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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Responsabilidade socioambiental e valor da empresa: uma análise por envoltória de dados em empresas distribuidoras de energia elétrica / Social and environmental responsibility and company\'s value: a data envelopment analysis in electrical power companies

Santana, Naja Brandão 24 June 2008 (has links)
A responsabilidade socioambiental tem assumido uma significativa importância no ambiente empresarial, principalmente devido ao contexto das políticas do Estado mínimo no Brasil, que reduziram o espaço para o Estado paternalista atender as necessidades sociais. Isso criou um novo cenário, onde o setor privado passou a assumir essa tarefa junto à sociedade. A partir da idéia do desenvolvimento sustentável, que objetiva criar um modelo econômico capaz de gerar riqueza e bem-estar, ao mesmo tempo em que promove a coesão social e impede a destruição do meio-ambiente, as empresas estão sendo obrigadas a atender, no seu funcionamento, o tripé da sustentabilidade empresarial: econômico, social e ambiental. O trabalho de pesquisa aqui relatado buscou analisar de que forma os investimentos em ações de responsabilidade socioambiental podem ser transformados em oportunidades de negócios para as empresas. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho é identificar a relação entre investimentos em responsabilidade socioambiental e o valor da empresa, em empresas distribuidoras de energia elétrica. O método de pesquisa consistiu em aplicar a técnica de análise por envoltória de dados (DEA) em 20 empresas brasileiras distribuidoras de energia elétrica, no período compreendido entre os anos de 2002 e 2006. Os resultados da investigação permitiram validar a hipótese de que o investimento em responsabilidade socioambiental é capaz de alterar positivamente o valor da empresa. Além disso, foi observada uma gradual adoção de ações socioambientais, por parte das distribuidoras de energia elétrica, no período estudado. / The social and environmental responsibility have taken a significant importance in the business environment, due mainly to context of Brazil\'s minimum state policies, which reduced the space for the paternalistic state to assist social needs. This has created a new scenario, in which the private segments started to take on this task along with society. Considering the idea of sustainable development, which aims at creating an economic model capable of generating wealth and welfare, and, at the same time promoting social cohesion and preventing environmental destruction, companies are being forced to serve, regarding their operation, the tripod of corporate sustainability: economic, social and environmental. The research here reported sought to examine how investments in social and environmental responsibility shares can be transformed into business opportunities for companies. So, the objective of this work is to identify the relationship between social and environmental responsibility investments and the company\'s value, in power dealer companies. The research method consisted of appling the data envelopment analysis (DEA) tool in 20 brazillian power dealer companies in the period between the years of 2002 and 2006. Research results let validate the assumption that investment in social and environmental responsibility is able to change positively the value of the company. Moreover, a gradual adoption of social and environmental actions by power dealer companies was seen in the period studied.

A comunicação no embate entre empresa e comunidades: análise crítica dos discursos de trabalhadores e população sobre as práticas comunicativas de responsabilidade socioambiental das organizações / The communication in the clash between business and communities: a critical analysis of discourses of workers and the public about the communicative practices of environmental responsibility of organizations

Barros, Janaina Visibeli 23 March 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa objetiva conhecer o papel da comunicação no embate entre empresa/comunidades, observando se as práticas comunicativas de responsabilidade socioambiental empreendidas por empresas, junto a trabalhadores e comunidades, geram transformação ou manutenção do status quo e como os valores organizacionais são (re) significados fora dos muros da organização. Para tal, foi feito o estudo de caso da relação de uma empresa multinacional com seus públicos de interesse, por meio da análise de materiais públicos da corporação, disponíveis em seu site, e entrevistas com roteiros semi-estruturados junto a trabalhadores, líderes e população da cidade de Divinópolis, em Minas Gerais, onde há uma unidade da organização. A pesquisa observou que a gestão da comunicação integrada empreendida pela empresa gera resultados positivos para sua marca e estreita os laços com seus públicos, no entanto, apesar das transformações que as ações sociais e ambientais promovem, a realidade de desigualdade social e precarização do mundo do trabalho se mantém. Com base nestas considerações, observou-se que ainda são muitos os desafios, para que o profissional da comunicação exerça sua função social na mediação da relação empresa/comunidade. / This research intends to know the paper of the communication in the relationship between the company and the community, being observed the communicative practices of environmental responsibility undertaken by companies, close to workers and communities, generate transformation or maintenance of the status quo and as the organizational values they are meant out of the walls of the organization. For such, it was made the study of case of the relationship of a multinational company with their publics of interest, through the analysis of public materials of the corporation, available in its site, and interviews semi-structured with workers, leaders and population of the city of Divinópolis, in Minas Gerais, where there is an unit of the organization. The research observed that the administration of the integrated communication undertaken by the company generates positive results for its mark and it narrows the bows with their publics, however, in spite of the transformations that the social and environmental actions promote, the reality of social inequality and washout of the works world stays. Based in these considerations, it was still observed that are many the challenges, so that the communication professional exercises his/her social function in the mediation of the relationship company / community.

Disputas Territoriais na Floresta Amazônica : o caso de Manicoré (Amazonas, Brasil) / Disputes territoriales en forêt amazonienne : le cas de Manicoré (Amazonas, Brésil) / Territorial disputes in Amazon rainforest : the case of Manicoré (Amazonas – Brazil)

Soares, Ana Paulina Aguiar 20 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue un essai de géographie régionale visant à expliciter les modalités d’occupation et les conflits qu’elles occasionnent dans une région de la haute Amazonie forestière, celle de la moyenne vallée du fleuve Madeira au sud-est de l’État d’Amazonas. Dans cette région de confins disputée dès l’époque coloniale, cet affluent de rive droite de l’Amazone forme à la fois une limite entre les empires portugais et espagnol et une voie de passage qui servira à dessiner un grand Brésil. Empruntant tour à tour les méthodes de la géohistoire et de la géopolitique, la thèse ouvre le débat sur la prise en compte de la composante environnementale, ici en particulier dans l’analyse du conflit entre une entreprise d’exploitation de bois et des communautés extractivistes vivant de la collecte des produits de la forêt. Avec difficultés, les luttes sociales incorporent la dimension de l’environnement et les entreprises des principes de responsabilité sociale et environnementale, RSE. C’est ce moment d’adaptation des normes que nous avons voulu saisir à plusieurs échelles : celle du cours moyen du fleuve Madeira, de l’immense municipalité de Manicoré et d’un village au nom prédestiné de Democracia [Démocratie]. Les bonnes pratiques d’une véritable gestion forestière, lentes à se mettre en place, ne sont pas pleinement maîtrisées ni acceptées localement et le défi de concilier des usages différenciés des forêts et des fleuves concerne tous les acteurs de la scène environnementaliste qui se préoccupent du devenir des forêts tropicales et de ses habitants, en particulier en prenant la défense de leur conception de l’occupation des territoires. / This thesis is an essay about Regional Geography, aiming at clarifying the modalities of occupation and the conflicts in Western Brazilian Amazonia, especially in the middle Madeira River valley, southern state of Amazonas. Since colonial times, this region is a disputed one: the right bank of the Amazon River became the boundary between the Portuguese and Spanish empires. Besides this passage way allowed to draw a boundary for a Grand Brazil. The thesis is grounded on the methods of geohistory and geopolitics. It opens a debate on how the actors take in account the environmental dimension, and bases its analysis on a conflict between a logging company and extractive communities, that live from collecting forest products. Social struggles hardly incorporate environmental dimension and the companies have difficulties in committing in the principles of social and environmental responsibilities. This work analyzes this time of adaptation to the standards and at various scales: the average course of the Madeira River, territorial vastness of the city of Manicoré and a community with a predestined name of Democracia [Democracy]. Good practices of a true forest management are slowly implemented and hardly handled or accepted in a local level. Nevertheless, all the actors of the environmental scene are challenged with bringing back the different uses of forests and rivers. And in particular those who care with the future of tropical forests and their inhabitants, and take the defense of their conceptions of territorial occupation. / Esta tese consiste em um ensaio de Geografia Regional visando explicitar as modalidades de ocupação e os conflitos por elas ocasionadas na Amazônia Ocidental brasileira, especialmente no vale do médio rio Madeira, no sul do Estado do Amazonas. Nessa região disputada desde a época colonial, esse afluente da margem direita do rio Amazonas passou a ser o limite entre os impérios português e espanhol e uma via de passagem que serviu para desenhar um grande Brasil. Fundamentada nos métodos dageo-história e da geopolítica, a tese abre um debate sobre a tomada de consciência ambiental, aqui em particular com a análise do conflito entre uma empresa madeireira e comunidades extrativistas que vivem da coleta dos produtos florestais. As boas práticas de uma verdadeira gestão florestal, lentas quando aplicadas, não foram plenamente incorporadas nem aceitas localmente. Com dificuldades, as lutas sociais incorporaram a dimensão ambiental e, as empresas, os princípios das responsabilidades social e ambiental. É nesse momento de adaptação às normas que procuramos estudar nas diversas escalas: o curso médio do rio Madeira, a imensidade territorial do município de Manicoré e uma comunidade com um nome predestinado de Democracia. Enfim, fica o desafio de conciliar os usos diferenciados da floresta e dos rios que concerne a todos os atores da cena ambientalista que se preocupam com o futuro das florestas tropicais e de seus habitantes, em particular, em defesa das concepções de ocupação dos territórios pelos moradores.

Criação de valor compartilhado : um estudo no setor de papel para embalagem

Oliveira, Fabiano Alves de January 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisou a propensão dos executivos do setor de papel para embalagem no Brasil à aplicação dos conceitos de Criação de Valor Compartilhado (CVC) como forma de aprimorar a vantagem competitiva das empresas do setor. O conceito de Valor compartilhado foi lançado por Porter e Kramer em 2011, através do artigo publicado na Harvard Business Review chamado de: A Grande Idea – Como consertar o capitalismo. De acordo com Porter e Kramer, o conceito de valor compartilhado redefine as fronteiras do capitalismo ao conectar melhor o sucesso da empresa com o progresso da sociedade, este conceito abre muitas maneiras de atender a novas necessidades, ganhar eficiência, criar diferenciação e expandir mercados, tornando-se mais competitiva. De acordo com os autores, se as empresas utilizarem as mesmas ferramentas que norteiam suas escolhas no core business para analisarem as oportunidades socioambientais, deixa de ser um custo ou filantropia para se tornar uma fonte de oportunidade e de vantagem competitiva (PORTER; KRAMER, 2011). Para a realização do trabalho, procedeu-se à revisão de literatura disponível sobre o tema CVC, sobre estratégia e competitividade, o que permitiu conhecer melhor os conceitos para que uma empresa possa coloca-los de fato em prática. Após a revisão da literatura, realizou-se a pesquisa de fontes secundárias, que utilizou dados coletados através de materiais internos e externos sobre o tema disponíveis no Brasil e no mundo, tais como: publicações de revistas, vídeos, apresentações em fóruns, artigos, dissertações e teses acadêmicas, publicações em sites e notícias vinculadas. Os dados secundários ajudaram a tangibilizar o conceito de CVC realizado na revisão literária, através de exemplos de empresas de classe mundial, que já estão aplicando e desenvolvendo projetos e iniciativas de CVC. A partir dos dados recolhidos através de entrevistas de profundidade com executivos e especialistas em sustentabilidade, verificou-se que o tema é pouco disseminado e, ainda, confundido com os conceitos de sustentabilidade, porém, indicam a propensão às práticas de CVC pelas empresas do setor. / The present work analyzed the application of the concepts of Creating Shared Value (CSV) by executives of the area of paper packaging in Brazil as a way to improve the competitive advantage of companies in the sector. The concept of Shared Value was devised by Porter and Kramer in 2011 through the Harvard Business Review article called "The Great Idea How to Fix Capitalism." According to Porter and Kramer, the concept of shared value redefines the boundaries of capitalism by better connecting the company's success with the progress of society, this concept opens up many ways to meet the new needs of this society, such as gaining efficiency, creating differentiation and expand markets, making it more competitive. According to the authors, if companies use the same tools that guide their choices in the core business to analyze socio-environmental opportunities, it is no longer a cost or philanthropy to become a source of opportunity and competitive advantage (PORTER, KRAMMER, 2011). In order to carry out the work, a review of available literature on the CSV topic on strategy and competitiveness was carried out, which allowed a better understanding of the concepts for a company to actually put into practice. After reviewing the literature, secondary sources were searched, using data collected through internal and external materials available in Brazil and in the world, such as: magazine publications, videos, presentations in forums, articles, dissertations and academic theses, publications on websites and related news. The secondary data helped to underpin the CSV concept addressed in the literary review, through examples of world-class companies that are already implementing and developing CSV projects and initiatives. Based on data collected through in-depth interviews with executives and sustainability experts, it was verified that the theme is poorly disseminated and also confused with the concepts of sustainability, but indicate the propensity to CSV practices by companies in the sector.

Sustentabilidade nas empresas e filosofia lixo zero

Pietzsch, Natália January 2016 (has links)
Essa dissertação teve como objetivos gerais (i) compreender as motivações que levam uma empresa a buscar a responsabilidade social e ambiental corporativa (RSAC), além de (ii) realizar um prognóstico elucidando os principais benefícios, desafios e fatores críticos de sucesso para uma empresa que deseja implementar a filosofia Lixo Zero em suas rotinas. Para atingir o primeiro objetivo foi proposto um questionário contendo as motivações comumente encontradas na bibliografia, o qual foi encaminhando para empresas de diversos portes e segmentos no Brasil. Os resultados apontam como principais motivações para RSAC no Brasil: atender às legislações e regulamentos nacionais (citado por 87% das empresas respondentes), buscar o reconhecimento de Empresa Sustentável e valorização da marca (62%), contribuir para a proteção ao meio ambiente e controle da poluição (58%), buscar a redução na geração de resíduos (53%) e diferenciar-se das demais empresas do segmento (47%). Foi identificado que essas motivações são representativas do cenário analisado, independentemente das características individuais de cada empresa como: porte, apoio da liderança, região, segmento industrial, atuação no mercado (local, nacional ou internacional) e cliente final da empresa, conforme indicado pelo teste Qui-Quadrado e Kolmogorov-Smirnov, contrariando os resultados verificados na bibliografia existente. Com o objetivo de atender ao segundo objetivo, primeiramente foi realizado uma revisão sistemática da literatura para compilar conceitos, princípios, ações, benefícios, desafios e fatores críticos de sucesso advindos da implementação do ZW em diferentes cenários. Tendo como base a compilação apresentada, foi conduzido um estudo de caso em uma metalúrgica de pequeno porte, localizada na região do Vale dos Sinos, no Brasil, com o intuito de identificar quais itens se relacionavam com a realidade da empresa em questão. Foram identificados 12 benefícios passíveis de serem obtidos através da implantação da filosofia ZW na empresa em questão, 9 desafios a serem suplantados durante a implantação e 21 fatores críticos de sucesso, imprescindíveis para o pleno atingimento das metas propostas pelo ZW. O presente estudo apresenta discussões sobre aspectos que necessitam ser desenvolvidos no cenário Brasileiro, de forma a incentivar e proporcionar a estrutura adequada para operacionalização da filosofia ZW corroborando para consolidação desta filosofia como referência em modelo de gestão de resíduos no cenário empresarial. / This study's main objectives were (i) to understand the main drivers leading Corporate Social Environmental Responsibility (CSER) and (ii) to do an analysis in order to elucidate the key benefits, challenges and critical success factors for a company applying Zero Waste into their process. To achieve the first objective, this research has proposed a questionnaire containing the drivers for CSER presented in the literature, which has sent to several companies from different segments and sizes in Brazil. The results indicate these main drivers for CSER in Brazil: meet national laws and regulations (cited by 87% of responding companies), seek recognition of Sustainable Enterprise and brand enhancement (62%), contributing to the protection of the environment and pollution control (58%), seek to reduce the generation of waste (53%) and differentiate itself from other companies in the sector (47%). It was identified that the drivers found for CSER are representative of the sample, regardless of the size, the leadership, the region, the industrial segment, the market activities (local, national or international), and the end customer of the company, as indicated by Qui-quadrado and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, contrary to the findings on literature. In order to achieve the second objective, it has performed a systematic review of the literature for compile concepts, principles, actions, benefits, challenges and critical success factors from the implementation of the ZW in different scenarios. Based on this compilation, it was conducted a case study in a small metallurgical, located in the Vale dos Sinos region, in Brazil, in order to identify which items were related to the company’s scenario. For this company, twelve benefits were identified, which can be achieved through ZW implementation, nine challenges were found to be overcome, and twenty-one critical success factors were identified, which are essential to achieve the goals proposed by the ZW. This study advocates some aspects that should be developed in the Brazilian scenario in order to support ZW implementation, corroborating to consolidate this philosophy as reference in waste management model in business scenario.

Enabling Successful Environmental Partnerships

Reisfield, Meredith 01 January 2013 (has links)
This thesis discusses environmental partnerships, in which an NGO and corporation collaborate to address mutual goals. I begin by discussing the goals of environmental partnerships before reviewing a brief history of these partnerships, the current state of the partnerships landscape, and partnership trends across industries and within NGOs. Next, I examine the potential benefits and drawbacks to partnering for both public and private participants. Finally, strategies for corporations, NGOs, research institutes, academia, and government to enable the creation and maintenance of successful partnerships are proposed to address critical environmental issues in the absence of effective regulation.

Challenges of Environmental and SocialResponsibility in the Fashion Industry

Déri, Edit January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to reveal and address macro-environmental sustainability problems in thefashion industry. A qualitative research approach was used to reach the purpose. Throughout the empirics, theexisting literature was studied, and two case studies were carried out. The one about Hennes and Mauritz isbased on secondary data by using its sustainability report, and in the other case, primary data were obtainedabout Ekovaruhuset, an ecological fashion company, through a face-to-face interview. It was found that thefashion industry has a significant environmental impact and often violates the fair labour practices throughout itssupply chain. The root causes of the unsustainable operation are the labour-intensity, water and chemicalintensity throughout the fashion supply chain, and the lack of political and legal regulations in the producingcountries. These problems can be addressed by careful sourcing, and higher control over the cotton growers,fabric mills and suppliers. In addition, using and developing eco-friendly raw materials, like organic cotton, andfabrics reduce the environmental impact. It can be concluded that there is much room for sustainabledevelopment in the fashion industry, but there are corporate social and environmental responsibility endeavoursfrom both small and big companies.

Enabling Successful Environmental Partnerships

Reisfield, Meredith 01 January 2013 (has links)
This thesis discusses environmental partnerships, in which an NGO and corporation collaborate to address mutual goals. I begin by discussing the goals of environmental partnerships before reviewing a brief history of these partnerships, the current state of the partnerships landscape, and partnership trends across industries and within NGOs. Next, I examine the potential benefits and drawbacks to partnering for both public and private participants. Finally, strategies for corporations, NGOs, research institutes, academia, and government to enable the creation and maintenance of successful partnerships are proposed to address critical environmental issues in the absence of effective regulation.

Ecological ideas in the British Columbia conservation movement, 1945-1970

Keeling, Arn Michael 05 1900 (has links)
This paper examines the hitherto neglected conservation movement in British Columbia after the Second World War. During the 1950s and early 1960s, the British Columbia Natural Resources Conference (BCNRC) and Roderick Haig-Brown were the province's most vocal and authoritative proponents of natural resource conservation. The BCNRC (1948-1970) held roughly annual conferences of leading bureaucrats, industry administrators and academics, who promoted scientific research and proposed resource management policies. Haig-Brown (d. 1976) was a well-known fishing writer and vocal conservationist who attended most of the conferences up to 1961 and wrote a popular book on natural resources for the BCNRC. Their activities generated public awareness of and concern for conservation during a period of rapidly expanding resource extraction. Although the common goal of prudent and rational resource use united Haig-Brown and the conference's managerial elite in the immediate postwar period, their conservation philosophies increasingly diverged after 1961. The ideals they articulated were rooted in the changing discourse about nature, which was deeply influenced in this period by the emerging science of ecology. However, ecological concepts led Haig-Brown and the BCNRC to different conclusions about how to deal with increasing resource use and environmental degradation. While the conference used ecology and economics to justify a regime of scientific resource management, Haig-Brown developed a critique of resource development based on humans' ethical responsibility for maintaining the integrity of ecosystems. This rift in conservation thought, and the public debate these conservationists generated, presaged the rise of environmentalism in the late 1960s.

Corporate strategy and corporate environmental responsibility in Canada : multiple descriptive case studies

Dixon, Peter Robert 21 April 2011 (has links)
In recent years we have witnessed growing interest in corporate environmental responsibility and the concept of sustainability amongst businesses globally. Regardless of the motivation, be it competitive advantage, social license to operate, share value (socially responsible investing), shareholder pressure, public pressure, employee retention, cutting operational costs, the escalation of corporate accountability, or even altruistic goals, this is a growing trend among business. This field is in its infancy and requires considerable leadership. This paper is a collection of multiple descriptive case studies focusing on how Canadian best in sectors in the mining, oil and gas, telecom, finance, hospitality, and retail industries are integrating corporate environmental responsibility into their corporate strategy. Many areas for further study have been identified.

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