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Motivation på högsta nivå : att motivera chefer till produktivitet / Motivation at the highest level : motivate managers to productivityBäckman, Sofie, Järnberg, Jacquline January 2014 (has links)
En kvantitativ studie med syftet att undersöka chefers arbetsmotivation i en större svensk koncern med runt 1000 anställda har genomförts. Vi har använt Self- determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2008a) samt Tremblay, Blanchard, Taylor, Pelletier och Villeneuves (2009) WEIMS-test (The work extrinsic and intrinsic motivation scale) som teoretiskt underlag i studien. Vi fokuserade på att jämföra skillnader i arbetsmotivation utifrån ålder och chefsposition samt att koppla arbetsmotivation till produktivitet. Totalt deltog 102 chefer, 27 av dem var arbetsledare, 54 var mellanchefer och 21 var högre chefer. Resultatet visade att cheferna i större utsträckning motiverades av inre motivationshöjande faktorer än av yttre motivationshöjande faktorer. Yngre chefer motiverades mer av inre motivationshöjande faktorer och de äldre cheferna motiverades i högre grad av kontrollerad arbetsmotivation. Det fanns inget samband mellan självbestämd (inre) arbetsmotivation och upplevd produktivitet men däremot fanns ett samband mellan självbestämd arbetsmotivation och attityd till koncernen och dess produktivitet. Slutligen visade sig de lägre cheferna uppleva mer amotivation än de högre cheferna. / Program: Organisations- och personalutvecklare i samhället
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Three essays on tax compliance and the estimation of income-gapsGonzalez Cabral, Ana Cinta January 2017 (has links)
Quoting James Andreoni, `the problem of tax compliance is as old as taxes themselves'. The sources of missing tax revenues have traditionally concerned tax administrations and particularly now in times when public finances are striving. In the quest for analysing the revenue that is foregone, tax administrations have started to produce a report of their tax gap, understood as the difference between the theoretical tax liability and the actual collection, to obtain a measure of the extent of non-compliance. Due to the complexity of the non-compliance behaviour and the lack of visibility of certain types of income, different methods are usually put in place in order to offer a plausible range for the estimates. This dissertation dedicates its two first chapters to providing an alternative method for estimating the income-gap (de fined to be one minus the proportion of reported to actual income) for two populations: the self-employed and the employees. The underlying data used for both cases is publicly available survey data on expenditures and income that is generated on a timely manner. This carries substantial advantages. First, relying on a general purpose survey dataset means that the estimation can be updated more frequently than if it was to rely solely on either the timing of administrative data or on survey data that is speci fically targeted to measure non-compliance. Second, it provides an alternative estimation using an independent source of data which allows for the triangulation of the estimate obtained using administrative sources. Third, it allows tax administrations which do not have readily available administrative data to perform estimations using a type of survey widespread available in most countries. The third chapter of this thesis explores the role of the extrinsic and intrinsic incentives in explaining engagement in the hidden economy defined as undeclared work practices. This chapter contributes firstly to the literature on shadow economy and to the debate of whether crowding effects are found between extrinsic and intrinsic motivations in a tax environment.
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The adaptive-maladaptive debate in perfectionism research often centers on the issue of whether perfectionism affords the individual an advantage in academic performance. This study is an extension of a previous study by the authors that found maladaptive forms of perfectionism were positively associated with academic procrastination. Conversely, adaptive forms of perfectionism were negatively associated with academic procrastination. Additionally, although trait anxiety was positively associated with academic procrastination in general, this relationship was reversed for those scoring high in adaptive perfectionism but not maladaptive perfectionism. The purpose of the current study is to examine whether the relationships between perfectionism and procrastination is indirect with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (respective to adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism) serving as mediators of this relationship. Additionally we will examine whether the relationship between anxiety and procrastination is moderated by intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
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The Role of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Focusing on Self-Determination Theory in Relation to Summer Bridge Community College StudentsSpence, Cynthia J. 01 June 2014 (has links)
The student population of the Southern California community college used for this study was just over 10,000 students in 2011. While retention rates for all community college students are a matter of concern, retention rates for Basic Skills students are particularly alarming. The college used for this study reports that 97% of their students assessed into developmental education courses. Currently, California community colleges are working towards implementing several types of intervention strategies with the objective of positively influencing Basic Skill student persistence. Summer bridge programs are one of these strategies. Students completing summer bridge programs are showing signs of immediate academic improvement. However, there is a gap in knowledge regarding the continuing retention rates for students participating in the programs and the motivational factors that influenced the students to participate in, and complete, the programs to begin with. This study focused on student retention and motivational factors through the lens of Self-Determination Theory. While external motivation factors are sometimes viewed as a means to an end and not necessarily conducive to long-range success, Self-Determination Theory supports the concept that extrinsic motivation factors can merge into intrinsic motivation and can therefore be productive. Researchers have suggested summer bridge programs should be evaluated over a longer period of time and should incorporate additional measures rather than relying solely on pre-test/post-test data. With this in mind, this study examined one summer bridge program over a four-year period and focused on student survey data and interview data, which asked students to self-report their motivational influences for attending one of four summer bridge programs. Using the lens of Self-Determination Theory, the researcher analyzed the data looking for intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. One of the significant outcomes of the study is that the researcher was able to identify motivational factors relating specifically to one summer bridge program. Some eternal factors reported included retaking the assessment test, receiving school supplies, and meeting the requirements of specific scholarships. Intrinsic motivational factors focused on building relationships and improved academic competence. Finally, continued research regarding intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors can also expand to the larger community college student body since motivation in higher education is a multilayered concept.
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Motivating Allied Health Students to Successfully Complete Core CoursesTrusclair, Lisa Renee 01 January 2017 (has links)
This project study addressed the problem of a decline in retention of students at a local allied health college. The need for allied health professionals is projected to exceed the availability by 2020, so it is important to identify strategies to help allied health students succeed. The purpose of this case study was to explore perceptions of students and faculty about motivating factors and learning strategies that foster successful progression in allied health programs. Ryan and Deci's self-determination theory, focused on the relationship between motivation and success, served as the framework for the study. Research questions addressed intrinsic and extrinsic factors that students and faculty identified as significant in motivating successful completion of core courses. Data collection included information from the college effective plan from the research site and face-to-face audio-recorded interviews with 10 allied health students and 5 faculty. Students were 18 years or older and enrolled in at least 1 core course in an allied health program; faculty taught at least 1 core course with at least 1 year of experience with allied health students. Interview data were analyzed through open coding to identify themes related to motivating student success in core courses. Significant motivating factors included improved quality of life (intrinsic) and a supportive learning environment (extrinsic). Motivating strategies for student success were active involvement in the learning process and hands-on learning. Findings from the study guided development of a 3-day learning community designed to support student success in core allied health courses. Positive social change may be impacted by motivating allied health students to succeed in order to meet the health care needs of clients.
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Hur upplever vårdpersonal sitt arbete med att motivera brukare med dubbeldiagnos?Degervall, Kerstin, Rönnkvist, Liselotte January 2007 (has links)
<p>Individer med ett psykiskt funktionshinder har varit en del av en het debatt som pågått i Sverige en längre tid. Att ha både ett psykiskt funktionshinder och ett missbruk kallas för att ha en Dubbeldiagnos, (DD). Denna studie vill undersöka hur vårdpersonal upplever sitt arbete med att motivera brukare med DD till att förändra sin dagliga livsföring. Studien baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer med vårdpersonal, sammanlagt 12 intervjuer. Vårdpersonalen upplever sitt arbete som mycket positivt men att en känsla av frustration uppkommer då framsteg sker i en mycket långsam process. Detta upplever personalen beror på att missbruk tillåts på boendet. Inre och yttre motivation i samspel ansågs påverka en brukare med betoning på den inre.</p>
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Motivation : En studie om lärares och elevers syn på motivation i skolan / Motivation : A studie of teachers and students view of motivation in schoolSundström, Jenny, Wiman, Malin January 2009 (has links)
<p>I vårt examensarbete undersöker vi olika typer av motivation. Vårt syfte med arbetet var att <em>undersöka lärares syn motivation samt elevers egen motivation i skolan. </em>De frågeställningar vi utgick från var: <em>1</em>. <em>Vilken typ av motivation har elever i år 4 och år 5?</em> <em>2. </em><em>Finns det någon skillnad mellan pojkars och flickors motivation? 3.</em> <em>Vilken typ av motivation strävar lärare efter att elever ska erhålla och använda sig av?</em> <em>4</em>. <em>Hur ser lärare på intrinsic (inre) motivation, extrinsic (yttre) motivation samt amotivation?</em> Vi börjar med att redogöra för begreppet motivation och sedan hur läroplanen ser på motivation. Vi lyfter sex olika huvudteorier inom motivation och går sedan in mer grundligt på <em>intrinsic</em> <em>and</em> <em>extrinsic</em> motivation. I denna teori finns Self-Determination theory och inom den amotivation. Self-Determination theory används i detta arbete när vi tittar på elevers olika styrningsformer inom <em>motivation</em> De fem olika styrningsformerna är: <em>inre motivation, identifierad styrning, omedveten styrning, yttre styrning </em>och<em> amotivation. </em>I arbetet gör vi elevernas olika styrningar synliga genom figurer. Vi använde oss av metoderna enkät och intervju för att få svar på våra frågeställningar. Undersökningens resultat påvisar bland annat att eleverna i år 4 och år 5 generellt har god <em>intrinsic</em> <em>motivation</em>, men använder sig också av <em>extrinsic motivation</em>. Lärarna som vi intervjuade tyckte att <em>intrinsic motivation</em> är den viktigaste av motivationsformerna, men menar samtidigt att <em>extrinsic motivation</em> är den form som är lättast att motivera eleverna genom.</p>
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Motivation : En studie om lärares och elevers syn på motivation i skolan / Motivation : A studie of teachers and students view of motivation in schoolSundström, Jenny, Wiman, Malin January 2009 (has links)
I vårt examensarbete undersöker vi olika typer av motivation. Vårt syfte med arbetet var att undersöka lärares syn motivation samt elevers egen motivation i skolan. De frågeställningar vi utgick från var: 1. Vilken typ av motivation har elever i år 4 och år 5? 2. Finns det någon skillnad mellan pojkars och flickors motivation? 3. Vilken typ av motivation strävar lärare efter att elever ska erhålla och använda sig av? 4. Hur ser lärare på intrinsic (inre) motivation, extrinsic (yttre) motivation samt amotivation? Vi börjar med att redogöra för begreppet motivation och sedan hur läroplanen ser på motivation. Vi lyfter sex olika huvudteorier inom motivation och går sedan in mer grundligt på intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. I denna teori finns Self-Determination theory och inom den amotivation. Self-Determination theory används i detta arbete när vi tittar på elevers olika styrningsformer inom motivation De fem olika styrningsformerna är: inre motivation, identifierad styrning, omedveten styrning, yttre styrning och amotivation. I arbetet gör vi elevernas olika styrningar synliga genom figurer. Vi använde oss av metoderna enkät och intervju för att få svar på våra frågeställningar. Undersökningens resultat påvisar bland annat att eleverna i år 4 och år 5 generellt har god intrinsic motivation, men använder sig också av extrinsic motivation. Lärarna som vi intervjuade tyckte att intrinsic motivation är den viktigaste av motivationsformerna, men menar samtidigt att extrinsic motivation är den form som är lättast att motivera eleverna genom.
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Hur upplever vårdpersonal sitt arbete med att motivera brukare med dubbeldiagnos?Degervall, Kerstin, Rönnkvist, Liselotte January 2007 (has links)
Individer med ett psykiskt funktionshinder har varit en del av en het debatt som pågått i Sverige en längre tid. Att ha både ett psykiskt funktionshinder och ett missbruk kallas för att ha en Dubbeldiagnos, (DD). Denna studie vill undersöka hur vårdpersonal upplever sitt arbete med att motivera brukare med DD till att förändra sin dagliga livsföring. Studien baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer med vårdpersonal, sammanlagt 12 intervjuer. Vårdpersonalen upplever sitt arbete som mycket positivt men att en känsla av frustration uppkommer då framsteg sker i en mycket långsam process. Detta upplever personalen beror på att missbruk tillåts på boendet. Inre och yttre motivation i samspel ansågs påverka en brukare med betoning på den inre.
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Crowdsourcing - Take on Goliath : Motivating people to participate in CrowdsourcingLinkruus, Kim, Nilsson, Kristian, Westerberg, Andreas January 2012 (has links)
Introduction: From the start-up, the Internet has allowed easier, cheaper and more widespread communication between different parties. New ways in conducting business have emerged thanks to the Internet, such as Crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing makes an open call to a group of peers, where the peers contribute to a final product. However, motivating these peers could be troublesome. Thus, there is a question in how to engage a crowd to participate in Crowdsourcing in order to create some sort of exchange to strive for a mutually beneficial relationship that makes the crowd willing to participate in Crowdsourcing. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find how different motivating factors affect Participation in explicit Crowdsourcing. Methods: The design of the research conducted in this thesis was a quantitative survey that investigated motivating factors for the members of the company Company X. The survey was sent out threw Company X own site to their members and there were 82 complete answers collected. However, only 73 questionnaires were analyzable due to previous participation. The results gathered from the survey were analyzed with the help of seven hypotheses. Results: Monetary Awards, the Challenge of Problem Solving, and Peer Pressure were found to have a positive effect on Participation. Attention, Recognition, and the Ability of completing a Problem Solving process indicated that there are tendencies of a positive relationship with Participation, but it was not possible to draw any conclusions from these concepts. The results also indicated that having a Competition, or competitive environment could have a negative effect on Participation. Conclusion: The results show that there are some major differences between the results from studies dealing with implicit Crowdsourcing and innovation contests. The general nature of an explicit Crowdsourcing community is speculated to be more friendly and helpful than an implicit Crowdsourcing platform due to the necessary collaboration of explicit Crowdsourcing. Monetary incentives might be what draws the eye of a member in the beginning - although this is not tested -, and this is also one factor that might be motivating people the most in an explicit Crowdsourcing community. Nevertheless, the factors that could have effects on Participation in explicit Crowdsourcing were Monetary Awards, Ability, Competition, and Peer Pressure.
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