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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Paradox of Women's Rights: Malaysia's Struggle Towards Legal And Religious Pluralism

Binti Mohammad, Shazalyna 21 November 2012 (has links)
Family is the foundation society. Women are the backbone of families even in fundamental patriarchal society like Malaysia. However, Malaysia’s system of religious accommodation results in different rights available to individuals based on the states diverse religious affiliation. Contemporary family issues are inadequately addressed in current Malaysian Family Law: one for the Muslims and one for the non-Muslims. Most cases highlighted inconsistencies when conversion to Islam affected the rights of women during breakdown of marriage. In permitting a path to accommodate diversity, and to reach a new engagement between the civil and the Shariah courts, it is necessary to appreciate Malaysia’s history, sentiment, constraints and strengths. This paper proposes that not only Malaysia has adequate strengths to provide a strong platform to address the conflict, but possesses the mechanisms to create a dynamic set of joint governance of Family Laws to enhance religious accommodation.

11 kap. 5 § ÄB - vad gäller vid testators bortgång då en fastighet pantsatts för att finansiera uppförandet av en byggnad på ofri grund? : De lege lata och de lege ferenda / Chapter 11. 5 § in the Swedish Inheritance Code – What are the terms for when a deviser has taken a mortgage on a property in order to finance the construction of a building on leasehold? : De lege lata and de lege ferenda

Samuelsson, Oscar, Svensson, Pontus January 2013 (has links)
Presumtionsreglerna i 11 kap. ÄB får anses vara ett hjälpmedel vid tolkning av testamenten som i sig inte ger tillräcklig ledning för vad testatorn avsett ska hända med sin kvarlåtenskap. Dessa presumtionsregler är tänkta att ge uttryck för vad testatorer i allmänhet vill ska hända med sitt arv efter sin bortgång i specifika situationer. Att reglerna ska ge uttryck för vad den ”genomsnittlige” testatorn vill innebär att reglernas utformning måste vara av generell karaktär. I denna uppsats utreder vi presumtionsregeln i 11 kap. 5 § ÄB som behandlar panträttsbelastade saklegat. Arbetet är avgränsat till att enbart behandla det fall då en fastighet har pantsatts och belånats för att finansiera uppförandet av en byggnad på ofri grund. Uppsatsen framställer en kritisk syn på utformningen av nu nämnda presumtionsregel enligt gällande rätt. För att utreda och peka på brister i gällande rätt används en deskriptiv metod, vilket är en förutsättning för den kommande analysen som undersöker möjligheten till en förändring av presumtionsregeln i fråga. Rättsläget analyseras sedermera med hjälp av en analytisk och problemorienterad metod. I denna del av uppsatsen inventeras argument för och emot de framlagda förslagen till förändring, varefter argumenten vägs mot varandra. På grundval av argumentationen tar författarna ställning till huruvida varje enskilt förslag är möjligt att genomföra. Resultatet av analysen är att införandet av ett andra stycke till presumtionsregeln i 11 kap. 5 § ÄB är det mest lämpliga alternativet för att lösa den problematik som behandlas. Ett sådant stycke skulle tydligt stadga vem som ska bära panträttsbelastningen vid testatorns bortgång för det fall att testatorn har pantsatt en fastighet för att finansiera uppförandet av en byggnad på ofri grund. / The rules of presumption in chapter 11 of the Swedish Inheritance Code are to be considered as an aid in the interpretation of wills, if the will itself does not provide sufficient guidance for what the deviser intended to happen with his legacy. These rules of presumption are meant to express what a deceased person in general would want to happen with his legacy in specific situations. The rules of presumption have to be of a general nature in order to represent the average deceased persons intentions. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the rule of presumption given in chapter 11. 5 § of the Swedish Inheritance Code concerning estate with an attached mortgage lien which the deviser in his will has left to a specific legatee. This thesis is limited to only treat the case where a mortgage lien on property is deposited as security for a loan in order to finance the construction of a building on leasehold. The thesis presents a critical view of the design of the aforementioned rule of presumption according to current legislation. In order to investigate and identify shortcomings in current law, a descriptive method is used, which is a prerequisite for future analysis that examines the possibility of a change of the rule of presumption in question.The legal position is analyzed with an analytical approach. In this part of the thesis, arguments for and against the proposals of change are being evaluated. On the basis of these arguments, the authors consider whether each proposal is possible to implement or not. The result of the analysis is that the introduction of a subparagraph to the rule of presumption in chapter 11. 5 § of the Swedish Inheritance Code is the most suitable option to solve the issues being treated in the thesis. Such a subparagraph would clearly state which one of the legatees who is obligated to carry the burden of the mortgage lien attached to the property that has been deposited in order to finance the construction of a building on leasehold.

Europeiskt arvsintyg : En granskning av det internationella arvsintyget i EU:s arvsförordning / The European Certificate of Succession

Edman, Tove, Svantesson, Linnea January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the European certificate of succession, and how it affects Swedish inheritance law. The European certificate of succession is a European document that will be introduced in august 2015 in the EU regulation of succession. The certificate of succession is meant to simplify the current process of cross-border inheritance by legitimizing the concerned parties, which according to the regulation are: heirs, legatees, executors of wills and administrators of the estate. According to the regulation, the member state of which the deceased had habitual residence shall have jurisdiction to rule on the succession as a whole. Since the certificate is a European document, it will have legal effect in all member states. Because of this, a decision from one authority/court in a member state will also be applicable in the other member states. This means that national law in a certain capacity becomes cross-border law, which requires strong regulation. The certificate itself cannot be counted as an estate inventory, choice of law, will, or similar. It can however be a basis for a decision concerning inheritance. The certificate can be considered as an acknowledgement of a decision from one member state, which will also be applicable in the other member states. In Sweden, the certificate will be issued by “Skatteverket” (the Swedish tax agency). The European certificate of succession will considerably simplify the cross-border inheritance process for EU-citizens. / Uppsatsens syfte är undersöka arvsintyget som rättshandling och diskutera dess följder på svensk arvsrätt. Det europeiska arvsintyget är en europeisk rättshandling som kommer införas i augusti 2015 i samband med EU:s nya arvsförordning. Arvsintyget är menat att förenkla processen vid gränsöverskridande arvsfrågor genom att legitimera de berörda parterna. Vilka enligt förordningen är: arvtagare, testamentstagare, boutredningsmän och testamentsexekutorer. I och med den nya arvsförordningen kommer hemvistprincipen få en större roll inom den europeiska arvsrätten och arvsintyget kan då användas för att förmedla ett domslut/bestämmande från en medlemsstat till en annan. Även universalitetsprincipen är av stor vikt vid behörighetsfrågor om gränsöverskridande arv, då den innebär att all kvarlåtenskap ska ingå i samma boutredning. Eftersom arvsintyget är en europeisk rättshandling kommer den ha rättsverkan i alla EU-länder som är bundna av arvsförordningen. Därför kommer ett beslut från myndighet/domstol i en medlemsstat även gälla i andra medlemsstater, vilket meddelas genom arvsintyget. Detta leder till att nationell lag i viss kapacitet blir gränsöverskridande, vilket kräver strikt reglering. Arvsintyget kan inte i sig självt räknas som en fördelning av kvarlåtenskap, lagvalsavtal eller liknande. Det kan dock ligga till grund för beslutande angående arvsskifte. Arvsintyget kan anses vara en kvittens av ett beslut från en medlemsstat, vilket ska gälla även i andra medlemsstater. Arvsintyget kommer i Sverige utfärdas av Skatteverket och kommer betydligt underlätta för EU-medborgare vid gränsöverskridande arvsfrågor.

Šeimos santykių teisinis reglamentavimo principai ir jų taikymas teismų praktikoje / The principles of legal regulation in family law and their application in court practice

Bystriakovienė, Skaistė 21 January 2008 (has links)
Šeimos teisės esmę ir jos įgyvendinimo svarbiausius būdus nustato ir išreiškia šeimos teisės principai. Kadangi gyvenime vyksta tokie spartūs socialiniai pokyčiai, liečiantys ir šeimos santykius, kyla klausimas, ar šeimos teisės principai bėgant laikui taip pat negali pamažu transformuotis. Todėl yra svarbu ir aktualu išnagrinėti šeimos santykių teisinio reglamentavimo principus ir atskleisti, ar jie atitinka visuomenės lūkesčius. Lietuvos Respublikoje šeimos santykių teisinis reglamentavimas grindžiamas monogamijos, santuokos savanoriškumo, sutuoktinių lygiateisiškumo, prioritetinės vaikų teisių ir interesų apsaugos ir gynimo, vaikų auklėjimo šeimoje, motinystės visokeriopos apsaugos principais bei kitais civilinių santykių teisinio reglamentavimo principais. Darbe yra kompleksiškai analizuojama ir atskleidžiama šeimos teisės principų samprata, apibrėžiamas jų turinys. Nagrinėjama Lietuvos nacionalinių teismų formuojama praktika šia tema, nustatomos šių principų įgyvendinimo problemos, principų santykis su kitais šeimos teisės institutais (santuoka, ištuoka, vaikų ir tėvų tarpusavio teisės ir pareigos ir kt.). Darbe taip pat yra pateikiama lyginamoji analizė su kai kuriomis užsienio valstybėmis (Rusija, Lenkija) šeimos teisės principų atžvilgiu. Išanalizavus darbo temą bei išnagrinėjus teismų praktiką, prieita prie išvados, jog tarp šeimos teisės principų jokios hierarchijos nėra. Jie visi egzistuoja lygiagrečiai ir yra taikomi visi ar keli iš jų kartu sprendžiant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The principles of family law determine the essence of family law and the most important means of its implementation. Due to the rapid social changes, which have the impact on the family relationship, the question arises: do the principles of family law also change as the time passes? That is why examination of the principles of legal regulation in family law and establishing whether they correspond to the expectations of the society is crucial and of great relevance. The legal regulation of family relationship in Lithuania is based on the principles of monogamy, the equality of spouses, the voluntariness of marriage, the priority of the protection of child rights and interests, the upbringing of the child in the family, the protection of motherhood and on other principles of regulation of civil relationship. In this paper the concept of family law principles is explored and the content of these principles is defined. The special attention is devoted to the practice, formed by the courts in Lithuania. Also the problems of implementation of the principles are established, the relations of the principles with the relevant institutes of family law (marriage, divorce, mutual rights and obligations of parents and children, etc.) are analyzed. The paper also provides the comparative analysis of the principles with those applied in Russian Federation and Poland. After the topic has been explored and the court practice has been examined, the following conclusions are made: there is... [to full text]

Digitala testamenten : Behöver formkraven för upprättande av testamente moderniseras? / Digital wills : Are the formal requirements for establishing a will in need of a modernization?

Jigler Envall, Annika January 2014 (has links)
Genom ett testamente kan en person se till så att han får sin yttersta vilja fram efter hans bortgång. Vid upprättande av testamente måste dock en testator ta hänsyn till de formkrav som gäller för handlingen, vilka är kraven på skriftlighet, underskrift och bevittning. Dessa formkrav brukar traditionellt sett bestå av en fysisk del, så som att testamentet ska upprättas på papper, testatorn ska egenhändigt skriva under testamentet och bevittningen ska ske genom fysisk närvaro. Vi lever dock i ett allt mer digitaliserat och teknikvänligt samhälle och en naturlig följd av det vore om en person kunde upprätta ett digitalt testamente. Syftet med denna uppsats är att fastställa gällande rätt avseende testamentets formkrav och utreda om de kan uppfyllas genom ett digitalt testamente. Eftersom formkraven inte kan uppfyllas elektroniskt traditionellt sett, kommer författaren istället att utgå ifrån syftena bakom formkraven. Bakom kravet på skriftlighet ligger främst bevis- och äkthetsfunktionen som syftar till att säkerställa ett testamentes tillblivelse, giltighet och innehåll. Kravet på underskrift grundas främst på viljeförklaringsfunktionen, med andra ord att testatorn ska intyga om att testamentet utgör hans yttersta vilja. Kravet på bevittning syftar till att kunna säkerställa testamentets legala upprättande och underskriftens äkthet. Syftena bakom kraven på skriftlighet, underskrift och bevittning kan uppfyllas även vid användning av elektroniska rutiner. Dock finns inte idag den teknik som behövs för att spara och arkivera elektroniskt underskrivna handlingar under en längre period. Därmed kan inte ordinära testamenten upprättas i digital form, medan holografiska testamenten som bara är giltiga i tre månader borde kunna upprättas digitalt. / Through a will, a person can make sure that he gets his last wishes taken care of after his death. When establishing a will, however, you have to take into account the formal requirements of the act, such as that the will have to be in writing, signed and witnessed. These procedural requirements traditionally consist of a physical part, for example the will shall be written on paper, the testator must personally sign the will and the witnessing shall be achieved through physical presence. However, we live in an increasingly digitized and technology-oriented society and the natural consequence of this would be if a person could establish a digital will. The purpose of this paper is to determine the applicable law in respect of the formal requirements of a will and investigate whether they can be met by a digital will. Since the formal requirements can not traditionally be met electronically, the author will instead look at the underlying aims of the formal requirements. Behind the requirement of writing is primarily the evidence and authenticity feature which aims to ensure the wills creation, validity and content. The requirement of signature is based primarily on the intent function, in other words, the testator must certify that the will contains his last wishes. The requirement of witnessing aims to ensure the wills legal establishment and signature authenticity. The purposes behind the requirements of writing, signed and witnessing can be met even when using electronic procedures. However, the technology available today is not able to save and archive electronically signed documents for a longer period. Because of this ordinary wills cannot be drawn up in digital form, whereas holographic wills, that are only valid for three months, should be able to be drawn up in digital form.

Bridging the Justice Gap: Exploring Approaches for Improving Indigent Access to Civil Counsel

Atkinson, Kelsey 01 January 2014 (has links)
The United States is among one of the only democratic industrialized nations in the world that does not provide guaranteed access to civil representation in cases involving basic human need. This leaves indigent litigants who are at risk of losing their homes or their children left to seek counsel through insufficient pro-bono programs or limited scope legal self-help centers. This thesis provides a history of the struggle for the right to civil counsel, known as Civil Gideon, and explores a variety of proposed solutions to bridge the justice gap for indigent litigants. Despite considerable support for Civil Gideon among scholars and the legal community, the public is unaware of the justice gap- about 80% of Americans assume the right to civil counsel already exists. This thesis conducted two studies to understand possible reasons for this gap between public knowledge and reality and to identify the possibility of manipulating public knowledge through exposure to injustices. The findings from these studies are used to inform a network approach to shape public support for Civil Gideon so that the US court system can truly represent opportunity and equality for all citizens.

O exercício da autonomia privada no direito sucessório : uma reflexão a partir da eficácia do regime da separação de bens

Raad, Daniela Russowsky January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho examina, em sentido amplo, o grau de autonomia privada conferida aos indivíduos no plano do Direito Sucessório. Para tanto, a reflexão se baseia na análise da eficácia do pacto antenupcial no qual os consortes elegem o regime da separação convencional de bens na ordem sucessória. A relevância do estudo se encontra pela sistemática jurídica atual, que impõe a confusão patrimonial entre os cônjuges pela alocação do viúvo na condição de herdeiro necessário na disposição do Código Civil de 2002. Analisa-se de forma crítica, assim, a possível relativização do dispositivo legal, a fim de fazer prevalecer a vontade das partes na forma expressada em vida. Para tanto, o trabalho é estruturado em introdução, dois capítulos de desenvolvimento e encerra com as considerações finais. Precedido pela introdução, que trabalha as razões da pesquisa, o capítulo 2 examina a concepção de autonomia privada como prerrogativa fundamental dos indivíduos e sua aplicação no Direito de Família como realização do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. Neste ponto, verifica-se como instrumento de concretização do poder de auto disposição na esfera familiar o pacto antenupcial, que confere aos cônjuges o condão de definir a organização econômica do matrimônio A seguir, o capítulo 3 aborda o regime da separação convencional como regramento que confere plena autonomia patrimonial aos consortes, constatado então o espírito de incomunicabilidade patrimonial do regime, impõe a averiguação de sua aplicabilidade na seara sucessória. Para isto, examina-se a situação do cônjuge no Direito das Sucessões, desde a vigência do Código Civil de 1916, quando ocupava terceiro grau na linha sucessória, até sua alocação atual como herdeiro necessário. A seguir, passa a se ponderar o panorama da concorrência sucessória do consorte sobrevivente na herança do falecido, levando em conta a nova ordem de vocação hereditária e os julgados dos tribunais regionais e superiores. Para finalizar, apresenta-se como possível solução à problemática a força negocial como fonte de Direito. Buscando responder o questionamento suscitado, explora-se a possibilidade de considerar a força normativa advinda do contrato matrimonial, capaz de afastar a condição de herdeiro necessário do consorte remanescente. / The present research aims at analyzing the scope of private autonomy of individuals regarding Inheritance Law. The study is based on the efficiency of pre-nuptial agreements by which couples are able to elect the inheritance order through the regime of separation of assets. The relevance of the study resides in the current legal order which ordinarily imposes assets to be held by both parties and, thus, according to the Brazilian Civil Code, the widower is considered to be entitled to them. The possibility of mitigating such legal rule is critically analyzed in order to make way for the parties will as it has been explicitly manifested in life. Therefore, the work is structured into introduction, two chapters of development and ends with the final considerations. Preceded by the introduction, which explains the reasons that led to research on the topic, chapter 2 examines the concept of private autonomy as a fundamental prerogative of individuals in Family Law and also as a mean to achieve the principle of Human Dignity. Consequently, it is verified that the pre-nuptial agreement can be considered as an instrument of the will of the parties and their autodetermination regarding the economic aspects of marital life Following, chapter 3 analyzes the regime of conventional separation of assets reveals the legal system that grants full autonomy for spouses, for which it is examined since it historically arose. Once it is identified the spirit of incommunicability of assets, it has to be verified how to apply it in Inheritance Law. Bearing that in mind, the situation of the spouse is investigated according to the Brazilian legal system, since the promulgation of the Civil Code in 1916 - when they were in third line in succession – until the current days as a necessary heir. Furthermore, the research examines the Brazilian court`s decisions regarding the subject matter. Finally, the will of the parties as a source of Law is presented as a possible solution to the problem at stake. In light of that, the parties could be considered bound to the pre-nuptial agreement, avoiding the condition of necessary heir to the remaining spouse.

O estatuto da pessoa com deficiência e seus reflexos no casamento à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro

Caminha, Anelize Pantaleão Puccini January 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação versa sobre as disposições da Convenção Internacional sobre os Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência, com o respectivo Protocolo Facultativo, e do Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência, relativas ao instituto jurídico do casamento. O objetivo do trabalho é examinar as alterações promovidas por tais diplomas normativos no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e avaliar o seu impacto na proteção jurídica desse importante segmento da sociedade. Nessa abordagem, são analisados o tratamento jurídico deferido à pessoa com deficiência em uma perspectiva histórica e a modificação do conceito normativo, bem como a figura da tomada de decisão apoiada e os reflexos da nova disciplina jurídica na curatela, sob o prisma da autonomia e da dignidade da pessoa humana. Na sequência, é examinado o instituto do casamento em seus diversos aspectos, com a proposição de alternativas para o incremento da proteção jurídica da pessoa com deficiência no matrimônio, tendo em vista a insuficiência da ordem jurídica vigente para esse fim. / This dissertion is made with the intent of reviewing the provisions of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, with its respective Optional Protocol, and of the Statute of Persons with Disabilities concerning the legal institute of marriage. The methodology used is, predominantly, bibliographical research, with the analysis of scientific works and published articles. The objective of the study is to analyze the changes promoted in the marriage and to propose some solutions to the problems encountered during the research. In this approach, the legal treatment accorded to the disabled person in a historical perspective and the alteration of the normative concept, as well as the introduction of the supported decision making institute and the reflexes of the new juridical discipline granted (?) to the curatorship, under the prism of the autonomy and the dignity of human person. Afterwards, the institute of marriage is examined in its various aspects, proposing alternatives to increase the legal protection of persons with disabilities in marriage, due to the insufficiency of the legal system in force for this purpose.

Vilken profession vet bäst? : En diskursanalys om juristens och socionomens bedömning om barns bästa i vårdnadsdomar / Which profession knows best? : A discourse analysis on the assessment of the lawyer and the social worker assessment of children's best interest in family cases

Forsanker Duvaldt, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vårdnadsdomar och vårdnadsutredningar från tingsrätt och familjerätt där beslut och förslag till beslut inte är lika. Studien ämnar undersöka på vilket sätt domaren/domarna (juristen) anser sig ha ett bättre beslut i vårdnadsmålen jämfört med familjerättssekreterarens (socionomens) och hur detta kan avläsas i de domar där de två professionerna inte tycker lika. Är det rena juridiska felbedömningar som familjerättssekreteraren har gjort eller är det andra rekvisit och tolkningar som förekommer? Har en domare bättre kunskap att bedöma barns bästa än familjerättssekreteraren? Hur utmärker sig de två professionerna i det skrivna språket kring sitt egna handlingsutrymme? Studien har analyserat domar och vårdnadsutredningar med diskursanalys som metod för att belysa den professionsproblematik som studien syftar till att undersöka. Tre olika vårdnadsfall med tingsrättsdomar och vårdnadsutredningar har granskats. I ett fall finns även en hovrättsdom. De slutsatser som kommer fram i jämförelserna av empirin är att det råder en starkare självsäkerhet hos juristen i handlingsutrymmet kring att utföra sin profession, jämfört med socionomen. Det skrivna språket behandlas på olika sätt och med olika grader av självförtroende och säkerhet i påståenden, beroende på profession. / The aim of this study is to analyse the child custody enquiry with the custody judgements form the family law department and the court when the proposition for resolution and the decision is not concistent. The study aim to examine in what way the judge (lawyer) consider themselves to have a better decision in the family cases than the family law caseworker (the social worker) when the two professions do not agree. Is it the judicial intepretation done by the family law caseworker that is wrong, or is it the necessary prerequisite and other legal opinions which occours in the texts? Does the judge have better knowledge to assess the best interests of children than the family law caseworker? How do the two professions in the written language distinguish themselves about their own space of action? The study has analyzed judgments and custody enquires with discourse analysis as a method of highlighting the professional problem that the study aims to investigate. Three different custody enquires with district court cases have been examined. In one case there is also a judgement from the court of appeal. The conclusions that emerge in the comparisons of the material are that there is greater self-assurance of the lawyer in the action room in pursuit of his or her profession, in comparison with the social worker. The written language is treated in different ways and with different degrees of self-esteem and security in claims, depending on the profession.

Media??o como instrumento de desjudicializa??o das quest?es familiares: constitucionaliza??o do Direito de Fam?lia

Guerra, Nara R?bia Silva Vasconcelos 19 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NaraRSVG_DISSERT.pdf: 2177132 bytes, checksum: edb422228fbf7a525cefa6cc045fb574 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-19 / Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte / The Liberal Constitutionalism emerged from the late eighteenth century, a period of major revolutions (French and American), fruit of the struggle for libertarian rights. Although the time of the first written constitutions, these were linked to mere political letters, did not provide for fundamental human rights, as it is, so only on the state organization, structure of powers, division of powers of the state and some relations between state and individuals. There was a clear division between the civil codes and constitutions, those governing private relations and acted as barriers to non-state intervention. After the Second World War, the constitutions are no longer Letters political order to establish how the human person, in order to enshrine the fundamental rights, the primacy of constitutional principles and take their normative function against ordinary legislator. Constitutional evolution gave the name of contemporary constitutionalism, based on repersonalization or despatrimonializa??o of Private Law, ceasing the separation of legislative civil codes and constitutions, in favor of the protection of fundamental rights of the human person. And this tendency to the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 brought higher ground the dignity of the human person, the epicenter axiological legal to govern private relations, including family law. The constitutionalization of family law motivates the adoption of desjudicializa??o family issues, so as to respect the direio intimacy, privacy, private autonomy and access to justice. Conflictual family relationships require special treatment, given the diversity and dynamism of their new compositions. The break in the family relationship is guided in varied feelings among its members in order to hinder an end harmonic. Thus, the judiciary, through performances impositive, not to honor the power of decision of the parties, as also on the structural problems faced to operate on these cases, the environment is not the most appropriate to offer answers to the end of family quarrels. Situation that causes future demands on the dissatisfaction of the parties with the result. Before the development of the Family Law comes the need to adopt legal institutions, which monitor the socio-cultural, and that promote an effective assistance to people involved in this kind of conflict. In obedience to the private autonomy, before manifestations of volunteers involved in family mediation, among autocompositivos instruments of conflict resolution, is indicated as the most shaped the treatment of family quarrels. Remaining, then the state a minimal intervention to prevent excessive intrusion into private life and personal privacy / O Constitucionalismo liberal surgiu a partir do final do s?culo XVIII, per?odo de importantes revolu??es (francesa e americana), fruto da luta por direitos libert?rios. ?poca das primeiras Constitui??es escritas, embora, estas restritas ?s meras Cartas pol?ticas, com mat?rias restritas ? organiza??o do Estado, ? estrutura dos poderes, ? divis?o de compet?ncias dos ?rg?os estatais e ? algumas rela??es entre Estado e particulares. Havia n?tida divis?o entre os C?digos civis e as Constitui??es, aqueles que regiam as rela??es privadas e funcionavam como barreiras a n?o interven??o estatal. Ap?s o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, as Constitui??es deixaram de ser meras Cartas pol?ticas para estabelecer como fim a pessoa humana, de forma a consagrar os direitos fundamentais, a primazia dos princ?pios constitucionais e a assumir sua fun??o normativa frente ao legislador ordin?rio. A evolu??o constitucional deu-se o nome de Constitucionalismo contempor?neo, baseado na repersonaliza??o ou despatrimonializa??o do Direito Privado, valorizando o indiv?duo como fim em si mesmo em detrimento da prote??o do patrim?nio. No constitucionalismo contempor?neo as Constitui??es adotaram a tend?ncia de prote??o dos direitos fundamentais da pessoa humana. Assim, convergiu a Constitui??o Federal brasileira de 1988, a qual trouxe fundamento maior a dignidade da pessoa humana, epicentro axiol?gico jur?dico a reger as rela??es privadas, inclusive o Direito de Fam?lia. A constitucionaliza??o do Direito de Fam?lia motiva a ado??o da desjudicializa??o de quest?es familiares, de modo a se respeitar o direio ? intimidade, ? vida privada, a autonomia privada e o acesso ? justi?a. As rela??es conflitivas de fam?lia demandam tratamento especial, diante da pluralidade e dinamicidade de suas novas composi??es. A ruptura na rela??o familiar ? pautada nos variados sentimentos entre seus membros, de maneira a dificultar um fim harm?nico. Desse modo, que o Poder Judici?rio, atrav?s de atua??es impositivas, a n?o prestigiar o poder de decis?o das partes, como, tamb?m, diante de problemas estruturais enfrentados para operar nessas causas, n?o ? o ambiente dos mais adequados para ofertar respostas ao fim das querelas familiares. Situa??o que provoca futuras demandas diante da insatisfa??o das partes com o resultado. Ante a evolu??o do Direito de Fam?lia surge a necessidade na ado??o de institutos jur?dicos, os quais acompanhem as transforma??es s?cio-culturais, e, que promovam uma assist?ncia efetiva ?s pessoas envolvidas nesta esp?cie de conflito. Em obedi?ncia ? autonomia privada, diante de manifesta??es volunt?rias dos envolvidos a media??o familiar, dentre os instrumentos autocompositivos de solu??o de conflitos, ? indicada como a mais amoldada no tratamento das querelas familiares. Restando, ent?o, ao Estado uma interven??o m?nima para evitar invas?o excessiva na vida privada e intimidade das pessoas

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