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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os saberes do camponês da floresta: modo de vida, conflitos e etnoconhecimento seringueiro na RESEX Chico Mendes (AC) / The knowledge of the forest peasant: lifestyle, conflicts and knowledge in the RESEX Chico Mendes (AC)

Choma, Jeferson Luiz 11 December 2018 (has links)
Nas décadas de 1970 e 1980, a resistência do movimento seringueiro travada na Amazônia contra os planos de expansão do capitalismo conduzidos pelo regime militar resultou na criação das Reservas Extrativistas (RESEX), territórios que garantiram a preservação do modo de vida tradicional e a autonomia econômica e cultural do camponês seringueiro. A criação das RESEX foi uma proposta original no que se refere a construção de um projeto diferente de reforma agrária que respeitasse o modo de vida dos seringueiros e pudesse consolidar sua emergente autonomia camponesa. Naquele momento, o modo de vida florestal das populações seringueiras (ALMEIDA, 2012) orientou a criação destes territórios. A prática da agricultura de subsistência, o fabrico da farinha, a caça e a pesca, os mais diversos usos de cipós, palhas, madeiras e outros materiais da mata, o conhecimento de ervas para curar doenças, as festas, os seres mágicos da floresta, tudo isso, ao lado da extração do látex e da castanha, compõe o modo de vida do seringueiro. Esse conhecimento sobre os múltiplos usos da floresta é fundado naquilo que Porto-Gonçalves (2003) define como uma nova matriz de racionalidade indígeno-cabocla. Tal racionalidade é a base para as condições materiais de sua reprodução alicerçadas nas práticas agroextrativistas, respeitando os ciclos para a sua exploração dentro da capacidade de recuperação das espécies de plantas e animais utilizadas. Mas também possui uma dimensão simbólica e faz da floresta um locus de conformação de sua subjetividade, portanto da cultura e sociabilidade seringueira. Desse modo, as RESEX também foram inovadoras no que concerne a criação de territórios de conservação ambiental no Brasil. Pela primeira vez o homem e natureza não foram percebidos como sujeitos desvinculados, posto que a garantia do acesso à floresta aos seringueiros foi tomada como condição para a conservação dos sistemas ecológicos. Nas últimas décadas, entretanto, as RESEX passaram por significativas transformações. A reforma agrária dos seringais foi transformada em Unidade de Conservação de Uso Sustentável, processo que implicou no surgimento de novos conflitos entre seus moradores e os órgãos de gestão do Estado. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é investigar na Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes (RECM), no estado Acre, como a dinâmica atual do modo de vida e o conhecimento tradicional dos seringueiros, suas formas de apropriação comum do território e dos recursos naturais, garantem a reprodução camponesa, apesar dos conflitos que essas populações enfrentam diante das atuais políticas públicas implementadas neste território, focadas na valoração econômica de recursos naturais. A pesquisa apoia-se numa perspectiva teórico-metodológica que se inscreve no campo do materialismo histórico que possibilita entender a categoria modo de vida a partir da mediação entre a história social dos grupos estudados e as contradições criadas pelo desenvolvimento desigual do modo de produção capitalista. / Within the 1970s and 1980s the resistence of the seringueiro movement (rubber latex gatherer movement), that took place in Amazonia against the capitalism plans of expansion lead by the military government, originated the Reservas Extrativistas (RESEX -Extractive Reserves) which are pieces of land that guarantee the preservation of a traditional lifestyle as well as the economic and cultural autonomy of the rural seringueiro. The creation of the RESEX was an original proposition as it regarded the construction of a different project of agrarian reform, one that respected the seringueiros lifestyle and that could consolidate its emerging rural autonomy. At that moment, the forest way of life of the seringueiros peoples (ALMEIDA, 2012) oriented the very creation of these territories. The practice of the subsistence agriculture, the making of flour, the hunting and fishing, the most varied uses of liana, straw, wood and other material from the woods, the knowlesge of the herbs to cure diseases, the celebrations, the magical beings, all of that, as well as the extraction of the rubber latex and the Brazil nut, is what makes the seringueiros lifestyle. This knowledge about the multiple uses of the forest is based on that what Pedro-Gonçalves (2003) defines as a new core of the indígenacabocla rationality. Such rationality is the basis to the material conditions of its reproduction supported by the agrarian extrativism practices, respecting the cycles for its exploration within the used plants and animals recovering capacity. It also has a symbolic dimension that makes the forest a locus of confrontation of its subjectivity, therefore of the seringueiros culture and sociability. Thus, the RESEX were also innovating as it referred to the creation of environmental conservation areas in Brazil. For the first time, human and nature were not seen apart from each other as the garantee of the seringueiros access to the forest was considered a condition for conservation of the ecologycal systems. Within the last decades though, the Reservas Extrativistas have suffered significant changes. The agrarian reform of seringais has been transformed in Unidade de Conservação de Uso Sustentável (Conservation Unit of Susteinable Use), a process that caused the raising of new conflicts between its habitants and the management organs of the government. The aims of this research is to investigate in the Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes (RECM), in Acre, how the recent dynamics in the lifestyle and the seringueiros tradicional knowledge, as well as the common ways of territory and natural resources apropriation garantee the rural reproduction despite the conflicts that theses peoples face due to the recent public politics applied in the area, focusing in the economic value of natural resources. The research relies on the theoretical-metodology perspective of the historical meterialism that allows us to understand the lifestyle category from the mediation between the social history of the studied groups and the contradictions raised by the uneven development of the capitalist ways of production.

Gestão ambiental na Reserva Extrativista Ilha do Tumba - Cananéia/SP / Environmental management in the Extractive Reserve Tomb Island - Cananéia / SP

Rodrigues, Lucas Milani 10 April 2015 (has links)
As unidades de conservação (UCs) também podem abrigar populações que nela vivem e dependem do meio em que estão inseridas para o sustento de suas famílias e desenvolvimento de seus modos de vida, o que as caracteriza como comunidades tradicionais. O espaço previsto em lei para que populações que se entendem como tradicionais possam manter seus meios de vida e cultura própria são as Reservas Extrativistas - RESEX - e as Reservas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável - RDS, UCs de Uso Sustentável. As UCs necessitam de uma gestão adequada para que se mantenham cumprindo os objetivos estabelecidos. Para monitorar essa forma de administração foram elaborados métodos de mensuração da efetividade de gestão com aplicação em diferentes áreas protegidas do Mundo. No entanto a categoria de RESEX não possui trabalhos publicados sobre a avaliação de gestão. Não foi feito um estudo em que a opinião das comunidades atendidas por uma RESEX seja levada em consideração neste processo. A presente dissertação adaptou o método de avaliação de gestão de UCs para esta tipologia e a área de aplicação destes conceitos e desenvolvimento da adaptação do método foi a Reserva Extrativista Ilha do Tumba em Cananéia/SP. A coleta de dados foi feita junto aos moradores beneficiados por essa Reserva (Comunidade do Marujá - Ilha do Cardoso e Comunidade do Ariri - parte continental de Cananéia) e Fundação Florestal, instituição estadual responsável pela gestão da UC, que também está sediada em Cananéia/SP. Primeiro foi feito um levantamento de dados qualitativos com entrevistas abertas nas duas comunidades e junto ao órgão gestor, assim como membros da sociedade civil que fazem parte do Conselho da UC. Posteriormente foi elaborado um questionário de avaliação aplicado ao Conselho Deliberativo da RESEX, gestor e equipe técnica da Fundação Florestal e presidentes das associações de bairro do Marujá e Ariri. O questionário foi dividido em duas partes: avaliação da Fundação Florestal, com questões mais amplas sobre o órgão gestor da UC (09 perguntas) e avaliação da RESEX Ilha do Tumba, com questões focadas às questões da UC (22 perguntas). A adaptação do método de avaliação de gestão da RESEX trouxe a percepção dos envolvidos em sua construção, o que resultou em uma ferramenta administrativa palpável à realidade local. Deste modo foi possível encontrar os pontos fracos da gestão da Fundação Florestal e da RESEX de modo participativo. O repasse da pesquisa foi feito nas reuniões do Conselho Deliberativo que ocorrem na comunidade do Marujá e os resultados da avaliação foram apresentados primeiro ao Conselho, antes do final da dissertação. / Protected areas (PAs) can also are home to populations who live and depend on the environment in which they are placed to support their families members and develop their ways of life, which characterizes them as traditional communities. The space provided by law for people who understand ourselves as traditional to keep their livelihoods and their culture are the Extractive Reserves - ER - and Sustainable Development Reserves - SDR, PAs of Sustainable Use. PAs need an appropriate management to stay in compliance with the established objectives. To monitor this administration form were developed measurement methods of the management effectiveness with applications in different protected fields in the world. However, the ER category doesn\'t have published works on its management evaluation. There wasn\'t a study done which communities opinion was taken into account. This dissertation adapted the PA management assessment method for this PA type and the application area of these concepts and development of adaptation of the method was the Extractive Reserve Tomb Island in Cananéia (São Paulo State - Brazil). Data collection was made with the residents benefit from this reserve (Community Marujá - Cardoso Island and Community Ariri - mainland Cananéia) and Forestry Foundation, state institution responsible for the management of PA, which is also based in Cananéia. First a survey was made of qualitative data through open interviews in the two communities and with the government body, as well as members of civil society that are part of the Council of PA. Later, it was prepared an assessment questionnaire to the Advisory Board of ER, manager and technical staff of the Forestry Foundation and presidents of Marujá and Ariri neighborhood associations. The questionnaire was divided into two parts: assessment of Forestry Foundation, with broader questions about the PA governing body (09 questions) and assessment of ER Tomb Island, with questions focused on issues of PA (22 questions). The adaptation of ER management evaluation method brought the perception of those involved in its construction, which resulted in a tangible administrative tool to the local reality. Thus it was possible to find the weaknesses in managing of the Forestry Foundation in a participatory manner. The research feedback session was made in the Board meetings occurring in Marujá community and the evaluation results were presented first to the Council, before the end of the dissertation.

Reservas extrativistas estaduais de Rondônia : uma história em construção /

Santana, Valdinéia de Oliveira. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Mauro de Mello Leonel Junior / Banca: Francisco Luiz Corsi / Banca: Rosa Ester Rossini / Resumo: Este trabalho consistiu em uma investigação, desenvolvida numa perspectiva sócio-ambiental, das 21 reservas extrativistas estaduais de Rondônia, da organização política de seus gestores e das condições de vida de sua população. Em geral, as reservas do Estado vêm sofrendo fortes pressões causadas por invasões, geralmente com a finalidade de extrair madeira de forma ilegal. Os moradores de reserva têm hoje como grande desafio a criação de condições principalmente econômicas que possibilitem sua permanência dentro do perímetro da reserva, mas ainda há outros desafios, como buscar a educação dos filhos, condições dignas de saúde. A criação das reservas extrativistas permite a permanência das populações tradicionais (seringueiros, ribeirinhos) nas áreas, mas a preservação ambiental é requisito essencial para sua manutenção. A propriedade da reserva é cedida de forma coletiva aos moradores através de concessão real de uso. Espera-se com ela uma redução das taxas de desmatamento e uma gestão democrática dos recursos ambientais. Trabalhamos com as Reservas Extrativistas Estaduais de Rondônia, avaliando a participação política de seus habitantes, reunidos em associações ligadas à OSR (Organização dos Seringueiros de Rondônia), na luta pela preservação de seu espaço e pela estruturação do movimento de defesa das reservas extrativistas estaduais e federais existentes no estado. / Abstract: This work consisted of on an investigation, developed in a socio environmental perspective, of 21 Extractive Reserves of Rondonia, of the political organization of their authors, and the life conditions of is population. In general, the state reserve is having strong pressures caused by invasions, usually with the objective of having the wood extraction in an illegal way. The inhabitants of these reserves have as a big challenge the creation of mainly economical conditions which can provide its staying inside the reserve perimeter, but, there are other challenges; how to provide the children education, and an honored health situation. The creation of extractive reserves provides the staying of the traditional population (rubber tree collectors, and riparian) in these areas, but the environmental preservation is an essential requirement for its maintenance. The reserve property is given in a collective way to the inhabitants through the real concession of its use. Its expected from this a reduction in tax deforestation and a democratic stewardship of the environmental resources. We worked with the State Extractive Reserves of Rondonia, evaluating the political participation of its inhabitants, united in organizations connected to the OSR (Rubber Tree Collectors Organization from Rondonia), in the battle for its space preservation and for the building of the defense movement of state and federal extractive reserves existing in the state. / Mestre

Utilização de sistemas poliméricos de duas fases aquosas (SPDFA) compostos por polietileno glicol/ácido poliacrílico (PEG/APA) para extração de ácido clavulânico / Utilization of aqueous two phase systems (ATPS) composed of polyethylene glycol/polyacrylic acid (PEG/APA) in the extraction of clavulanic acid.

Bruno Ubertino Rosso 04 September 2013 (has links)
A viabilidade da produção em escala industrial de produtos biotecnológicos de interesse comercial e terapêutico, como os fármacos, depende significativamente das técnicas de separação e purificação utilizadas. A aplicação do sistema de duas fases aquosas (SDFA) é proposta como alternativa para a purificação, pois permite a separação e análise de biomoléculas, de modo que estas não percam sua atividade ou propriedades desejadas. Esta técnica é interessante para a purificação em larga escala, pois permite partição seletiva, com potencial de obtenção de altos rendimentos, além de apresentar boa relação custo-benefício. O presente trabalho estudou a purificação por extração líquido-líquido do ácido clavulânico em SDFA utilizando um novo sistema polimérico aquoso, formado pelos polímeros polietileno glicol (PEG) e ácido poliacrílico (APA). Foram estudadas diferentes composições do sistema polimérico aquoso PEG/APA, empregando diferentes massas molares e concentrações para o PEG e utilizando a massa molar 8000g/mol para o APA. Com base nas informações obtidas o melhor ponto de extração para o ácido clavulânico na presença de Na2SO4 foi definido como MPEG=400 g/mol, CPEG=17,5% (m/m) e CNaPA=22,5% (m/m) com K= 19,14, ηT=91,21%, BM=101,69 e R=0,45. Enquanto que na presença de NaCl, o melhor ponto encontrado foi: MPEG=400 g/mol, CPEG=35% (m/m) e CNaPA=10% (m/m) com K=11,96 ηT=80,04%, BM=90,18 e R=0,66. No trabalho será avaliada, também, a influência da temperatura, pH e força iônica nesse sistema. Estabeleceram-se os melhores parâmetros de separação do ácido clavulânico presente em meio fermentado produzido por Streptomyces clavuligerus utilizando a metodologia de fermentação extrativa com SDFA PEG/APA. O efeito do ácido clavulânico no diagrama de fases do sistema PEG-APA, bem como sua partição na forma pura e na presença de homogeneizado celular, foi estudado principalmente através da determinação do coeficiente de partição e recuperação do respectivo fármaco. / The viability of industrial scale production of commercial and therapeutical biotechnological products, such as drugs, is significantly dependent on the separation and purification techniques applied. The use of two-aqueous phase systems (ATPS) is proposed as an alternative to purification because it allows the separation and analysis of biomolecules, so that they do not lose their activities or desired properties. This technique is interesting for large scale purification because it allows selective partition with high potential yield and good cost/benefit ratio. The present work studied the purification of clavulanic acid (CA) by liquid-liquid extraction in ATPS applying a new aqueous polymeric system composed of two polymers, namely polyethylene-glicol (PEG) and sodium polyacrylate (NaPA). Different compositions of the aqueous polymeric system (PEG/PAA) were utilized, employing different PEG molar masses (MPEG) and concentrations (CPEG) and a molar mass of PAA of 8000 g/mol. In the light of the results obtained, the best conditions for clavulanic acid extraction, in the presence of Na2SO4, were MPEG = 400 g/mol, CPEG = 17.5% (m/m) and CNaPA = 22.5% (m/m), which allowed obtaining a partition coefficient (K) of 19.14, a yield in the top phase (ηT) of 91.21%, a mass balance (MB) of 101.69 and a volume ratio (R) of 0.45. On the other hand, in the presence of NaCl, the best results (K = 11.96, ηT = 80.04%, MB = 90.18 and R = 0.66) were found at: MPEG = 400 g/mol, CPEG = 35% m/m and CNaPA = 10% m/m. The effect of clavulanic acid in the PEG-PAA system phase diagram and its partition either in its pure form or in the cell homogenate were studied mainly through both the determination of the partition coefficient and the recovery of the drug selected for this study.

An analysis of disclosures prepared by listed entities undertaking mining or oil and gas activities

Galbraith, Patricia Rosemary January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (M. Com. (Accountancy))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, School of Accountancy, 2015. / ABSTRACT The extractive activities industry includes entities that explore for, discover, develop and extract deposits of minerals, oil and natural gases. Recent research conducted has concluded that accounting for the assets and expenditure together with the disclosure requirements in this industry are not comprehensively addressed by current International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The debate surrounding the accounting and disclosure alternatives in the industry as well as movements to standardise them have been ongoing since the 1890s. The latest movement by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) resulted in a project team publishing the Discussion Paper DP/2010/1 – Extractive Activities of April 2010 (Discussion Paper). The Discussion Paper presents disclosures determined to provide the most useful information to the users of the industries financial statements. The IASB have paused this topic and it will not be added to the agenda in the near future, however, this Discussion Paper is likely to form the foundation of a new IFRS. This research report will assess how the reserves and related disclosures currently prepared by entities in the mining or oil and gas industry compare to the proposed disclosure requirements of the Discussion Paper. This research report uses a mixed methodology. Quantitative analysis, through the use of a disclosure checklist, dominates the study which covers two years. The results of this study are then qualitatively and compared per proposed disclosure, against market capitalisation, by listing sector, by external auditor and whether the entity has a single or a dual-listing. Overall the study shows that the current disclosures of the entities do not satisfy the proposed disclosures of the Discussion Paper. Entities in the extractive activities industry would need to invest more into financial reporting in order to achieve compliance with the disclosures should they ever form part of an IFRS. The findings do indicate that the number of disclosures provided is dependent on the size of the entity. The two entities PRG/0500709A i found to have the most disclosures are in the gold mining sector and have an alternative listing on the New York Stock Exchange.

Mitigating Transients and Azeotropes During Natural Gas Processing

Ebrahimzadeh, Edris 01 April 2016 (has links)
Cryogenic carbon capture process can be used to efficiently eliminate CO2 emissions from fossil-fueled power plants. The energy-storing embodiment of cryogenic carbon capture (ES-CCC) integrates energy storage with cryogenic carbon capture and uses natural gas as a refrigerant. ES-CCC captures CO2 from slowly varying or steady-state sources even as it absorbs and replaces large amounts of energy on the grid for energy storage. These large transients occur in the LNG generation as the process moves through energy storing to energy recovery operations. Additionally, raw natural gas often includes CO2 that forms an azeotrope with ethane. Breaking this azeotrope and separating CO2 from other hydrocarbons to meet natural gas pipeline and liquefied natural gas (LNG) standards is very energy intensive. The purpose of this work is to (a) describe a dynamic heat exchanger that reduces the heat exchanger performance and efficiency losses experienced under transient conditions and (b) introduce an alternative extractive distillation system for CO2 separation from ethane that requires less capital and has a lower operating cost than the conventional system for the same purification. This investigation demonstrates theoretically and experimentally that the dynamic heat exchangers can absorb sudden and large changes in flow rates and other properties without compromising either the heat exchanger efficiency or creating thermal or other stresses. These heat exchangers play an essential role in the ES-CCC process. Designs for retrofitting existing heat exchangers and for replacing existing heat exchangers with new designs are both theoretically and experimentally tested. The ES-CCC process requires natural gas processing to meet pipeline and LNG standards in many applications, depending primarily on the CO2 content of locally available NG. The energy, cost, and dynamic response of such processing hinges primarily on the most difficult step, breaking the CO2-ethane azeotrope. This project proposes and analyzes an alternative process for breaking this azeotrope and a control scheme that dramatically improves the dynamic response of natural gas processing plants, including steady and transient control scheme and processing simulations. These contributions to the ES-CCC capture process all have much broader applications in many chemical and energy processes. These contributions to ES-CCC and other industrial processes improve energy efficiency and dynamic performance of many processes and are ready for larger scale demonstration.

La fabrique de l'(im)puissance : une critique de la RSE dans le cas Weda Bay Nickel / The manufacture of power(lessness) : a critical perspective on CSR in the Weda Bay Nickel case

Roussey, Clara 12 February 2019 (has links)
La question des implications sociales et environnementales des activités économiques et de leur gestion ou gouvernance traverse aujourd’hui largement le champ académique des sciences de gestion. Pour autant, le potentiel transformateur de cette RSE continue largement de poser question. Les auteurs nourrissant une analyse critique de cette dernière arguent que, plus qu’une transformation ou qu’une démocratisation des espaces de régulation de problématiques sociales et environnementales devenues transnationales, la RSE serait à resituer dans une analyse des rapports de force à l’œuvre. A défaut d’inclure les différents intérêts en présence, la RSE prendrait finalement la forme d’un pouvoir discursif offrant au contraire le maintien et la perpétuation de pratiques et asymétries de pouvoir inchangées, et marginalisant les opposants ou témoins susceptibles de contrevenir à cette continuité. Inscrit dans le courant des perspectives critiques en management, ce travail doctoral s’est donné pour projet de venir comprendre et mettre au jour les rouages et procédés permettant l'édification d’une puissance industrielle à même de fermer les issues en sa défaveur et d’assurer les conditions de sa propre perpétuation. Ce travail accorde en particulier une place centrale aux implications et aux marges de l’histoire, offrant de considérer les moyens dévolus à la mise en impuissance des contestations et tentatives de remise en cause de cet ordre dominant, et dans le conteste de politiques de RSE. Quelles modalités, mécanismes ou boîtes noires viennent sous-tendre le processus de légitimation des entreprises vis-à-vis des externalités sociales et environnementales qu’elles produisent ? Quelles techniques ou technologies du pouvoir viennent-elles mobiliser pour se constituer en macro-acteurs légitimes ? Comment permettent-elles leur maintien et leur renouvellement en dépit des conflits, des contestations et des dénonciations venant les remettre en cause ? Pour permettre l’analyse de ces différents points, une étude exploratoire fut réalisée et prolongée de l’étude du cas Weda Bay Nickel, projet minier développé par la multinationale française Eramet dans une lointaine Indonésie. Inscrite dans une posture constructiviste pragmatique, la démarche qualitative adoptée cherchait à comprendre et à déconstruire ce projet minier, présenté comme exemplaire en matière de RSE et pourtant largement contesté, par la recension systématique des documents produits et publiés à son sujet, la réalisation d’interviews auprès de diverses parties prenantes (N=41), ainsi qu’une ethnographie de trois semaines principalement effectuée dans la baie de Weda, et plus largement dans la province indonésienne des Moluques du Nord, constituant le théâtre de son implantation.Inscrit dans la tradition des postures analytiques descriptives et narratives, ce travail doctoral propose une mise en récit processuelle du cas offrant de caractériser le contexte de fabrication d’une puissance WBN et de mettre au jour sa transformation d’hypothèse spéculative en projet de développement ne pouvant plus qu’advenir, produit des contingences de l’histoire, de la nécessité de retour sur investissement auto-générée et d’un réseau d’intérêts bien compris. Par ailleurs, la mise en impuissance des contestations, révoltes et mobilisations s’étant faites jour à son encontre sera également étudiée, de sorte qu’elle se voit reconnaître sa place de produit des échecs successifs subis par une contestation bien réelle et active. Aussi, plus qu’un pendant inéluctable de la puissance, l’impuissance collective des acteurs s’étant opposés au projet minier WBN se présentera comme un construit, le produit d’une fabrique où les pouvoirs de cadrage et de contrainte des partisans de la mine apparaissent finalement moins empreints d’une quête de légitimation, qu’apparentés à un processus d’écrasement vécu comme indiscutable et irréversible par les parties prenantes sans pouvoir. / The academic field of organization studies has paid, in the past several years, a growing attention to the social and environmental impacts of economic activities, to their management as well as their governance. The idea of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) came to materialize and embody the commitment of corporations against unsustainable activities, even if the voluntary or constrained character of this phenomenon remains a matter of debate. Additionally, the prospects of CSR in terms of concrete transformations leading to more sustainable and democratic practices are still questioned. Critical scholars of CSR have, more recently, tackled these issues by pointing to the need for bringing power struggles back in the study of CSR. Although CSR principles aim at managing a multiplicity of stakeholders, critical scholars have highlighted that CSR practices took shape as a discursive power designed for maintaining and enforcing existing practices and power asymmetries, thanks to a marginalization of protestors and those trying to threaten their continuity.This doctoral project is precisely drawing upon such critical perspectives on CSR in order to understand comprehensively the political mechanisms according to which a corporate power manages to rise so as to counter potential protests and secure its own perpetuation. More particularly, this project devotes a significant attention to the implications of such corporate power on powerless stakeholders, highlighting the specific means implemented to manufacture powerlessness, starting from the following research questions: what are the modalities, mechanisms and black boxes upon which the legitimation process of corporations’ social and environmental impacts relies? What are the techniques and technologies of power designed and implemented by corporations in order to do so? How do they manage to maintain and renew their power in the face of struggles, contests and denunciations trying to challenge it?The design of this doctoral project relied on two different stages: an exploratory study of a multiplicity of CSR discourses articulated within and around a political CSR arena of the mining industry ; an in-depth case study of Weda Bay Nickel, i.e. a mining project undertaken by a French multinational corporation, Eramet, in far-off Indonesia. The methodological background of the doctoral project draws upon pragmatic constructivism and qualitative methods in order to comprehend and deconstruct the paradox according to which the Weda Bay Nickel case is at the same time praised for its exemplariness and fiercely contested. Data collection consisted in a systematic inventory of published data, interviews with a multiplicity of stakeholders (N = 41), as well as a period of three weeks ethnography in the Indonesia North Maluku region, where the mining deposit is located. Data analysis was conducted following a descriptive narrative approach, allowing for the production of a narrative which starts from the context of manufacture of corporate powerfulness, from a mere object of geological then financial speculation to a project of development that must be achieved, thanks to historical contingencies, return-on-investment self-fulfilling imperatives, as well as the forging of a coalition of interests. The narrative continues to portray the manufacture of powerlessness of protesters, rebellions and social movements, highlighting that the failure to contest corporate power cannot be associated to a powerlessness per se. Accordingly, the manufacture of powerlessness is shown to be of a socially constructed nature, relying on the implementation of framing and coercive forms of power by the corporation and its allies. Framing and coercion being the cornerstones of a policy that seems to go far beyond a search for legitimation. Instead, they can be subsumed into the idea of a domination process, experienced as non-disputable and non-reversible by the powerless stakeholders.

Métallurgie extractive protohistorique du cuivre :<br>Etude thermodynamique et cinétique des réactions chimiques de transformation de minerais de cuivre sulfurés en métal et caractérisation des procédés

Burger, Emilien 18 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude des deux étapes principales des procédés de transformation de la chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) en cuivre, le grillage et la fusion scorifiante, pour répondre à un problème archéologique. Pour chaque étape, des simulations expérimentales sont effectuées en laboratoire en modélisant les conditions d'un réacteur protohistorique. D'une part, la cinétique de grillage est étudiée par thermogravimétrie couplée à l'analyse physicochimique des produits intermédiaires. D'autre part, les simulations de fusion scorifiante sont principalement menées pour mesurer l'influence respective de deux sources d'oxygène sur la microstructure des produits obtenus : la quantité initiale d'oxyde et la pO2 de l'atmosphère régnant dans le système. Ces simulations expérimentales aboutissent à : - La caractérisation des réactions chimiques mises en jeu lors du procédé, et la proposition de leur mécanismes réactionnels. - L'élaboration de référentiels expérimentaux qui mettent en évidence les correspondances entre conditions opératoires et produits obtenus. Ces référentiels sont reproduits en conditions protohistoriques afin de vérifier leur pertinence. Ces données physico-chimiques sont ensuite exploitées pour répondre à une problématique archéologique en particulier : la métallurgie extractive du cuivre dans les Alpes et le Sud de la France au Chalcolithique et à l'âge du Bronze Ancien.

Study on conversion of some chemical compounds of wood sawdust waste in biocomposting process / Nghiên cứu sự biến đổi một số thành phần hóa học của mùn vụn gỗ phế thải trong quá trình tạo phân bón hữu cơ vi sinh

Nguyen, Thi Minh Nguyet, Chu, Thi Thu Ha 15 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This paper presents the research results of treatment solution of wood waste of Acacia and Eucalyptus in making of bioorganic fertilizers for the effective utilization of plant biomass resources and minimization of environmental pollution. The conversion cycles of the basic chemical compounds of wood waste in composting process were established by two biological products: Biomix and Compost Maker. Research results have shown that, under the action of microorganisms, all basic chemical compounds were modified (among them cellulose was most powerfully modified) whereas lignin, extractives dissolved in ethanol were less destructed. Within about first 75 days of composting, the conversion of the above mentioned compounds is negligible. With the time of composting from 105 days to 120 days, in total over of 70% of cellulose was conversed into compounds dissolved in water and in 1% NaOH solution. The optimal composting time was about 105 days. In this case, the fertilizer obtained was humified, had dark colour and could be used for planting and soil improvement purposes. / Bài báo này trình bày các kết quả nghiên cứu giải pháp xử lý mùn vụn gỗ phế thải của gỗ Keo và Bạch đàn thành phân bón hữu cơ vi sinh, nhằm tận dụng hiệu quả nguồn sinh khối thực vật và giảm thiểu ô nhiễm môi trường. Đã xác lập được một số quy luật biến đổi của các thành phần hóa học cơ bản của mùn vụn gỗ trong quá trình ủ compost bằng hai chế phẩm vi sinh Biomix và Compost Maker, để tạo phân bón hữu cơ vi sinh. Kết quả nghiên cứu đã cho thấy, dưới tác dụng của vi sinh vật, tất cả các thành phần hóa học cơ bản của mùn vụn gỗ đều bị biến đổi, trong đó xenluloza bị biến đổi mạnh nhất, lignin và các chất trích ly bằng etanol ít bị phân hủy hơn. Trong vòng khoảng 75 ngày ủ đầu tiên, sự biến đổi của các thành phần nêu trên là không đáng kể. Với thời gian ủ từ 105 ngày đến 120 ngày, tổng cộng có trên 70% xenluloza bị phân hủy thành các hợp chất dễ tan trong nước và dung dịch NaOH 1%. Thời gian ủ thích hợp là khoảng 105 ngày. Trong trường hợp này, phân bón thu được đã bị mùn hóa, có mầu sẫm và có thể sử dụng cho mục đích trồng trọt và cải tạo đất.

Improving Search Results with Automated Summarization and Sentence Clustering

Cotter, Steven 23 March 2012 (has links)
Have you ever searched for something on the web and been overloaded with irrelevant results? Many search engines tend to cast a very wide net and rely on ranking to show you the relevant results first. But, this doesn't always work. Perhaps the occurrence of irrelevant results could be reduced if we could eliminate the unimportant content from each webpage while indexing. Instead of casting a wide net, maybe we can make the net smarter. Here, I investigate the feasibility of using automated document summarization and clustering to do just that. The results indicate that such methods can make search engines more precise, more efficient, and faster, but not without costs. / McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts / Computational Mathematics / MS / Thesis

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