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Entreprenöriellt lärande : En fenomenologisk studie om pedagogers uppfattningar av entreprenöriellt lärande i skola och fritidshem / Entrepreneurial learningNaess, Emmy, Sjölander, Melinda January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur pedagoger uppfattar entreprenöriellt lärande i grundskola och fritidshem. Anledningen till att vi valt att forska kring pedagogers uppfattningar och erfarenheter om entreprenörskap och entreprenöriellt lärande, som också är vårt syfte med studien, är att vi läst i styrdokument att det är viktigt att arbeta med entreprenöriella förmågor i skolan men inte erfarit hur ett sådant arbete kan se ut eller märkt av att andra skolor arbetar med det. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod och en fenomenologisk ansats har vi därför samlat in datainformation om pedagogers erfarenheter och upplevelser kring entreprenöriellt lärande i skola och fritidshem. Vi genomförde parintervjuer för att värdera den sociala interaktionen vi märkte under en pilotintervju, samt att pedagogerna skulle kunna hjälpas åt med att berätta om deras upplevelser och erfarenheter kring entreprenöriellt lärande. Resultatet visar på att pedagogerna delar samma uppfattningar om vad begreppet innebär, nämligen att det är svårdefinierat samt att det handlar om andra förmågor och kompetenser än vad de vanliga skolämnena kräver, även fast arbetet ser olika ut på olika skolor och fritidshem. Samtliga pedagoger tycker även att detta är viktigt att arbeta med trots att det finns många saker runtomkring som påverkar arbetet med entreprenöriellt lärande, som till exempel tidsbrist, brist på kunskap om begreppet samt att många utav de skolor som pedagogerna arbetar på har bestämt att pedagogerna ska gå olika fortbildningar för att utveckla verksamheten på olika sätt. Något som vi har kommit fram till under studiens gång är att skolans roll inte endast är att utveckla elevernas kunskaper inom de olika ämnena, utan skolan har även i uppgift att förbereda eleverna inför livet efter skolan som ansvarsfulla medborgare, att lära för livet.
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Análise de fatores que influenciam o aprendizado empreendedor de mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade socialNascimento Filho, Manoel do January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta tese é analisar fatores que influenciam o desenvolvimento do aprendizado empreendedor em mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade social. O trabalho realizou 5 etapas principais: (i) entrevistas qualitativas; (ii) revisão sistemática da literatura; (iii) análise do diagnóstico Sebrae; (iv) análise do conjunto de informações obtidas em pesquisa qualitativa (revisão sistemática da literatura, entrevistas) e quantitativa (survey), empregando como ferramenta o software NVIVO e; (v) elaboração de mapas conceituais para proposição de diretrizes para formação empreendedora demulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade. Os resultados atingidos foram: (i) confirmação dos fatores que facilitam e barreiras que dificultam o aprendizado empreendedor (ii) verificação frente à literatura dos fatores que facilitam e barreiras que dificultam o aprendizado empreendedor; (iii) identificação de perfil de gestão de mulheres microempreendedoras e empreendedoras individuais e oportunidades de conteúdos para capacitação em gestão; (iv)associações entre as fontes de informação e elaboração de cenários, e (v) mapa conceitual das associações existentes entre fatores facilitadores barrerias e características das mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade social. A principal preposição desta tese é a sistematização da informação existente na literatura junto a evidências provenientes do cotidiano de especialistas e gestores, para proposição de diretrizes norteadoras para um projeto pedagógico desta natureza. / The general objective of this thesis is to analyze factors that influence the development of entrepreneurial learning in women in situation of social vulnerability. The work carried out 5 main steps: (i) qualitative interviews; (ii) systematic review of the literature; (iii) analysis of the Sebrae diagnosis; (iv) analysis of the set of information obtained in qualitative research (systematic literature review, interviews) and quantitative (survey), using the NVIVO software as a tool; (v) elaboration of conceptual maps for the proposal of guidelines for entrepreneurial training of women in situations of vulnerability. The results achieved were: (i) confirmation of facilitating factors and barriers that impede entrepreneurial learning; (ii) verification of the factors facilitating barriers and barriers to entrepreneurial learning; (iii) identification of the management profile of women entrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs and opportunities for content for training in management; (iv) associations between the sources of information and the elaboration of scenarios, and (v) conceptual map of the existing associations between facilitating sweeping factors and characteristics of women in situations of social vulnerability. The main preposition of this thesis is the systematization of information existing in the literature along with evidence from the daily routine of specialists and managers, to propose guiding guidelines for a pedagogical project of this nature.
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Entreprenöriellt lärande : Gymnasieelevers skilda sätt att uppfatta entreprenöriellt lärandeOtterborg, Annica January 2011 (has links)
Students need to be entrepreneurial, because society has changed locally and globally and individuals must carry more responsibility for their learning and their livelihood. Information technology affects everyone and makes it possible to obtain facts far beyond the classroom. In all, the changes affect the perception of what and how pupils learn. Supranational bodies such as the OECD, the European Union and NUTEK have argued for a couple of decades that schools and businesses need to work together to educate students in an entrepreneurial direction. Today, in 2011, entrepreneurship is in fact enshrined in the new curriculum for the upper secondary school, GY 2011. The school has long sought to increase students’ responsibility for their own learning and different education practices have been tested to develop this. The purpose of this study is to form knowledge about entrepreneurial learning and make a contribution to knowledge about a form of learning, from a student perspective. The theoretical and methodological approach of the study is phenomenographic. Sixteen students at an upper secondary school with a pronounced entrepreneurial profile have been interviewed. The interview guide used was open-ended with ample opportunities for the informants to talk about their work on the basis of the project that the students perform during their last school year. Students do not use the term entrepreneurial to describe their perceptions, but from the data I understand with my teaching experience that they describe their perceptions of entrepreneurial learning. The results of the analysis of the data material show upper secondary school students' different perceptions of entrepreneurial learning and fall into five description categories. They are Understanding, identifying and defining the task, External contacts and communication, Team building, Learning in different social practices and Looking beyond the obvious. The results show that if the school is to use entrepreneurial learning as a learning approach, tasks need to be retrieved from activities outside the school to be challenging for students to manage themselves and with the help of others.
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Entrepreneurial Learning : Entrepreneurial response to firm failureSkärström, Cajsa-Malin, Wallstedt, Erik, Wennerström, Linus January 2008 (has links)
There is a lot of research conducted in the field of general entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial learning, and entrepreneurial innovation. However, as Jason Cope (2003) came across during his research, there is little to none research made within the field of entrepreneurial learning from failure, especially from bankruptcy. The purpose of this thesis is to explore if it is possible forentrepreneurs to obtain “higher-level learning” from a bankruptcy. The research concerns whether or not entrepreneurs can learn from their mistakes, and in turn use this learning in order to become more successful entrepreneur in future undertakings. The thesis contributes to a research project on entrepreneurial response to firm failure, initiated by Anna Jenkins (2008). As stated above, there is little to none research conducted in the field of entrepreneurial learning from a bankruptcy. Therefore theories considered closely and partly related to the subject have been revised. The overarching theory, the “Experiential learning theory” (Kolb, 1984) describes how experience can be transformed into genuine knowledge, through the steps: experiencing an event, reflecting on the event, understanding the principle under which the particular event falls and testing this new understanding under different circumstances. Jason Cope (2003) has found that entrepreneurs can obtain higher-level learning from experiencing discontinuous criticalevents by going through the phases; facing, overcoming and reflecting on events that occur during the running of a firm. This learning can be transformational; the entrepreneur realizes that current methods are insufficient, forcing him or her to adapt and change methods in future undertakings. The main objective in this thesis was not to draw any final conclusions, rather to explore newvaluable information that can be interpreted in the main project as well as in future projects. To gather information we used a qualitative method, in which we interviewed five entrepreneurs who had recently experienced a bankruptcy. The empirical findings were later analyzed in thelight of the frame of references and the authors own viewpoint, by conducting a within case/cross case comparison. The results show that two out of five entrepreneurs had transformed the experience from their bankruptcy into new genuine knowledge, thereby confirming that it is possible to obtain higherlevel learning from a bankruptcy. They realized their own mistakes and changed their methods in order to avoid making the same mistakes again. Three of the respondents had not critically reflected on their bankruptcy, thereby gained no new knowledge of how to change their methods in future undertakings. The major reasons as to why they were unable to do so were that they blamed external factors as the reason for bankruptcy. One of the interviewees was emotionally blocked during the bankruptcy and therefore unable to contemplate what had went wrong. / Det finns mycket forskning inom området entreprenörskap, entreprenöriel inlärning, och entreprenöriel innovation. Däremot finns det, vilket Jason Cope (2003) har upptäckt, lite eller ingen existerande forskning inom området entreprenöriel inlärning från ett misslyckande, som till exempel en konkurs. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utforska om det är möjligt för entreprenörer att uppnå ”higher-level learning” från en konkurs. Vi ämnar undersöka om entreprenörer kan lära sig av sina misstag och sedan använda dessa lärdomar i framtida projekt i sin strävan mot att bli bättre entreprenörer. Uppsatsen är tänkt som ett bidrag till ett forskningsprojekt om entreprenörers reaktion på företagsmisslyckande, bedriven av Anna Jenkins(2008). Som nämnt ovan finns det knappt någon existerande forskning angående entreprenöriel inlärning från en konkurs, vilket har lett till att de teorier som är relaterade till ämnet har blivit reviderade. Den övergripande teorin, ”The Experiental Learning Theory” (Kolb, 1984) beskriver hur erfarenhet kan bli omvandlad till kunskap genom att följa stegen: aktivt uppleva en händelse,reflektera över händelsen, kunna förstå och analysera händelsen, och slutligen använda sin nya kunskap vid ett senare tillfälle. Jason Cope (2003) har upptäckt att entreprenörer kan nå en ”higher-level learning” genom att uppleva diskontinuerliga kritiska händelser och gå igenom dessafaser: tillmötesgå, övervinna/bemästra och reflektera över händelser som inträffar under företagandets gång. Den här inlärningen kan sedan omvandlas; entreprenören inser att hans nuvarande företagarmetoder inte är optimala, vilket leder honom/henne till att anpassa sig till situationen och ändra sina metoder i framtida projekt. Målsättningen med den här uppsatsen var inte att dra några avgörande slutsatser, utan istället att utforska och behandla ny, värdefull information som kan bli användbar i den avhandling vi önskar bidra till, samt för andra framtida forskningsprojekt. För att samla information använde vi oss av kvalitativa intervjuer. Vi intervjuade fem entreprenörer, vilka alla nyligen hade upplevt en konkurs. Empirin analyserades sedan med hjälp av våra utvalda teorier och våra egna synpunkter, genom att göra en ”cross case comparison”. Vårt resultat visar att två av fem entreprenörer har omvandlat sina upplevelser kring konkursen till genuin kunskap och därmed bekräftat att det är möjligt att uppnå ”higher-level learning” av en konkurs. De har insett sina egna misstag och ändrat sina metoder för att förhindra att samma misstag upprepas. Tre av respondenterna har inte reflekterat kritiskt över konkursen, och därför inte fått någon ny kunskap angående hur de skulle kunna ändra sina metoder inom företagande inför framtida projekt. Den främsta anledningen till varför de var oförmögna att reflektera över händelsen var att de skyllde konkursen främst på externa faktorer. En av de intervjuade var även känslomässigt blockerad under konkursen och därför inkapabel att begrunda sina misstag.
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Entrepreneurial Learning, Heuristics and Venture CreationRAUF, MIAN SHAMS, ZAINULLAH, MOHAMMAD January 2009 (has links)
After rigorous criticism on trait approach and with the emergence of behavioral approach in entrepreneurship during 1980s, the researchers started to introduce learning and cognitive theories in entrepreneurship to describe and explain the dynamic nature of entrepreneurship. Many researchers have described venture creation as a core and the single most important element of entrepreneurship. This thesis will discuss and present the role of entrepreneurial learning and heuristics in venture creation. Hence, the purpose of this research thesis is to study and analyze the role of entrepreneurial learning and heuristics in venture creation. To fulfill the purpose of this thesis, we followed qualitative research and conducted semi structured interviews with open ended questionnaires to collect empirical data. For this study, we have included only four interviews which were conducted on four different businesses based in Jönköping, Sweden, following convenience sampling. In the analysis, we used data analysis model of Walker, Cooke and McAllister (2008) and inductively generated three propositions, depicting the role and importance of entrepreneurial learning and heuristics in venture creation. Individuals adopt entrepreneurship in their careers with necessary skills, abilities, and knowledge, which are learned or gained through experiential learning and/or vicarious learning (i.e., learning by observing or modeling the actions of others). Learning by doing is considered the most important factor by entrepreneurs which helped them to overcome different business start up hurdles, to make various entrepreneurial decisions and to perform many entrepreneurial activities during venture creation. Similarly, individuals within their own situation use, learning by observing or modeling other people’s behaviour, actions and consequences of the actions. Entrepreneurs use learning by modeling the behaviour and actions of others as benchmarking strategy during venture creation. Entrepreneurs believe that without any learning they will not be able to start their own businesses. Heuristics as decisions making mechanism, particularly during venture creation, is used by entrepreneurs as simplifying strategy when sufficient information related to a specific market, certain industry and products are scarce. Additionally, entrepreneurs are passionate to grab profitable business opportunity, and due to time pressure and brief window of opportunity, they can’t go for gathering each and every information of the potential business or product. Hence, heuristics as decisions making mechanism is considered the best suitable approach to make many entrepreneurial decisions during venture creation.
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Interorganisatoriskt lärande : En studie kring ett lärarlags utvecklingsarbete / Interorganizational learning : A study of a teacher team developmentRosenqvist, Ulf January 2011 (has links)
Abstract Skolor och utbildningsprogram behöver ständigt utvecklas. Ett steg många skolor tar är att organisera lärarna i arbetslag. Det samhälls- och yrkesliv eleverna utbildas för ställer allt högre krav på styrkor i att definiera och lösa problem i ett förändringsarbete, ofta i grupp. Regeringen betonar att entreprenörskap och entreprenöriella kompetenser är viktiga förmågor för framtidens samhällsmedborgare. Traditionellt har lärare utvecklat sin kompetens och undervisning självständigt. Att delta i arbetslag ställer nya krav på ett fungerande utvecklingsarbete. Hur lär och utvecklas lärarna och hela arbetslaget? Denna studie kretsar kring delar från ett arbetslags utveckling av ett entreprenöriellt undervisningssätt. Undersökningen följer forskarens studiebesök på tre skolor och hur besöken implementeras i forskarens arbetslag. Resultaten diskuteras i förhållande till några begrepp inom organisatoriskt lärande. Nyckelord: Interorganisatoriskt lärande, organisatoriskt lärande, entreprenörskap, entreprenöriellt lärande. / Abstract Schools and educational needs constantly evolving. One step many schools are taking is to organize teachers in teams. The social and professional life students are trained for is making increasing demands on the forces in defining and solving problems in a process of change, often in groups. The government stresses that entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills are important skills for future citizens. Traditionally, teachers have developed their skills and teaching independently. Participating in team places new demands on a functioning development. How does teacher and their team learn and development? This study revolves around the elements of a work team's development of an entrepreneurial teaching manner. The investigation follows the researcher's visits to three schools and how the visits applied in the researcher team. The results are discussed in relation to some concepts in organizational learning. Key Words Interorganizational learning, organizational learning, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial learning.
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Entreprenöriellt lärande och entreprenörskap : En studie av hur naturbrukslärare upplever undervisningssättet / Entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurship : A study of how Natural Resource teachers experience the teaching methodJohansson, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with how natural resource teachers in natural resource schools in Sweden work with entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurship. It is important both for our Government and our agricultural department that entrepreneurship is present in our education. In government´s new reform 2011 for upper secondary schools entrepreneurship is the main theme, but it is not only entrepreneurship as a business company, it is also about entrepreneurship in schools like entrepreneurial capabilities in government´s writ. The purpose of this study is to examine how a number of teachers in natural resource schools are working with entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurship. I have also asked how the teachers would like to work with these areas. The method I have chosen to use in order to perform this study is qualitative interviews with six natural resource teachers and a pilote interview. The teachers I interviewed are working to provide students with self-knowledge and teaches students to see possibilities and solve problems, which is required for us to create entrepreneurial students and entrepreneurship in education. This is also stressed in several of the literary sources I used. / Detta examensarbete handlar om entreprenöriellt lärande och entreprenörskap på naturbruksskolor i Sverige. Det är viktigt både för regering såväl jordbruksverk att entreprenörskap finns i våra utbildningar. I regeringens förslag till ny gymnasiereform 2011 finns entreprenörskap med som en röd tråd i utbildningen, det är inte bara entreprenörskap som företag utan också entreprenörskap i skolan såsom entreprenöriella kompetenser det handlar om i regeringens skrivelser. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ett antal lärare på några naturbruksgymnasier arbetar med entreprenöriellt lärande och entreprenörskap. Jag har också diskuterat hur lärarna skulle vilja arbeta med dessa områden. Metoden som jag valt att använda för att göra denna studie är kvalitativa intervjuer av sex naturbrukslärare samt en pilotintervju. De lärare som jag intervjuat arbetar för att ge eleverna självkunskap och lär eleverna se möjligheter och lösa problem, vilket är vad som krävs för att vi ska få entreprenöriella elever och entreprenörskap i utbildningen. Detta framhålls även i flera av de litterära källorna jag använt.
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Entrepreneurial Learning : Entrepreneurial response to firm failureSkärström, Cajsa-Malin, Wallstedt, Erik, Wennerström, Linus January 2008 (has links)
<p>There is a lot of research conducted in the field of general entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial learning, and entrepreneurial innovation. However, as Jason Cope (2003) came across during his research, there is little to none research made within the field of entrepreneurial learning from failure, especially from bankruptcy. The purpose of this thesis is to explore if it is possible forentrepreneurs to obtain “higher-level learning” from a bankruptcy. The research concerns whether or not entrepreneurs can learn from their mistakes, and in turn use this learning in order to become more successful entrepreneur in future undertakings. The thesis contributes to a research project on entrepreneurial response to firm failure, initiated by Anna Jenkins (2008).</p><p>As stated above, there is little to none research conducted in the field of entrepreneurial learning from a bankruptcy. Therefore theories considered closely and partly related to the subject have been revised. The overarching theory, the “Experiential learning theory” (Kolb, 1984) describes how experience can be transformed into genuine knowledge, through the steps: experiencing an event, reflecting on the event, understanding the principle under which the particular event falls and testing this new understanding under different circumstances. Jason Cope (2003) has found that entrepreneurs can obtain higher-level learning from experiencing discontinuous criticalevents by going through the phases; facing, overcoming and reflecting on events that occur during the running of a firm. This learning can be transformational; the entrepreneur realizes that current methods are insufficient, forcing him or her to adapt and change methods in future undertakings.</p><p>The main objective in this thesis was not to draw any final conclusions, rather to explore newvaluable information that can be interpreted in the main project as well as in future projects. To gather information we used a qualitative method, in which we interviewed five entrepreneurs who had recently experienced a bankruptcy. The empirical findings were later analyzed in thelight of the frame of references and the authors own viewpoint, by conducting a within case/cross case comparison.</p><p>The results show that two out of five entrepreneurs had transformed the experience from their bankruptcy into new genuine knowledge, thereby confirming that it is possible to obtain higherlevel learning from a bankruptcy. They realized their own mistakes and changed their methods in order to avoid making the same mistakes again. Three of the respondents had not critically reflected on their bankruptcy, thereby gained no new knowledge of how to change their methods in future undertakings. The major reasons as to why they were unable to do so were that they blamed external factors as the reason for bankruptcy. One of the interviewees was emotionally blocked during the bankruptcy and therefore unable to contemplate what had went wrong.</p> / <p>Det finns mycket forskning inom området entreprenörskap, entreprenöriel inlärning, och entreprenöriel innovation. Däremot finns det, vilket Jason Cope (2003) har upptäckt, lite eller ingen existerande forskning inom området entreprenöriel inlärning från ett misslyckande, som till exempel en konkurs. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utforska om det är möjligt för entreprenörer att uppnå ”higher-level learning” från en konkurs. Vi ämnar undersöka om entreprenörer kan lära sig av sina misstag och sedan använda dessa lärdomar i framtida projekt i sin strävan mot att bli bättre entreprenörer. Uppsatsen är tänkt som ett bidrag till ett forskningsprojekt om entreprenörers reaktion på företagsmisslyckande, bedriven av Anna Jenkins(2008).</p><p>Som nämnt ovan finns det knappt någon existerande forskning angående entreprenöriel inlärning från en konkurs, vilket har lett till att de teorier som är relaterade till ämnet har blivit reviderade. Den övergripande teorin, ”The Experiental Learning Theory” (Kolb, 1984) beskriver hur erfarenhet kan bli omvandlad till kunskap genom att följa stegen: aktivt uppleva en händelse,reflektera över händelsen, kunna förstå och analysera händelsen, och slutligen använda sin nya kunskap vid ett senare tillfälle. Jason Cope (2003) har upptäckt att entreprenörer kan nå en ”higher-level learning” genom att uppleva diskontinuerliga kritiska händelser och gå igenom dessafaser: tillmötesgå, övervinna/bemästra och reflektera över händelser som inträffar under företagandets gång. Den här inlärningen kan sedan omvandlas; entreprenören inser att hans nuvarande företagarmetoder inte är optimala, vilket leder honom/henne till att anpassa sig till situationen och ändra sina metoder i framtida projekt.</p><p>Målsättningen med den här uppsatsen var inte att dra några avgörande slutsatser, utan istället att utforska och behandla ny, värdefull information som kan bli användbar i den avhandling vi önskar bidra till, samt för andra framtida forskningsprojekt. För att samla information använde vi oss av kvalitativa intervjuer. Vi intervjuade fem entreprenörer, vilka alla nyligen hade upplevt en konkurs. Empirin analyserades sedan med hjälp av våra utvalda teorier och våra egna synpunkter, genom att göra en ”cross case comparison”.</p><p>Vårt resultat visar att två av fem entreprenörer har omvandlat sina upplevelser kring konkursen till genuin kunskap och därmed bekräftat att det är möjligt att uppnå ”higher-level learning” av en konkurs. De har insett sina egna misstag och ändrat sina metoder för att förhindra att samma misstag upprepas. Tre av respondenterna har inte reflekterat kritiskt över konkursen, och därför inte fått någon ny kunskap angående hur de skulle kunna ändra sina metoder inom företagande inför framtida projekt. Den främsta anledningen till varför de var oförmögna att reflektera över händelsen var att de skyllde konkursen främst på externa faktorer. En av de intervjuade var även känslomässigt blockerad under konkursen och därför inkapabel att begrunda sina misstag.</p><p> </p>
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An examination of students' entrepreneurial learning through extracurricular enterprise activitiesPreedy, Sarah January 2018 (has links)
Extracurricular enterprise activities have steadily increased over the past decade within universities (Rae et al., 2012), as has the domain of entrepreneurial learning research (Wang and Chugh, 2014) yet limited empirical research examines links between the two phenomena. This thesis connects educational theory, entrepreneurial learning theory and entrepreneurial education research to examine the role that extracurricular enterprise activities may have within the entrepreneurial learning processes of students at United Kingdom Higher Education Institutions. Utilising a social constructionist paradigm of enquiry this thesis critically examines perceptions of the value of extracurricular enterprise activities from an educator and student perspective. A semi-structured survey (n=55) and in depth interviews with students (n=23) and enterprise educators (n=3) across 24 UK universities explored what extracurricular enterprise activities students engaged in, their motivations for engagement and the perceived value of extracurricular enterprise activities in relation to entrepreneurial learning processes. Findings suggest that extracurricular enterprise activities not only provide value in the experiential and social learning opportunities afforded for participants, but the positioning of these activities outside of the main curriculum enables students to develop their autonomous learning capabilities. The results contribute to an emerging body of literature examining self-directed learning activities and entrepreneurial learning (Van Gelderen, 2010; Tseng, 2013). The thesis concludes that while experiential and social learning opportunities occupy a central role within entrepreneurial learning processes of university students, self-directed learning activities are increasingly important, and emphasis should be placed upon enabling students to self-direct their entrepreneurial learning processes. For policy and practice, this research provides additional scrutiny of the proposition that extracurricular enterprise activities positively enhance learning through examining what extracurricular enterprise activities students choose to engage in and the benefits they perceive they attained. This research also provides an enhanced understanding of how students interpret and apply the theoretical concept of entrepreneurial learning. Research examining entrepreneurial learning is important in enabling a more effective understanding of the entrepreneurial process yet studies examining student perceptions of entrepreneurial learning remain limited (Mueller and Anderson, 2014; Wang and Chugh, 2014). Finally, this thesis presents the central role of self-directed learning activities to students’ entrepreneurial learning processes and provides recommendations for enhancing entrepreneurial education.
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Análise de fatores que influenciam o aprendizado empreendedor de mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade socialNascimento Filho, Manoel do January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta tese é analisar fatores que influenciam o desenvolvimento do aprendizado empreendedor em mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade social. O trabalho realizou 5 etapas principais: (i) entrevistas qualitativas; (ii) revisão sistemática da literatura; (iii) análise do diagnóstico Sebrae; (iv) análise do conjunto de informações obtidas em pesquisa qualitativa (revisão sistemática da literatura, entrevistas) e quantitativa (survey), empregando como ferramenta o software NVIVO e; (v) elaboração de mapas conceituais para proposição de diretrizes para formação empreendedora demulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade. Os resultados atingidos foram: (i) confirmação dos fatores que facilitam e barreiras que dificultam o aprendizado empreendedor (ii) verificação frente à literatura dos fatores que facilitam e barreiras que dificultam o aprendizado empreendedor; (iii) identificação de perfil de gestão de mulheres microempreendedoras e empreendedoras individuais e oportunidades de conteúdos para capacitação em gestão; (iv)associações entre as fontes de informação e elaboração de cenários, e (v) mapa conceitual das associações existentes entre fatores facilitadores barrerias e características das mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade social. A principal preposição desta tese é a sistematização da informação existente na literatura junto a evidências provenientes do cotidiano de especialistas e gestores, para proposição de diretrizes norteadoras para um projeto pedagógico desta natureza. / The general objective of this thesis is to analyze factors that influence the development of entrepreneurial learning in women in situation of social vulnerability. The work carried out 5 main steps: (i) qualitative interviews; (ii) systematic review of the literature; (iii) analysis of the Sebrae diagnosis; (iv) analysis of the set of information obtained in qualitative research (systematic literature review, interviews) and quantitative (survey), using the NVIVO software as a tool; (v) elaboration of conceptual maps for the proposal of guidelines for entrepreneurial training of women in situations of vulnerability. The results achieved were: (i) confirmation of facilitating factors and barriers that impede entrepreneurial learning; (ii) verification of the factors facilitating barriers and barriers to entrepreneurial learning; (iii) identification of the management profile of women entrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs and opportunities for content for training in management; (iv) associations between the sources of information and the elaboration of scenarios, and (v) conceptual map of the existing associations between facilitating sweeping factors and characteristics of women in situations of social vulnerability. The main preposition of this thesis is the systematization of information existing in the literature along with evidence from the daily routine of specialists and managers, to propose guiding guidelines for a pedagogical project of this nature.
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