutrons. L’étude d’échantillons inactifs permet ainsi de s’affranchir des contraintes liées à l’étude d’échantillons radioactifs et de réaliser des études paramétriques du comportement migratoire de l’espèce implantée, difficiles à mettre en oeuvre sur du graphite irradié. La première partie de ce travail consiste en l’étude des effets couplés et découplés de la température et de l’irradiation ionique (simulant l’irradiation neutronique) sur le comportement migratoire du 13C. Les résultats obtenus montrent que, dans la gamme de températures du graphite en réacteur (200 - 500 °C), le 13C est stable quel que soit l’état de l’endommagement de la structure du graphite. D’une manière générale, l’irradiation et la température ont des effets antagonistes. L’irradiation induit une déstructuration du graphite compensée par les effets de recuit conduisant à la réorganisation de la structure dont le degré dépend de l’état initial. Ainsi, en fonction de la localisation du graphite au sein du modérateur, son état de structure sera contrasté selon qu’il aura été irradié dans les zones chaudes à haut flux neutronique ou dans les zones à bas flux et plus froides. Cependant, dans tous les cas, le 14C aura été stabilisé. La deuxième partie concerne l’étude du procédé de décontamination thermique en présence de vapeur d’eau qui a été réalisée sur un dispositif de thermogravimétrie couplé à un générateur de vapeur d’eau. L’influence de la température (700 °C et 900 °C) et de l’humidité relative (50 % HR et 90 % HR) a été testée à un débit de gaz humide fixe de 50 mL/min sur les différents échantillons de référence. L’utilisation d’eau marquée avec de l’18O a permis de tracer la migration des espèces oxydantes dans le graphite. Ainsi, l’efficacité du procédé a été mise en évidence permettant une élimination préférentielle par gazéification des zones les plus nanoporeuses qui sont à priori également les plus concentrées en 14C / The decommissioning of French gas cooled nuclear reactors (UNGG) will generate around 23000 tons of irradiated graphite waste containing radionuclides such as 14C, 36Cl. Both might be dose determining at the outlet, 14C as major contributor to the radioactive dose and 36Cl due to its mobility in the clay repository. The reference management for this Low-Level Long-Lived Waste (LLW-LL) is disposal but its partial decontamination has also been foreseen. Therefore, information on inventory, location and speciation of the radionuclides in the irradiated graphite are mandatory for optimizing the decontamination process and to get reliable insights on the behavior of the radionuclides in the repository. This thesis supported by EDF aims in a first part at studying the impact of temperature, graphite irradiation and radiolytic corrosion on the behavior of 14C and following structure modification. Then, the acquired data are used to support the second part devoted to study 14C decontamination by steam reforming. 13C implantation is used to simulate the presence of 14C. The experiments are carried out on different reference samples such as virgin nuclear graphite, a model and ordered lamellar HOPG graphite and a nanoporous graphite SLX 50 that allow simulating the different structural states of a neutron irradiated graphite. The first part investigates the coupled and decoupled effects of ion irradiation (used to simulate neutron irradiation) on 13C migration. The results show that, at reactor temperatures of 200 - 500 °C, 13C remains stable whatever the graphite structural disorder level. Irradiation and temperature have antagonist effects: irradiation disorders graphite whereas temperature has an annealing effect leading to a reordering of the graphite structure at a level depending on its initial one. Thus, according to graphite position in the moderator this will lead to structure contrasts depending on whether it has been irradiated at high neutron flux and high temperature or low neutron flux and colder temperature. However, 14C is stabilized in the graphite structure in all cases. The second part is devoted the study of 14C steam reforming using a thermogravimetric analyzer coupled to a steam generator. The reference samples were analyzed at temperatures of 700 °C and 900 °C and relative humidities of 50 % and 90 % at a constant humid gas rate of 50 mL/min. 18O labelled water was used to follow the migration of the oxidizing species into graphite. Accordingly, the tests put in evidence the preferential gasification of nanoporous graphite that should also be the richest in 14C. Moreover, the addition of Ni to graphite before steam reforming proved to be very efficient but the gasification was very important and needs adjusting Ni impregnation

Dégénérescence musculaire chez Caenorhabditis elegans : caractérisation morphologique et étude de suppresseurs / Muscle degeneration in Caenorhabditis elegans : morphological caracterisation and study of suppressors

Brouilly, Nicolas 23 September 2013 (has links)
Les dystrpohies musculaires sont des maladies génétiques rares qui se caractérisent par une dégénérescence musculaire progressive. la Dystrophie Musculaire de Duchenne (DMD) qui est la plus sévère d'entre elles est due à des mutations dans le gène de la dystrophine. Les mécanismes cellulaires impliqués dans le processus de dégénérescence des muscles restent peu compris et aucun traitement efficace n'existe à ce jour. Notre équipe a développé un modèle de la DMD chez le nématode C. elegans qui présente une dégénérescence musculaire progressive. Pendant ma thèse, j'ai caractérisé le processus de dégénérescence musculaire chez ce modèle par microscopie électronique. J'ai également contribué à une étude du rôle des mitochondries dans la dégénérescence musculaire dystrophine-dépendante chez le nématode. Par ailleurs, j'ai étudié l'effet de suppresseurs pharmacologique et génétiques de la dégénérescence musculaire dystrophine-dépendante. Enfin, j'ai pu mettre en évidence que la force exercée par le muscle influence le taux de dégénérescence musculaire. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus au cours de ma thèse, suggèrent que la perte de fonctions de la dystrophine affecte chez le nématode l'intégrité du sarcolemme et des structures d'ancrage des sarcomères et déclenche ainsi une cascade d'événements intracellulaires conduisant in fin à la mort de la cellule musculaire. Ainsi mes travaux dethèse mettent en évidence de nouveau mécanismes cellulaires impliqués dans la dégénérescence musculaire et ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives pour le développement de thérapie visant à cibler les défauts primaires ou secondaires induits par la perte de fonction de la dystrophine / Muscle dystrophies are genetic diseases caraterized by progressive muscle degeneration. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is the most severe and is due to a mutation in the gene coding the dystrophin protein. The cellular mechanisms implicated in the degenerating process arte not understood yet and there is still no efficient treatment to cure the disease. Our group decvelopped a DMD model in C. elegans that presents progressive muscle degeneration. During my PhD thesis, I characterized the process of muscle degeneration in this model by electron microscopy. I also contribued to an investigation of the role of mitochondira in dystophin-dependant muscle degeneration. I also studied the effect of pharmacological and genetic suppressors of muscle degeneration. Finally, I showed that the force developped by the worm to move influences the level of muscle degeneration. Altogether, the results I obtained during my PhD thesis, suggest that the loss of funciotnof the dystrophin protein affects the integrity of the muscle plasma membrane and the sarcomeres anchoring structures triggering a cascade of intracellular events leading to the muscle cell death in C. elegans. Therefore, my results highlight new cellular mechanisms implicated in the phenomenon of muscle degeneration and open new perspectives for the development of therapies targeting primary and secondary defects induced by the dystrophin loss of function.

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