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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O ensino da avaliação clínica da oxigenação e circulação do bebê pré-termo: integração simulação virtual e simulação robótica / Teaching of clinical evaluation of oxygenation and circulation in preterm infants: integration between virtual and robotic simulation

Dias, Danielle Monteiro Vilela 29 June 2015 (has links)
Na era digital, o processo ensino-aprendizagem em saúde e enfermagem tem se beneficiado da tecnologia da informação e da técnica da simulação realística e inovadora. Sendo assim, o desenvolvimento e uso de tecnologias educacionais pode contribuir com um ensino mais participativo, disponibilizando para os alunos conteúdos e simulações que poderão ser utilizados de acordo com a necessidade e ritmo de aprendizagem. Este estudo tem por objetivos construir e avaliar o cenário de simulação robótica junto a especialistas; descrever o processo de desenvolvimento do Curso de Difusão semipresencial Avaliação clínica da oxigenação e circulação do bebê pré-termo e avaliar o desempenho de aprendizagem cognitiva dos estudantes no curso semipresencial sobre a avaliação clínica da oxigenação e circulação do bebê pré-termo. Estudo de intervenção, quase experimental, com pré e pós-teste, sendo o grupo controle dele mesmo. Utilizamos como referencial teórico a aprendizagem significativa, para o desenvolvimento do cenário optamos pelo método proposto por Jeffries (2007), e para o planejamento e desenvolvimento do Curso de Difusão no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA) utilizamos o modelo de Seixas (2012). Foram convidados a participar da intervenção educacional, o Curso de Difusão, alunos de graduação da EERP-USP excetuando- se os de primeiro ano e os ultimoanistas. A avaliação do cenário construído para a simulação robótica foi feita por sete especialistas que assistiram a simulação e realizaram as anotações pertinentes ao cenário e responderam se os objetivos foram alcançados pelos alunos, através de um checklist que foi construído em consonância com manuais do Ministério da Saúde (2013) e a American Heart Society (2012), e todas as sugestões tais como, colocação de um relógio de parede em local visível; disponibilização do prontuário completo do bebê; identificação do bebê na incubadora e solicitação para que o estudante narrasse verbalmente todas as suas ações na cena, foram acatadas. A descrição dos dados relativos à caracterização dos sujeitos se apresenta mediante uso de estatística descritiva. Para a avaliação do desempenho de aprendizagem dos estudantes foi realizado um pré-teste on-line, no qual responderam oito questões sobre a temática, e ao final da intervenção educacional, preencheram o pós-teste. As comparações intra-grupos foram realizadas segundo teste não-paramétrico Wilcoxon e a avaliação do conhecimento foi realizada a partir da diferença entre a pontuação obtida pelo estudante no pós- teste em relação à pontuação do pré-teste. Participaram do estudo 44 alunos dos cursos de Bacharelado em Enfermagem e Bacharelado e Licenciatura em Enfermagem que após preencherem o TCLE on-line e o pré-teste presencialmente navegaram a distância no curso de difusão semipresencial oferecido e utilizaram a tecnologia da simulação virtual, o serious game e-Baby sobre a avaliação e oxigenação e circulação do bebê pré-termo. Durante o curso participaram de um encontro presencial para simulação robótica com cenário de apneia do bebê pré- termo. Ao final do curso, tiveram mais um encontro presencial para o pós-teste. Comparando-se os resultados obtidos no pré e pós-teste com o Curso de Difusão com associação das tecnologias, a aplicação do teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon para amostras pareadas revelou que houve diferença significante (p< 0,001) no aprendizado cognitivo entre os dois momentos avaliados, adotando-se o nível de significância de 5%. Assim, o presente estudo demonstrou a viabilidade da construção, desenvolvimento e aplicação de um Curso de Difusão semipresencial com a utilização de simulação virtual e robótica voltada para o ensino de graduação em enfermagem. Esperamos que este trabalho possa contribuir com a inovação e melhoria do ensino de enfermagem, utilizando a simulação no processo ensino- aprendizado dos alunos de graduação, sobre um assunto de extrema relevância para a saúde pública no Brasil, o cuidado dos bebês prematuros, dado que a prematuridade é a primeira causa de morte entre os menores de cinco anos no Brasil e no mundo / In the digital age, the teaching-learning process in health and nursing has benefited from information technology and from the realistic and innovative simulation technique. Hence, the development and use of educational technologies can contribute to more participatory teaching, offering contents and simulations to the students that can be used according to the learning needs and rhythm. This study aims to construct and assess the robotic simulation scenario together with experts; describe the development process of the semi-distance course Clinical assessment of oxygenation and circulation in preterm infants and assess the students\' cognitive learning performance in the semi-distance course on the clinical assessment of oxygenation and circulation in preterm infants. Quasi-experimental, pre and post-test intervention study in which the group served as its own control. Significant learning was used as the theoretical framework. To develop the scenario, the method proposed by Jeffries (2007) was chosen and, to plan and develop the Diffusion Course the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), the model by Seixas (2012) was used. Undergraduate students from EERP-USP were invited to participate in the educational intervention, the semi-distance course, except for first and last-year students. Seven experts assessed the scenario constructed for the robotic simulation, who attended the simulation, made notes on the scenario and answered whether the students had reached the objectives, using a checklist elaborated in line with manuals by the Brazilian Ministry of Health (2013) and the American Heart Society (2012). All suggestions were accepted, including the placement of a wall clock on a visible place; availability of the infant\'s complete history; identification of the infant in the incubator and request for the students to verbally describe all of their actions in the scene. Data on the subjects\' characteristics are presented using descriptive statistics. To assess the students\' learning performance, an on-line pre- test was used, in which they answered eight questions on the theme. At the end of the educational intervention, the students answered the post-test. The intragroup comparisons were developed using Wilcoxon\'s non-parametric test and the knowledge was assessed based on the difference between the student\'s pre and post-test scores. Seven experts assessed the constructed scenario for the robotic simulation and all suggestions were accepted. Forty-four students from the Bachelor and the Bachelor with Teaching Diploma programs in Nursing participated in the study. After completing the informed consent form on-line and the pre-test in the classroom, they explored the semi-distance course at a distance and used the virtual simulation technology, the serious game e-Baby about the assessment, oxygenation and circulation of preterm infants. During the course, they students participated in a meeting in class for the purpose of robotic simulation using the apnea scenario of the preterm infant. At the end of the course, another meeting in class was held for the post-test. When comparing the results obtained on the pre and post-test after the semi-distance course associated with technologies, the application of Wilcoxon\'s non-parametric test for paired samples revealed a significant difference (p< 0.001) in cognitive learning between the two-moments assessed, adopting a 5% significance level. Thus, this study demonstrated the feasibility of the construction, development and application of a semi-distance course using virtual and robotic simulation in undergraduate nursing education. This study can contribute to the innovation and improvement of nursing teaching, using simulation in undergraduate teaching- learning about an extremely relevant theme for public health in Brazil, which is care for premature infants, given that premature birth is the first cause of death among children under five in Brazil and around the world

Utilização do método de concentração em formol-acetato de etila na quantificação de ovos de helmintos e avaliação de sua aplicabilidade em inquéritos epidemiológicos. / Using the method of concentration in formalin-ethyl acetate in the quantification of helminth eggs and assessment of their applicability in epidemiological surveys

Araujo, Ana Julia Urias dos Santos 14 December 2000 (has links)
O método de diagnóstico coproparasitológico de concentração em formolacetato de etila foi empregado para a quantificação de ovos de helmintos. O método quantitativo proposto foi padronizado utilizando-se o Sistema Comercial Coprotest&#174; e amostras fecais contendo diferentes cargas de ovos de Ascaris lumbricoides. O \"Coprotest quantitativo\" foi aplicado em estudo populacional numa área de baixa endemicidade para parasitas diagnosticáveis através das fezes, e os resultados analisados comparativamente ao método de Kato-Katz. A metodologia proposta foi ainda comparada a outros métodos quantitativos, utilizando-se amostras fecais, preparadas em laboratório, com cargas decrescentes de ovos de A. lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura e Schistosoma mansoni. Discutem-se as vantagens de se empregar um método capaz de detectar o maior número de espécies, tanto de helmintos quanto de protozoários, . e que permita, concomitantemente, estimar a intensidade das infecções por geohelmintos e S. mansoni nas populações. O \"Coprotest quantitativo\" mostrou ser de aplicação viável em trabalhos de campo, fornecendo resultados comparáveis aos outros métodos quantitativos já descritos na literatura. / Abstracts not available

Estudo retrospectivo da casuística em gatos domésticos (Felis catus, Lineu, 1758) do Serviço de Patologia Animal do Departamento de Patologia da FMVZ/USP entre 1998-2008 / Retrospective study of the casuistry of domestic cats (Felis catus, Lineu, 1758) of the Pathology Service - FMVZ/USP between 1998 and 2008

Siqueira, Adriana de 12 July 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar as doenças dos gatos domésticos pertencentes à casuística do Serviço de Patologia Animal do Departamento de Patologia da FMVZ/USP entre janeiro de 1998 e dezembro de 2008. Foram identificados e analisados os dados de 634 exames necroscópicos e 585 exames histopatológicos. Os dados escolhidos para o presente estudo foram: número de registro (exame histopatológico/exame necroscópico), data de entrada, idade, sexo, raça, coloração da pelagem, local da lesão, diagnóstico e no caso do exame necroscópico, causa mortis e moléstia principal. Foram elaborados dois bancos de dados, sendo um para exame histopatológico e outro para exame necroscópico, utilizando-se o programa Excel®. Salienta-se que não foi realizada a revisão de lâminas. As doenças foram classificadas em infecciosas, inflamatórias, neoplásicas e outros processos (hipertrofias, hiperplasias, displasias). Além disso, as doenças foram relacionadas a faixa etária, sexo, raça e coloração de pelagem, nos casos em que havia dados suficientes, foi abordada a relação entre causa mortis e moléstia principal. O presente estudo revelou que a maior causa de mortalidade em gatos domésticos são as complicações cardio-respiratórias, provenientes principalmente de intoxicações exógenas por carbamatos e por peritonite infecciosa felina, afetando principalmente animais até 24 meses em ambos os casos. Os processos inflamatórios no presente estudo apresentam mais características de caráter crônico. A análise das neoplasias revelou que os gatos tendem a apresentar neoplasias de comportamento maligno e de origem epitelial. Além disso, verificou-se que as fêmeas são as mais acometidas por neoplasias, com exceção do linfoma e do fibrossarcoma. A análise das faixas etárias mostrou que estes animais são mais velhos, embora haja animais jovens apresentando processos neoplásicos, o que também ocorreu na análise de dados nos quais havia mais de um tecido do mesmo animal para avaliação histopatológica. Tanto nas neoplasias, nos processos inflamatórios e outros processos houve maior frequência de afecções cutâneas, explicado sobretudo pela facilidade de acesso e de visualização. / The aim of this study was to characterize the diseases of domestic cats of the casuistry of the Veterinary Pathology Service from the Department of Pathology - FMVZ/USP between January of 1998 and December of 2008. It was analyzed data from 634 necroscopic examinations and 585 histopathological submissions. The analysis of the following data was performed: register number (histopathological submissions/necroscopic examination), date of entry, age, gender, breed, color of hair, localization of lesion, diagnosis, and for necropsies, data about causa mortis and necropsy findings. Two databases were organized by utilizing the software Excel®. The glass slides were not reviewed. The diseases were classified as infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic and other diagnosis (hypertrophy, hyperplasia, dysplasia). Moreover, diseases were related to age group, gender, breed, color of hair, and it was established the relationship between causa mortis and necropsy findings. The major cause of death of domestic cats was cardiorrespiratory arrest due to poisoning by carbamate and feline infectious peritonitis, both affecting animals until 24 months in both cases. The most frequent inflammatory processes in this study presented chronic features. The analysis of neoplastic diseases revealed that cats are prone to present neoplasms with epithelial origin and malign features, affecting mainly females, by the exception of lymphoma and fibrosarcoma. The analysis of age group has shown that those animals were older, although there was a low frequency of younger animals presenting neoplastic diseases. Both in inflammatory and neoplastic diseases, lesions in the skin were more frequent, which was explained by the easier visualization and access of this organ.

Proficiência em língua brasileira de sinais - PROLIBRAS : representações sobre o uso e ensino da libras

Claudio, Janaína Pereira January 2010 (has links)
O tema desta dissertação de mestrado está focado nas questões propostas nos exames de Proficiência em Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Prolibras) realizados em nível nacional, elaborados e executados pela Comissão Permanente de Vestibular da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (COPERVE/ UFSC), através de uma equipe de professores surdos e intérpretes que se dedicam à elaboração e avaliação das provas. O objetivo principal é analisar as provas realizadas nas quatro edições (2006, 2007, 2008 e 2009) e discutir os conhecimentos específicos da Língua de Sinais que são avaliados na prova, através de entrevistas com candidatos que realizaram o Exame, da análise do Edital e das questões propostas nas provas. As reflexões decorrentes das análises trazem concepções, tendências e olhares de um novo lugar para a realização do Exame Prolibras: a evidência de aspectos relacionados a língua de sinais, cultura surda e identidade surda. / The subject of this dissertation of master's degree is focused on the objective questions of the examinations of Proficiency in Brazilian Sign Language (Prolibras) carried out in national level, prepared and executed by the Constant Commission of entrance exam of the Federal University of Saint Catarina (COPERVE / UFSC), through a team of deaf teachers and interpreters who devote themselves the preparation and evaluation of the proofs. The principal objective is to analyse the proofs carried out in three publications (2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009) and to look for the specific knowledges of the Sign Language that are valued at the proof. The reflections resulting from the analyses bring conceptions, tendencies and glances of a new place for the realization of the Examination Prolibras: the evidence of aspects that are related to language of signs, deaf culture and deaf identity.

Estudo retrospectivo da casuística em gatos domésticos (Felis catus, Lineu, 1758) do Serviço de Patologia Animal do Departamento de Patologia da FMVZ/USP entre 1998-2008 / Retrospective study of the casuistry of domestic cats (Felis catus, Lineu, 1758) of the Pathology Service - FMVZ/USP between 1998 and 2008

Adriana de Siqueira 12 July 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar as doenças dos gatos domésticos pertencentes à casuística do Serviço de Patologia Animal do Departamento de Patologia da FMVZ/USP entre janeiro de 1998 e dezembro de 2008. Foram identificados e analisados os dados de 634 exames necroscópicos e 585 exames histopatológicos. Os dados escolhidos para o presente estudo foram: número de registro (exame histopatológico/exame necroscópico), data de entrada, idade, sexo, raça, coloração da pelagem, local da lesão, diagnóstico e no caso do exame necroscópico, causa mortis e moléstia principal. Foram elaborados dois bancos de dados, sendo um para exame histopatológico e outro para exame necroscópico, utilizando-se o programa Excel®. Salienta-se que não foi realizada a revisão de lâminas. As doenças foram classificadas em infecciosas, inflamatórias, neoplásicas e outros processos (hipertrofias, hiperplasias, displasias). Além disso, as doenças foram relacionadas a faixa etária, sexo, raça e coloração de pelagem, nos casos em que havia dados suficientes, foi abordada a relação entre causa mortis e moléstia principal. O presente estudo revelou que a maior causa de mortalidade em gatos domésticos são as complicações cardio-respiratórias, provenientes principalmente de intoxicações exógenas por carbamatos e por peritonite infecciosa felina, afetando principalmente animais até 24 meses em ambos os casos. Os processos inflamatórios no presente estudo apresentam mais características de caráter crônico. A análise das neoplasias revelou que os gatos tendem a apresentar neoplasias de comportamento maligno e de origem epitelial. Além disso, verificou-se que as fêmeas são as mais acometidas por neoplasias, com exceção do linfoma e do fibrossarcoma. A análise das faixas etárias mostrou que estes animais são mais velhos, embora haja animais jovens apresentando processos neoplásicos, o que também ocorreu na análise de dados nos quais havia mais de um tecido do mesmo animal para avaliação histopatológica. Tanto nas neoplasias, nos processos inflamatórios e outros processos houve maior frequência de afecções cutâneas, explicado sobretudo pela facilidade de acesso e de visualização. / The aim of this study was to characterize the diseases of domestic cats of the casuistry of the Veterinary Pathology Service from the Department of Pathology - FMVZ/USP between January of 1998 and December of 2008. It was analyzed data from 634 necroscopic examinations and 585 histopathological submissions. The analysis of the following data was performed: register number (histopathological submissions/necroscopic examination), date of entry, age, gender, breed, color of hair, localization of lesion, diagnosis, and for necropsies, data about causa mortis and necropsy findings. Two databases were organized by utilizing the software Excel®. The glass slides were not reviewed. The diseases were classified as infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic and other diagnosis (hypertrophy, hyperplasia, dysplasia). Moreover, diseases were related to age group, gender, breed, color of hair, and it was established the relationship between causa mortis and necropsy findings. The major cause of death of domestic cats was cardiorrespiratory arrest due to poisoning by carbamate and feline infectious peritonitis, both affecting animals until 24 months in both cases. The most frequent inflammatory processes in this study presented chronic features. The analysis of neoplastic diseases revealed that cats are prone to present neoplasms with epithelial origin and malign features, affecting mainly females, by the exception of lymphoma and fibrosarcoma. The analysis of age group has shown that those animals were older, although there was a low frequency of younger animals presenting neoplastic diseases. Both in inflammatory and neoplastic diseases, lesions in the skin were more frequent, which was explained by the easier visualization and access of this organ.

Transmissores apreendidos em estações de radiodifusão clandestinas (Rádios Piratas) - aspectos periciais e forenses. / Equipments seized in illegally broadcasting stations (Pirate Radios) - forensic examinations aspects.

Marcos Eduardo de Ávila 25 September 2012 (has links)
Diariamente uma batalha de grandes dimensões é travada em cidades espalhadas por todo o Brasil envolvendo, de um lado, milhares de estações de radiodifusão que operam clandestinamente (Rádios Piratas) e, de outro, órgãos responsáveis pela fiscalização e repressão da atividade ilegal. Os equipamentos irregularmente instalados, apreendidos nessas estações, são enviados aos laboratórios da criminalística para que sejam efetuados exames periciais, cumprindo o rito legal. Neste trabalho são abordados os aspectos forenses e periciais relativos ao tema realizando-se ainda uma análise técnica dos transmissores apreendidos pela Polícia Federal na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo quanto às suas características construtivas, potência e frequência permitindo uma avaliação quanto à potencialidade lesiva destes equipamentos, tomando como base informações extraídas de seiscentos e sessenta exames periciais do Departamento de Polícia Federal realizados pelo autor e por outros peritos criminais federais entre os anos de 2008 e 2011. / Daily, a battle of great proportions is engaged in cities throughout the country involving, on one hand, thousands of broadcasting stations illegally installed (Pirate Radios), and on the other, public entities in charge of monitoring and of the prosecution of such illegal activities. Improperly installed equipment are seized in these stations and sent to Criminalistics Laboratories of the Forensic Institutes for examination, thus fulfilling the legal requirements. The present dissertation deals with the forensic examination aspects of such seizures. The technical aspects of the transmission equipment arrested by the Brazilian Federal Police in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region were analyzed as to its various characteristics, such as workmanship involved, potency and frequency in order to evaluate among other things the potential damage caused by such equipment. The study was based on information obtained from six hundred and sixty forensic examination reports issued by the Forensic Examiners of the Brazilian Federal Police Department, including reports written by the author, between the years of 2008 through 2011.

O lugar do diálogo e da psicologia no sistema penitenciário / The place for dialogue and psychology in the Correctional System

Ricardo da Silva Lucante Bulcão 30 May 2018 (has links)
O Sistema Penitenciário é objeto de estudos e pesquisa nas mais diversas áreas do conhecimento: direito, educação, assistência social, economia, sociologia, psicologia. Considerando a importância e diversidade das relações eu-outro- mundo que este sistema cria e perpetua, nos propusemos a responder à seguinte indagação: de que forma se dão, e que implicações trazem, as relações eu-outro- mundo no âmbito das relações entre psicólogos e sentenciados do sistema penitenciário no contexto do Exame Criminológico? Levantamos questões e tentamos respondê-las a partir da perspectiva do Construtivismo Semiótico-Cultural (Simão, 2010). A pesquisa se deu por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com psicólogos funcionários desta instituição que realizam ou já realizaram Exames Criminológicos. Os resultados apontaram para a procedência e relevância, para as relações em questão, de se tomar o Exame Criminológico como meio mediacional, desde a perspectiva de Wertsch (1995) / The correctional system is a research and study object in areas as diverse as: law, education, social work, economy, sociology, psychology. Considering the importance and diversity of the I-other-world relations that this system creates and perpetuates, we proposed to address the following issue: how do the I-other-world relations take place in the scope of the relations between psychologists and convicts, in the context of the Criminological Examination, and what are their implications? We put forth questions and attempted to answer them from the perspective of the Semiotic-Cultural Constructivism (Simão, 2010). The research was carried out through semi-structured interviews with psychologists employed in this institution who perform or have performed criminological examinations. The results suggest that the criminological examination is justified and relevant for the relations in question. It is suggested that the criminological examination may be used as a mediational means, from Wertschs perspective (1995)

L'interprète en interaction dans les tribunaux. Une approche dialogique / Interpreter-Mediated Interactions in the Courtroom. A Dialogical Approach

Biagini, Marta 24 September 2012 (has links)
Notre recherche a pour objet des interrogatoires médiatisés par interprète, en tant que pratiques langagières et discursives situées dans un contexte institutionnel donné, à savoir le tribunal. Parmi les divers contextes de nos sociétés contemporaines où les interprètes sont partenaires de l’échange au sein de dialogues effectifs, nous avons ciblé le contexte judiciaire, dont le caractère institutionnel et les enjeux en font un lieu formel et au fonctionnement normé : les interrogatoires s’y déroulant sont des échanges réglés et codés. Nous avons fait alors l’hypothèse que peut fonctionner à double titre la tension qui se crée ainsi entre les normes à l’œuvre au tribunal et la présence de sujets en interaction dont les enjeux et représentations peuvent considérablement différer : elle fonctionne d’une part comme loupe grossissante sur certains phénomènes qui, lorsqu’ils se produisent malgré la normativité ambiante, sembleraient alors relever de ce qui ne peut ne pas se produire en présence d’un interprète ; elle fonctionne d’autre part comme déclencheur d’événements particuliers et uniques propres au contexte, aux personnes concernés, aux enjeux spécifiques liés aux thèmes traités, aux dialogues ponctuels. L’analyse de dialogue que nous pratiquons consiste aussi bien à spécifier préalablement le cadrage externe de l’événement communicatif qu’à décrire comment la situation est perçue et évaluée par les participants à travers l’élaboration conjointe du sens. Notre problématique vise ainsi à dégager la relation existant entre les conventions socio-discursives propres à cette sphère d’activité et certains traits interactionnels et discursifs, engendrés par la participation du "tiers/interprète" à l’interrogatoire. L’approche discursive et dialogique a permis d’entreprendre une démarche analytique prenant en compte : un plan interlocutif, concernant la dynamique compositionnelle des échanges et les rapports de places, dialogal ; un plan énonciatif et dialogique concernant à la fois la présence des sujets dans leurs dires et la façon dont les discours sont élaborés par des mouvements interprétatifs qui peuvent être plus ou moins directement accessibles, notamment à travers ces réaménagements de sens que sont les reformulations inter-linguistiques de l’interprète. Les voix qui parcourent l’espace discursif en le rendant hétérogène peuvent par-là être identifiées. Ces pratiques d’interactions médiatisées peuvent alors être pensées sur un continuum de dispositifs allant des stratégies d’effacement énonciatif que l’interprète met en œuvre - afin de créer des discours objectivés -, aux procédés variés qui l’inscrivent dans le discours d’autrui, jusqu’à la prise en charge de ses propres discours en tant que locuteur/énonciateur à part entière. Enfin, les propriétés qui caractérisent les interrogatoires interprétés dans le contexte du tribunal s’avèrent propres non seulement au genre de discours institutionnel et juridique concerné mais également à la présence du "tiers", apte à influencer l’événement discursif "interrogatoire" à tous les niveaux pris en compte par l’analyse. Il semble alors que cela pourrait permettre d’appréhender ces dialogues comme un type, ou sous-genre, particulier du discours juridique. / Our research focuses on interpreter-mediated examinations as situated oral exchanges and discursive practices in a specific institutional context, i.e. the courtroom. In contemporary societies, among the various situations where interpreters act and dialogue in face-to face interactions, the judiciary context proves to be one of those institutional domains where highly formal and normative practices take place. Examinations are very coded exchanges. Starting from the hypothesis that the tension which develops between laws and norms at work in this frame and the discursive productions by speakers directly dialoguing and interacting, whose representations and goals may consistently differ, may have a double effect on the interpreter-mediated event, we further investigate how : some specific interactional and discourse patterns realize in a such ritualized and normative context, attempting to understand if they are typical of interpreter-mediated interactions in general or of the specific examinations we observe ; and speakers’ identities, institutional roles, their personal goals and the specific themes concerned have an influence on these practices, producing very peculiar and singular patterns of sense-making. Hence, focusing on face-to-face interpreting practices, the dialogical and discourse approach we adopt allows to take into account : from one side, what relates to the dialogal dimension of the interaction, pertaining to a dialogue between two (or more) co-present interlocutors and the definitions of their identities, from what pertains to the dialogical one, having to do with dialogism or dialogicality in the more abstract senses. Given that understanding is related to responding, interpreters are seen as speakers actively involved in dialogue. The ways speakers leave traces of their presence in the utterances they produce, while they’re doing the interacting, and, particularly, the way in which the interpreter’s presence is sensed through thar interlinguistic reformulation of the other’s words which is translation gives access to the way in which sense-making is jointly created in the framework of a highly ritualized activity type such as examinations in the courtroom. In the end, interpreted-mediated examinations may be thought of as changing practices on a more/less continuum, going from : the cases where the interpreter translates as a reporter using the 1st person, using linguistics strategies allowing him/her to assume full responsibility for the words uttered without showing it; to all those cases of variation on the expected pattern which, at different degrees, let emerge his/her presence in the interpreting process; to the production of discourses for which s/he is entirely responsible, acting as a an autonomous speaker. These collectively constructed events may therefore suggest that there is a dynamic relation between expected practices in the discourse context and their actual realization. Interpreter-mediated examinations prove to be per se speech events, namely very specific exchanges with their often hybrid dynamics, within which all interlocutors - including the interpreter – dialogically contribute to understanding and to the creation of meaning.

Realizace tělesné přípravy u příslušníků vybraných jednotek AČR / Implementation of physical training in selected units of the Army of the Czech Republic

Rozsypal, Karel January 2019 (has links)
Title Realization of physical training for members of selected Army Czech Republic units. Objective The aim of the thesis is to find out the current state of realization of physical training for soldiers of the Army of the Czech Republic. Methods The questionnaire survey was attended by 114 members of selected ACR units. The output of the questionnaire was to find out the current state of physical training for ACR soldiers. Units were selected based on a simple random selection. For the evaluation of the questionnaires, the same answers were added, which were then inserted into the round and column graphs and expressed as a percentage. The statistical hypotheses on three selected research questions were answered using statistics. The statistics were performed using a Wilcoxon single-pass test, where: if the p-value is less than 0.05, the alternative hypothesis is confirmed at a risk of error of no more than 5%; if the p-value is greater than 0.05, and the zero hypothesis is confirmed. The actual status will be compared with the assumed status according to NVMO 12/2011. Results The first research question was answered using two hypotheses. For 1H, at the significance level of 0.05, the dependence of the frequency of the basic body preparation on the body to which the soldier belongs is proved. At...

Principals' Perceptions of Student Performance on the Nigerian Senior Secondary Certificate Examination

Oghu, Comfort Fubara 01 January 2017 (has links)
Failure of high school students on the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) in Nigeria is severely limiting the number of students qualified to enroll in college. The purpose of this multiple case study of 6 high schools in southern Nigeria was to describe principals' perceptions of student performance on the SSCE and the principals' influence on school climate, teacher expectations and approaches, and student performance. The theories of reasoned action and planned behavior provided the framework for the study. The research questions focused on the extent to which principals developed and sustained a school climate that supported positive outcomes. Qualitative data on principals' perceptions were gathered using semistructured interviews with 48 lead teachers and 6 principals. Data derived from textual transcripts, document reviews, and the results of a cross-case analysis were categorized and developed into themes such as student-related issues, family socio-economic status, and the education system. The results showed students' socio-economic challenges and principals' concerns about the SSCE. Effective principal leadership and positive school climate were essential to enhancing teacher expectations and approaches and were linked to improved student performance in high-performing schools. These findings and implications can inform professional development programs for principals that emphasize a holistic approach, support students' socioeconomic experiences and academic needs, and gather parents' views on best practices. The potential for social change includes improved principal leadership and contributes to higher achievement on the SSCE and increased college enrollment.

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