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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determining the Control Objectives of a Switched Reluctance Machine for Performance Improvement in Generating Mode

Zahid, Muhammad Ahsan January 2022 (has links)
Switched reluctance machines are becoming more prevalent in various motor drive applications due to their simple construction, robust design, fault tolerant operation, and relatively low-cost construction. There are nonetheless some drawbacks to the switched reluctance machines operational behavior which limit its potential market penetration. The electromagnetic torque ripple is one of those limitations. However, unlike most four-quadrant variable speed electric motors, switched reluctance machines need additional control considerations to operate in generating mode to maximize power returned while minimizing torque ripple. The goal of this thesis is to explore different control schemes which are used in motoring mode and compare their performance in generating mode for different operational points. Using the lessons learned from the comparisons in generating mode, key optimizations objectives are established to improve the switched reluctance machines performance for generating applications. A multi-objective optimizer is used to select conduction angles using established objectives of maximizing torque and minimizing torque ripple. The proposed generating-specific objectives are compared to the motoring-specific objectives to validate the generating performance improvement for a wide torque-speed range. Finally, a setup is constructed to validate the generating performance of a 3-phase 12/8 SRM using the new optimization objectives and it is compared with conventional objectives. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Amélioration des propriétés antibuée du polycarbonate transparent par traitement topographique / Enhancement of antifogging properties of transparent polycarbonate by topographic treatment

Pionnier, Nicolas 14 November 2017 (has links)
La présence de buée sur des surfaces transparentes altère la transmission de la lumière. La buée est un ensemble de gouttes condensées sur une surface froide. Ces gouttes absorbent, réfléchissent et diffractent la lumière, réduisant la transparence de la surface sur laquelle elles se sont formées. Ce phénomène peut, en fonction des applications, causer des problèmes esthétiques et de sécurité. Une solution répandue dans le secteur industriel est l’utilisation de revêtements chimiques. Mais cette approche à un coût ; elle oblige à ajouter une nouvelle étape sur la chaine de production. Une autre solution, celle choisie durant ce doctorat, est l’approche topographique. En contrôlant la topographie par texturation de surface, les propriétés de mouillage peuvent être pilotées. Ainsi, des surfaces antibuées peuvent être développées. En fonction de la surface initiale, deux mécanismes sont possibles. Sur des surfaces hydrophiles, la création d’un film liquide uniforme remplaçant les gouttes d’eau est à privilégier. Avec ce type de film, la surface conserve de bonnes propriétés de transparence. Si la surface est plutôt hydrophobe, l’idée est de favoriser le déperlement des gouttes et ainsi d’évacuer l’eau le plus rapidement possible. Les travaux de ce doctorat portent sur le développement d’un traitement de surface topographique par injection plastique. Ce traitement vise à supprimer l’impact optique de la buée sur les surfaces en polycarbonate transparent des phares automobiles. L’une des contraintes majeures de ces travaux est de concevoir des texturations de surfaces facilement industrialisables. Les moyens de texturations doivent être adaptés. / The presence of dew on transparent pieces impairs light transmission. Dew is a group of droplets condensed on cold surfaces. These droplets absorb, reflect and diffract light, reducing condensation surface transparency. This can cause aesthetic or security issues. The most widely used method currently for improving transparency of surfaces covered with dew is to apply anti-fog chemical coatings. These coatings suppress the whitish opaque layer caused by condensation by reducing the surface tension of water droplets, causing them to disperse into a thin liquid sheet. However, this solution is expensive. It is adding a step in the production line. Surface texturing offers a viable alternative to the use of chemicals. Controlling the surface topography by modifying textured allows wetting property management. This approach, chosen during this PhD thesis, allows the design of anti-fog surfaces. Depending on the surface, two droplets suppression mechanisms are possible. On hydrophilic surfaces, liquid sheet formation replacing droplets has to be favored. If the surface is hydrophobic, droplets sliding off should be increased, thus water evacuation will be faster. Our work consists in the development of a topographical surface treatment by molding injection. The aim is to limit the optical impact of the dew on transparent polycarbonate surfaces of car headlights. The major constraint of this work is to design easy industrialized textured surfaces. Production means must be adapted.

Stability of controlled mechanical system with parametric uncertainties in a realistic friction model

Sun, Yun-Hsiang January 2015 (has links)
Friction compensation is challenging but imperative for control engineers. For high-performance engineering systems, a friction-model-based controller is typically required to accommodate the nonlinearities arisen from the friction model employed. It is well known that the parameters of the friction model used in the friction compensation are nearly impossible to be accurately identified. Therefore, the objective of this research is to study the effect of these parametric uncertainties on the stability of a set-point position control system. With the above goal in mind, a variety of aspects are investigated in this work. Firstly, several common friction features and friction models are surveyed to provide background knowledge which helps select the friction model with the highest accuracy for our study. Secondly, an experimental setup is proposed and fabricated to validate the levels of accuracy given by the candidate friction models. The comparisons between the numerical and experimental results confirm that the LuGre friction model is the best approximation of the observed friction behaviours among all models selected. Moreover, a series of profound discussions addressing the relation between the candidate models’ structures and their numerical friction feature predictions are provided and followed by a summary table that recapitulates the properties of the candidate friction models. Last but not least, the state space models of the proposed setup formulated by the improved version of the LuGre model and the two controllers of interest, namely input-output linearization controller and nominal characteristic trajectory following (NCTF) controller, are derived for the stability analysis under the parametric uncertainties. Two parameters in the friction model used, σ_0 and σ_1, are perturbed for the stability analysis in which the results applying the concept of Lyapunov exponents (LEs) clearly illustrate the significant effect of the varying σ_0 and σ_1 values on the system stability. The effect of parametric uncertainties can depend quite significantly on the incorporated controller, and the stability results obtained here are applicable to the design and analysis of other systems that are inherently similar to our setup. The stability analysis conducted is this work is recommended for other control systems to avoid unwanted qualitative behaviours under parametric perturbations. / October 2016

Design of Experimental Setup for Investigation of Effect of Moisture Content on Transformer Paper Ageing during Intermittent Load

Gustafsson, Patrik January 2018 (has links)
In this project an experimental setup is designed to investigate the effect of intermittent load patterns in combination with moisture content on cellulose ageing. It is done by exposing groups of samples to different intermittent load patterns with varying frequency. A literature review is done on transformer insulation system and cellulose degradation. Various technical solutions to different aspects of the experimental design are reviewed. The final experimental setup is explained with the primary focus being on the hardware and programming of the controlling system. The controlling system consists of a Data Acquisition (DAQ) system from National Instruments and is programmed in LabVIEW. The controlling system is examined in two investigative tests where it performed satisfactorily. Three load patterns are developed. This project suggests how to prepare the samples and what direct- and indirect tests to apply to the insulation system for future analysis.Over the years, a considerable amount of scientific work has been devoted to understanding paper ageing in order to improve transformer diagnostics and investments for utility owners. However, transformer loading guidelines of today do not take intermittent load in combination with moisture content into account [1] [2]. Previous work suggests that the thermal models may be improved by looking into the effects of moisture content [3].The primary aim of the proposed experimental setup is to investigate whether an intermittent load pattern in combination with moisture content have a considerable detrimental effect on cellulose ageing. The intent is to contribute with new knowledge about transformer diagnostics and long-term possibly improve the current thermal models used for Dynamic Transformer Rating (DTR) which do not take this phenomenon into account. This would in particular benefit transformers with typically intermittent load patterns, e.g. a transformer connected to a wind farm or photovoltaic panels. Increasing renewable energy installations increase the need for developing the thermal models in the transformer loading guidelines to take unconventional load profiles into account. / I det här projektet utformas ett experiment för att undersöka inverkan av intermittenta lastmönster i kombination med fukthalt på åldrande av cellulosa. Detta görs genom att utsätta provgrupper för olika lastmönster med varierande frekvens. En litteraturgenomgång görs på transformatorisoleringssystem och nedbrytning av cellulosa. Olika tekniska lösningar för olika aspekter av experimentets design ses över. Den slutliga utformningen av experimentet förklaras med fokus på hårdvara och programmering av kontrollsystemet. Kontrollsystemet består av ett system för datainsamling från National Instruments och programmeras i LabVIEW. Kontrollsystemet utvärderas i två undersökande test där det förfor på ett tillfredsställande sätt. Tre lastmönster till experimentet har tagits fram. Det här projektet föreslår hur man förbereder proverna och vilka direkta och indirekta test som kan göras för framtida analyser.Under åren har en betydande mängd vetenskapligt arbete ägnats åt att förstå pappersåldring för att förbättra transformatordiagnostik och investeringsunderlaget för nätägare. De industriella standarderna tar dock inte hänsyn till intermittent belastning i kombination med fukthalt [1] [2]. Tidigare arbete föreslår att de termiska modellerna möjligen kan förbättras genom att undersöka effekterna av fukthalt [3].Det huvudsakliga målet med den föreslagna experimentella uppställningen är att undersöka huruvida ett intermittent belastningsmönster i kombination med fukthalt har en betydande inverkan på pappersåldrandet. Föresatsen är att bidra med ny kunskap om transformatordiagnostik och för att om möjligt långsiktigt förbättra de nuvarande termiska modellerna som används till dynamiska lastbarhetsmodeller för transformatorer. Detta skulle särskilt gynna transformatorer med typiskt intermittenta belastningsmönster, t ex en transformator ansluten till en vindkraftpark eller solcellspaneler. Ökande antal av anläggningar för förnybar energi ökar behovet av att utveckla de termiska modellerna för att ta hänsyn till okonventionella lastprofiler.

Development of an Accelerated Test Method for Compressed Natural Gas Fuel System Robustness against Contamination

Aretorn, Elias January 2023 (has links)
A key factor for driving the shift towards sustainable transportation systems is alternative fuels, where compressed natural gas (CNG) is a beneficial alternative to the conventional fossil fuels with respect to greenhouse gas emissions. A fuel system is needed for heavy-duty natural gas vehicles, in order to transport the highly pressurized gas from the fuel tanks to the internal combustion engine. The fuel system can be contaminated from several different sources – carry-over compressor oil from refuelling stations, water already present in the gas, manufacturing residuals and road dust entering the fuel system via the receptacle valve. The contaminants can induce fuel system failure modes, leading to poor engine performance, increased emissions or gas pressures above component pressure ratings. The objective of this thesis was to develop an accelerated test method to evaluate CNG fuel system robustness against contamination, to be able to prevent CNG fuel system failures and to ensure a high-quality product. The experimental setup was developed to be installed on a truck in order to utilize already present surrounding systems. The setup enables performance testing of six out of nine components belonging to the fuel system, which can be tested individually or combined in an arbitrary way. The setup induces premature failure modes primarily through excessive contamination in a controlled manner. An experimental procedure has been developed as a complement. Validation of metrics through testing is needed before the test method can be considered finalized. / En nyckelfaktor för att driva omställning mot hållbara transportsystem är alternativa bränslen, varpå naturgas (CNG) är ett slagkraftigt alternativ till konventionella fossila bränslen med avseende på utsläpp av växthusgaser. För att kunna transportera den högt trycksatta gasen från bränsletankarna till förbränningsmotorn krävs ett bränslesystem för tunga naturgasfordon. Bränslesystemet kan kontamineras genom ett flertal olika källor – överförd kompressorolja från tankstationer, vatten som redan finns i gasen, tillverkningsrester och vägdamm eller grus som tar sig in i systemet genom bränslepåfyllningsventilen. Kontamineringen kan ge upphov till felmoder i bränslesystemet, vilket leder till låg motorpresentanda, ökade utsläpp eller övertryck i systemet. Syftet med examensarbetet var att utveckla en accelererad testmetod för att utvärdera CNG-bränslesystems robusthet mot kontaminering, för att kunna förebygga systemfel och säkerställa en högkvalitativ produkt. Den experimentella uppställningen utvecklades för att monteras på lastbil, för att på så vis nyttja de kringliggande befintliga systemen. Uppställningen möjliggör prestandaprovning av sex av nio komponenter som tillhör bränslesystemet, som kan testas individuellt eller kombineras på ett godtyckligt sätt. Uppställningen framkallar tidiga felmoder, huvudsakligen genom excessiv kontaminering på ett kontrollerat vis. En metodbeskrivning har utvecklats som ett komplement till den experimentella uppställningen. Validering av metrik genom testning är nödvändigt för att finna testmetoden färdigställd.

Engineering three-dimensional extended arrays of densely packed nano particles for optical metamaterials using microfluidIque evaporation

Iazzolino, Antonio 19 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
1-Microevaporation - Microfluidics is the branch of fluid mechanics dedicated to the study of flows in the channel withdimensions between 1 micron and 100 micron. The object of this chapter is to illustrate the basicprinciples and possible applications of microfluidic chip, called microevaporator. In the first part ofthe chapter, we present a detailed description of the physics of microevaporators using analyticalarguments, and describe some applications. In the second part of the chapter, we present theexperimental protocol of engineering of micro evaporator and different type of microfluidics device.2- On-chip microspectroscopy - The object of this chapter is to illustrate a method to measure absorption spectra during theprocess of growth of our materials in our microfluidic tools. The aim is to make an opticalcharacterization of our micro materials and to carry-out a spatio-temporal study of kineticproperties of our dispersion under study. This instrumental chapter presents the theoretical basis !of the method we used.3-Role of colloidal stability in the growth of micromaterials - We used combined microspectroscopy and videomicroscopy to follow the nucleation and growth ofmaterials made of core-shell Ag@SiO2 NPs in micro evaporators.!We evidence that the growth is actually not always possible, and instead precipitation may occurduring the concentration process. This event is governed by the concentration of dispersion in thereservoir and we assume that its origin come from ionic species that are concentrated all togetherwith the NPs and may alter the colloidal stability en route towards high concentration. 4-Microfluidic-induced growth and shape-up of three-dimensional extended arrays of denselypacked nano particles - In this chapter I present in details microfluidic evaporation experiments to engineer various denselypacked 3D arrays of NPs.5-Bulk metamaterials assembled by microfluidic evaporation - In this chapter I introduced the technique we used (microspot ellipsometry) in close collaborationswith V.Kravets and A.Grigorenko(University of Manchester) and with A.Aradian, P.Barois, A.Baron,K.Ehrhardt(CRPP, Pessac) to characterized the solids made of densely packed NPs. I describe theconstraints that emerge from the coupling between the small size of our materials and the opticalrequirements, the analysis and interpretation of the ellipsometry experiments show that for thematerial with high volume fraction of metal exists the strong electrical coupling between the NPsand the materials display an extremely high refraction index in the near infra-red regime.

Development of a microfluidic device to study simultaneous crystallization in the LIBs recycling process / Utveckling av en mikrofluidisk enhet för att studera samtidig kristallisering i LIB:s återvinningsprocess

Solanki, Shefali Paresh January 2023 (has links)
Återvinning av litiumjonbatterier (LIB) är avgörande på grund av kritiska råmaterialreserver och miljöhänsyn vid kassering. Hydrometallurgisk LIB-återvinning, en framstående industriell teknik, står inför kostnadseffektivitets- och komplexitetsutmaningar. Samtidig kristallisering visar lovande för effektivisering av återvinning genom att extrahera föreningar från förbrukad batterilut med flera komponenter, vilket kräver hög renhet och effektiv kristallseparation. Detta innebär emellertid att man förhindrar oönskade polykristallina partiklar och samkristaller.Kristallisering är vanligt vid LIB-återvinning, men vanligtvis från enkomponentlösningar för att undvika föroreningar. Kärnbildningskontroll, särskilt i flerkomponentlösningar, är fortfarande utmanande, vilket påverkar industriell effektivitet. Sådd, en vanlig kontrollmetod, inducerar ofta oavsiktliga polykristallina partiklar och vätskeinneslutningar, som understuderas på grund av experimentella begränsningar. Microfluidics erbjuder ett värdefullt verktyg för att studera kristallisationskinetik, växla från utrustningsbaserad till prediktiv fysikalisk-kemisk design. Förbättrad blandning och värmeväxling gör den idealisk för kärnbildningsforskning under kristallisation. Denna avhandling fokuserar på avgörande aspekter av samtidig kristallisation. Huvudsyftet är att utveckla en optimerad mikrofluidisk design och simulera mikrofluidikkanalen för att bestämma initiala processparametrar för experiment samt att få det mest förutsägbara området för kristallbildning inom mikrofluidik. Utmaningar i de mikrofluidiska kristallisationssystemen, såsom kanalblockering, som lätt kan uppstå på grund av kristallbildning eller agglomerationer, har tyvärr begränsat de experimentella resultaten. Icke desto mindre kommer denna avhandling att stödja ytterligare experiment med mikrofluidikanordningen under mikroskopi som kommer att hjälpa till att övervinna dessa utmaningar. Arbete med att minska begränsningarna i denna avhandling kan hjälpa till att förstå multikomponentkristallisationen i realtid och faktiskt den nödvändiga uppställningen och infrastrukturen för mikrofluidikexperiment och i förlängningen bidra till att minska de hydrometallurgiska stegen i komplex metallåtervinning. Därför bidrar det till att främja områdena batteriåtervinning, mikrofluidik och samtidig kristallisering. / Recycling lithium-ion batteries (LIB) is essential due to critical raw material reserves and environmental concerns during disposal. Hydrometallurgical LIB recycling, a prominent industrial technology, faces cost-efficiency and complexity challenges. Simultaneous crystallization shows promise for streamlining recycling by extracting compounds from multicomponent spent battery liquor, demanding high purity and effective crystal separation. However, this entails preventing unwanted polycrystalline particles and cocrystals. Crystallization is common in LIB recycling, but usually from single-component solutions to avoid impurities. Nucleation control, especially in multicomponent solutions, remains challenging, affecting industrial efficiency. Seeding, a common control method, often induces unintended polycrystalline particles and fluid inclusions, which are understudied due to experimental limitations. Microfluidics offers a valuable tool for studying crystallization kinetics, shifting from equipment-based to predictive physical-chemical design. Enhanced mixing and heat exchange make it ideal for nucleation research during crystallization. This thesis focuses on crucial aspects of simultaneous crystallization. The main objective is to develop an optimized microfluidic design and simulate the microfluidic channel to determine initial process parameters for experimentation as well as to get the most predictable region of crystal formation within microfluidics. Challenges in the microfluidic crystallization systems, such as channel blockage, which can easily occur due to crystal formation or agglomerations, have unfortunately limited the experimental results. Nonetheless, this thesis will support the further experimentation of the microfluidics device under microscopy which will help to overcome these challenges. Work on reducing the limitations of this thesis can assist in understanding the multicomponent crystallization in real-time and indeed, the necessary setup and infrastructure for microfluidics experiments and in the long run help reduce the hydrometallurgical steps in complex metal recycling. Hence, it contributes to advancing the fields of battery recycling, microfluidics, and simultaneous crystallization.

Design and Development of an Experimental Test Rig for Heat Sinks / Utveckling och konstruktion av en experimentell testrigg för värmesänkor

Abraham, Gabriel Kaduvinal January 2020 (has links)
Heat sinks are used mainly to take away the excessive heat which are produced in a component. This transfer of heat enables a smooth operation of the system with the heat generating component. The efficiency of heat sink is often dependent on the amount of heat it can take away within the smallest duration of time. Several designs and manufacturing techniques have been developed to improve this performance of heat sinks. This project aims at building a test rig which can be used to test the efficiency of heat sinks. The test rig should be designed to be modular, i.e. it should be able to test heat sinks of different sizes and also adhering to the design requirements. The project started with a broad information search on heat sinks and different testing methods. A system architecture was formulated for this test rig as a beginning stage and to find the different architectural components. The main principal components were selected fulfilling the design requirements. A chiller with pump, a flow meter with controller, temperature and pressure sensors and piping’s including a flexible pipe were the main components of the system created. When the specific components were chosen, the design was embodied and the components were arranged in a compact manner as a SolidEdge CAD-model. After several design iterations, a final design was selected. The experimental test rig was then built in the flow lab. The built experimental test setup is able to be adjusted to install heat sinks of different sizes making it modular in design. Future work to improve the performance of the test rig is also suggested. / Värmesänkor, som exempelvis kylflänsar, används främst för att transportera bort värme som orsakas av förluster i en komponent. Denna värmeöverföring möjliggör en smidig drift av systemet där den värmegenererande komponenten ingår. Värmesänkans effektivitet beror på hur mycket värmeeffekt den kan transportera bort. Flera olika konstruktioner och tillverkningstekniker har utvecklats för att förbättra värmesänkors kylprestanda. Målet med detta projekt är att bygga en testrigg som kan användas för att testa kylflänsars effektivitet. Testriggen ska utformas så att den är modulär, dvs. den ska kunna användas för att testa kylflänsar av olika storlekar. Projektet startade med en bred informationssökning om kylflänsar och olika testmetoder. En systemarkitektur skapades som ett början och för att hitta systemets olika principkomponenter. De viktigaste huvudkomponenterna som uppfyllde designkraven valdes sedan. En kylare med pump, en flödesmätare med regulator, temperatur- och tryckgivare och rörledningar, inklusive ett flexibelt rör var de viktigaste komponenterna i det system som skapades. De specifika komponenterna valdes sedan och de representerades och arrangerades på ett kompakt sätt som en system-CAD-modell i SolidEdge. Efter flera iterationer valdes en slutlig konstruktion, och den experimentella testriggen byggdes sedan i flödeslaboratoriet. Den experimentella testriggen kan justeras för att installera kylflänsar av olika storlekar, vilket innebär att den, i viss mån, är modulär. Framtida arbeten för att förbättra testriggens prestanda föreslås också.

The aeroelastic tailoring of a high aspect-ratio composite structure / Taeke Nicolai van den Bosch

Van den Bosch, Taeke Nicolai January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this investigation was to review literature for the most suitable aeroelastic tailoring analysis tools for long slender composite structures, and integrate them into an aeroelastic tailoring process. The JS1C Revelation is a high performance sailplane made from modern composites, mostly carbon fibre. This has the advantage of being more rigid than traditional engineering materials, thereby reducing the effects of the twisting deflections on these long slender structures due to aerodynamic loads. The implementing of aeroelastic tailoring can create bend-twist couples for performance improvements. Composites enable the use of aeroelastic tailoring to improve gliding performance. Flaperon 3 of the JS1C 21 m was used as the design problem for aeroelastic tailoring. Aeroelastic tailoring was done by analysing the flaperon structure at the different layup angles to determine the correct design point to tailor the structure to improve aerodynamic performance at thermalling and cruise, but mostly cruise since it accounts for 70% of the flight time. The composite structure analysis tool has the objective to get results during concept design. This directed the line of research of analysis tools to a solution method of two dimensional cross-section mesh properties projected onto a one dimensional beam. The literature of Hodges had good verification and published data on the analysis tools. The analysis tools comprised of three programs that were not very user friendly. Thus the author compiled a Matlab program as a user interface tool to run the three programs together. The aeroelastic tailoring process systematically works through the known design variables and objectives, which are given as inputs to the analysis tool. The analysis tool plots the coupling data versus layup angle. From this the best layup angles for a sought-after bend-twist couple is used to aeroelastically tailor the wing. The composite structure analysis tool’s accuracy was verified by analysing cantilever beam deflections and comparing the results with hand calculations and SolidWorks Simulation FEM results. The analysis tool’s accuracy was further verified by comparing the aerodynamic torsional load’s twist deflections with thin walled tube theory. The analysis tool was validated by applying a torsional load at the tip of a JS1C production Flaperon 3 in an experimental setup and then comparing this result with the Flaperon 3 modelled in the analysis tool. These comparisons also ensured that the model’s composite material properties and the meshing of the flaperon cross-sectional properties were correct. This aeroelastic tailoring was validated with the advantage of then being used to improve the aerodynamic performance of the JS1C Revelation 21 m tip’s flaperon. This improvement could be made by making use of a tailored bend-twist couple to reduce the effect of the aerodynamic load’s twist deflections. A test sample of the JS1C 21 m flaperon 3 was used to validate aeroelastic tailoring. The test sample was designed to be 1 m in length and have all the specified tailoring coupling characteristics that could improve the aerodynamic performance of the JS1C 21 m flaperon 3. The test sample was manufactured according to Jonker Sailplanes manufacturing standards and experimentally set up with the same applied deflections as in the analysis tool. The calculated bend-twist values and the experimental setup results were similar with a negligible difference, assuming small displacements and an aspect ratio greater than 13; this confirmed that the PreVABS/VABS/GEBT composite structure analysis tool could be used in aeroelastic tailoring to predict and design the bend-twist couple needed to improve the aerodynamic performance of the JS1C 21 m. While the twist behaviour of Flaperon 3 was improved by the tailored bend-twist couple, it was still necessary to add pre-twist as well, to fully address the effects of twisting by aerodynamic forces. / MIng (Mechanical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The aeroelastic tailoring of a high aspect-ratio composite structure / Taeke Nicolai van den Bosch

Van den Bosch, Taeke Nicolai January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this investigation was to review literature for the most suitable aeroelastic tailoring analysis tools for long slender composite structures, and integrate them into an aeroelastic tailoring process. The JS1C Revelation is a high performance sailplane made from modern composites, mostly carbon fibre. This has the advantage of being more rigid than traditional engineering materials, thereby reducing the effects of the twisting deflections on these long slender structures due to aerodynamic loads. The implementing of aeroelastic tailoring can create bend-twist couples for performance improvements. Composites enable the use of aeroelastic tailoring to improve gliding performance. Flaperon 3 of the JS1C 21 m was used as the design problem for aeroelastic tailoring. Aeroelastic tailoring was done by analysing the flaperon structure at the different layup angles to determine the correct design point to tailor the structure to improve aerodynamic performance at thermalling and cruise, but mostly cruise since it accounts for 70% of the flight time. The composite structure analysis tool has the objective to get results during concept design. This directed the line of research of analysis tools to a solution method of two dimensional cross-section mesh properties projected onto a one dimensional beam. The literature of Hodges had good verification and published data on the analysis tools. The analysis tools comprised of three programs that were not very user friendly. Thus the author compiled a Matlab program as a user interface tool to run the three programs together. The aeroelastic tailoring process systematically works through the known design variables and objectives, which are given as inputs to the analysis tool. The analysis tool plots the coupling data versus layup angle. From this the best layup angles for a sought-after bend-twist couple is used to aeroelastically tailor the wing. The composite structure analysis tool’s accuracy was verified by analysing cantilever beam deflections and comparing the results with hand calculations and SolidWorks Simulation FEM results. The analysis tool’s accuracy was further verified by comparing the aerodynamic torsional load’s twist deflections with thin walled tube theory. The analysis tool was validated by applying a torsional load at the tip of a JS1C production Flaperon 3 in an experimental setup and then comparing this result with the Flaperon 3 modelled in the analysis tool. These comparisons also ensured that the model’s composite material properties and the meshing of the flaperon cross-sectional properties were correct. This aeroelastic tailoring was validated with the advantage of then being used to improve the aerodynamic performance of the JS1C Revelation 21 m tip’s flaperon. This improvement could be made by making use of a tailored bend-twist couple to reduce the effect of the aerodynamic load’s twist deflections. A test sample of the JS1C 21 m flaperon 3 was used to validate aeroelastic tailoring. The test sample was designed to be 1 m in length and have all the specified tailoring coupling characteristics that could improve the aerodynamic performance of the JS1C 21 m flaperon 3. The test sample was manufactured according to Jonker Sailplanes manufacturing standards and experimentally set up with the same applied deflections as in the analysis tool. The calculated bend-twist values and the experimental setup results were similar with a negligible difference, assuming small displacements and an aspect ratio greater than 13; this confirmed that the PreVABS/VABS/GEBT composite structure analysis tool could be used in aeroelastic tailoring to predict and design the bend-twist couple needed to improve the aerodynamic performance of the JS1C 21 m. While the twist behaviour of Flaperon 3 was improved by the tailored bend-twist couple, it was still necessary to add pre-twist as well, to fully address the effects of twisting by aerodynamic forces. / MIng (Mechanical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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