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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Phylogenetic relationships and arbuscular mycorrhizal diversity of Tolpis Adans. (Asteraceae), with special reference to island endemism and biogeography

Gruenstaeudl, Michael 29 January 2014 (has links)
The plant genus Tolpis (Asteraceae) is a predominantly insular plant lineage. It inhabits four of the five archipelagoes that comprise the Atlantic region of Macaronesia and also occurs in Mediterranean Europe and North Africa. Twelve species are currently recognized in Tolpis, of which ten are insular and two continental. The majority of the insular species inhabit the five western Canarian islands, where they constitute endemics to specific ecological habitats. A comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Tolpis is generated via DNA sequences of one nuclear ribosomal and two low-copy nuclear DNA markers. Considerable phylogenetic uncertainty among inferred tree topologies is detected, and incongruence between these topologies is resolved via statistical hypotheses testing. The extant diversity of the genus is identified to be the result of two independent colonization pathways and adaptive radiations on several islands. Moreover, potential hybridization is detected between species that inhabit different islands and archipelagoes, indicating a more widespread historical distribution of the genus. Details of the biogeographic history of Tolpis are inferred via ancestral area reconstructions under parsimony and likelihood optimality criteria. The hypothesis that Tolpis may have undergone a back-dispersal from an island to a continental habitat is also tested. Uncertainty in taxon cladograms owing to the presence of hybrid or allopolyploid taxa is characterized and a potential adjustment strategy evaluated. Averaging reconstruction results over all optimal phylogenetic trees and the manual pruning of cloned DNA sequences are found potential adjustment strategies against the impact of topological uncertainty owning to hybrid or allopolyploid taxa. Adjusted ancestral area reconstructions in Tolpis do not support the scenario that the genus has undergone a reverse colonization of the continent. In addition to the phylogenetic and biogeographic history of the genus, the diversity of symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi associated with Tolpis is characterized. A molecular survey using two nuclear ribosomal DNA markers and 454 pyrosequencing is performed. Particular emphasis is placed on the quality filtering of resulting fungal DNA sequences, the generation of operational taxonomic units, and their taxonomic assignment via similarity searches against DNA sequence databases. Numerous potentially novel fungal genotypes are identified. / text

Τα ελληνικά ενδημικά χλωριδικά στοιχεία του εθνικού πάρκου Χελμού - Βουραϊκού : βάση δεδομένων (χαρτογράφηση με χρήση Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφοριών και συσχετισμός με τους τύπους οικοτόπων της Οδηγίας 92/43/ΕΟΚ)

Μακρή, Δήμητρα 07 July 2015 (has links)
Το εθνικό Πάρκο Χελμού – Βουραϊκού βρίσκεται στη βόρεια Πελοπόννησο, η έκταση του είναι περίπου 544,4 Km2 και περιλαμβάνει τέσσερεις (4) Ειδικές Ζώνες Διατήρησης (Ε.Ζ.Δ.) του δικτύου Natura 2000 και 21 τύπους οικοτόπων, εκ των οποίων, δύο (2) αποτελούν οικότοπους προτεραιότητας της Οδηγίας 92/43/ΕΟΚ. Αρχικά η παρούσα εργασία, καταγράφει τα ελληνικά ενδημικά χλωριδικά στοιχεία του Εθνικού Πάρκου, τα οποία ανέρχονται σε 136 taxa, 33 εκ των οποίων είναι ενδημικά της Πελοποννήσου και από αυτά, τα 6 είναι τοπικά ενδημικά. Στη συνέχεια επιχειρεί την συσχέτιση των ελληνικών ενδημικών taxa με τους τύπους οικοτόπων της Οδηγίας 92/43/ΕΟΚ, σύμφωνα με τη θέση όπου έχει αναφερθεί η παρουσία τους εντός της περιοχής μελέτης, καθώς και με τις Ειδικές Ζώνες Διατήρησης του δικτύου Natura 2000 και τις περιοχές προστασίας του Εθνικού Πάρκου όπως ορίζονται στην ΚΥΑ 40390/01-10-2009. Παράλληλα, γίνεται ανάλυση της υψομετρικής κατανομής των μελετώμενων taxa και διερευνώνται οι φυτογεωγραφικές σχέσεις του Χελμού με τα όρη της Πελοποννήσου και της Στερεάς Ελλάδας και της περιοχής μελέτης με τις υπόλοιπες φυτογεωγραφικές περιοχές της Ελλάδας. Επισημάνονται τα χλωριδικά στοιχεία που κατατάσσονται σε κάποια κατηγορία εξαφάνισης ή βρίσκονται σε καθεστώς προστασίας, ο συνολικός αριθμός των οποίων είναι 54 taxa. Τέλος, δημιουργείται βάση δεδομένων που περιλαμβάνει για κάθε taxon, τις συνώνυμες ονομασίες του, την περιγραφή του βιοτόπου και το εύρος των υψομέτρων στα οποία απαντάται, την εμφάνισή του σε άλλες φυτογεωγραφικές περιοχές, εκτός της Πελοποννήσου, την βιομορφή του, το καθεστώς προστασίας, την κατηγορία επικινδυνότητας εξαφάνισης στην οποία κατατάσσεται, τον οικότοπο, την Ειδική Ζώνη Διατήρησης και την Ζώνη Προστασίας του Εθνικού Πάρκου στην οποία βρίσκεται. Στη βάση δεδομένων περιλαμβάνεται, επίσης, για όσα taxa βρέθηκε σχετική πληροφορία, η γεωγραφική τους θέση στην περιοχή μελέτης καθώς και οι παρατηρήσεις των μελετητών που τα συνέλεξαν σε κάθε θέση συλλογής. / The Chelmos - Vouraikos National Park is located in northern Peloponnese, covers about 544,4 Km2 and includes four (4) Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) of Natura 2000 network and 21 habitat types, of which, two (2) are priority habitats according to Directive 92/43/EEC. Initially, this thesis catalogues the Greek endemic floristic elements of the National Park, which numbers 136 taxa, 33 of them are endemic to the area under study and six local endemics. Furthermore, it attempts to correlate the Greek endemic taxa with the habitat types of Directive 92/43/EEC, the Special Areas of Conservation of Natura 2000 network and the conservation zones of National Park, as defined in Joint Ministerial Decision 40390/01-10-2009. At the same time, it is carried out an analysis of taxa’s altitudinal distribution and the phytogeographical relationships between Chelmos and the mountains of Peloponnese and Central Greece as well as among the study area and other phytogeographical regions of Greece are investigated. The floristcs elements under the threat of extinction or under protection status are highlighted, the number of which is 54 taxa. Finally, a database is contracted, that includes for each taxon, synonyms, habitat description, altitude range, presents in other phytogeographical regions, except for the Peloponnese, life form, protection status, category of extinction risk, habitat type, the Special Areas of Conservation and the conservation zones of National Park, where it has been referred. The database includes, also, when the information exists, the geographical location and the observations of researchers who have collected it within the area under study.

Les mollusques du Golfe de Gabès (Méditerranée sud-orientale) : néo-endemisme ou variations écophénotypiques ? / The Gulf of Gabes (Southern Tunisia) : center of Mediterranean endemism or ecophenotypic variations in extreme conditions ?

Aissaoui, Cherifa 24 October 2016 (has links)
L’originalité du golfe de Gabès (Sud de la Tunisie) a été reconnue par les malacologistes depuis le19ème siècle mais reste mal définie. Les espèces de cette région présentent des caractères morphologiques qui ont conduit à l’établissement de variétés, sous-espèces et espèces faiblement caractérisées. Certains auteurs les traitent comme des taxons endémiques tandis que d'autres les considèrent comme de simples variants locaux d'espèces à large répartition méditerranéenne. Le manque d’information concernant la valeur taxonomique de ces caractères morphologiques ne permet pas de traiter de façon robuste la question de l’endémisme dans le golfe de Gabès. Le premier objectif est de réviser le statut taxonomique des mollusques du golfe de Gabès en s’appuyant sur une approche de taxonomie moléculaire. La confrontation des différents caractères a permis d’identifier ceux qui discriminent correctement les individus en espèces, d’éliminer à l’inverse ceux qui ne remplissent pas cette fonction et d’en redéfinir de nouveaux. Le deuxième objectif est de relier les particularités faunistiques du Golfe à ses caractéristiques océanographiques et de discuter les phénomènes de spéciation qui pourraient être à l’origine de l’endémisme. Nos analyses ont porté sur six genres: Jujubinus (Trochidae), Diodora (Fissurellidae), Ocinebrina, Muricopsis (Muricidae), Aplus (Buccinidae) et Tritia (Nassariidae). L’approche intégrative utilisée a permis de proposer des hypothèses de délimitation d’espèces que nous avons ensuite confrontées aux données morphologiques et géographiques. Au final, l’endémisme est confirmé dans certains cas mais l’hypothèse qu’une partie des espèces décrites du golfe de Gabès ne sont que des variétés éco phénotypiques est également attestée. Notre approche moléculaire a mis aussi en évidence l’existencede nouvelles espèces et d’espèces cryptiques insoupçonnées dans la Méditerranée. Finalement l’hypothèse que le golfe de Gabès est un centre de spéciation est retenue. Plus de données moléculaires (reliées à des données fossiles) d’autres groupes provenant de différentes localités (spécialement du golfe de Syrte) apparaissent toutefois nécessaires. / The present Mediterranean marine fauna is the result of a history going back to the Messinian Salinity Crisis, with current biogeographical patterns mostly reflecting Quaternary to modern oceanographic conditions. The Gulf of Gabès, in southern Tunisia, is remarkable for its extreme ecological characteristics that distinguish it from "ambiant" Mediterranean conditions. Starting with the work of malacologists at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, the molluscs of the Gulf of Gabès have been recognized as exhibiting morphological characters that set them apart from more typical forms that occur in the rest of the Mediterranean. At present, 6% of the species of the overall Gulf of Gabès mollusc fauna are treated as valid local endemics. Using an integrative taxonomy approach, combining molecular and morphological data, the objective of the study is to re-evaluate the status of these Gulf of Gabès local forms: are they valid, endemic species or do they represent ecophenotypic variation? Given the young geological age (6-8 ka) of the Gulf, where would local endemics have originated? The gastropod genera Jujubinus (Trochidae), Diodora (Fissurellidae), Tritia (Nassariidae) Ocinebrina (Muricidae), Muricopsis (Muricidae) and Aplus (Buccinidae) all have in common non-planktotrophic larval development. Our integrative approach confirms the validity of some of the endemic taxa, but also infirm that others are not valid species; molecular data also reveal unsuspected cryptic lineages both within and outside the Gulf. Regarding the question of the origin of the endemic species, various hypotheses have been proposed, one of them being that the Gulf of Gabès is a “speciation factory”. To formally test this hypothesis, more molecular data (coupled with fossil record data) are needed from other species groups and from other localities in the Mediterranean (specifically the Gulf of Syrte).

Ecologia das assembleias de peixes do Parque Estadual de Jurupará (PEJU,SP) / Ecology of fisch assemblages of Jurupará State Park (PEJU, SP)

Teshima, Fernanda Ayumi 13 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:26:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESHIMA_Fernanda_2013.pdf: 3077520 bytes, checksum: 0836656eac19598a1f39d0a0a1534e2b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-13 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The general aim of this thesis is to understand the fish assemblages of headwater and small streams of Jurupará State Park, a protected area located in São Paulo State. Located among other four protected areas, the park functions as a connector and contributes to the conservation of the Atlantic Forest and Upper Juquiá River basin, located in the Ribeira de Iguape River basin. Ten stream reaches (3rd to 5th order) were sampled between June and December 2010. Ichthyofauna was collected with electrofishing equipment, while environmental variables were visually quantified during onsite surveys and with cartographic maps of the region. Local environmental variables consisted of coarse substrate, diversity of water velocity, proportion of mesohabitats (i.e., riffles, pools and runs), banks stability and shading. Regional environmental variables consisted of vegetation cover, catchment area, altitude and stream reach position according to sub-basin. Fish assemblages structure analyses according to environmental variables were divided into two chapters, presented as scientific papers. The first chapter analyzed two issues, (i) fish assemblages α and β components and (ii) patterns in species composition according to environmental variables. In order to approach the first issue, we used multiplicative partitioning of true diversities to calculate α and β components and compare them with expected values in a null model. The second issue was approached by reducing the number of environmental variables with PCA and using the most significant gradients as predictor variables in a db-RDA, followed by a species composition variation partitioning according to each significant variable. The α and β components observed were different from expected by chance and the variation in species composition was strongly related to environmental variables operating at different scales. The proportion of coarse substrate and bank stability contributed with 6% of species composition variation, while sub-basin contributed with 10%. Possibly, the low percentage of variation explained by the model can be justified by the scale of the environmental variables. If the structuring of fish assemblages follows the null metacommunity model predictions, then variables related to stream topology and species intrinsic characteristics are more likely to better explain the spatial organization of the fauna. In Chapter II, we used data of occurrence frequency, average abundance and biomass to identify rare and common species of the fish assemblages. Withal, we used linear multiple regression models to analyze the abundance of Isbrueckerichthys epakmos according to local environmental variables. The importance of this species relies on its classification as endemic in Ribeira de Iguape River basin and threatened, according to IUCN criterion. Five species were very abundant and widely distributed in the sampled reaches, including I. epakmos, whose distribution was strongly related to coarse substrate and proportion of riffles and runs. Eight rare species were identified, two of them being also endemic of Ribeira de Iguape River basin, Astyanax ribeirae e Neoplecostomus ribeirensis. The elevated taxonomic and functional diversity observed indicates that the studied streams still hold physical integrity to support the biota and, probably, local ecological processes, despite the presence of impoundments that support four small dams installed inside the park. / O objetivo geral desta dissertação é entender as assembleias de peixes dos riachos de cabeceiras e pequeno porte do Parque Estadual do Jurupará, uma unidade de conservação de proteção integral do estado de São Paulo. Localizado entre outras quatro áreas protegidas, o parque possui função conectora e contribui para a conservação da Mata Atlântica do estado, além de contribuir para a proteção da bacia do Alto Rio Juquiá, inserida na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Ribeira de Iguape. Dez trechos de riachos (3ª a 5ª ordem) foram amostrados entre junho e dezembro de 2010. A ictiofauna foi coletada com equipamento de pesca elétrica, enquanto variáveis ambientais foram mensuradas em campo e com bases cartográficas da região. As variáveis ambientais consideradas de atuação local foram substrato grosso, diversidade de velocidades, proporção de mesohábitats (i.e, corredeiras, poções e rápidos), estabilidade das margens e sombreamento. As variáveis ambientais de atuação regional foram vegetação no entorno, área à montante do trecho amostrado, altitude e posição do riacho de acordo com a sub-bacia hidrográfica. As análises da estrutura das assembleias ícticas em função das variáveis ambientais foram divididas em dois capítulos, apresentados na forma de artigos científicos. O primeiro capítulo tratou de duas questões, (i) as diversidades α e β das assembleias de peixes dos riachos e (ii) padrões na composição de espécies em função das variáveis ambientais. Para analisar a primeira questão, aplicamos a relação multiplicativa proposta por Whittaker, utilizando a diversidade equivalente de Shannon, para calcular os componentes α e β e comparamos os valores obtidos com o esperado em um modelo nulo. Para a segunda questão, reduzimos o número de variáveis ambientais com uma PCA e os eixos mais significativos foram utilizados como variáveis preditoras em uma db-RDA, seguida do particionamento da variação da composição de espécies de acordo com cada variável significativa. As diversidades α e β dos riachos foram diferentes do esperado ao acaso e a variação na composição de espécies esteve relacionada a variáveis ambientais que atuam em diferentes escalas. A proporção de substrato grosso no canal e a estabilidade das margens contribuíram com 6% na variação da composição de espécies, enquanto que a posição do riacho de acordo com a subbacia contribuiu com 10%. Possivelmente, a baixa porcentagem de variação explicada pelo modelo pode ser justificada pela escala das variáveis selecionadas. Se a estruturação das assembleias de peixes seguir as previsões do modelo nulo da teoria de metacomunidades, é provável que variáveis relacionadas à topologia da bacia hidrográfica e às características intrínsecas das espécies sejam mais eficientes em explicar a organização espacial da fauna. No segundo capítulo, utilizamos dados de frequência de ocorrência, abundância média de indivíduos e representatividade em massa para identificar as espécies raras e mais comuns das assembleias. Paralelamente, utilizamos modeloslineares de regressão múltipla para analisar a abundância de Isbrueckerichthys epakmos em função de variáveis ambientais locais. O interesse nessa espécie justifica-se por sua classificação como endêmica da bacia do Rio Ribeira de Iguape e ameaçada de extinção, segundo os critérios da IUCN. Cinco espécies foram muito abundantes e amplamente distribuídas nos riachos estudados, entre elas I. epakmos, cuja distribuição esteve fortemente relacionada à proporção de substrato grosso e poções e corredeiras. Oito espécies raras foram identificadas, sendo duas endêmicas da bacia do Rio Ribeira de Iguape, Astyanax ribeirae e Neoplecostomus ribeirensis. A elevada diversidade taxonômica e funcional observada indica que os riachos amostrados ainda apresentam integridade física capaz de sustentar a biota e, provavelmente, os processos ecológicos locais, apesar da presença dos represamentos no interior do parque que abastecem quatro pequenas centrais hidrelétricas.

Análise da distribuição de pequenos mamíferos (Didelphimorphia, Rodentia): uma abordagem biogeográfica do Cerrado / Annalysis of the small mammals distribution (Didelphimorphia, Rodentia): a biogeographic approach from Cerrado

Tocchet, Caroline de Bianchi 29 November 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-03-08T18:46:05Z No. of bitstreams: 2 TOCCHET_Caroline_v1_2014.pdf: 273389569 bytes, checksum: 2072de7c9e83a8ed225387f776783d64 (MD5) TOCCHET_Caroline_v2_2014.pdf: 273164247 bytes, checksum: 299402515e468c3e1c7ecec5e47850a6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-03-08T18:46:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 TOCCHET_Caroline_v1_2014.pdf: 273389569 bytes, checksum: 2072de7c9e83a8ed225387f776783d64 (MD5) TOCCHET_Caroline_v2_2014.pdf: 273164247 bytes, checksum: 299402515e468c3e1c7ecec5e47850a6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-03-08T18:46:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 TOCCHET_Caroline_v1_2014.pdf: 273389569 bytes, checksum: 2072de7c9e83a8ed225387f776783d64 (MD5) TOCCHET_Caroline_v2_2014.pdf: 273164247 bytes, checksum: 299402515e468c3e1c7ecec5e47850a6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-08T18:46:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 TOCCHET_Caroline_v1_2014.pdf: 273389569 bytes, checksum: 2072de7c9e83a8ed225387f776783d64 (MD5) TOCCHET_Caroline_v2_2014.pdf: 273164247 bytes, checksum: 299402515e468c3e1c7ecec5e47850a6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / The Cerrado biome is located in Central Brazil Plateau occupying 2,036.448 km². Its weather is characterized by seasonality and the landscape by a vegetation mosaic. Those factors contribute for Cerrado to be known as the richest savanna in the world. It is considered one of the 20 World Hotspots, because of its high level of diversity and threat. The Cerrado is still poorly known, especially in relation to its history, origin and distribution through time, which are important factors to comprehend its recent diversity. This project aims to determine the historically stable areas within Cerrado by modelling 14 marsupial and small rodent species potential distribution for past and present scenarios, to relate the detected areas with endemism levels, to compare the identified patterns with known biogeography hypothesis of other Cerrado organism groups, and to suggest priority areas for inventory. To generate the potential distribution maps I used the digital bases available by WWF and IBGE and the SIG ARCMAP 10.1 software. The potential distribution modelling was implemented by maximum-entropy algorithm (MAXENT), using WORLDCLIM 1.4 and PALEOCLIMATE MODELING INTERCOMPARISON PROJECT (PMIP) climate variables data. The open vegetation biomes of South America were the base area for modelling, with 2.5’ layers resolution (ca. 5 km²). To statistically evaluate model performance, I used the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plot. All models presented high AUC values. The hypothesis that during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) the open formations expanded and the forest ones retracted, while the open formations retracted and forests expanded during the Last Interglacial (LIG) were supported by 20 of the 28 proposed models. The historically stable areas include the Parecis , Chapada dos Guimarães, Chapada Diamantina and Central Brazil Plateaus, the western Minas Gerais and the Espinhaço range. Those areas agree to other historically stable areas and/or endemism areas already proposed for other taxa, such as birds, squamate reptiles, anuran, lepdoptera and plants. They also reflect lack of inventory data. So, the fauna of those areas should be better investigated and its material used in future phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies. Conservation should also be considered in the light of their climatic stability, resulting in the possible creation, increasing or maintaining of Conservation Units. / O bioma Cerrado localiza-se no planalto do Brasil Central e ocupa uma área de 2.036.448 km²; tem seu clima marcado pela sazonalidade e é constituído por um mosaico de diferentes fitofisionomias, um dos fatores que mais contribui para que seja a savana com maior riqueza de espécies do mundo. Por ser um bioma com alto nível de diversidade e estar dentre os mais ameaçados do planeta, é considerado um dos 20 hotspots mundiais. Apesar disto, pouco se conhece a respeito do Cerrado, em especial sobre sua história, incluindo sua origem e distribuição ao longo do tempo, fatores muito importantes para a compreensão da atual diversidade presente no bioma. Este projeto tem como objetivos determinar áreas historicamente estáveis no Cerrado a partir de modelos de distribuição potencial de 14 espécies de marsupiais e pequenos roedores para cenários passados e atuais, relacionar as áreas detectadas com aquelas que atualmente possuem maior concentração de espécies endêmicas, e comparar os padrões levantados em relação a hipóteses biogeográficas já propostas para outros organismos que habitam o Cerrado, além de sugerir áreas prioritárias para inventário. Para produzir os mapas de distribuição potencial foram utilizadas bases digitalizadas disponibilizadas pela WWF e pelo IBGE e o software SIG ARCMAP 10.1. Para a modelagem foi utilizado o algoritmo de máxima entropia (MAXENT). As variáveis climáticas foram obtidas a partir da base de dados do WORLDCLIM 1.4 e do PALEOCLIMATE MODELING INTERCOMPARISON PROJECT (PMIP) e a área considerada para gerar os modelos foi aquela que incluiu as formações abertas da América do Sul, conhecida como ‘Diagonal Seca’, com resolução das camadas ambientais de 2.5’ (ca. 5 km²). Para verificar o desempenho dos modelos produzidos foi utilizada a análise da área sob a curva (area under the curve, AUC) ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic). Todos os modelos gerados apresentaram alto valor de AUC. A hipótese de que durante os períodos glaciais, como o Último Máximo Glacial (Last Glacial Maximum – LGM), as formações abertas teriam se expandido e as áreas florestadas se retraído, e durante os períodos interglaciais, como o Último Inter-glacial (Last Interglacial – LIG), o oposto teria acontecido, isto é, expansão das formações florestais e retração das áreas abertas, foi corroborada por 20 dos 28 modelos propostos. As áreas historicamente estáveis geradas pelos modelos das 14 espécies incluem o Planalto dos Parecis e a Chapada dos Guimarães (MT), o Planalto Central brasileiro (GO e DF), o oeste de Minas Gerais, na região leste do Triângulo Mineiro, a Serra do Espinhaço (MG) e a Chapada Diamantina (BA). Essas áreas aqui identificadas condizem com áreas historicamente estáveis e/ou áreas de concentração de endemismos anteriormente propostas para outros táxons como aves, répteis Squamata, anuros, lepidópteros e plantas. Os modelos também apontaram estas áreas como áreas de lacunas de amostragem, representando regiões a serem melhor investigadas em campo quanto à sua fauna e possível fonte de material para estudos futuros de filogenia e filogeografia. Além disso, são importantes para conservação, tendo em vista sua estabilidade climática, representando possíveis áreas alvo de criação, ampliação e manutenção de Unidades de Conservação.

Florística na Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Complexo Serra da Farofa, estrutura e efeitos ambientais da antropização na comunidade arbustivo-arbórea, Santa Catarina, Brasil / Floristics in Complexo Serra da Farofa Natural Patrimony Particular Reservation, structure and environmental effects of the anthropization on the shrub-arboreal community, Santa Catarina State, Brazil

Floriani, Mireli Moura Pitz 20 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-06T17:42:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PGPV15DA013.pdf: 15037964 bytes, checksum: 47abd4c0a1804357ba3a6efa2cc693f5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-20 / The Mixed Ombrophylous Forest (MOF) belongs to the Atlantic Forest Bioma and it is a forest formation rich in endemic vegetation species. It occurs mostly in South Brazil. This study aimed to survey the floristic composition, structure and environmental effects of the anthropization on the shrub-arboreal community in Complexo Serra da Farofa State Natural Patrimony Particular Reservation Plot VI in the Municipality of Rio Rufino, Santa Catarina State. The floristic survey of species of all habitats was done in all the area within a period of the 24 months (2011/2013) and in plots of 60 x 20m which were installed from the antique roads towards the interior of the forest fragment. The plots were splitted at each 10m which made possible to measure the gradient-edge (0-30m) and interior (30-60m). Were assessed the environmental variables: temperature (ºC), air relative humidity (%),covering canopy (%), diameter at breast height (DBH), higher or equal to 05 cm at 1.30 m height, total height (m) of all the live arboreal individuals, number of individuals and identification of species. The data were analyzed through the Mann-Withney Test, nonparametric multivariate variance analysis (NPMANOVA), non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis (NMDS), where the vectors of the significant environmental variables (p ≤ 0.01) were plotted a posteriori, besides the analysis of the indicator species. The floristic-structure groups were partitioned due to their higher or lower anthropization.The floristic survey registered 178 genus, 82 families and 269 species.Were listed 90 herbaceous species, 85 arboreous species, 43 shrub, 22 epiphytes and 29 lianas and or climbing vine plants. Sequently, the data of phytosociology of the area showed the structural profile of woody component which resulted in 1,365 individuals belonging to 72 species, distributed in 48 genus and 27 families. The mostly of the families sampled (54,84%) was represented by only one specie which points out a high diversity in the area. The species with higher Importance Value (IV) were Clethra scabra Pers, Sapium glandulosum (L.) Morong, Drimys angustifolia Miers, Lamanonia ternata Vell e Myrceugenia myrcioides (Cambess.) O. Berg.. The diversity indexes of Shannon and the Pielou were 3.11 and 0.73, respectively showing a high diversity and equity in distribuition of individuals per species. Were observed significant differences between the sectors, but not between the edge and the interior of the plots inside the sectors.The data surveyed through this study infer the existence of a diverse forest remaining with a presence of endemic and extinction threatened species. Due to the great ecologic importance to the fauna, flora and production of water in the region, this remaining must be considered as High Conservation Value Area (HCVA) and it must be protected and conserved. The heterogeneity of vegetation observed in the environment reinforces the importance of these places as environments in full process of environmental self-recovery and thus as places considered for the conservation of in situ of native vegetation species in environment of Upper Montane Mixed Ombrophylous Forest / A Floresta Ombrófila Mista (FOM) pertence ao Bioma Mata Atlântica e trata-se de uma formação florestal rica em espécies vegetais endêmicas, ocorrente preferencialmente na região Sul do Brasil. O trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a composição florística, a estrutura e os efeitos ambientais da antropização na comunidade arbustivo-arbórea na Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Estadual Complexo Serra da Farofa (Bloco VI) no município de Rio Rufino, Santa Catarina. O levantamento florístico de espécies de todos os hábitos foi realizado em toda a área em um período de 24 meses (2011/2013) e em parcelas de 60 x 20m que foram instaladas a partir de estradas antigas adentrando ao fragmento florestal. As parcelas foram subdivididas a cada 10m, o que possibilitou medir os gradientes borda (0-30m) e interior (30-60m). Foram avaliadas as variáveis ambientais: temperatura (ºC) e umidade relativa do ar (%), densidade de copas (%), diâmetro a altura do peito (DAP), maior ou igual a 05 cm a 1,30 m de altura, altura total (m) de todos os indivíduos arbóreos vivos, número de indivíduos e identificação das espécies. Os dados foram analisados por meio do teste de Mann-Withney, análise de variância multivariada não-paramétrica (NPMANOVA), escalonamento multidimensional não-métrico (NMDS), em que os vetores das variáveis ambientais significativas (p ≤ 0,01) foram plotados a posteriori, além de análise de espécies indicadoras. Os grupos florístico-estruturais foram particionados em função da maior ou menor antropização. O levantamento florístico realizado registrou 82 famílias, 178 gêneros e 269 espécies. Foram listadas 90 espécies de ervas, 85 de arbóreas, 43 de arbustivas, 22 de epífitas e 29 lianas e/ou trepadeiras. Os dados fitossociológicos da área serviram para demonstrar o perfil estrutural do componente lenhoso, que resultou em 1365 indivíduos pertencentes a 72 espécies, reunidas em 48 gêneros e 27 famílias. A maioria das famílias amostradas (54,84%) é representada por apenas uma espécie o que indica elevada diversidade na área. As espécies com maiores Índices de Valor de Importância (IV) foram Clethra scabra Pers, Sapium glandulosum (L.) Morong, Drimys angustifolia Miers, Lamanonia ternata Vell e Myrceugenia myrcioides (Cambess.) O. Berg.. Os índices de diversidade de Shannon e de Pielou foram 3,11 e 0,73 respectivamente, demonstrando alta diversidade e equidade na distribuição dos indivíduos por espécie. Foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os setores, mas não entre a borda e o interior das parcelas dentro dos setores. Os dados levantados neste estudo indicam um remanescente florestal com presença de espécies endêmicas e ameaçadas de extinção. Devido a grande importância ecológica para a fauna, flora e produção de água na região, este remanescente deve ser considerado uma Área de Alto Valor de Conservação (AAVC) e deve ser protegido e conservado. A heterogeneidade da vegetação observada no ambiente reforça a importância destes locais como ambientes em pleno processo de restauração ambiental e desta forma, locais para conservação in situ de espécies vegetais nativas em ambiente de FOM Altomontana

Prioridades globais para a conservação e características biológicas associadas ao risco de extinção em morcegos (Chiroptera:mammalia) / Global conservation priorities and biological traits related to extinction risks in bats.

MENDES, Poliana 04 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:21:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao Poliana Mendes.pdf: 900873 bytes, checksum: 549aa0a8671a1a0cdfa3dc72f555ddc7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-04 / The species loss in recent decades can be comparable to a mass extinction event. This scenario emphasizes the need for biodiversity conservation before it disappears, but the resources devoted to this purpose are limited. In this context, identifying species that possess characteristics that predispose them to a greater sensitivity to environmental changes may help understanding how species losses occur. In addition, proposals for conservation strategies from existing knowledge about species are practical ways of minimizing the loss of biodiversity. The greater ecological diversity of the order Chiroptera, when compared with other groups of mammals, suggests that this may be a good study group to research in conservation biology. In this scenario, Chapter 1 uses a scoring methodology that considered four parameters to define priorities for conservation of bats: risk of extinction, endemism, originality and the public interest. Later, we checked if priority species and areas are covered by any protected areas. It was also verified if priority areas for bats are more congruent with global priorities, focused on pro-active or reactive strategies. The three species with the highest score for conservation priority were Acerodon humilis, Acerodon jubatus and Latidens salimali. The priority areas for bat conservation are in South Amercia, Madagascar, some spots in Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Indonesian Islands. The sites covered by reactive strategies have greater priority level for conservation of bats, but we observed both reactive and pro-active strategies, within priority boxes. Only one quarter of the priority squares for bats have 10% or more of conserved areas within I-IV criteria, idealized values for 2010 Conservation Biodiversity (CBD). The results suggest that tropical areas, which also have more species of bats, are the ones that require more attention from conservation programs and much of these areas are minimally represented by conservation units, emphasizing the importance of investments for biodiversity conservation in these locations. Both reactive and pro-active strategies are important for biodiversity maintenance of bats, despite the reactive strategies being more representative in grid cells with the highest values of priority. In chapter 2, we checked if there is a relationship between bats biological features and extinction risk. Features used were: body mass, litter size, forearm size, wing length, gestational length and age of sexual maturity. Since the relationship between these features and the risk of extinction may be biased by phylogenetic relationships, we used a Phylogenetic Eigenvectors regression analysis (PVR) to remove the phylogenetic components of predictors. All variables addressed except gestational length are phylogenetically structured. Body mass, forearm length, wing length and litter size are related to the extinction risk. Since higher residual values for body mass and forearm size are associated with extinction risk and lower residual values for wing length and litter size are more related to the extinction risk. Smaller wing length as predictor of extinction risk may be associated with the species largest mobility capacity with larger wings. Body mass is a commonly associated feature with extinction risk, and this relationship can be explained by the relationship of this variable with slow life history features, higher species threat due to hunting, greater environmental resource acquisition or larger life area. Despite the small body size in mammals is associated with the lower extinction risk, bats unlike most small mammals have a slow life history, a factor that increases the susceptibility to species extinction. / A perda de espécies das últimas décadas é equiparável a um evento de extinção em massa. Esse cenário enfatiza a necessidade da conservação da biodiversidade antes que ela desapareça, porém os recursos destinados a esse propósito são limitados. Sob esse contexto, identificar espécies que possuem características que as predispõe a uma maior sensibilidade a alterações ambientais pode auxiliar no entendimento de como ocorre a perda de espécies. Além disso, propostas de estratégias de conservação, a partir do conhecimento já existente sobre as espécies, são maneiras práticas de tentar minimizar a perda da biodiversidade. A grande diversidade ecológica da ordem Chiroptera, quando comparada com outros grupos de mamíferos, sugere que este pode ser um bom grupo de estudo para a pesquisa em biologia da conservação. Diante deste cenário, no Capítulo 1 utilizamos uma metodologia de pontuação que considerou quatro parâmetros para definir prioridades de conservação para morcegos: risco de extinção, endemismo, originalidade e interesse público. Posteriormente, verificamos se áreas e espécies prioritárias são cobertas por alguma área protegida. Foi também verificado se as áreas prioritárias para morcegos são mais congruentes com prioridades globais, focadas em estratégias proativas ou reativas. As três espécies com maior pontuação de prioridade de conservação foram Acerodon humilis, Acerodon jubatus e Latidens salimali. As áreas prioritárias para a conservação de morcegos estão na América do Sul, Madagascar, alguns locais na África, Austrália, Nova Zelândia e Ilhas da Indonésia. Os locais cobertos por estratégias reativas possuem maior valor de prioridade de conservação para morcegos, porém observamos tanto estratégias proativas quanto reativas, dentre as quadrículas prioritárias. Somente um quarto das quadrículas prioritárias para morcegos possuem 10% ou mais de áreas preservadas dentro dos critérios de I a IV, valor idealizado para 2010 na Convenção da Biodiversidade (CBD). Os resultados obtidos sugerem que as áreas tropicais, onde também existem mais espécies de morcegos, são as que necessitam mais atenção dos programas de conservação e grande parte destas áreas ainda não estão minimamente representadas por unidades de conservação, enfatizando a importância de investimentos para a conservação da biodiversidade nesses locais. Tanto estratégias de conservação reativas como proativas são importantes para manter a biodiversidade prioritária de morcegos, apesar das estratégias reativas serem mais representativas nas quadrículas com os maiores valores de prioridade. No Capítulo 2 verificamos se há relação entre características biológicas dos morcegos e o risco de extinção. As características utilizadas foram: massa corporal, tamanho da ninhada, tamanho do antebraço, comprimento da asa, duração da gestação e idade da maturidade sexual. Como a relação entre essas características e o risco de extinção pode estar enviesada pelas relações filogenéticas, utilizamos uma Análise de Regressão por Autovetores Filogenéticos (PVR) para retirar o componente filogenético das variáveis preditoras. Todas as variáveis abordadas, exceto duração da gestação estão estruturadas filogeneticamente. Massa corporal, tamanho do antebraço, comprimento da asa e tamanho da ninhada estão relacionados com o risco de extinção. Sendo que maiores valores residuais para massa corporal e tamanho do antebraço estão relacionados com o risco de extinção e menores valores residuais para comprimento da asa e tamanho da ninhada estão mais relacionados com o risco de extinção. Menores comprimentos da asa como preditor do risco de extinção pode estar associado com a maior capacidade de locomoção de espécies com maiores asas. A massa corporal é uma característica comumente associada com o risco de extinção, e essa relação pode ser explicada através da relação desta variável com características relacionadas a uma história de vida lenta, maior ameaça das espécies maiores devido a caça, maior aquisição de recursos do ambiente ou maior área de vida. Apesar do pequeno tamanho corporal em mamíferos ser associado com menor risco de extinção, os morcegos ao contrário da maioria dos mamíferos de pequeno porte, possuem história de vida lenta, fator que aumenta a predisposição de espécies à extinção. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que é possível utilizar características intrínsecas das espécies para predizer o risco de extinção, e isso pode ser útil para estabelecer estratégias de conservação para espécies classificadas como Deficientes de Dados, pois devido a suas características elas podem ser aproximadas das espécies ameaçadas ou não ameaçadas. Além disso, é possível propor estratégias para estabelecer prioridades de conservação de forma simples através da metodologia de pontuação, apesar da arbitrariedade dessa metodologia ao definir as pontuações para cada parâmetro.

Diversidade florística, dendrologia e dendroecologia em florestas estacionais decíduas do Centro e Norte do Peru / Floristic diversity, dendrology and dendroecology of seasonally deciduous forests of Central and Northern Peru

José Luis Marcelo Peña 15 May 2017 (has links)
Neste estudo analisamos a diversidade e endemismos da flora lenhosa das florestas estacionais decíduas (FEDs) do norte e centro do Perú. Caracterizamos a diversidade das plantas lenhosas ao longo dos vales, para definir os valores de conservação da área a nível nacional. Os resultados indicam que as FEDs do vale do Marañón apresentam valores significativamente altos em endemias em relação às outras FEDs do Perú e FEDs vizinhas e o padrão de endemismos e estrutura populacional das espécies variam no gradiente geográfico e altitudinal. Em constraste, as FEDs do vale do rio Tambo, centro do Perú, são moderadamente ricas em espécies do que a média das FEDs neotropicais e apresentam escassos endemismos. Esta região necessita de mais esforços de pesquisas para conhecer mais profundamente os elementos da biodiversidade. Neste estudo, também realizamos a caracterização dendro-anatômica do lenho das árvores de 87 espécies, sendo o primeiro registro da anatomia da madeira das árvores dos dois vales. Das análises do lenho das 183 espécies registradas nas florestas do norte e centro do Perú, só 157 apresentam anéis de crescimento e precisam ser analisadas em detalhe com outras pesquisas de desenvolvimento cambial e técnicas tradicionais de análises dendrocronológicas. A derivação desta informação pode alcançar alto impacto em estudos de variabilidade climática e aplicações na conservação. Assim mesmo, a análise preliminar dendrocronológica das taxas de crescimento do tronco revelam que as árvores de Cedrela kuelapensis apresentam as taxas de crescimento mais altas e ressaltam como um excelente recurso para programas de reflorestamento nos vales interandinos, além, das populações endêmicas de Cordia iguaguana e Esenbeckia cornuta são principalmente de exemplares jovens. Esperamos que as informações dos cinco capítulos constituam-se uma eficiente e importante ferramenta para melhorar a gestão dos recursos florestais dos vales estudados. / In this study we analyzed the diversity and endemism of the woody flora of Seazonally dry tropical forests (SDTF) in northern and central Peru. We characterized the diversity of woody plants along the valleys to define the conservation values of the area at the national and international levels. The results indicate that the SDTF s of the Marañón Valley show surprisingly high values in endemics in relation to other SDTF s in Peru and neighboring SDTFs, and the pattern of endemism and population structure of the species varies in geographic and altitudinal grades. In contrast, the SDTFs of the Tambo River Valley, central Peru, are moderately rich in species that average the neotropical SDTFs and have scarce endemism. This region needs more efforts to get to know the elements of biodiversity more deeply. In this study, we also performed the dendroanatomic characterization of 87 species and is the first report of the anatomy of the wood for the two valleys. From the analysis of the wood of the 183 species recorded in the forests of northern and central Peru, only 157 have growth rings and need to be analyzed in detail with other studies of exchange rate development and traditional techniques of dendrochronological analysis. The derivation of this information can reach high impact in studies of climatic variability and conservation applications. Likewise, the preliminary dendrochronological analysis of growth rates reveals that Cedrela kuelapensis showed the highest growth rates and stands out as an excellent resource for reforestation programs in the inter-Andean valleys, in addition, Cordia iguaguana and Esenbeckia cornuta endemic populations are mainly from young individuals. We hope that the information in the five chapters constitutes in efficient and important tool to improve the management of forest resources in the valleys studied.

Campos de altitude do Parque Estadual da Serra do Papagaio, Minas Gerais, Brasil: composição florística, fitogeografia e estrutura da vegetação

Mendonça, Júlia Gaio Furtado de 19 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-09-05T15:53:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 juliagaiofurtadodemendonca.pdf: 4297836 bytes, checksum: 611aa9bbd15f00fc16fe7b8ca2925468 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-09-06T11:32:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 juliagaiofurtadodemendonca.pdf: 4297836 bytes, checksum: 611aa9bbd15f00fc16fe7b8ca2925468 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-06T11:32:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 juliagaiofurtadodemendonca.pdf: 4297836 bytes, checksum: 611aa9bbd15f00fc16fe7b8ca2925468 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-19 / O Parque Estadual da Serra do Papagaio (PESP), situado na porção Meridional da Serra da Mantiqueira, sul de Minas Gerais, representa uma grande extensão de formações vegetacionais altimontanas com altitudes que alcançam 2.350 m. O objetivo deste trabalho foi conhecer a composição florística dos campos de altitude do PESP, suas relações fitogeográficas com outras áreas campestres das regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil e analisar a estrutura da vegetação ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal. Expedições mensais de campo foram realizadas entre maio de 2015 e outubro de 2016 para coleta de material botânico e realização dos inventários fitossociológicos. Para avaliar a estrutura da vegetação foi utilizado o método de interceptação em linha, com alocação de nove áreas abrangendo três faixas altitudinais entre 1.650 m e 2.050 m. Para analisar as relações fitogeográficas foram selecionadas 14 localidades do Sul e Sudeste do país. Foram realizadas análises de similaridade quantitativas e qualitativas além do cálculo da diversidade para cada faixa altitudinal para avaliar a formação de grupos relacionados à altitude. O primeiro capítulo traz a composição florística dos campos de altitude do PESP, onde foram encontradas 276 espécies, 159 gêneros e 48 famílias de angiospermas, sendo Asteraceae a família mais rica (58 spp.) e Baccharis o gênero mais representativo (12 spp.). Foram encontradas onze espécies sob algum grau de ameaça e duas espécies endêmicas do PESP. As análises fitogeográficas mostraram uma grande dissimilaridade florística entre as 14 localidades analisadas, indicando que as formações campestres são singulares e demandam atenção especial para a conservação. O segundo capítulo apresenta a distribuição das espécies ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal. Foram encontradas 96 espécies nas linhas amostradas, sendo Poaceae (64,3%), Melastomataceae (11,3%) e Asteraceae (8,7%) as famílias com maiores valores de cobertura. A diversidade de Shannon (H’) para cada altitude apontou um padrão similar na distribuição espacial das espécies, enquanto as análises de similaridade demonstraram um forte agrupamento das áreas localizadas em faixas altitudinais comuns, elucidando a importância da conservação dos campos de altitude para a manutenção da biodiversidade da flora altomontana. / The Parque Estadual da Serra do Papagaio (PESP) is located in the southern portion of Serra da Mantiqueira, south of Minas Gerais and represents a large expanse of altitudinal vegetation formations with altitudes that reach 2.350 m. The aim of this work was to carry out the floristic survey of the PESP altitude fields (campos de altitude), their phytogeographic relationships with other rural areas of Southern and Southeastern regions of Brazil, and to analyze the vegetation structure along an altitudinal gradient. Monthly expeditions were carried out between May 2015 and October 2016 for the collection of botanical material and the realization of phytosociological inventories. The line intercept method was used to evaluate the vegetation structure. Were inventoried nine areas covering three altitudinal ranges between 1.650 m and 2.050 m. In order to analyze the phytogeographic relations, were selected 14 localities of Brazil South and Southeast. Quantitative and qualitative similarities analyzes were carried out. In addition, the diversity index (H') were calculated for each altitudinal range in order to evaluate the formation of groups related to altitude. The first chapter presents the floristic composition of the PESP altitude fields, where 276 species, 159 genera and 48 families of angiosperms were found, with Asteraceae being the richest family (58 spp.) and Baccharis the most representative genus (12 spp.). Eleven species are in some threatness category and two species were considered endemic to the PESP. The phytogeographic analyzes showed a great floristic dissimilarity between the 14 localities analyzed, indicating that the formations are unique and require special attention for conservation. The second chapter presents the distribution of the species along an altitudinal gradient. 96 species were found in the sampled lines, with Poaceae (64.3%), Melastomataceae (11.3%) and Asteraceae (8.7%) being the families with the highest coverage values. The diversity of Shannon (H') for each altitude showed a similar pattern in the spatial distribution of species, while the similarity analyzes demonstrated a strong grouping of the areas located in common altitudinal bands, elucidating the importance of the conservation of altitude fields for the maintenance of the biodiversity of the high altitude flora.

Species Endemism: Predicting Broad-Scale Patterns and Conservation Priorities

Zuloaga Villamizar, Juan Gerardo January 2018 (has links)
Do thermal barriers limit biotic composition and community similarity, potentially helping to shape biodiversity patterns at continental scales? Are environmental variables responsible for broad-scale patterns of species endemism? Are these patterns predictable? And, how can patterns of endemism can inform global conservation strategies? These are some of the questions that I attempted to answer during my doctoral research. In the first chapter, I tested one of the most contentious hypotheses in ecology: Do thermal barriers, which grow stronger along elevational gradients across tropical mountains, create a dispersal barrier to organisms and consequently contribute to the isolation and divergence of species assemblages? If so, do patterns potentially generated by this mechanism detectably relate to dissimilarity of biotic assemblages along altitudinal gradients across the mountains in the Americas? We found that mountain passes are not only higher in tropical realms, as initially thought by Janzen (1967), and extensively popularized and assumed in further research, but they are also present in temperate regions along the western coast of North America. We also found that the stronger the thermal barrier, the higher the dissimilarity between communities. However, the variance explained was low, suggesting thermal barriers play a minor role in creating and maintaining patterns of biodiversity. The second chapter raises the question of why are there more small-ranged species in some places than in others. I tested four macroecological hypotheses (H1: climate velocity; H2: climate seasonality; H3: climate distinctiveness or rarity; and, H4: spatial heterogeneity in contemporary climate, topography or habitat) to predict broad-scale patterns of species endemism, using a cross-continental validation approach. We found that there is no empirical reason, from the standpoint of model fitting, parameter estimates, and model validation, to claim that any of these hypotheses creates and maintains broad-scale patterns of endemism. Although we found statistically significant relationships, they failed stronger tests of a causal relationship, namely accurate prediction. That is, the hypotheses did not survive the test of cross-continental validation, failing to predict observed patterns of endemism. Climate velocity was dropped from some models, suggesting that early correlations in some places probably reflect collinearity with topography. The effect of richness on endemism was in some cases negligible, suggesting that patterns of endemism are not driven by the same variables as total richness. Despite low explained variance, spatial heterogeneity in potential evapotranspiration was the most consistent predictor in all models. The third chapter is aimed to evaluate the extent to which global protected areas (PAs) have included endemic species (species with small range size relative to the median range size). We measure the relative coverage of endemic species by overlapping species geographic ranges for amphibians, mammals, and birds, with the world database of PAs (1990-2016). Then we measure the rate of expansion of the global PA network and the rate of change in endemic species coverage. We found that ~30% of amphibian, ~6% of bird and ~10% of mammal endemic species are completely outside PAs. Most endemic species’ ranges intersect the PA network (amphibian species = 58%; birds = 83%; mammals = 86%), but it usually covers less than 50% of their geographic range. Almost 50% of species outside the PA network are considered threatened (critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable). We identified that ecoregions in tropical Andes, Mesoamerica, Pacific Islands (e.g., New Guinea, Solomon), Dry Chaco, and Atlantic forests are major conservation priorities areas. The historic rates of new PAs added every year to the network is between ~6,000 to ~15,000. In contrast, we found that rates of including endemic species within the PA network have been fairly slow. Historic data shows that every year, the entire geographic range of 3 (amphibians) to 6 (birds and mammals) endemic species is 100% included inside the PA network (amphibians = from 162 to 233; mammals = 10 to 84; and, amphibians = 16 to 99). Based on these trends, it is very unlikely PAs will include all endemic species (14% total endemic species, that is ~1,508 out of 11,274) currently outside the PA network by 2020. It will require five times the effort made in the last two decades. However, projections also showed that is very likely that some portions of the geographic ranges for all endemic birds and mammals, but not for all endemic amphibians, will be covered by the future PA network. I sum, I found that none of the hypotheses tested here can explain broad-scale patterns of total species richness and total species endemism. My main contribution on this research area is clearly rejecting these hypotheses from potential candidates that may explain biodiversity patterns. By removing them, we advance in this field and open possibilities to test new hypotheses and evaluate their mechanisms. I proposed that other drivers and mechanisms (whether biotic and biotic) acting at local scales, and escaping the detection of macroecological approaches, might be responsible for these patterns. Finally, in terms of conservation planning, I proposed that the international community has an opportunity to protect a great number of endemic species and their habitats before 2020, if they strategically create new PAs.

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