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Modelo de cointegração variando com o tempo: abordagem via ondaletas / Time varying cointegration model: approach using waveletsFonseca, Eder Lucio da 06 March 2017 (has links)
Duas ou mais séries não estacionárias são cointegradas se existir uma relação de equilíbrio de longo prazo entre elas. Nas últimas décadas, o interesse na literatura sobre o tema cointegração aumentou de maneira expressiva. Os modelos tradicionais supõem que o vetor de cointegração não varia ao longo do tempo. Entretanto, existem evidências na literatura de que esta suposição pode ser considerada muito restritiva. Utilizando o conceito de ondaletas, propomos um modelo de correção de erros vetorial em que é permitido ao vetor de cointegração variar ao longo do tempo. Diferente de trabalhos similares, é permitido ao vetor de cointegração variar suave ou abruptamente, dependendo da família de ondaletas considerada. Experimentos de Monte Carlo foram utilizados para estudar os quantis e o poder do teste de razão de verossimilhanças entre as hipóteses de cointegração usual e a de cointegração variando com o tempo. Os experimentos sugerem que o teste possui poder contra alternativas que variam ao longo do tempo. Foi demonstrada a capacidade do modelo em lidar satisfatoriamente com séries cointegradas simuladas, que apresentavam mudança de regime para o vetor de cointegração. O modelo foi empregado ainda para testar a validade da hipótese de paridade de poder de compra entre Estados Unidos e doze países da Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OECD): Canadá, Japão e mais dez países europeus. Assim como em trabalhos similares, foram verificadas evidências de cointegração variando com o tempo entre os países. Foram utilizados valores-p bootstrap para verificar a significância da estatística do teste. / Two or more non-stationary time series are cointegrated if there is a long-run equilibrium relationship between them. In recent decades, interest in the literature on the subject of cointegration increased expressively. Traditional models that address this issue assume that the cointegration vector does not vary over time. However, there is evidence in the literature that this assumption can be considered very restrictive. Using the concept of wavelets, we propose a vector error correction model in which is allowed to the cointegration vector vary over time. Unlike similar works, the cointegration vector is allowed to vary smoothly or abruptly, depending on the considered family of wavelets. Monte Carlo experiments were used to study the quantiles and the power of the likelihood ratio test of the hypotheses of usual cointegration versus the time-varying cointegration. The experiments suggest that the test has power against alternatives that vary over time. It was demonstrated the ability of the model to deal satisfactorily with simulated cointegrated series, which presented regime change for the cointegration vector. The model was also used to test the validity of the Purchasing Power Parity hypothesis between United States and twelve countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD): Canada, Japan and ten other European countries. As in similar works, evidence of time-varying cointegration was verified among countries. Bootstrap p-values were used to verify the significance of the likelihood ratio of the test.
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De novo algorithms to identify patterns associated with biological events in de Bruijn graphs built from NGS data / Algorithmes de novo pour l'identification de motifs associés à des événements biologiques dans les graphes de De Bruijn construits à partir de données NGSIshi Soares de Lima, Leandro 23 April 2019 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse est le développement, l'amélioration et l'évaluation de méthodes de traitement de données massives de séquençage, principalement des lectures de séquençage d'ARN courtes et longues, pour éventuellement aider la communauté à répondre à certaines questions biologiques, en particulier dans les contextes de transcriptomique et d'épissage alternatif. Notre objectif initial était de développer des méthodes pour traiter les données d'ARN-seq de deuxième génération à l'aide de graphes de De Bruijn afin de contribuer à la littérature sur l'épissage alternatif, qui a été exploré dans les trois premiers travaux. Le premier article (Chapitre 3, article [77]) a exploré le problème que les répétitions apportent aux assembleurs de transcriptome si elles ne sont pas correctement traitées. Nous avons montré que la sensibilité et la précision de notre assembleur local d'épissage alternatif augmentaient considérablement lorsque les répétitions étaient formellement modélisées. Le second (Chapitre 4, article [11]) montre que l'annotation d'événements d'épissage alternatifs avec une seule approche conduit à rater un grand nombre de candidats, dont beaucoup sont importants. Ainsi, afin d'explorer de manière exhaustive les événements d'épissage alternatifs dans un échantillon, nous préconisons l'utilisation combinée des approches mapping-first et assembly-first. Étant donné que nous avons une énorme quantité de bulles dans les graphes de De Bruijn construits à partir de données réelles d'ARN-seq, qui est impossible à analyser dans la pratique, dans le troisième travail (Chapitre 5, articles [1, 2]), nous avons exploré théoriquement la manière de représenter efficacement et de manière compacte l'espace des bulles via un générateur des bulles. L'exploration et l'analyse des bulles dans le générateur sont réalisables dans la pratique et peuvent être complémentaires aux algorithmes de l'état de l'art qui analysent un sous-ensemble de l'espace des bulles. Les collaborations et les avancées sur la technologie de séquençage nous ont incités à travailler dans d'autres sous-domaines de la bioinformatique, tels que: études d'association à l'échelle des génomes, correction d'erreur et assemblage hybride. Notre quatrième travail (Chapitre 6, article [48]) décrit une méthode efficace pour trouver et interpréter des unitigs fortement associées à un phénotype, en particulier la résistance aux antibiotiques, ce qui rend les études d'association à l'échelle des génomes plus accessibles aux panels bactériens, surtout ceux qui contiennent des bactéries plastiques. Dans notre cinquième travail (Chapitre 7, article [76]), nous évaluons dans quelle mesure les méthodes existantes de correction d'erreur ADN à lecture longue sont capables de corriger les lectures longues d'ARN-seq à taux d'erreur élevé. Nous concluons qu'aucun outil ne surpasse tous les autres pour tous les indicateurs et est le mieux adapté à toutes les situations, et que le choix devrait être guidé par l'analyse en aval. Les lectures longues d'ARN-seq fournissent une nouvelle perspective sur la manière d'analyser les données transcriptomiques, puisqu'elles sont capables de décrire les séquences complètes des ARN messagers, ce qui n'était pas possible avec des lectures courtes dans plusieurs cas, même en utilisant des assembleurs de transcriptome de l'état de l'art. En tant que tel, dans notre dernier travail (Chapitre 8, article [75]), nous explorons une méthode hybride d'assemblage d'épissages alternatifs qui utilise des lectures à la fois courtes et longues afin de répertorier les événements d'épissage alternatifs de manière complète, grâce aux lectures courtes, guidé par le contexte intégral fourni par les lectures longues / The main goal of this thesis is the development, improvement and evaluation of methods to process massively sequenced data, mainly short and long RNA-sequencing reads, to eventually help the community to answer some biological questions, especially in the transcriptomic and alternative splicing contexts. Our initial objective was to develop methods to process second-generation RNA-seq data through de Bruijn graphs to contribute to the literature of alternative splicing, which was explored in the first three works. The first paper (Chapter 3, paper [77]) explored the issue that repeats bring to transcriptome assemblers if not addressed properly. We showed that the sensitivity and the precision of our local alternative splicing assembler increased significantly when repeats were formally modeled. The second (Chapter 4, paper [11]), shows that annotating alternative splicing events with a single approach leads to missing out a large number of candidates, many of which are significant. Thus, to comprehensively explore the alternative splicing events in a sample, we advocate for the combined use of both mapping-first and assembly-first approaches. Given that we have a huge amount of bubbles in de Bruijn graphs built from real RNA-seq data, which are unfeasible to be analysed in practice, in the third work (Chapter 5, papers [1, 2]), we explored theoretically how to efficiently and compactly represent the bubble space through a bubble generator. Exploring and analysing the bubbles in the generator is feasible in practice and can be complementary to state-of-the-art algorithms that analyse a subset of the bubble space. Collaborations and advances on the sequencing technology encouraged us to work in other subareas of bioinformatics, such as: genome-wide association studies, error correction, and hybrid assembly. Our fourth work (Chapter 6, paper [48]) describes an efficient method to find and interpret unitigs highly associated to a phenotype, especially antibiotic resistance, making genome-wide association studies more amenable to bacterial panels, especially plastic ones. In our fifth work (Chapter 7, paper [76]), we evaluate the extent to which existing long-read DNA error correction methods are capable of correcting high-error-rate RNA-seq long reads. We conclude that no tool outperforms all the others across all metrics and is the most suited in all situations, and that the choice should be guided by the downstream analysis. RNA-seq long reads provide a new perspective on how to analyse transcriptomic data, since they are able to describe the full-length sequences of mRNAs, which was not possible with short reads in several cases, even by using state-of-the-art transcriptome assemblers. As such, in our last work (Chapter 8, paper [75]) we explore a hybrid alternative splicing assembly method, which makes use of both short and long reads, in order to list alternative splicing events in a comprehensive manner, thanks to short reads, guided by the full-length context provided by the long reads
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台灣股價與景氣循環關係之研究高崇傑, Kao, Chung-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
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以SIMEX摩根台股指數期貨規避台灣股價指數風險之研究 / Hedging Taiwan's stock indices with SIMEX MSCI Taiwan index futures溫曜誌, Wen, Yao-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分別利用傳統 OLS、誤差修正模型以及 Bivariate GARCH 模型研究以摩根台股指數期貨規避台灣股價指數的避險效果,現貨部分除了摩根台股指數現貨之外,亦考慮了台灣加權股價指數,目的在於瞭解摩根指數期貨的避險效果,並提出未來台灣加權股價指數上市後一套研究指數期約避險績效的研究架構。
(1)將台灣加權股價指數、摩根台股指數現貨以及摩根台股指數期貨的每日收盤價取對數值,並且依照避險期間分為三種情況,利用 ADF(Augmented Dicky and Fuller)進行單根檢定,結果顯示三個時間數列皆非定態(stationary)。
(2)時間數列取一階差分之後,視為指數的報酬率,同樣利用 ADF 進行單根檢定,結果顯示三個時間數列呈現定態(stationary),亦即時間列服從 I (1)。此時,報酬的迴歸式存在具有實質意義。進行供整合檢定之結果顯示,無論是台灣加權指數與摩根台股指數期貨市場間,或是摩根台股指數之現貨與期貨市場間存在長期穩定之均衡關係。因此欲研究現貨與期貨市場的避險比率,應考慮誤差修正項。
1.在樣本內實證中,傳統 OLS 除了在避險期間為每日的情況之外,所造成投資組合變異數降低幅度較大,有較好的樣本內避險效果表現。
2.在樣本外實證中,傳統 OLS 無論在何避險期間,所造成投資組合變異數降低幅度較小,其避險效果皆較差。
3.避險誤差均方根比較方面,傳統 OLS 表現較差。
1.在樣本內實證中,傳統 OLS 在各避險期間,所造成投資組合變異數降低幅度較大,有較好的樣本內避險效果表現。
2.在樣本內實證中,傳統 OLS 無論在何避險期間,其避險效果差皆較差。
3.避險誤差均方根比較方面,同樣以傳統 OLS 表現較差。 / Investors of Taiwan Stock Market have been long lack of hedging tools. SIMEX has provided a new merchant, MSCI Taiwan Index Future on January 9,1997. In addition, Taiwan Futures Exchange is going to run on July, 1998. Though investors are still not familiar with the new derivatives. Futures will be the new markets in Taiwan and it is the right time for us to analyze it. This research use different econometrics methods to check if it is a good hedge tool for the investors. The results are as followed.
1.The time series of MSCI Taiwan Index futures, MSCI Index Spots and Taiwan Weighted Index are not stationary. They are integrated of order 1.
2.There exist cointegrations between MSCI Taiwan Index futures and MSCI Index Spots, in addition to MSCI Taiwan Index futures and Taiwan Weighted Index.
3.OLS Regression, Error Correction Model and Bivariate GARCH Model are applied to find the optimal hedge retio. Among them, the hedge ratios of Bivariate GARCH Model are dynamic while the other two are constant.
4.According to the in-sample hedging effects results, the OLS are outstanding. The low variance of hedging portfolios and the reduction percentage compared to the no-hedged portfolios prove that.
5.Investors may care more about the out-sample results. From the table we know that Error Correction Model and Bivariate GARCH Model perform better than OLS, especially when the time period is longer.
6.When we check the RMSE, we get the same conclusion that OLS is the worst one among the three methods.
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臺灣貨幣需求的研究-Hendry's ECM方法的應用 / Research of Money Demand of Taiwan - apply Hendry's ECM methodology林明聰, Lin, Ming Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用Hendry's ECM Methodology的內容,建立台灣貨幣需求模形,並計算其彈性以與國內相關貨幣需求文獻比較。
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企業購併與總體經濟波動之研究 :非恆定性時間數列計量方法之研究鄭旭凱 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用晚近發展出來的單根檢定法以及共積檢定法,實証分析美、日兩國二次大戰以後企業購併與總體經濟變數間之關係。其實証方法與實証結果如下:運用ADF 檢定方法對購併、股價、國民生產毛額、利率,作單根檢定,發現美日兩國之購併、股價與國民生產毛額呈一階差分恆定狀態。
此外,本文應用Engle and Granger(1987) 的共積模型分析,將同樣為一
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Export expansion as determinant of economic growth in Mozambique: a co-integration analysis.Macuacua, Eduardo F. January 2008 (has links)
<p>The objective of this study is to empirically examine the export-led growth hypothesis in Mozambique using quarterly time series data over the period of 1987-2004, applying a co-integration analysis, Engle and Granger&rsquo / s (1987) Error Correction Model (ECM) and the Granger causality test. The paper explores the causal relationship between economic growth and othe explanatory variables, such as real exports, imports, labour force, gross capital formation, terms of trade, civil war and natural disasters (the last two as dummy variables).</p>
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兩岸三地股價指數期貨連動性之研究 / The Study of Relationship among The Stock Index Futures in Taiwan, China and Hong Kong蕭宥榛 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果顯示,從共整合及向量誤差修正模型檢定發現,兩岸三地股指期貨具有長期均衡及短期的互動關係,因此可以視此三地為單一區域市場。在Granger因果檢定上,台股指數期貨雖無法預測恆生指數期貨,但仍明顯領先滬深300股指期貨且程度大於恆生指數期貨,或可推測兩岸因ECFA的簽訂使實體經濟的關聯性更為緊密,至於恆生指數期貨大多以金融、地產股為其主要成分,與大陸主要以實體經濟為主的金融市場,其Granger預測滬深300股指期貨的能力因此相對較弱。另由衝擊反應檢定得知恆生指數期貨為一獨立的市場,不受台灣及大陸指數期貨市場衝擊的影響;滬深300指數期貨因大陸金融市場逐漸開放,也會受到香港及台灣金融期貨市場之衝擊而產生影響;至於台股指數期貨則在兩岸三地,最易受到其他市場影響。最後由預測變異數分解檢定發現,台股指數期貨及滬深300股指期貨的波動皆易受到恆生股價指數期貨變異的影響,而恆生指數期貨在兩岸三地間之解釋能力最強,於兩岸三地間具金融主導地位。至於台股指數期貨對大陸金融期貨的影響也有突出的表現,因此若政府有心推展亞太金融中心之營運,勢必得加強區域間整合的力度,提出有利吸引外資之最政策,以增加台灣股市於國際間之競爭力。 / This study conducts analysis of regional linkage between financial futures market by examining consecutive daily closing information from April 16, 2010 (the official list date of CSI 300 index futures) to September 18, 2012. This study tries to find the financial dominance of these index futures market in the Asia Pacific region and hopefully it may be used as an investment decision reference for domestic and foreign investors.
The empirical results show that from the total integration and vector error correction model tests and three places all indicate long-run equilibrium stock index futures and short-term interaction. Therefore, these three places can be viewed as a single regional market. In the Granger causality test on the TAIEX futures and Hang Seng Index futures, in spite of TAIEX futures can’t predict Hang Seng Index futures, it is significantly ahead of the CSI 300 index futures. TAIEX futures on the CSI 300 index futures even more impact than the Hang Seng Index Futures. It can explain that the ECFA has been signed and results show closely-related economy. Since the Hang Seng Index futures are mainly from financial and real estate stocks while the mainland-based financial market is mainly from the real economy, Granger predicts ability of CSI 300 index futures is relatively weak. Another test on the impulse response shows that (1) Hang Seng Index Futures is an independent market and is not affected by shocks from Taiwan and the mainland index futures markets, (2) CSI 300 index futures is affected by shocks from Hong Kong and Taiwan because of the gradually open financial markets, and (3) TAIEX futures can be seen as a potential Taiwanese dish economy because it is most vulnerable to other market influences among the three places. To sum up, the forecast variance decomposition tests show that TAIEX futures and the CSI 300 stock index futures are vulnerable to fluctuations in the Hang Seng index futures. In order words, the Hang Seng Index futures have the strongest explanatory power among the three places and shows financial dominance. The TAIEX futures also show its significant impact on the mainland China financial futures index. If the Government decides to promote the operation of the Asia-Pacific financial center and to increase competitiveness of Taiwan stock market, it will inevitably have to strengthen inter-regional integration efforts and make the most favorable policies to attract foreign investment.
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Quantum stabilizer codes and beyondSarvepalli, Pradeep Kiran 10 October 2008 (has links)
The importance of quantum error correction in paving the way to build a practical
quantum computer is no longer in doubt. Despite the large body of literature in quantum
coding theory, many important questions, especially those centering on the issue of "good
codes" are unresolved. In this dissertation the dominant underlying theme is that of constructing
good quantum codes. It approaches this problem from three rather different but
not exclusive strategies. Broadly, its contribution to the theory of quantum error correction
is threefold.
Firstly, it extends the framework of an important class of quantum codes - nonbinary
stabilizer codes. It clarifies the connections of stabilizer codes to classical codes over
quadratic extension fields, provides many new constructions of quantum codes, and develops
further the theory of optimal quantum codes and punctured quantum codes. In particular
it provides many explicit constructions of stabilizer codes, most notably it simplifies
the criteria by which quantum BCH codes can be constructed from classical codes.
Secondly, it contributes to the theory of operator quantum error correcting codes also
called as subsystem codes. These codes are expected to have efficient error recovery
schemes than stabilizer codes. Prior to our work however, systematic methods to construct
these codes were few and it was not clear how to fairly compare them with other classes of
quantum codes. This dissertation develops a framework for study and analysis of subsystem
codes using character theoretic methods. In particular, this work established a close
link between subsystem codes and classical codes and it became clear that the subsystem codes can be constructed from arbitrary classical codes.
Thirdly, it seeks to exploit the knowledge of noise to design efficient quantum codes
and considers more realistic channels than the commonly studied depolarizing channel.
It gives systematic constructions of asymmetric quantum stabilizer codes that exploit the
asymmetry of errors in certain quantum channels. This approach is based on a Calderbank-
Shor-Steane construction that combines BCH and finite geometry LDPC codes.
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台灣自行車產業與景氣循環之探討駱俊文, Chun-Wen Lo January 1900 (has links)
研究結果顯示,巨大、美利達、愛地雅和台灣加權股價指數具有顯著關係,由於台灣自行車屬於出口導向以及中高價位產品,故全球景氣對台灣自行車業深具影響。其中,巨大和美利達除了ODM外,亦有自有品牌在全球銷售,愛地雅定位專業ODM專業代工廠,前者發展不同市場。 / The word "bicycle" has become one of the pronouns of environmental protection. In the past, Taiwan bicycling industry was treated as low-quality products internationally. With long-time effort, Taiwan bicycling industry was highly appreciated.
Recently, global warming issue, cosmopolitan health sense, dramatically increased oil price, the eruption of financial crisis, and many reasons lead the bicycles have not positively evaluated as means of transportation. Now, it becomes the outdoor recreation mean.
Comparing Taiwan bicycling industry with other traditional industry, it doesn't fall down but highly increase no matter export value or stock price. The manufacturer of Giant, Merida, and Ideal are the top 3 of export recently.
So this study want to explore the things happened before and after the outbreak of the financial crisis that affects bicycle industry in Taiwan, research data for selected between January 2000 and December 2013, relationship between the Giant(9921) shares, Merida (9914) shares, Ideal(8933) shares, TWII, the price of crude oil, industrial production index.
Through the Unit Root Test to test whether the data is the steady state or not. By using cointegration test to make sure whether contains at least one group of solutions and vector error correction model to detect the length of the relationship between variables, and using the multiple regression model to test.
Results of the research shows that Giant, Merida, Ideal has significant relationship with TWII, because Taiwan bicycle are export-oriented and high price products, so the global boom has profound influence to Taiwan bicycle industry, among them, the Giant and Merida except the ODM, have their own brands in global sales, Ideal professional locate, ODM professional contract, the former develops different markets. / 摘要 I
Abstract II
謝辭 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 巨大機械工業股份有限公司簡介 4
第四節 美利達工業股份有限公司簡介 5
第五節 愛地雅工業股份有限公司簡介 6
第六節 研究架構 7
第二章 文獻回顧 9
第一節 國內相關文獻 9
第二節 國外相關文獻 11
第三節 國內外文獻一覽表 12
第三章 研究方法 20
第一節 單根檢定 20
第二節 共整合檢定 22
第三節 向量誤差修正模型(VECM) 24
第四節 迴歸分析 24
第四章 實證分析 26
第一節 資料來源與處理 26
第二節 敘述統計 31
第三節 單根檢定 32
第四節 共整合檢定 33
第五節 向量誤差修正模型(VECM) 33
第六節 複迴歸模型 35
第五章 結果分析與建議 38
第一節 結果分析 38
第二節 建議 39
參考文獻 40
附錄一 巨大工業股份有限公司沿革 43
附錄二 美利達股份有限公司沿革 47
附錄三 愛地雅股份有限公司沿革 57
圖1-6 研究架構 8
圖4-1-1 台灣自行車業總出口產值(百萬元,美金) 27
圖4-1-2 台灣股價大盤指數(TWII,當日收盤價) 27
圖4-1-3 巨大股價(9921,當日收盤價) 28
圖4-1-4 美利達股價(9914,當日收盤價) 28
圖4-1-5 愛地雅股價(8933,當日收盤價) 29
圖4-1-6 國際原油價格(西德州,美元) 29
圖4-1-7 台灣工業生產指數 30
表1-3 巨大公司基本資料 4
表1-4 美利達公司基本資料 5
表1-5 愛地雅公司基本資料 6
表2-3 國內外相關文獻整理 12
表4-1 資料來源一覽表 26
表4-3-1 ADF 單根檢定 32
表4-3-2 單根檢定-一階差分 32
表4-4-1 共整合檢定 33
表4-5-1 Giant & Merida 向量誤差修正模型 34
表4-5-2 Giant & Ideal 向量誤差修正模型 34
表4-5-3 Merida & Ideal 向量誤差修正模型 34
表4-6-1 自行車產業與景氣循環對巨大股價之影響 37
表4-6-2 自行車產業與景氣循環對美利達股價之影響 37
表4-6-3 自行車產業與景氣循環對愛地雅股價之影響 37
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