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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le fondement du recours à la force à la lumière des conflits impliquant l'Irak en 1991 et 2003 : entre autorisation et légitime défense / The basis for the use of force in light for conflicts involving Iraq in 1991 and 2003 : between authorization and legitimate defense

Ketari, Leïla 28 September 2011 (has links)
Les conflits récents qui ont impliqué l’Irak en 1990 et2003 sont deux conflits menés essentiellement par les Etats-Unis contre l’Irak. Si le premier se fonde, en dépit du droit de légitime défense collective, sur une autorisation du Conseil de sécurité, conformément à une interprétation évolutive de la Charte, le second repose sur des interprétations extensives de la Charte : l’autorisation implicite et la légitime défensepréventive et anticipatoire destinées à éradiquer une menace. Cette recherche tente d’analyserles arguments invoqués en allant jusqu’au bout du raisonnement américain qui s’appuie sur lastratégie de sécurité nationale pour agir dans l’ordre international. Au-delà de la confrontationdu conflit de 2003 aux nouvelles théories tendant à élargir l’autorisation et la légitime défenseet à réhabiliter de vieux concepts de "guerre juste" ou d’"autoprotection" en vigueur auXIXème siècle, c’est leur impact sur le principe de l’interdiction du recours à la force qui aété analysé. Ces nouvelles théories ne sont ni acceptées de lege lata, ni acceptables de legeferanda. Le principe de l’interdiction du recours à la force n’a donc subi aucune brèche. Aulieu d’accepter ces théories, c’est à travers le renforcement de l’action de l’ONU (ses organespolitiques et judiciaires) qu’il faudrait rechercher un moyen d’agir en cas de menace. / The recent conflicts that involved Iraq in 1990 and 2003 are both conflicts fought primarily by the United States of America against Iraq. If the first is based, despite theright of collective self-defense, on an authorization of the Security Council, in accordancewith an evolutionary interpretation of the Charter, the second is based on a liberal interpretation of the Charter: the implied authorization and preventive and anticipatory self defense to eradicate a threat This research attempts to analyze the arguments put forward bythoroughly vetting the United States of America’s rationale based on its national securitystrategy to act in the international order. Beyond exploring the relationship of the 2003conflict to the new theories which attempt to extend the authorization and self-defense and therehabilitation of old concepts of "just war" or "auto-protection" in force in the NineteenthCentury, the impact of these new theories on the principle of the prohibition of the use offorce was also analyzed. These same theories are neither accepted as lege lata nor acceptableas lege ferenda. Accordingly, the principle of the prohibition of the use of force has in no waybeen breached. Instead of accepting these theories, a way to deal with threats should besought through the strengthening of the role of the UN (both its political and judiciaryorgans).

L'évaluation ex-post des opérations locales de maîtrise de la demande en énergie - Etat de l'art, méthodes bottom-up, exemples appliqués et approche du développement d'une culture pratique de l'évaluation

Broc, Jean-Sébastien 08 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
La Maîtrise de la Demande en Energie s'impose comme une priorité dans un contexte d'épuisement des ressources et de réduction des émissions polluantes.<br />En parallèle, les échelons locaux prennent une importance croissante dans la mise en oeuvre des activités de MDE, dont le cadre évolue (ouverture des marchés, nouveaux instruments d'intervention). Dans ce contexte, les besoins en évaluation ex-post augmentent, aussi bien pour des raisons réglementaires que pour aider à un nécessaire changement d'échelle. Notre thèse étudie la problématique originale de l'évaluation ex-post des opérations locales de MDE en France.<br />L'état de l'art, au travers de l'analyse des expériences américaines et européennes ainsi que des ouvrages de référence dans le domaine, fournit un matériau méthodologique conséquent et fait ressortir les questions clés liées à l'évaluation. En parallèle, les<br />opérations locales de MDE en France sont caractérisées par une analyse de leur contexte et un travail sur leurs critères de segmentation.<br />La combinaison de ces critères avec les questions clés de l'évaluation donne une grille d'analyse qui sert de base à la constitution de méthodes d'évaluation. L'étude des spécificités des opérations locales précise de plus les besoins associés en évaluation.<br />Une méthodologie est ensuite développée pour compléter et adapter les matériaux existants au cas des opérations locales afin de mettre au point des méthodes d'évaluation opérationnelles, facilement appropriables par les acteurs et permettant d'alimenter un processus de capitalisation d'expériences. Ces méthodes permettent de répondre aux deux objectifs principaux : quantifier les résultats obtenus, et détecter les facteurs de succès/échec. La méthodologie a été validée sur des cas concrets, pour lesquels ces objectifs ont été atteints.

Mecanismos de Supervisión, Seguimiento y Evaluación a Proyectos Beneficiados Mediante Concurso Público. El Caso del Fondo Nacional de Fomento del Libro y la Lectura

Peralta Cabello, Paulina Andrea January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Tying the Ends and Beginnings of the EU Policy Cycle : A Comparative Case Study on Compliance with Better Regulation Before and During Covid-19 to Close the Gap in the Policy Cycle

Nordström, Nicole January 2022 (has links)
Since its implementation in 2002, the Better Regulation agenda for improved policy-making aimed at closing the gap in the policy cycle in the European Union. The gap in the policy cycle is said to be due to a lack of compliance with evaluations of existing regulations through ex-post evaluations before starting new policy processes with impact assessments. With a point of departure in the effect of the external shock from Covid-19 on the EU policy process, the thesis analyzes if and how the usage of ex-post evaluation in impact assessments has differed before and during Covid-19. This comparative case study focuses on the qualitative use of ex-post evaluations in impact assessments during crises, the study contributes with a new crisis-oriented focus on the research on Better Regulation as well as new data on the cyclical policy process in the EU. The analysis tests two explanatory theories for non-compliance by linking ex-post evaluations with impact assessments under Better Regulation. The theory of regulatory reactivity can explain non-compliance tied to the external shock of Covid-19 and the inherent variation in DG capacity to produce cyclical and evidence-based impact assessments in line with the Better Regulation guidelines can explain if the non-compliance is systematic. The results contradict the somewhat pessimistic picture from previous research and the theoretical expectations of compliance with Better Regulation. A stronger compliance over time with Better Regulation was found which was not visibly impacted by the external shock from Covid-19 nor connected to the variation in DG capacity.

Lärande utvärdering i stadsplanering : Utvärdering av stadsbyggnadsprojekt som verktyg för att följa upp social hållbarhet / Learning evaluation in urban planning : Evaluation of urban development projects, as a tool to examine social sustainability

Gustavsson Perona, Isabel January 2023 (has links)
I dagens stadsplanerings saknas det allmänt erkännande metoder för hur utvärdering av social hållbarhet i planering ska gå till. Forskning inom planering belyser att det även finns en brist på utvärdering efter genomförandeskedet i stadsplaneringen. Det finns även en insikt inom forskningen att resultat av planer kan få oväntade effekter, denna insikt har ökat efter att de sociala aspekterna integrerats mer i planeringen. En positiv aspekt av utvärdering i efterhand är att den ger nytta i form av ett lärande, planeringsteorin har visat ett behov av effektanalys för att förklara resultat. Vidare lever vi i en komplex föränderlig värld som således påverkar stadbyggnadsprocessen, det finns en komplexitet som kommer av projektets omfattning över tid.  Dessa problemformuleringar ligger till grund för denna studie. Syftet är således att skapa ökad förståelse för hur svenska kommuner arbetar med utvärdering av stadsbyggnadsprojekt i relation till mål kring social hållbarhet. Vidare undersöks även vad som sker efter att en utvärdering ägt rum - det vill säga om det finns ett lärande i samband med utvärdering. Studien åskådliggör hur utvärderingar genomförs genom att exemplifiera fyra kommuner som arbetar med utvärdering i olika omfattning. Kommunernas metoder för att utvärdera framhävas samt deras sätt att arbeta med lärande i organisationen. Studien belyser även sambandet mellan sociala projektspecifika mål i relation till utvärdering. Vidare berörs temat om utmaningar med utvärdering, detta framgår både från kommuner som intervjuats samt via enkät. De vanligaste utmaningarna är främst: vem som bär ansvaret för en utvärdering, att det är svårt att mäta, att kommuner har hög arbetsbelastning, ekonomiska hinder, att politiken ej lagt resurser eller inte visar intresse samt utmaningar med lärandet efter en utvärdering.  Studiens empiriska material grundar sig i en kvalitativ ansats bestående av åtta intervjuer och tolv enkätsvar från svenska kommuner. Samt en intervju med tjänsteperson från Boverket, intervjun med Boverket berör frågor inom samma tema som kommunerna besvarar. Det empiriska materialet kompletterats med relevanta dokument från kommunerna och Boverket vid behov.  I denna studie framgår även förbättringspotential för framtida arbete med utvärdering av social hållbarhet i stadsbyggnadsprojekt. Det första förslaget handlar om att kommuner bör arbeta med tydliga konkreta sociala hållbarhetsmål för att veta vad de ska utvärdera. Det andra förslaget berör en gemensam syn på utvärdering, att den följaktligen inte bör uppfattas som bestraffning. Det tredje temat nämner indikatorer, dessa bör fokusera på den lokala kontexten samt finnas med avsikt att leda till reflektion och förbättring. Den fjärde åtgärden belyser att goda exempel i stadsplaneringen bör framhävas samt att ett strategiskt urval av projekt bör väljas ut vid utvärdering. Slutligen beskrivs lärandet som en gemensam process som bör ske kollektivt istället för endast individuellt. Avslutningsvis redogörs värdet av lärande utvärdering inom projekt samt i relation till framtida projekt. / Modern urban planning lacks generally recognized methods for evaluating the social sustainability of urban development projects. Research has also shown there is also a lack of evaluation after the implementation stage in urban planning. There is an insight within research that the results of plans can have unexpected effects. This insight has increased after the social aspects were integrated more into the planning. Evaluation can be valuable to planners by providing benefits in forms of shared experiences and learning. Planning theory has shown a need for impact analysis to explain unexpected results in planning projects. Furthermore, we live in a complex changing world which thus affects the urban planning process. These processes are usually very long and can affect projects in various unexpected ways. These problems form the basis of this study. The aim of the study is to create an increased understanding of how Swedish municipalities work with evaluation of social sustainability in urban development projects, furthermore, what happens after an evaluation is also examined - that is, whether there are any learning elements in relation to evaluation in practice. The study illustrates how evaluations are carried out with four examples of municipalities that work with evaluation to different extents, the study highlights the municipalities’ evaluation methods, as well as the municipalities’ ways of working with learning in the organization. The study also highlights the connection between evaluation and social project-specific goals. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the challenges municipalities often face with evaluation through a qualitative approach combining interviews and surveys. The most common challenges the study found were: difficulty determining who is responsible for an evaluation, difficulty determining evaluation criteria, high municipal workload, financial cost, lack of resource allocation or political interest, and difficulty communicating knowledge received after an evaluation. The study is based on eight interviews and twelve survey responses from Swedish municipalities, as well as an interview with an person from the Housing Agency Boverket. The interview with Boverket contains the similar questions as those asked to the municipalities. The material has been supplemented with relevant documents from the municipalities and the Swedish Housing Agency where necessary. The study shows potential for improvement in evaluation of social sustainability in urban development projects and provides six proposals for steps municipalities can take to accomplish this. The proposals are: that municipalities should work with clear and concrete social sustainability goals in order to know what to evaluate; that municipalities should create a shift in the mentality towards evaluation away from the common perception of evaluation as a form of punishment; that chosen indicators in a project should focus on the local context and exist with the intention of leading to reflection and improvement; that good examples in urban planning should be highlighted and that a strategic selection of projects should be selected during evaluation; that learning should be emphasized as a joint process which must take place collectively rather than just individually; and that the municipality should emphasize value of learning evaluation within projects and in relation to future projects.

Mecanismos de solución del bloqueo societario

García-Cremades Mira, Alejandro 14 July 2021 (has links)
El trabajo se divide en cuatro capítulos. En el primero de ellos, se aborda en que consiste el problema del bloqueo societario, como surge y la solución que el ordenamiento jurídico prevé para solucionarla. En concreto también se analiza la disolución de la sociedad como único instrumento para solucionarlo de acuerdo con la Ley de Sociedades de Capital, así como los distintos problemas inherentes a su utilización en estas situaciones. En el segundo capítulo se analizan distintas alternativas que se prevén en otros ordenamientos jurídicos que solucionarían el conflicto, evadiendo la disolución y permitiendo la continuidad de la sociedad. En el tercero, se ha pretendido analizar la compatibilidad de las cláusulas estudiadas con la normativa societaria, con el fin de comprobar si es posible su utilización a pesar de que, en la mayoría de los casos, no existe previsión específica o análoga para su uso. El cuarto y último capítulo se han analizado otras posibles soluciones al problema, las cuales, a pesar de existir menos dudas en cuanto a su compatibilidad con nuestras leyes, no ofrecen una solución completa y satisfactoria frente al problema del bloqueo societario. El trabajo concluye además con las ventajas que ofrecen las cláusulas estudiadas frente a los problemas inherentes a la institución de la disolución, la cual, debido a la propia naturaleza del conflicto, suele agravarlo, más que solucionarlo.

Desenvolvimento sustentável no município de Nova Jaguaribara: uma proposta de avaliação ex-post segundo os efeitos da construção do Complexo Padre Cícero-Castanhão

Salinas, Carlos Enrique Tupiño January 2014 (has links)
SALINAS, Carlos Enrique Tupiño. Desenvolvimento sustentável no município de Nova Jaguaribara: uma proposta de avaliação ex-post segundo os efeitos da construção do Complexo Padre Cícero-Castanhão. 2014. 165 f. : Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Doutorado em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente - PRODEMA, Fortaleza-CE, 2014 / Submitted by Nádja Goes (nmoraissoares@gmail.com) on 2016-05-13T13:04:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_tese_cetsalinas.pdf: 3629396 bytes, checksum: 04ecbd0ecba204c2e75d3faeb31bf2bb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Nádja Goes (nmoraissoares@gmail.com) on 2016-05-13T13:04:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_tese_cetsalinas.pdf: 3629396 bytes, checksum: 04ecbd0ecba204c2e75d3faeb31bf2bb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-13T13:04:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_tese_cetsalinas.pdf: 3629396 bytes, checksum: 04ecbd0ecba204c2e75d3faeb31bf2bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Entre a proposta de Gotemburgo e os Acordos de Rio+20, o desenvolvimento sustentável euro-comunitário, não obstante, converter-se em um fato político inevitável, transita por muitos campos de batalha. Rejeitada, aceita e/ou criticado, os municípios europeus, chineses, africanos, latinoamericanos e particularmente, os do semárdio do nordeste cearense brasileiro se modelaram nesse instrumento estratégico. Assim foi que no município de Jaguaribara se construiu o Açude Castanhão (6,7 bilhões de m³), o maior reservatório do Estado do Ceará. Então, depois de terminada a construção do açude, o Castanhão impulsionou desenvolvimento sustentável no município de Nova Jaguaribara? Para responder a tal questionamento, se propus uma avaliação ex-post baseada em uma análise estatístico de fatores múltiplos. Os resultados avaliaram: a) O Açude Castanhão, o principal Fator de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (FDS); b) a principal Unidade de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (UDS), a Sede Planejada, de precária; c) As outras MDS de paupérrimas. A pesquisa concluiu que o Açude Castanhão impulsionou no Município de Nova Jaguaribara um desenvolvimento sustentável precário, e que essa qualificação está mais associada com a adaptação de medidas euro-comunitárias do que a um modelo estratégico próprio sertanejo de desenvolvimento sustentável. / Entre la propuesta de Gotemburgo y los Acuerdos de Rio+20, el desarrollo sostenible euro-comunitario, no obstante, convertirse en un hecho político inevitable, transita por muchos campos de batalla. Rechazado, aceptado y/o criticado, los municipios europeos, chinos, africanos, latinoamericanos y particularmente, los del semárdio do nordeste cearense brasileño se modelaron a ese instrumento estratégico. Así fue que en el Municipio de Nova Jaguaribara se construyó la Represa Castanhão (6,7 billones de m³), el mayor reservatorio del estado del Ceará. Pero entonces, ¿Después de terminada la construcción de la represa, el Castanhão impulsó desarrollo sostenible en el Municipio de Nova Jaguaribara? Para responder a tal cuestionamiento, se propuso una evaluación ex-post basada en un análisis estadístico de factores múltiplos. Los resultados evaluaron: a) La Represa Castanhão, como el principal Factor de Desarrollo Sostenible (FDS); b) las principal Unidad de Desarrollo Sostenible (UDS), la Sede Planificada, de precaria; c) las otras UDS de paupérrimas. La investigación concluyo que la Represa Castanhão impulsó en el Municipio de Nova Jaguaribara un desarrollo sostenible precario. Y que esa calificación está más asociada con la adaptación de medidas euro-comunitarias de que a un modelo estratégico propio sertanejo de desarrollo sostenible.

Three essays in matching mechanism design

Nesterov, Alexander 26 September 2016 (has links)
In diese Dissertation, betrachte ich das Problem der Aufteilung der unteilbaren Objekte unter Agenten, ihren Vorlieben entsprechend, und die Transfers fehlen. In Kapitel 1 studiere ich den Kompromiss zwischen Fairness und Effizienz in der Klasse der strategy-proof Aufteilungsmechanismen. Das wichtigste Ergebnis ist, dass für die strategy-proof Mechanismen folgende Effizienz- und Fairness-Kriterien nicht miteinander vereinbar sind: (1) Ex-post-Effizienz und Neidfreiheit, (2) Ordnung-Effizienz und schwache Neidfreiheit und (3) Ordnung-Effizienz und gleiche-Teilung-untere-Grenze. In Kapitel 2 ist der Fokus auf zwei Darstellungen einer Zuteilung: als probabilistische Zuordnung und als Lotterie über deterministische Zuordnungen. Um die Gestaltung der praktischen Lotterie-Mechanismen zu erleichtern schlagen wir neue Werkzeuge für den Erhalt der stochastischen Verbesserungen bei Lotterien vor. Als Anwendungen schlagen wir Lotterie Mechanismen, die die weit verbreiteten Random serial dictatorship Mechanismus verbessern, und eine Lotterie-Darstellung seiner Konkurrent, die Probabilistic serial Mechanismus, vor. In Kapitel 3 schlage ich einen neuen Mechanismus vor, der Schüler an Grundschulen zuweist: Adaptive Acceptance (AA). AA sammelt von Neumann-Morgenstern Präferenzen von Studenten über Schulen und implementiert die Zuordnung unter Verwendung eines iterativen Verfahrens, das ähnlich der vorherrschenden Immediate Acceptance (IA) ist. AA verfügt über eine starke Kombination von Anreize und Effizienzeigenschaften im Vergleich zu IA und sein Rivale, Deferred Acceptance (DA). / I consider the problem of allocating indivisible objects among agents according to their preferences when transfers are absent. In Chapter 1, I study the tradeoff between fairness and efficiency in the class of strategy-proof allocation mechanisms. The main finding is that for strategy-proof mechanisms the following efficiency and fairness criteria are mutually incompatible: (1) Ex-post efficiency and envy-freeness, (2) ordinal efficiency and weak envy-freeness and (3) ordinal efficiency and equal division lower bound. In Chapter 2, the focus is on two representations of an allocation when randomization is used: as a probabilistic assignment and as a lottery over deterministic assignments. To help facilitate the design of practical lottery mechanisms, we provide new tools for obtaining stochastic improvements in lotteries. As applications, we propose lottery mechanisms that improve upon the widely-used random serial dictatorship mechanism, and a lottery representation of its competitor, the probabilistic serial mechanism. In Chapter 3, I propose a new mechanism to assign students to primary schools: the Adaptive Acceptance rule (AA). AA collects von Neumann-Morgenstern utilities of students over schools and implements the assignment using an iterative procedure similar to the prevalent Immediate Acceptance rule (IA). AA enjoys a strong combination of incentive and efficiency properties compared to IA and its rival, the Deferred Acceptance rule (DA). In case of strict priorities, AA implements the student-optimal stable matching in dominant strategies, which dominates each equilibrium outcome of IA. In case of no priorities, AA is ex-post efficient while some equilibrium outcomes of IA are not; also, AA causes loss of ex-ante efficiency less often than DA. If, in addition, students have common ordinal preferences, AA is approximately strategy-proof and ex-ante dominates DA.

The difference between psychology and engineering students on emotional intelligence : a study into the construct validity of emotional intelligence

Van Staden, Jakobus 11 1900 (has links)
The criterion groups validity of emotional intelligence according to Mayer & Salovey (1997), ability model of emotional intelligence was investigated. Specifically, psychology (n+207) and engineering (n=195) students were compared on the Mayer, Salovey and Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test version 2 (MSCEIT). The primary factor structure of the MSCEIT was found to be valid with some revisions needed in terms of the reliability and content of the MSCEIT. The second-order factor structure of the MSCEIT was partially confirmed. In terms of the criterion groups validity of emotional intelligence, psychology students were found to exhibit higher levels of the ability to manage emotions in relationships, the ability to understand emotion as well as the ability to facilitate emotions. Engineering and Psychology students exhibited the same level of general emotional management and the ability to accurately identify emotion. Therefore the construct validity of emotional intelligence was partially confirmed. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Intrastat a následná kontrola vykazování údajů / Intrastat and Ex Post Control of Presenting Data

Moudrý, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to familiarize readers with the terms and conditions relating to Intrastat and Ex Post Control of Data. The first part deals with obligations under the data collection. There are defined terms such as Intrastat, information provider, reference period, obligation to information provider and competence of government.The text is supplemented by examples that help better understand the topic. This section ends with an example that shows the overall procedure for reporting and transmission of data Intrastat. In the second part of the thesis I deal with Ex Post Control of Data which are carried out by the Customs Administration of the Czech republic. Both parts are supplemented by a number of interesting facts as information provider, number of reported data or inspections. In conclusion I am trying to identify errors and deficiencies in data collection and Ex Post Control of Data and to propose some measures that will lead to improvements in processes relating to Intrastat.

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