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Efeitos da radiação ionizante e técnicas de proteção aplicadas a projetos de dispositivos MOS customizados / Ionizing radiation effects and radiation hardened by design applied into MOS transistorsVaz, Pablo Ilha January 2015 (has links)
Os efeitos produzidos pela interação da radiação ionizante com os circuitos integrados podem ser classificados em efeitos de eventos únicos (Single Event Effects - SEE), comumente relacionados a problemas transientes, e efeitos de dose total ionizante (Total Ionization Dose - TID), os quais se originam em decorrência do longo tempo de exposição à radiação ionizante. Com relação à proteção desses circuitos, técnicas, como redundâncias temporais e espaciais, podem ser aplicadas a fim de reduzir a ocorrência de eventos transientes. Por outro lado, efeitos de TID e mesmo alguns SEE específicos, como os que causam degradações permanentes do circuito, podem ser atenuados drasticamente através de técnicas propostas em nível de layout. Nesse contexto, este trabalho analisa os conceitos básicos envolvidos na interação da radiação com o transistor MOS, desvios de suas características elétricas e técnicas de atenuação dos efeitos acumulativos aplicadas em níveis de arquitetura de sistemas, de processo de fabricação e de dispositivo. Contudo, este trabalho realiza uma abordagem mais detalhada de técnicas de tolerância em nível de layout. A tolerância em nível de layout do transistor é o resultado da combinação entre tecnologia escolhida agregada ao uso de anéis de guarda (guard rings) e aplicação de técnicas em nível de dispositivo como, por exemplo, a de geometria fechada (enclosed-gate). Este trabalho explora diferentes topologias de geometria fechada analisando diferentes modelagens e estimativas de razão de aspecto (W⁄L). Além disso, todas as análises e propostas apresentadas ao longo deste trabalho levam em conta o ambiente de projeto comercial, de forma que os dispositivos e técnicas propostas possam ser aplicadas e fabricadas utilizando ferramentas de projeto comerciais, respeitando restrições quando a dimensões e espaçamentos entre estruturas de acordo com requisitos comerciais de litografia. Os resultados obtidos corroboram o fato de que ao custo de área é possível que se obtenha um dispositivo mais tolerante à radiação e, neste caso, técnicas de mais alto nível ainda podem ser aplicadas de forma a atingir uma maior eficiência de proteção. / Studies related to ionizing radiation effects into MOS transistors are usually classified into two main groups, Single Event Effects (SEE) and Total Ionization Dose (TID). The former is related to transient effects and the later to the permanent effects which occurs during the whole lifetime of integrated circuits and devices. Architecture level for SEE mitigation techniques usually involves redundancy and majority voters, on the other hand, TID mitigation techniques act avoiding or reducing the weak and critical regions in the layout perspective. In this context this work proposes the analysis of primary physical mechanisms of radiation effects in semiconductor components and MOS transistors by exploring the electrical properties and related degradations. The mitigation (or hardening) techniques are explored not only at the architectural level but also by processes improvements. Nonetheless, this work is primarily focused to achieve a radiation hardened circuit by applying specific changes in the layout perspective making the design named as Radiation Hardened by Design (RHBD). Trading the area and circuit density it is possible to harden the most basic building block of electrical circuits (MOS transistors) and, in this case, by applying higher levels of mitigation techniques it is even possible to harden the entire circuit. Hardening by device is a combination of technology node, use of guard rings and techniques such as Enclosed Layout Transistor (ELT). Thus, this work realizes a comparative study of different proposed models to estimate the effective W/L aspect ratio in ELTs. Moreover, the analysis and approaches presented throughout this work take into account the commercial context, i.e., respecting the commercial Process Design Kits rules.
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Contribuição do SISCOM na investigação do blurring do polo temporal associado à atrofia hipocampal em pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal: um estudo com SPECT cerebral / Contribution of SISCOM in the investigation of temporal pole blurring in patients with temporal lobe rpilepsy and hippocampal atrophy: a brain SPECT studyDaniele Kanashiro Sonvenso 04 March 2016 (has links)
Este foi um estudo retrospectivo de 18 pacientes com atrofia hipocampal (AH) e 21 pacientes com AH associada ao blurring do polo temporal (BPT), nos quais realizamos a investigação das alterações perfusionais ao SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) crítico, ao SPECT intercrítico e ao SISCOM (Subtraction Ictal SPECT Coregistered to MRI) e sua comparação com os dados de avaliação pré-cirúrgica. Os pacientes com BPT apresentaram início mais precoce da epilepsia, uma duração de epilepsia maior e um período maior de seguimento pós-operatório (PO). O padrão pefusional ipsilateral ao SPECT crítico, o qual denominamos de padrão -típico?, foi o padrão perfusional mais frequentemente encontrado em ambos os grupos de pacientes com e sem BPT. Ao SPECT intercrítico, a maioria dos pacientes com BPT apresentaram hipoperfusão ipsilateral no lobo temporal (LT) epileptogênico, enquanto que no grupo sem BPT esta hipoperfusão foi observada em metade dos pacientes. Ao SISCOM, o padrão perfusional -típico? foi novamente o mais encontrado em ambos os grupos com e sem BPT. Entretanto, os padrões considerados -atípicos? foram encontrados mais frequentemente nos pacientes com BPT, o que nos sugere um padrão de propagação das crises epilépticas discretamente diferente neste grupo com BPT, o qual envolve outras áreas dos LT bilateralmente. Contrariamente à nossa hipótese inicial, não encontramos associação entre a presença de BPT e a presença de hiperperfusão no polo temporal (PoT) seja ao SPECT crítico ou ao SISCOM. Por este achado, nossos dados não suportam a idéia de que o BPT seja resultado de alterações teciduais intercríticas secundárias a um maior envolvimento ou participação deste polo na geração ou propagação de crises epilépticas na epilepsia do lobo temporal (ELT) mesial. Por outro lado, nossos resultados sugerem que o PoT é uma região frequentemente envolvida pelas crises do LT. Particularmente, a hiperperfusão no PoT ipsilateral à AH ao SISCOM foi mais encontrada nos pacientes com casos clínicos típicos de ELT mesial, sugerindo que o PoT é mais frequentemente envolvido (um padrão típico) em crises epilépticas em casos clínicos com informações mais concordantes (clear cut) e sugestivas de ELT mesial unilateral / This was a retrospective study of 18 patients with hippocampal atrophy (HA) and 21 patients with HA associated to temporopolar blurring (TPB). We performed an investigation of perfusion changes of ictal single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), interictal SPECT and subtraction ictal SPECT coregistered to magnetic resonance imaging (SISCOM) and its comparison with results of presurgical evaluation. Patients with TPB showed earlier epilepsy onset, longer duration of epilepsy and a longer period of post surgical follow-up. The ipsilateral perfusion pattern in the ictal SPECT, which we denominated -typical? pattern, was the most frequent in both groups of patients, with and wihout TPB. In the interictal SPECT, most of patients with TPB showed ipsilateral hypoperfusion to the epileptogenic temporal pole (TP), while in the group without TPB this hypoperfusion was observed in half of the patients. Through SISCOM, the typical perfusion pattern was the most frequent in both groups. However, the patterns considered -atypical? were found more frequently in patients with TPB, which suggests a pattern of propagation of epileptic seizures slightly different in the group with TPB, which involves other areas of TL bilaterally. Adversely to our hypothesis, we did not found association between the occurrence of TPB and the hyperperfusion in the TP neither in the ictal SPECT nor SISCOM. Based on this finding, our data does not support the idea that the BTP is a result of interictal secondary tissue changes due to a higher involvement or role of this pole in the generation or propagation of epileptic seizures in the mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). On the other hand, our results suggest that the TP is a region frequently involved by seizures of TL. Particularly, the hyperperfusion in the TP which is ipsilateral to the HA through SISCOM was the most found in patients with typical clinical cases of mesial TLE, suggesting that the TP is frequently involved (a typical pattern) in epileptic seizures of clinical cases with more concordant information (clearcut) and suggestive of unilateral mesial TLE
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Exploration of Newcomers’ Access to Internet LiteracyAscenuik, Catrina January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was two fold: (1) to examine how the distribution of resources within and outside an Enhanced Language Training Program (ELT) affected a group of newcomers’ access to Internet literacy development; and (2) to discuss ensuing pedagogical and curricular implications for the ELT Program.
The relationship between the distribution of resources and a group of newcomers’ access to Internet literacy development was studied through a hybrid of two frameworks: van Dijk’s (2005) digital divide and Warschauer’s (2004) social inclusion.
The key findings were that the distribution of resources affected access four ways: (1) resources affected multiple types of access, (2) the effect of resource distribution on access was both cumulative and successive, (3) distribution of resources could either facilitate or impede access, and (4) Internet literacy development could potentially increase or decrease the resources. The findings resulted in implications for the ELT program and teaching.
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A complex systems perspective on English language teaching : a case study of a language school in GreeceKostoulas, Achilleas January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is a complexity-informed case study of a language school in Greece, which provides a rich description of how language pedagogy develops in the periphery of the English-using world. In addition, this study demonstrates the feasibility and potential of using Complex Systems Theory (CST) in the study of educational settings. The thesis begins by describing English Language Teaching (ELT) in Greece, thus setting the scene for the empirical investigation. This is followed by a review of ELT literature, with particular reference to theories of language, pedagogy and society, and by an overview of CST, which pragmatically synthesises complex realism and post-modern ways of knowing, and defines a set of principles to guide complexity-informed empirical inquiry. Having conceptualised the language school as a complex system, it is suggested that activity in the school was sustained by multiple intentionalities, i.e., collective, emergent, nested and generative drivers of activity. These included: (a) an imperative to provide certification to learners, (b) some learners’ desire to integrate in transnational discourse communities, (c) the expectation that language learning should lead to increased awareness of ‘English’ culture, (d) competition against the state school system, and (e) the unstated aim of protecting the professional interests of the school’s staff and stakeholders. Intentionalities were associated with specific pedagogical outcomes and cultural outlooks, and their synthesis is defined as a dynamic of intentions. Next, the thesis looks into the learning materials used at the language school, and it is suggested that these generate affordances which impacted pedagogy. The distribution of learning activities in the books was associated with synchronic and diachronic changes in the dynamics of intentions underpinning activity in the school. Complexity-inspired conceptual instruments, such as an ‘affordance landscape’ and ‘attractors’, are developed to describe the influence of the learning materials, and it is suggested that the learning resources used at the language school made transmissive and communicative pedagogy more likely. The empirical component of the study concludes by describing prototypical instruction sequences that typified ELT in the language school, which evidenced traces of transmissive and communicative pedagogy. Some sequences (e.g., Reading and Vocabulary, and Transmissive Grammar) evidenced transmissive influences, which were associated with local pedagogical traditions, whereas others, such as Process-Based Writing, were more closely aligned with the communicative ideology that is mainstream in ELT. The thesis concludes by synthesising the findings with insights from the CST literature. In doing so, it demonstrates the theoretically generative potential of a complexity-informed inquiry, which can help to formulate understandings of ELT that are sensitive to the interface between systems and their environments, while providing ontologically coherent accounts of structure and agency, and of behaviours that are neither completely random nor entirely predictable.
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Queering EFL Teaching : Opportunities and Challenges According to Preservice TeachersBertilsson, Alvina, Stimjanin, Nora January 2020 (has links)
This study examines how preservice teachers reflect upon queer pedagogy in relation to their future profession as English teachers. The purpose is to find out if preservice English language teachers consider queer theory to be important in their future profession, and if they do, find out what aspects they think are important, and what aspect could be challenging. Focus group interviews conducted with preservice teachers from Västra Götaland showed that queering English language teaching deemed important to encourage critical thinking, question norms and promote normalization of queer topics and acceptance of others. Results suggest that queer theory should be implemented in a natural way in order to avoid othering. The major concerns of the participants can be summarized as fear of being uninformed, and offending or differentiating students without meaning to. Moreover, many found it challenging to engage in the process of 'queering materials' as there are no clear guidelines or instructions, the responsibility placed on the individual teacher. In conclusion, preservice teachers would benefit from more queer theory courses related to their subjects, and opportunities to actively 'queer' and evaluate materials during their undergraduate teaching programs. This could provide confidence when working with and implementing queer theory in the classroom.
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Translanguaging in Swedish ELT in upper-secondary school : A study of students' self-reported use and perceptions of translanguagingYousef, Salma January 2023 (has links)
The use of translanguaging in ELT classrooms can have significant benefits for multilingual students. This study investigates how students with background languages other than Swedish perceive the use of translanguaging in ELT classes. The study aims to answer questions about how these students perceive teachers' use of it, their perception of their own use of it, and in which classroom activities they report a need to use it. Data was collected through a questionnaire that was carried out in three Swedish as a second language classrooms in two separate upper-secondary schools in southern Sweden. Generally, the findings showed a predominantly positive attitude towards the teachers' use of translanguaging in the ELT classroom, but some students did not find it helpful. The majority of students reported that their background languages helped them understand and develop their English language skills. Translanguaging was also supportive in various classroom activities, such as reading comprehension. The study concludes by pedagogical implications for translanguaging use in the ELT classroom in Sweden.
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The Inclusivity and Representation of Cultural and Sexual Diversity in Swedish ELT TextbooksSpiik, Isabel, Rönni, Jonas January 2022 (has links)
With the rising societal awareness of inclusivity and accurate representation in films and other forms of media, it has become increasingly important that cultural and sexual diversity are not neglected in the material used in education, especially in English Language Teaching (ELT) where the chosen material is supposed to represent the whole English-speaking world. Previous research often focuses on the difference between national and international textbooks and compares the results between them. While some studies have focused on either cultural or sexual diversity, none have included both and there are not many studies that focus on Swedish ELT. Four textbooks were analysed in this study; Short Cuts to English 1 (2001), Streams 1 (2004), Pick & Mix 1 (2013), and Blueprint A (2017). Inclusivity and representation of cultural and sexual diversity were analysed using three models. Analytical methods focused on the aesthetic and sociological senses of culture, the circles of countries, and the levels of heteronormativity in the textbooks. Ourfindings show that there is a lack of inclusivity and representation of sexualities other than heterosexuality, and that even for culture there is a lack of inclusivity outside of English-speaking countries. Results indicate that the four textbooks used in this study did not display a high level of inclusivity regarding sexual diversity. Although still small, levels of inclusivity and representation of different cultures were greater.
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Teaching English In Iraq:an Analysis Of An Efl TextbookAl-Akraa, Sarab 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study evaluates the fifth- grade beginning English textbook, Iraq Opportunities 3, which was introduced in elementary schools by the Iraqi Ministry of Education in 2012. This mixed methods research aims to analyze the content of a new textbook that is considered to be the foundation of the English language program in Iraq. This is a valuable research project since its findings reveal the strengths and weaknesses of Iraq Opportunities 3 based on three critical components: grammar, vocabulary, and culture. A survey questionnaire was used in this study to elicit the perspectives of English language teachers who are using this textbook in their classrooms along with the personal evaluation by the researcher. Three research questions were addressed in this study: 1) How are grammar and vocabulary addressed in Iraq Opportunities 3? 2) How are English-speaking and Iraqi cultures represented in Iraq Opportunities 3? and 3) Is the L2 culture represented in this textbook in a way that exposes students to the English-speaking culture? The findings are generally in favor of the textbook in terms of grammar and vocabulary and their appropriateness for the age and level of students. However, the study criticizes the limited role and the poor representation of culture in this curriculum.
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Grammar practice activities in a Swedish ELT textbook for year 9Rosberg, Jimmy January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates the prevalence and proportion of explicit grammar practice activities in relation to a present, practice, and produce structure to find out if it is possible to derive an approach to grammar teaching that is used in the English language learning material Magic! 9. Current SLA research suggests that explicit grammar teaching facilitates L2 acquisition if grammatical activities focus on meaning over decontextualized form-focused drills. Additionally, researchers have not reached a conclusive answer on whether the inductive or deductive presentation of grammar is the most effective. By linking teaching approaches to the presentation, practice, and produce structure and the connected grammar activities, this study found that Magic! 9 favors explicit presentation of grammatical elements by name, while inductively presenting the grammatical rules of the elements in preceding non-grammar focused activities. Additionally, the explicit grammatical activities in Magic! 9 are primarily focused on form, and meaning is the secondary focus. Although not conclusive, the findings suggest that there are two possible answers as to which approach is used to teach grammar. The primary focus on form and drilling nature of the activities suggests that the audio-lingual approach is the most prevalent. On the other hand, the mixing of several approaches suggests that the post-communicative approach is the most prevalent.
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ChatGPT in English Class : Perspectives of students and teachers from Swedish Upper Secondary schoolsZeng, Yuchen, Mahmud, Tanzima January 2023 (has links)
Studien utforskade användningen av den Artificiell Intelligens chatbot, ChatGPT, i undervisningen av engelska (ELT) och hur elever och lärare på svenska gymnasieskolor uppfattade användningen av ChatGPT i engelskundervisningen. Studien har samlat båda kvantitativa data från 63 gymnasieelever genom en online-enkät och kvalitativa data från intervjuer med två engelsklärare på gymnasienivå. Forskningen undersökte i vilken utsträckning och för vilka syften elever använde ChatGPT, förändringarna i undervisningsmetoder inom ELT, samt fördelar och utmaningar med ChatGPT ur lärarnas perspektiv. Studien använde teoretiska ramverk som The Unified Technology Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), Language teacher cognition och Learner Autonomy. Resultaten indikerar att elever huvudsakligen använder ChatGPT för idegenerering och inspiration. Dock har anvädningen av ChatGPT för engelskinlärning inte blivit populär bland eleverna. Förändringar i undervisningsmetoder märks främst i klassrum bedömningar, aktiviteter, och hjälp med lektionsplanering och materialförberedelse. Fördelar med ChatGPT inkluderar idegenerering, främjande av Learner Autonomy, medan utmaningar inkluderar oro för tillförlitlighet, begränsad inlärning, och frågor om akademisk ohederlighet. Detta understryker behovet av noggrant övervägande vid inkluderingen av ChatGPT i pedagogiska sammanhang. / The study explored the application of artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT, in English language teaching (ELT) and learning, exploring how Swedish upper secondary school students’ and teachers’ perceived ChatGPT in English class. The study collected quantitative data consisting of 63 upper secondary school students’ through an online questionnaire, and qualitative data from interviews with two upper-secondary ELT Teachers. The research explores the extent and purposes of students’ use of ChatGPT, the changes in ELT instructional practices, and the affordances and challenges of ChatGPT from teacher’s perspectives. This study adopts the unified technology acceptance and use of technology theory (UTAUT), Language teacher cognition and Learning autonomy as theoretical frameworks. The results indicate that students primarily use ChatGPT for brainstorming and inspiration, however, using ChatGPT for English learning has not become popular among students. Changes in instructional practices are noticeable in in-class assessments, activities, and assistance with lesson planning and material preparation. The affordances of ChatGPT are brainstorming, promoting learner autonomy, and the challenges include reliability concerns, limited learning, and issues of academic dishonesty. This emphasises the need for careful consideration when including ChatGPT in pedagogical implications.
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