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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intraband Dynamics in the Optically Excited Wannier-Stark Ladder Spectrum of Semiconductor Superlattices / Intraband Dynamik im optisch angeregten Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Spektrum von Halbleiter-Übergittern

Rosam, Ben 11 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In semiconductor superlattices, the carrier band structure can be tailored by the proper choice of their geometry. Therefore, superlattices are a model system for the study of coherent high-field transport phenomena in a periodic potential with applied static electric field. This thesis is structured in two parts. I. Zener Tunneling in Semiconductor Superlattices. In this work,semiconductor superlattices with shallow barriers and narrow band gaps were employed to investigate the Zener breakdown. In these samples, tunneling in the electron Wannier-Stark ladder spectrum is addressed as coupling of the electron states of a single bound below-barrier band to the states of the above-barrier spectrum. The field-dependent evolution of the Wannier-Stark ladder states was traced in the optical interband spectrum. Superlattices with different geometries were employed, to clarify the influence of the particular miniband structure on the Zener tunneling behavior. It was shown that in the presence of Zener tunneling, the Wannier-Stark ladder picture becomes invalid. Tunneling is demonstrated to lead to a field-induced delocalization of Wannier-Stark ladder states. In addition, the coherent polarization lifetime was analyzed as a measure of the tunneling probability. II. Terahertz Emission of Exciton Wave Packets in Semiconductor Superlattices. By means of Terahertz spectroscopy, the coherent intraband dynamics of exciton wave packets in biased superlattices after the selective ultrafast excitation of the Wannier-Stark ladder spectrum was investigated. The dynamics of Bloch oscillations was investigated under broadband excitation. It is demonstrated, that the Bloch oscillation amplitude can be controlled by altering the pump pulse energy. The xperimental results can only be explained in a full exciton picture, incorporating bound 1s exciton states and the associated exciton in-plane continuum. The intraband dipole of single Wannier-Stark ladder excitons was measured by detecting the Terhartz response after excitation of the Wannier-Stark ladder with a spectrally narrow rectangular pump pulse. In addition, experiments revealed a previously unknown mechanism for the generation of Bloch oscillating exciton wave packets. This was demonstrated for an incident pump spectrum which was too narrow to excite a superposition of Wannier-Stark ladder states. The effect is based on the sudden, non-adiabatic, change in the net dc internal field due to creation of electron-hole pairs with permanent dipole moments. The non-adiabatic generation of Bloch oscillations is a highly nonlinear effect mediated by strong exciton-exciton interactions.The central role that play exciton-exciton interactions in the intraband dynamics became especially evident when the Wannier-Stark ladder was selectively excited by two spectrally narrow laser lines. The experiments demonstrated a resonant enhancement of the intraband transition matrix element when 1s exciton wavepackets are excited. / In Halbleiter-Übergittern kann die Bandstruktur von Ladungsträgern durch die geeignete Wahl der Geometrie eingestellt werden. Deshalb sind Halbleiter-Übergitter ein Modellsystem für Untersuchungen des kohärenten Ladungstransportes im periodischen Potential bei hohen, statischen, elektrischen Feldern. Diese Doktorarbeit ist in zwei Teile untergliedert. I. Zener-Tunneln in Halbleiter-Übergittern In dieser Arbeit werden Halbleiter-Übergitter mit flachen Barrieren und schmalen Bandlücken eingesetzt, um den Effekt des Zener-Durchbruchs zu untersuchen. In diesen Strukturen wird das Zener-Tunneln im Elektronen-Spektrum der Wannier-Stark-Leiter adressiert. Dabei handelt es sich um die Kopplung von Elektronen-Zuständen eines einzelnen Minibandes unterhalb der Potentialbarriere des Quantentopfes mit Zuständen oberhalb der Barriere. Die Feldabhängigkeit der Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Zustände wurde im optischen Interband-Spektrum detektiert. Übergitter mit unterschiedlichen Geometrien wurden untersucht, um den Einfluss der spezifischen Miniband-Struktur auf die Charakteristiken des Zener-Tunnelns aufzuklären. Es wurde gezeigt, dass im Regime des Zener-Tunnelns das Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Bild nicht mehr gültig ist. Dabei wird demonstriert, dass Tunneln zu einer feldabhängigen Delokalisierung der Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Zustände führt. Außerdem wird die Kohärenz-Lebensdauer der Polarisation analysiert. Sie bildet die Tunneln-Wahrscheinlichkeit ab. II. Terahertz Emission von Exzitonen-Wellen-Paketen in Halbleiter-Übergittern Mit Hilfe von Terahertz-Spektroskopie wurde die kohärente Intraband-Dynamik von Exzitonen-Wellen-Paketen in vorgespannten Halbleiter-Übergittern nach der selektiven, ultrakurzen Anregung des Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Spektrums untersucht. Die Dynamik von Bloch-Oszillatonen wurde durch spektral breitbandiger Anregung detektiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Amplitude von Bloch-Oszillationen durch die Änderung der Energie des Anrege-Pulses beeinflusst werden kann. Die experimentellen Resultate können nur in einem ganzheitlichen Exzitonenbild erklärt werden. Es umfaßt die gebundenen 1s-Exziton-Zustände und das zugehörige Exzitonen-Kontinuum in der Quantentopfschicht. Der Intraband-Dipol einzelner Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Exzitonen wurde durch die Detektion der Terahertz-Antwort auf die Anregung der Wannier-Stark-Leiter mit einem spektral schmalen Anrege-Puls vermessen. Außerdem wird in den Experimenten ein zuvor ungekannten Mechanismus der Anregung von bloch-oszillierenden Wellen-Paketen beobachtet. Dieser Effekt wird für ein eingestrahltes Anrege-Spektrum, welches spektral zu schmal für die Anregung einer Überlagerung von Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Zuständen ist, demonstriert. Der Mechanismus basiert auf die unmittelbare, nicht-adiabatische Änderung des effektiven, internen, statischen Feldes auf Grund der Anregung von Elektron-Loch-Paaren mit permanentem Dipolmoment. Die nicht-adiabatische Anregung von Bloch-Oszillationen ist ein hoch nicht-linearer Effekt, der durch starke Exziton-Exziton Wechselwirkung vermittelt wird. Die zentrale Rolle, die die Exziton-Exziton Wechselwirkung in der Intraband-Dynamik spielt, wurde besonders deutlich bei der selektiven Anregung der Wannier-Stark-Leiter durch zwei spekral schmale Laserlinien. Die Experimente demonstrieren eine resonante Überhöhung des Intraband-Übergangs-Matrix-Elements, wenn 1s-Exziton-Wellen-Pakete angeregt werden.

Control of electronic and optical properties of single and double quantum dots via electroelastic fields

Zallo, Eugenio 23 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are fascinating systems for potential applications in quantum information processing and communication, since they can emit single photons and polarisation entangled photons pairs on demand. The asymmetry and inhomogeneity of real QDs has driven the development of a universal and fine post-growth tuning technique. In parallel, new growth methods are desired to create QDs with high emission efficiency and to control combinations of closely-spaced QDs, so-called "QD molecules" (QDMs). These systems are crucial for the realisation of a scalable information processing device after a tuning of their interaction energies. In this work, GaAs/AlGaAs QDs with low surface densities, high optical quality and widely tuneable emission wavelength are demonstrated, by infilling nanoholes fabricated by droplet etching epitaxy with different GaAs amounts. A tuning over a spectral range exceeding 10 meV is obtained by inducing strain in the dot layer. These results allow a fine tuning of the QD emission to the rubidium absorption lines, increasing the yield of single photons that can be used as hybrid semiconductor-atomic-interface. By embedding InGaAs/GaAs QDs into diode-like nanomembranes integrated onto piezoelectric actuators, the first device allowing the QD emission properties to be engineered by large electroelastic fields is presented. The two external fields reshape the QD electronic properties and allow the universal recovery of the QD symmetry and the generation of entangled photons, featuring the highest degree of entanglement reported to date for QD-based photon sources. A method for controlling the lateral QDM formation over randomly distributed nanoholes, created by droplet etching epitaxy, is demonstrated by depositing a thin GaAs buffer over the nanoholes. The effect on the nanohole occupancy of the growth parameters, such as InAs amount, substrate temperature and arsenic overpressure, is investigated as well. The QD pairs show good optical quality and selective etching post-growth is used for a better characterisation of the system. For the first time, the active tuning of the hole tunnelling rates in vertically aligned InGaAs/GaAs QDM is demonstrated, by the simultaneous application of electric and strain fields, optimising the device concept developed for the single QDs. This result is relevant for the creation and control of entangled states in optically active QDs. The modification of the electronic properties of QDMs, obtained by the combination of the two external fields, may enable controlled quantum operations.

Polaritons en microcavité semi-conductrice : dynamique de fluide quantique, effets de spin et mesures de bruit en régime d'oscillation paramétrique

Adrados, Claire 14 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail est consacré à l'étude des propriétés des polaritons, particules mi-lumière mi-matière, en microcavité semi-conductrice. Leur caractère bosonique autorise l'accès à des régimes de cohérence macroscopique tels la condensation de Bose-Einstein et la superfl uidité que nous avons démontrée expérimentalement. Nous avons également développé une technique permettant de modifier optiquement l'environnement polaritonique par création de défauts arti ficiels, ce qui facilite l'obtention de comportements particuliers du fluide polaritonique comme la turbulence. Les fortes interactions dépendantes du spin entre ces particules, alliées à des vitesses de propagation très élevées du fait de leur composante photonique, nous ont permis de réaliser un interrupteur performant contrôlé optiquement, codé en polarisation et en intensité. Nous avons également réussi à manipuler la distribution spatiale en spin d'un faisceau de polaritons, et notamment à confi ner des états de spin pur sur des zones de quelques microns. Le phénomène de bistabilité présent dans le système nous a amené à reconsidérer le signe de la constante d'interaction entre polaritons de spin opposés. En fin, en régime d'oscillation paramétrique par mélange à quatre ondes, nous avons poursuivi l'étude de génération de photons jumeaux grâce à des mesures de corrélations et des analyses en bruit de la distribution modale transverse, dans diff érents types de cavités planaires puis dans des micropiliers (0D).

Luminescence and photoelectrochemical properties of size-selected aqueous copper-doped Ag–In–S quantum dots

Raevskaya, Alexandra, Rozovik, Oksana, Novikova, Anastasiya, Selyshchev, Oleksandr, Stroyuk, Oleksandr, Dzhagan, Volodymyr, Goryacheva, Irina, Gaponik, Nikolai, Zahn, Dietrich R. T., Eychmüller, Alexander 11 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Ternary luminescent copper and silver indium sulfide quantum dots (QDs) can be an attractive alternative to cadmium and lead chalcogenide QDs. The optical properties of Cu–In–S and Ag–In–S (AIS) QDs vary over a broad range depending on the QD composition and size. The implementation of ternary QDs as emitters in bio-sensing applications can be boosted by the development of mild and reproducible syntheses directly in aqueous solutions as well as the methods of shifting the photoluminescence (PL) bands of such QDs as far as possible into the near IR spectral range. In the present work, the copper-doping of aqueous non-stoichiometric AIS QDs was found to result in a red shift of the PL band maximum from around 630 nm to ∼780 nm and PL quenching. The deposition of a ZnS shell results in PL intensity recovery with the highest quantum yield of 15%, with almost not change in the PL band position, opposite to the undoped AIS QDs. Size-selective precipitation using 2-propanol as a non-solvent allows discrimination of up to 9 fractions of Cu-doped AIS/ZnS QDs with the average sizes in the fractions varying from around 3 to 2 nm and smaller and with reasonably the same composition irrespective of the QD size. The decrease of the average QD size results in a blue PL shift yielding a series of bright luminophors with the emission color varies from deep-red to bluish-green and the PL efficiency increases from 11% for the first fraction to up to 58% for the smallest Cu-doped AIS/ZnS QDs. The rate constant of the radiative recombination of the size-selected Cu-doped AIS/ZnS QDs revealed a steady growth with the QD size decrease as a result of the size-dependent enhancement of the spatial exciton confinement. The copper doping was found to result in an enhancement of the photoelectrochemical activity of CAIS/ZnS QDs introduced as spectral sensitizers of mesoporous titania photoanodes of liquid-junction solar cells.

Luminescence and photoelectrochemical properties of size-selected aqueous copper-doped Ag–In–S quantum dots

Raevskaya, Alexandra, Rozovik, Oksana, Novikova, Anastasiya, Selyshchev, Oleksandr, Stroyuk, Oleksandr, Dzhagan, Volodymyr, Goryacheva, Irina, Gaponik, Nikolai, Zahn, Dietrich R. T., Eychmüller, Alexander 11 June 2018 (has links)
Ternary luminescent copper and silver indium sulfide quantum dots (QDs) can be an attractive alternative to cadmium and lead chalcogenide QDs. The optical properties of Cu–In–S and Ag–In–S (AIS) QDs vary over a broad range depending on the QD composition and size. The implementation of ternary QDs as emitters in bio-sensing applications can be boosted by the development of mild and reproducible syntheses directly in aqueous solutions as well as the methods of shifting the photoluminescence (PL) bands of such QDs as far as possible into the near IR spectral range. In the present work, the copper-doping of aqueous non-stoichiometric AIS QDs was found to result in a red shift of the PL band maximum from around 630 nm to ∼780 nm and PL quenching. The deposition of a ZnS shell results in PL intensity recovery with the highest quantum yield of 15%, with almost not change in the PL band position, opposite to the undoped AIS QDs. Size-selective precipitation using 2-propanol as a non-solvent allows discrimination of up to 9 fractions of Cu-doped AIS/ZnS QDs with the average sizes in the fractions varying from around 3 to 2 nm and smaller and with reasonably the same composition irrespective of the QD size. The decrease of the average QD size results in a blue PL shift yielding a series of bright luminophors with the emission color varies from deep-red to bluish-green and the PL efficiency increases from 11% for the first fraction to up to 58% for the smallest Cu-doped AIS/ZnS QDs. The rate constant of the radiative recombination of the size-selected Cu-doped AIS/ZnS QDs revealed a steady growth with the QD size decrease as a result of the size-dependent enhancement of the spatial exciton confinement. The copper doping was found to result in an enhancement of the photoelectrochemical activity of CAIS/ZnS QDs introduced as spectral sensitizers of mesoporous titania photoanodes of liquid-junction solar cells.

Intraband Dynamics in the Optically Excited Wannier-Stark Ladder Spectrum of Semiconductor Superlattices

Rosam, Ben 22 April 2005 (has links)
In semiconductor superlattices, the carrier band structure can be tailored by the proper choice of their geometry. Therefore, superlattices are a model system for the study of coherent high-field transport phenomena in a periodic potential with applied static electric field. This thesis is structured in two parts. I. Zener Tunneling in Semiconductor Superlattices. In this work,semiconductor superlattices with shallow barriers and narrow band gaps were employed to investigate the Zener breakdown. In these samples, tunneling in the electron Wannier-Stark ladder spectrum is addressed as coupling of the electron states of a single bound below-barrier band to the states of the above-barrier spectrum. The field-dependent evolution of the Wannier-Stark ladder states was traced in the optical interband spectrum. Superlattices with different geometries were employed, to clarify the influence of the particular miniband structure on the Zener tunneling behavior. It was shown that in the presence of Zener tunneling, the Wannier-Stark ladder picture becomes invalid. Tunneling is demonstrated to lead to a field-induced delocalization of Wannier-Stark ladder states. In addition, the coherent polarization lifetime was analyzed as a measure of the tunneling probability. II. Terahertz Emission of Exciton Wave Packets in Semiconductor Superlattices. By means of Terahertz spectroscopy, the coherent intraband dynamics of exciton wave packets in biased superlattices after the selective ultrafast excitation of the Wannier-Stark ladder spectrum was investigated. The dynamics of Bloch oscillations was investigated under broadband excitation. It is demonstrated, that the Bloch oscillation amplitude can be controlled by altering the pump pulse energy. The xperimental results can only be explained in a full exciton picture, incorporating bound 1s exciton states and the associated exciton in-plane continuum. The intraband dipole of single Wannier-Stark ladder excitons was measured by detecting the Terhartz response after excitation of the Wannier-Stark ladder with a spectrally narrow rectangular pump pulse. In addition, experiments revealed a previously unknown mechanism for the generation of Bloch oscillating exciton wave packets. This was demonstrated for an incident pump spectrum which was too narrow to excite a superposition of Wannier-Stark ladder states. The effect is based on the sudden, non-adiabatic, change in the net dc internal field due to creation of electron-hole pairs with permanent dipole moments. The non-adiabatic generation of Bloch oscillations is a highly nonlinear effect mediated by strong exciton-exciton interactions.The central role that play exciton-exciton interactions in the intraband dynamics became especially evident when the Wannier-Stark ladder was selectively excited by two spectrally narrow laser lines. The experiments demonstrated a resonant enhancement of the intraband transition matrix element when 1s exciton wavepackets are excited. / In Halbleiter-Übergittern kann die Bandstruktur von Ladungsträgern durch die geeignete Wahl der Geometrie eingestellt werden. Deshalb sind Halbleiter-Übergitter ein Modellsystem für Untersuchungen des kohärenten Ladungstransportes im periodischen Potential bei hohen, statischen, elektrischen Feldern. Diese Doktorarbeit ist in zwei Teile untergliedert. I. Zener-Tunneln in Halbleiter-Übergittern In dieser Arbeit werden Halbleiter-Übergitter mit flachen Barrieren und schmalen Bandlücken eingesetzt, um den Effekt des Zener-Durchbruchs zu untersuchen. In diesen Strukturen wird das Zener-Tunneln im Elektronen-Spektrum der Wannier-Stark-Leiter adressiert. Dabei handelt es sich um die Kopplung von Elektronen-Zuständen eines einzelnen Minibandes unterhalb der Potentialbarriere des Quantentopfes mit Zuständen oberhalb der Barriere. Die Feldabhängigkeit der Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Zustände wurde im optischen Interband-Spektrum detektiert. Übergitter mit unterschiedlichen Geometrien wurden untersucht, um den Einfluss der spezifischen Miniband-Struktur auf die Charakteristiken des Zener-Tunnelns aufzuklären. Es wurde gezeigt, dass im Regime des Zener-Tunnelns das Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Bild nicht mehr gültig ist. Dabei wird demonstriert, dass Tunneln zu einer feldabhängigen Delokalisierung der Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Zustände führt. Außerdem wird die Kohärenz-Lebensdauer der Polarisation analysiert. Sie bildet die Tunneln-Wahrscheinlichkeit ab. II. Terahertz Emission von Exzitonen-Wellen-Paketen in Halbleiter-Übergittern Mit Hilfe von Terahertz-Spektroskopie wurde die kohärente Intraband-Dynamik von Exzitonen-Wellen-Paketen in vorgespannten Halbleiter-Übergittern nach der selektiven, ultrakurzen Anregung des Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Spektrums untersucht. Die Dynamik von Bloch-Oszillatonen wurde durch spektral breitbandiger Anregung detektiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Amplitude von Bloch-Oszillationen durch die Änderung der Energie des Anrege-Pulses beeinflusst werden kann. Die experimentellen Resultate können nur in einem ganzheitlichen Exzitonenbild erklärt werden. Es umfaßt die gebundenen 1s-Exziton-Zustände und das zugehörige Exzitonen-Kontinuum in der Quantentopfschicht. Der Intraband-Dipol einzelner Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Exzitonen wurde durch die Detektion der Terahertz-Antwort auf die Anregung der Wannier-Stark-Leiter mit einem spektral schmalen Anrege-Puls vermessen. Außerdem wird in den Experimenten ein zuvor ungekannten Mechanismus der Anregung von bloch-oszillierenden Wellen-Paketen beobachtet. Dieser Effekt wird für ein eingestrahltes Anrege-Spektrum, welches spektral zu schmal für die Anregung einer Überlagerung von Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Zuständen ist, demonstriert. Der Mechanismus basiert auf die unmittelbare, nicht-adiabatische Änderung des effektiven, internen, statischen Feldes auf Grund der Anregung von Elektron-Loch-Paaren mit permanentem Dipolmoment. Die nicht-adiabatische Anregung von Bloch-Oszillationen ist ein hoch nicht-linearer Effekt, der durch starke Exziton-Exziton Wechselwirkung vermittelt wird. Die zentrale Rolle, die die Exziton-Exziton Wechselwirkung in der Intraband-Dynamik spielt, wurde besonders deutlich bei der selektiven Anregung der Wannier-Stark-Leiter durch zwei spekral schmale Laserlinien. Die Experimente demonstrieren eine resonante Überhöhung des Intraband-Übergangs-Matrix-Elements, wenn 1s-Exziton-Wellen-Pakete angeregt werden.

Recombination dynamics of optically generated small polarons and self-trapped excitons in lithium niobate

Messerschmidt, Simon 02 July 2019 (has links)
Quasi-particles formed in lithium niobate after pulse exposure were investigated by transient absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopy as well as numerical simulations. This includes the formation process, the transport through the crystal, interim pinning on defects during the relaxation process, and the final recombination with deep centers. It was shown that the charge-transport through the crystal can be described by a hopping transport including different types of hops between regular or defective lattice sites, i.e., the transport includes a mixture of free and bound small polarons. Furthermore, the different types of hops connected with varying activation energies and their distribution are responsible for an altered temporal decay curve when changing the crystal composition or temperature. Additionally, it was shown that the hitherto accepted recombination model is insufficient to describe all transient absorption and luminescence effects in lithium niobate under certain experimental conditions, i.e., long-living absorption dynamics in the blue/UV spectral range do not follow the typical polaron dynamics and cannot be described under the assumption of charge compensation. However, similar decay characteristics between self-trapped excitons known from photoluminescence spectroscopy and the unexpected behavior of the transient absorption were found leading to a revised model. This includes, besides the known polaron relaxation and recombination branch, a significant role of self-trapped excitons and their pinning on defects (pinned STEs). Since the consideration of further absorption centers in the relaxation path after pulse exposure might result in misinterpretations of previously determined polaron absorption cross-sections and shapes, the necessity to perform a review became apparent. Therefore, a supercontinuum pump-probe experiment was designed and all measurements applied under the same experimental conditions (temperature, polarization) so that one can extract the absorption amplitudes of the single quasi-particles in a spectral range of 0.7-3.0eV. The detailed knowledge might be used to deconvolve the absorption spectra and transform them to number densities of the involved centers which enables one to obtain an easier insight into recombination and decay dynamics of small polarons and self-trapped excitons. As the hopping transport of quasi-particles and the concept of pinned STEs might be fundamental processes, a thorough understanding opens up the possibility of their exploitation in various materials. In particular, results presented herein are not only limited to lithium niobate and its applications; an extension to a wide range of further strongly polar crystals in both their microscopic processes and their use in industry can be considered.

Control of electronic and optical properties of single and double quantum dots via electroelastic fields

Zallo, Eugenio 12 March 2015 (has links)
Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are fascinating systems for potential applications in quantum information processing and communication, since they can emit single photons and polarisation entangled photons pairs on demand. The asymmetry and inhomogeneity of real QDs has driven the development of a universal and fine post-growth tuning technique. In parallel, new growth methods are desired to create QDs with high emission efficiency and to control combinations of closely-spaced QDs, so-called "QD molecules" (QDMs). These systems are crucial for the realisation of a scalable information processing device after a tuning of their interaction energies. In this work, GaAs/AlGaAs QDs with low surface densities, high optical quality and widely tuneable emission wavelength are demonstrated, by infilling nanoholes fabricated by droplet etching epitaxy with different GaAs amounts. A tuning over a spectral range exceeding 10 meV is obtained by inducing strain in the dot layer. These results allow a fine tuning of the QD emission to the rubidium absorption lines, increasing the yield of single photons that can be used as hybrid semiconductor-atomic-interface. By embedding InGaAs/GaAs QDs into diode-like nanomembranes integrated onto piezoelectric actuators, the first device allowing the QD emission properties to be engineered by large electroelastic fields is presented. The two external fields reshape the QD electronic properties and allow the universal recovery of the QD symmetry and the generation of entangled photons, featuring the highest degree of entanglement reported to date for QD-based photon sources. A method for controlling the lateral QDM formation over randomly distributed nanoholes, created by droplet etching epitaxy, is demonstrated by depositing a thin GaAs buffer over the nanoholes. The effect on the nanohole occupancy of the growth parameters, such as InAs amount, substrate temperature and arsenic overpressure, is investigated as well. The QD pairs show good optical quality and selective etching post-growth is used for a better characterisation of the system. For the first time, the active tuning of the hole tunnelling rates in vertically aligned InGaAs/GaAs QDM is demonstrated, by the simultaneous application of electric and strain fields, optimising the device concept developed for the single QDs. This result is relevant for the creation and control of entangled states in optically active QDs. The modification of the electronic properties of QDMs, obtained by the combination of the two external fields, may enable controlled quantum operations.

Electronic excited states in quasi- one- dimensional organic solids with strong coupling of Frenkel and charge-transfer excitons

Schmidt, Karin 03 March 2003 (has links)
This work offers a concept to predict and comprehend the electronic excited states in regular aggregates formed of quasi-one-dimensional organic materials. The tight face-to-face stacking of the molecules justifies the idealization of the crystals and clusters as weakly interacting stacks with leading effects taking place within the columnar sub-structures. Thus, the concept of the small radius exciton theory in linear molecular chains was adopted to examine the excitonic states. The excited states are composed of molecular excitations and nearest neighbor charge transfer (CT) excitations. We analyzed the structure and properties of the excited states which result from the coupling of Frenkel and CT excitons of arbitrary strength in finite chains with idealized free ends. With the help of a partially analytical approach to determine the excitonic states of mixed Frenkel CT character by introducing a complex wave vector, two main types of states can be distinguished. The majority of states are bulk states with purely imaginary wavevector. The dispersion relation of these state matches exactly the dispersion relation known from the infinite chain. The internal structure of the excitons in infinite chains is directly transferred to the bulk states in finite chains. TAMM-like surface states belong to the second class of states. Owing to the damping mediated by a a non-vanishing real part of the wavevector, the wave function of the surface states is localized at the outermost molecules. The corresponding decay length is exclusively determined by the parameterization of the coupling and is independent of the system size. It can therefore be assigned as a characteristic quantum length which plays a vital role for the understanding of system-dependent behavior of the states. The number and type of surface states occurring is predicted for any arbitrary coupling situation. The different nature of bulk and surface states leads to distinct quantum confinement effects. Two regimes are distinguished. The first regime, the case of weak confinement, is realized if the chain length is larger than the intrinsic length. Both kinds of states arrange with the system size according to their nature. Derived from the excitonic states of the infinite chain, the bulk states preserve their quasi-particle character in these large systems. Considered as a quasi-particle confined in box, they change their energy with the system size according to the particle-in-a-box picture. The surface states do not react to a change of the chain length at all, since effectively only the outermost molecules contribute to the wavefunction. The second regime holds if the states are strongly confined, i.e., the system is smaller than the intrinsic length. Both types of states give up their typical behavior and adopt similar properties. / Diese Arbeit unterbreitet ein Konzept, um elektronische Anregungszustände in Aggregaten quasi-eindimensionaler organischer Materialien vorherzusagen und zu verstehen. Die dichte Packung der Moleküle rechtfertigt die Idealisierung der Kristalle bzw. Cluster als schwach wechselwirkende Stapel, wobei die führenden Effekte innerhalb der Molekülstapel zu erwarten sind. Zur Beschreibung der exzitonischen Zustände wurde das Konzept der 'small radius'-Exzitonen in linearen Molekülketten angewandt. Die elektronischen Zustände sind dabei aus molekularen (Frenkel) und nächsten Nachbarn 'charge-transfer' (CT) Anregungen zusammengesetzt. Die Struktur und Eigenschaften der Zustände wurden für beliebige Kopplungsstärken zwischen Frenkel- und CT Anregungen in Ketten mit idealisierten freien Enden für beliebiger Längen analysiert. Der entwickelte, überwiegend analytische Zugang, welcher auf der Einführung eines komplexen Wellenvektors beruht, ermöglicht die Unterscheidung zweier grundsätzlicher Zustandstypen. Die Mehrheit der Zustände sind Volumenzustände mit rein imaginärem Wellenvektor. Die zugehörige Dispersionsrelation entspricht exakt der Dispersionsrelation der unendlichen Kette mit äquivalenten Kopplungsverhältnissen. Die interne Struktur der Exzitonen der unendlichen Kette wird auf die Volumenzustände der endlichen Kette direkt übertragen. Der zweite grundlegende Zustandstyp umfaßt Tamm-artige Oberflächenzustände. Aufgrund der durch einen nichtverschwindenden reellen Anteil des Wellenvektors hervorgerufenen Dämpfung sind die Wellenfunktionen der Oberflächenzustände an den Randmolekülen lokalisiert. Die entsprechende Dämpfungslänge ist ausschließlich durch die Parametrisierung der Kopplungen bestimmt und ist somit unabhängig von der Kettenlänge. Sie kann daher als intrinische Quantenlänge interpretiert werden, welche von essentieller Bedeutung für das Verständnis systemgrößenabhängigen Verhaltens ist. Sowohl die Anzahl als auch die Art der Oberflächenzustände kann für jede Kopplungssituation vorhergesagt werden. Die unterschiedliche Natur der Volumen- und Oberflächenzustände führt auf ausgeprägte 'Quantum confinement' Effekte. Zwei Regime sind zu unterscheiden. Im Falle des ersten Regimes, dem schwachen 'Confinement', ist die Kettenlänge größer als die intrinsische Länge. Beide Zustandarten reagieren auf eine Veränderung der Kettenlänge gemäß ihrer Natur. Aufgrund ihrer Verwandschaft mit den Bandzuständen der unendlichen Kette bewahren die Volumenzustände ihren Quasiteilchen-Charakter. Aufgefaßt als Quasiteilchen, erfahren sie in endlichen Systemen eine energetische Verschiebung gemäß dem Potentialtopf-Modell. Oberflächenzustände zeigen keine Reaktion auf veränderte Kettenlängen, da effektiv nur die Randmoleküle zur Wellenfunktion beitragen. Es findet ein Übergang zum zweiten Regime (starkes 'Confinement') statt, sobald die Kettenlänge kleiner als intrinsische Quantenlänge wird. Beide Zustandsarten geben ihr typisches Verhalten auf und werden mit abnehmender Kettenlänge zunehmend ähnlicher.

Accurate wavelength tracking by exciton spin mixing

Kirch, Anton, Bärschneider, Toni, Achenbach, Tim, Fries, Felix, Gmelch, Max, Werberger, Robert, Guhrenz, Chris, Tomkevičienė, Aušra, Benduhn, Johannes, Eychmüller, Alexander, Leo, Karl, Reineke, Sebastian 06 June 2024 (has links)
Wavelength-discriminating systems typically consist of heavy benchtop-based instruments, comprising diffractive optics, moving parts, and adjacent detectors. For simple wavelength measurements, such as lab-on-chip light source calibration or laser wavelength tracking, which do not require polychromatic analysis and cannot handle bulky spectroscopy instruments, lightweight, easy-to-process, and flexible single-pixel devices are attracting increasing attention. Here, a device is proposed for monotonously transforming wavelength information into the time domain with room-temperature phosphorescence at the heart of its functionality, which demonstrates a resolution down to 1 nm and below. It is solution-processed from a single host–guest system comprising organic room-temperature phosphors and colloidal quantum dots. The share of excited triplet states within the photoluminescent layer is dependent on the excitation wavelength and determines the afterglow intensity of the film, which is tracked by a simple photodetector. Finally, an all-organic thin-film wavelength sensor and two applications are demonstrated where this novel measurement concept successfully replaces a full spectrometer.

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