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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metaphor and First Peter: the essential role of the minds of father- God’s children in spiritual conflict with a special focus on 1:13

McMillen, Melvin 24 October 2011 (has links)
Section 1 of this thesis develops an eclectic meta-model of metaphor analysis that is subsequently applied to the paraenetic metaphors in First Peter. This comprehensive and broadly-based theory provides for the integration of First Peter‟s metaphors in the analysis of the epistle‟s persuasive, knowledge-change rhetoric. The bulk of this thesis is a largely suggestive and primarily inductive study of the major paraenetic metaphors within the conceptual and rhetorical world of First Peter, especially “gird up the loins of your mind” and “be sober,” which are crucially bound up with the epistle‟s first grammatical imperative: “hope on the grace to come …” (1:13). I argue that 1:13 is central to all of First Peter‟s paraenetic statements through a sequential survey of these injunctions in the order provided by the text. While “girding the loins” is capable of a more generic or other specific interpretations, I argue for a conflict connotation. First Peter presupposes a situation of spiritual peril, with the danger especially related to the “mind.” The greatest threat is not from persecution but from ignorance, an irrational fear of humans rather than a rational fear of God, along with other sinful “passions”–forces strengthened by the menacing Devil. By means of courageous faith believers must “stand firm” with a disciplined and focused mind oriented vertically towards and hoping fully upon God‟s present and future grace (5:12) to the exclusion of sin, ready for spiritual battle–just as Christ was (4:1). In addition, I maintain that honouring/glorifying God is the ultimate goal of First Peter‟s paraenesis. Consistent with this, the metaphorical organization of “space” in the letter gives evidence of the prioritizing of the vertical axis over the horizontal. In this connection, I challenge Troy Martin‟s view of the Christian life as a journey, finding First Peter to image it as essentially a stationary waiting for final salvation to come to them. Finally, I seek to demonstrate that the Fatherhood of God is the dominant metaphor for First Peter as a whole, a complex image that unites its metaphors, paraenesis, and overall message. / New Testament / D.Th. (New Testament)

Black mineworkers' conceptualisations of fatherhood: a sociological exploration in the South African goldmining industry

Rabe, Maria Elizabeth 30 November 2006 (has links)
The main question posed in this study is: How do black mineworkers in the goldmining industry conceptualise and experience fatherhood in present-day South Africa? The following four subsidiary research questions were formulated to address this: * How do the respondents characterise fatherhood? * What are the respondents' own recollections of being fathered? * How do migrant and resident respondents' experiences of fatherhood differ? * What influence do biological mothers or female partners have on father-child relationships as described by the respondents? The scripting perspective chosen underscores this study because it is a multilevel approach that takes the fathers' social milieu into account without ignoring their agency. This perspective focuses on three levels - cultural scenarios, interpersonal and intrapsychic scripting. During 2002 a qualitative study was undertaken by way of in-depth interviews conducted with 30 respondents, with ten being re-interviewed in 2003. These interviews were augmented with general observations and fact-finding interviews conducted with key informants. In terms of the first research question regarding the way in which the respondents characterise fatherhood, it was found that the breadwinner role is salient. However, traces of patriarchy and the so-called "new fatherhood" are often intertwined with the economic aspect of fatherhood. The respondents' own recollections of being fathered were found to include a stern disciplinarian pattern ("father is like a lion"), a "bad fatherhood" pattern and a "good fatherhood" pattern. Resident respondents related more involvement with their children compared with migrant respondents, although varying degrees of distant and involved fatherhood could be detected amongst the migrant respondents. Resident respondents conveyed active involvement in father-child activities such as giving guidance to children and playing with them. Some respondents have little contact with those children they fathered with a woman other than their current partner. Female partners tend to hinder any type of relationship with children born as a result of adulterous relationships but children born from previous relationships may be taken care of. However, respondents who openly stated double standards regarding sexual practices for men and women tend to take care of all their biological children and show little concern for their wives' views. / Sociology / D. Litt et Phil (Sociology)

Určování rodičovství / Determination of paternity

Drábková, Alice January 2016 (has links)
The primary theme of the thesis is "paternity determination", an interesting part of private law. The goal of the thesis was to find juridical legislation that could be applied by legal institutions in the Czech Republic, and have been neither legally controlled nor properly spoken through. Also the thesis deals with surrogate motherhood institutes, same-sex parenthood, baby hatches and paternity determination of children, made by assisted reproduction. The thesis is divided into five chapters, which are divided further into sub-chapters. Following the introduction, the primary terms of parental difficulties, paternity determination and the term family are explored. The second chapter discusses motherhood institutes. It speaks primarily of surrogate motherhood's challenges, including other countries' attitude to this topic. The following chapter is about fatherhood determination, containing the juridical legislative analysis of the problem in the Czech law. The fourth chapter expands on the issues of same sex couple parenthood, and the forms of family coexistence. These issues are described in great detail from both the view of Czech law, and also as a global issue. The last chapter discusses the issues of baby hatches, and legislation regarding anonymity for those who utilize them in the Czech...

Právní aspekty asistované reprodukce / Legal aspects of assisted reproduction

Thalerová, Nicol January 2017 (has links)
Reproductive Medicine currently represents one of the fastest growing medical fields. The birth of Louise Joy Brown as the first baby conceived in vitro fertilization or in vitro, is considered being the historic milestone in development of the treatement methods in assised reproducion. Ethical discussions regarding the admissibility of these methods have developed as a result of technological advance of the infertility treatment. Adequate response of applicable law was required on the currant state of medicine which resulted in the need to regulate legally this field whether it's about establishing of assumption of fatherhood with regard to determination of fatherhood of a child conceived through artificial insemination, as well as determination of the basic conditions for the access to assisted reproductive techniques. Originally, the legislation of artificial insemination was defined only in the implementing regulation of the Ministry of Health, as the reproductive technologies were entirely new area. Today, the area of assisted reproduction is regulated in Act no. 373/2011. This thesis deals with the regulation of the assisted reproduction and it focuses on the controversial methods and procedures which are based on child sex selection, gamete donation and donor anonymity and also it deals with...

Aktivní otcovství jako součást rodinné politiky států EU / Active fatherhood as a part of family policy in EU

Rathouská, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
Active fatherhood as a part of family policy in EU Abstract The main objective of this thesis is to explore the conditions that determine the active involvement of men in the care of children in European Union member states and to analyze the impact of active fatherhood on the economic activity of women and fertility. A part of this study is a typology of family leaves with regard to the possibilities of fulfilling nature of active fatherhood, analysis of legislative conditions connected to paternity and parental leave as well as analysis of the Eurobarometer 59.1 survey dealing with the attitudes of men to use parental leave and the circumstances of these attitudes. The relationships between the main factors that influence the decision making of men about their participation in the care of the youngest children are analyzed and there is also tested the effect of this decision. In conclusion, the study outlines the development of conditions of childcare by men and summarizes proposals of legislative changes in conjunction of the studied issue in the Czech Republic.

Pojetí otcovství v ženských lifestylových časopisech pro odlišné cílové skupiny definované výší příjmů ženy / The concept of fatherhood in the women's lifestyle magazines for different target groups defined by the level of women's income

Lukáš, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the role of fathers represented in different lifestyle magazines for women. There were selected two kinds of magazine brands for women from different social-economic groups. The representative magazines from higher social-economic groups were chosen Elle, Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan and Marianne. The representative magazines for women from lower social-economic groups were chosen Vlasta, Chvilka pro tebe, Žena a život and Překvapení. There were found only articles which show man as father, including description, in all selected magazines. The terms were generated according to the method of open coding from each article. Then they were merged into superior categories. The final categories served as a tool for describing representation of father, as he had been described in the individual magazines. From individual magazines we moved to the whole groups of magazines, which were designed for the same social-economic groups of women. Differences and similarities in the representations of fathers were found not only between the groups but also inside of the groups themselves. Nevertheless, our work has successfully shown that there were significant differences in the descriptions of the father in the magazines for different social-economic groups of women.

Pai e acompanhante de parto: perspectivas dos homens sobre o processo reprodutivo e a assistência obstétrica / Fathers attending childbirth: Mens perspectives about reproductive process and obstetric care.

Franzon, Ana Carolina Arruda 28 February 2013 (has links)
Introdução A participação dos pais e companheiros afetivos no processo de parto e nascimento vem crescendo desde a década de 1960. Este fenômeno tem marcado a história das famílias e da Obstetrícia nos mais diversos contextos. Ouvir os pais é uma estratégia importante para melhorar a atenção à saúde das mães e dos bebês, assim como para prover um melhor acolhimento ao acompanhante. Objetivo Descrever e analisar a perspectiva paterna acerca do processo reprodutivo, buscando conhecer os elementos de preparação para o parto, se há implicações para o desfecho da gravidez, assim como as percepções sobre os riscos e benefícios da assistência obstétrica em diferentes modelos de atenção. Métodos Pesquisa qualitativa realizada por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas presenciais, via Skype e e-mail, com amostra auto-selecionada a partir de divulgação institucional e em mídias sociais. Dados analisados a partir de categoriais iniciais propostas pelo roteiro, e novas categorias temáticas advindas do conjunto dos dados. Resultados 23 sujeitos foram incluídos na pesquisa, todos estiveram presentes no momento do nascimento, em partos normais hospitalares, em partos domiciliares planejados, cesáreas intraparto e cesáreas agendadas. Os dados evidenciam que os pais têm desejo para participar do parto como parte essencial de sua experiência reprodutiva, e usufruem de benefícios subjetivos para o exercício da paternidade. Durante o parto, os pais qualificam sua presença com elementos de proteção e companheirismo. O modelo de assistência de conduta expectante só é possível após negociação com o provedor do parto normal, o que depende ainda da qualidade do preparo dos pacientes em termos de informações sobre direitos reprodutivos e recomendações de boas práticas. Nos hospitais, descrevem também os diferentes constrangimentos para o cumprimento estrito da Lei do Acompanhante, assim como para a vivência do nascimento como evento familiar. Conclusões Garantir a presença irrestrita do acompanhante no parto traz benefícios não só para a saúde do binômio mãe-bebê, mas ainda para a experiência subjetiva dos homens com o processo reprodutivo e a paternidade. No entanto, a participação paterna ainda é um desafio imposto por muitos serviços de saúde, sendo valorizada somente em espaços restritos, mais comumente se extra-hospitalares. Em grande parte, os constrangimentos são da ordem do controle e restrição da autonomia dos sujeitos nas instituições de saúde, contrariando as melhores evidências que apóiam o cuidado efetivo centrado na mulher, e valorização do parto como experiência familiar. / Introduction Fathers and husbands attendance to chilbirth is an increasing trend since 1960s. This phenomenon has marked the history of families and Obstetrics in various contexts. Listening to fathers is an important strategy to improve the mother\'s and babies\' health care, as well as to provide better support to the labour companion. Goals To describe and analyze paternal perspective about the reproductive process, getting to know the elements of childbirth prepare, whether there are implications for the outcome of pregnancy, as well as perceptions about the risks and benefits of obstetric care in different care models. Methods Qualitative research conducted through semi-structured interviews in person, via Skype and e-mail, with a self-selected sample from institutional publicity and social media. Data analyzed from pre-determinates categories, and new themes arising from the data set. Results 23 men were included in the study, all were present at childbirth, attending vaginal birth at hospitals, planned home births, cesarean section intrapartum and scheduled cesarean section. Data show that parents have the desire to attend childbirth as an essential part of their reproductive experience, as well as they enjoy subjective benefits for their fatherhood. During childbirth, fathers qualify their presence with elements of protection and companionship. The expectant management model of care is possible only after negotiation with the birth provider, which also depends on the quality of pacient\'s preparation in terms of information on reproductive rights and best practice recommendations. At the hospital, they also describe the different constraints for the strict compliance of brazilian \'Attendance Childbirth Law\', as well as for the experience of birth as a family event. Conclusions Ensure the unrestricted presence of companion during childbirth brings benefits not only to the health of both mother and baby, but also to the subjective experience of men with the reproductive process and fatherhood. However, fathers involvement is still a challenge posed by many health services being valued only in restricted spaces, more commonly outside hospitals. In large part, the constraints are of the order of control and restriction of personal autonomy in health institutions, contrarying best evidence on effective support and women centered care, which values childbirth as a family experience.

A experiência do homem como acompanhante no cuidado pré-natal / Men´s experience as companion during the prenatal care

Cavalcante, Miriam Aparecida de Abreu 17 December 2007 (has links)
A presença de acompanhante no pré-natal é uma prática adotada e estimulada em alguns serviços de saúde. Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender a experiência do parceiro, como acompanhante de sua esposa/companheira nas consultas de pré-natal em uma instituição filantrópica da cidade de São Paulo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, cujos dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, organizados pelo método do discurso do sujeito coletivo e analisados pela ótica da Teoria das Representações Sociais. Foram entrevistados 15 homens de diferentes profissões, escolaridade e faixa etária entre 21 e 35 anos de idade. Os discursos foram agrupados em cinco temas: O homem e seus motivos para vir às consultas como acompanhante de sua mulher. O homem acompanhante no contexto ambulatorial. O homem acompanhante no contexto familiar. As dificuldades do homem ao acompanhar a mulher grávida nas consultas pré-natais. A experiência masculina na participação no pré-natal. Os resultados mostraram que ao acompanhar a mulher grávida nas consultas pré-natais o homem vivencia o período gestacional no contexto das relações de gênero tradicionais, embora modificadas em alguns aspectos, assim como se prepara para a paternidade. O parceiro comparece às consultas acompanhando a mulher por vontade própria, quando convidado ou ainda quando ela faz questão. Considera que sua participação irá depender do horário de funcionamento dos serviços, da permissão do local de atendimento e do consentimento da mulher. Revela as regras de gênero construídas socialmente pelo homem como provedor financeiro, quando as rotinas do casal mudam e ele precisa se preparar para a chegada do bebê e para os gastos financeiros que isso irá representar. Conclui ser possível a presença masculina nos atendimentos pré-natais, considerados ainda um universo feminino. Assim, ao inserir o homem nos cuidados e orientações pré-natais, proporcionará a presença de um ator, particularmente, interessado no processo gestacional e estimulado a cuidar da mulher e do filho. / The presence of a companion in the prenatal care is a technique adopted and stimulated in some health services. This study had as an objective to understand the partner’s experience, as a companion of his wife/partner in the prenatal appointments at a philanthropic institution in the city of São Paulo. It is a qualitative research, in which the information was collected by semi-structured interviews, organized by the method of the discourse of the collective subject and analyzed through the view of the Theory of Social Representations. 15 men of different professions, schooling and age, between 21 and 35 years old were interviewed. The discourses were grouped in five themes: The man and his reasons to go to the appointments as companion of his wife. The man as outpatient companion. The man as a companion in the familiar context. The difficulties of the man in accompanying the woman to the prenatal appointments. The masculine experience in the participation in the prenatal medical care. The results showed that by accompanying the pregnant woman in the prenatal appointments, the man experiences the pregnancy period in the context of relations of the traditional kind, although modified in some aspects, as well as prepares himself for paternity. The partner attends the appointments accompanying the woman by his own free will, when invited or when she insists. He believes his participation will depend on the time the services will be running, the permission of the place of treatment and the consent of the woman. It reveals the rules of the kind socially constructed by the man as financial provider, when the couple’s routines change and he has to prepare himself to the arrival of the baby and for the financial expenses this will represent. It concludes that the masculine presence in the prenatal care is possible, even though it is still considered a feminine universe. Therefore, by including the man in the prenatal care and guidance, the presence of an agent, particularly interested in the pregnancy process and stimulated to look after the wife and the child.

Obrigação alimentar decorrente da ascendência genética

Nogueira, Luíza Souto 25 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiza Souto Nogueira.pdf: 1112090 bytes, checksum: ffccd76bcabb2a22d768dd6e18432283 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The dissertation titled CHILD SUPPORT ORIGINATED ON GENETIC ASCENDANCY aims to answer whether it is possible to make the genetic ascendant accountable to provide child support to his descendant when he has constituted a paternalmaternal- filial bond with another person due to a consensual adoption or an affection affiliated bond. From the analysis of the principles governing family law it is sought to establish an interpretation course of the legal norms, applicable to this field, since the legal protection of family relationships is endowed with a series of peculiarities. In addressing the concept of filiation and its modalities resulting from both the adoption and the affection affiliated bond, it has been established the understanding that the paternal-maternal-filial relationship bond does not result from consanguinity, but from affection and the willingness to establish it. Going through the elements of the child support obligation, it was possible to understand its importance on warranting human dignity of whoever depends on receiving this benefit. It was also considered the concept of child support fatherhood and how it has been understood by the legal community who took the opportunity to deal on this subject. Finally, from an interrelation between civil responsibility and the act of delivering for adoption or to abandon, it has been possible to understand that, in having a damage resulting from such conduct, there will be civil liability for the biological parent, who may be required to provide child support to whoever he has generated, but has not taken as a son / A dissertação intitulada OBRIGAÇÃO ALIMENTAR DECORRENTE DA ASCENDÊNCIA GENÉTICA visa responder se é possível responsabilizar o(s) ascendente(s) genético(s) pela prestação de alimentos ao seu descendente quando este constituiu vínculo paterno-materno-filial com outra(s) pessoa(s) em razão da adoção consentida ou da socioafetividade. A partir da análise dos princípios que regem o direito de família buscou-se estabelecer um norte de interpretação das normas jurídicas quando aplicáveis a essa seara, uma vez que a tutela jurídica das relações familiares é dotada de uma série de peculiaridades. Ao abordar o conceito de filiação e de suas modalidades decorrentes da adoção e da socioafetividade, estabeleceu-se entendimento no sentido de que o vínculo paterno-maternofilial não decorre necessariamente da consanguinidade, mas do afeto e da vontade em estabelecê-lo. Perpassando pelos elementos da obrigação alimentar, foi possível compreender a sua importância para a garantia da dignidade humana daquele que depende do recebimento dessa prestação. Analisou-se, ainda, o conceito de paternidade alimentar e qual a sua compreensão pelos operadores do direito que se dedicaram a tratar sobre o tema. E, finalmente, a partir da realização de uma inter-relação entre a responsabilidade civil e o ato de entregar à adoção ou de abandonar, foi possível entender que, havendo dano decorrente dessa conduta, haverá responsabilidade civil do genitor biológico, que poderá ser condenado a prestar alimentos àquele que gerou, mas não assumiu como filho

Paternidade: a experiência de pais de meninos com Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne / Fatherhood: the experience of fathers of boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Lucca, Silvana Aparecida de 25 March 2013 (has links)
Em nossa cultura casar-se e ter filhos são etapas no processo de desenvolvimento do ser humano que têm amplo significado social e psicológico; e ser pai/mãe é uma etapa dentro do ciclo de vida que traz mudanças significativas, tanto para a família, como um todo, quanto para seus membros. Assim como a maternidade tem seus significados para a mulher, a paternidade também os tem e estes, para os homens, são influenciados pelas concepções, crenças e valores que têm acerca do papel paterno. A literatura aponta que a presença de uma doença crônica/deficiência do filho afeta a maneira como estes homens exercem a paternidade. Este trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a vivência da paternidade em pais de filhos com diagnóstico de Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) e as consequências da presença da doença nas interações familiares e sociais. Participaram oito pais cujos filhos possuem diagnóstico confirmado de DMD, com idade acima dos dez anos e residentes em Ribeirão Preto e cidades circunvizinhas. Foram realizadas entrevistas com a utilização de um roteiro semiestruturado e os dados foram analisados com base na análise temática de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram que a notícia da confirmação do diagnóstico de DMD desencadeou uma reação de choque, coexistindo com sentimentos de tristeza, impotência e desesperança. A negação foi a defesa psíquica mais utilizada por eles e a maioria dos pais considera a enfermidade do filho como missão enviada por Deus, desse modo diminuindo a dor e a angústia causadas pelo adoecimento. Os pais utilizaram-se de diversos recursos para enfrentar a doença dos seus filhos, desde a busca de informações sobre tratamento/cura da doença e a religião apareceu como um fator positivo que os ajudou a enfrentar as situações mais difíceis. Apresentam sobrecarga física e psíquica e, ainda, preocupação constante e tristeza em virtude da grande dependência de cuidados que o filho doente exige; além disso, o exercício da paternidade se mostrou mais participativo, sendo o relacionamento com o filho avaliado como de companheirismo. Os pais experimentam, desde a percepção dos sintomas da doença, inúmeras perdas que os expõem a grande sofrimento, diversos eventos estressores e deflagram o processo de luto antecipatório que é atualizado a cada perda funcional que acontece em decorrência da doença. A paternidade de um filho com deficiência foi percebida por eles como um fator que os fez sentirem-se \"pais especiais\", promovendo também amadurecimento e crescimento pessoais. Os pais atribuíram à paternidade o significado de missão a ser cumprida e este significado foi permeado pelo sistema de crenças e valores religiosos. O significado dado à \"paternidade especial\" influenciou positivamente na adaptação à doença, pois favoreceu a elaboração psíquica, mantendo-os motivados frente à adversidade. Conhecer e compreender como os pais vivenciam a paternidade na presença de uma doença crônica/deficiência é fundamental para que se estabeleçam programas de acompanhamento psicológico e assistência não somente para os pais, mas para toda a família, visando à promoção de apoio e estratégias de enfrentamento para uma melhor adaptação à enfermidade e à paternidade. / In our culture to marry and have children are steps in the process of human development that have broad social and psychological meaning and to become a father/mother is a stage in the life cycle that brings significant changes for both the family and its members. As well as motherhood having its meanings for the woman fatherhood also has them and this is influenced by the concepts, beliefs and values of the men concerning the paternal role. The literature indicates that the presence of a chronic illness/disability of the child affects how these men exercise fatherhood. This study aimed to understand the experience of fatherhood in fathers of boys diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and the consequences of the presence of the disease in the social and family interactions. Participants were eight fathers whose children, aged ten years and over, had been diagnosed with DMD, living in Ribeirão Preto and surrounding cities. Interviews were conducted using a semi-structured script and analyzed using thematic content analysis. The results show that the news of the confirmation of the DMD diagnosis triggered a reaction of shock, coexisting with feelings of sadness, helplessness and hopelessness. Denial was the psychic defense most used by them and the majority of the fathers considered the illness of the child a mission sent from God, thereby decreasing the pain and anguish caused by the illness. The fathers used a variety of resources to cope with the illnesses of their sons, from seeking information regarding treatment/cure for the disease to religion, which appeared as a positive factor that helped them cope with the most difficult situations. They presented physical and mental overload, as well as constant concern and sadness because of the great dependence on care of the sick son. The exercise of fatherhood was shown to be more participatory and the relationship with the child was evaluated as one of companionship. From the perception of the disease symptoms, the fathers experienced many losses that exposed them to great suffering, many stressful events and triggered the process of anticipatory mourning that was upgraded with every functional loss that occured as a result of the disease. They perceived fatherhood of a child with disabilities to be a factor that made them feel like \"special parents\" and also promoted maturation and personal growth. The fathers attributed the meaning of a mission to be fulfilled to the fatherhood and this meaning was permeated by a system of religious beliefs and values. The meaning given to \"special fatherhood\" positively influenced the adaptation to the disease, as it favored psychic elaboration, keeping them motivated in the face of adversity. To know and comprehend how fathers experience fatherhood in the presence of a chronic disease/disability is fundamental to be able to establish psychological counseling and care programs, not only for parents but for the entire family, aiming to promote support and coping strategies for better adaptation to the illness and to fatherhood.

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