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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Actividad emprendedora de los millennials en Antioquia (Colombia)

Arias Vargas, Francisco Javier 22 March 2021 (has links)
[ES] El emprendimiento rural es un área en desarrollo y motiva el interés de los gobiernos y los actores involucrados en la búsqueda de revitalizar espacios que históricamente se han venido marginando por la migración de la población en busca de oportunidades a las zonas urbanas y el escape a un conflicto armado de más de 50 años como el caso de Colombia, siendo un país que cuenta con una amplia extensión rural que llega al 96% del territorio. La mejora en la percepción de la seguridad debido al proceso de paz firmado en 2016 en la Habana (Cuba) y la disminución del conflicto armado en Departamentos como Antioquia presenta una vocación rural importante permite que se desarrollen nuevas apuestas empresariales en zonas que antes estaban vedadas por el conflicto armado. Motivado en lo anterior, en esta tesis se explora la actividad emprendedora de los estudiantes conectados con la ruralidad como lo son los de las Facultades de Ciencias Agrarias del Departamento de Antioquia. La primera parte de la tesis se centra en una revisión bibliográfica sobre la evolución del rol del emprendedor rural y del concepto del emprendimiento en sí, en esta parte se denota un cambio en la concepción de pasar de la creación de empresas solo pensando en la función agrícola, para transitar hacia la creación de empresas que no necesariamente son agrícolas, pero se ubican en un territorio rural, lo que da cabida a otro tipo de emprendimientos y una nueva forma de ver al emprendimiento rural. La segunda parte de la tesis realiza la exploración del marco normativo en Colombia para el emprendimiento, dejando ver que a pesar de tener una amplia extensión rural que llega al 99% del territorio del país, el desarrollo legislativo y de apoyo al emprendimiento rural es pobre, razón por la cual se convierte en una oportunidad para desarrollar estos territorios en un marco de posconflicto en Colombia. En tercer lugar, a través del examen preliminar del desarrollo de una fase exploratoria de trabajo de campo de estudios de caso, se pudo notar que los jóvenes participantes tienen interés por desarrollar apuestas empresariales en la ruralidad y generar empleo, no necesariamente se motivan por dinero, utilizan la innovación y la creatividad para compensar los desequilibrios del mercado. Aunque existen dificultades debido a la falta de apoyo estatal, marco normativo, dificultades para acceder al financiamiento y que no existe un ecosistema de emprendimiento rural. En cuarto lugar, se identificaron los impulsores, las barreras y las motivaciones para el emprendimiento rural. Se realizó mediante la consulta a expertos y el método Delphi que permitió la construcción de un instrumento al cual se realizaron las respectivas pruebas de fiabilidad tanto a la idoneidad de los expertos como al resultado de las variables en sí. En quinto lugar, el desarrollo del trabajo de campo, permite conocer la incidencia de los aspectos sociodemográficos en la actividad emprendedora de los jóvenes denominados "millennials" en la ruralidad de Antioquia, encontrándose que quienes tienen una mayor actividad son personas pertenecientes a clases altas mayoritariamente hombres, con estudios de posgrado, provenientes de familias donde los padres tienen al menos titulación universitaria, con situación distinta a soltero y con un rango de edad que oscila entre los 32 a 38 años. En sexto lugar, se analizó la competitividad de las empresas reportadas por los participantes del estudio, mediante un índice multidimensional encontrándose que la competitividad de las iniciativas se podría catalogar como media, solo exceptuándose alta en pocos casos como algunas empresas dedicadas a servicios para el agro, notándose que los puntos con mayor dificultad son la estrategia competitiva y el marketing. Por último, se analizó la actividad emprendedora en función de la intención emprendedora, la edad del encuestado, la edad de la empresa definida según los cr / [CA] L'emprendiment rural és una àrea en desenrotllament i motiva l'interés dels governs i els actors involucrats en la busca de revitalitzar espais que històricament s'han marginat per la migració de la població a la cerca d'oportunitats en les zones urbanes i la fuga a un conflicte armat de més de 50 anys com el cas de Colòmbia, sent un país que compta amb una àmplia extensió rural que arriba al 96% del territori La millora en la percepció de la seguretat a causa del procés de pau firmat en 2016 en l'Havana (Cuba) i la disminució del conflicte armat en Departaments com Antiòquia que també presenta una vocació rural important permet que es desenrotllen noves apostes empresarials en zones que abans estaven vedades pel conflicte armat Motivat en l'anterior, este treball s'explora l'activitat emprenedora d'estudiants connectats amb la ruralitat com ho són els de les Facultats de Ciències Agràries del Departament d'Antiòquia La primera part de la tesi se centra a fer una revisió bibliogràfica sobre l'evolució del rol de l'emprenedor rural i del concepte de l'emprenedoria en si, en esta part es denota un canvi en la concepció de passar de la creació d'empreses només pensant en la funció agrícola, per a transitar cap a la creació d'empreses que no necessàriament són agrícoles, però s'ubiquen en un territori rural, la qual cosa dóna cabuda a un altre tipus d'emprenedories i una nova forma de veure a l'emprenedoria rural. La segona part de la tesi realitza l'exploració del marc normatiu a Colòmbia per a l'emprenedoria, deixant veure que a pesar de tindre una àmplia extensió rural que arriba al 99% del territori del país, el desenrotllament legislatiu i de suport a l'emprendimiento rural és pobre, raó per la qual es convertix en una oportunitat per a desenrotllar estos territoris en un marc de postconflicte a Colòmbia En tercer lloc, l'exploració preliminar a través del desenrotllament d'una fase exploradora de treball de camp per mitjà de la documentació d'estudis de cas, es va poder notar que els jóvens participants tenen interés per desenrotllar apostes empresarials en la ruralitat i generar ocupació, no necessàriament es motiven per diners, utilitzen la innovació i la creativitat per a compensar els desequilibris del mercat, encara que hi ha dificultats degut a la falta de suport estatal, marc normatiu, dificultats per a accedir al finançament i la no existència d'un ecosistema d'emprenedoria rural. En quart lloc, es van identificar impulsors, barreres i motivacions per a l'emprenedoria rural per mitjà de la consulta a experts i el mètode Delphi que va permetre la construcció d'un instrument al qual es van realitzar les respectives proves de fiabilitat tant a la idoneïtat dels experts com al resultat de les variables en si. En quint lloc el desenrotllament del treball de camp, permet conéixer la incidència dels aspectes sociodemogràfics en l'activitat emprenedora dels jóvens denominats millennials; en la ruralitat d'Antiòquia, trobant-se que els que tenen una major activitat són persones pertanyents a classes altes majoritàriament hòmens, amb estudis de postgrau, provinents de famílies on els pares tenen almenys titulació universitària, amb situació diferent de la solteria i amb un rang d'edat que oscil·la entre els 32 a 38 anys. En sext lloc, s'analitze la competitivitat de les empreses reportades pels participants de l'estudi, per mitjà d'un índex multidimensional trobant-se que la competitivitat de les iniciatives es podria catalogar com mitja, només exceptuant-se alta en pocs casos i notant-se que els punts amb més dificultat són estratègia competitiva i màrqueting. Finalment, s'analitze l'activitat emprenedora en funció de la intenció emprenedora, l'edat de l'enquestat, l'edat de l'empresa definida segons els criteris del projecte GEM i l'índex de fre, el qual abrivament un model logit multinomial que mostra la incidència d'estos factors en / [EN] Rural entrepreneurship is a developing area and motivates the interest of governments and actors involved in the search to revitalize spaces that have historically been marginalized by the migration of the population in search of opportunities in urban areas and the escape from an armed conflict of more than 50 years as is the case of Colombia, being a country that has a large rural area that reaches 96% of the territory. The improvement in the perception of security due to the peace process signed in 2016 in Havana (Cuba) and the decrease in the armed conflict in departments such as Antioquia, which also has an important rural vocation, allows the development of new business ventures in areas previously closed to the armed conflict. Motivated by the above, this work explores the entrepreneurial activity of students connected to rurality, such as those from the Faculties of Agrarian Sciences of the Department of Antioquia. The first part of the thesis focuses on a bibliographic review of the evolution of the role of the rural entrepreneur and the concept of entrepreneurship itself. This part shows a change in the concept of moving from the creation of companies only thinking about the agricultural function, to the creation of companies that are not necessarily agricultural but are located in a rural territory, which allows for other types of enterprises and a new way of seeing rural entrepreneurship. The second part of the thesis explores the regulatory framework in Colombia for entrepreneurship, showing that despite having a large rural extension that reaches 99% of the country's territory, legislative development and support for rural entrepreneurship is poor, which is why it becomes an opportunity to develop these territories in a post-conflict framework in Colombia. Thirdly, the preliminary exploration through the development of an exploratory phase of fieldwork through the documentation of case studies, it could be noted that the young participants are interested in developing entrepreneurial bets in rurality and generate employment, they are not necessarily motivated by money, they use innovation and creativity to compensate for market imbalances, although there are difficulties due to the lack of state support, regulatory framework, difficulties in accessing funding and the non-existence of an ecosystem of rural entrepreneurship. Fourth, the drivers, barriers, and motivations for rural entrepreneurship were identified through consultation with experts and the Delphi method, which made it possible to construct an instrument for which the respective reliability tests were carried out on both the suitability of the experts and the outcome of the variables themselves. Fifthly, the development of the fieldwork, allows us to know the incidence of the sociodemographic aspects in the enterprising activity of the young people called "millennials" in the rural areas of Antioquia, being found that those who have a greater activity are people belonging to high classes, mainly men, with postgraduate studies, coming from families where the parents have at least a university degree, with a situation different from that of being single and with an age range that oscillates between 32 and 38 years old. In sixth place, it was analyzed the competitiveness of the companies reported by the participants of the study, through a multidimensional index being found that the competitiveness of the initiatives could be cataloged as average, only excepting high in few cases and noticing that the points with greater difficulty are competitive strategy and marketing. Finally, the entrepreneurial activity was analyzed according to the entrepreneurial intention, the age of the respondent, the age of the company defined by the criteria of the GEM project, and the braking index, which gave a multinomial logit model that shows the impact of these factors on the probability of entrepreneurial activity... / Arias Vargas, FJ. (2021). Actividad emprendedora de los millennials en Antioquia (Colombia) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/164046

Business Models for Decentralized Drinking Water Services in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas

Duran Romero, Daniela Adalia January 2024 (has links)
Access to clean drinking water is a fundamental human right, yet many urban and peri-urban areas struggle to provide this service. While rural water access has improved, urban areas face stagnation or declining access to safe water services due to rapid urbanization, environmental changes, and social disparities. With urban populations in the global South expected to double and concerns about water quality from centralized systems in high-income countries, adaptable and resilient water service solutions are urgently needed. Decentralized systems are gaining attention for their adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and resilience, offering flexible alternatives to large treatment plants and aiming to provide safe, clean water at the household or community level. These systems improve local responsiveness, reduce inequalities, and enhance resilience by utilizing alternative water sources like rainwater harvesting. Innovative service delivery models are essential to bridge gaps, increase local responsiveness, and benefit vulnerable groups. Business model innovation is crucial for adopting and sustaining decentralized water technologies, especially in urban and developing contexts. Private companies are increasingly stepping in to provide decentralized drinking water services, often in partnership with government-led projects or community-managed initiatives, filling gaps where public institutions fall short. This thesis investigates private entities as viable alternatives for decentralized drinking water service provision, considering the complex landscape of urban water provision and the challenges centralized systems face. Using a mixed-methods approach, including a systematic literature review and interviews with eight organizations, the study explores how private companies operate and engage with communities to improve water services. Findings show that private companies use innovative business models, such as Social Enterprise and Product-Service System Models, to balance profitability with social and environmental responsibilities, though this raises concerns about the commodification of water. The thesis emphasizes the importance of subsidies, innovative financing, and government support to ensure affordable and accessible water services, especially in low-income and water-stressed regions. It stresses the need for supportive policy frameworks to promote decentralized services in different income-level countries. The adaptability of private companies to diverse customer bases and their ability to secure funding from various sources are crucial for the scalability and sustainability of their services. The thesis concludes that private companies play a vital role in bridging the service provision gap, but their success depends on innovation, stakeholder engagement, and supportive policies. It highlights the importance of balancing centralized and decentralized systems to ensure sustainable and resilient water services and uphold the human right to clean drinking water. The thesis contributes to the discourse on sustainable urban water management, underlining the potential of private companies to improve the accessibility and sustainability of drinking water services while emphasizing the need for ethical considerations in commodifying essential resources.

The economics of hate

Cameron, Samuel January 2009 (has links)
No / This important and highly original book explores the application of economics to the subject of hate via such diverse topics as war, terrorism, road rage, witchcraft mania, marriage and divorce, and bullying and harassment.

Developing Green Cement in Slite, Gotland : Heidelberg Materials Cement Sverige AB’s role in net-zero carbon emissionsthrough CCS on Gotland and the intricacies of social sustainability on the localcommunity. A case study on stakeholder analysis

van Beek, Julius, Berglund, Robert January 2024 (has links)
Purpose: The thesis investigated how local entrepreneurs in Slite perceive Heidelberg Materials Cement Sverige AB (HMCS) 's upcoming carbon capture storage (CCS) project—the thesis aimed to explore their perceptions of both enthusiasm and concern regarding the forthcoming mega-project in eco-innovation. Method: A case study based on qualitative research consisting of semi-structured interviews. Theory: Stakeholder Theory and Social License to Operate Results: Economic benefits such as job creation and increased local business activity are acknowledged by the entrepreneurs, who are also concerned about environmental impact, especially dust and transport-related pollution. Some entrepreneurs felt that HMCS has decreased its community involvement over time, and there is a need for increased engagement. Communication gaps were evident, and some entrepreneurs were skeptical about the project's benefits versus its potential disruptions. There was optimism about the potential, but entrepreneurs strongly emphasized the urgent need for improved corporate responsibility, better communication, and genuine community engagement. Conclusion: In conclusion, the thesis recommends that HMCS set a robust community engagement strategy for the upcoming CCS project. To achieve this, it will be essential to emphasize transparent communication, mutual feedback procedures, and community benefits such as job creation and infrastructure improvements. Creating a genuine commitment to corporate social responsibility can mitigate the concerns of entrepreneurs and foster trust between HMCS and its stakeholders.

Transnationalism in Germany / the case of Turkish transnational entrepreneurs

Yip, Ching Man 02 January 2013 (has links)
In Deutschland hat ein kleiner Anteil der deutschtürkischen UnternehmerInnen in letzter Zeit vielerlei wirtschaftliche Kontakte zu verschiedenen Ländern hergestellt und weltweit transnationale Firmen gegründet. Die vorliegende qualitative Studie zeigt, dass es nicht im Wesentlichen ethnische Netzwerke waren, auf die sie dabei gebaut haben, sondern dass sie aufgrund ihrer eigenen Voraussetzungen (hoher Bildungsstand, Fachwissen, Erfahrung, Unternehmergeist) in der Lage sind, die Möglichkeiten zu nutzen, die sich aus dem globalen Wandel ergeben. Im Gegensatz zu transnationalen Aktivitäten, die frühere Studien für die Amerikas dokumentieren, sind deutschtürkische transnationale UnternehmerInnen vielseitiger und globaler. Zum einen handeln Sie mit Textilien, Elektronik, Technologie, Unterhaltung, Tourismus und Lebensmitteln. Zum anderen unterhalten sie Geschäftsbeziehungen zu KundInnen aus der ganzen Welt, aus Asien, Afrika, Europa, Australien und den Amerikas. Grundsätzlich kann man sagen, dass deutschtürkische transnationale UntermehmerInnen vielseitige Verbindungen in den verschiedensten Länder der Welt pflegen und dass ihr unternehmerischer Erfolg nicht maßgeblich von Verbindungen zur Türkei abhängt. / In Germany, a minority of Turkish immigrant entrepreneurs recently have developed multiple economic linkages with different countries, and set up transnational firms across the globe. This qualitative research finds that they have not relied heavily on the ethnic networks but draw on sufficient human capital to exploit resources and opportunities arising from the globalising changes. Compared to the transnational activities in previous studies conducted in the Americas, the Turkish transnational entrepreneurs are more diverse and global. First, their ventures include textiles, electronics, technology, entertainment, tourism and food production. Second, their clientele is worldwide covering Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia and the Americas. In essence, the Turkish transnational entrepreneurs have developed multiple ties that span different countries all over the world, and their economic success is not largely dependent on ties with their home country.

Motivation among entrepreneurs in rural South Africa: a comparative study

Mitchell, Bruce Craig 11 1900 (has links)
This study examined the motivation of entrepreneurs in starting a business. More specifically, it aimed to identify whether entrepreneurs have common motives for starting their own business, and to determine whether men and women have different reasons for becoming entrepreneurs. The empirical study was conducted on a sample of 101 entrepreneurs. A motivation scale and open-ended questions were used to measure motivation. The results indicated that men and women have various reasons for starting a business, and are primarily motivated by the need for independence, need for material incentives and the need for achievement. The need to contribute to the community was not an important motive. Comparatively, male entrepreneurs were more motivated by the need to give family security and to make a difference in the business, and female entrepreneurs were motivated more by the need to keep learning and the need for more money to survive. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

Motivation among entrepreneurs in rural South Africa: a comparative study

Mitchell, Bruce Craig 11 1900 (has links)
This study examined the motivation of entrepreneurs in starting a business. More specifically, it aimed to identify whether entrepreneurs have common motives for starting their own business, and to determine whether men and women have different reasons for becoming entrepreneurs. The empirical study was conducted on a sample of 101 entrepreneurs. A motivation scale and open-ended questions were used to measure motivation. The results indicated that men and women have various reasons for starting a business, and are primarily motivated by the need for independence, need for material incentives and the need for achievement. The need to contribute to the community was not an important motive. Comparatively, male entrepreneurs were more motivated by the need to give family security and to make a difference in the business, and female entrepreneurs were motivated more by the need to keep learning and the need for more money to survive. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

Making Things Fit, Making Ends Meet : small Entrepreneurs in Istanbul’s Garment Industry / Joindre les deux bouts : les petits entrepreneurs de l’industrie du vêtement à Istanbul

Piart, Louisa 19 January 2018 (has links)
Dans l’industrie du vêtement d’Istanbul, les carrières sont courtes et le taux de renouvellement des ouvriers est élevé. La combinaison entre production flexible et accords de sous-traitance dans un environnement urbain informel amène un nombre croissant d’ouvriers à assumer des fonctions entrepreneuriales équivoques. Ces acteurs sont au cœur de cette thèse de doctorat. Pour maintenir leurs positions ces ouvriers temporaires sont souvent contraints de devenir de petits intermédiaires précaires qui redéfinissent les distinctions entre production et distribution. Basée sur des données empiriques recueillies grâce à un travail de terrain en profondeur à Istanbul, mon travail doctoral questionne sous un angle anthropologique les dynamiques changeantes de l’industrie du vêtement d’Istanbul à différentes échelles et le rôle des petits entrepreneurs dans la formation de ces dynamiques à travers leurs pratiques et leurs innovations. Alors que les petits entrepreneurs sont essentiels, ils sont rarement irremplaçables. Pour explorer ces questions, cette recherche trace les liens entre les différents débouchés de l’industrie du vêtement d’Istanbul et examine comment leurs processus de valuation respectifs sont entremêlés. Durant les dernières décennies, dans l’ombre des exports officiels vers l’Europe occidentale, le « commerce à la valise » vers des pays voisins, ainsi que le marché domestique se sont développés. En « joignant les deux bouts », les petits entrepreneurs de l’industrie du vêtement d’Istanbul sont des courroies de transmission entre ces marchés aux échelles transnationale et locale. Les étudier offre de nouvelles perspectives sur les contextes industriels modernes et le fonctionnement des marchés globaux. / In Istanbul’s garment industry, careers are short and worker turnover is high. The combination of flexible production and subcontracting agreements in an informal urban environment propel an increasing number of workers to assume equivocal entrepreneurial functions. These actors are at the core of this dissertation. In order to maintain their positions, irregular workers are often forced to become precariously positioned small brokers who reshuffle the distinctions between production and distribution. Based on empirical material gathered through in-depth fieldwork in Istanbul, my dissertation questions from an anthropological perspective the shifting dynamics of Istanbul’s clothing industry at different scales and the role of small entrepreneurs in shaping these dynamics through their skillful practices and innovations. While small entrepreneurs are essential, they are rarely irreplaceable. In order to explore these issues, this dissertation traces the connections between the various outlets of Istanbul’s garment industry and scrutinizes how their respective valuation processes are intertwined. Over the last decades, in the shadow of official exports to Western Europe, the so-called suitcase trade to neighboring countries as well as the domestic market have flourished. By “making things fit” and “making ends meet,” Istanbul’s small entrepreneurs are conveyor belts between these markets at both the transnational and local scales. Studying them offers new insights into modern industrial settings and the workings of global markets.

Conceptualisation sociologique de la construction sociale du TDAH : médicalisation et pharmaceuticalisation des difficultés scolaires dans un système scolaire potentiellement anomique

T. Larose, Mathieu 05 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maitrise constitue une proposition théorique dans le cadre de laquelle je propose une conceptualisation de la construction sociale du trouble déficitaire de l’attention (TDAH) et son traitement par médication psychostimulante, en s’intéressant au processus diagnostique et aux interactions qu’il implique entre les membres de l’écologie scolaire (enseignants, professionnels, élèves, parents, gestionnaires, formateurs), mais aussi entre ces derniers et ceux du domaine médical (médecin généraliste, pédopsychiatre ou psychiatre, pédiatre, psychologue, neurologue). En brossant un portrait exhaustif des connaissances sociales et scientifiques sur ce qu’on nomme communément le TDAH, je présente comment il y a eu redéfinition sociale d’un trouble scolaire en trouble médical, c’est-à-dire comment il y a eu une médicalisation des difficultés scolaires. Cette médicalisation ayant socialement cheminé vers une pharmaceuticalisation de cette non-conformité aux normes scolaires, alors que le traitement par médication psychostimulante est devenu une solution de plus en plus légitime pour plusieurs élèves d’ordre primaire au cours des dernières décennies. Cependant, même si mémoire ne vise pas à nier l’existence d’un tel trouble neurologique, de nombreux facteurs permettent d’observer que des processus sociaux peuvent influencer les taux diagnostiques et les taux de traitement par médication, alors qu’il y a raisons de croire que le Québec est en situation de surdiagnostics et de surprescriptions, principalement chez la population des élèves d’ordre primaire. Suivant cette perspective, ce mémoire propose une conceptualisation sociologique inédite qui pourrait permettre de mieux comprendre comment ces deux phénomènes sont le résultat d’une construction sociale par des processus sociaux. Une conceptualisation qui propose autant d’aborder et d’analyser le TDAH d’un point de vue macrosocial que d’un point de vue microsocial. / This master's thesis constitutes a theoretical proposal in which I propose a conceptualization to understand the social construction of ADHD and its treatment with psychostimulant medication, focusing on the diagnostic process and the interactions it involves between members of the school ecology (teachers, professionals, students, parents, managers, trainers), but also between those and those of the medical field (general practitioner, child psychiatrist or psychiatrist, pediatrician, psychologist, neurologist). By providing a comprehensive picture of social and scientific knowledge of what is commonly referred to as ADHD, I present how a school disorder has been socially redefined in a medical disorder, i.e. how academic difficulties have been medicalized. This medicalization has made a social path to pharmaceuticalizing this non-compliance with school standards, while psychostimulant medication treatment has become an increasingly legitimate solution for many primary students in recent decades. However, while memory is not intended to deny the existence of such a neurological disorder, there are many factors that can be observed by social processes that can influence diagnostic rates and rates of medication treatment, while there is reason to believe that Quebec is in a situation of overdiagnosis and overprescription, mainly among the primary student population. From this perspective, this dissertation proposes a new sociological conceptualization that could allow us to better understand how these two phenomena are the result of social construction from social processes. A conceptualization that proposes as much to address and analyze ADHD from a macrosocial point of view as from a microsocial point of view.

Penser les transitions d’engagements militants : comprendre l’évolution des trajectoires militantes au sein des mouvements protestataires

Aigoin, Manon 08 1900 (has links)
À l’ère du militantisme digital, il est fréquent d’apercevoir des militants se placer en tant que porte parole sur différents champs de bataille au fil du temps. Dans ce contexte, la légitimité de leurs prises de position est questionnée par le tribunal médiatique. Là où certains dénoncent un opportunisme politique, nous avançons la thèse selon laquelle une multitude d’éléments peuvent motiver les changements de champs d’action militants visibles. C’est pourquoi la recherche présentée vise à mettre en lumière les processus influençant les transitions d’engagements militants au travers des mouvements sociaux protestataires. Pour ce faire, des entretiens semi-directifs ont été menés auprès de 8 militants alors actifs au sein de la mouvance opposée aux mesures sanitaires. Dans cette démarche, le récit des participants et un calendrier de vie ont été combinés dans un protocole d’enquête narrative biographique. Finalement, les données d'entretiens collectées ont été analysées à l'aide d'une méthode de théorisation ancrée s'appuyant sur un cadre théorique mobilisant la perspective du parcours de vie. Cette méthode a permis de montrer que les expériences influençant les trajectoires militantes diffèrent selon les modalités de transitions ; c’est-à-dire selon si elle s’effectue entre des groupes contestataires au sein d’un même mouvement, ou entre des mouvements défendant des causes différentes. Les résultats ont montré que les transitions d’engagements entre groupes contestataires peuvent être influencées par des insatisfactions liées aux stratégies d’actions ; alors que les transitions d’engagement actif entre deux mouvements protestataires peuvent être expliquées, soit (a) par un cumul d’engagement survenu suite à l’apparition d’un événement imprévu induisant une priorité d’action, soit (b) par une stratégie visant à faire perdurer les rétributions de la carrière militante au moment du déclin du mouvement alors investi. Par ailleurs, ce projet de recherche contribue plus généralement à expliquer les expériences ayant motivé des transitions d’engagements militants selon les propos des acteurs de cet objet d’études, dont 5 leaders du mouvement opposé aux mesures sanitaires. / In the age of digital activism, it's common to see activists positioning themselves as spokespersons on different battlefields over time. In this context, the legitimacy of their positions is questioned by the media tribunal. Where some denounce political opportunism, we put forward the thesis that a multitude of elements can motivate visible changes in activist fields of action. For this reason, the research presented here aims to shed light on the processes influencing transitions in activist commitment through social protest movements. To this end, semi-directive interviews were conducted with 8 activists then active within the movement opposed to health measures. In this approach, the participants' narratives and a life calendar were combined in a biographical narrative survey protocol. Finally, the interview data collected were analyzed using a grounded theorizing method based on a theoretical framework mobilizing the life-course perspective. This method enabled us to show that the course influencing militant trajectories differs according to the modalities of transitions, i.e. whether they take place between protest groups within the same movement, or between movements defending different causes. The results show that transitions of commitment between protest groups can be influenced by dissatisfaction with action strategies ; whereas transitions of active commitment between two protest movements can be explained either (a) by an accumulation of commitment following the appearance of an unforeseen event inducing a priority for action, or (b) by a strategy aimed at maintaining the rewards of the activist career at the time of the decline of the movement then invested. In addition, this research project contributes more generally to explaining the experiences that motivated militant transitions in activist commitments according to the words of the actors in this object of study, including 5 leaders of the movement opposed to health measures.

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