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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do ciclo de vida da produção de biogás via estação de tratamento de esgoto e uso em célula a combustível de óxido sólido / Life cycle assessment of biogas produced in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and its use in a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)

Costa, Luzia Bouzan Oliveira 27 April 2012 (has links)
A busca pelo uso de energia renovável, bem como a mitigação dos impactos antropogênicos, desempenha importante papel no desenvolvimento da sociedade contemporânea. O uso de energia de origem renovável é uma possível solução para os problemas relacionados aos impactos ambientais, em especial, às alterações climáticas. Uma importante fonte de energia renovável é a biomassa oriunda de resíduos orgânicos que, após a digestão anaeróbia, resulta em um gás rico em metano, conhecido como biogás. Sob o ponto de vista de qualidade ambiental, o aproveitamento energético dos resíduos produzidos a partir do tratamento das águas residuárias domésticas pode minimizar os impactos ambientais à medida que permite a diminuição da carga orgânica descartada na água e no solo. Adicionalmente, também é possível mitigar os efeitos negativos de emissões de metano na atmosfera quando o biogás é utilizado na produção de energia por meio das células a combustível (CaC) do tipo óxido sólido (SOFC). Neste sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o ciclo de vida da ETE, da unidade geradora de biogás, sua purificação e uso em CaCs, identificando o potencial de mitigação dos gases do efeito estufa e de aproveitamento energético do biogás. Dentre os principais resultados obtidos, a etapa construtiva, é a principal contribuinte da demanda acumulada de energia, participando com 55% da CED, enquanto a etapa de tratamento do esgoto, fase líquida, destaca-se na produção de emissões atmosféricas, cerca de 23.500 Kg CO2 eq por dia. O potencial de emissões dos gases de efeito estufa podem ser evitados, durante todo o ciclo, em cerca de 3.000 kg CO2 eq por dia. A energia total que pode ser aproveitada com o biogás gerado na ETE e usado em CaC, do tipo SOFC, é de cerca de 14.000 kWh/dia, o que pode suprir em 100% a demanda de eletricidade da fase de tratamento. Os resultados apresentados lançam um desafio e geram oportunidades para pesquisadores e planejadores de sistemas energéticos desenvolverem estratégias ambientalmente saudáveis para a utilização dos recursos renováveis. / The search for renewable energy use and mitigation of anthropogenic impacts play an important role in the development of contemporary society. The use of energy from renewable sources is a possible solution to the problems related to environmental impacts, in particular, climate change. An important renewable energy source is biomass deriving from organic waste, after the anaerobic digestion, resulting in a gas rich in methane, known as biogas. From the point of view environmental quality, energy recovery of waste generated from the treatment of domestic wastewater can minimize environmental impacts as it allows the reduction of organic load dropped in water and soil. Additionally, it is also possible to mitigate the negative effects of methane emissions in the atmosphere when the biogas is used in the production of energy through solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). In this sense, this study aimed at assessing the life cycle of a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), the biogas-generating unit, its purification and fuel cells use by identifying the potential mitigation of greenhouse gases and energy use of biogas. Among the main results obtained, the constructive phase is the main contributor to the cumulative energy demand, accounting for 55% of the CED, while in the step of sewage treating its particularly important the production of atmospheric emissions, about 23,500 kg CO2eq per day. The potential for emissions of greenhouse gases can be avoided throughout the cycle, at around 3,000 kg CO2eq per day. The total energy that can be produced with the biogas generated in WWTP and burned in the SOFC is approximately 14,000 kWh/day, which can provide 100% of the power demand of the treatment phase. The results presented launch challenges and generate opportunities for researchers and energy systems planners to develop strategies for environmentally healthy use of renewable resources.

Análise ambiental, energética e econômica de arranjo processual para reúso de água em refinaria de petróleo. / Environmental, energetic and economic analysis of a process design for water reuse in petroleum refinery.

Gripp, Victor Sette 18 December 2013 (has links)
Foi construído um modelo representativo do ciclo de vida da água em uma refinaria de petróleo, contemplando todos os usos a que esta se presta. Nesse contexto foram avaliados do ponto de vista ambiental, energético e econômico cenários em que etapas adicionais eram incorporadas ao tratamento de efluentes de forma a viabilizar o reúso de água e o fechamento do circuito na própria refinaria, reduzindo assim a necessidade de captação e, consequentemente, de tratamento da água bruta captada pela refinaria. O Cenário I corresponde ao cenário-base, sem implantação de nenhuma ação voltada ao reúso. No Cenário II, é incorporada a etapa adicional chamada Tratamento Fase 1, constituída por um processo de Clarificação seguido de uma Eletrodiálise Reversa (EDR) que permite o reúso de 255,7 m3/h dos 350 m3/h lançados inicialmente ao corpo hídrico no Cenário I. No Cenário III, é incorporada ao arranjo do Cenário II uma etapa de Cristalização Evaporativa para tratar o concentrado salino da EDR, recuperando, assim, mais 55,4 m3/h dos 350 m3/h lançados inicialmente, utilizando, para isso, vapor residual inicialmente não aproveitado pela refinaria. A análise ambiental foi desenvolvida por Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) e constatou um desempenho muito semelhante dos três cenários. Apesar disso, a análise em perfil aberto, de impactos de midpoint, evidenciou ganhos ambientais significativos associados ao fechamento de circuito de água e, embora com vantagens muito discretas, o Cenário III apresentou um desempenho superior ao do Cenário II em todas as categorias e, na grande maioria delas, também superior ao desempenho do Cenário I. A análise de indicador único, em endpoint, destacou o impacto em Mudança Climática, relativo principalmente à queima de gás natural na caldeira para a geração de vapor, como o principal impacto ambiental associado ao ciclo de vida da água na refinaria, responsável por mais de 90% do valor correspondente ao resultado do indicador único. A análise energética foi desenvolvida utilizando-se o indicador de Demanda Cumulativa de Energia (CED) e resultou em um desempenho superior do Cenário I, ainda que com pequenas diferenças em relação aos Cenários II e III. O pior desempenho foi o do Cenário II. Comparando-se a contribuição relativa dos diferentes tipos de energia, destaca-se a energia de origem hidrelétrica, responsável por cerca de 80% do indicador único de CED em todos os três cenários. A análise econômica foi realizada por meio de indicadores tradicionalmente utilizados para a análise de viabilidade de projetos Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR) e Valor Presente Líquido (VPL) , considerando, como referência, as regras de cobrança pelo uso da água vigentes na bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul. Com os preços cobrados atualmente pelo uso da água desta bacia, a implantação de ambos os cenários de reúso (II e III) não se viabiliza economicamente. Para que isso ocorra, o valor cobrado pelo uso da água teria que ser da ordem de 50 a 80 vezes maior do que o que é cobrado atualmente. Dentre os cenários de reúso, o Cenário II apresentou desempenho econômico superior ao do Cenário III. / It was built a representative model of the water life cycle within a petroleum refinery, considering all the uses in which it is applied. In this context, under environmental, energetic and economic perspective, different scenarios were analyzed, where further treatment stages were added to the wastewater treatment process so that recycled water could be provided back to the refining process, reducing, therefore, the need for freshwater intake and pretreatment by the refinery. Scenario I is the base scenario, without implementation of any water reuse aimed action. In Scenario II, it is incorporated the additional stage called Phase 1 Treatment, which consists of a Clarification process followed by an Electrodialysis Reversal (EDR).This enables the recycling of 255.7 m3/h from the 350 m3/h previously discharged to the water body in Scenario I. In Scenario III, it is incorporated to the Scenario II setting an Evaporative Crystallization process for treating the concentrated brine resulting from the EDR process. This enables the recovery of more 55.4 m3/h from the 350 m3/h initially released, using, for that, the energy from residual steam previously not used by the refinery. The environmental analysis was developed through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and found very similar performances for all three scenarios. Despite that, the open profile analysis, of midpoint impacts, showed significant environmental gains from the closure of the water circuit and, though with very small advantages, Scenario III showed a better performance than Scenario II in all impact categories and, in most of them, also better than Scenario I performance. The single score analysis, considering endpoint impact categories, highlighted Climate Change, specially related to the natural gas burning in the boiler for steam generation, as the main impact category associated to the water life cycle within the refinery, being responsible for more than 90% of all the value of the single score indicator. The energetic analysis was developed using the Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) indicator and resulted in a better performance of Scenario I, even if with just small differences from Scenarios II and III. The worst performance was from Scenario II. Comparing the relative contribution of the different types of energy, the hydroelectricity was the most important one, being responsible for around 80% of the CED single score in all three scenarios. The economic analysis was developed through traditional indicators used for assessing projects viability Internal Return Rate (IRR) and Net Present Value (NPV), considering, as reference, the rules of charging for water use valid nowadays at the Paraíba do Sul river basin. With the prices charged nowadays for the water use from this basin, the implementation of both reuse scenarios is not economic viable. In order to make it viable, the charged value would have to be around 50 to 80 times higher than it is today. Among the reuse scenarios, Scenario II had a better economic performance than Scenario III.

Energy efficiency in dairy cattle farming and related feed production in Iran

Maysami, Mohammadali 24 March 2014 (has links)
Umfang und Intensität der Milchviehhaltung nehmen immer weiter zu, dies gilt auch für den Iran. Das Ziel dieser Studie waren die Ermittlung und Bewertung der Energieeffizienz der Milchviehhaltung und Futterproduktion im nordwestlichen Iran. Daten wurden auf einem Futterbaubetrieb und auf 24 Milchviehbetrieben im nordwestlichen Iran erfasst. Es wurde eine Untersuchungsmethode erarbeitet, die auf der VDI-Richtlinie 4600 Kumulierter Energieaufwand (KEA) und dem ISO-Standard 14044 Umweltmanagement – Ökobilanz basiert. Die Energieintensität (EI) im Futter (in MJ kg-1 DM) lag bei 2,92 für Luzerne, bei 6,76 für Gerste, bei 9,19 für Mais, bei 12,36 für Raps, bei 2,45 für Frühjahrsmaissilage, bei 4,45 für Sommermaissilage und bei 4,35 für Weizen. Die EI der energiekorrigierten Milch (ECM) lag bei 5,84±0,69 MJ kg-1, bei einer Milchleistung von 6.585±1.221 kg ECM Kuh-1 Jahr-1. Die Futter waren die Hauptquelle des Energie-Inputs in die Milchproduktion, mit einem Anteil von 79%. Innerhalb der in den untersuchten Betrieben vorgefundenen Milchleistung (3.860-8.320 kg ECM Kuh-1 Jahr-1) verringerte sich die EI bei steigender Milchleistung (-0,36 MJ kg-1 ECM je +1.000 kg ECM Kuh-1 Jahr-1). Die Allokation des Energie-Inputs führte zu einem Anteil von 83% auf dem Milch, 2% auf den Fleisch und 15 % auf den Wirtschaftsdünger. Die EI des mit Bullen bis zu einer Körpermasse von 400 kg produzierten Schlachtfleisches lag bei 75,4±9,1 MJ kg-1, bei Fortführung der Mast bis zu 700 kg lag sie bei 103,8±11,4 MJ kg-1. Die EI bei ersetzten, geschlachteten Milchkühen bei 16,3 MJ kg-1 Fleisch lag. Die Kalkulation der EI auf Basis des Brennwert der Futter, führte zu einer EI in der Milchproduktion von 23,7±3,37 MJ kg-1 ECM und in der Erzeugung von Bullenfleisch (400 kg Körpermasse) 314±25 MJ kg-1. Das Energie Output-Input-Verhältnis (OIR) lag zwischen 2,03 MJ MJ-1 für Körnermais und 7,75 MJ MJ-1 für Frühjahrsmaissilage. Während OIR in der Milch 0,55 MJ MJ-1 und in der Fleisch 0,12 MJ MJ-1 betrug. / Dairy farming is increasing and becoming more intensive, attendant on higher energy inputs, also in Iran. The aim of this study was to estimate and assess the energy efficiency of dairy farming and the related feed production in north-western Iran. Data were gained from a com-pany producing feeds in north-western Iran, and from 24 dairy farms, also in north-western Iran for a period of three years. A method of investigation was devised based on the cumula-tive energy demand (CED) method introduced by VDI guideline 4600 and ISO standard 14044, which is used in life cycle assessment (LCA). The energy intensity (EI) in the feed production (in MJ kg-1 DM) was 2.92 for alfalfa, 6.76 for barley grain, 9.19 for maize corn, 12.36 for rapeseed, 2.45 for spring maize silage, 4.45 for summer maize silage and 4.35 for wheat grain. The EI for the energy corrected milk (ECM) was 5.84±0.69 MJ kg-1 with a ECM yield of 6,585±1,221 kg cow-1 yr-1. Feedstuff was the main source of energy input in milk production, with approximately 79% of the total energy input. The EI was decreasing with an increasing milk yield (-0.36 MJ kg-1 ECM per +1,000 kg ECM cow-1 yr-1), within the range of the milk yield found in the investigated farms (3,860-8,320 kg ECM cow-1 yr-1). The energy input was allocated to milk (83%), manure (15%) and meat (2%). The EI for boneless meat produced by bulls up to 400 kg body mass was 75.4±9.1 MJ kg-1 and produced by bulls up to 700 kg was 103.8±11.4 MJ kg-1. The allocated EI for meat of the replacing slaughtered cows was 16.3 MJ kg-1 of meat. By calculating the EI for milk production on the basis of the higher heating value (HHV) of feeds, it yielded in a mean EI of 23.7±3.37 MJ kg-1 ECM and an EI of 314±25 MJ kg-1 bull meat (400 kg body mass). Energy output input ratio (OIR) ranged between 2.03 MJ MJ-1 for maize corn and 7.75 MJ MJ-1 for spring maize silage production. While, in milk production OIR was 0.55 MJ MJ-1 and in meat production 0.12 MJ MJ-1.

Income, Energy Taxation, and the Environment : An Econometric analysis

Ghalwash, Tarek January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis consists of four papers: two of them deal with the relationship between consumption, energy taxation, and emissions on macro level, and two of them focuses on the effects of changes in consumption and income on the environmental quality on a micro level.</p><p>The main objective of paper [I] is to examine how exogenous technological progress, in terms of an increase in energy efficiency, affects consumption choice by Swedish households and thereby emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx). The aim of the paper is closely related to the discussion of what is known as the “rebound effect”. To neutralise the rebound effect, we estimate the necessary change in CO2 tax, i.e. the CO2 tax that keeps CO2 emissions at their initial level. In addition, we estimate how this will affect emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. The results indicate that an increase in energy efficiency of 20 percent will increase emissions of CO2 by approximately 5 percent. To reduce the CO2 emissions to their initial level, CO2 tax must be raised by 130 percent. This tax increase will reduce the emissions of sulphur dioxide to below their initial level, but will leave the emissions of nitrogen oxides at a higher level than initially.</p><p>One of the premises implied in paper [II] is that the changes in consumer prices, as a result of changes in environmental taxes, may send a different signal to the consumer compared with other changes in consumer prices, such as changes in producer price. In addition, this assumed difference in the signaling effect of the changes in environmental taxes, compared to changes in the producer price, may also differ between different commodities. To achieve the objectives a system of demand functions for Swedish households is estimated. To test for the signalling effect of environmental taxes the consumer price for energy goods is partitioned into a producer price part and a tax part.</p><p>In Paper [III], we estimate the income elasticity of demand for recreational services and other traditional groups of goods in Sweden and we test for potential changes in such estimates over the twentieth century. The paper uses Swedish household surveys for the years 1913, 1984, 1988, and 1996. Because of the difficulty of directly observing the demand for recreational services, we employ an indirect methodology by using the demand for some outdoor goods as proxies for the recreational services demand.</p><p>In paper [IV], we investigate the relationship between pollution and income at the household level. Here we want to investigate, and hence contribute to the existing literature, under what conditions concerning individual preferences and the link between consumption and pollution a linear relationship are to be expected, but also to empirically assess the relationship. To achieve our objective we formulate a model determining different type of households’ choice of consumption for goods. Furthermore we link the demand model to emission functions for the various goods. The results from the empirical analysis show that, at least in a close neighbourhood of observed income/pollution, we can reject linearity for all three types of pollutions, CO2, SO2, and NOx. According to our results the pollution/income relationships are all strictly concave. Thus the implication is that the income distribution seems to matter in the sense that equalization of income will lead to higher emissions. Furthermore it is shown that the slope as well as the curvature differs between different types of households, which means that preferences differ across households.</p>

Income, Energy Taxation, and the Environment : An Econometric analysis

Ghalwash, Tarek January 2006 (has links)
This thesis consists of four papers: two of them deal with the relationship between consumption, energy taxation, and emissions on macro level, and two of them focuses on the effects of changes in consumption and income on the environmental quality on a micro level. The main objective of paper [I] is to examine how exogenous technological progress, in terms of an increase in energy efficiency, affects consumption choice by Swedish households and thereby emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx). The aim of the paper is closely related to the discussion of what is known as the “rebound effect”. To neutralise the rebound effect, we estimate the necessary change in CO2 tax, i.e. the CO2 tax that keeps CO2 emissions at their initial level. In addition, we estimate how this will affect emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. The results indicate that an increase in energy efficiency of 20 percent will increase emissions of CO2 by approximately 5 percent. To reduce the CO2 emissions to their initial level, CO2 tax must be raised by 130 percent. This tax increase will reduce the emissions of sulphur dioxide to below their initial level, but will leave the emissions of nitrogen oxides at a higher level than initially. One of the premises implied in paper [II] is that the changes in consumer prices, as a result of changes in environmental taxes, may send a different signal to the consumer compared with other changes in consumer prices, such as changes in producer price. In addition, this assumed difference in the signaling effect of the changes in environmental taxes, compared to changes in the producer price, may also differ between different commodities. To achieve the objectives a system of demand functions for Swedish households is estimated. To test for the signalling effect of environmental taxes the consumer price for energy goods is partitioned into a producer price part and a tax part. In Paper [III], we estimate the income elasticity of demand for recreational services and other traditional groups of goods in Sweden and we test for potential changes in such estimates over the twentieth century. The paper uses Swedish household surveys for the years 1913, 1984, 1988, and 1996. Because of the difficulty of directly observing the demand for recreational services, we employ an indirect methodology by using the demand for some outdoor goods as proxies for the recreational services demand. In paper [IV], we investigate the relationship between pollution and income at the household level. Here we want to investigate, and hence contribute to the existing literature, under what conditions concerning individual preferences and the link between consumption and pollution a linear relationship are to be expected, but also to empirically assess the relationship. To achieve our objective we formulate a model determining different type of households’ choice of consumption for goods. Furthermore we link the demand model to emission functions for the various goods. The results from the empirical analysis show that, at least in a close neighbourhood of observed income/pollution, we can reject linearity for all three types of pollutions, CO2, SO2, and NOx. According to our results the pollution/income relationships are all strictly concave. Thus the implication is that the income distribution seems to matter in the sense that equalization of income will lead to higher emissions. Furthermore it is shown that the slope as well as the curvature differs between different types of households, which means that preferences differ across households.

Energy analysis for sustainable mega-cities

Phdungsilp, Aumnad January 2006 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Cities throughout Asia have experienced unprecedented economic development over the past decades. In many cases this has contributed to their rapid and uncontrolled growth, which has resulted in a multiplicity of problems, including rapid population increase, enhanced environmental pollution, collapsing traffic systems, dysfunctional waste management, and rapid increases in the consumption of energy, water and other resources. The significant energy use in cities is not very well perceived in Asian countries. Although a number of studies into energy consumption across various sectors have been conducted, most are from the national point of view. Energy demand analysis is not considered important at the level of the city. The thesis is focused on the dynamics of energy utilization in Asian mega-cities, and ultimately aims at providing strategies for maximizing the use of renewable energy in large urban systems.</p><p>The study aims at providing an in-depth understanding of the complex dynamics of energy utilization in urban mega-centers. An initial general analysis is complemented by a detailed study of the current situation and future outlook for the city of Bangkok, Thailand. An integrated approach applied to the study includes identification of the parameters that affect the utilization of energy in mega-cities and a detailed analysis of energy flows and their various subsystems, including commercial, industrial, residential and that of transportation. The study investigates and evaluates the energy models most commonly used for analyzing and simulating energy utilization. Its purpose is to provide a user-friendly tool suitable for decision-makers in developing an energy model for large cities. In addition, a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) process has been developed to assess whether or not the energy systems meet the sustainability criteria.</p><p>A metabolic approach has been employed to analyze the energy flow and utilization in selected Asian mega-cities, including Bangkok, Beijing, Shanghai, and Tokyo. The approach is applied to measure the majority of indirect energy flows or the energy embodied in the flows of goods and services involving the residents of those cities. Since the function of cities is to serve the lives of the residents, indirect energy consumption could be regarded as being of equal importance as that of direct energy use. The essence of embodied energy is that an indirect reflection upon behavior following direct energy consumption. It can illustrate how a city relies on the outside, for example other cities, countries, etc. and provides some interesting information that cannot be easily drawn from the direct energy demand. The study reveals that the indirect energy demand is more significant than the direct energy demand in Bangkok, Shanghai, and Tokyo, while direct energy demand is greater than the indirect energy demand in Beijing. This can be explained by the fact that Bangkok, Shanghai, and Tokyo have a greater reliance upon the outside in terms of energy demand.</p><p>The Long-range Energy Alternative Planning (LEAP) system has been selected to perform Bangkok energy modeling. In a Bangkok case study a range of policy interventions are selected and how these would change the energy development in Bangkok by the year 2025 is examined. Different policies can be grouped by the sectors analyzed. The only supply-side policy considered meets an existing target of having 10% of electricity generated from renewable sources. The study period for the model started in 2005 and ends in 2025, with the year 2000 taken as the base year. The proposed scenarios were evaluated using the MCDM approach to rate their sustainability. Team members found that this method provided a methodology to help decision-makers to systematically identify management objectives and priorities.</p>

Evaluation of retrofitting strategies for post-war office buildings

Duran, Ozlem January 2018 (has links)
The energy used in non-domestic buildings accounts for 18 % of the energy use in the UK. Within the non-domestic building stock, 11 % of office buildings have a very high influence on the energy use. Thus, the retrofit of office buildings has a significant potential for energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions reduction within the non-domestic building stock. However, the replacement rate of existing buildings by new-build is only around 1-3 % per annum. Post-war office buildings, (built between 1945 and 1985) represent a promising sector for retrofit and energy demand reduction. They have disproportionately high energy consumption because many were built before the building regulations addressed thermal performance. The aim of the research is to evaluate the retrofit strategies for post-war office buildings accounting for the improved energy efficiency, thermal comfort and hence, productivity, capital and the running costs. The research seeks to provide the optimal generic retrofit strategies and illustrate sophisticated methods which will be the basis for guidelines about post-war office building retrofit. For this, multiple combinations of heating and cooling retrofit measures were applied to representative models (Exemplar) of post-war office buildings using dynamic thermal simulation modelling. The retrofit strategies include; applying envelope retrofit to UK Building Regulations Part L2B and The Passivhaus Institue EnerPHit standards for heating demand reduction and winter comfort. Passive cooling interventions such as shading devices and night ventilation and active cooling intervention such as mixed-mode ventilation were applied to overcome summer overheating. All retrofit combinations were evaluated considering future climate, inner and outer city locations and different orientations. In summary, the results showed that under current weather conditions Part L2B standard retrofit with passive cooling provided the optimum solution. In 2050, however, both Part L2B retrofit naturally ventilated cases with the passive cooling measures and EnerPHit retrofit mixed-mode ventilation cases provide the requisite thermal comfort and result in a similar range of energy consumption. It was concluded that to create generic retrofit solutions which could be applied to a given typology within the building stock is possible. The methodology and the Exemplar model could be used in future projects by decision-makers and the findings and analysis of the simulations could be taken as guidance for the widespread retrofit of post-war office buildings.


GLAUCIA DE PAULA FALCO 20 April 2006 (has links)
[pt] O ONS (operador nacional do sistema elétrico brasileiro) vem utilizando o software ANNSTLF produzido pelo EPRI/EUA (Eletrical Power Research Institute) para realizar a previsão do consumo de carga horária. Entretanto, as estimativas fornecidas pelo programa estão fundamentadas na metodologia de uma rede neural que, de certo modo, impede ao usuário de extrair uma maior interpretação dos resultados que são fornecidos pela rede. Assim sendo, este trabalho pesquisou os métodos univariados convencionais: Holt-Winters e Box e Jenkins, considerando suas formulações aperfeiçoadas e adaptadas às características próprias do tipo de série em questão. Isto é, assumindo a existência de dois ciclos sazonais: um diário e outro semanal. A vantagem destas técnicas univariadas, em comparação ao ANNSTLF, é principalmente a interpretabilidade das informações obtidas. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa permite também avaliar melhor o desempenho do ANNSTLF. / [en] The ONS (National Operator of the Brazilian electrical system) has been using the software ANNSTLF produced by EPRI/USA (Eletrical Power Research Institute) to carry out the forecast of the hourly load consumption. However, the estimates supplied by the program are based on the methodology of a neural net that, in a way, does not allow the user to extract a better interpretation of the results produced by the net. Therefore, investigates the conventional univaried methods: Holt-Winters and Box & Jenkins, considering its formulations perfected and adapted to the characteristics of the series understudy. That is, its assumed the existence of two seasonal cicles: daily and weekly. The advantage of these univariate techniques, in comparison to the ANNSTLF, is mainly the ability to interpret the model estimates. Also, this research also allows a better evaluation the performance of the ANNSTLF.

Modélisation dynamique de l'offre et de la demande énergétique des territoires ruraux : application au secteur résidentiel / Dynamic modelling of energy demand and production in rural areas : case study of the residential sector

Peigné, Pierre 12 March 2018 (has links)
Les territoires ruraux disposent du principal gisement d’énergie renouvelable en France. Les réseaux énergétiques y sont moins denses que dans les zones urbaines et certains vecteurs, tels que le gaz, en sont souvent absents. Or, alors que les systèmes énergétiques urbains ont été abondamment étudiés, les spécificités de la demande énergétique rurale restent méconnues, notamment dans le secteur résidentiel. Des travaux récents mettent en avant les enjeux liés à la décentralisation du système énergétique français et le besoin d’une connaissance fine de l’offre et de la demande, tant sur le plan spatial que temporel. Ce travail de thèse poursuit deux objectifs. Tout d’abord il s’attache à identifier les spécificités de la consommation énergétique des logements ruraux par rapport aux logements urbains. Ensuite, il vise à analyser la réponse que peut apporter le gisement local d’énergie renouvelable à la demande résidentielle sur un territoire mixte urbain-rural, dans une optique de territoire à énergie positive – équilibre annuel entre l’offre et la demande énergétique du territoire. / Rural areas have the main resources of renewable energy in France. Energy networks are less dense there than in urban areas and some energy vectors, like gas, are often missing. However, as urban energy systems have been widely studied, the specificities of rural energy demand remain little-known, especially for the residential sector. Recent works highlight new challenges related to decentralization of the French energy system and the need for fine knowledge of demand and supply, on both spatial and time scales. This research work pursues two objectives. First, it commits to identify the specificities of rural housing energy consumption. Then, it aims at analyzing the potential response of local renewable energy sources to the residential demand in a mixed urban-rural territory, in a 100 % RES process – equilibrium between annual energy demand and supply on the territory.


Rodrigues, Fabrício Azevedo 06 March 2015 (has links)
For the management difficulties and high costs of irrigated rice deployment in Rio Grande do Sul, currently seeks new possibilities, as the introduction of soybean in the areas of cultivation of rice. The aimed of this study was evaluate the effects of soybean deployment system with previous soil scarification, using micro ridges till planter and different mechanisms furrowers in seeders-fertilizer, using operational parameters such as energy demand and fuel costs in two soil types typically used in irrigated rice. Were used a completely randomized design, with four replicates. Treatments are results of interaction among two factors, one being the five different mechanisms furrowers, and the other two topographical conditions of the soil (landscape and lowland area). For installation in the field was used a tractor 4 x 2 FWA and two seeder-fertilizers, one with a conventional system and the other whit micro ridges till in the soil. Were collected data of force on traction bar, fuel consumption, work speed and slipping of driving wheels, after was calculated the indirect results of the performance of the seeding operation in the field. A study was also performed as the necessary cost in fuel soybean seeding in two different soil types on the basis of the prices charged for the current crop. Performance results show differences between the two locations by the difference in topography and soil type. In the soil of lowland with successive cultivation of irrigated rice performance values are smaller than the landscape soil used with livestock and with an irrigated history of rice cultivation. The Furrowers mechanisms also influence in the energy demand and the performance of the operation in the field, and when row preparation is used instead of the coulters the results presented are better, independent of the type of soil. Fuel costs in the seeding operation are affected by the furrowers mechanisms and by the type of soil. For the management difficulties and high costs of irrigated rice deployment in Rio Grande do Sul, currently seeks new possibilities, as the introduction of soybean in the areas of cultivation of rice. The aimed of this study was evaluate the effects of soybean deployment system with previous soil scarification, using micro ridges till planter and different mechanisms furrowers in seeders-fertilizer, using operational parameters such as energy demand and fuel costs in two soil types typically used in irrigated rice. Were used a completely randomized design, with four replicates. Treatments are results of interaction among two factors, one being the five different mechanisms furrowers, and the other two topographical conditions of the soil (landscape and lowland area). For installation in the field was used a tractor 4 x 2 FWA and two seeder-fertilizers, one with a conventional system and the other whit micro ridges till in the soil. Were collected data of force on traction bar, fuel consumption, work speed and slipping of driving wheels, after was calculated the indirect results of the performance of the seeding operation in the field. A study was also performed as the necessary cost in fuel soybean seeding in two different soil types on the basis of the prices charged for the current crop. Performance results show differences between the two locations by the difference in topography and soil type. In the soil of lowland with successive cultivation of irrigated rice performance values are smaller than the landscape soil used with livestock and with an irrigated history of rice cultivation. The Furrowers mechanisms also influence in the energy demand and the performance of the operation in the field, and when row preparation is used instead of the coulters the results presented are better, independent of the type of soil. Fuel costs in the seeding operation are affected by the furrowers mechanisms and by the type of soil. / Pelas dificuldades de manejo e altos custos de implantação e condução das lavouras de arroz irrigado no Rio Grande do Sul, atualmente busca-se novas possibilidades, como a introdução de soja nas áreas de cultivo de arroz. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do sistema de implantação de soja através de prévia escarificação do solo, uso de microcamalhões e diferentes mecanismos sulcadores em semeadora-adubadora, utilizando-se parâmetros operacionais como a demanda energética e de custos com combustível, em dois tipos de solos tipicamente utilizados com arroz irrigado. Foi utilizado o delineamento estatístico inteiramente casualizado (DIC), constituído por quatro repetições. Os tratamentos são resultados da interação entre os dois fatores utilizados, sendo um deles os cinco diferentes mecanismos sulcadores, e o outro as duas condições topográficas do solo (coxilha e várzea). Para a implantação no campo foi utilizado um trator 4x2 TDA e duas semeadoras-adubadoras, uma convencional e outra com sistema formador de microcamalhões no solo. Foram coletados dados de força de tração na barra, consumo de combustível, velocidade de trabalho e patinamento das rodas motrizes, posteriormente calcularam-se os resultados indiretos do desempenho da operação de semeadura no campo. Também foi realizado um estudo envolvendo os custos necessários com combustíveis na semeadura de soja, nos dois diferentes tipos de solo com base nos preços praticados para a safra atual. Os resultados de desempenho apresentam diferenças entre os dois locais pelas características no tipo e topografia do solo. No solo de várzea com cultivo sucessivo de arroz irrigado os valores de desempenho apresentam-se menores do que o solo de coxilha utilizado com pecuária e com histórico de cultivo de arroz irrigado. Os mecanismos sulcadores também influenciam na demanda energética e o desempenho da operação no campo, sendo que quando é utilizada haste sulcadora ao invés dos discos os resultados apresentam-se superiores, independe do tipo de solo. Os custos com combustíveis na operação de semeadura são afetados pelos mecanismos sulcadores e pelo tipo de solo. Pelas dificuldades de manejo e altos custos de implantação e condução das lavouras de arroz irrigado no Rio Grande do Sul, atualmente busca-se novas possibilidades, como a introdução de soja nas áreas de cultivo de arroz. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do sistema de implantação de soja através de prévia escarificação do solo, uso de microcamalhões e diferentes mecanismos sulcadores em semeadora-adubadora, utilizando-se parâmetros operacionais como a demanda energética e de custos com combustível, em dois tipos de solos tipicamente utilizados com arroz irrigado. Foi utilizado o delineamento estatístico inteiramente casualizado (DIC), constituído por quatro repetições. Os tratamentos são resultados da interação entre os dois fatores utilizados, sendo um deles os cinco diferentes mecanismos sulcadores, e o outro as duas condições topográficas do solo (coxilha e várzea). Para a implantação no campo foi utilizado um trator 4x2 TDA e duas semeadoras-adubadoras, uma convencional e outra com sistema formador de microcamalhões no solo. Foram coletados dados de força de tração na barra, consumo de combustível, velocidade de trabalho e patinamento das rodas motrizes, posteriormente calcularam-se os resultados indiretos do desempenho da operação de semeadura no campo. Também foi realizado um estudo envolvendo os custos necessários com combustíveis na semeadura de soja, nos dois diferentes tipos de solo com base nos preços praticados para a safra atual. Os resultados de desempenho apresentam diferenças entre os dois locais pelas características no tipo e topografia do solo. No solo de várzea com cultivo sucessivo de arroz irrigado os valores de desempenho apresentam-se menores do que o solo de coxilha utilizado com pecuária e com histórico de cultivo de arroz irrigado. Os mecanismos sulcadores também influenciam na demanda energética e o desempenho da operação no campo, sendo que quando é utilizada haste sulcadora ao invés dos discos os resultados apresentam-se superiores, independe do tipo de solo. Os custos com combustíveis na operação de semeadura são afetados pelos mecanismos sulcadores e pelo tipo de solo.

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