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Emotionellt arbete som komplement till chefsrollen. : En vinjettstudie om butikschefer inom detaljhandeln och deras föreställningar om arbetsrelaterade scenarion. / Emotional work as a complement to the managerial role. : A vignette study of retail store managers and their perceptions of work-related scenarios.Petö-Jonasson, Lina, Sarr, Awa January 2023 (has links)
Vår studie undersöker butikschefer inom servicebranschen föreställningar om det emotionella arbete som de kan möta i sina dagliga arbetsuppgifter, samt om hur rollen kan påverkas utefter deras arbetsmiljö. Detta är en kvalitativ studie där vi har valt att använda oss av intervjuer utifrån vinjettmetoden. Vinjettmetoden har använts för att skapa verklighetstrogna scenarion som intervjupersonerna har fått reflektera samt relatera till, detta utifrån ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Studiens empiri och analys del visar hur butikscheferna tar sig an det emotionella arbetet de utsätts för i sitt dagliga arbete. I vår slutdiskussion tar vi bland annat upp hur butikscheferna jobbar med emotionellt arbete ständigt på olika plan. Inte enbart mot sina anställda och kunder som besöker butiken, men även butikschefernas överordnade. Avslutningsvis diskuterar vi förslag på vidare forskning och ingångar som kan tänkas vara intressanta för detta ämnet. / Our study investigates store managers in the service industry's perceptions of the emotional work they may face in their daily tasks, as well as how the role can be affected according to their work environment. This is a qualitative study where we have chosen to use interviews based on the vignette method. The vignette method has been used to create realistic scenarios that the interviewees have had to reflect on and relate to, based on a phenomenological perspective. The empirical and analysis part of the study shows how the store managers deal with the emotional work they are exposed to in their daily tasks. In our final discussion, we address, among other things, how the store managers work with emotional labour constantly on different levels. Not only towards their employees and customers who visit the store, but also the store managers' superiors. Lastly we discuss proposals for further research and inputs that might be interesting for this topic.
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Underbemanning kan vara det nya normala : Hemtjänstpersonalens arbetssituation: En kvalitativ studie i hemtjänsten / Staff shortage might be the new standard : Homecare workers’ work situation: A qualitative study with homecare workersAndersson, Mikael, Hultsberg, Madelene January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur kommunal hemtjänstpersonal i en landsbygdskommun upplever bemanningen. Utifrån detta undersöktes hur hemtjänstpersonalen hanterar eventuella situationer vid underbemanning och vilka konsekvenser det kan medföra för personalen. För att fånga upp hemtjänstpersonalens erfarenheter och upplevelser genomfördes en kvalitativ intervjustudie där åtta personer intervjuades. Intervjuerna analyserades med tematisk analys. Teori som applicerats på resultatet var Kahns personligt engagemang och personligt disengagemang samt Hochschilds emotionsarbete och emotionellt lönearbete. Resultatet visade att underbemanning kunde vara det nya normala för hemtjänstpersonalen då normen för god bemanning förändrats. Det har skett en ansvarsförskjutning gällande vikarieanskaffning kvällar och helger. Hemtjänstpersonalen hade strategier som möjliggjorde arbete vid underbemanning. Det fanns två centrala strategier vilka var samarbete inom den egna gruppen och samarbete mellan grupper. Dessa strategier fick konsekvenser för personalen i form av att underbemanningen kontinuerligt osynliggjordes. Studien har bidragit till att problem gällande bemanning och de strategier som används inom kommunal hemtjänst i en landsbygdskommun för att hantera underbemanning synliggjorts. / The aim for this study was to explore how homecare workers in a rural municipality perceives staffing. From this perspective explore how homecare workers dealt with situations of staff shortage and what consequences it could bestow upon the staff. A qualitative interview study was made to capture the experiences of homecare workers and eight persons were interviewed. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the interviews. Theories used to analyze the results were both Kahn’s personal engagement and personal disengagement and Hochschild’s emotion work and emotional labor. The results showed that staff shortage might be the new standard due to a shift in the perceived norm of adequate staffing. There was a shift of responsibility regarding substitutes during evenings and weekends. Homecare workers showed strategies that facilitated a continued work while short-staffed. Two central strategies were cooperation within their own group and cooperation with other groups. These strategies had consequences for the staff such as making staff shortage continuously obscured. This study has highlighted problematic staffing and strategies within municipal homecare in a rural municipality.
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護理人員情緒勞動之研究 / A Study of the Emotional Labour of Nursing陳琪潔, Chen, Chi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
最後本研究對於改善護理人員的情緒勞動處境提出幾點建議:(一)從學校教育開始正視情緒勞動(二)改變社會大眾對護理人員的刻板印象,包括從性別角度著手以及強化護理人員的專業形象(三)從護理人員的情緒勞動中得到諸多利益的院方,應負起相對的責任,包括改善情緒勞動的管理方式、持續改善勞動環境以及提供符合需求的實質支援。若能改善護理人員的護理勞動處境,對於護理人員、醫療品質及醫療院所的經營,都將有所助益。 / There has been much research about nursing, but most studies are focus on the nurses’ working conditions. However, in addition to providing professional and safe medical care, emotional labour is also a indispensable part of nursing, but compared with quantitative research,the qualitative research of the emotional labour of nursing in Taiwan are still relatively rare.
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the emotional of nursing by interview. The conclusion in this study included three parts: 1. The formation process of the emotional labour of nursing is affected by the nursing education in school, the emotion regulations in organization, and the interaction with patients. 2. The gap between nurses’ job identification and common nursing stereotypes, and the poor working conditions are main causes of the emotional burden of nurses. 3.The work overload on emotional labour has negative impact on nurses themselves, medical quality, and hospital management.
To improve the situation of emotional labour of nursing, the recommendations of this study are 1. In the nursing education, teach nursing students to take the emotional labour of seriously. 2. Transform the common stereotypes of nursing by reducing the gender images and strengthening the professional image of nursing. 3. Hospitals should take the relative responsibility when they take the profit. The possible solutions include changing the management of emotional labour, improving the working conditions continuously, and providing appropriate and effective support. The improvement of the situation of emotional labour of nursing will bring advantages to nurses, medical quality and hospital management.
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Veterinärers arbete : En studie om etik, ansvar och känslorDavidoff, Yvette, Jansson, Mikaela January 2011 (has links)
I det moderna samhället har sällskapsdjur kommit att alltmer betraktas som en familjemedlem med känslor. Detta har resulterat i förändrade krav på veterinäryrket, veterinären förväntas betrakta djuret utifrån ägarens världsbild. Undersökningens syfte är att försöka få en ökad förståelse för svenska veterinärers arbetssituation och de problem som kan uppstå i triadrelationen, veterinär – djur – djurägare. Författarna har använt en kvalitativ metod och ett hermeneutiskt angreppssätt för att uppnå denna förståelse. Orsaken till att valet föll på att göra en undersökning om emotionellt arbete inom veterinäryrket, var att det inte fanns särskilt många nordiska artiklar att tillgå i ämnet. Resultatet visar att svenska veterinärer saknar handledning och utbildning i det emotionella arbete, som krävs i den sociala interaktionen med djurägarna. Sju semistrukturerade djupintervjuer har genomförts med veterinärer från djursjukhus och privatkliniker. Författarna har dragit slutsatsen att svenska veterinärers arbetsvillkor är komplicerade då varje konsultation innebär ett emotionellt arbete, likväl som ett medicinskt. Dessutom måste de kompromissa både med svensk djurskyddslag och med sin egen etiska uppfattning. / In the modern society family pets are more and more considered as members of the family with valid feelings. This has resulted in higher demands on the veterinary occupation. The vet is expected to look upon their animal patients from the owners’ point of view. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the knowledge of the work situation for Swedish veterinarians and the problems they encounter in the triad relation, veterinarian – animal – owner. The authors have used a qualitative method and hermeneutic approach to achieve this knowledge. The reason for choosing the subject of emotional labour within the veterinary trade was that there weren’t too many Nordic articles about it. The result shows that Swedish veterinarians don’t get any guidance or education in the emotional labour that is required in the social interaction with pet owners. Seven semi structured deep interviews have been conducted with veterinarians from animal hospitals and private practitioners. The authors have come to the conclusion that the working conditions for Swedish veterinarians are complicated as each consultation involves emotional labour as well as a medical labour. Apart from that they have to compromise with Swedish animal law and their own ethical conviction.
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A comparative case investigation of the retail industry : comparing the nature of HRM, emotional labour and the influence of the customerCartwright, Kimberley January 2014 (has links)
Retail work constitutes an estimated 10.5 per cent of the UK workforce (British Retail Consortium, 2011). The literature suggests homogeneity in the nature of HRM in the retail industry with low formal skills, pay and trade union density associated with this context (Skillsmart Retail, 2010; Department for Business Innovation and Skills, 2010). Furthermore, the downward pressure on the working conditions of employees is observed across front-line work in general and this, seemingly does not improve with competitive strategy (Kelliher and Perrett, 2001; Lloyd, 2005; Lloyd, Warhurst and Dutton, 2013). However, the service work literature reveals diversity at the workplace level in the performance of emotional labour (Bolton, 2000) and the different types of customer (Bolton and Houlihan, 2005). Yet there are gaps in the literature related to how the performance of emotional labour compares and contrasts across retail organisations through different management control mechanisms as well as how the employee-customer interaction may explain diversity at the workplace level. The thesis draws on a comparative case approach of four case study organisations in the retail industry each reflecting different market positions in clothing and electrical product markets. A total of 37 semi-structured interviews were conducted with managers and employees across the case study stores. In addition the methodology also included the analysis of the customer perspective which is traditionally missing in the work and employment relations literature (Korczynski, 2009) This included collecting data using eighteen customer shopping reports, a method based on qualitative diaries. The overall aim of the study was to compare and contrast management, employee and customer perspectives across different retail organisation contexts and explore how the nature of HR and the performance of emotional labour are framed and reframed by the dynamics and negotiations that take place between these three actors. The findings reveal homogeneity in the nature of HRM with no improvement in recruitment and selection, training, pay and collective employee involvement going up the quality chain in the retail industry. This confirms other studies in the service industry more generally (Kelliher and Perrett, 2001; Lloyd, 2005; Lloyd et al, 2013). However within this downward pressure on the nature of HRM there were elements of diversity in the management requirements for the performance of emotional labour and the conceptualisation of the customer which shaped the employee-customer interaction in much broader terms than Strategic HR theorists might have assumed. To understand diversity across the retail organisations it was necessary to analyse the nature of employee-customer interactions within the context of management performance strategies. This revealed that many of the nuances between the case study retailers related to the ways the customer shapes, and is shaped, by the performance of emotional labour. The thesis will argue for the continued relevance of the concept of triangular relations which has been recently criticised (Belanger and Edwards, 2013) because it recognises the three actors that shape the performance of emotional labour at the level of workplace relations.
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Daily hassles, resilience, and burnout of call centre staff / Willem Alfonzo VisserVisser, Willem Alfonzo January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology) )--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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Emotion work and well-being of human-resource employees within the chrome industry / A. du PreezDu Preez, Arenda January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Human Resource Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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Emosjonelt arbeid i offentlighetens tjeneste : En kvalitativ studie av politiets emosjonelle arbeid / Emotional Labor in Public Service : A qualitative study of the police’s emotional laborBru, Linn Sunniva, Nilsson, Therese January 2011 (has links)
A police officer may be subject to anumber of complex situationsand stresses intheir everyday work in which different emotionsmay occur, and whereemotional labour is necessary. Our intent of the study isto increase understanding of the emotional partof the police work. How the police areexperiencing an emotional preparation for work,experiencing the feelings that occur in work,and how emotions are processed. Wewill also see howthe police handlethe transmutation from their private feelings anddeal with the waythey express the emotional expressions that the colleagues and thepublic expect to see in different situations. We will see how theyhandle the transmutation from public feelings toprivate feelings again.The intention of the study is also to see if thereare organizational conditions that cansimplify the emotional labour of a police,and identify the conditions. We haveconducted seven qualitativeinterviews. By means of thecollected empirical and the theoretical basewe will analyze the emotional labour of a police, and analyze the factors that may affect the emotionallabour.The analysis describes the presence of individual factors, social support and organizational factorsthat can affectthe emotional workof a police. We illustratethe emotional workof a police with thehelp of a model that shows the relationship between different the factors. / Politietkan bli utsatt for en rekke komplekse og påkjennende situasjoner i sinarbeidshverdag hvor ulike følelser kan oppstå, og der et emosjonelt arbeid blirnødvendig. Vårt formål med studiet er å øke forståelsen for denemosjonelle delen i politiets arbeid. Hvordan politiet opplever forberedelsentil et emosjonelt arbeid, opplever følelsene som oppstår i arbeidet, samthvordan følelsene bearbeides. Vi vil også se hvordan politiet handtererovergangen fra sine private følelser, og handterer de slik at de viser defølelsesutrykk som kollegaer og allmennheten forventer seg å se i ulikesituasjoner. Vi vil også se hvordan overgangen handteres fra de offentligefølelsene til private igjen. Studiets formål er å se om det finnesorganisatoriske forutsetninger som kan forenkle det emosjonelle arbeidet til politiet,og hvordan disse ser ut. Vi har gjennomført syv kvalitative intervjuer. Med hjelp av den innsamledeempirien og studiets teoretiske utgangspunkt analyserer vi politietsemosjonelle arbeid, og faktorer som kan påvirke det emosjonelle arbeidet. Analysen beskriver at det finnesindividuelle faktorer, sosial støtte og organisatoriske faktorer som kanpåvirke det emosjonelle arbeidet til politiet. Vi illustrerer det emosjonellearbeidet til politiet med hjelp av en egen modell som viser sammenhengen mellomde ulike faktorene.
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Sound practice : a relational economic geography of music production in and beyond the recording studioWatson, Allan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis develops a relational geography perspective on creative work and practice, with a specific focus on the recording studio sector. Drawing on an extensive social network analysis, a questionnaire survey, and nineteen semi-structured interviews with recording studio engineers and producers in London (UK), the thesis reveals how recording studios are constituted by a number of types of relations. Firstly, studios are spaces that involve a material and technological relationality between studio workers and varied means of production. Studios are material and technological spaces that influence and shape human actions and social inter-actions. Secondly, studios are sites of relationality between social actors, including engineers, musicians and artists. The thesis reveals how the ability to construct and maintain social relations, and perform emotional labour , is of particular importance to the management of the creative process of producing and recording music, and to building the individual social capital of studio workers. Finally, the thesis argues that studios are sites of changing employment relations between studio workers and studio as employer. In the recording studio sector, a complex and changing set of employment practices have re-defined the relationship between employee and employer and resulted in a set of employment relations characterised by constant employment uncertainty for freelance studio workers. It is argued that the three types of relations revealed in this thesis, manifest at a multiplicity of geographical scales, construct recording studios as distinctive social and economic creative spaces. In conclusion, it is argued that a relational perspective is central to progressing geographical accounts of creative work and of project-based industries in general.
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Daily hassles, resilience, and burnout of call centre staff / Willem Alfonzo VisserVisser, Willem Alfonzo January 2007 (has links)
Internationally, as well as locally, the trend is for companies to use call centres as their
preferred method of service delivery. The increase in the use of call centres as a service
delivery mechanism thus provides many more employment opportunities. Within call centres,
service is primarily delivered by frontline employees referred to as customer service
representatives (CSRs). While nothing seems to stop the growth of call centres and the
increase of employment opportunities within them, working in call centres is not necessarily
experienced as pleasant. Working in a call centre is frequently seen as stressful and the work
in such a centre can foster burnout. Burnout is considered to be a pathogenic construct.
The first purpose of this study was to describe and investigate the contribution of six central
characteristics (antecedents) of call centre work environments and their influence on burnout,
affective commitment and turnover intentions. These characteristics were work overload;
electronic performance monitoring; lack of career and promotion opportunities, lack of skill
variety and emotional labour. An incidental sample of customer service representatives
(N=146) was obtained from the inbound service call centre of a large financial company. AU
six independent variables were found to be significantly related to the experience of burnout,
affective commitment and turnover intentions. Multiple regression analysis made it possible
to establish that work overload, lack of career and promotion opportunities and skill variety,
and emotional labour were the most important predictors of burnout, whereas lack of career
and promotion opportunities was the most significant predictors of both affective
commitment and turnover intentions. Burnout had a direct effect on turnover intentions and
was not mediated by affective commitment.
One antecedent that is often associated with the development of burnout is daily hassles, but
daily hassles as an antecedent of burnout in call centres has not been studied before. The
second purpose of this study was to develop a short Call Centre Daily Hassle Diagnostic
Questionnaire that could be used to identify the most common daily hassles that call centre
agents experience in their working lives, both within the work environment and within their
day-to-day personal lives, and to determine the relationship between it and burnout. A cross-sectional
survey research design was used with an accidental sample (N=394) taken from a
service and sales call centre. An exploratory factor analysis of the data resulted in a six-factor
model of daily hassles within call centres that significantly predicted exhaustion. The factors
were daily demands, continuous change, co-worker hassles, demotivating work environment,
transportation hassles and inner concerns.
In the third part of this research thesis there is a shift away from the pathogenic paradigm
towards a more salutogenic/fortigenic paradigm. Very little previous research has been done
on adult resilience. The purpose of the third study was to explore the concept of adult
resilience and to identify and describe the protective and vulnerability factors that play a role
in adult resilience. Through the use of an exploratory factor analysis, eight factors were
identified that played a role in adult resilience. They were Confidence and Optimism,
Positive Reinterpretation, Facing Adversity, Support, Determination, Negative Rumination,
Religion and Helplessness.
Based on the findings of this research, some practical recommendations were made for the
management of call centres to reduce the development of burnout and turnover intentions, on
how to utilise the Hassle-based Diagnostic Scale and on how to apply the Adult Resilience
Indicator in the training and development of resilience. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology) )--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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