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Les femmes entrepreneures dans la société politique camerounaise / The Women Entrepreneurs in the Cameroonian political societyNkolo Asse Sosso, Ginette Patience 08 April 2015 (has links)
Avec le retour du multipartisme au Cameroun dans les années mil neufcent quatre-vingt-dix, l’État camerounais voit émerger des nouveaux acteursparmi lesquelles les femmes entrepreneures. L’objectif de cette thèse est dedéterminer quels enseignements structurels, les dynamiques sociopolitiquesdes femmes entrepreneures dans la sphère sociopolitique nous livrent sur lefonctionnement du système politique camerounais à l’aune du genre. A traversce questionnement, l’objectif est de voir dans quelle mesure l’entrée desfemmes en général et l’intégration des femmes entrepreneures en particulierdans le système politique entraînent un changement d’ethos de la vie politiquecamerounaise fortement imprégnée de l’ethos de la notabilité-séniorité et de lamasculinité et fortement caractérisée par la gouvernance de la manducation etla politique de l’autoreproduction. / With the return to multi party system in Cameroon in the 1990s,Cameroon’s state witnessed the rise of new players, including womenentrepreneurs. This thesis aims at determining the structural lessons learnedfrom the sociopolitical dynamics of women entrepreneurs in social and politicalsphere about the functioning of Cameroon’s political system with regard togender. Through this inquiry, our goal is to see how the entry of women ingeneral and mainstreaming of women entrepreneurs in particular in the politicalsystem results in a change of ethos on cameroon’s political life which is stronglymarked by the ethos of notability-seniority and manhood and mainlycharacterized by the governance of manducation and policy of self-replication.
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十七位女老闆的故事--對父權、商場文化及「企業家精神」的性別反思 / The Stories of 17 Female Entrepreneurs--Gender Study on Patriarchy, Business Culture and "Entrepreneurship "蔡璧如, Tsai, Pi-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
目 錄
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究緣起與目的 1
第二節 問題意識與論文架構 4
第三節 文獻回顧 7
一、名詞界定 7
二、女性創業的研究 9
三、英、美有關的文獻 10
四、台灣有關女性創業的文獻 17
第四節 研究方法 19
一、女性主義研究視角 20
二、女性創業家研究方法的探討 22
三、研究設計 24
四、研究者的反思與研究限制 25
第二章 從小女孩到大老闆 30
第一節 基本資料 30
一、年輕的女老闆 32
二、長女的宿命與優勢 33
三、沒有「學以致用」的學歷 35
第二節 成長背景 37
一、家庭中的性別社會化 37
二、企業家父母親的「角色模範」 42
三、求學歷程中的性別思考 44
第三節 創業前的經歷 45
一、脫離父權家庭的開始 45
二、創業前的摸索 47
三、創業前的工作經驗 49
第四節 創業動機 50
一、時勢造「英雌」 54
二、玻璃天花板的限制 56
三、母職以外的天空 59
四、為了減輕原生家庭的經濟負擔 60
五、實現自我的抱負 62
六、繼承的產業 64
第五節 創業類型及歷程簡介 66
一、獨自經營 66
二、夫妻合夥共同經營 70
第三章 父權阻力,無所不在 72
第一節 打入男性商場 74
一、在男性的監視下 74
二、建立可信度 74
三、身體的社會化 77
第二節 男性商場文化 80
一、男性的網絡排除女性的加入 80
二、應酬文化 82
三、女企業家對應酬文化的因應之道 84
第三節 女老闆的婚姻 90
一、不平衡的另一半 91
二、成功的女人背後一定有個扯後腿的男人?! 92
三、辛苦維持婚姻 97
四、十年抗戰 99
第四節 家務照顧責任的牽絆 100
一、甘願蠟燭兩頭燒 100
二、丈夫的雙重要求 103
三、母職的實踐 105
第五節 事業的代價? 108
一、事業太忙,沒有時間 110
二、成就太高,沒有「匹配」的對象 111
三、結不結婚無所謂,自己快樂最重要 113
四、還是希望有人來分憂解勞 115
第六節 女性管理的問題 116
一、婦人之仁? 116
二、「嘸咧甲妳信道」的男下屬 118
三、解決之道 119
第四章 國家與女頭家 122
第一節 創業資金何處籌 122
一、女性缺乏資金 122
二、青輔會創業貸款不利於女性申請之處 123
第二節 信用貸款的取得困難 130
一、銀行不愛跟女性打交道 130
二、與銀行融資受挫的實例 132
第三節 美國政府對女性企業家取得信用貸款、市場及企業擴展的推動 134
一、統籌的單位 135
二、WBE╱MBE法案 136
三、SBA對女性的貸款協助 137
四、銀行與民間社團的合作 138
第四節 諮詢與訓練的提供 139
一、女性對顧問、模範的需求 139
二、美國的相關機構與計劃 141
三、明水育成中心 142
第五節 國家與女頭家的關係 147
第五章 發現女企業家精神 150
第一節 尋求女性觀點的企業家 151
第二節 她們的開創性 154
第三節 「九命怪貓」的毅力 158
第四節 體貼客戶的需求 163
第五節 對員工的照顧 167
一、不重蹈舊老闆的覆轍 169
二、栽培與授權 173
第六節 社會性目標的重視 176
一、重視品質與信譽 176
二、不躁進追求利潤與擴張 178
三、重視公益、回饋社會 179
第七節 對自己專屬事業的價值觀 181
第八節 女性商場文化的建立與推廣 182
第六章 尋找女性意識 185
第一節 女性意識的意義與內涵 185
第二節 女性意識的啟蒙經驗 187
一、國外求學的特殊經歷 187
二、生命重大事件的衝擊 188
第三節 女性意識不足? 194
一、不談性別問題 194
二、身為女性的「利多」? 196
三、女性不愛拔擢女同胞? 198
四、女性缺乏network 203
第四節 女性意識不足的原因 208
一、個人歸因的迷思 209
二、地位的盲點 210
第五節 女人連線力量大──給女企業家的建議 212
第七章 結 論 216
第一節 研究發現與摘要 218
第二節 研究建議 226
一、對政府的建議 222
二、對女性企業家們與婦運策略的建議 226
第三節 後續研究建議 229
附 錄
附錄1 全球女性企業家相關圖表 231
附錄2 女性企業家文獻分類表 238
附錄3 青年創業輔導貸款申請須知 239
附錄4 行政院青年輔導委員會輔導青年創業要點 244
附錄5 青年創業輔導項目 249
附錄6 青年創業資金核貨及獲貨一覽表 250
附錄7 刻板的性別角色描述語 251
附錄8 訪談題綱 252
附錄9 論文訪談對象基本資料整理表 253
一、中文部分 254
二、英文部分 259
三、網路部分 270
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社會資本的積累:私營企業主參與社會組織的動力─中華全國工商業聯合會實証分析 / Social Capital, Private Entrepreneurs and Business Associations in China: The Case of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce李宗義, Lee, Tsung Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文企圖解釋中國社會組織與私營經濟發展間的邏輯關係,以及社會資本(social capital)對於私營企業主企業經營的重要性。後社會主義時期,中國從再分配(redistribution)經濟往市場經濟轉型的過程中,社會資本作為計畫經濟官僚幹部資源分配的主要依據,將持續發揮作用,成為私營企業經營成功的關鍵所在,而隨著私營經濟逐漸形成的社團與中介組織,就成為企業主建構社會網絡累積社會資本最主要的場域。因此,本論文以私營企業主做為觀察的主要對象,分析私營企業主參與社會組織的動力問題,並以最具有政治、經濟與民間代表性的「中華全國工商業聯合會」,作為實際觀察的社會組織。 / Guanxi capital under socialism has been the critical determining criteria of resource redistribution in China, but how it evolves in the postsocialist era has not been well understood. This paper intends to examine the impact of guanxi capital on success achievements of private enterprises. The author shows that the market reform has not made the significance of guanxi capital decline but institutionalized “guanxi” in business associations. Examining the most important private business association, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC) in China, the purpose of this paper is to explore the incentive structure of private entrepreneurs' participation in business associations. I argue that the ACFIC has become the efficient and effective bridge in private entrepreneurs' structural holes so private entrepreneurs with ACFIC membership can maximize their opportunities by the information and control benefits. Besides, ACFIC is one of the “basic components” of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The endorsement of CCP leads ACFIC to the top in China's administrative hierarchy of private business associations. The representative position provides private entrepreneurs institutional route to negotiate the party state, local government and local cadres for their businesses. Based on the field study in Wenzhou, Zhejiang and Honghe, Yunnan, the business network surrounding ACFIC and private entrepreneurs' strategies of accumulating social capital in ACFIC will be analyzed.
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司馬遷的經濟思想與貨殖人物書寫 / Sima Qian’s Economic thought and the writing of the entrepreneurs in Huo Zhi黃瓊如 Unknown Date (has links)
綜觀司馬遷談經濟議題,其終極目標是想推行仁政,他感受到國家執行的每一財經措施,無不影響人民的生活品質,認為經濟是民生大事也是國家大事,施政者需體會到唯有民富才能國富。 / Sima Qian's economic thought was the product of the collision which the country competed with the people for the interest. It was also the product that opposed to Han Dynasty’s centralization. During his reign of Emperor Wu-ti, he launched frequent campaigns and resulted in the void of the state treasury. The Minister of the Finance, Sang Hong Yang, set up a series of polices related to tax increases, government-run salt, public procurement and stabilizing prices to cope with it. However, these measures could only increase the nation’s wealth in a short time, they would weaken the country's competitiveness in a long-term. So, Sima Qian put forward “The Economic theory of Shan Yin.” The best way to improve the economic was to follow the free market; the second was to guide the people; the third was to teach them; the forth was to restrict them with the law; and the fifth was to compete the profit with people.
Sima Qian thought that the pursuit of interest was human’s nature, but it also was the source of society’s chaos in the beginning. Only when people made the profit to be rationalized, and people be taught with the manner and rituals did government make a rich, propriety society, and ethical society. Therefore, richness was the foundation for a stable society and country.
The best policy for the country to maintain the long-term national competition was to let the economics lead the politics. As for how to promote the free economy? He thought that the government could attach importance to business activities to let commerce explore the market demand and boost the production capacity of other industries. He highly praised both two people (politicians, Fan Li and private entrepreneur, Bai Gui). He admired them for their abilities of statecraft and managing the household. He agreed what Bai Gui said, “The one who maintained livelihood in the right way needed to has wisdom, courage, benevolence, and perseverance personality.” By choosing some wealthy merchants who met with these genius as the paradigm in Spring and Autumn Period Warring States and early Western Han Dynasty, he booked them into the “Huo Zhi Biography” in Shihchi ; and gave them the title of Su-Feng ( powerful person without the title of nobility). According to Sima Qian’s opinion, they didn’t rely on the birth of nobility and official career. They depended on their own ingenuity and hard work to obtain the upper position of dignitary and wealth as kings.
Sima Qian suffered implication by vindicating for Li Ling who had surrendered in the war ,and was punished to be castrated because he couldn’t afford to pay for the ransom. After that, He stated to make the reflection about the country’s finical policy and found out that a lot of tactics of fund-raising were merely for the war. His personal suffering (being castrated) was the best evidence to prove one of the Chain Reaction of results that caused by launching the campaign with its enemy-Hsiungnu in Western Han Dynasty . These clues helped him to light up his keen thought about politics and economic issues ,and record these history in the “Book of Stabilized Prize” in Shihchi. He discussed about the importance of fiscal reform during the reign of the Emperor Wu-ti in Western Han-Dynasty and put the“ Huo Zhi Biography” in Shihchi. He wrote down the stories of the Business men who held livelihood in the right way in the history ,and set up the pattern of “Huo Zhi Biography” for the reference of the latter generation. He hoped that each person could use the wealth as the self-defense weapon and not to be encroached by other people or countries.
Sima Qian was the first Historian who had recorded the activities of the private enterprises of the ancient China on the book in the official history. From his point of view, we might learn that he had witnessed the market vitality under loose system. When a country takes the loose policies to the finance and economics system, some outstanding entrepreneurs will be developed.
Though, Sima Qian was born in Western Han Dynasty, he had become aware of the messages of commercial prosperity in the Warring States period. By taking the trips around, he gained some travel experiences ,and had a great stirring of emotion about the Hydraulic engineering that had been constructed in former Qin Dynasty. For it could promote regional economic development. He figured out that if the government managed the Metropolitan areas well, it could prosper cultural establishment. Therefore, to operate the city well is the good way to let the source of the civilized radiation explore everywhere and upgrade the level of human’s spirit.
To sum up, the goal of Sima Qian’s economics issues is trying to carry out the policy of benevolence and good administration. He thought that the implementation of financial measures would all affect people's quality of life. In addition, the economics was a great event for both people and the country. It not only influenced people’s livelihood but power of a nation. The governor needed to understand that only when people were rich, the country could be powerful.
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Diriger une grande entreprise française au XXe siècle : modes de gouvernance, trajectoires et recrutementJoly, Hervé 29 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ce dépôt correspond à l'ensemble du "mémoire inédit" du dossier d'habilitation à diriger des recherches dont le titre général est "Dirigeants d'entreprise et élites économiques en France et en Allemagne au XXe siècle. Formations, trajectoires individuelles et stratégies des firmes". Il comporte également un "mémoire de synthèse" dont le titre est "De la sociologie à la prosopographie historique des élites : regards croisés sur la France et l'Allemagne" (158 p.) et un recueil de 23 articles publiés. Le mémoire inédit est une étude dont le corpus statistique principal porte sur 194 dirigeants (présidents, administrateurs délégués, PDG et directeurs généraux) de 21 grandes entreprises industrielles françaises entre 1914 et 1966. Il est complété de manière ponctuelle par de nombreux prolongements dans d'autres secteurs, en amont et en aval dans le temps (avec notamment des contrepoints pour le temps présent à la fin de chaque chapitre) et sur des populations dirigeantes élargies. Sont successivement étudiés, dans une première partie consacrée aux modes de gouvernance, la répartition des fonctions dirigeantes (chapitre 1), l'importance des logiques familiales (chapitre 2), les conditions d'accès, d'exercice et de sortie des fonctions dirigeantes (chapitre 3) et, dans une seconde partie consacrée aux trajectoires et au recrutement, la fermeture scolaire du recrutement (chapitre 4), le poids des grands corps (chapitre 5) et l'origine sociale entre reproduction et ascension (chapitre 6).
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Hur utvecklar enmansföretagare sin kompetens utifrån den uppfattade lärmiljön?Sorselius, Christine, Westfeldt, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of how self employed entrepreneurs (hereafter referred to as “entrepreneurs”) develop their competence based on their perceived learning space. The main question is: How do these entrepreneurs develop their competence based on their perceived learning space? Other questions relevant for the study are: How important is the social environment for these entrepreneurs and how do they interact with their social environment in order to develop their competence. The study has a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews with six entrepreneurs were conducted, during March and April 2008. The main finding of this study is the process by which the entrepreneurs develop their competence based on their perceived learning space. This is done through interaction with the entrepreneurs’ social environment. With a specific work task in mind, the entrepreneur evaluates his/her own competence in order to solve the task at hand, and in parallell search for the needed competence in his/her social environment. The social environment is therefore found to be very important to the entrepreneurs in the study. The active and conscious interactions lead to learning and in turn to development of the individual competence. This approach is essential for the entrepreneur to keep up-to-date and to stay attractive on the work market. Another finding in the study is how the entrepreneurs are forced to be more selective in the development of their competence, compared to a traditional employee, i.e. the entrepreneur needs to be more aware of whether he or she will gain anything from engaging in the specific activity. The responsibility for development of the individual competence lies solely on the entrepreneur. The development of the competence is however not separated from the overall responsibility of the business, but can be seen as part of the daily work.</p>
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A Narrative Based Portrayal of the Financial Situation of Women Entrepreneurs : A Socially Constructed RealityJohansson, Anna, Nolander, Marie January 2010 (has links)
There has been a rapid increase in the number of women entrepreneurs during the last decade. Yet, the number is still rather low why the Swedish Government is performing encouraging efforts. The encouragement of female‟s entrepreneurship is a necessity since women account for a rather new group of entrepreneurs who contributes to the growth of the economy. For most entrepreneurs, the success or failure depends on the ability to create a network of support and access to external capital. Previous research has shown that women entrepreneurs have a harder time to access external capital. These researchers have, however, mostly focused on individual traits and through these explained the financial situation of women entrepreneurs. This research, on the contrary, adopts a sociological research perspective where the everyday experiences of women entrepreneurs are emphasized. The purpose of this study is to understand and describe the financial situations faced by women entrepreneurs within the region of Jönköping. This will be achieved by examining the women‟s experiences in asking for banks‟ capital and the perceptions of the banks in supplying the capital. The study takes on an ethnomethodological research approach and applies a narrative data collection method. Due to the adopted ethnomethodological perspective, the study engages in the mapping of the everyday reality of the researched participants. The narrative data collection method allows the participants to express their stories and experiences. On the basis of an a priori model, the narratives were systematically studied and the financial situation of women entrepreneurs analyzed. The study applies a micro- and a macro analysis under which narratives of two different structures are examined. The micro analysis takes account of the narratives produced by the researched participants without involving any theory. It is found that the women entrepreneurs‟ narratives are more varied and action-oriented whereas the narratives of banks are more conformative and gen-eral. The macro analysis puts the narratives into a broader framework by in-volving both earlier research and a theory developed by Bourdieu. This analysis contributes to an understanding of that the social setting affects the structure, rules and norms of the entrepreneurial field. This may act as hin-ders for women entrepreneurs in terms of accessing capital, networking and overall feeling exhorted to be entrepreneurs. Hence, the reality of women entrepreneurs can be argued to be socially constructed where the women are unfairly seen through influenced eyes.
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Economic integration and agglomeration in a customs union in the presence of an outside regionCommendatore, Pasquale, Kubin, Ingrid, Petraglia, Carmelo, Sushko, Iryna 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
New Economic Geography (NEG) models do not typically account for the
presence of regions other than the ones involved in the integration process. We explore such a
possibility in a Footloose Entrepreneur (FE) model aiming at studying the stability properties
of long-run industrial location equilibria. We consider a world economy composed by a customs
union of two regions (regions 1 and 2) and an "outside region" which can be regarded as
the rest of the world (region 3). The effects of economic integration on industrial agglomeration
within the customs union are studied under the assumption of a constant distance between
the customs union itself and the third region. The results show that higher economic integration
does not always implies the standard result of full agglomeration of FE models. This incomplete
agglomeration outcome is due to the fact that the periphery region keeps a share of
industrial activities in order to satisfy a share of "external demand". That is, the deindustrialization
process brought about by economic integration in the periphery of the union is mitigated
by the demand of consumers living in the rest of the world. In general, the market size of
the third region affects the number of the long-run equilibria, as well as their stability properties.
In addition to the standard outcomes of FE models, we describe the existence of two
asymmetric equilibria characterised by unequal distribution of firms between regions 1 and 2,
with no full agglomeration though. Interestingly, these equilibria are stable and therefore can
be regarded as a likely long-run equilibrium state of the economy. (author's abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series
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Factores que influyen en los resultados de las nuevas empresas creadas por mujeresValencia Silva, Maika Melina 29 September 2010 (has links)
La presència de les dones emprenedores a l' àmbit empresarial cada vegada va en augment y amb allò, l' interès per conèixer més sobre aquest potencial col·lectiu i els resultats que tenen les empreses que creen. D'una banda, els estudis publicats fins ara se centren en la seva majoria en països anglosaxons, per això existeix una necessitat per conèixer com és aquest col·lectiu en països amb cultura diferent. D'altra banda, existeix debat sobre els resultats de les mateixes per això es fa també necessari considerar aspectes nous en la valoració d'aquest tipus d' empreses. El present treball planteja l' objectiu de determinar l' influència dels factors del procés de creació d'empreses en els resultats de les empreses noves creades per dones. Això, a fi d'explicar alguna variació en els resultats d' aquestes empreses. L'estudi se centra a Espanya i en específic l' objecte d'estudi són empreses noves creades i dirigides per dones ubicades a les ciutats urbanes més grans d'Espanya (amb una població més gran de 500.000 habitants), que són: Barcelona, Madrid, Màlaga, Sevilla, València i Saragossa. Es realitza una revisió d' estudis empírics sobre l' activitat emprenedora femenina publicats i una perspectiva de l'activitat empresarial de dones a Espanya. S' analitzen diverses aportacions teòriques i empíriques referents a l' avaluació dels resultats d'empreses noves. Amb això, construir un marc conceptual que conjuga aquests temes i descriu els factors del procés de creació d'empreses que poden influir en els resultats d'aquest col·lectiu. La metodologia i disseny de l' investigació es basa en l'aplicació a emprenedores fundadores i dirigents de la seva empresa d'un qüestionari per correu postal a una mostra de 253 empreses, equivalent a una taxa de resposta del 22,33%. La qual, és considerada molt alta per a aquest tipus de qüestionaris i Espanya. Dit qüestionari d'elaboració pròpia identifica els factors que poden influir en els resultats d'una empresa nova. El model d' investigació va ser contrastat i provat mitjançant el mètode de regressió lineal per a les variables continues la família, objectius empresarials i resultats de les empreses i, els mètodes no-paramètrics dels Mann-Whitney i Kolgomorov-Smirov per a les variables dicotòmiques pla d'empresa, experiència professional i institucions externes . Els resultats mostren que el perfil soci demogràfic de les emprenedores espanyoles correspon al de països amb alts ingressos només amb petites diferències en el nivell educatiu i l' edat que són una mica més altes. Hi ha evidència significativa de l'efecte positiu que tenen els objectius empresarials perseguits per la emprenedora i el suport brindat per la seva família sobre els resultats de les seves empreses. També, es corrobora de manera parcial l'efecte positiu de les relacions amb institucions externes. En canvi, les variables d'experiència professional i pla d'empresa tenen un efecte nul. Aquesta investigació s'inscriu dintre d'un corrent de treballs empírics que estudien l'activitat del female entrepreneurship i, pretén ser una aportació que permeti ampliar el coneixement existent i pugui conduir a futures investigacions sobre aquest col·lectiu. / La presencia de las mujeres emprendedoras en el ámbito empresarial cada vez va en aumento y con ello, el interés por conocer mas acerca de este potencial colectivo y de los resultados que tienen las empresas que crean. Por un lado, los estudios publicados hasta ahora se centran en su mayoría en países anglosajones, por lo que existe una necesidad por conocer como es este colectivo en pasíses con cultura diferente. Por otro lado, existe debate sobre los resultados que tienen este tipo de empresas por lo que se hace también necesario considerar aspectos nuevos en la valoración de estas empresas. El presente trabajo plantea el objetivo de determinar la influencia de factores del proceso de creación de empresas en los resultados de las nuevas empresas creadas por mujeres. Esto, con el fin de explicar alguna diferenciación en los resultados de estas empresas. El estudio se centra en España y en específico el objeto de estudio son las nuevas empresas creadas y dirigidas por mujeres ubicadas en las ciudades urbanas más grandes de España (con una población mayor a los 500.000 habitantes), que son: Barcelona, Madrid, Málaga, Sevilla, Valencia y Zaragoza. Se realiza una revisión de estudios empíricos sobre la actividad emprendedora femenina publicados y una perspectiva de la actividad empresarial de mujeres en España. Se analizan diversas aportaciones teóricas y empíricas referentes a la evaluación de los resultados de nuevas empresas. Para así, construir un marco conceptual que conjunta estos temas y describe los factores del proceso de creación de empresas que pueden influir en los resultados de este colectivo. La metodología y diseño de la investigación está basada en la aplicación de un cuestionario por correo postal a una muestra de 253 emprendedoras fundadoras y dirigentes de su empresa, con una tasa de respuesta del 22,33%. La cual, es considerada muy alta para este tipo de cuestionarios y España. Dicho cuestionario de elaboración propia identifica los factores que pueden influir en los resultados de una nueva empresa. El modelo de investigación fue contrastado y probado mediante el método de regresiones lineales para las variables continuas la familia, objetivos empresariales y resultados de las empresas y, los métodos no-paramétricos de Mann-Whitney y Kolgomorov-Smirov para las variables dicotómicas plan de empresa, experiencia profesional e instituciones externas . Los resultados muestran que el perfil sociodemográfico de las emprendedoras españolas corresponde al de países con altos ingresos solo con pequeñas diferencias en el nivel educativo y la edad que son un poco más altas. Hay evidencia significativa del efecto positivo que tienen los objetivos empresariales perseguidos por la emprendedora y el apoyo brindado de su familia sobre los resultados de sus empresas. También, se corrobora de manera parcial el efecto positivo de las relaciones con instituciones externas. En cambio, son nulos los efectos de las variables experiencia profesional y plan de empresa. Esta investigación se inscribe dentro de una corriente de trabajos empíricos que estudian la actividad del female entrepreneurship y, pretende ser una aportación que permita ampliar el conocimiento existente y pueda conducir a futuras investigaciones sobre este colectivo. / The presence of female entrepreneurs in the business world is increasingly growing together with the interest in learning more about this potential collective and the performance of businesses that create. On the one hand, the studies published so far are mostly focused on Anglo-Saxon countries, so that there is a need to learn more about this group in countries with different culture. On the other hand, due to an existing debate about the performance of this kind of ventures, it is also necessary to consider new aspects for the valuation of these businesses. The current dissertation aims at determining the influence of factors of business creation process in the performance of new businesses created by women. This in order to explain some differences in the performance of these ventures. The study focuses on Spain and its specific object are the new companies run by women and located in the largest urban cities in Spain (with a population greater than 500,000), which are: Barcelona, Madrid, Málaga, Sevilla, Valencia and Zaragoza. A literature review of empirical studies published about female entrepreneurship and a perspective of this activity in Spain are realized. A range of theoretical and empirical contributions relating to the new businesses performance's evaluation are analysed. The purpose is to build a conceptual framework that brings together these issues and describes the factors in the process of venture creation that may influence the performance of this collective. The methodology and research design are based on the application of a questionnaire by mail to a sample of 253 women entrepreneurial founders and managers of his own business. The response rate was of 22.33%, which is considered very high for this type of questionnaire and Spain. Such a specifically designed questionnaire identifies the factors that may influence the performance of a new business. The research model was contrasted and tested through linear regression model for the continuous variables -family, business goals and business performance- and non-parametric methods Mann-Whitney and Kolgomorov-Smirov for dichotomous variables -business plan, professional experience and external institutions-. The results show that sociodemographic profile of Spanish female entrepreneurs is similar to the high income countries only with small differences in educational level and age that are a bit higher. There is a significant evidence of positive effect that corporate objectives pursued by the female entrepreneurs and the support of their families have on their businesses performance. Furthermore, the positive effect of relations with external institutions is partially corroborated. Whereas the effects of professional experience and business plan variables are null. This research falls into a series of empirical studies on female entrepreneurship activity, it is meant to contribute to widen the current knowledge and can lead to future research on this collective.
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A Narrative Based Portrayal of the Financial Situation of Women Entrepreneurs : A Socially Constructed RealityJohansson, Anna, Nolander, Marie January 2010 (has links)
<p>There has been a rapid increase in the number of women entrepreneurs during the last decade. Yet, the number is still rather low why the Swedish Government is performing encouraging efforts. The encouragement of female‟s entrepreneurship is a necessity since women account for a rather new group of entrepreneurs who contributes to the growth of the economy. For most entrepreneurs, the success or failure depends on the ability to create a network of support and access to external capital. Previous research has shown that women entrepreneurs have a harder time to access external capital. These researchers have, however, mostly focused on individual traits and through these explained the financial situation of women entrepreneurs. This research, on the contrary, adopts a sociological research perspective where the everyday experiences of women entrepreneurs are emphasized.</p><p>The purpose of this study is to understand and describe the financial situations faced by women entrepreneurs within the region of Jönköping. This will be achieved by examining the women‟s experiences in asking for banks‟ capital and the perceptions of the banks in supplying the capital.</p><p>The study takes on an ethnomethodological research approach and applies a narrative data collection method. Due to the adopted ethnomethodological perspective, the study engages in the mapping of the everyday reality of the researched participants. The narrative data collection method allows the participants to express their stories and experiences.</p><p>On the basis of an a priori model, the narratives were systematically studied and the financial situation of women entrepreneurs analyzed. The study applies a micro- and a macro analysis under which narratives of two different structures are examined. The micro analysis takes account of the narratives produced by the researched participants without involving any theory. It is found that the women entrepreneurs‟ narratives are more varied and action-oriented whereas the narratives of banks are more conformative and gen-eral. The macro analysis puts the narratives into a broader framework by in-volving both earlier research and a theory developed by Bourdieu. This analysis contributes to an understanding of that the social setting affects the structure, rules and norms of the entrepreneurial field. This may act as hin-ders for women entrepreneurs in terms of accessing capital, networking and overall feeling exhorted to be entrepreneurs. Hence, the reality of women entrepreneurs can be argued to be socially constructed where the women are unfairly seen through influenced eyes.</p>
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