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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Laços de família e expertise jurídica : uma análise da construção do direito dos filhos ao afeto / Family ties and juridical expertise an analysis about the construction of the affection as a children's right

Wohnrath, Vinicius Parolin, 1985- 08 June 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Agueda Bernardete Bittencourt / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T11:17:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Wohnrath_ViniciusParolin_M.pdf: 3536089 bytes, checksum: fabe74818d1658ee5692c11422271286 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa objetiva compreender as condições sociais que possibilitaram os debates públicos sobre o afeto familiar. Isto porque, atualmente, tramitam pelo Congresso Nacional projetos de lei para positivar a necessidade dos pais amarem seus filhos - recurso jurídico que ainda não consta na letra da legislação brasileira. Assim, inserida nos espaços de estudos sobre a organização familial e sobre os direitos infanto-juvenis, esta dissertação buscou pelos discursos fundadores, pelas estratégias, pelas redes e pelas ações práticas mobilizadas pelos militantes interessados em legitimar esse novo direito de família. Para descortinar os repertórios articulados por esses agentes, foram tomados como fontes de pesquisa as suas biografias dispostas nos dicionários especializados (origens familiares, habitus, formação acadêmica, atuação profissional, ligações nacionais e internacionais, etc.), os documentos institucionais, a produção memorialística, os projetos de lei, os discursos dos parlamentares e as composições das comissões selecionadas. Ao inquerir a construção social da obrigatoriedade do afeto, relacionando-a com as trajetórias dos militantes que fazem circular determinados padrões, buscamos desnaturalizar o direito - iluminando as disputas, existentes nos campos jurídico e político, para oficializar específicos modos de convivência doméstica nas últimas três décadas. / Abstract: This research's aim is to comprehend the social conditions that allowed the public debate about parental affection. Presently, there are three law projects following the legal channels. Their intent is to turn into a positive law the need of the parents to love their children - a juridical resource that hasn't been integrated to the Brazilian legislation yet. Inserted in the space that studies family organization and children's rights, this dissertation searched for the founding speeches, for the strategies, for the connections and for the practical actions mobilized by these militants who are interested in legitimate this new family law. In order to reveal the repertory articulated by these agents, were taken as research sources their biographies, available in specialized dictionaries (family origin, habitus, academic formation, professional actuation, national and international relations, etc.), the institutional documents, the memoir production, the Law projects, the parliamentarians speeches and the composition of the selected committees. As we inquire the social construction of the affection imposed as an obligation, relating it with the trajectories of the militants who put into circulation determined patterns, we try denaturalizing the Law - bringing light to the disputes placed in the juridical and political fields to officialize specific ways of domestic acquaintanceship in the last three decades. / Mestrado / Educação, Conhecimento, Linguagem e Arte / Mestre em Educação

Statut personnel et religion : vers un mariage civil au Liban ? / Personal status and religion : towards a civil marriage in Lebanon?

Hanna, Jessica 03 February 2017 (has links)
En 2012, un couple de Libanais a été autorisée pour la première fois à conclure un mariage civil sur le sol libanais. Bénéficiant d'un fort soutien de la société civile, Nidal Darwiche et Kholoud Sukkarieh, nés respectivement chiite et sunnite, se sont appuyés sur différents textes législatifs et constitutionnels libanais pour remettre en question le système en vigueur en matière du statut personnel. Le droit de la famille libanais se caractérise en effet par un pluralisme judiciaire et législatif, accompagné de la personnalité des lois. Le mariage y est soumis, tant dans la forme que dans le fond, au droit religieux de la communauté de l'époux et aucune législation ne prévoit la possibilité de célébration d'un mariage civil. Les époux désireux d'échapper à l'application de la loi religieuse d'une des dix-huit communautés n'avaient d'autre possibilité, jusque-là, que de se rendre à l'étranger- le plus souvent à Chypre - pour y conclure un mariage civil parfaitement reconnu et enregistré ensuite au Liban. Quels procédés juridiques ont été mis en avant afin d'aboutir à la conclusion de ce mariage ? Comment cette« révolution juridique» a-t-elle été accueillie par les différentes autorités religieuses ? Quelle a été la position de la jurisprudence ? Cette avancée ouvre-t-elle la voie vers l'adoption d'une loi civile libanaise du statut personnel ? La laïcité intégrale peut-elle être adoptée dans le contexte libanais ? La présente thèse porte sur la relation entre la religion et le statut personnel au Liban à travers l'étude de la célébration de mariage. Elle étudie dans un premier temps l'évolution historique qui a conduit à la consolidation du régime de la personnalité des lois religieuses en matière de statut personnel avant d'analyser les réponses offertes pour surmonter ce pluralisme judiciaire et législatif et de conclure sur la portée juridico-sociale du premier mariage civil conclu à l'intérieur des frontières libanaises. / In 2012, a Lebanese couple was authorized to form a civil union for the first time on the Lebanese soil. Receiving great support from the civil society, Nidal Darwiche and Kholoud Sukkarieh, born Shia and Sunni respectively, relied on legislative and constitutional regulations in Lebanese law and questioned, as a consequence, the system that's currently in effect in the personal status field. As a matter of fact, family law in Lebanon is characterized by judicial and legislative pluralism that comes along with personality of laws system. Marriage, in particular, is dominated, whether it comes to its procedure or its content by the religious factor and obeys most of the time to the husband's religious law. There is no specific regulation that takes into consideration the possibility of a civil marriage taking place in Lebanon. Those who want to avoid the 18 different personal status laws in reference to the 18 religious sects that exist, are forced to travel abroad- mainly to Cyprus - in order to civilly tie the knot, a perfectly recognized and registered union in Lebanon. What are the legal methods highlighted that have led to the materialization of this civil marriage? How was this legal revolution welcomed by the religious authorities? What was the jurisprudence's position? Does this progress open the gate towards the adoption of a Lebanese civil persona! status law? Could full secularism be established in Lebanon? This dissertation examines the link between religion and persona! status in Lebanon through marriage's study. It studies first of all the historical social evolution that led to the consolidation of personality of laws system in the personal status field, it observes afterwards complications and solutions to overcome judicial and legislative pluralism, and it ends with the case study and the impacts of the first Lebanese civil marriage.

L'amitié en droit privé / Friendship in private law

Rochat, Charlotte 04 December 2015 (has links)
L’amitié en droit privé est un sujet qui peut surprendre, par sa teinte oxymorique. L’amitié, situation de fait et relation informelle, semble très peu juridique. Elle peut désigner des formes d’intimité différentes, qui représentent des degrés d’amitié, pouvant soulever des problèmes juridiques différents. Cette nature polysémique, conjuguée à la difficulté d’identification d’un phénomène factuel et fugace rendent toute tentative de définition de l’amitié stérile. De ce fait, toute approche notionnelle comme normative est inaccessible. Pourtant, le droit n’ignore pas l’amitié. Il la redoute mais la protège également. L’intérêt de l’étude est de démontrer comment le droit s’accommode de l’absence de définition de ce phénomène pour lui offrir une place. Une approche fractionnée, en fonction des enjeux soulevés, permet au droit d’appréhender l’amitié dans chacune de ses formes, de l’amitié utilitariste à l’amitié durable et stable, sans avoir besoin d’une définition générale et abstraite. Cette approche téléologique permet également de laisser à l’amitié un domaine de liberté car l’appréhension de l’amitié nécessite de prendre en considération le libre choix qui la caractérise. Elle ne peut donc être saisie uniquement par une norme impérative. L’appréhension juridique de l’amitié contourne l’écueil de sa définition par un subtil équilibre entre norme, contrat et juge. Le droit privé dépasse tout ce qui semblait être rédhibitoire à première vue et qui rendait cette interaction presque inconcevable. C’est là sans doute la réelle originalité de cette interaction : au-delà du dépassement de la nécessité d’une définition juridique, l’amitié a sa place en droit privé / Friendship is one of the most important social institutions : it binds society together. Yet, we could wonder what the law has to do with it. It seems impossible to define friendship, and the law needs a definition to identify a relationship. However, private law does not ignore friendship. The law copes with it about partiality, about conflicts of interests and about several misdeneanors. Law fears friendship as it may change the balance of interests protected by law. It also happens in Contract law, when friendship is the reason of binding. On the other side, law has to protect friendship, as it is important for the personal development. Friendship is included in protection of privacy by the European Court of Human Right. Friendship is also protected because it can be useful to take care for individual interests, especially when family collapses. Thus, a friend can give an organ to save his friend, he can relay his friend’s will when he is unabled. Friendship do matter in Private Law, even if it cannot be precisely defined. It could even have more legal attention in the future. The real point of the study is to show how the law can deal with this lack of legal definition, and manage to apprehend friendship

Child participation: the right of children to be heard in family law matters affecting them

Cleophas, Kelly-Anne January 2013 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM

Necessidade de tipificação penal da alienação parental e a aplicação da lei de n.12.403/2011

Araújo, Susana Vieira de 15 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:18:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 susana_vieira_araujo.pdf: 445567 bytes, checksum: ba175d98e9374388b8186ca9efe2b0de (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-15 / This paper addresses the issue of the necessity of criminal definition of parental alienation and the applicability of Law No. 12403/11 which reflects the whole constitution of parental alienation scored within these institutions, penal and criminal procedure. This sale, which is materialized through a dispute between the custodial parent and the other parent, so that those who hold the guard uses the children to avenge the parent who has visitation rights by disparaging campaigns, as not only accept the end of the marriage relationship. Reflecting this also with relatives, extending to the grandparents. With the privilege of studying this phenomenon, as well as the possibility of loss of power due to the same family, is that goes through a brief history of the family and some institutes which refer to the relationship parents and children, as the family power and procedural practices, this finding solutions to concrete cases. With the completion of multidisciplinary studies, done by professionals specialized area of law, together with psychologists, social workers and doctors is that one can give solution to this case, even prevent its effects. The technical reports arising from these studies underlie the decisions of the judiciary. This time, the loss of family power reflects a necessity imposed upon alienating in the face of parental alienation. After the tort approach, the approach is punitive, so that portrays the possibility of application of Law No. 12403/11 showing that precautionary measures are effective measures against the criminal actions of the alienating parent. This law put to the detention as an exception, is consistent with the reasons for the veto of Article 10 of the law of parental alienation. The application also institute criminal transaction, proposed in the rite of Law n º 9099/95 fits perfectly, too, to compel parental alienation. Demonstrating, categorically, that the criminalization of parental alienation avoid the growing characterization of this institute in Brazilian families. The work is characterized by a bibliographical information obtained through the sources of jurisprudence, doctrinal and Laws. / O presente trabalho aborda a temática da necessidade de tipificação penal da alienação parental e a aplicabilidade da Lei de nº 12403/11 que reflete toda a constituição da alienação parental pontuada dentro destes institutos, penal e processual penal. A referida alienação, que se materializa através de um litígio entre o genitor guardião e o outro progenitor, de modo que aquele que detêm a guarda usa os filhos para se vingar do genitor que tem o direito de visitação, mediante campanhas depreciativas, tão somente por não aceitar o fim do relacionamento conjugal. Refletindo esta também com os parentes, estendendo-se até os avós. Com o condão de estudar este fenômeno, assim como, a possibilidade da perda do poder familiar em decorrência do mesmo, é que se perpassa por um breve histórico sobre a família e alguns institutos que se referem à relação pais e filhos, como o poder familiar e as práticas processuais, esta buscando soluções aos casos concretos. Com a realização de estudos multidisciplinares, feitos por profissionais especializados da área de Direito, juntamente, com psicólogos, assistentes sociais e médicos é que se pode dar solução ao caso concreto, até mesmo evitar os seus efeitos. Os laudos técnicos advindos destes estudos fundamentam as decisões do judiciário. Desta feita, a perda do poder familiar reflete uma necessidade imposta ao alienador em face da alienação parental. Depois da abordagem civilista, passa-se a abordagem penalista, de modo que retrata a possibilidade de aplicação da Lei de nº 12403/11 demonstrando que as medidas cautelares são medidas penais efetivas contra as ações do genitor alienador. Esta lei ao colocar a prisão preventiva como exceção, se coaduna com as razões do veto do artigo 10 da lei de alienação parental. A aplicação, ainda, do instituto da transação penal, o rito proposto na Lei de nº 9099/95 cabe perfeitamente, também, para compelir a alienação parental. Demonstrando, categoricamente, que a penalização da alienação parental evitaria a crescente caracterização deste instituto nas famílias brasileiras. O trabalho se caracteriza por uma pesquisa bibliográfica obtendo informações através das fontes de jurisprudenciais, doutrinárias e Leis.

O exercício da autonomia privada no direito sucessório : uma reflexão a partir da eficácia do regime da separação de bens

Raad, Daniela Russowsky January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho examina, em sentido amplo, o grau de autonomia privada conferida aos indivíduos no plano do Direito Sucessório. Para tanto, a reflexão se baseia na análise da eficácia do pacto antenupcial no qual os consortes elegem o regime da separação convencional de bens na ordem sucessória. A relevância do estudo se encontra pela sistemática jurídica atual, que impõe a confusão patrimonial entre os cônjuges pela alocação do viúvo na condição de herdeiro necessário na disposição do Código Civil de 2002. Analisa-se de forma crítica, assim, a possível relativização do dispositivo legal, a fim de fazer prevalecer a vontade das partes na forma expressada em vida. Para tanto, o trabalho é estruturado em introdução, dois capítulos de desenvolvimento e encerra com as considerações finais. Precedido pela introdução, que trabalha as razões da pesquisa, o capítulo 2 examina a concepção de autonomia privada como prerrogativa fundamental dos indivíduos e sua aplicação no Direito de Família como realização do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. Neste ponto, verifica-se como instrumento de concretização do poder de auto disposição na esfera familiar o pacto antenupcial, que confere aos cônjuges o condão de definir a organização econômica do matrimônio A seguir, o capítulo 3 aborda o regime da separação convencional como regramento que confere plena autonomia patrimonial aos consortes, constatado então o espírito de incomunicabilidade patrimonial do regime, impõe a averiguação de sua aplicabilidade na seara sucessória. Para isto, examina-se a situação do cônjuge no Direito das Sucessões, desde a vigência do Código Civil de 1916, quando ocupava terceiro grau na linha sucessória, até sua alocação atual como herdeiro necessário. A seguir, passa a se ponderar o panorama da concorrência sucessória do consorte sobrevivente na herança do falecido, levando em conta a nova ordem de vocação hereditária e os julgados dos tribunais regionais e superiores. Para finalizar, apresenta-se como possível solução à problemática a força negocial como fonte de Direito. Buscando responder o questionamento suscitado, explora-se a possibilidade de considerar a força normativa advinda do contrato matrimonial, capaz de afastar a condição de herdeiro necessário do consorte remanescente. / The present research aims at analyzing the scope of private autonomy of individuals regarding Inheritance Law. The study is based on the efficiency of pre-nuptial agreements by which couples are able to elect the inheritance order through the regime of separation of assets. The relevance of the study resides in the current legal order which ordinarily imposes assets to be held by both parties and, thus, according to the Brazilian Civil Code, the widower is considered to be entitled to them. The possibility of mitigating such legal rule is critically analyzed in order to make way for the parties will as it has been explicitly manifested in life. Therefore, the work is structured into introduction, two chapters of development and ends with the final considerations. Preceded by the introduction, which explains the reasons that led to research on the topic, chapter 2 examines the concept of private autonomy as a fundamental prerogative of individuals in Family Law and also as a mean to achieve the principle of Human Dignity. Consequently, it is verified that the pre-nuptial agreement can be considered as an instrument of the will of the parties and their autodetermination regarding the economic aspects of marital life Following, chapter 3 analyzes the regime of conventional separation of assets reveals the legal system that grants full autonomy for spouses, for which it is examined since it historically arose. Once it is identified the spirit of incommunicability of assets, it has to be verified how to apply it in Inheritance Law. Bearing that in mind, the situation of the spouse is investigated according to the Brazilian legal system, since the promulgation of the Civil Code in 1916 - when they were in third line in succession – until the current days as a necessary heir. Furthermore, the research examines the Brazilian court`s decisions regarding the subject matter. Finally, the will of the parties as a source of Law is presented as a possible solution to the problem at stake. In light of that, the parties could be considered bound to the pre-nuptial agreement, avoiding the condition of necessary heir to the remaining spouse.

O estatuto da pessoa com deficiência e seus reflexos no casamento à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro

Caminha, Anelize Pantaleão Puccini January 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação versa sobre as disposições da Convenção Internacional sobre os Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência, com o respectivo Protocolo Facultativo, e do Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência, relativas ao instituto jurídico do casamento. O objetivo do trabalho é examinar as alterações promovidas por tais diplomas normativos no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e avaliar o seu impacto na proteção jurídica desse importante segmento da sociedade. Nessa abordagem, são analisados o tratamento jurídico deferido à pessoa com deficiência em uma perspectiva histórica e a modificação do conceito normativo, bem como a figura da tomada de decisão apoiada e os reflexos da nova disciplina jurídica na curatela, sob o prisma da autonomia e da dignidade da pessoa humana. Na sequência, é examinado o instituto do casamento em seus diversos aspectos, com a proposição de alternativas para o incremento da proteção jurídica da pessoa com deficiência no matrimônio, tendo em vista a insuficiência da ordem jurídica vigente para esse fim. / This dissertion is made with the intent of reviewing the provisions of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, with its respective Optional Protocol, and of the Statute of Persons with Disabilities concerning the legal institute of marriage. The methodology used is, predominantly, bibliographical research, with the analysis of scientific works and published articles. The objective of the study is to analyze the changes promoted in the marriage and to propose some solutions to the problems encountered during the research. In this approach, the legal treatment accorded to the disabled person in a historical perspective and the alteration of the normative concept, as well as the introduction of the supported decision making institute and the reflexes of the new juridical discipline granted (?) to the curatorship, under the prism of the autonomy and the dignity of human person. Afterwards, the institute of marriage is examined in its various aspects, proposing alternatives to increase the legal protection of persons with disabilities in marriage, due to the insufficiency of the legal system in force for this purpose.

The Stability Paradox of Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Backlogs: Unstable Policy Implementation for a Stability-Aimed Visa

Sanchez, Lanna Seline 01 January 2019 (has links)
As of May 2016, the U.S. State Department officially declared a priority date for all green cards for applicants from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras that capped the number of visas granted to individuals from these three countries to just 10,000 per year. This inherently created a two to three-year backlog for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status applicants from these countries as well, meaning that SIJS petitioners will remain undocumented for periods of up to six years until their petition is adjudicated by USCIS and their priority date arrives. I research whether the increasingly difficult path to obtaining permanent residency through a Special Immigrant Juvenile Status petition is a result of a change in federal administrations––– between former President Obama’s covert mechanisms of marginalization and deportation of Central Americans to the overtly anti-immigrant rhetoric stemming from Trump––– or if SIJS backlogs are an inevitable phenomenon resulting from U.S. imperialism in Central America throughout the 20th century. I ground my research on pre-existing literature that explains the legal processes of obtaining permanent residency through a SIJS petition and include scholars’ criticisms of the interpretation of the policy by state and federal courts. To exemplify the complications that youth face while petitioning for SIJ status, I also incorporate the perceptions and experiences of several attorneys who have represented SIJS applicants and my own interpretations of how judges treat SIJS applicants courtrooms throughout Los Angeles County.

Proměna a vývoj feministických hnutí v Koreji po roce 1980 / Redefinition, Tasks and Development of the Feminist Movements in Korea of 1980s

Boukalová, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is an analysis of historical and political factors that participated in the foundation and development of feminist movements in Korea after 1980. The first chapter deals with the working conditions of women employed in textile factories and subsequently describes the protest actions of these women in the 1970s. Protests and collective actions grew into political activism, which created the first women's movements in the 1980s. The second chapter is devoted to their character and development. The following section deals with another important factor that has influenced the formation of the identity of feminist movements in Korea, women active in politics. Their struggle to change Family law in the 1990s united women's movements and strongly signed on their future direction.

Aspekty práva šaría ve Velké Británii / Aspects of the sharia Law in the Great Britain

Hamplová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses phenomena of parallel legal norms applicable in the Great Britain. There is guaranteed enforceability of those parts of the Islamic law, which deals with family and inheritance matters in the United Kingdom. This phenomenon is result of decades lasting process going back to the colonialism. Given the current events such as so called migration crisis in the Europe and self-declaration of "Islamic State", the question of religious law of minorities become priority theme of public discourse and is also topic of common debates between critics and advocates of normative diversity. Crucial incident that influenced public debate, especially reflection of success rate of immigrants' integration, had been the London bombings of 7/7 2005. In the thesis are presented specific examples of clash of British Common Law and the Islamic Law. The force of disintegration is Salafism that affects Muslim minorities and which is imported to the UK primarily from Saudi Arabia. The online Fatwas, a very problematic issue, is dealt with in the end of the thesis as well. Given the impossibility to regulate influence of the internet, online fatwas have profound effect over vulnerable youngsters. Keywords: Islam, Islamic Law, Great Britain, Sharia, Islamic Family Law, Islamic Inheritance Law,...

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