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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essais sur la Taxation et la Stabilisation Macroéconomique

Dromel, Nicolas 07 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour thème central l'influence stabilisatrice de politiques de taxation appropriées sur la dynamique économique. La stabilisation est ici entendue comme la possibilité d'atténuer voire d'éliminer, par de telles politiques, la probabilité d'apparition de fluctuations endogènes dans l'économie. Le premier chapitre examine, dans le cadre d'une économie réelle, les propriétés stabilisatrices de taxes linéairement progressives, proches des codes d'imposition par tranches prévalant dans de nombreux pays développés. Le deuxième chapitre met en évidence que l'influence stabilisatrice (contracyclique) de la taxation progressive diminue lorsqu'on introduit une disposition fiscale réaliste permettant aux entreprises de déduire de leur profit avant impôt les dépenses variables de maintenance. Le troisième chapitre évalue l'impact de la taxation des revenus dans une économie monétaire avec agents hétérogènes. Cette étude confirme que la progressivité fiscale réduit la probabilité d'apparition de fluctuations endogènes dans l'économie. Cependant on montre dans ce cadre monétaire, à la différence des économies réelles étudiées dans les deux premiers chapitres, que même un niveau élevé de progressivité ne peut éliminer complètement la possibilité de fluctuations endogènes. Enfin, le dernier chapitre analyse comment la politique fiscale peut affecter la volatilité agrégée et la croissance dans des économies sujettes à des contraintes de crédit. Dans un modèle de croissance endogène combinant des frictions sur le marché du capital et une inégalité d'accès aux opportunités d'investissement entre les individus, il est montré qu'une politique fiscale bien choisie, même linéaire, taxant les revenus du travail et organisant des transferts vers l'investissement innovant, peut remédier au défaut de financement de ces investissements lors des crises, stabiliser la dynamique et placer l'économie sur un sentier de croissance permanente et soutenue.

Studies in environmental economics : numerical analysis of greenhouse gas policies

Nilsson, Charlotte January 2004 (has links)
This thesis consists of four essays within the field of environmental economics. Computable General Equilibrium models have been used to assess the economic consequences of greenhouse gas policies. The focus is mainly on the Swedish economy, but the EU economies and the global economies are also analyzed in one essay each. The costs and effects of a unilateral Swedish decision to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are analyzed in essay I. The results of a unilateral reduction are compared to the results of an implementation of an EU multilateral agreement. The results indicate that if Sweden unilaterally decides to increase its CO2 tax, total EU CO2 emissions will increase, i.e. there will be a “carbon leakage effect”. Furthermore, an EU multilateral implementation of a CO2 tax will induce lower welfare (excluding environmental benefits) in Sweden, as compared to the situation where the same tax is unilaterally introduced.In the second essay we analyze the Swedish environmental goals conforming to the Kyoto Protocol, when simultaneously meeting national goals to alleviate acidification and eutrofication effects by reducing SO2 and NOx pollutants. We have found that when secondary benefits of measures aiming at reducing CO2 are taken into account, it may still be in the government’s interest to nationally decrease CO2, instead of engaging in seemingly low-cost trading. The principles for allocation emission permits are many, and in the third essay I focus on principles based on economic welfare theory. My main conclusion from these simulation exercises is that the distribution rule based on the different assumptions on social welfare function and some other more ad hoc distribution rules offers quite large changes in welfare, distributions of emission rights and contrary to earlier literature, I find that the initial distribution not only gives second-order effects but affects equilibrium prices and therefore, income.In the fourth essay I focus on how households’ demand for transport services can be improved in CGE-models. A differentiation between trip purposes and trip length, a complementary relationship between work journeys and labor supply, and a subdivision of households by density of population and income, influences the numerical results in a direction increasing the negative welfare effect of a carbon target, as compared to the non-extended model. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2004

Demographic study of military selection in the state of Ohio, 1917-1919

Saberian, Michael Reza 12 April 2006 (has links)
This thesis studies the influence of ethnicity, nationality, and occupation upon military selection of the residents of Ohio during the First World War. This is a quantitative study, based on a data set constructed from samples of the 1910 and 1920 censuses and The Official Roster of Ohio Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines in the World War, 1917-1918. Chapter I introduces the sources and the methodology. Chapter II examines the ethnicity of conscripts, and whether or not ethnic identities affected draft registration or military selection. Chapter III examines the numerical significance of resident aliens in the military population. Chapter IV examines the influence of social class on conscription: determining whether persons of wealth avoided military service and the influence of occupational deferments on the population at risk. Chapter V concludes the thesis by summarizing the results.

El Gravamen de los Dividendos de Fuente Extranjera y de las Ganancias Derivadas de la Venta de Participaciones en Sociedades no Residentes: La Reforma del Régimen Español en el Marco del Derecho Comparado / El Gravamen de los Dividendos de Fuente Extranjera y de las Ganancias Derivadas de la Venta de Participaciones en Sociedades no Residentes: La Reforma del Régimen Español en el Marco del Derecho Comparado

Rodríguez Márquez, Jesús 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper analyzes the taxation on foreign dividends in comparative tax law. In particular, we study the European and North American system. Finally, we want to assess the Spanish system to avoid international double taxation and its reform, which will be put in force in 2015. / El trabajo tiene por objeto exponer cuál es el gravamen de los dividendos de fuente extranjera en el Derecho comparado, partiendo de la experiencia europea y la norteamericana. Dicho análisis tiene por finalidad última valorar el sistema español de eliminación de la doble imposición internacional, así como, sobre todo, su reforma, que entrará en vigor en 2015.

Exploitation offshore d'hydrocarbures et responsabilité civile : droit comparé : Brésil, France et Etats-Unis / Offshore oil exploitation and civil liability : comparative Law : Brazil, France and United States

Vianna Goncalves, Raphael 10 November 2015 (has links)
La situation actuelle des règles relatives à la responsabilité civile de l'entrepreneur pour les dommages environnementaux provoqués par l’exploitation offshore d’hydrocarbure et le transport de ce produit par des navires pétroliers, démontre que le législateur a été de plus en plus concerné par la question de la santé environnementale. Cependant, il y a beaucoup de lacunes dans les lois nationales qui peuvent entraîner une incertitude juridique considérable pour l'entrepreneur et en même temps, ne pas fournir une protection adéquate à l'environnement et à l’homme. L’étude comparée des systèmes juridiques démontre qu’il est extrêmement important que les pays qui sont exposés aux périls des marées noires, notamment ceux qui exploitent des hydrocarbures dans la mer, disposent d’un fonds spécial d’indemnisation pour garantir et faciliter la restauration de l’environnement et le payement des indemnisations aux victimes. Outre la protection de l’environnement et des droits des citoyens, le fonds offre aussi la possibilité d’application des cas exceptés et de la limitation de responsabilité. Le fonds serait utilisé pour couvrir les préjudices au-delà de la limite de responsabilité de l’entrepreneur ou dans les cas où la responsabilité de celui-ci est écartée par un cas excepté. / The current situation of the rules governing the liability of the entrepreneur for environmental damage caused by offshore oil exploration and by the transportation of this product by oil tankers, shows that the legislator is more concerned with environmental health issues. However, there are many gaps in national legislations that can lead to considerable legal uncertainty for the responsible parties. While, at the same time it does not provide adequate protection for the environment and to human beings. The comparative study of legals systems shows the importance that countries that are exposed to the dangers of oil spills, especially those exploiting oil in the sea, to have a special indemnisation fund to guarantee and facilitate environmental restoration and payment of compensation to victims. Besides protecting the environment and citizens' rights, the fund also offers the possibility of applying the defenses of liability and limitation of liability. The funds would be used to cover the losses beyond the limit of liability of the responsible partie or when the responsibility for the accident is ruled out by a liability defense cause.

Zona Franca de Manaus : um estudo sobre a renúncia tributária dos entes federativos e os benefícios socioeconômicos gerados pelo modelo

Oliveira, Jofre Luís da Costa January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho avalia a renúncia tributária dos entes federativos e os benefícios socioeconômicos gerados pelo modelo da Zona Franca de Manaus (ZFM). Nosso objetivo foi mensurar os custos sociais do modelo por intermédio da desoneração tributária ou gastos tributários dos Entes e confrontá-los com os benefícios locais que foram medidos pelos diversos indicadores socioeconômicos. A plataforma teórica tem como sustentáculo a teoria dos pólos de Desenvolvimento e a Teoria da Base Exportadora. Diversos aspectos da ZFM foram abordados, notadamente: a legislação pertinente, os principais incentivos envolvidos, o histórico, as atualidades, os resultados alcançados, as origens dos principais insumos, as principais dificuldades e as perspectivas do modelo. Além disso, foi dado ênfase na arrecadação dos Entes, principalmente na arrecadação tributária da Receita Federal no Amazonas e na arrecadação tributária do Estado do Amazonas; e a desoneração tributária do Governo Federal. No âmbito da arrecadação, foi comprovada que a arrecadação Federal no Estado é expressiva, aproximadamente 64% de toda arrecadação da segunda região fiscal da Receita Federal; no tocante à receita tributária Estadual, mostrou-se que vem aumentando nos últimos anos e que, em 2009, alcançou cifras de R$ 4,6 bilhões, sendo que a maior parte desta tem origem no ICMS. A arrecadação proveniente do PIM é expressiva uma vez que a arrecadação da indústria corresponde, aproximadamente, a 50%. Além disso, dos 10 maiores arrecadadores do tributo cinco são empresas que pertencem ao PIM. No que concerne ao gasto tributário, cujo estudo foi concentrado nos gastos federais, constatou-se que as desonerações previstas para a Região Norte são relevantes, mas estão distantes das apresentadas por outras regiões, principalmente as das regiões Sul e Sudeste (62,30% do total). Em relação aos gastos tributários com a ZFM, contatou-se que: R$ 3,3 bilhões correspondem a 16,3% do total da função industria; e na função orçamentária comércio e serviços R$ 8,8 bilhões correspondem a 27,7% do total. A criação da ZFM proporcionou pontos positivos (6° PIB do Brasil) e negativos (concentração de 80% do PIB do Estado) para Manaus. O PIB do Amazonas acompanhou o crescimento do PIB brasileiro e foi muito superior ao PIB da Região Norte. Entretanto, se fizermos uma análise tomando como base o ano de 2003, notaremos que o PIBpm per capita amazonense cresceu 61% em 2007, superior ao da Região (58%) e do Brasil (52%). Os resultados finais da pesquisa chegam à conclusão que as desonerações tributárias são expressivas, mas distantes de outras existentes em outras regiões do País e que, apesar das isenções fiscais, a arrecadação tributária no Estado é elevada. Sendo assim, os indicadores nos mostram que os custos sociais para manter os incentivos fiscais são menores do que os benefícios socioeconômicos usufruídos pelo Estado do Amazonas em decorrência da existência do PIM. / This thesis assesses the government´s tax resigns and the socioeconomics benefits created to Manaus Free Trade Zone (ZFM). Our objetive was measure the social cost of model ZFM have represented for public’s entities tax bills and to compare it with local benefits to established several socioeconomics indicators.The revision of literature focused on the theory of growth in industrial poles and export base theory. Were addressed various aspects of the ZFM, mainly: the legislation, the main incentives, the historical, current affairs, the achievements, the main difficulties and prospects of the model. Moreover, we focus on the collection of entities, especially, the tax collection of federal revenue in the amazon’s state and tax collection in the state of amazon; and the government´s tax resigns. As part of the collection, we proved that the collection is a significant Federal-state, approximately 64% the entire collection of the second fiscal region. regarding the state tax revenue, we show that has increased in recent years and in 2009 reached figures of R$ 4.6 billion, with most of this stems from the ICMS (Value Added Tax on Sale and Services). The collection proceeds from the PIM (industrial pole of Manaus) is significant since the collection of the industry corresponds to approximately 50%. In addition, the 10 biggest taxpayers are 05 companies that belong to the PIM. Regarding the expenditure tax, whose study focused on federal spending, we proved that the tariff reductions or tax resigns planned for the northern region are significant, but are far from those given by other regions, mainly in South and Southeast (62.30% of total ). Regarding tax bills with the ZFM, contact: R$ 3.3 billion, representing 16.3% of the total light industry, and commerce and in the civil service budget R$ 8.8 billion, representing 27.7% of total.The creation of the ZFM gave positive points (6º of GDP in Brazil) and negative (concentration of 80% of State GDP) to Manaus. The Amazon’s GDP has followed growth of Brazil's GDP and GDP was much higher than the Northern Region. However, making an analysis based on year 2003, we note that GDP pm "per capita" Amazon grew 61% in 2007, higher than the Region (58%) and Brazil (52%). The final survey results come to the conclusion that the tax bills are significant, but far from existing in other regions of the country and that despite the tax exemptions, tax collections in the state is high. Thus, the indicators show us that the social costs to keep tax incentives that are lower socio-economic benefits enjoyed by the city of Manaus, since there's PIM.

Vklady do společnosti z hlediska účetního a daňového / Contribution in the company in terms of accounting and tax

PAULUSOVÁ, Miluše January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze current legislature regarding property deposits in terms of taxation and accountancy. The first part of this thesis (Chapters 1 - 4) gives general information regarding commercial companies, company capital, various types of deposits and their valuation. The next chapter concentrates on tax obligations that may arise due to deposits into companies - real estate transfer tax, income tax, value added tax. The sixth chapter describes the problem of accounting for contributions, including practical examples. Chapters 7 -9 list proposed and already approved changes in the statutory tax on the transfer of real estate. Great attention is paid to the legislature of companies' exemption from real estate transfer tax (in cases when given conditions are met) which has been in effect since 1993 and which will expire 31st December 2014 (or 2013). Based on data from the Tax Office for the South Bohemian Region, Territorial offices in Český Krumlov from the years 2000 - 2011 and from the data of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, it was estimated how repealed exemption may be reflected in the annual revenue of the state budget. In conclusion, the paper outlines the conditions for further development and the impact of new legislation on companies and their associates.

Zona Franca de Manaus : um estudo sobre a renúncia tributária dos entes federativos e os benefícios socioeconômicos gerados pelo modelo

Oliveira, Jofre Luís da Costa January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho avalia a renúncia tributária dos entes federativos e os benefícios socioeconômicos gerados pelo modelo da Zona Franca de Manaus (ZFM). Nosso objetivo foi mensurar os custos sociais do modelo por intermédio da desoneração tributária ou gastos tributários dos Entes e confrontá-los com os benefícios locais que foram medidos pelos diversos indicadores socioeconômicos. A plataforma teórica tem como sustentáculo a teoria dos pólos de Desenvolvimento e a Teoria da Base Exportadora. Diversos aspectos da ZFM foram abordados, notadamente: a legislação pertinente, os principais incentivos envolvidos, o histórico, as atualidades, os resultados alcançados, as origens dos principais insumos, as principais dificuldades e as perspectivas do modelo. Além disso, foi dado ênfase na arrecadação dos Entes, principalmente na arrecadação tributária da Receita Federal no Amazonas e na arrecadação tributária do Estado do Amazonas; e a desoneração tributária do Governo Federal. No âmbito da arrecadação, foi comprovada que a arrecadação Federal no Estado é expressiva, aproximadamente 64% de toda arrecadação da segunda região fiscal da Receita Federal; no tocante à receita tributária Estadual, mostrou-se que vem aumentando nos últimos anos e que, em 2009, alcançou cifras de R$ 4,6 bilhões, sendo que a maior parte desta tem origem no ICMS. A arrecadação proveniente do PIM é expressiva uma vez que a arrecadação da indústria corresponde, aproximadamente, a 50%. Além disso, dos 10 maiores arrecadadores do tributo cinco são empresas que pertencem ao PIM. No que concerne ao gasto tributário, cujo estudo foi concentrado nos gastos federais, constatou-se que as desonerações previstas para a Região Norte são relevantes, mas estão distantes das apresentadas por outras regiões, principalmente as das regiões Sul e Sudeste (62,30% do total). Em relação aos gastos tributários com a ZFM, contatou-se que: R$ 3,3 bilhões correspondem a 16,3% do total da função industria; e na função orçamentária comércio e serviços R$ 8,8 bilhões correspondem a 27,7% do total. A criação da ZFM proporcionou pontos positivos (6° PIB do Brasil) e negativos (concentração de 80% do PIB do Estado) para Manaus. O PIB do Amazonas acompanhou o crescimento do PIB brasileiro e foi muito superior ao PIB da Região Norte. Entretanto, se fizermos uma análise tomando como base o ano de 2003, notaremos que o PIBpm per capita amazonense cresceu 61% em 2007, superior ao da Região (58%) e do Brasil (52%). Os resultados finais da pesquisa chegam à conclusão que as desonerações tributárias são expressivas, mas distantes de outras existentes em outras regiões do País e que, apesar das isenções fiscais, a arrecadação tributária no Estado é elevada. Sendo assim, os indicadores nos mostram que os custos sociais para manter os incentivos fiscais são menores do que os benefícios socioeconômicos usufruídos pelo Estado do Amazonas em decorrência da existência do PIM. / This thesis assesses the government´s tax resigns and the socioeconomics benefits created to Manaus Free Trade Zone (ZFM). Our objetive was measure the social cost of model ZFM have represented for public’s entities tax bills and to compare it with local benefits to established several socioeconomics indicators.The revision of literature focused on the theory of growth in industrial poles and export base theory. Were addressed various aspects of the ZFM, mainly: the legislation, the main incentives, the historical, current affairs, the achievements, the main difficulties and prospects of the model. Moreover, we focus on the collection of entities, especially, the tax collection of federal revenue in the amazon’s state and tax collection in the state of amazon; and the government´s tax resigns. As part of the collection, we proved that the collection is a significant Federal-state, approximately 64% the entire collection of the second fiscal region. regarding the state tax revenue, we show that has increased in recent years and in 2009 reached figures of R$ 4.6 billion, with most of this stems from the ICMS (Value Added Tax on Sale and Services). The collection proceeds from the PIM (industrial pole of Manaus) is significant since the collection of the industry corresponds to approximately 50%. In addition, the 10 biggest taxpayers are 05 companies that belong to the PIM. Regarding the expenditure tax, whose study focused on federal spending, we proved that the tariff reductions or tax resigns planned for the northern region are significant, but are far from those given by other regions, mainly in South and Southeast (62.30% of total ). Regarding tax bills with the ZFM, contact: R$ 3.3 billion, representing 16.3% of the total light industry, and commerce and in the civil service budget R$ 8.8 billion, representing 27.7% of total.The creation of the ZFM gave positive points (6º of GDP in Brazil) and negative (concentration of 80% of State GDP) to Manaus. The Amazon’s GDP has followed growth of Brazil's GDP and GDP was much higher than the Northern Region. However, making an analysis based on year 2003, we note that GDP pm "per capita" Amazon grew 61% in 2007, higher than the Region (58%) and Brazil (52%). The final survey results come to the conclusion that the tax bills are significant, but far from existing in other regions of the country and that despite the tax exemptions, tax collections in the state is high. Thus, the indicators show us that the social costs to keep tax incentives that are lower socio-economic benefits enjoyed by the city of Manaus, since there's PIM.

Zona Franca de Manaus : um estudo sobre a renúncia tributária dos entes federativos e os benefícios socioeconômicos gerados pelo modelo

Oliveira, Jofre Luís da Costa January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho avalia a renúncia tributária dos entes federativos e os benefícios socioeconômicos gerados pelo modelo da Zona Franca de Manaus (ZFM). Nosso objetivo foi mensurar os custos sociais do modelo por intermédio da desoneração tributária ou gastos tributários dos Entes e confrontá-los com os benefícios locais que foram medidos pelos diversos indicadores socioeconômicos. A plataforma teórica tem como sustentáculo a teoria dos pólos de Desenvolvimento e a Teoria da Base Exportadora. Diversos aspectos da ZFM foram abordados, notadamente: a legislação pertinente, os principais incentivos envolvidos, o histórico, as atualidades, os resultados alcançados, as origens dos principais insumos, as principais dificuldades e as perspectivas do modelo. Além disso, foi dado ênfase na arrecadação dos Entes, principalmente na arrecadação tributária da Receita Federal no Amazonas e na arrecadação tributária do Estado do Amazonas; e a desoneração tributária do Governo Federal. No âmbito da arrecadação, foi comprovada que a arrecadação Federal no Estado é expressiva, aproximadamente 64% de toda arrecadação da segunda região fiscal da Receita Federal; no tocante à receita tributária Estadual, mostrou-se que vem aumentando nos últimos anos e que, em 2009, alcançou cifras de R$ 4,6 bilhões, sendo que a maior parte desta tem origem no ICMS. A arrecadação proveniente do PIM é expressiva uma vez que a arrecadação da indústria corresponde, aproximadamente, a 50%. Além disso, dos 10 maiores arrecadadores do tributo cinco são empresas que pertencem ao PIM. No que concerne ao gasto tributário, cujo estudo foi concentrado nos gastos federais, constatou-se que as desonerações previstas para a Região Norte são relevantes, mas estão distantes das apresentadas por outras regiões, principalmente as das regiões Sul e Sudeste (62,30% do total). Em relação aos gastos tributários com a ZFM, contatou-se que: R$ 3,3 bilhões correspondem a 16,3% do total da função industria; e na função orçamentária comércio e serviços R$ 8,8 bilhões correspondem a 27,7% do total. A criação da ZFM proporcionou pontos positivos (6° PIB do Brasil) e negativos (concentração de 80% do PIB do Estado) para Manaus. O PIB do Amazonas acompanhou o crescimento do PIB brasileiro e foi muito superior ao PIB da Região Norte. Entretanto, se fizermos uma análise tomando como base o ano de 2003, notaremos que o PIBpm per capita amazonense cresceu 61% em 2007, superior ao da Região (58%) e do Brasil (52%). Os resultados finais da pesquisa chegam à conclusão que as desonerações tributárias são expressivas, mas distantes de outras existentes em outras regiões do País e que, apesar das isenções fiscais, a arrecadação tributária no Estado é elevada. Sendo assim, os indicadores nos mostram que os custos sociais para manter os incentivos fiscais são menores do que os benefícios socioeconômicos usufruídos pelo Estado do Amazonas em decorrência da existência do PIM. / This thesis assesses the government´s tax resigns and the socioeconomics benefits created to Manaus Free Trade Zone (ZFM). Our objetive was measure the social cost of model ZFM have represented for public’s entities tax bills and to compare it with local benefits to established several socioeconomics indicators.The revision of literature focused on the theory of growth in industrial poles and export base theory. Were addressed various aspects of the ZFM, mainly: the legislation, the main incentives, the historical, current affairs, the achievements, the main difficulties and prospects of the model. Moreover, we focus on the collection of entities, especially, the tax collection of federal revenue in the amazon’s state and tax collection in the state of amazon; and the government´s tax resigns. As part of the collection, we proved that the collection is a significant Federal-state, approximately 64% the entire collection of the second fiscal region. regarding the state tax revenue, we show that has increased in recent years and in 2009 reached figures of R$ 4.6 billion, with most of this stems from the ICMS (Value Added Tax on Sale and Services). The collection proceeds from the PIM (industrial pole of Manaus) is significant since the collection of the industry corresponds to approximately 50%. In addition, the 10 biggest taxpayers are 05 companies that belong to the PIM. Regarding the expenditure tax, whose study focused on federal spending, we proved that the tariff reductions or tax resigns planned for the northern region are significant, but are far from those given by other regions, mainly in South and Southeast (62.30% of total ). Regarding tax bills with the ZFM, contact: R$ 3.3 billion, representing 16.3% of the total light industry, and commerce and in the civil service budget R$ 8.8 billion, representing 27.7% of total.The creation of the ZFM gave positive points (6º of GDP in Brazil) and negative (concentration of 80% of State GDP) to Manaus. The Amazon’s GDP has followed growth of Brazil's GDP and GDP was much higher than the Northern Region. However, making an analysis based on year 2003, we note that GDP pm "per capita" Amazon grew 61% in 2007, higher than the Region (58%) and Brazil (52%). The final survey results come to the conclusion that the tax bills are significant, but far from existing in other regions of the country and that despite the tax exemptions, tax collections in the state is high. Thus, the indicators show us that the social costs to keep tax incentives that are lower socio-economic benefits enjoyed by the city of Manaus, since there's PIM.

Parental Rights: Curriculum Opt-outs in Public Schools

Rogers, Tommy Kevin 08 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this dissertation were to determine the constitutional rights of parents to shield their children from exposure to parts of the public school curriculum that the parents find objectionable on religious, moral, or other grounds and to determine the statutory rights of parents to remove, or opt-out, their children from objectionable parts or all of the public school curriculum as set forth in the statutes of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Many pivotal federal court cases dealing with parent rights and curricular issues, including Mozert v. Hawkins County Board of Education (1987), Vandiver v. Hardin County Board of Education (1987), Brown v. Hot, Sexy, & Safer Productions, Inc. (1995), Leebaert v. Harrington (2003), and Parker v. Hurley (2008) were surveyed using legal research methods. Specific types of curriculum opt-outs (e.g., sex education, comprehensive health programs, HIV/AIDS instruction) granted by each state were ascertained. States' statutes and regulations were categorized as non-existent, restrictive, or permissive based on the scope and breadth of each state's curriculum opt-out statute or regulation. A long list of federal court rulings have provided public schools the right to teach what school boards and administrators determine is appropriate. Parents did not have any constitutional right to opt their children out of public school curriculum. Many states' legislatures have granted parents a statutory right to opt their children out of certain parts of school curricula. In this study, 7 states had non-existent statutes or regulations, 18 states had restrictive statutes or regulations, and 26 states had permissive statutes or regulations.

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