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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacto de la nutrición enteral temprana en el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria en pacientes con ventilación mecánica en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del hospital de emergencias pediátricas. Lima - Perú

Carpio Zevallos, Marcelo Sebastian, Sobrado Jara, Katherine Susana 12 August 2020 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar el impacto de la nutrición enteral temprana en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos Métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico observacional de tipo cohorte retrospectivo en los pacientes ingresados a una unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos (UCIP). La información fue recopilada de las historias clínicas. Nuestra variable de exposición fue nutrición enteral (NE), la cual se subdivide en inicio temprano (menor de 72 horas) y tardío (mayor o igual a 72 horas). La variable de respuesta fue tiempo de estancia hospitalaria (TEH), entendida como el periodo desde el ingreso a la UCIP hasta el alta hospitalaria. Resultados: La NE temprana se asoció a una disminución de 10.4 días en el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria. Asimismo, los pacientes que recibieron NE temprana tuvieron 7.13 días menos de tiempo de estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos a comparación de quienes recibieron NE tardía. Además, la duración de la ventilación mecánica se asoció a una disminución de 5.43 días en quienes recibieron NE temprana a comparación de los pacientes que recibieron NE tardía. Finalmente, la interrupción de la NE se asoció a un aumento de 10.7 en el TEH. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con ventilación mecánica en UCIP que recibieron NE temprana tienen riesgo disminuido de tener mayor TEH, mayor tiempo de estancia en la UCIP y mayor duración de ventilación mecánica. La interrupción de la NE aumenta el TEH. / Objective: To determine the impact of early enteral nutrition in the pediatric intensive care unit. Methods: A retrospective cohort observational analytical study was performed in the patients admitted in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). The information in the medical records was compiled. Our exposure variable was enteral nutrition (EN) subdivided into early (<= 72 hours) and late (> 72 hours). The response variable was the length of hospital stay (LHS) understood as the period from admission to the PICU until hospital discharge. Results: Early EN is associated with a decrease of 10.4 days in the length of hospital stay. Likewise, patients who received early NE had 7.13 less days of stay in the PICU days compared to those who received late NE. In addition, the length of mechanical ventilation decrease 5.43 days in those who received early EN compared to patients who received late EN. Finally, the interruption of the NE increased the length of hospital stay by 10.7 days. Conclusions: Patients with MV in PICU who received early EN have a decreased risk of longer hospital stay, longer length of stay in the PICU, and longer duration of mechanical ventilation. The interruption of the NE increases the LHS. / Tesis

Hur påverkas det orala ekosystemet av minskad näringstillgång? / How is the oral ecosystem affected by reduced nutrient availability?

Alkademi, Zahraa, Alomari, Mayan January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Att studera den tillgängliga litteraturen om hur minskad näringstillförsel i form av fasta, Anorexia nervosa (AN), protein-energiundernäring (PEU) och sondmatning påverkar det orala ekosystemet. Material och metod: Det utfördes en narrative review på artiklar som identifierats med hjälp av Pubmed databas. Artiklar som handlar om minskad näringstillförsel och dess konsekvenser för den orala miljön har granskats. Resultat: Fasta hade effekt på salivens sammansättning, flödeshastighet och buffringskapacitet. Personer med svält tillståndet Anorexia nervosa (AN) upplevde bland annat förändringar i slemhinnor, saliv pH-värde och salivflödeshastighet. Personer med protein-energiundernäring (PEU) löpte stor risk för flera orala förändringar som medför bland annat högre kariesförekomst och sämre prognos för inflammatoriska lesioner. Flera av bakterierna som dominerade hos personer med sondmatning var patogena bakterier som kan vara hälsoskadliga. Slutsats: Vid fasta uppstår det förändringar i salivflödeshastighet, sammansättning, mängd och buffringskapacitet. AN kan leda till förändringar i saliven. PEU innebär stor risk för flera orala förändringar som medför bland annat högre kariesförekomst och sämre prognos för inflammatoriska lesioner. Tidig PEU har en fortsatt negativ effekt på salivens funktion även i tonårsåldern. Flera av bakterierna som dominerar hos personer med sondmatning är patogenabakterier som kan vara hälsohotande. Flera orala, mikrobiella och biologiska förändringar manifesterar sig i samband med minskad näringstillförsel. Det behövs fler studier för att få en bättre förståelse av dessa förändringars kliniska betydelse. / Aim: To review the available literature on how reduced nutrient supply in the form of fasting, Anorexia nervosa (AN), protein-energy malnutrition (PEU) as well as tube feeding affect the oral ecosystem. Material and method: A narrative review was performed on articles identified using the Pubmed database. Articles about nutritional deficiencies and their consequences on the oral environment have been reviewed. Results: Fasting influenced saliva composition, flow rate and buffering capacity. People with Anorexia nervosa (AN) experienced, among other things, changes inmucous membranes, saliva pH-value and saliva flow rate. It was shown that people with protein-energy malnutrition are at high risk for several oral changesthat lead to a higher incidence of caries and a worse prognosis for inflammatory lesions etc. Several of the bacteria that dominated in people with enteral nutrition were pathogenic bacteria; that can be damaging to health. Conclusions: During fasting, changes in saliva flow rate, composition, amount, and buffering capacity occur. People with AN experience among other things, changes in mucous membranes, pH value and flow rate of saliva. PEU involves a high risk of several oral changes that lead to, among other things, a higher incidence of caries and a worse prognosis for inflammatory lesions. Early PEU has a continued negative effect on saliva function in adolescence. Several of the bacteria that predominate in people with tube feeding are pathogenic bacteria that can be health-threatening. Several oral, microbial, and biological changes manifest themselves in connection with malnutrition. More studies are needed to gain a better understanding of the clinical significance of these changes.

Revisión crítica: nutrición enteral continua vs. nutrición enteral intermitente en pacientes de la unidad de cuidados intensivos

Cotrina Ignacio, Iris Magdalena January 2024 (has links)
La revisión crítica tuvo como objetivo determinar la seguridad y eficacia de la alimentación enteral continua en pacientes hospitalizados en la UCI en comparación con la alimentación enteral intermitente. Se trabajó bajo una investigación secundaria y metodología de la Enfermería Basada en la evidencia. De la problemática analizada surgió la pregunta clínica según el esquema PICOT: ¿Cuál es la eficacia de la nutrición enteral continua versus nutrición enteral intermitente, en pacientes de la UCI? Para la selección de las palabras claves, se usó la terminología según MESH/DECS, para incrementar los criterios de búsqueda se tradujo cada una de las palabras al inglés y al portugués. Se formaron ecuaciones de búsqueda, las cuales se introdujeron en bases de datos como Epistemonikos, Pubmed y BVS. Del total de 32 trabajos de investigación, finalmente se seleccionaron seis. Posteriormente pasaron el primer filtro mediante la aplicación de la guía de validación de Gálvez Toro, donde se seleccionó la investigación titulada “Alimentación por sonda enteral continua versus intermitente para pacientes críticamente enfermos: estudio prospectivo y aleatorizado”, en donde se utilizó la lista de comprobación CASPE, obteniendo un nivel de evidencia 1+ y grado de recomendación moderada. Como respuesta a la pregunta clínica planteada se tuvo que, en comparación con la estrategia de alimentación enteral intermitente, la estrategia de alimentación continua mostró una mejora significativa en el cumplimiento de las necesidades nutricionales. Por otra parte, no hubo diferencias entre ambas estrategias en cuanto a mortalidad o intolerancia gastrointestinal. / The critical review aimed to determine the safety and efficacy of continuous enteral feeding in patients hospitalized in the UCI compared with intermittent enteral feeding. We worked under secondary research and evidence-based nursing methodology. From the problem analyzed, the clinical question arose according to the PICOT scheme: What is the effectiveness of continuous enteral nutrition versus intermittent enteral nutrition in ICU patients? For the selection of the keywords, the terminology according to MESH/DECS was used; to increase the search criteria, each of the words was translated into English and Portuguese. Search equations were formed, which were entered into databases such as Epistemonikos, Pubmed and BVS. Of the total of 32 research papers, six were finally selected. Subsequently, they passed the first filter by applying the Gálvez Toro validation guide, where the research titled “Continuous versus intermittent enteral tube feeding for critically ill patients: prospective and randomized study” was selected, where the checklist was used. CASPE, obtaining a level of evidence 1+ and a moderate recommendation grade. In response to the clinical question posed, compared to the intermittent enteral feeding strategy, the continuous feeding strategy showed a significant improvement in meeting nutritional needs. On the other hand, there were no differences between both strategies in terms of mortality or gastrointestinal intolerance.

Home enteral tube feeding  - from patients’, relatives’ and nurses’ perspectives

Bjuresäter, Kaisa January 2010 (has links)
Changes in the health-care system during the past decades have led to an increased transfer of health care to the home environment which also concerns patients treated with home enteral tube feeding (HETF). Research is scarce about how HETF care is functioning. Therefore, the overall aim with this thesis was to describe and explore HETF care and treatment from patients', relatives' and nurses' perspectives. Three qualitative and one quantitative study were used. The findings showed that the HETF treatment and care had a great impact on daily life for both patients and their relatives and implied many practical, emotional and social problems in their daily life, which they strived to manage. Side effects were common and the patients' reported low HRQL and general health. The amount and quality of received guidance and support from the health care, not least before discharge, turned out to have impact on the patients' and the relatives' daily life and how they could manage their situation. Lack of guidance and support meant insecurity, worries and distress. Cooperation in the care trajectory was found to be decisive for how well the care was running. Nurses' knowledge about tube feeding and discharge planning procedures, their commitment to the patients' care, as well as clarity regarding responsibility of HETF care were factors of crucial importance on how the cooperation worked, and the quality of the HETF care. This thesis shows the need of improvements regarding the care of HETF patients and their relatives.

Nutritional Nursing Care : Nurses’ interactions with the patient, the team and the organization

Wentzel Persenius, Mona January 2008 (has links)
The overall aim of the thesis was to gain a deeper understanding of nutritional nursing care in municipal care and county council care, with specific focus on enteral nutrition (EN) in intensive care. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used. Telephone interviews regarding assessment of the nutritional status of patients were carried out with special medical nurses (CNs) (n = 14) in municipalities in one county and first line managers (CNs) (n = 27) in one county council. Registered nurses (RNs) in municipalities (n = 74) and county councils (n = 57) answered a questionnaire about nutritional assessment and documentation (I). RNs (n = 44) at three different intensive care units answered a questionnaire about responsibility, knowledge, documentation and nursing interventions regarding EN. Observations (n = 40) on nursing care interventions for patients with EN were carried out (II). RNs (n = 8), enrolled nurses (n = 4) (III) and patients (n = 14) (IV) were interviewed and nutritional nursing care was observed (III-IV) at an intensive care unit. The results showed that assessment of nutritional status was not performed on all patients, according to RNs/CNs. Malnourished patients were estimated to occur to a varied extent. Sixty-six percent of RNs/CNs answered that there were no guidelines for nutritional care and 13% that they did not know if there were any. RNs saw the VIPS model as a guide in nursing care, but also as an obstacle to information exchange (I). A majority of RNs answered that there were guidelines for EN. There were differences between the RNs’ opinions about their responsibility, knowledge and documentation. Deviations from recommended nursing care interventions occurred (II). The developed substantive theory of nurses (RNs and enrolled nurses) concerns and strategies of nutritional nursing care for patients with EN, includes the core category ”to have and to hold nutritional control – balancing between individual care and routine care” and the categories ”knowing the patient”, ”facilitating the patients’ involvement”, ”being a nurse in the team”, ”having professional confidence” and ”having a supportive organization”. In order for RNs and enrolled nurses to have a sense of control over the patients’ care in relation to nutrition, a balance between routine care and individual care was required (III). The developed substantive theory regarding the patients’ experiences of nutritional care includes the core category ”grasping nutrition during the recovery process”.  The core category is reflected in, and dependent on, the categories ”facing nutritional changes”, ”making sense of the nutritional situation” and ”being involved with nutritional care”. The patients alternated emotionally between worry, fear and failure, and relief and hope. The patients experienced a turning point and felt an improvement in their condition when their appetite returned, when the stomach and gut were functioning and when the feeding tube was removed (IV). The conclusion is that quality and safety in relation to nutritional nursing care is dependent on the interactions between the nurse and patient, between the nurse and the team, and the nurse and the organization.

Att förlänga liv : Sjuksköterskors perspektiv av artificiell nutrition

Saka, Sara, Elmes, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: artificiell nutrition är en behandling som förekommer i vården och skapar olika upplevelser hos patienter, bland annat oro och sociala begränsningar vid behandlingen. Anhöriga upplever även de en oro men även en okunskap över situationen. För att uppnå trygghet behöver patienter och deras anhöriga stöttning samt vägledning av sjuksköterskor. Syfte: att skapa en översikt över sjuksköterskors upplevelser av artificiell nutrition. Metod: allmän litteraturöversikt enligt Friberg, där 15 artiklar med kvalitativa och kvantitativa ansatser valdes ut. Resultat: liknande syften sågs i flertalet studier och en av de vanligaste metoderna för att samla in data var via intervjuer. I resultatet skapades tre teman för att lyfta fram aspekter av ansvar, kunskaper samt sjuksköterskors möte med artificiell nutrition. Bland annat visade det att olika ansvarsroller, tidsbrist samt sjuksköterskors tidigare kunskaper hade betydelse för vården av patienter och anhöriga. Slutsats: sjuksköterskors erfarenheter skapar en tryggare vård för anhöriga samt för de patienter som behandlas med artificiell nutrition. Ansvar i vården och kunskapen om artificiell nutrition är två andra aspekter som är avgörande för hur sjuksköterskor förhåller sig till vårdandet kring artificiell nutrition.

Maternal stress and coping when a child is fed enterally

Baack, Cathryn J., January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2006. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 117-124).

Konkurrensfördelar på en marknad som karaktäriseras av offentlig upphandling / Competitive Advantage on a market characterized by public procurement

Eklund, Maria, Testén, Jakob January 2002 (has links)
Background: It is necessary for a company to hold some unique and irreplicable competitive advantage in order to be able to succeed in a market. In a market where public procurement is an important part the competitive advantages will be characterized by the fact that some of the participants on the market are public organizations and that their actions as for procurement fall under the legislation LOU. The characteristics of competitive advantage also depend on and change with continuous changes on a market. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study the competitive advantages that are presenton a current market characterized by public procurement and how these are created. The purposes is also to based on the trends on the market today study and predict the nature of the competitive advantage on the market in the future as well as the changes that we think will occur on the relevant market. Realization: We have performed a case study of the market for enteral nutrition where data have been gathered from interviews with participants in the market and from studying the law of public procurement. The data is gathered and analysed based on an adapted model that we have derived from two theoretical perspectives of competitive advantage. The model that looks to the nature and the origin of competitive advantage has been tested and evaluated through application on the market. Results: Strategic assets are of great importance in order for a company to create a competitive advantage in the form of being established, relations, being established in municipalities and the offer on the market of enteral nutrition today. These strategic assets and competitive advantages will in the future be characterized by the trends that are present on the market today. These trends are identified as an increasing knowledge, products for specific diseases, cooperation, limited procurements, alternative distribution channels and working towards the patients. The creation and the nature of competitive advantage is shaped by an interaction between the resources and capabilities of the firm and the needs and the needs and the demands of the market.

Oxidative stress : natural history and modulation In surgery and trauma patients

Obayan, Adebola Okunola Emeka 31 August 2004
Oxidative stress has been associated with many disease conditions in adults and neonates based on clinical and post mortem studies. Trauma is the commonest cause of oxidative stress. However a gap in knowledge of the natural history of oxidative stress in humans was identified as most studies have been post mortem or in animals. <p>The aim of this research is to understand treat and oxidative stress in trauma and surgical patients. The study involved three components including: the development and evaluation of the novel oxistress assay; study of clinical trauma and oxidative stress; and clinical trial of alanyl-glutamine supplementation following major surgery. The novel oxistress assay was used on urine samples in the normal population to determine reference values and subsequently on hospital patients to determine sensitivity and specificity. The study of clinical trauma and oxidative stress evaluated plasma antioxidants (FRAP assay), red cell glutathione (Asensis method), plasma and urine protein carbonyl (Levines method) and total oxidants in plasma and urine (oxistress assay) over 7 day period following trauma. The clinical trial was a double blind study of 69 major surgery patients evaluating biochemical and clinical parameters over 7 day period in comparison with pre-operative status. <p>The novel oxistress assay proves to be a sensitive and accurate bedside diagnostic tool for oxidative stress. It can also be used in the laboratory setting. Oxidative stress is associated with increased trauma severity resulting in antioxidant depletion, strong oxidant production and protein degradation. The presence of pre-morbid medical factors also increased oxidative stress in trauma patients. Oral alanyl-glutamine supplementation (0.3 g/kg) increased plasma glutamine and antioxidant levels while decreasing urine oxidant levels. It significantly reduced hospital stay in non-cancer and higher disease complexity patients. The intervention also reduced the resource intensity weighting (RIW) score. <p>Oxidative stress is a clinical problem in surgery and trauma patients that can now be easily diagnosed at the bedside using the novel oxistress assay. Treatment with alanyl-glutamine is effective in reducing oxidative stress and improving clinical outcome. It is highly recommended probably at a higher dose in order to achieve optimal results.

Oxidative stress : natural history and modulation In surgery and trauma patients

Obayan, Adebola Okunola Emeka 31 August 2004 (has links)
Oxidative stress has been associated with many disease conditions in adults and neonates based on clinical and post mortem studies. Trauma is the commonest cause of oxidative stress. However a gap in knowledge of the natural history of oxidative stress in humans was identified as most studies have been post mortem or in animals. <p>The aim of this research is to understand treat and oxidative stress in trauma and surgical patients. The study involved three components including: the development and evaluation of the novel oxistress assay; study of clinical trauma and oxidative stress; and clinical trial of alanyl-glutamine supplementation following major surgery. The novel oxistress assay was used on urine samples in the normal population to determine reference values and subsequently on hospital patients to determine sensitivity and specificity. The study of clinical trauma and oxidative stress evaluated plasma antioxidants (FRAP assay), red cell glutathione (Asensis method), plasma and urine protein carbonyl (Levines method) and total oxidants in plasma and urine (oxistress assay) over 7 day period following trauma. The clinical trial was a double blind study of 69 major surgery patients evaluating biochemical and clinical parameters over 7 day period in comparison with pre-operative status. <p>The novel oxistress assay proves to be a sensitive and accurate bedside diagnostic tool for oxidative stress. It can also be used in the laboratory setting. Oxidative stress is associated with increased trauma severity resulting in antioxidant depletion, strong oxidant production and protein degradation. The presence of pre-morbid medical factors also increased oxidative stress in trauma patients. Oral alanyl-glutamine supplementation (0.3 g/kg) increased plasma glutamine and antioxidant levels while decreasing urine oxidant levels. It significantly reduced hospital stay in non-cancer and higher disease complexity patients. The intervention also reduced the resource intensity weighting (RIW) score. <p>Oxidative stress is a clinical problem in surgery and trauma patients that can now be easily diagnosed at the bedside using the novel oxistress assay. Treatment with alanyl-glutamine is effective in reducing oxidative stress and improving clinical outcome. It is highly recommended probably at a higher dose in order to achieve optimal results.

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