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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Test method development by use of SOM-GRNN

TANG, Yihao, ZHU, Hui January 2018 (has links)
The relationship between Objective Metrics (OM) and Subjective Assessments (SA) has been analyzed by people using different methods. This paper continues Gaspar Gil Gómez’s research over test method development by use of SOM-GRNN, aiming to find correlations between OM and SA. In this paper, CAE simulation is performed to analyze the relationship between OM and vehicle parameters. First impression test is refined and one more dataset has been added in order to populate SOM-GRNN map. This paper also conducts analysis over SOM and GRNN algorithms, and explores several possible applications using SOM-GRNN map. Finally the whole SOM-GRNN system is integrated and a User Interface is built in GUI for future research and application. The system can still be improved by populating database, refining SA evaluation method and optimizing SOM-GRNN training algorithms. / Relationen mellan målmetri (OM) och subjektiv bedömning (SA) har analyserats av personer som använder olika metoder. I detta dokument fortsätter Gaspar Gil Gómezs forskning kring testmetodutveckling med hjälp av SOM-GRNN, som syftar till att finna korrelationer mellan OM och SA. I detta papper utförs CAE-simulering för att analysera förhållandet mellan OM och fordonsparametrar. Första intryckstestet är raffinerat och ytterligare en dataset har lagts till för att fylla i SOM-GRNN-kartan. I detta dokument analyseras även SOM- och GRNN-algoritmer, och undersöker flera möjliga tillämpningar med hjälp av SOM-GRNN kartan. Slutligen är hela SOM-GRNN-systemet integrerat och ett användargränssnitt är byggt i GUI för framtida forskning och tillämpning. Systemet kan fortfarande förbättras genom att fylla i databasen, förädla SA utvärderingsmetod och optimera SOM-GRNN träningsalgoritmer.

An evasive manoeuvre assist function for over-reactive drivers

Kittane, Santusht Vasuki, Harinath, Preetham January 2018 (has links)
Previous studies have shown that many drivers are unable to provide the right amount of steering torque when facing an imminent collision with an upcoming obstacle. In some cases, drivers under-react i.e., they provide too low steering inputs and thus collide with the obstacle in front; in other cases, drivers might apply a higher steering input than necessary, potentially resulting in the vehicle leaving the road or losing stability. The EMA function is an active safety feature which has the sole objective of providing steering torque interference when performing such a manoeuvre. The motivation for the thesis work is to overcome some limitations of the existing MA function which does not incorporate the ability to differentiate driver reactions. In this thesis, an Evasive Manoeuvre Assist (EMA) function is designed to adapt to both types of the drivers, by an optimised steering torque overlay. The existing current EMA function is always amplifying the driver steering inputs using a feed-forward controller. The focus of this thesis work is to identify and dene a proper steering sequence reference model for closed-loop feedback control design. A simple single-point preview model is designed first to calculate the reference steering angle. A few test scenarios are set-up using the IPG CarMakerTMsimulation tool. The reference model is then tuned with respect to the amplitude and frequency by batch simulations to obtain the optimal steering prole. A feedback controller is then designed using this reference model. The controller is implemented in a real-time environment, using a Volvo rapid-prototype test vehicle. Preliminary variation tests have shown that the developed controller can enhance both an over-reacting and under-reacting driver's performance during an evasive manoeuvre, by applying assistance/resistance EPAS torque timely. The designed EMA function is shown to accommodate different driver reactions and provide intuitive torque interference. As opposed to the earlier notion that the EMA function only assists the driver with an additional steering wheel torque, it was shown that the optimal steering torque overlay might be in the form of assistance or resistance.

Towards using microscopic traffic simulations for safety evaluation

Tamayo Cascan, Edgar January 2018 (has links)
Microscopic traffic simulation has become an important tool to investigate traffic efficiency and road safety. In order to produce meaningful results, incorporated driver behaviour models need to be carefully calibrated to represent real world conditions. In addition to macroscopic relationships such as the speed-density diagram, they should also adequately represent the average risk of accidents occurring on the road. In this thesis, I present a two stage computationally feasible multi-objective calibration process. The first stage performs a parameter sensitivity analysis to select only parameters with considerable effect on the respective objective functions to keep the computational complexity of the calibration at a manageable level. The second stage employs a multi-objective genetic algorithm that produces a front of Pareto optimal solutions with respect to the objective functions. Compared to traditional methods which focus on only one objective while sacrificing accuracy of the other, my method achieves a high degree of realism for both traffic flow and average risk. / Mikroskopisk trafiksimulering har blivit ett viktigt verktyg för att undersöka trafik effektivitet och trafiksäkerhet. För att producera meningsfulla resultat måste inbyggda drivrutinsbeteendemodeller noggrant kalibreras för att representera verkliga förhållanden i världen. Förutom makroskopiska relationer, såsom hastighetsdensitetsdiagrammet, bör de också på ett adekvat sätt representera den genomsnittliga risken för olyckor som uppträder på vägen. I denna avhandling presenterar jag en tvåstegs beräkningsberättigbar mångsidig kalibreringsprocess. Det första steget utför en parameterkänslighetsanalysför att bara välja parametrar med stor effekt på respektive objektiv funktioner för att hålla kalibrerings komplexiteten på en hanterbar nivå. Det andra steget använder en mångriktig genetisk algoritm som ger framsidan av Pareto optimala lösningar med hänsyn till objektivfunktionerna. Jämfört med traditionella metoder som fokuserar på endast ett mål, samtidigt som man offrar den andra, ger min metod en hög grad av realism för både trafikflöde och genomsnittlig risk.

Modeling diesel combustion in heavy duty engine using detailed chemistry approach and CFD

Duyar, Serkan January 2014 (has links)
Emission and fuel consumption are among the key parameters when designing a combustion system. Combustion CFD can assist in this task only if good enough accuracy is achieved regarding combustion and emission predictions. The aim of this master thesis is to evaluate the use of detailed reaction mechanisms (as a substitute for standard combustion model) in terms of computational time and result accuracy. Several mechanisms for n-heptane are tested. Lund University optical engine experimental case is used for this evaluation.Results showed that detailed chemistry can predict ignition accurately but differences are observed in the peak cylinder pressure. The computational time also increased significantly as size and complexity of the mechanism increased. Recommendations are given to improve predictions using detailed chemistry approach which is found to be an interesting approach especially for lift-off length predictions.

Ice load prediction for design of ice-going ships for inland waterways

Zhang, Meng January 2019 (has links)
With increasing interest in utilizing the inland waterways (IWW) in European countries, the design of IWW vessels gains attention both from a transport efficiency and an emission control point of view. However, unlike in western and central European countries, in Nordic countries, e.g. Sweden, IWW ships must deal with ice on the fairway during every winter. Usually, IWW ships are designed without ice concerns and are structurally weaker compared to ships designed according to ice class notification from the classification societies. Developing such ships requires particular concerns since there is no strict requirements regarding ice class notifications for IWW ships. A primary challenge is to estimate both the global and local ice loads acting on the ship hull structure. To consolidate the design problems for IWW ice-going ships, Lake Mälaren is selected. Ice conditions, i.e. ice type and concentration, and ice data, e.g. ice thickness and ice flexural strength, are extracted and analysed for the ice load estimation. The ice mechanical properties have great influence on the ice load. Ice characteristics are studied based on empirical formulae and properties are calibrated by reference data. The deterministic approach is widely used to predict the ice loads. It is suitable when all variables, i.e. ship geometry and ice properties, are known and refers to rule-based design hereby. For first year light ice conditions in Lake Mälaren, the Finnish Swedish Ice Class Rule (FSICR) is widely used. The thesis uses guidelines from the Finnish Swedish Ice Class Rules as a reference and compare the results with other methods. The probabilistic approach, on contrary, is useful when certain variables are unknow, which are interpreted as random variables, for instance ice breaking pattern. Here the probabilistic method and ice-hull interaction mechanism are studied. The probabilistic method simplifies the ice pressure in relation to the contact area between the ice and the ship hull. It predicts maximum ice pressure acting on the ship hull based on field ice test data and ice exposure conditions. Such semi-empirical method can be used regardless of ship type and size. For this, a numerical model is introduced based on ice-hull collision mechanisms and the essential ice breaking characteristics. The physical mechanism is studied for idealizing ship-ice impact model. The idealization model includes the ice failure process, ice conditions and ship geometry. The ice failure is assumed to be initiated by crushing ice and followed by breaking due to bending failure. Ice properties are set as constant values without any variations. The stochasticity in interact process is represented by randomness in collision location and number of pieces of ice floe formed after breaking. An energy method is used to calculate the ice crushing force, indentation displacement and contact area. The ice bending scenario is simplified as an infinite plate resting on an elastic foundation under a concentrated load. Ice impact load and critical load can be obtained for global and local structural assessment respectively. The structural responses and structural strength of a representative panel at linear and nonlinear contexts are investigated as well. Ship structure is commonly designed with material yield strength as limit. However, the study shows a lighter structure can be achieved if plastic deformation is allowed without causing failure. Therefore, the design can be optimized with regards to ice loading capacity and weight control.

Innovation Diffusion Dynamics and Behavior of Actors in Road Freight Transportation : A study of the market uptake dynamics and adoption of driverless trucks / Innovationsdiffusionsdynamik och aktörers beteende inom vägtransport : En studie om marknadsdynamiken och adoption av förarlösa lastbilar

Balata, Diar, Menghes, Robel January 2021 (has links)
Technological innovations have long been a driving force of change in different industries. However, not all innovations gain widespread diffusion and adoption, regardless of it being an incremental or a radical innovation. Driverless trucks are expected to have a substantial disrupting effect on the road freight transportation sector. The commercial timeline is characterized by great uncertainty and signs are pointing towards many trucks becoming completely driverless in the coming years. As such, it is of interest to study how the market dynamics will be affected by the introduction of driverless trucks and the potential adoption rate among companies within this industry. The study was carried out using a mixed-method approach consisting of the Bass model to estimate the future adoption rate of driverless trucksand semi-structured interviews with industry actors as well as a survey distributed to haulage organizations to contextualize the model and interview results. The findings suggest that 20 percent of the organizations within road freight transportation in Sweden will have adopted driverless trucks 15 years after market introduction. In addition, the model suggests that 100 percent adoption will be reached after 40 years. However, achieving a fully driverless fleet will be difficult due to complex traffic environments and non-driving related tasks. The interview respondents acknowledge the significant impact driverless trucks are expected to have on the industry that has been operating with the same practices for many years. Furthermore, the haulage companies expressed a reluctance towards driverless trucks and a low willingness to pay, albeit being open to innovations in general. This may be due to changes in the current way of operating, the emergence of new business models challenging the status quo, and the limited financial strength among these organizations that may have a harming effect on the opportunity to adopt the innovation. / Teknologiska innovationer har länge varit en drivande faktor till förändring i olika industrier. Alla innovationer får dock inte bred spridning och adoption, oberoende om det är en radikal eller inkrementell innovation. Förarlösa lastbilar ses av många som en radikal innovation och förväntas ha en störande effekt på transportindustrin och i synnerhet inom vägtransport. Det finns en del osäkerheter gällande den kommersiella tidslinjen, men det mesta pekar på att allt fler lastbilstillverkare kommer öka sin satsning på förarlösa lastbilar. Det är därför viktigt att försöka förstå hur marknads dynamiken kommer att påverkas av introduktionen av förarlösa lastbilar och vidare hur den potentiella adoptionen av innovationen kommer se ut bland användarna. Denna studie tillämpar en “mixed-method” metodik som vidare utgör en framtagen prognos med hjälp av Bass modell, semistrukturerade intervjuer med aktörer verksamma inom vägtransport, och en enkät som distribuerades till åkeriföretag för att sätta perspektiv på resultaten från intervjuerna och den framtagna modellen. Resultaten pekar på att 20 procent av organisationerna inom vägtransport i Sverige kommer att ha adopterat förarlösa lastbilar 15 år efter marknadsintroduktion. Modellen visar vidare att 100 procent adoption kommer att uppnås efter 40 år. Att nå en fullständigt förarlös lastbilsflotta anses vara svårt på grund av den komplexitet som medförs inom trafiken, med stora skillnader mellan orter. Samtliga intervjudeltagare bekräftade att förarlösa lastbilar förväntas ha en stor påverkan på transportindustrin som historiskt varit konservativ. Samtidigt visade enkäten att åkeriföretagen i Sverige hade en motvilja att adoptera förarlösa lastbilar, men verkar däremot vara generellt öppna för nya innovationer inom industrin. Detta kan bero på dagens arbetssätt, att nya utmanande affärsmodeller uppstår och de begränsade finansiella resurserna som organisationerna har som kan ha en bromsande effekt på förmågan att adoptera innovationen.

Technological Innovation System of Distribution System for Hydrogen applied to Heavy-duty Vehicles : Enabling factors for the development of a distribution system for hydrogen in Sweden / Tekniskt innovationssystem för distributionssystem för vätgas tillämpad för tung trafik :  Möjliggörande faktorer för utvecklingen av ett distributionssystem för vätgas i Sverige

Eriksson, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
Factors that could enable the development of a distribution system for hydrogen applied to heavy-duty vehicles in Sweden are studied in this thesis. Fuel cell and hydrogen technology could be a solution in an electrification mix to reduce the environmental impacts of heavy-duty vehicles (Neef, 2009). However, the distribution system for hydrogen in Sweden is limited, with only five hydrogen refueling stations geographically dispersed (Vätgas Sverige, n.d.). In addition, distribution options at the lowest-cost delivery mode are highly dependent on the hydrogen application, density of demand, quantity to be transported, and distance between the delivery point and the production (Bersani, et al., 2018) To determine what factors could be decisive to develop a distribution system, the technological innovation system framework has been applied in this study. The analysis is carried out with the framework’s system functions. Further, the analysis is based on literature on hydrogen that considers hindering factors and barriers, policy recommendations, lock-in effects, distribution and transportation, and centralized vs. de-centralized systems. Moreover, data has been collected through 11 semi-structured interviews with actors from different sectors, energy companies, truck manufacturers, and researchers, amongst others. The analysis concludes that cross-sectoral collaboration, pilot testing, and governmental support can be enabling factors for the development of a distribution system in Sweden. / Faktorer som kan möjliggöra utvecklingen av ett distributionssystem för vätgas applicerat för tunga fordon i Sverige studeras i den här studien. Tekniken för bränsleceller och vätgas kan vara en lösning i en elektrifieringsmix för att minska miljöpåverkan från tunga fordon (Neef,2009). Distributionssystemet för vätgas i Sverige är dock begränsat, med endast fem vätgastankstationer som är geografiskt spridda (Vätgas Sverige, n.d.). Dessutom är distributionsalternativen till lägst kostnad i hög grad beroende av väteapplikationen, efterfrågan, kvantitet som ska transporteras och avståndet mellan leveranspunkten och produktionen (Bersani, et al., 2018). För att avgöra vilka faktorer som kan vara avgörande för att utveckla ett distributionssystem har ramverket för teknisk innovation system tillämpats i den här studien. Analysen utförs med ramverkets systemfunktioner. Vidare baseras analysen på litteratur om väte som tar hänsyn till hindrande faktorer och barriärer, policyrekommendationer, lock-in-effekter, distribution och transport och centraliserade kontra decentraliserade system. Dessutom har data samlats ingenom 11 halvstrukturerade intervjuer med aktörer från olika sektorer, energibolag, lastbilstillverkare och forskare, bland annat. Utifrån analysen dras slutsatsen att sektorsövergripande samarbete, pilottestning och statligt stöd är faktorer som kan möjliggöra en utveckling av ett distributionssystem för vätgas i Sverige.

Modelling and Optimal Control of a Variable Nozzle Turbine in an SI Engine for Maximum Performance

Fransson Brunberg, Emil, Bolin, Karl January 2022 (has links)
The ever increasing demands on today's engine performance and emissions control is forcing the automotive industry to make use of innovative solutions. One of these is to apply the technology of VNT turbos on commercial petrol vehicles. When using a VNT turbo, the aspect ratio of the turbine can be altered while driving to suit the current operating window. In order to actually gain performance while using a VNT, the vanes have to be properly controlled using a suitable control strategy. In this project, direct collocation have been utilized through the usage of YOP which is an adaptation of CasADi in MATLAB to solve non-linear optimization problems. Comprehensive models of the turbocharger and the cylinders have been built and validated to properly represent a VEP4 LP engine from AUROBAY. The models are implemented in YOP to create and simulate different OCPs using the turbo speed as state and position of the vanes as control signal. With this model in YOP together with the air mass flow per second as reference, a good reference following together with decent values for relevant parameters can be accomplished. Other objective functions such as minimum time and maximal volumetric efficiency are also investigated in the project which yield likewise results. From the results it can be concluded that this type of model and control strategy can be used with success when studying optimal control of a VNT turbo.

Operationalizing the SDGs in a Systems Engineering Framework for ship design concept studies / Operationalisering av de globala målen för hållbar utveckling i ett systemtekniskt ramverk för konceptstudier inom fartygsdesign

Ekman, Fanny January 2019 (has links)
Sustainable transport involves more choices and possibilities than ever before, and the topic is widely discussed within the maritime industry. To a large extent the innovations and technology exists, but even though there is a drive and consciousness to change, sustainability is still not a cornerstone in the decision-making process when new ships and transport solutions are developed. The gap between sustainability ambitions and actual actions is far from closed. This thesis introduces a new framework called Systems Engineering for Sustainable Ship design (SE4SS), which is based on the Systems Engineering methodology for conducting concept developments and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for operationalizing sustainability. The new framework makes sustainability aspects an essential part of ship design concept development and the following decision-making process. The SE4SS framework includes an application of the SDGs on a product level (ship) and suggests appropriate tools & methods for sustainability assessment, considering different levels of ambitions and amount of available resources that projects may have. The framework has been validated against three cases of ship design concept development within the commissioner organization SSPA. The result shows that the suggested approach is useful in terms of ; (1) raising a holistic awareness of sustainability aspects in ship design, highlighting the existing opportunities and responsibilities, (2) creating a more transparent trade-off analysis where priorities need to be stated, preventing greenwashing, (3) structuring the process which facilitates the integration of sustainability aspects from the start and the communication between the project manager/naval architect and different stakeholders. Full-scale application of the SE4SS is needed in order to fully validate its usability and generalizability, however this thesis argues that the introduced framework may be a valuable tool in both illuminating and reducing the ambition-action gap within the maritime sector. / Hållbara transporter involverar fler val och möjligheter än någonsin tidigare och ämnet är mycket omdiskuterat inom den maritima industrin. Till stor del så finns redan innovationerna och teknologin som krävs för en hållbar omställning, men trots ett driv och en medvetenhet kring förändring så är hållbarhet fortfarande inte en grundsten i beslutsfattandeprocessennär nya fartyg och transportlösningar utvecklas. Gapet mellan hållbarhetsambitioner och faktiska handlingar är fortfarande stort.Den här masteruppsatsen introducerar ett nytt ramverk kallat systemteknik för hållbar skeppsdesign (SE4SS) som baseras på en systemteknisk metodik för konceptutveckling där FNs globala mål (SDGna) för hållbar utveckling har använts för att operationalisera hållbarhet. Detta nya ramverk gör hållbarhets aspekter till en grundläggande del i konceptutvecklingen av fartyg och den efter följande beslutsprocessen.SE4SS-ramverket inkluderar en applicering av SDGna på produktnivå (fartyg) och föreslår lämpliga verktyg & metoder för hållbarhetsanalyser, där hänsyn tas till att olika ambitionsnivåer samt tillgängliga resurser projekt kan ha.Ramverket har validerats gentemot tre fallstudier av konceptstudier inom fartygsdesign som genomförts av det uppdragsbeställande företaget SSPA. Resultatet visar att det föreslagna ramverket är användbart med avseende på; (1) skapar en holistisk medvetenhet när det gäller hållbarhetsaspekter inom fartygsprojektering där möjligheter och ansvar betonas,(2) skapar en mer transparent avvägningsanalys där prioriteringar måste fastställas, vilket försvårar grönmålning, (3) strukturerar utvecklingsprocessen vilket underlättar både integreringen av hållbarhetsfrågor från början och kommunikationen mellan projektledaren/skeppsdesignern och olika intressenter. Fullskalig applicering av SE4SS behövs för att stärka valideringen kring användarbarhet och generaliserbarhet, emellertid så argumenterar denna uppsats för att det introducerade ramverket kan vara ett värdefullt verktyg när det gäller att både belysa och minska ambition-handlingsgapet inom den maritima branschen.

An alternative future for shipping – the way there : Risks and benefits of energy efficiency measures and alternative fuels for CO2 reduction in

Sunneland, Johanna, Gutiérrez Dufourq, María Sofía January 2018 (has links)
Shipping is the world’s largest mode of transportation, considering mass moved a distance: it is the most e˙effective way to carry large volumes far. In order for the shipping industry to keep its position and develop even further, efforts are made to increase efficiency and reduce the environmental footprint from the industry. More efficient ships, reduced fuel consumption, use of alternative fuels and exhaust gas treatment are some of the choices to reduce shipping’s environmental footprint and achieve the sustainability goal established by EU and enforced by the International Maritime Organization.Throughout the thesis, en evaluation of 18 energy efficiency measures and 4 alternative fuels is performed. Energy efficiency measures reduce a ship’s fuel consumption and alternative fuels substitutes fossil fuels with higher content of environmentally harmful content. The measures and fuels, covered in the study, are evaluated for nine representative container ship´s. Data from year 2016 are used for the nine container ships. The current procedure followed for new investments is analyzed for all measures and fuels for each ship, focused on the financial study of each measure and fuel. The results are then included in a risk and benefit analysis that introduces external aspects, not included in the traditional financial evaluation, that include: those that influence the ship and the ship’s environment and those affected by the ship’s operations.The main goal is to evaluate the possibilities to reduce emissions by considering these aspects and involve more stakeholders in the investment of measures and fuels for shipping to keep its position as the most efficient mode of transportation.

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