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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La culture, un partage convoité. Étude socio-médiatique des lieux hybrides de commerce et de culture / Is culture becoming a shared ambition ? A socio-media study of hybrid cultural/commercial venues

Salvator, Laurence 30 September 2019 (has links)
Le travail de recherche que nous présentons porte sur une médiation particulière, l’exposition culturelle, dans un contexte particulier, celui de l’hybridation des lieux commerciaux (par l’affichage d’une prétention culturelle) et des lieux culturels (par la montée en puissance d’activités et de logiques commerciales). L’ambition culturelle est, de fait, de plus en plus souvent revendiquée par des acteurs commerciaux et cette revendication dessine, à notre sens, les lignes d’un nouveau partage dont il convient d’étudier les modalités, d’une part, et la portée socio-symbolique, d’autre part. Les exemples de ce mélange des genres, entre relation commerciale et relation culturelle, sont légion. Celui-ci caractérise des lieux physiquement situés et intentionnellement aménagés qui composent une part non négligeable de nos environnements quotidiens. Deux types de lieux retiennent ici notre attention : le centre commercial et le musée. Pour articuler au mieux les différents niveaux de notre analyse, nous envisageons ces lieux hybrides à trois échelles distinctes qui, partant de l’observable le plus circonscrit, s’ouvrent sur l’espace social de la réception et structurent notre développement : le dispositif d’exposition est au cœur de la première partie de notre étude ; le lieu, en l’occurrence muséal (la Cité des sciences), fournit la matière et le terrain d’enquête sur lesquels se fonde la seconde partie ; le territoire du Nord-Est parisien, dans lequel deux lieux hybrides de culture et de commerce se trouvent situés (la Cité des sciences et le centre commercial du Millénaire), ouvre enfin l’étude aux phénomènes de transformation et de circulation. / The research presented here focuses on a specific form of media, the cultural exhibition, considered in the specific context of the hybridisation of commercial venues (showing a growing cultural aspiration) and cultural venues (showing a growing number of commercial activities and commercial strategies). Commercial players are more frequently demonstrating cultural ambitions with the results that the line between business and culture needs to be redefined both in terms of procedures and socio-symbolic implications. Examples of the mixture of genres between the commercial and cultural are numerous and are to be found in places often encountered in our daily lives, places with an actual physical existence and established with the intention of blurring the lines. Two types of place will be under scrutiny: the shopping center and the museum. In order to articulate the different levels of this analysis, these hybrid venues will be considered on three distinct levels, starting with pure observation and moving to the social impact of these transformations: the study of the layout of the exhibition is at the heart of the first part of this study; the place which happens to be a museum (La Cité des Sciences) provides the subject and the basis of the second part of the study; the area made up of the north-eastern part of Paris, in which two of these hybrid venues of culture and commerce are located (la Cité des Sciences and the Millénaire shopping center) will finally open up the study to show the phenomena of transformation and circulation.

Rolníci na Polesí během zrušení nevolnictví. Vývoj reakce venkovského obyvatelstva Pinského újezdu Minské gubernie Ruského impéria na zrušení nevolnictví v letech 1861-1864 / The peasants of the Polesie during the abolition of serfdom. The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864

Badzevich, Dzmitry January 2018 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ANTHROPOLOGY BY MGR. BC. DZMITRY BADZEVICH THE PEASANTS OF THE POLESIE DURING THE ABOLITION OF SERFDOM The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864 Dissertation abstract Prague 2017 2 ABSTRACT From the exact wording of the thesis title was this study engaged in a broader sociological and cultural anthropological discussion about the meanings and implications of the historical event as was the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire in 1861 on the everyday life of its contemporary actors. For well-devoted reader (in the different methodologies of the history and European national historiographies), it would seem that the topic of the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire and its impact on society and social and cultural sphere is largely explored. But at the moment, when the critically analyzing readers begin to think closely about how the understanding of serfdom abolition has worked during the last hundred year, it might be quite obvious for them, that no one of dozen university intellectuals and amateurs has tried to go to the heart of the historical event; many intellectuals only got all mixing up on the field of quasi-scientific abstractive terms...

Marie Komárková, žena ředitele měšťanské školy Karla Komárka / Marie Komárková, Spouse of the Middle School Principal Karel Komárek

Kršková, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
The goal of this master thesis is to capture the life of a postal clerk, later a municipal councilor and councilor Marie Komárková. I am focusing on involvement of women in public affairs at the beginning of a new republic. Due to the remarks she made during the meeting of municipal council and the city council of Poděbrady, we can observe the background of formation of self- government during the first years of the newly founded republic. The transformation of local elites, the tasks of local self-government or the involvement of women in public life, these are the topics of which Marie Komárková gives subjective testimony in her writings. A specific feature of this case is also the Poděbrady town environment, which gradually became a spa town in the given period. In addition, this work describes a transformation and functioning of local self-government during the first years of the Czechoslovak Republic through personal memories and notes of one particular person. There are also other topics Marie Komárková's character has to offer, such as girls' education or post office work at the end of the 19th century. The source base is made up not only of the memories and remarks of the former Poděbrady councilor, her husband and son, but also of correspondence, contemporary press or various sources of...

Making travel sustainable with ICT? : The social practice of travel planning and travel information use in everyday life

Nyblom, Åsa January 2014 (has links)
Adopting the perspective of the traveller, this thesis examines how travel plans are actually made in the everyday situation and how information is used and drawn on when planning the many, often unremarkable, trips of ordinary urban life. Ethnographical field studies in southern Stockholm, Sweden, employing a practice theory perspective showed that people use a vast mixture of different types of information when planning and making trips. Therefore, the concept of travel information should be defined broadly enough to encompass informal, formal, analogue and digital types of travel information. Then, and only then, is it possible to perceive the interactions between these and see their potential as a change factor for sustainable city travel. In relation to this, situations when travel information was not used, were also identified in the qualitative data and are acknowledged and discussed in the thesis. Travel planning is in everyday practice undertaken little by little, squeezed in between other activities of daily life. It is a process more extended in time, space and content than the limited search for information about the best way to get from A to B, assumed and facilitated in many existing travel information services. Travel planning is closely connected to the overall scheduling of activities (planning of life) and thus spans much larger time frames than the single trip. Planning travel also includes consideration of issues such as preparations needed (things to be done before departure/brought on the trip); managing vehicles and equipment in time and space (getting the bicycle/car home again or safely parked); the weather (current and forecast); social relations (the potential of different travel options for relationship building or conflict triggering); social norms (e.g. of 'good parenting' or 'proper behaviour on public transport'); and health issues (wanting exercise or inability to manage stairs/luggage). The qualitative data revealed that travel information is sometimes perceived and used as a security blanket, i.e. something to hold on to and give the traveller courage on the trip until they are safe at their destination. It also showed that travel planning, depending on life situation, can be experienced as either a house of cards, i.e. if anything changes the whole house collapses and has to be rebuilt to a different layout, or a prefab building, i.e. the same prefabricated pieces are joined together in more or less the same pattern every time. Recent decades have seen rapid growth in ICT services relating to transportation. Different types of travel information services have been proposed as a means to decrease the environmental impacts of transportation through effecting behavioural change. Taking the empirical 4 insights provided by this thesis into travel planning and travel information use in practice, it is clear that travel information services of tomorrow, if connected to other ICT systems in everyday life, could be designed in a way that broadens their horizon of assistance in supporting travel planning processes in everyday life. Although, as this thesis demonstrates, the role and potential of travel information services and ICT in the work of achieving sustainable mobility should be discussed from a perspective critical of overly linear perceptions and instrumental starting points. / Denna avhandling tar resenärens perspektiv, och undersöker från vardagslivets horisont hur resor egentligen planeras, och hur information används när de många, ofta obemärkta, vardagsresorna görs i staden. Etnografiska fältstudier i södra Stockholm, gjorda och analyserade med ett praktikteoriperspektiv, visar att människor använder sig av många olika typer av information för att planera och genomföra sina resor. Därför bör begreppet reseinformation definieras vitt nog att rymma både informella, formella, analoga och digitala typer av reseinformation. Först då är det möjligt att iaktta interaktioner mellan dessa, och också se informationens eventuella potential som förändringsfaktor för hållbart stadsresande. Även situationer när reseinformation inte används uppmärksammas och diskuteras. Reseplanering är i vardaglig praktik något som sker lite i taget, i mellanrummen mellan andra sysslor och aktiviteter. Det är en process mer förgrenad i tid, rum och innehåll än den avgränsade sökning efter information om bästa sättet att ta sig mellan A och B som många existerande IT-baserade reseplanerare verkar förutsätta och i dagsläget assisterar. Reseplanering är starkt knutet till den övergripande planeringen av aktiviteter i livet, och reseplanering har därför oftast ett vidare tidsspann än endast en resa. Planering av resor inkluderar även hänsyn till faktorer som nödvändiga förberedelser (saker att göra innan avfärd/ta med sig på resan); hantering av fordon och bagage i tid och rum (få hem cykeln/bilen igen eller få den säkert parkerad); vädret (nuvarande och prognostiserat); sociala relationer (potentialen för konflikter/positiv samvaro vid olika färdmedelsval); sociala normer (om gott föräldraskap eller hur man för sig på kollektiva färdmedel); och hälsoaspekter (vilja till motion eller oförmåga att gå i trappor). Fältarbetet gjorde tydligt att reseinformation ibland används som en snuttefilt – något att ty sig till och hålla i handen på okänt territorium tills du har kommit till målet för din resa. Reseplanering kan också, beroende på livssituation, antingen upplevas och liknas vid husbygge med prefabricerade element – samma standardiserade, välkända bitar sammanfogas på ungefär samma sätt varje gång; eller också ett korthus – om någonting ändras brakar hela huset ihop, och måste byggas upp igen med en helt annan design. Under de senaste decennierna har det skett en snabb utveckling av IT-lösningar på transportområdet. Olika typer av reseinformationstjänster har föreslagits som ett verktyg för att ändra resebeteenden och därmed minska transporters miljöpåverkan. Med utgångspunkt från studiens 6 empiriska insikter i hur reseplanering går till i praktiken, och hur reseinformation används blir det tydligt att morgondagens reseplanerartjänster, om de kopplades ihop med andra digitala system vi använder i vår vardag, skulle kunna utformas på ett sätt som utvidgar systemets "assistanshorisont" för att bättre passa ihop med reseplaneringspraktikerna i vår vardag. Potentialen och rollen för reseinformationstjänster och IT i arbetet med att minska transporters miljöpåverkan bör diskuteras från ett perspektiv som är kritiskt till alltför linjära och instrumentella utgångspunkter, vilket denna avhandling bidrar till. / <p>QC 20141030</p>

Sémiotická a antropologická analýza pražského metra / Semiotic and anthropological analysis of Prague metro

Brabcová, Adéla January 2011 (has links)
Presented diploma work called "Semiotic and anthropological analysis of Prague metro" shows metro to a reader as a place from a semiotic point of view. A metro "user" plays a key role in the whole diploma work. Apart from dealing with metro as a place, this work also regards a reference of a fixed structure of metro to a city. The work also pays attention to an analysis of signs that can be found there by a metro user and can serve him as a useful tool for better orientation there. In the theoretical part semiotics as a science and its approaches are being presented. The diploma work also deals with a topic of a city from an antropological point of view. It applies, for example, a question of place and nonplace, picture of a city or a map and itineraries. The applied part of the work presents use of the theory in Prague metro. It also deals with orientation, navigational sign systems and comunication systems. Other topic examined in this diploma work is a role of Prague metro and its city surroundings in a mental city mapping done by its user. Besides, the work shows the metro and its surroundings as a place of everyday life. Keywords: Semiotics, sign, communication, binary opposition, connotation, denotation, text, city, image map, places and non-places, place and space, map, itinerary, everyday...

Undoing Gender

Geimer, Alexander 25 April 2017 (has links)
Stefan Hirschauer kritisiert mit dem Konzept des Undoing Gender den Theorieentwurf des Doing Gender nach West & Zimmerman. Er begreift Geschlecht als Effekt von Interaktionen und lehnt sich dabei an Garfinkels ethnomethodologisches Konzept der Accountability und der Omnirelevanz von Geschlecht an. Aus institutioneller Perspektive wird die Möglichkeit der Neutralisierung der Kategorie Geschlecht betont. Forschungsperspektivisch ist Geschlecht auf seine konkrete Relevanzsetzung in Interaktionen unter der Bedingung unterschiedlicher kultureller Konfigurationen und institutioneller Arrangements zu untersuchen ('kontextuelle Kontingenz').

Rolníci na Polesí během zrušení nevolnictví. Vývoj reakce venkovského obyvatelstva Pinského újezdu Minské gubernie Ruského impéria na zrušení nevolnictví v letech 1861-1864 / The peasants of the Polesie during the abolition of serfdom. The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864

Badzevich, Dzmitry January 2018 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ANTHROPOLOGY BY MGR. BC. DZMITRY BADZEVICH THE PEASANTS OF THE POLESIE DURING THE ABOLITION OF SERFDOM The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864 Dissertation abstract Prague 2017 2 ABSTRACT From the exact wording of the thesis title was this study engaged in a broader sociological and cultural anthropological discussion about the meanings and implications of the historical event as was the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire in 1861 on the everyday life of its contemporary actors. For well-devoted reader (in the different methodologies of the history and European national historiographies), it would seem that the topic of the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire and its impact on society and social and cultural sphere is largely explored. But at the moment, when the critically analyzing readers begin to think closely about how the understanding of serfdom abolition has worked during the last hundred year, it might be quite obvious for them, that no one of dozen university intellectuals and amateurs has tried to go to the heart of the historical event; many intellectuals only got all mixing up on the field of quasi-scientific abstractive terms...

Resistance: Cultural Expression of Tea Plantation Workers in Bangladesh

Sharif, Faiham Ebna January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is an ethnographic study of culture, economy, everyday life, and resistance among ‘Baganiyas’ (workers) of a tea plantation in contemporary Bangladesh. The main goal of this thesis is to highlight the Baganiyas' everyday resistance to the systemic alienation of the plantation structure and to demonstrate how their actions of resistance served as symbolic representations of their community's culture. It draws on the finding from an 18-day field trip with additional autoethnography and netnography conducted while the world was experiencing a global pandemic in 2020. Based on ethnographic observation, participation, interviews, and collaborative dialogues the study aims to explore the social life and stories of the people who bring the most consumed drink in the world into our cup from the ‘Bagan’ (garden). It traces the emerging subjectivities of the Baganiya - Worker, Planter – Manager, Planter – Owner, and neighboring others regarding the garden, on what they are commonly connected to. In doing so, the study investigates workers’ economic network that leads to the social and political association of the workers, which connects them to the occupational and institutional hierarchy within and beyond the plantation. The study explores resistance as culture in a symbolic form that stems from the structural inequality that alienates the workers from tea and everything outside the plantation. However, it argues that the resistance is not an act of idleness, rather an invisible tactic by the workers to counter the hegemonic strategy.

A reinterpretation of urban space in Pretoria

Van der Klashorst, Elsa 2013 February 1900 (has links)
Various potential modes of interpreting the urban space in the inner city of Pretoria is evaluated in this study with the purpose of expanding discourse around spatial production in the city. Production of meaning through formal and structural means produced a city that served as administrative capital and ideological base for Afrikaners until the arrival of a democracy in 1994. The contemporary urban space is produced by people through everyday life, as theorised by Henry Lefebvre, rather than through formal means such as name changes. This study evaluates the way that identity and belonging is created by referring to everyday life practices, rhythmanalysis and daily activities as performances. Urban space is evaluated from a phenomenological perspective through the eyes of an artist and resident and expressed in an art exhibition. The way artists Julie Mehretu and Franz Ackermann dealt with urban space in their art is also referenced. / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / Master of Visual Arts

Mathematics and Mathematics Education Development in Finland: the impact of curriculum changes on IEA, IMO and PISA results

Malaty, George 07 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Mathematics has got roots in Finland in the last quarter of the 19th century and came to flourish in the first quarter of the next century. In the first quarter of the 20th century, mathematicians were involved in teaching mathematics at schools and writing school textbooks. This involvement decreased and came to an end by the launching of the ‘New Math’ project. Mathematics education for elite was of positive affect to higher education, and this has changed by the spread of education, the decrease of mathematics teaching hours at schools and the changes in school mathematical curricula. The impact of curriculum changes is evident in Finnish students’ performance in the IEA comparative studies, PISA and IMO.

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