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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Historia de la delincuencia en la sociedad española: Murcia, 1939-1949. Similitudes y diferencias en otros espacios europeos.

Gómez Westermeyer, Juan Francisco 14 November 2006 (has links)
Al término de la guerra civil el régimen franquista encomendó a los tribunales ordinarios la tarea de normalizar el país, contribuyendo a la consolidación del nuevo Estado al tiempo que fiscalizaban la vida cotidiana de la población. El estudio de la delincuencia común de posguerra permite conocer la relación de las clases desfavorecidas con ese Estado, los conflictos e interacciones entre iguales, el grado de aceptación mostrado hacia las autoridades y sus políticas, así como la respuesta ofrecida desde el poder, materializada en sentencias judiciales y prácticas represivas análogas. Las convulsiones provocadas por la guerra civil en España tuvieron su continuación amplificada, a nivel europeo, tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Este conflicto y su posguerra acarrearon penuria material, racionamiento, mercado negro, crisis de valores y con ello, la generalización de unas condiciones de vida y una perturbación social cuyos efectos inmediatos se dejaron sentir en el aumento de la delincuencia. / When Spanish Civil War ended francoist regime assigned the task to normalize the country to ordinary courts. This fact contributed to consolidation of the new state and at the same time supervised population everydary life. The research on postwar common delinquency allows to know the relationship between the poorest classes and the state, the conflicts and interactions among equals, the level of popularity shown towards authorities and their policies as well as the response offered from the power which was materialized in sentences and some other repressive practices. Convulsions that were provoked by Spanish Civil War had an extended continuity, at European level, after Second World War. The former conflict and its postwar brought poverty, rationing, black market, crisis on values and the generalization of life conditions and social disturbance whose immediate effects could be felt in an increasing delinquency.

The Rebellion of the Chicken: Self-making, reality (re)writing and lateral struggles in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea

Caballero, Adelaida January 2015 (has links)
Historical sources suggest that the bad reputation of Bioko island ―a product of mixed exoticism, fear of death and allure for profit— might have started as early as the first European explorations of sub-Saharan Africa. Today, the same elements seem to have been reconfigured, producing a similar result in the Western imagination: cultural exoticization, fear of state-sponsored violence and allure for profit are as actual as ever in popular conceptions of Equatorial Guinea. A notion of ongoing terror keeps conditioning the study of the tiny African nation, resulting in media trends and academic discourses polarized by the grand themes of oil/money/corruption and human rights violations —which are highly counterproductive when trying to account for Equatoguineans’ everyday practices, mainly because the violence exerted by the state has shifted in nature. Deploying a triple theoretical framework made up by Michel de Certeau’s (1984) concepts of readers/writers/texts and strategies, Michael Jackson’s (2005) work on being, agency and intersubjectivity, as well as Bayart’s (1993) ‘politics of the belly’, this thesis explores some of the complex cultural and social-psychological strategies that urban populations in Malabo have developed in order to create, sustain and protect the integrity of their social selves while living in inherently oppressive environments. People’s means of personhood negotiation are observed through contemporary systems of beliefs, narratives and practices. I suggest that negotiations are products of, but also preconditions for, the existence of a social apparatus and the integrity of the selves moving within its discursive boundaries. Consequently, Equatoguineans’ strategies for self-making are seen as potentially responsible for reproducing a destructive status quo. This idea is further developed through the concept of lateral struggle, a form of social violence alternative to top-down flows which builds on sociality as culturally calibrated forms of symbolic interaction between selves constructed in a zero sum fashion. The dynamics of lateral struggles are illustrated through ethnographic data on what people phrase as el Guineano’s innate ‘rebelliousness’, which in turn visibilizes processes of collective self-making and the verbalization of negative national stereotypes. Possibilities for the rise of more positive types of personhood based on a habitual splitting of individual self from national other are explored. Finally, a brief assessment of how such splitting could be hindering people from collectively writing a ‘homeland’ is made. / Fuentes históricas sugieren que la mala reputación de la isla de Bioko ―producto de una mezcla de exoticismo, miedo a la muerte y deseo de ganacias económicas― pudo haber comenzado desde las primeras exploraciones europeas del África sub-sahariana. Hoy, los mismos elementos parecen haber sido reconfigurados, produciendo un resultado similar en el imaginario occidental: exotización cultural, miedo a la violencia perpetrada por el estado, y deseo de ganancias económicas dada la prominencia de su industria extractiva son elementos importantes en la concepción popular de Guinea Ecuatorial. Una noción de terror prevalente condiciona el estudio de la pequeña nación africana, lo cual resulta en tendencias mediáticas y discursos académicos polarizados por los grandes temas de petróleo/dinero/corrupción y violaciones de derechos humanos ―discursos que resultan contraproducentes a la hora de dar cuenta de las prácticas cotidianas de los Ecuatoguineanos, principalmente porque la violencia ejercida por el estado ha cambiado en lo cualitativo. Haciendo uso de un marco teórico compuesto por los conceptos de lectores/escritores/textos y estrategias desarrollados por Michel de Certeau (1984), el trabajo de Michael Jackson (2005) sobre el ser, la agencia y la intersubjetividad; así como por ‘la política del vientre’ de Bayart (1993), el presente estudio explora algunas de las complejas estrategias culturales y sociopsicológicas que las poblaciones urbanas de Malabo han desarrollado con el fin de crear, mantener y proteger la integridad de su yo social viviendo en ambientes inherentemente opresivos. Los medios utilizados por la gente para el posicionamiento de su yo social son observados mediante sistemas de creencias contemporáneos, narrativas y prácticas. La autora sugiere que dichas negociaciones son productos de, pero también condiciones para, la existencia del aparato social y la integridad de los entes culturales moviéndose dentro de sus fronteras discursivas. En consecuencia, las estrategias que los ecuatoguineanos utilizan para la formación y el mantenimiento de su yo social son consideradas potencialmente responsables de la reproducción de un status quo destructivo. Esta idea es desarrollada mediante el concepto de conflicto lateral ―una forma de violencia social alternativa a flujos ‘top-down’― basado en el principio de la socialidad como una forma culturalmente calibrada de interacción simbólica entre yoes creados como en un juego de suma cero. Las dinámicas de los conflictos laterales son ilustradas mediante material etnográfico sobre lo que la gente denomina “la rebeldía innata del Guineano”, la cual visibiliza además procesos de formación de la identidad colectiva y la verbalización de estereotipos nacionales negativos. Las posibilidades para la creación de identidades individuales más positivas basadas en una diferenciación habitual entre yo-individual y otro-nacional son exploradas. Finalmente, la autora hace un breve comentario sobre cómo dicha diferenciación podría estar impidiendo la formación colectiva de una idea de ‘patria’ en el imaginario ecuatoguineano contemporáneo.

Lorsque les nouvelles populations rurales rencontrent les plus anciennes : l’expérience géographique au cœur de la nouvelle ruralité au Québec

Guimond, Laurie 18 January 2012 (has links)
Mobilité, désir d’accéder à une meilleure qualité de vie, attraction de la campagne s’accélèrent depuis une trentaine d’années au Québec, comme ailleurs en occident. La campagne et les usages que l’on en fait se diversifient et se complexifient, à l’instar des populations qui l’habitent. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse se penche sur l’expérience géographique de la campagne, en tant qu’espace social. Elle met en lumière l’expérience géographique des ruraux, plus particulièrement les modalités de leur rencontre dans divers lieux qui marquent leur quotidien. Le matériel empirique de la thèse consiste surtout en des témoignages recueillis lors d’entrevues qualitatives menées auprès de nouveaux résidents et des ruraux de longue date dans deux municipalités régionales de comté (MRC) contrastées au Québec : Brome-Missisquoi et Arthabaska. La démarche privilégiée et les principales contributions qui en découlent se déclinent en trois temps. D’abord, une comparaison directe des deux populations rurales étudiées fait ressortir que leurs pratiques de mobilité et leurs sens des lieux se rejoignent dans une certaine mesure, mais affichent aussi des différences. Par exemple, elles partagent toutes deux un sentiment d’appartenance marqué à leur milieu de vie, mais pas nécessairement avec la même intensité et pour les mêmes raisons. En outre, leurs pratiques d’engagement local convergent, favorisées par un même désir de contribuer au bien-être de leur milieu. La thèse démontre aussi que certains lieux de sociabilité rapprochent ces deux groupes au quotidien, quoique subsistent des tensions notamment liées à leurs origines rurale ou urbaine, leur classe sociale, leurs expériences antérieures des lieux, la durée vécue dans leur milieu de vie, leur historique familial, leurs représentations et usages de la campagne... Se décèle aussi un effet de milieu entre les deux MRC à cet égard. Dans l’ensemble, leur rencontre s’avère timide et surtout réservée à l’espace public. Enfin, en se basant sur leurs représentations de l’avenir, la thèse illustre que l’espace de leur rencontre représente un espace d’opportunités pour le dialogue sur la campagne, bien que celui-ci ne se produise pas sans affrontements et heurts. Ainsi, au-delà du binarisme traditionnel et antagonique lié aux statuts de « nouveaux » et « anciens » ruraux, l’espace de rencontre, celui à l’intérieur duquel s’opèrent à la fois tensions, négociations, compromis et nouvelles alliances, participe à construire la nouvelle ruralité contemporaine.

Berättade liv, berättat Polen : en etnologisk studie av hur högutbildade polacker gestaltar identitet och samhälle

Wolanik Boström, Katarzyna January 2005 (has links)
The study takes its point of departure in the notions of life story, narrativity and context. It is based on extensive life story interviews with well-educated professionals in Poland – academics, teachers, managers, physicians, artists – during the period of transformation (or transition) from ”real socialism” to democracy and a market economy. The aim is to analyse the multilayered process of constructing a personal identity, as the narrators interweave stories about their lives with images of history and society. The central approach is narrative analysis, focusing on the interview interaction as well as the wider cultural, societal and political context in which the self-presentation takes place, and which it simultaneously creates. Concepts of cultural and paradigmatic narratives are combined with a gender perspective and selected terms from Pierre Bourdieus theory of practice. The narrators’ life experiences are shaped and evaluated in an implicit dialogue with cultural narratives of ideal biographies, professional careers, gender roles and family models in Poland during socialism and the transformation. In family background stories, the ancestors’ gendered biographies are depicted in relation to the underlying paradigm of the romantic-patriotic tradition. In childhood stories, the evaluation models used are psychological, social and based on political correctedness. The interviewees often shape their nostalgic, bitter and ambivalent memories against a background of the power relations between the family and the state, using nostalgia, dark rhetorics and a well-established genre of coping strategies during the socialism. In narratives about formal school-education during the socialist period, two paradigms are seen as highly incongruous: the intellectual-elitistic tradition and the socialistic citizen-schooling. Also stories of being a part of both formal and oppositional organisations and networks are told. In narratives about careers and working life, the pride in doing a good work is prevalent, but the narrators also depict complications in the professional paradigm due to the proliferation of politicised and informal power relations; en influence still lasting during the transformation period. The troubled issues of legitimacy, status and economy are discussed. In stories about close relationships, there is an underlying paradigm of love, marrital happiness and being a good parent, even though the stories follow a variety of plots. The evaluations become complex and sometimes contradictory. By presenting their life-experience in a proud, ambivalent, defensive or ironic way, the narrators reproduce, deconstruct and challenge the dominant cultural narratives, shaping their unique personal paradigms.

A Escuta popular da Rádio Comunitária do Edson Queiroz: estudo introdutório sobre a produção do sujeito no espaço da periferia.

CAVALCANTE, Andrea Pinheiro Paiva January 2006 (has links)
CAVALCANTE, Andrea Pinheiro Paiva. A escuta popular da rádio comunitária do Edson Queiroz: estudo introdutório sobre a produção do sujeito no espaço da periferia. 2006. 215f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará. Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2006. / Submitted by Raul Oliveira (raulcmo@hotmail.com) on 2012-07-04T13:45:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Dis_APPCavalcante.pdf: 1607241 bytes, checksum: 4b4bf6fdeb7cb02b94788995f55ba823 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-19T14:06:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Dis_APPCavalcante.pdf: 1607241 bytes, checksum: 4b4bf6fdeb7cb02b94788995f55ba823 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-19T14:06:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Dis_APPCavalcante.pdf: 1607241 bytes, checksum: 4b4bf6fdeb7cb02b94788995f55ba823 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / This research reports the consolidation of the individual in the outskirts taking place, rising from the mediation of everyday life, culture, language and education. Starting from the analysis of two radio programs, Momento Saúde (Health Moment) and Força da Mulher Solidária (The strength of the Solidary Woman), presented by Edson’ Queiroz’s Community Radio station, in Dendê neighborhood, in Fortaleza, discursive sceneries are elaborated on which it can be identified how the individual from the outskirts emerges from the environment of the broadcasting station. Momento Saúde, produced by students in Nursing School, takes on a one-way speech when dealing with health issues in the neighborhood; in its narrative, it allows a glimpse at the popular notions under which the academic knowledge still lies when related to health matters. The speech marks, in this case, allows the perception that in the students’ talks there is a lack of community voices, visible from the common listening by the Women’s Group of the Solidary Socioeconomics that works in the neighborhood. This reception study, when identifying this silence, allows the organization of the program A Força da Mulher Solidária, an experience carried out by the women, who, moving around these “between-places”, give up the role of listeners and take on the role of producers of speech and meanings about life in the neighborhood. The methodological procedures combine consultations to reference books on the topic, especially Martín-Barbero and field research, through interviews, observation and interventions that occurred with the women’s program. The A Força da Mulher Solidária experience shows that, enriching the political sphere in the culture that weaves everyday life, the outskirts individual rises. / Esta pesquisa relata como se dá a produção do sujeito no espaço da periferia a partir das mediações de cotidiano, cultura, linguagem e educação. Partindo da análise dos programas radiofônicos Momento Saúde e A Força da Mulher Solidária, apresentados na Rádio Comunitária Edson Queiroz, no bairro do Dendê, em Fortaleza, elaboram-se os cenários discursivos sobre os quais se identifica como se erige, a partir do ambiente da emissora, o sujeito da periferia. O Momento Saúde, produção de estudantes do Curso de Enfermagem, assume um discurso de mão única, ao tratar das questões de saúde do bairro e deixa entrever na sua narrativa a concepção de popular sob a qual ainda repousa o saber acadêmico relacionado aos conteúdos de saúde. As marcas discursivas, neste caso, possibilitam perceber que nas falas das estudantes há uma ausência das vozes da comunidade, visíveis a partir da escuta coletiva pelo Grupo de Mulheres da Socioeconomia Solidária que atua no bairro. Este estudo de recepção, ao identificar esse silenciamentos, possibilita a organização do programa A Força da Mulher Solidária, experiência realizada pelas mulheres, que, ao se moverem nesse “entre-lugares”, saem de condição de ouvintes para o de produtoras de um discurso e de sentidos sobre a vida no bairro. Os procedimentos metodológicos combinam consultas às obras de referências sobre a temática, especialmente de Martín-Barbero, e pesquisa de campo, mediante entrevistas, observações e intervenção ocorrente com a criação do programa das mulheres. A experiência de A Força da Mulher Solidária mostra que, valorizando a dimensão do político no cultural no tecido da vida cotidiana, se erige o sujeito na periferia.

Cotidiano e territorilidades de uma comunidade caiçara : Puruba, Ubatuba, SP.

Morelli, Graziele Alves de Souza 02 February 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study deals with the issues of territoriality and everyday life of the Caiçara Community of Puruba Beach, located in the city of Ubatuba, in the North coast of São Paulo State. The community lives in the middle of the Atlantic Forest and in the last 40 years this region has undergone an urbanization process by the State. As a result, each one of the communities of the area had different outcomes. This fact constitutes the topic of this study. This work looks at the consequences of a historical foray and analyzes the target community from an updated perspective up to the breaking point that happened in the 70s, when the caiçara traditional lifestyle started to be compromised. The first questions came from the observation of the characteristics of the caiçara lifestyle at the Puruba Beach village. However, in face of so many influences from the urban world, it would be necessary to characterize this social group in the first place. The second step was the identification of the social relations and the institutions that formed and gave life to the community. In this step it was important to understand that culture and lifestyle are not static, that changes are social and lead to very peculiar characteristics. Such information yielded some questions and the problem of this study: how can this social group adept itself to the new conditions imposed by the urbanization of the space and by the severe environmental laws? The reproduction of the caiçara lifestyle depends on geographical isolation and subsistence exploitation of the nature, among other factors. These conditions were taken from the caiçara people; what is left for them so that they can (re)exist as caiçaras is still unknown. In order to shed some light to this problem this study will describe the everyday life of the caiçaras and how the social and cultural dynamic of the group happens by showing aspects of their gastronomy, festivals, religiosity, community relations, and work. Geographical concepts such as territory, space, landscape and place helped in the analysis of the topic of this study. It was found that despite the processes of territory loss to which they were submitted, the caiçaras could find other territorialities. This process was only possible because these people are caiçara in their knowledge and social practices. Therefore, their caiçara essence is what makes them go through several disagreements, contradictions and difficulties while defending their territory. / Este trabalho é o resultado de um estudo que aborda as questões do cotidiano e da territorialidade da Comunidade Caiçara do Puruba, localizada no município de Ubatuba, no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo. A comunidade vive em meio à Mata Atlântica e, nos últimos 40 anos, essa região tem sido submetida, pelo Estado, a processos de urbanização do espaço. Cada uma das comunidades do entorno teve destinos diferentes e essa característica despertou o interesse por este estudo, que contempla descobertas que aconteceram após uma incursão histórica e analisa os dias atuais, até o momento de ruptura, na década de 1970, quando o modo de vida tradicional caiçara começa a ser comprometido. As primeiras indagações surgiram após a observação, na vila do Puruba, de características do modo de vida caiçara. Porém, diante de tantas influências do mundo urbano, seria necessário, primeiro, que esse grupo social fosse caracterizado. O segundo passo foi a identificação das relações sociais e das instituições que formavam e davam vida à comunidade. Nessa etapa, foi importante entender que a cultura e o modo de vida não são estáticos, que as mudanças são sociais e que levam a características bem peculiares. Dessas informações resultaram alguns questionamentos e o problema da dissertação: como esse grupo social pode viver a condição de caiçara, mesmo tendo que se adequar às novas condições impostas pela urbanização do espaço e de leis ambientais severas? A reprodução do seu modo de vida baseia-se em fatores que dependem, entre outras coisas, de isolamento geográfico e de exploração de subsistência da natureza. Essas condições lhes foram retiradas; resta saber o que sobrou para que consigam (re)existir como caiçaras. Para isso, fez-se um estudo sobre o cotidiano e como acontece a dinâmica social e cultural do grupo, abordando-se aspectos da gastronomia, da festa, da religiosidade, das relações comunitárias e do trabalho, incluindo a atividade turística. A análise foi feita por meio de conceitos da Geografia, como território, espaço, paisagem e lugar; descobriu-se que, mesmo com os processos de perda do território a que foram submetidos, os caiçaras conseguiram encontrar outras territorialidades. Esse processo foi possível porque são caiçaras em seus saberes, conhecimentos e práticas sociais. Portanto, sua essência é que faz com que suportem vários desencontros, contradições e dificuldades na defesa de seu território. / Mestre em Geografia

Laboratório do cotidiano: ensinando física em um curso de magistério / Everyday Laboratory: Teaching Physics in a Teacher Formation Project of Intermediate Level

Fátima Cruz Sampaio 30 April 1999 (has links)
Relata-se no texto uma situação de pesquisa-ação em Educação. Esta metodologia de pesquisa se caracteriza por uma sequência típica de ação-reflexão-ação, que envolve e implica a comunidade pesquisada. Trata-se da análise da intervenção pedagógica da autora em classes de 1ª série da Habilitação Magistério dentro do Projeto Centro Específico de Formação e Aperfeiçoamento do Magistério (CEFAM) do bairro Butantã, na cidade de São Paulo, lecionando a disciplina Física, de 1991 a 1997. Por fim, foi (re)contextualizada a situação investigada. Num primeiro momento, a ação da pesquisadora-professora dentro do processo ensino-aprendizagem, centrou-se na estruturação do conteúdo conceitual de Física, num esquema que começou a denominar o Laboratório do Cotidiano do estudante, caracterizado por promover a aprendizagem a partir de situações que lhe são familiares e é uma contribuição do presente estudo ao ensino de Física no Grau de Magistério. Os resultados das reflexões contínuas sobre as ações, engendrando novas ações em cadeia, mostraram, entretanto, que é impossível atingir uma receita para o Ensino de Física, provavelmente em qualquer grau de escolaridade, apenas estruturando o conteúdo, se se deseja que os estudantes criem uma visão epistemológica diferente para os conceitos físicos, se formem como sujeitos críticos, criativos, autônomos, porém cooperativos. Assim, é necessário atentar-se para a interação social dentro da sala de aula, envolvendo todos os seus componentes, promovendo as falas entre os alunos e entre o professor e os alunos, como também a escuta atenta das mesmas, sendo esta escuta a mais importante das posturas facilitadoras da aprendizagem. Num segundo momento, ficou, pois, claro que é necessário enfocar também o Laboratório do Cotidiano do professor, conceito cunhado nesta pesquisa, que é a própria sala de aula, nascendo da reflexão o planejamento dinâmico de aula, informado pela prática, continuamente modificado e dando origem a um planejamento anual, repensado e avaliado em um continuum, quanto aos objetivos a serem alcançados, quanto aos conteúdos conceituais e de postura. Por fim, também advoga-se a escuta atenta das instituições escolares, entre si e pelas estruturas hierarquicamente superiores, responsáveis pela Educação, em particular dentro do conjunto de Projetos CEFAM existentes, resgatando seu propósito inicial de formação rápida de docentes competentes para as primeiras séries do 1º Grau. / The present text refers to a action-research situation in Education. This research methodology is caracterized by a typical sequence of action-refletion-action, which involves and comprises the community being investigated. The object of analysis is the pedagogic intervention of the author within first grade physics classes of a Teacher Formation Project of intermediate level [Centro Específico de Formação e Aperfeiçoamento do Magistério (CEFAM)], in the district Butantã of the city of São Paulo, between 1991 and 1997. At a first moment, the action of de researcher-teacher, in the teaching-learning process, was centered on structuring the conceptual Physics content, within a scheme which the author started to call Everyday Laboratory. This Everyday Laboratory for the student is characterized by trying to promote student learning, taking as starting point situations which are familiar to them, and it is a contribution of the present study to Physics teaching at a intermediate level for future Elementary School Teachers. The results of reflecting continuously on the actions, generating new actions in a chain-like fashion, demonstrated, however, that it is impossible to attain a recipe for Physics teaching, probably at any schooling level, if the aim is for the students to create a different epistemological view of the Physics concepts, being then formed as critical, creative, autonomous, but cooperative subjects. Thus, it is necessary to pay attention to the social interaction within the class, involving all its components, promoting talks between students and between the teacher and the students, as well as an attentive hearing, of those, this being the most important facilitative attitude for learning. At a second moment, it became, therefore, clear that it is necessary to also focus on the Everyday Laboratory of the teacher, a concept born here, which is the proper class room, where a dynamic planning for classes emerges from reflection, informed by practice, it being continuously modified, giving origin to an annual planning, which also is continuously renewed and assessed, in view of the objectives to be attained, referring to conceptual and postural contents. Finally, an attentive hearing is also proposed for the schoolar institutions, among each other and by those which are hierarchically superior and responsible for Education, in particular within the set of existing CEFAM institutions, to rescue their primordial objective of rapid formation of competent teachers, for the very first grades of Elementary School.

Innovation in Arabic online newsrooms : a comparative study of the social shaping of multimedia adoption in Aljazeera Net, Almassae and Almasry Alyoum in the context of the Arab Spring

Abdel-Sattar, Nesrine M. A. K. January 2013 (has links)
This study focuses on the factors shaping innovation in online newsrooms in three nations of the Arab World, with particular interest in the adoption of multimedia news innovations. Applying theoretical perspectives from the social shaping of technology and the diffusion of innovation literature, this study sought to identify the key factors shaping the innovation process. Field studies were based in three Arabic newsrooms: Aljazeera Net in Qatar, Almasry Alyoum in Egypt, and Almassae in Morocco. The case studies are grounded in two weeks of participant-observation field research within each online newsroom, along with over 100 in-depth interviews with those involved in the production of online news, and online archival reviews of the three news portals since their inception. Field research began with participant observation at Aljazeera in 2010, prior to the uprisings of the Arab Spring, and continued through early 2013. The political context of each newsroom during the field research became a major aspect of the innovation process of each case study. The thesis reinforces a wide range of social, economic, and organizational factors in the adoption and adaptation of multimedia technologies in the newsrooms studied, supporting earlier research on newsroom innovation across other regions of the world. For example, conceptions about ‘ideal’ industry multimedia models for the modern newsroom were important in each case. However, in the political context of events related to the Arab Spring, the overriding importance of the larger political context emerged in each case. The significance of this observation suggests that research on news organizations cannot take the political context for granted and should more explicitly embed it in discussion of the social shaping of innovation, even under more stable and liberal political conditions. There is a relative lack of systematic empirical research on Arabic newsrooms among studies of news innovation. Looking at the political context of emergent or weak democracies and their influence on modern multimedia newsrooms especially during crisis events, therefore, can contribute to the development of theory and research in Western democracies; and reintroduce politics into theories of innovation within modern newsrooms. This study suggests that future scholarship brings politics into the study of the social shaping of newsroom innovation without losing the many significant advances of existing research in more liberal democratic Western contexts of the multimedia newsroom.

Lorsque les nouvelles populations rurales rencontrent les plus anciennes : l’expérience géographique au cœur de la nouvelle ruralité au Québec

Guimond, Laurie January 2012 (has links)
Mobilité, désir d’accéder à une meilleure qualité de vie, attraction de la campagne s’accélèrent depuis une trentaine d’années au Québec, comme ailleurs en occident. La campagne et les usages que l’on en fait se diversifient et se complexifient, à l’instar des populations qui l’habitent. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse se penche sur l’expérience géographique de la campagne, en tant qu’espace social. Elle met en lumière l’expérience géographique des ruraux, plus particulièrement les modalités de leur rencontre dans divers lieux qui marquent leur quotidien. Le matériel empirique de la thèse consiste surtout en des témoignages recueillis lors d’entrevues qualitatives menées auprès de nouveaux résidents et des ruraux de longue date dans deux municipalités régionales de comté (MRC) contrastées au Québec : Brome-Missisquoi et Arthabaska. La démarche privilégiée et les principales contributions qui en découlent se déclinent en trois temps. D’abord, une comparaison directe des deux populations rurales étudiées fait ressortir que leurs pratiques de mobilité et leurs sens des lieux se rejoignent dans une certaine mesure, mais affichent aussi des différences. Par exemple, elles partagent toutes deux un sentiment d’appartenance marqué à leur milieu de vie, mais pas nécessairement avec la même intensité et pour les mêmes raisons. En outre, leurs pratiques d’engagement local convergent, favorisées par un même désir de contribuer au bien-être de leur milieu. La thèse démontre aussi que certains lieux de sociabilité rapprochent ces deux groupes au quotidien, quoique subsistent des tensions notamment liées à leurs origines rurale ou urbaine, leur classe sociale, leurs expériences antérieures des lieux, la durée vécue dans leur milieu de vie, leur historique familial, leurs représentations et usages de la campagne... Se décèle aussi un effet de milieu entre les deux MRC à cet égard. Dans l’ensemble, leur rencontre s’avère timide et surtout réservée à l’espace public. Enfin, en se basant sur leurs représentations de l’avenir, la thèse illustre que l’espace de leur rencontre représente un espace d’opportunités pour le dialogue sur la campagne, bien que celui-ci ne se produise pas sans affrontements et heurts. Ainsi, au-delà du binarisme traditionnel et antagonique lié aux statuts de « nouveaux » et « anciens » ruraux, l’espace de rencontre, celui à l’intérieur duquel s’opèrent à la fois tensions, négociations, compromis et nouvelles alliances, participe à construire la nouvelle ruralité contemporaine.

Gastronomie jako součást životního stylu na stránkách českých celostátních tištěných médií v období první Československé republiky / Gastronomy as a part of life style in the Czech national print media in the period between the wars in Czechoslovak Republic

Zábrodská, Kristina January 2021 (has links)
The doctoral thesis Gastronomy as a part of life style in the Czech national print media in the period between the wars in Czechoslovak Republic presents the results of eight years long research of food journalism in the Czech press between 1918 and 1938. This period called First Republic is often seen, due the positive sentiment, as a modern, democratic and prosperous state. The reality is a different. This text presents just a little part of picture of life style during First Republic which is gastronomy. That mirrors the economic and social level of the society. This text reflects critically the historical facts. The assumption, that print media pay regularly attention to the gastronomy as an integral part of life is important idea of this research. The content analysis proofs, that food journalism had its own section in the analyzed daily print, although media didn't used this kind of terminology. Five national newspapers (Lidové noviny, Národní politika, České slovo, Právo lidu and Venkov) were issued in the period 1918-1938 and newspapers Rudé právo established 1920 are included in the analysis. The selection of these (media) reflects the whole social-political spectrum of the audience. It could be assumed, that the selected newspapers represent the whole plurality of opinions. The analysis...

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